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# Dimension maps

GeoFirstX = 11
GeoFirstY = 10
GeoLastX = 26
GeoLastY = 26

# Template file geodata

GeoFilesPattern = (\\d{2}_\\d{2})\\.l2j

AllowGeodata = False

# Allow the player to fall from the horizontal wall if he clicks on the wall itself
AllowFallFromWalls = True

#Motion keyboard (arrows)

AllowMoveWithKeyboard = True

# Increase to Z for packages

ClientZShift = 16

# Optimization of geodata in memory, saves about 150MB memory

# Optimization should first need to generate a map of matches
CompactGeoData = True

# The minimum difference between the layers

MinLayerHeight = 64

# The maximum height of the step for geodata

MaxZDiff = 64

# Diagonal Search
# It should be disabled only for debugging
PathFindDiagonal = True

#Smooths the way #

# It should be disabled only for debugging
PathClean = True

# Strongly accelerates the search, the effect on the quality of unknown

# 0 - off, 1 - is just the beginning, 2 - the beginning and the end of the road
PathFindBoost = 2

# The maximum height of the step to find a way

PathFindMaxZDiff = 32

# The maximum time allowed to spend on the search path (in nanoseconds)
PathFindMaxTime = 100000000

# Configure the buffers to find a way, the number of x size of the map (in cages
# Minimum 96, maximum - 512
PathFindBuffers = 8x96;8x128;8x160;8x192;8x256;4x288;4x320;2x384;1x512

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