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Course Syllabus: TOEIC Preparation

Class: MIXED
Trainer: Mr Adel ALI
Number of hours: 24 hours

To prepare students to take the official TOEIC test and help them develop the necessary skills and
sub-skills required to obtain a B2-C1 level TOEIC® Score.

Familiarity with the test format, instructions, and question types
– Although all the instructions are printed and exemplified at the start of each test part,
familiarity with these
will help the test taker avoid confusion on test day.
Time management
–The tight timings of the TOEIC test are one of the most challenging
factors for many learners. In the Reading Section, students not accustomed to dealing with
long texts in a short time often have difficulty completing all the questions. Encouraging
students to monitor their time carefully and teaching skills such as skimming (quick reading
to get a general idea) and scanning (quick reading to pick out specific details) can help students
budget their time effectively and allow them to allocate more time to those places with the best
potential score payoff.

Efficiency of information processing

– The lengthy listening and reading passages make it essential that students are able to read and
listen efficiently. Ways of doing this include previewing the questions and answer choices
before listening or reading to allow them to predict what they will hear/see and focus their
attention only on what is needed to answer the question.
Awareness of features that can make incorrect answer choices attractive
– As with any multiple-choice test, incorrect answer choices that are in some way attractive to
learners are included. Being aware of the common forms these ‘distracters’ take will enable
students to avoid them and choose the right answer.
Linguistic skills
Familiarity with the different native speaking accents
– The Listening Section of the TOEIC test includes US, Canadian, British, and Australian
speakers. Many students develop a bias for a given variety of English and have difficulty
understanding speakers with other accents. To overcome this it is important that students be
exposed to a variety of English accents.
Awareness of the sound changes that occur in natural English speech
– Many learners are unaware that the sound of words spoken in natural conversation can differ
dramatically from words spoken in isolation (e.g. going to and gonna).
Helping students become aware of the ways that sounds are combined, dropped, and changed in
natural speech can significantly improve their listening comprehension, both for the TOEIC test
and in the real world.
Understanding language in use (conversational English)
– The English used in the TOEIC test reflects everyday usage as encountered in offices, shops,
and on the street in English speaking environments around the world. In the test this is apparent
in the use of natural responses in the Listening Section that may at first seem grammatically
unrelated to the question the speaker asks.
In order to do well on the test students must be given exposure to English as it is really used.
Vocabulary and grammatical understanding
– Success on the TOEIC test requires an extensive range of vocabulary and knowledge of how
these words change and are organized grammatically. Vocabulary is arguably the single most
significant factor in doing well on the test, and any effective study program should include an
organized system for noting and reviewing words and phrases that students encounter as they

Course description:
This course focuses both on thoroughly familiarizing students with the format, level, and content of
the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC®) and on teaching students strategies
for both sections of the examination (Listening and Reading).
The course is based on the following two support documents:
Preparation series for the new TOEIC and Target TOEIC
Exams and Evaluation: Full length official exam will take place beginning February
This syllabus is designed on the basis of a six- four hour sessions. In Each session, there is a full
length mock test and then correction with emphasis on test taking strategies

Week Date Content and duration

1 21/12/2014 Test 1 From Target 4H

Test 2 from Target 4H
2 22/12/2014

Test 1 from P.S for the 4H

3 30/12/2014

Test 2 from P.S for the 4H

4 1/1/2015

Test 3 from P.S for the 4H

5 1/2/2015

Test 4 from P.S for the 4H

6 3/2/2015

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