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1/ Where did Marjane want to travel and why? And why is she

She like to travel to united states because she wanted to visit her
She was dissapoinnted because the embassy of united states was closed.
2/ Why are universitie closed?

The educational system and what is written in school books at all levels
are decadent

3/ Why using the veil is obligatory? Explain the arguments which are
used in order to justify wearing the veil.

Because the veil protect all women from all potential rapists

4/ What does the grandmother explain after Marjane comes back

home from Spain?

She explained to they when they arrived at the airport that they were at

THE F-14s

5/ Explain the discussion which happens in the car between Marjane

and her father.

The discussion that take place in the car is that marjane asks her father
If he remenbers what he had learned in the military and also asks him if
he will help in the war and the father replies that he isn t going to fight
in the war

6/ Why does he father prefers to listen to BBC new son the radio?
Because he says that the BBC news is broadcasting and the radio tells
the truth

7/ Why cannot Iran be defended from Iraq?

Because they have fewer people for the war.

8/ Do you think that becoming a hero fighting and dying in a war is a good
idea? Why?

Yes. Because yo die defending your country and you want

to get the best for your country


9/ Why are markets empty?

Because in the Marjene´s country there is a war.

10/ What is the problem that Iran people have in relation to petrol and
gasolina? Explain it.

There is not enough gas for all the people but Iran have too many petrol.

11/ What happened to Mali’s family?

They arrive late at night at Marjene's house looking for a shelter

because they had to flee their house because bombs fell near.

12/ What attitude do people have about refugees who have had to flee
from southern Iran? Do you think that something similar is happening in
Spain nowadays according to the issue of Sirian refugees? Justify your

They have a bad vision because they think that they take away food,
work ... and only bring prostitution and crimes.
I think that in Spain, which is a country with many immigrants, they have
the right to work, to form a family and to be respected, although there
are people who do not respect them and think the same as the characters
in the comic. It is true that some bring more crimes but I think in a
minority and should be regulated to lower crime.

Why does Marjane laugh at martyrs?

14/ Do you think her parents’ attitude is correct when they go to talk to
the principal (headmaster)? Why?

Yes , because it is not wrong to worry about his daughter.


15/ Why do you think parties are banned? And alcohol? And games? And discs
and videos?

Because they are caprices and their religion does not allow it, besides
alcohol and tobacco are drugs.

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