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Reviewer in Physical Education and Health

Existence Time- Time Spent for biological needs like having a meal , sleeping and
other personal care.

Subsistence Time – refers to the hours spent for economic puroses such as going
to work ,chores and for students ,hours spent in the school and school work .

Free Time - is all the remaining time after .

Recreare is a Latin word whick means to refresh .

Psycho-emotional benefit –help people to relax ,rest,de-stress or unwind

and feel revitalized.

Economic Benefits –efficiency at the workplace .To relax body and mind tend
to be more roductive at work

Social Benefit- to meet and interact with others who share the same passion
for outdoor recreation.

Physical Health Benefits- prevents a person from having a sedentary life .

Spiritual Benefits- outdoor experiences can stir up spiritual values . Brings

calmness with a person .

Read your notes about The Leave no trace principle .The Seven Rules .

Buoyancy-the reason why peole and boat float on water.

Hydrostatic pressure- is the pressure exerted by the water and equilibrium

due to the force of gravity.

Read and Reminisce about our lesson in Snorkeling


Equiments and parts of the Equipments

Functions of that Equiments.

Williams James invented the First Workable ,Full time Scuba.

Edmund Halley developed an improved diving bell.

John Lethbridge built the Diving Engine .

Henry Fleuss developed the first self contained diving gear .

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