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Torreliza, Mikee C.


1. What is the subject of the story ?(2pts.)

The subject of the story is about the challenges and difficulties gave by
Marina's father to her in order to learn things. In other words, the story talks about
the life of Marina.

2. What is the setting of the story? (2pts.)

There are three settings in the story. The first one is the house of Marina's
family, second is the hill and the third one is the school.

3. Which details make the story a local color? (3pts.)

Marina's father said that his daughter can marry after graduating in
elementary school which is already a proof that makes the story a local color.
Additionally, presenting folkdance in the town fiesta and believing in the existence of
a ghost is also one the details that makes the story unique and a local color.

4. Describe Marina as a daughter, if your were in her place do you think you would be able
to behave in the same manner?(3pts.)
Marina is responsible and a helpful daughter. She always do the things
that her parents ask her to do.  If I am Marina, I would be able to behave in the same
manner because for me, family is important so I will do my best not to disappoint or
hurt them.

5. What does Marina do to escape from a seemingly unbearable life? (2pts.)

Marina takes her rest in their hut to escape from a seemingly unbearable
life she has. She also ate the watermelon and tried to sleep to feel a little peace of
mind in a short period of time.

6. What is the father’s purpose in asking her daughter to take on so many responsibilities
at the expense of her studies? (3pts.)
Marina's father wants his daughter to go through difficulties to be able for
her to learn things that will make her brave and strong in facing the life.
7. Do you approve of the father’s tests on her daughter? Are these tests consider
tolerable? Intolerable?(2pts.
Yes, it is acceptable and tolerable at the same time because of the fact
that we cannot learn things and apply it to ourselves if we get it in an easy way. In
Marina's situation, she will be a brave women because of the difficulties she faced.

8. How would you describe the mother ? How does she provide her daughter with
emotional support ?( 3pts.)
In the story, the mother shows love for her family. She wants the best for
them. At the top of that, she also provides her daughter an emotional support by
comforting and supporting what Marina wants especially in finishing her studies.

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