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Practice simple present, present progressive and object

Pronombres Objetos (Object Pronouns) son pronombres que reciben la acción
del verbo. Van a continuación del verbo o de una preposición
Después de un verbo Pronombres Pronombres
I call her every day. Sujetos Objetos
Le llamo (a ella) todos los días. I me
Después de una preposición you you
The present is for her. he him
El regalo es para ella. she her
it it
they them
we us

1. reemplazar la palabra subrayada con el pronombre objeto apropiado,

ejemplo: She loves Peter = She loves him.
They need the cell phone. They need ________.
You hate Carla. You hate ___________.
Carla loves I. Carla loves ____________.
He meet Andrew and I. He meet
We buy the houses. We buy __________.
She kisses Charles. She kisses ___________.
They drive the cars. They drive____________.
They sell the car. They sell _______________.
He talks to Andrea. He talks __________.
We write letters to Mario. __________________________.
I have a birthday present for the children.
Call Rita and me tomorrow. _______________________.
I send my parents a letter every week. __________________.
I visit Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. _______________________.
Mary has the books. ______________________________.
Mario visits Barbara. _________________________________.
Escribe las oraciones anteriores a negativa e interrogativa.


Always= Siempre 100%

Usually = Frecuentemente /Usualmente

Often: A menudo 70%

Sometimes: A veces/En ocasiones. 50%

Hardly ever. casi nunca 5%

Never: Nunca 0%

The train is usually on time The train usually arrives on time


I always go to bed at 10pm.

He always drinks coffee.
She never says “good morning” when she arrives at the office.

My baby hardly ever cries. He is very quiet.

They never eat meat.

We often play tennis on Sunday.

We sometimes go to the cinema on Wednesday

I always eat cereal for breakfast.

She usually exercises on Monday.
They sometimes play here.
We never buy oranges.
She is always happy.
I am usually late for this class..
You are never on time.

Escribe las siguientes frases de nuevo con el adverbio en su sitio correcto.

Sigue el ejemplo.

Example: I play tennis on Sundays. (Often). I often play tennis on Sundays

1. I have toast for breakfast. (always)

2. I drink beer. (never)

3. Do you go to work by bus? (usually)

4. She doesn’t go to bed late. (often)

5. I listen to music. (always)

6. She watches TV. (hardly ever)

7. How do you go out for dinner? (Often)

8. I go shopping for clothes. (never )

9. We go to expensive restaurants. (sometimes)

10. They’re late. (sometimes)

11. He is happy. (never)

12. I’m late for work. (always)

13. I have breakfast in bed. (never)

14. I use public transport. (almost always)

15. Unfortunately, we meet anymore. (hardly ever)

16. What time do you finish work? (Usually)

17. I’m hungry in the morning. (Never)

18. I don’t read the newspaper. (Often)

19. The food at this restaurant is very good. (Usually)
20. I sometimes take sugar in my coffee. (Sometimes)

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