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On December 26, 2004, a magnitude 9.

1 quake off the coast of Indonesia's Aceh province

triggered one of the worst natural disasters on record, killing more than 220,000 people across a

dozen countries. With almost 170,000 casualties, the Indonesian archipelago bore the brunt of the

tsunami, followed by Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. In addition, a lot of houses and public places

were destroyed. After ten years, the impacted region has been recovered and lookeds better. The

renovations of the impacted region have changed the look of this place even though some

appearances are still the same.

Ten years after the tragedy, the city have lookeds better on its appearance. The destroyed

houses have been rebuilt and could be lived by the people again. The mosque was reconstructed

in a better way, which has more capacity to be filled by the people for praying. A new road was

built in the middle of the environment because of the increasing of the houses, it helps people to

connect each other easier. The city looks greener because some plants grow around the

environment. The main road has rebuilt smoother than ten years ago. The green open area has

been grown by the grass. In short this place looks better and quite different than ten years ago.

This city still has the similarities on its main appearance after the disastrous earthquake

and tsunami ten years ago. The location of the mosque is still the same, so the people still be able

to use the mosque for praying in the same place. The main road is still located in the same

location and still connects this place to another place. The green open area still exist and has been

grown by the grass, so the kids can use it for playing football or another things to play. Over all,

even though this place has been reconstructed and looks better than ten years ago, but the

similarities are still dominated by the main look of this place.

In summary, disastrous earthquake and tsunami happened in Aceh on 2004. These

disasters gave lots of negative impact to this province, especially the appearance of this impacted

city. Even though this place looks striking different than ten years ago, but the similarities still

can be seen.

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