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Lesson Plan

GASP’s Spring Show Part 2: Choosing a Theme and Roles

Date: 1/28/19

Enrichment Specialist: Annmarie Bustamante

Grade: 3-5

Date Implemented: Spring

(At least 6 Weeks Before Spring Showcase)

Activity Description:

This is the 2nd in a 6 part session where the students will decide what the Mood/Theme of the
Runway will be, what feeling they want their models to communicate in this runway and
basically answer the question, who will do what.

Roles will include:

Students must choose at least two roles Designer and _______. The director can design, but will
be encouraged to create something simplistic so their time can be better spent organizing their
peers for the show.

Designers (Everyone)
All students will help design in some way. They can draw out designs, help in the brainstorming
process, and assist with alteration as needed to bring these creations to life. You must sew your
own designs, but you do not have to model your own designs.

Models (Can be everyone besides the director)

I’m excited to invite the students to include staff in this process. I think it would be incredibly
enriching for the students to be proud of their sewing skills, and design capabilities enough to
where they feel confident in designing for adults. Students of all shapes, sizes and personalities
will be encouraged to model. I want a diverse group to feel confident on our runway.
These are the fine tuners of our creations. They will take the final looks and add accessories,
choose the footwear, decide on the hair style and assist with

makeup. Stylists are incredibly valuable and add the “cherry on top” of their team’s designs.

Musical Performers (DJ or live instrument)

This role could potentially be outsourced to other students not participating in the enrichment.
First dibs is given to anyone in our class who would like to choose fun and appropriate songs that
fit with the mood of the show and collections. They will make a song list, create the order and
learn the speaker/ microphone set up.

Director (Need 1 Director with 1 back up)

This is the student with the most responsibility. I would prefer we have two, just in case the 1st
director can’t make the show for some reason. This student is organized and focused. They will
be in charge of making sure all the designs are paired up with a model, all the stylists have plans
for each model, the DJ’s complete their song list, and lastly, the models know their
choreography. The Director role will be most important during the dress referral and and the 10
minute performance at the Spring Showcase.

Helps models choose their poses, gives suggestions of walking styles. Decides where the models
will stop, pose, walk and turn during our performance. They will tape markers on each stopping
point and decide the layout for our chairs. Lastly, they lead stretch and warm up before the
models take to the runway and strut their stuff!

If the Director isn’t comfortable with public speaking we will enlist the help of a charismatic
Runway Host. They will read the names of everyone in our class, shout of the students modeling
as they strut by, mention the designer teams and potentially give a little background for each
look. They will talk about what inspired the collections, and introduce and close the show.
We will need at least two photographers to document the making of these collections and the
runway showcase. I can provide old cellphones for the “behind the scenes” and a Nikon camera
for them to learn to use during the dress rehearsal and comfortably/confidently use at the show.


1. Teach the students the importance of responsibility

2. Help them realize their self worth

3. Assist them in seeing that they can be a valuable part of a community/ team

Reaching Objectives:

1. We will open with a circle and answer the question:

What does it mean to be responsible? What does it mean to be irresponsible?
I would like everyone to write or draw about a time they were
responsible/irresponsible. I will randomly assign students to draw either scenario.
They will have a few minutes to quickly draw and we will share.

What roles will we need to produce our Fashion show? Make a list ultimately
ending with: Designers, models, stylists, musical performers/DJ, director,
choreographer, host, and photographer.
2. After we have listed these roles, and ask them to define them for us. We will write
the descriptions next to each role. Now it’s time to choose what we will all do!

Students will raise their hands for each one that sounds interesting to them, we
can talk about a time where they were leaders, editors, makers and performers. I
will stress the importance of every piece of the puzzle and show just as much
excitement for the models as I do the directors. If more than 2 people want to be
the director, or not enough students want to be stylists etc. we will anonymously
vote for who will be what. We will sit separately and write our votes onto slips of
paper, then I’ll tally answers from a hat. At the same time, we will also brainstorm
themes of the fashion show and vote for our favorites. There will be one solid
theme for the entire GASP Spring Show, and both grades will offer up ideas for
the show’s theme, and for their separate collections. Students will choose
themes before they choose teams.

3. Everyone will decorate a name tag that also includes their role. We will go
around and answer the question. What would a fashion show look like
without a _____. It wouldn’t work at all. It is incredibly important for us to have
someone helping in every role. To end the enrichment we will invite each student
to make a goal for themselves in this 6 weeks. “As a designer I plan to bring my
_____ skills to our fashion show”
Plot out Lessen Plan:

Teamwork Discussion: Student will answer the


“What does it mean to be responsible?” Paper,

“What does it mean to be irresponsible?”
10-14 pencil, and
We will have time to draw and share our
examples of hypothetical responsible and
irresponsible decisions people make.

Our group will define our 8 Roles: Designer,

Stylist, Model, Director, Host, Choreographer,
White Board, Hat,
2:25-2:35 Photographer, DJ 10-14
slips of paper, pencils
Then we will vote for students we all agree are
deserving of these roles

Little plastic
name tag holders,
We have chosen our jobs! Now we
colored pencils,
have time to create name tags for
2:35-2:45 10-14 colored pens, and
ourselves that display our roles big
index cards that
and proud!
we will slip
Everyone wears their name tag, we
rejoin our circle and validate each
other/stress the importance of every
single piece of our fashion show
puzzle. We will go clockwise and
reaffirm eachother with the language

“A fashion show cannot exist without 10-14 White Board and

a ______” expo markers

“A fashion show without a ______

would look like this...”

We will take turns drawing the

unfavorable scenarios on the white

Shout out your plans! What do you

hope to bring to this year’s fashion
show? “As a ____ I plan on bringing
my ____ skills to this years Spring
2:55-3:05 Show.” 10-14

We will go around in a circle and

each person will share one skill they
are excited to bring.

Clean up! Everyone works together to

3:05-3:10 10-14
tidy up our space.
The GASP Spring Showcase Fashion
Show Team will walk up together to
eat snack.
3:10-3:15 I inform them that next week we will 10-14
learn how to pattern make and drape,
choose our teams and gather
inspirations for our designs.

Reflection Questions will be used throughout and #3 will be revisited in our :

1. What does it mean to be part of a team? Can an individual accomplish them

same thing as a team of people?

2. What happens if one of us doesn’t try? How does this effect our team?

3. Can a fashion show exist without all 8 roles filled?

4. As a ________ what skills will you bring to our show?

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