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Aktiv sats  passiv sats

Tom eats an apple

(s) (v) (o)

An apple is eaten by Tom

• En aktiv sats består av SUBJEKT, VERB och OBJEKT i den ordningen.

• I den passiva satsen kommer OBJEKTET FÖRST.

• SUBJEKTET i den aktiva satsen, föregås av ”by” i den passiva satsen.

• Om subjektet i den aktiva satsen är ett man-uttryck, eller ett indefinit pronomen (some,
any), kan det lämnas bort i den aktiva satsen.

• Om den aktiva satsen inte innehåller objekt kan den inte skrivas om till passiv.

• Verbets passiva form bildas med To BE + TREDJE


Ex. The pupils eat a snack at school.

s v o
A snack is eaten by the pupils at school.

When you are in class you must do your exercises quietly.

s v o

When you are in class your exercises must be done quietly. (man-uttryck)

It is important to study.

X (inget objekt!)

1. Tom eats the apple.


2. Lisa writes a letter.


3. The choir sings many songs in church.



4. The boys make Peter’s homework in the evening.



5. Santa Claus gives away presents at Christmas.




1. Tom ate the apple.


2. Lisa wrote a letter.


3. The choir sung many songs in church.



4. The boys made Peter’s homework in the evening.



5. Santa Claus gave away presents at Christmas.



1. Tom has eaten the apple


2. Lisa has written a letter.


3. The choir has sung many songs in church.



4. The boys have made Peter’s homework in the evening.



5. Santa Claus has given away presents at Christmas.




1. Tom had eaten the apple.


2. Lisa had written a letter.


3. The choir had sung many songs in church.



4. The boys had made Peter’s homework in the evening.



5. Santa Claus had given away presents at Christmas.



1. Tow will eat the apple.


2. Lisa will write a letter.


3. The choir will sing many songs in church.



4. The boys will make Peter’s homework in the evening.



5. Santa Claus will give away presents at Christmas.


Blandade tidsformer

1. The boys always eat sausage in the morning.



2. Yesterday Sarah bought a new dress.



3. The children in Estonia had never received free food from the president before.



4. Tomorrow the school must employ a new teacher.



5. Christel will bake cookies for the meeting at school.



6. The boys knitted stockings for Christmas.



7. The girls destroyed the wall completely.



8. The whole school has read the new book about the war.



9. Karis will arrange another form of care for their elderly.


10. I love to run.

11. The dinner-ladies made lunch yesterday.


12. The pupils liked the lunch they ate.


13. Bram Stoker wrote the excellent novel “Dracula”.



14. The unbelievably silly girls lauged at everything that was shown on TV.



15. Some believe a monarchy isn’t the best way to run a country.



16. A lot of people don’t know that Australia’s head of state is the British monarch.



17. People associate songs such as “Walzing Matilda” and “Tie me Kangaroo Down, sport” with Australia.




18. Tourists have seen many places that only the Aborigines saw years ago.




19. We all know the passive tense.


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