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Infinity Game Terminology:

Stat Abbreviations:
MOV: Movement, how far you move per movement (in inches or
centimeters depending). First number is how far you can move on
first activation in an order, second number is how far you can
move if you decide you want to move a second time in that order.
CC: Close Combat, how well you fight in hand-to-hand combat.
You should generally focus on shooting things, though.
BS: Ballistic Skill, how accurate you are with a gun.
PH: Physique, how strong/tough you are. You’ll use this when
climbing, taking damage, dishing out CC damage,and using
strength skills.
WIP: Willpower, how well you resist certain attacks, resist
running away, and do technical work. Doctors, Engineers, and
Hackers use this skill for their abilities.
ARM: Armor, what you’re going to use to protect yourself from
BTS: Bio-Technical Shielding, how well you deal with some special
attacks. Hacking and variants of ammo or some special attacks
are resisted with this attribute.
W: Wounds, how many successful hits this model can take before
going unconscious or dying.
AVA: Availability, how many of this model a single team can have
maximum. Can’t have more than that number in a whole team. If
the AVA is listed as “Total”, it means the team may have any
number of that model.

Other Important Terms:

Lieutenant: Lt. for short, this represents not the literal military
rank, but the leader of your team. Every infinity team must have
exactly one Lt. They provide one order for themselves to the
order pool, but you don’t have to use it before passing the turn.
Lieutenants are not revealed to the opposing player until they
use their Lt. Order on themselves, though it can somethings be
obvious which unit is your Lt. unless you choose several units
which fit the bill. Losing your Lieutenant results in Loss of
Lieutenant, which is something you do not want.
SWC: Special Weapon Cost. As well as a point cost, some units
and options for units have a special weapon cost attached to
them. These units are usually carrying a more powerful weapon
or equipment option, such as a Rocket Launcher, Hacking Device,
or Spitfire, but they could simply come at an SWC cost for their
basic stat line. You have 1 SWC to spend for every 50 points in
your team’s point allowance, decided on at the beginning of the
game. A 150 point game would have 3 SWC, for example, and a
200 or 300 point game would have 4 and 6 SWC respectively.

Unit Shorthand:
(LI) Light Infantry. Squishier, cheap, but fast on their feet. Great in
teams with a variety of weaponry and equipment.
(MI) Medium Infantry. Slightly more armored, and expensive, but
tend to be slower. Usually a platforms for specialist units.
(HI) Heavy Infantry. Not necessarily slow, but not cheap, more
armor, and usually bigger guns. Good powerful units, but
expensive in points.
(TAG) Tactical Armored Gear. Big, armored, powerful, fast, and
comes with the big, heavy weaponry, but very expensive, big and
clunky and not very agile. The biggest of the big, they’re scary
powerhouses, but can cripple your list if taken out early, so give it
(REM) Remotes. Robots that are pretty fast, and come in many
shapes, sizes, and specializations, but tend to be fragile. Great
additions and utility units for teams, but they are required to
have a Hacker or TAG included in the team list.
(SK) Skirmishers. Usually light infantry that can pack a punch, but
can’t stand up to a prolonged firefight. Get in, shoot ‘em up, get
out. Be careful and they can make back their points in kills.

Infinity Rundown of Factions:

+1 BS (better shooting) and -1 WIP (worse willpower and
technical skill) to all of their troops. They shoot better and rely on
their technology. TAGs is their specialty. Hyperpower that
possesses "best tech" in the Sphere. Some neat REMs as well.

The most forgiving force. The Big Brother of the Human Sphere,
an A.I. with a legitimate army that happens to be armed to the
teeth. They pay a lot of points for their special abilities and stats
that balances out such a high tech faction.

>Yu Jing
+1 CC (close combat skill) and extra CC stuff. They have more
close assault units and have the most diverse Heavy Infantry (HI)
in the Sphere. Ninjas, Samurai, and other Asian theme units

+1 WIP (willpower, technical skill)and all Paramedics are
upgraded to Docs for free. They have a lot of Viral, Mines, Holos,
and other dirty tricks. Faction is all about the Light Infantry (LI)
and Skirmishers (SK).

Great hackers, specialists, and generalist units. If Yu Jing has the
best HI and Haqq has the best LI, then Nomads are a contender
for the best Medium Infantry (MI). The only area they are lacking
in is HI. Gear comes cheap for them, but not on very sturdy
platforms (Intruder and Spektr). Great selection of Remotes

New kids on the block/elves in space. They are the bio-
technicians, a lot of their people have living symbionic armor,
plenty of Viral weapons and they almost all come with a special 3
man fire team rule.

>Combined Army
The Alien version of ALEPH, they have the best technology and
the most ruthless units. Lots of Thermo-Optic (TO:Camo, very
good camo), heavy weapons, unique army platforms. They have
Kerrigan'd one of Yu Jings most beloved characters. They also pay
heavily for these tough units.

Troops with nothing but their rifle and a pack of crackers. Lowest
of low tech, failed colonization experiment with a ship from the
past, brought 175 years into future clashing with aliens,
cybernetic lifeforms and a bunch of other stuff. Have access to
interesting units and lots of camouflage and gear along with
Tesseum (super special metal) that allows them to keep up with
the Sphere.

Mish-mash of units from different factions with very limited
Availability (AVA). Some cool fluffy units, ALEPH constructs, and
all sorts of other misfits and outcasts. Never played it, but hoping
they make a larger presence in N3.

Faction Specialty Units Types:

TAGs: PanOceania
HI: Yu Jing
MI: Nomads
LI: Haqqislam
Elites: ALEPH/Combined Army
Different (Skirmishers?): Tohaa

Faction Sectorials:
Yu Jing Sectorials:
Japanese Spearhead. Treated as cannon fodder and second class
citizens. Limited selection, but can field a lot of ninjas, samurai,
and bikes.
The police arm of the State. They work in the shadows and have
the most elite units in Yu Jing. Even has access to ALEPH

Haqqislam Sectorials:
>Hassassin Bahram
Assassins guild that's sole purpose is to better humanity. Almost
completely filled with Religious units that are fanatical and
determined to defend the future of humanity.
>Qapu Khalqi
Tactical arm of the Sultanate. All of Haqqislams Naval and Tactical
groups can be found here in large numbers. Access to the most
Merc units and even some Nomads auxiliaries.

Nomads Sectorials:
The muscle of the Nomad world ships. Home to the hard nosed
soldiers of fortune. Lowest tech of the Nomad ships, but balanced
out by their resourcefulness, skills, and luck.
Black Market dealers and illegal shit abound. Known for genetic
modification, a tech-Church group, and the Riot Grrls. The
cleanest ass end of space.

Ariadna Sectorials:
>MRRF (Merovingian Rapid Response Force)
French forces that are disciplined and always on standby. First to
the fray, they bring lots of paramilitary units and rapid response
>Caledonian Highlanders
Scots and Englishmen that embrace the clan mentality. Lots of
tough and stubborn bastards that can cut a T.A.G. in half with
their Tesseum coated claymores. Highest number of Dog Soldiers
and Wulver units.
Armor, armor everywhere. When your basic line troop has the
same ARM as the majority of the troops in its sectorial, you know
that it's made of Freedom(Teseum)! The operator theme of
Ariadna mixed with Western and 'Mericuh influences.

>Military Orders
Knights in tactical armor, they bring the Christian voice to space
with fury and steel. Still high tech, and has an almost completely
Religious force.
Clandestine units and the best tech in the PanOceania military.
Lot's of TO:Camo, expensive, but effective units.
>Shock Army of Acontecimento
Light jungle skirmishers with a knack for being resourceful and
rely on their skills in the field. PanO tech combined with
skirmishing force.

>Assault Subsection
Greek heroes of the AI's military forces. Ancient names of Greek
Mythology are brought to life as a propaganda campaign in order
to bring the fight to the EI (Combined Army). Achilles, Patrolocus,
Penthesilia, Diomedes, Phoenix, Machaon, etc,.

Combined Army:
>Morat Aggression Force
The door breakers of the Combined Army. Extremely violent,
completely religious, and born into war. They exterminate
humanity with extreme prejudice. Tough and tenacious red
>Shasvastii Expedition Force
Survival. It's built into this entire race. Every aspect about the
Shasvastii involves living to fight another day. Another contender
for the most TO:Camo. Lots of skirmishers and high tech.

Tohaa and Mercs lack Sectorials for now, but in the new book
Acheron Falls, there are two new Sectorials per army supposedly.

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