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PERFORMANCE NOTES Fiar Elise by Ludwig van Beethoven, was written in 1810 as asolo for the piano. It has stood the test of time, enduring as one of the world’s most popular pieces of music. In this arrangement for solo guitar, I have sought to retain the flowing character of the original, so that a listener, hearing Fur Elise for the first time, would think it was written for the guitar. Here are some performance suggestions: 1) Inthe original piano version, Beethoven carefully marks where the sustain pedal is, to be used. In this arrangement, the guitar has been fingered to imitate these effects. The D# and E in measure I are fingered on the same string to honor Beethoven's, directions for a non-pedalled sound. The same two notes are fingered on separate strings in measure 14 to achieve a pedalled sound. 2) Let chordal notes ring until necessary to release (such as the Cin measure 2 or the Ge in the bass of measure 3). The accompaniment should be played at a quieter dynamic level than the melody. 3) Careful coordination of the left and right hands is necessary to time the pull-offs on the 4th beats of measures 25 & 26. 4) Measure 28 - Prepare the left hand 2nd finger at the same time you place the 4th finger; this will facilitate the slurred 16th notes on beat 3. 5) Measure 31 - Prepare the left hand Ist finger at the same time you place the 4th finger in order to play the slurred 16th notes on the 2nd beat. Slide the 2nd finger from Eto F, then pul-off D to open B. 16) Measure 33 - Use the open Eas an opportunity to shift to the 3rd position. 7) Measure 59 - Emphasize the first note of each triplet, even though some are hammered-on or pulled-off to. 8) Measure 61 - Again, use the open £ string as an opportunity to shift. 19) Measures 62 & 63 - The right hand pattern (p mi) helps to maintain a flowing triplet feeling. One final note - the dynamic markings are Beethoven's and greatly add to the mood and drama of this beautiful piece. FUR ELISE LUDWIG Va BEETHOVEN Gracefully flowing 4 = 120 ee ata = iS P we 7k Alcs AAAM MBALELER IN AMINA annem 6 Pirie 5-2 STRGTX.

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