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C heck list
Maintaining teacher wellbeing goes hand in hand with maintaining a positive
classroom environment.

Read the statements below. Complete the checklist by ticking the category
which best fits with your experiences over the past two weeks.

How often have you experienced: Rarely Sometimes Often

nervousness, worry or anxiety

agitation or shakiness

anger or severe frustration

difficulty concentrating and


a need to avoid colleagues or

socializing in the staffroom

reduced energy and productivity

during lessons

interrupted or unusual sleep patterns

apathy towards things that used to

excite you

muscle tension or headaches

heart palpitations

What do I do now?
Ticks in the ‘Sometimes’ or ‘Often’ boxes can indicate areas for
improvement in your mental wellbeing. Talking to a professional counsellor
or psychologist can assist you to improve your mental health and manage
intense signs of stress. Contact your school’s Guidance Counsellor as a
starting point for more information.

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