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Alcoholic Drinks

Alcoholic drinks are one of example issues to our body and health especially to the lower
age like millennials. Alcohol is harmful in our brain because this is the way to bring in illegal
cases such as rape, abusing and etc. why do people need the alcohol if she/he break his/her
partner? Because this is another way to moving out our heavy emotions. Is this comfortable
answer? For me, no. because they destroy our body especially in our brain, heart, liver etc. in
heart, they possible to get high blood, slowly breathed etc. They have 2 effects of alcoholic
drinks this is short and long-term. The side effects of short-term is slurred speech, vision
impairment, lack of coordination, extreme shift in mood, memory lapses, slowed breathing and
vomiting while the long-term side effects associated with heavy drinks is cardiovascular disease,
liver disease, respiratory infections, cancer, nerve damage and ulcer. We know that didn’t prevent
drinking alcohol especially in occasion, but don’t must be increase the level of alcohol, make it
balance. To good and didn’t damage our body and health just leave and forget the alcoholic

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