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Chapter 47


Narrator: Meanwhile, in the courtroom…

Nate: Miss Nicolette, let’s get straight to the point… Did you have sex with Mr. Phelan?

Nicolette: <embarrassed sounding> …Yes.

Nate: How many times?

Nicolette: I never counted.

Nate: Ahh… I meant how long have you been seeing him?

Nicolette: 5 months

Nate: So that’s roughly 20 weeks, and how many times a week?

Nicolette: About 2 times

Nate: So you did it about 40 times.. Were both of you naked when you guys did it?

Nicolette: Yes

Nate: And did he have any visible birthmarks?

Nicolette: Not that I recall

Nate: ….So no visible birthmarks?

Nicolette: None

Nate: No further questions.

Narrator: When Nicolette left, Nate showed a photo from the autopsy report to the Phelan lawyers,
clearly showing the round, purple birthmark at the very top of Troy Phelan’s right leg.

The Phelan lawyers grew desperate and hired new psychiatrists to testify against the original
psychiatrist’s decision regarding Troy’s mental capacity with a purpose of prolonging the trial in hopes of
it reaching a settlement. They were obviously no match for Nate.

Amidst all the trials, Nate needed a break. So, he decided to visit his children whom he neglected and
start over. While Nate was spending time with his children, Hark filed a motion against Rachel to dismiss
her answer to the will contest. The general consensus was that she simply did not care for the
proceedings although everyone could not really understand why she would not want the money.
Chapter 48

Narrator: During an evening at the pub, Nate met with his oldest child from his 1st wife, Daniel together
with his girlfriend, Stef.

Daniel: This is Stef. She’s a model.

Narrator: She had gray lipstick on pouty lips. She was very skinny and Nate disliked her immediately.

Stef: Dan tells me you’ve been to rehab?

Nate: I have several times

Stef: <feeling proud> I’ve done rehab, but only once.

Nate: That’s nice <faces Daniel>, How’s school?

Daniel: I dropped out..


Nate: How’s your mother?

Daniel: She’s fine. Saw her on Christmas. You were gone.

Nate: I was in Brazil

Daniel: What’s in Brazil?

Nate: A client

Daniel: Mom said you’re in trouble. Are you going to jail?

Nate: No….can we talk about something else??

Daniel: That’s the problem Dad. There is nothing else, nothing but the past and we can’t go there.

Nate: Why did you drop out of school?

Daniel: Several reasons, it got boring.

Stef: He ran out of money

Nate: ..Is that true?

Daniel: That is one reason.

Narrator: Instead of pulling his checkbook, he said

Nate: That’s good for you. Work for a while, it will make you appreciate school.

Narrator: They talked, and after Daniel’s 4th beer, Nate left his number on a napkin and bid goodbye. 2
days later, he was supposed to meet his daughter,Kaitlin, still from the 1st wife, but sadly the girl gave all
the types of excuses just to avoid meeting her father. To deal with his loneliness, he kept himself busy
until he called Josh who proposed to him a plan.

Chapter 49

Narrator: Back at the courtroom, Josh summarized the testimonies of their clients.

Josh: Based on the videos of the depositions, I think they will make terrible witnesses at trial, except
Mary Ross.
<Phelan Lawyers shift uncomfortably>

Josh: Especially Snead. I’ve known Snead for almost 20 years. He was the unreliable person Mr. Phelan
often talked of firing.

Narrator: Their case was not very strong, Josh concluded. He then talked about Rachel Lane as if he’d
known her for years that she was a lovely lady who lived a very simple life, in another country and was
not the type of person who understood litigation. The Phelan lawyers knew the terrible state of their
case, and they were desperately hoping to settle.

Yancy: What does Rachel Lane plan to do with the money?

Josh: I’m not so sure. Probably keep a little, then give most to charity. In my opinion, that’s why Troy did
what he did because he knew that if your clients got the money, it would not last 90 days, whereas if
Rachel got the money, it would be passed on to those in need.

<long awkward pause>

Hark: Then why hasn’t she made an appearance?

Josh: Money means nothing to her, this woman. She is probably still in shock.

Langhorne: <Strongly> We are prepared to litigate to the Supreme Court, if necessary. Does she realize
this could take years?!

Josh: She does…. And that is why she would like to explore settlement possibilities.

Bright: <A little too eager> Where do we start?

<Setting: Basement with Father Phil>

Narrator: On the other hand, Nate was busy painting the door trim when his cellphone buzzed

Nate: Speaking

Josh: It’s Josh. It couldn’t get better. I stopped at twenty million, they want fifty.

Nate: FIFTY?
Josh: Yeah. And I bet they are already spending the money. I bet at least 2 of them are at the Mercedes
dealer right now. By the way, I talked to Wycliff. The meeting is for Wednesday at three in his office.
Let’s wrap up by then.

Nate: Can’t wait. <puts down phone>

Father Phil: They want fifty?

Nate: Yeah, but they will take a lot less.

Father Phil: <Pauses> So when do you leave for Pantanal? To meet Rachel..

Nate: Friday. Wanna come? My client will foot the bill. You can meet my pals Jevy and Welly and we can
go for a boat ride.

Father Phil: No, it wouldn’t be right. And I don’t have a passport. Besides, I have so much work to do

Nate: It’s not dangerous. It’s a great ecological preserve. Seriously Phil, if you want, I can make it

Father Phil: <sips coffee> Mrs. Sinclair is expected to die any day now. I can’t be gone. <Pauses>. If
Rachel wants no part of the legal stuff as what she told you before, then why do it? Wouldn’t be the trip
be a waste of time if she does not change her mind?

Nate: Because there’s nothing to lose. At least we tried.

Chapter 50

Narrator: Back at the courthouse, the Phelan heirs were getting more and more anxious. Much sleep had
been lost by the clients and lawyers. His Honor reviewed the pleadings and documents and offered a
grave conclusion to the Phelan lawyers, who knew this was coming. But they did not care anymore,
because the settlement is about to happen.

Hark: We admit the development of our case had not followed the course we wanted, that our clients
were not good witnesses and the current psychiatrists were not as solid as the first three. For now, let
us set aside legal theories. Let us talk about people, families and children. We all know that the Phelan
children were not raised in normal families. As children, they were rich and spoiled, raised in privilege
nannies who come and go, thoroughly ignored by their father, who was either in Asia buying factories or
living in the office with his latest secretary while their mothers busied themselves with shopping and
clubs. Their father was a great businessman whose approval they craved, but never received. As we all
know, Mr. Phelan’s idea of providing for his children with a proper start in life was simply to give each
child 5 million dollars when he or she turned 21, but that money could not provide the wisdom,
guidance and love they needed as children. In other words, life of the Phelan children has been really
hard. The gifts have been disastrous, yet they have brought maturity. Now, with the benefit of the years,
the Phelan children looked back at their mistakes. The final act of neglect by their father has been his
handwritten will. They are Phelans, Troy’s own flesh and blood, for better or for worse, and they
certainly deserve a fair portion of their father’s estate.


Josh: What is your bottom line?

Hark: I think fifty million per heir is reasonable considering the size of the estate.

Nate: My client will agree to 50 million.

Josh: Do we have a settlement?

Hark: It’s a deal.

Narrator: And finally, the two parties had reached a settlement. One signature was left, and Nate was
headed to Corumba to convince Rachel again to make a decision.

Chapter 51

Narrator: Valdir welcomed and greeted Nate at the airport and was happy to see him healthy again. The
last they saw each other, Nate was reeling from dengue fever and looked like a skeleton. He assisted
Nate with the trip and rented the helicopter for a thousand dollars per hour to reach the Pantanal,
although he stayed behind. When the chopper was on air searching for the destination, Jevy and Welly
heard the distant thumping of the chopper and quickly lit flares. Within minutes, the choppers came into
view and lowered itself to the ground. Nate jumped out and hugged his old pals. Jevy and Nate prepared
to travel to the settlements through a longboat. Nate was hoping for them to be able to reach their
destination without having to sleep in a tent because the horrors of dengue were still fresh in his mind.
They eventually reached their destination as they zigzagged deep in the woods where they stopped by a
large tree. A young Indian told them to stay by the river until further noticed and they obliged and
patiently waited. They then saw the chief walking towards them, with an unpleasant look on his face.

Chief: O que você quer? (What do you want?)

Nate: <nudges Jevy> Tell him we want to see the missionary.

Jevy: Gostaríamos de conhecer o missionário.

Chief: Por que?

Jevy: Porque o Americano percorreu uma grande distância para estar aqui. O assunto é muito

<While saying this the narrator will overlap and say “Jevy explained that the American has traveled grest
distance to be here, and that it was very important to see the woman.”>

Chief: Espere aqui. (Wait here.)

Narrator: They have been told to wait. Half an hour has passed and Nate was thinking maybe Rachel did
not want to meet them after all, until the chief whistled for them to follow him. The chief turned onto
another trail that led to Rachel’s hut. There was no sign of her. The chief led them to the front door, and
to the side under the think shade tress, they saw graves.

Chapter 52

Chief: A mulher está à esquerda. Lako está à direita, ambos morreram por causa da malária há duas

<While saying this the Jevy will overlap with slight delay and say “The woman is on the left. Lako is on
the right, They both died because of Malaria two weeks ago.”>

Narrator: For a few moments, Nate stared at Rachel’s grave in disbelief, but reality soon sunk in.

Jevy: He says we can’t stay here for very long.

Nate: Why not?

Jevy: Because the spirits are blaming us for malaria. It came when we first arrived here. Let’s go. He also
has something to show you.

Narrator: They walked into the door of Rachel’s hut towards to hammock she slept in. Underneath, was
a box.

Chief: As coisas na caixa são para você ver. Ela disse que, se um americano vier, eu tenho que lhe
mostrar a caixa.

<While saying this the Jevy will overlap with slight delay and say “The things in the box are for you to
see. She said that if an American came, I have to show him the box.”

Narrator: Inside the box, he saw her will.

<Picture of the contents of the will will be projected on screen and someone portraying Rachel will read

I, Rachel Lane Porter, child of God, resident of His world, citizen of the United States, and being of sound
mind, do hereby make this as my last testament.
1.1 have no prior testaments to revoke. This is my first and last. Every word is written by my hand. This is
intended to be a holographic will.
2.1 have in my possession a copy of the last testament of my father, Troy Phelan, dated December 9, 1996, in
which he gives me the bulk of his estate. I am attempting to pattern this will after his.
3. I do not reject or decline that portion of his estate due me. Nor do I wish to receive it. Whatever his gift is to
me, I want it placed in a trust.
4. The earnings from the trust are to be used for the following purposes: a) to continue the work of World
Tribes missionaries around the world, b) to spread the Gospel of Christ, c) to protect the rights of indigenous
peoples in Brazil and South America, d) to feed the hungry, heal the sick, shelter the homeless, and save the
5. I appoint my friend Nate O'Riley to manage the trust, and I grant him broad discretionary powers in its
administration. I also appoint him as executor of this testament.

Signed, the sixth day of January 1997, at Corumba, Brazil. RACHEL LANE PORTER

Narrator: Later on that day, Josh called Nate and inquired whether she signed or not. Nate told him
everything about Rachel’s holographic will. On the way home, Jevy informed that the boat was slow, and it
would take at least 2 days to reach Corumba to which Nate smiled. He didn’t care if it took a month.

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