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Problem solving, global environmental problems

Air pollution and climate change

 Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energies
 Reforestation of the broken world climate
 Reducing emissions from agriculture
 Changing industrial processes

 All this is easy to say - perhaps that is why there is a lack of implementation.

 Protect what's left of the forest
 Reforest deforested areas
 But above all this requires a strong state. However, in many places - especially in
tropical regions - the necessary state structures, capital and the desire to push
through the reforms are lacking.
 Instead, there is bribery, criminal deforestation and the hope of quick money.

Soil erosion
 There is already a wide range of soil protection and restoration techniques.
 Since food security is also linked to good soils, we - or rather we must - tackle this
problem in the long term.

 Experience has shown that women who can decide for themselves on sexuality and
contraception tend to have fewer children.
 Therefore, information campaigns and the provision of contraceptives to
promote family planning are still important. Especially in countries where
contraceptives are not popular or not available due to lack of money, the birth
rate is higher.

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