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Marking scheme

Ujian Pengesanan P2 2018.

1=A 2=C 3=D 4=C 5=D

6=A 7=B 8=B 9=B 10 = A

11  When the negatively charged hydrogen carbonate ions diffuse out into the plasma, the inside of
(a) the erythrocyte will become positively charged. (1m)
 The positive charge is immediately restored (neutralized) by the entry of chloride ions from the
plasma. (1m)
(b)  Carbonic anhydrase (1m)
(ii)  CO2 + H2O —> H2 CO3 (2m)

(c)  High partial pressure of CO2 causes blood pH to decrease, this reduces the affinity of haemoglobin
for O2 in capillaries of tissues. (1m)
 X acts as a buffer by combining with H+ ions to form haemoglobinic acid. This is important in
preventing blood from becoming too acidic. (1 m)

12 Explain the control of the breathing mechanism (10m)

- Control of breathing mechanism is carried out by the medulla

- The ventral portion of the breathing centre controls inspiration

and is called the inspiratory centre.

- The dorsal and lateral portions stimulate expiration and are

called the expiratory centre.

- Chemoreceptors in the carotid and aortic bodies are sensitive to

minute changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood.

- A slight increase in carbon dioxide level stimulates these

chemoreceptors and they send nerve impulses to the inspiratory centre in
the medulla.
- The inspiratory centre sent action impulses to the diaphragm and outer
intercostal muscles.
-The inspiratory centre sends out nerve impulses via the thoracic nerve to
external intercostal and phrenic nerves to the diaphragm muscles.
- Diaphragm and outer intercostal muscle contract, while inner intercostals
muscle relaxes to increase thoracic cavity volume, resulting in inspiration.
- Alveolus and bronchioles expand, stretch receptors within the walls of alveoli and
bronchioles are stimulated.

- It releases stimulatory impulses that are sent to the expiratory centre along
the vagus nerve to the expiratory centre in the medulla.
-Automaticall y inhibits the inspiratory centre and inspiration.

-The external intercostal muscles and diaphragm therefore relax,

elastic recoil of the lung tissues occurs and expiration takes place.

-After this has taken place, the lungs are no longer stretched and the
stretch receptors no longer stimulated.

- Stimulatory impulses to the expiratory centre is stopped.

-Therefore the expiratory centre becomes inactive and inspiration begins


12 Describe the closing mechanism of stomata (5m)

-In the dark (during the night), K + ions are actively transported out from
the guard cells into the subsidiary cells.

-H+ ions are transported into the guard cells.

-The water potential of guard cells increases.

-Water from the guard cells diffuses into the subsidiary cells by osmosis.

-The guard cells become flaccid and the stoma closes.

-When plants experience a water deficiency or when the rate of transpiration

increases, abscisic acid in the guard cells increases and this causes the stoma to

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