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# ===========================================

# Buffer Settings (first option) #

# ===========================================
# Include Buffer
BBSPVPBufferEnabled = false
# Buff when choosing a pet buff 1st
BBSPVPBufferOneBuffPet = false
# Allow or Buffer for sieges
BBSPVPBufferAllowOnSiege = false
# Allow or Buffer in instances and epic bosses
BBSPVPBufferAllowInInstance = false
# Allow or Buffer able PvP flag.
BBSPVPBufferAllowOnPvP = false
# Setup time buffs. In seconds. 3 hours by default = 14400
BBSPVPBufferTime = 14400
# ID for an item that produce buff. By default, Adena (ID 57)
BBSPVPBufferPriceItem = 57
# Price per buff
BBSPVPBufferPriceOne = 1000
# Max number of buffs on the page in Buffer. More than 27 set is not recommended.
BBSPVPBufferMaxPerPage = 27
# Max number of buffs to save a set of buffs. More than 27 set is not recommended.
BBSPVPBufferMaxPerSet = 27
# Time through which the rebaff avtobaffom. In seconds.
BBSPVPBufferTaskDelay = 14400
# Minimum level to use char Buffer
BBSPVPBufferMinLvl = 1
# Maximum Chara for Buffer
BBSPVPBufferMaxLvl = 99

# ===========================================
# Settings Buffer (second option) #
# ===========================================
# Allow Buffer?
AllowBBSBuffer = false
# Fixed Buffs
# Allowed buffs
BuffIDs = 1214

# Enable the recovery stats

BuffAllowHeal = false
# Stat recovery function works only in peace zone
BuffHealIsInPeace = false
# Activate the reset effects
BuffAllowCancel = false

# Enable manual editing sets

# If off, then when the set once saved
# Buffs imposed on the player, and when you click on the set, he immediately puts
BuffManualEditSets = false

# of sets for one character.

# Maximum buff sets for one player.
MaximumSetsPerChar = 8

# for the subject consumed a buff.

# Item ID for one buff.
BuffItemId = 57
# The number of items consumed by a buff.
# Amount of item ID for one buff.
BuffItemCount = 1000

# The minimum level for the free buff

# Minimum level for free buffs.
FreeBuffLevel = 40

# The new value for the duration of the buff (usually).

# Default: 0 (the value of which is written in the skill)
# New time period for buffs in sec. (Regular skills)
# Default: 0 (that means that the skill duration will be on default as in xml)
BuffTime = 3600
# Multiplier duration buff (Conventional)
# Buff time multiplier (regular buffs)
BuffTimeMod = 1

# The new value for the duration of the buff (song / dance).
# Default: 0 (the value of which is written in the skill)
# New time period for buffs in sec. (Songs / dances)
# Default: 0 (that means that the skill duration will be on default as in xml)
BuffTimeMusic = 3600
# Multiplier duration buff (song / dance)
# Buff time multiplier (songs / dances)
BuffTimeModMusic = 1

# The new value for the duration of the buff (COV, POF, Chant of victory,
Magnus ...).
# Default: 0 (the value of which is written in the skill)
# New time period for buffs in sec. (Speacial skills, COV, POF, Chant of victory)
# Default: 0 (that means that the skill duration will be on default as in xml)
BuffTimeSpecial = 3600
# Multiplier duration buff (COV, POF, Chant of victory, Magnus ...)
# Buff time multiplier (special skills, COV, POF, Chant of victory etc)
BuffTimeModSpecial = 1

# Display buffs
# The number of rows buffs
BuffsPageRows = 9
# Maximum buffs in one set.
# Note, all value in this column are multiplied by BuffsPageRows, if you put the
"3" and BuffsPageRows equals 9, max buffs will be "27", etc. We do not advise to
put 5-byshe.
# Maximum buffs in one buff set.
# Pay attention, this configuration is always multiplyed by "9", if you set "3" the
max buffs will be "27" etc. Do not set above 5!
MaxBuffsPerSet = 3

# ===========================================================
# Settings bafery prohibit the use under certain conditions #
# ===========================================================
# Allow if in a state of death spell?
# Enable if char is dead?
AllowWhenDead = false
# Allow if the spell is not at rest (fights, uses action)
# Enable if char is not in peace (attaking, making an action)
AllowWhenInAction = false
# Allow if the charms on the Olympic Games / Olympic Games in the area?
# Enable if char is in olympiad?
AllowWhenInOlly = false
# Allow if the spell is traveling?
# Enable if char is flying?
AllowWhenInFly = false
# Allow if the spell on the ship?
# Enable if char is in veichle?
AllowWhenInVeichle = false
# Allow if the spell is on the strider or other animals?
# Enable is char is mounted?
AllowWhenMounted = false
# Allow if the spell can not move? (Paralysis, slip, overweight, etc.)
# Enable if char cannot move? (Paralyzed, sleep, overweight etc)
AllowWhenCantMove = false
# Allow if the spell is a trade?
# Enable if char is in trade?
AllowWhenInTrade = false
# Allow if spell fish?
# Enable if char is fishing?
AllowWhenFishing = false
# Allow if the spell is not able to understand (started logout, teleports)?
# Enable if char is in temporarry state? (Logout started, teleport)
AllowWhenInTemp = false
# Allow if a spell duel?
# Enable if char is in duel?
AllowWhenInDuel = false
# Allow if you have cursed weapon?
# Enable if char is possesed by cursed weapon?
AllowWhenUseCursed = false
# Allow if charms PC?
# Enable if char is PK?
AllowWhenIsPk = True
# Allow only clan leaders?
# Enable only to clan leaders?
AllowOnlyToClanLeader = false
# Allow only Nobles?
# Enable only to noble
AllowOnlyToNoble = false
# Allow if the spell is involved in the fight for teritory or in the Battle of the
castle (SIEGE EVENT)?
# Enable if char is on siege or on teritorry siege active zone (SIEGE EVENT)
AllowUseInTWPlayer = false
# Allow only in a peaceful area?
# Enable only in peace zone?
AllowUseOnlyInPeace = false

# ===========================================================
# Buff Sets
# ===========================================================
BuffSetMage = 1397,3; 1182,3; 1189,3; 1191,3; 1392,3; 1393,3; 1352,1; 1353,1;
1354,1; 1259,4; 1035,4; 1078,6; 1461,1; 1303,2; 830,1; 1383,3; 1062,2; 4703,13;
1085,3; 1501,1; 1500,1; 1499,1; 1504,1; 1413,1; 1323,1; 363,1; 308,1; 530,1; 349,1;
268,1; 267,1; 304,1; 264,1; 365,1; 273,1; 276,1;
BuffSetFighter = 192,1
BuffSetDagger = 192,1
BuffSetSupport = 192,1
BuffSetTank = 192,1

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