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Neurocrit Care


Current Topics in the Management

of Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
Christopher D. Shank*, Beverly C. Walters and Mark N. Hadley

© 2018 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature and Neurocritical Care Society

Acute traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) affects more than 250,000 people in the USA, with approximately 17,000
new cases each year. It continues to be one of the most significant causes of trauma-related morbidity and mortal-
ity. Despite the introduction of primary injury prevention education and vehicle safety devices, such as airbags and
passive restraint systems, traumatic SCI continues to have a substantial impact on the healthcare system. Over the last
three decades, there have been considerable advancements in the management of patients with traumatic SCI. The
advent of spinal instrumentation has improved the surgical treatment of spinal fractures and the ability to manage
SCI patients with spinal mechanical instability. There has been a concomitant improvement in the nonsurgical care
of these patients with particular focus on care delivered in the pre-hospital, emergency room, and intensive care unit
(ICU) settings. This article represents an overview of the critical aspects of contemporary traumatic SCI care and notes
areas where further research inquiries are needed. We review the pre-hospital management of a patient with an acute
SCI, including triage, immobilization, and transportation. Upon arrival to the definitive treatment facility, we review
initial evaluation and management steps, including initial neurological assessment, radiographic assessment, cervical
collar clearance protocols, and closed reduction of cervical fracture/dislocation injuries. Finally, we review ICU issues
including airway, hemodynamic, and pharmacological management, as well as future directions of care.
Keywords:  Spinal cord injury, Closed reduction of cervical fracture, Collar clearance in spinal cord injury, MAP
management, CSF diversion in spinal cord injury

Introduction/Epidemiology Motor vehicle accidents are the most common mech-

Acute traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) affects more anism for acute traumatic SCI in the younger patient
than 250,000 people in the USA, with approximately population. Due to the presence of underlying spondylo-
17,000 new cases each year [1]. It continues to be one of sis and canal stenosis, falls represent the most common
the most significant causes of trauma-related morbidity mechanism for traumatic SCI in the elderly population
and mortality. The demographics of patients who suffer [4, 5]. The cervical spine is the most commonly affected
acute traumatic SCI reflect the general trauma popula- spinal region for both motor vehicle accident and fall-
tion [2]. Patients who suffer acute traumatic SCI are pre- associated SCI. The cervical spine, unfortunately, carries
dominately male (~ 80%); young males have an SCI rate the highest associated morbidity and mortality, particu-
up to 20 times higher than young females [3]. Since the larly in the elderly population [3, 4, 6].
1970s, the average age of acute traumatic SCI patients Despite the introduction of primary injury prevention
has increased from 29 years to 42 years, [1] with a con- education and vehicle safety devices, such as airbags and
comitant increase in geriatric SCI. passive restraint systems, traumatic SCI continues to
have a substantial impact on the healthcare system. Cost
estimates for lifetime care of a patient with traumatic SCI
*Correspondence: range from $1,600,000 to $4,800,000 [7]. For patients with
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 510‑
20th Street South, FOT 1060, Birmingham, AL 35294‑3410, USA
traumatic SCI, life expectancy is significantly shorter, and
annual mortality is significantly higher, compared to age- First responders are charged with the rapid determina-
matched patients without traumatic SCI [1]. tion of SCI likelihood [11, 12]. Patients who cannot be
Over the last three decades, there have been consider- cleared are immobilized for transport.
able advances in the management of patients with trau- Prior to the dissemination of the Guidelines for the
matic SCI. The advent of spinal instrumentation has Management of Acute Cervical Spine and Spinal Cord
improved the surgical treatment of spinal fractures and Injuries [4], the approach for spinal clearance and spinal
the ability to manage SCI patients with spinal mechani- immobilization by first responders was haphazard. Since
cal instability. There has been a concurrent improvement their publication, all first responders undergo protocol-
in the nonsurgical care of these patients with particular ized training for SCI recognition and spinal immobiliza-
focus on care delivered in the pre-hospital, emergency tion using a NEXUS (National Emergency X-Radiography
room, and intensive care unit (ICU) settings [5]. Utilization)-like algorithm (Table  2). The ability of first
Integrated trauma networks with emergency medical responders to accurately identify patients with potential
services (EMS) providers trained in evaluation of patients SCI, appropriately apply the clearance protocol, and con-
with potential SCI have resulted in efficient triage and sistently identify patients who require spinal immobiliza-
transportation of appropriate patients to SCI treatment tion is backed by numerous Class II and Class III medical
centers. Once at the definitive treatment facility, initial evidence studies [13–16].
evaluation and stabilization are achieved in a timely and Spinal immobilization carries some associated risk,
methodical fashion. Patients are then monitored in spe- even when applied appropriately [17]. Even proper
cialty ICUs designed for acute SCI care. The contempo- immobilization may cause pain, delay transport, and
rary management of patients with acute traumatic SCI result in pressure ulcers if in place for too long [18–23].
requires the application of medical evidence-based algo- Full spine immobilization may limit respiratory function
rithms and adherence to validated practice guidelines. and increase the risk of aspiration [24–26]. Hard cervi-
This article represents an overview of the critical aspects cal collars may potentiate head injury by elevating intrac-
of contemporary traumatic SCI care (Table 1) and notes ranial pressure through impaired venous return [27, 28].
areas where further research inquiries are needed. Some associated medical comorbidities, such as ankylos-
ing spondylitis, may contribute to immobilization-related
Pre‑hospital Management of Spinal Cord Injury complications [29, 30]. Patients with penetrating neck
Triage and Immobilization trauma who are immobilized have been reported to have
Twenty-five percent of SCIs occur after the initial injury significantly higher mortality compared to those who
[8]. For this reason, SCI-directed care should begin at were not immobilized [31]. Because of the potential for
the scene of injury. First responders must rapidly triage significant related morbidity and mortality, spinal immo-
patients and institute an SCI algorithm for patients with bilization is not recommended for trauma patients who
known or suspected SCI. Once initial triage of the scene are cleared by EMS protocol, or who have documented
is complete, patients with suspected SCI are extracted medical contraindications to immobilization [32].
and initial resuscitation measures are completed [9, 10]. Patients who meet criteria for spinal immobilization
following trauma are placed in full spinal precautions. A
variety of spinal immobilization devices have been com-
paratively evaluated [33–37]; however, to date there is
Table 1 Key steps in  the management of  a patient
with acute traumatic SCI
no definitive evidence demonstrating superiority of any
single device over another. Historically, patients with
1. Resuscitate (protect airway, maintain normotension), immobilize at
scene (EMS)
2. Rapid transport to nearest definitive SCI care facility
3. ABC’s, MAP management (85 mmHg) Table 2  Cervical spine clearance criteria for  first respond‑
4. No steroids
5. Radiographic assessment (CT initial study of choice) 1. No spinal pain or tenderness
6. Promptly realign cervical spine (closed vs open reduction) 2. No significant multiple system trauma
7. Immobilize (external vs internal orthosis) 3. No significant head or facial trauma
8. Maintain MAP perfusion parameters 4. No extremity neurological deficit
9. MRI for mass lesion, extent of cord injury 5. No loss of consciousness
10. Operative decompression early. Delay only for stabilization 6. No altered mental status
ABC airway, breathing, circulation; CT computed tomography; EMS emergency 7. No known or suspected intoxication
medical services; MAP mean arterial pressure; MRI magnetic resonance imaging; 8. No significant distracting injury
SCI spinal cord injury
suspected SCI were immobilized by first responders personnel according to Advanced Trauma Life Support
with sandbags to the head and neck. Because the heavy guidelines. Spinal precautions are maintained through-
sandbags may slide or shift during transport or logroll out the primary survey, secondary survey, and adjunct
maneuvers, the American College of Surgeons Advanced evaluations. After completion of the initial assessment
Trauma Life Support guidelines [2] and the Guidelines for and initial resuscitative measures, attention is turned to
the Management of Acute Cervical Spine and Spinal Cord the spinal evaluation. The basic neurological examina-
Injuries [32] now recommend a hard cervical collar and tion obtained during the primary survey is insufficient to
long board immobilization using tapes or straps to pre- determine the level and severity of an acute SCI. Several
vent pathological motion at unstable vertebral segments. neurological assessment tools have been developed to
provide acute and reproducible measures for diagnosing
Transportation of Patients with SCI acute SCI, as well as measuring change in neurological
Once appropriately immobilized, the patient is trans- function over time [47].
ported to a treatment facility by EMS personnel. Ensur- The most widely utilized and validated neurological
ing the rapid and safe transport of patients with acute assessment tool for acute SCI is the American Spinal
traumatic SCI takes precedence over the exact means of Injury Association (ASIA) scoring system and the ASIA
transportation (ground ambulance, helicopter, or fixed- Impairment Scale (AIS) [48]. Trained personnel carried
wing aircraft) [38–43]. The recommendation for trans- out a detailed motor examination, a light-touch sensory
port of patients to certain treatment centers has led to examination, and an assessment for sacral nerve root
the de facto designation of acute traumatic SCI centers, function by evaluating rectal tone. The components of
i.e., those facilities with the most experience and exper- the neurological examination are recorded on the ASIA
tise in managing patients with acute SCI. While some scale form (Fig. 1), which allows for rapid visualization of
evidence suggests that early transfer to these facilities neurological level and injury severity. Repeating this step
may improve the likelihood of neurological recovery and over time allows for longitudinal assessment and delinea-
reduce associated complication rates [44], such designa- tion of improvement or decline in neurological function.
tions might be regarded as self-serving. Currently, there After each examination, an AIS may be derived from the
is no licensing organization to regulate such designations. compiled data points. While multiple Class I medical evi-
Robust medical evidence supports several practice dence studies have corroborated the ASIA scale as the
guidelines surrounding the pre-hospital management of most valid and reliable assessment tool for determining
patients with known or suspected acute SCI [15, 32, 38, neurological loss after acute traumatic SCI [49, 50], its
45, 46]. First responders are charged with the rapid initial utility may be influenced by level of consciousness, age,
assessment and resuscitation of the patient, followed by intoxication, or distracting injuries [51].
application of a validated spinal clearance protocol and
spinal immobilization when necessary. Fully immobilized Radiographic Evaluation
patients are then rapidly transported to an SCI treatment After the initial evaluation and stabilization of the patient
facility where in-hospital care begins upon arrival. The are complete, attention is turned to adjunctive evalu-
existing data on field triage, EMS assessment, and immo- ations, including radiographic analysis of the spine. In
bilization techniques are designated as Class II or Class conjunction with an accurate and reproducible neuro-
III medical evidence. Further prospective, in-field inves- logical examination, spinal imaging provides important
tigation of these protocols is warranted. The transporta- information regarding injury severity, spinal instability,
tion of patients to designated acute SCI treatment centers as well as the need for further immobilization or more
is based on Class III medical evidence. Further quality definitive treatment.
assessment studies are needed to help define “definitive Historically, the initial trauma evaluation included a
treatment center” and quantify the operational quality lateral cervical spine X-ray as an adjunct to the primary
(based on validated patient outcomes scores) between survey (usually obtained in conjunction with AP chest
centers and over designated time periods. and AP pelvis X-rays). For patients with a high likelihood
of SCI or with a spinal fracture visualized on primary
Initial Hospital Evaluation of Patients with Spinal survey adjunctive X-rays, a full spine X-ray series was
Cord Injury obtained. Over the last two decades, computed tomogra-
Initial Patient Assessment phy (CT) has largely supplanted plain X-rays as the imag-
Patients with known or suspected acute SCI are evalu- ing modality of choice for evaluating trauma patients.
ated immediately upon arrival to the definitive treatment Several authors have compared the utility of plain X-rays
facility. Initial evaluation is carried out by emergency and CT imaging in the initial radiographic assessment of
medicine, critical care, trauma surgery, and neurosurgery patients with known or suspected acute traumatic SCI
Fig. 1  American spinal injury association (ASIA) Form [48]

[52–54]. These multiple Class I medical evidence studies potential spinal injuries may be classified as: awake and
individually and collectively demonstrate the diagnostic asymptomatic, awake and symptomatic, or obtunded/
superiority of CT imaging over plain X-rays in patients unevaluable. The need for radiographic investigation
with known or suspected SCI. They form the basis of and continued spinal immobilization differs among these
the Level I recommendation supporting the use of high- groups.
quality CT imaging as the diagnostic modality of choice Patients who are awake must meet a strict set of cri-
for patients with known or suspected SCI. Cervical spinal teria to qualify as asymptomatic (Table 3). These criteria
X-rays represent a secondary option, in the absence of are based on two robust and validated decision-making
high-quality CT imaging [55]. tools: the NEXUS criteria [56] and the Canadian C-Spine
Rule [58]. Both of these criteria had near-perfect sensi-
Cervical Spinal Clearance tivity for the identification of cervical spinal injury with-
The replacement of plain film X-rays with CT imaging for out reliance of radiographic imaging. Multiple Class I
the initial radiographic evaluation of patients with known
or suspected SCI has resulted in increased direct health-
Table 3 Cervical collar clearance criteria for  the awake
care costs and radiation exposure to these patients [55].
and asymptomatic patient
In light of increasing costs and known complications of
prolonged immobilization, several authors evaluated the 1. No midline cervical tenderness
need for radiographic investigation and continued spinal 2. No focal neurological deficit
immobilization in a variety of patients [56, 57]. For the 3. Normal alertness and mentation
purposes of determining the need for radiographic evalu- 4. No intoxicants or confounders
ation and continued spinal immobilization, patients with 5. No distracting injury
medical evidence studies have corroborated the ability of motion [60]. Given its unproven utility and potential
of these or similar algorithms to accurately identify sig- for catastrophic neurological injury if done in the pres-
nificant spinal injury in adult trauma patients [57, 59]. ence of an unstable spinal injury, dynamic X-rays are
Accordingly, radiographic evaluation and continued spi- not recommended in obtunded or unevaluable trauma
nal immobilization are not required in the awake, asymp- patients. The studies that have evaluated the use of MRI
tomatic trauma patient [55]. in this subpopulation have similarly mixed results. It is
Patients who are awake but do not meet the strict cri- unclear that MRI adds significantly to the diagnostic yield
teria set forth in Table  3 are defined as symptomatic. of CT imaging in the initial radiographic evaluation of
Because these patients have a higher propensity for har- obtunded/unevaluable trauma patients. MRI evaluation
boring a spinal injury, they deserve radiographic evalua- may delay extubation, lengthen hospital stay, and reveal
tion of the spinal axis with high-quality CT imaging or neck soft tissue signal change of questionable clinical
multi-dimensional plain X-rays if CT is unavailable [55]. significance if done more than 48  h after the injury was
Patients found to have a spinal fracture are managed sustained. The lack of Class I or Class II medical evi-
according to the type of injury. Significant controversy dence, as well as the evidentiary ambiguity of the existing
exists about patients with normal CT imaging and persis- Class III medical evidence regarding the utility of MRI
tent neck pain. Several authors have evaluated the utility in obtunded or unevaluable trauma patients, has led to
of dynamic X-rays [60–62] (flexion/extension X-rays) and a Level III recommendation regarding collar clearance in
magnetic resonance imaging [63, 64] (MRI) in this patient this subpopulation [55] (Table 5).
population with conflicting results. A lack of Class I or
Class II medical evidence, as well as an evidentiary dis- Closed Reduction of Cervical Fracture/Dislocation
cordance among the existing Class III medical evidence The cervical region is the most injured spinal region due
studies regarding the utility of dynamic X-rays or MRI to its relative mobility and lack of protection [5, 67]. A
in awake trauma patients with normal CT imaging but combination of force vectors may result in a fracture/
persistent neck pain, has led to a Level III recommenda- dislocation-type injury with disruption of one or both
tion regarding collar clearance in this subpopulation [55] facet joints. The resulting translation or subluxation may
(Table 4). result in an acute SCI through compromise of the spinal
Patients who are obtunded or otherwise unevaluable canal and direct spinal cord compression. While cervi-
are initially assessed according to the awake, sympto- cal fracture/dislocation-associated SCIs carry the highest
matic algorithm: high-quality CT imaging or plain X-rays morbidity and mortality, they are often amenable to early
if CT imaging is unavailable. As in the awake, sympto- closed reduction [4, 68].
matic algorithm, patients with radiographic evidence of Closed reduction, when performed properly, restores
spinal injury are managed according to the type of injury. the natural alignment of the cervical spinal column in
Significant controversy arises for obtunded/unevalu- an effort to decompress the cervical spinal cord. Histori-
able patients with normal CT imaging with respect to cally, this was achieved through manual reduction under
collar clearance. The utility of dynamic imaging in this anesthesia (MUA). The patient was anesthetized, and the
patient population is uncertain [65, 66]. The inability of fracture/dislocation was reduced without the use of assis-
the patient to actively flex or extend their neck carries tive devices. Despite the safe and successful use of MUA
the potential for significant morbidity with passive range throughout the mid-twentieth century [69, 70], many

Table 4  Cervical collar clearance criteria for the awake and symptomatic patient

1. Continue cervical immobilization until asymptomatic

2. Discontinue cervical immobilization following normal and adequate dynamic flexion/extension radiographs
3. Discontinue cervical immobilization following a normal MRI obtained within 48 h of injury
4. Discontinue cervical immobilization at the discretion of the treating physician
MRI magnetic resonance imaging

Table 5  Cervical collar clearance criteria for the obtunded or unevaluable patient

1. Continue cervical immobilization until asymptomatic

2. Discontinue cervical immobilization following a normal MRI obtained within 48 h of injury
3. Discontinue cervical immobilization at the discretion of the treating physician
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
75]. For this reason, significant debate has surrounded
the issue of MRI timing with respect to closed reduc-
tion. Many authors have raised concerns regarding the
high incidence of disk injury in patients with traumatic
cervical fracture/dislocation-type injuries and the poten-
tial for further neurological injury if closed reduction is
attempted in this setting [76–78]. Currently, there is no
evidence to suggest that the presence of disk pathology
may potentiate neurological injury during closed reduc-
tion in an awake, evaluable patient [79]. Indeed, some
authors have reported improvement in disk pathol-
ogy following early closed reduction [80]. Accordingly,
there appears to be no benefit to a pre-reduction MRI
in an awake, evaluable patient [81, 82]. Conversely, the
inability to examine an obtunded/unevaluable patient
increases the potential for reduction-associated morbid-
Fig. 2  Gardner-Wells tongs. (From Thompson and Zlololow 2012) ity. A pre-reduction MRI is recommended in this sub-
[117] population [83].
The measures taken during the initial hospital evalua-
tion happen in rapid succession in an effort to improve
patient outcome through early diagnosis and interven-
tion. The rapid and accurate assessment of the patient
using the ASIA scoring system facilitates communica-
tion among treatment teams and allows for longitudinal
assessment of the patient’s neurological improvement
over time. Early collar clearance or radiographic evalua-
tion based on validated criteria helps reduce cost, limit
unnecessary radiation exposure, limit morbidity asso-
ciated with prolonged immobilization, and accurately
identify all significant spinal injuries. The existing medi-
cal evidence for collar clearance in awake, symptomatic
or obtunded, unevaluable patients is predominately Class
II and Class III. A prospective, Class I medical evidence
study may help elucidate the optimum clearance strategy
for each of these subpopulations. Additional prospec-
tive studies may help define the utility and role of MRI
in trauma patients. After diagnosis of a fracture/disloca-
tion-type injury, rapid reduction of compressive pathol-
ogy is attempted. There are numerous Class II and Class
III medical evidence studies describing the benefits of
Fig. 3  Halo ring and immobilization vest. (From Williams 2013) [118] open or closed reduction. A comparative, prospective
trial comparing open and closed reduction of cervical
fracture/dislocation injuries is warranted.
practitioners reported increasing reliance on awake, tong
(Fig.  2) or halo ring-assisted (Fig.  3) reduction through- Critical Care Issues in Acute Spinal Cord Injury
out the 1980s and 1990s. Over the last 30  years, many Respiratory/Airway Management
authors have reported improved control during reduc- Acute SCI is often associated with profound cardiopul-
tion and lauded the ability to intermittently examine the monary dysfunction. Catastrophic airway loss and res-
patient [68, 71–73]. piratory insufficiency are more common in patients with
The timing of reduction is of greater concern than the higher AIS grade or higher anatomic level of injury [84,
method of reduction. Early reduction of cervical frac- 85]; however, they may be present in patients with lower
ture/dislocation injuries has been correlated with both cervical or thoracic SCI due to loss of intercostal muscu-
ease of reduction and neurological improvement [74, lature function. Several authors have evaluated the effects
of acute SCI on the respiratory system, noting decreased
forced vital capacity, increased airway secretions, and
compromised gas exchange [86, 87]. Importantly, patients
with acute SCI may develop profound respiratory compli-
cations in a delayed manner as atelectasis and soft tissue
edema sets in hours or days after the injury [88].
Initial airway management for patients with acute trau-
matic SCI includes establishment of a definitive airway
to provide assistance with oxygenation and ventilation.
While video or fiberoptic laryngoscopy may be utilized
when readily available, multiple studies have evaluated
the safety and efficacy of standard orotracheal intubation
[89, 90]. No patients suffered a new or worse neurological
deficit following standard laryngoscopy and orotracheal
Fig. 4  Manual in-line cervical stabilization [2]
intubation when combined with standard in-line cervi-
cal stabilization (Figure  4). Additional cadaveric studies
have compared cervical segmental mobility during stand-
ard laryngoscopy and orotracheal intubation in cadavers Several authors have provided Class III medical evi-
with and without cervical spinal fractures [91, 92]. When dence for the use of MAP augmentation in patients with
combined with in-line cervical spine immobilization, acute SCI [99–101]. All authors reported neurological
standard orotracheal intubation did not exceed physiolog- improvement in those patients that underwent MAP aug-
ical parameters associated with critical hyperextension. mentation for a period of time following injury, although
Indeed, there was no significant difference in the degree the degree of neurological improvement varied between
of extension in the injured and non-injured groups. Based studies. More recently, a correlation was demonstrated
on this evidence, the American College of Surgeons between time spent above the MAP target (85  mmHg)
Advanced Trauma Life Support guidelines recommend and neurological improvement in the first seven days
direct laryngoscopy with orotracheal intubation in con- postinjury [102]. Based on these observational studies,
junction with standard in-line cervical spinal immobiliza- the avoidance of hypotension and the maintenance of
tion for establishing a definitive airway in trauma patients MAP > 85  mmHg for the first seven days postinjury are
with known or suspected spinal injury [2]. recommended [103].
Patients with persistent respiratory compromise or the The limited data on MAP augmentation following
inability to manage airway secretions require chronic air- acute SCI have left several unanswered questions. What
way management in the form of tracheostomy. Several is the ideal MAP target? Does the MAP target vary based
authors have evaluated clinical predictors and timing of on level and severity of injury? What is the ideal duration
tracheostomy in patients with acute SCI [93–95]. While of MAP maintenance? What is the ideal vasopressor to
no Class I or Class II medical evidence studies are avail- be used during this period? Might spinal cord perfusion
able, early tracheostomy may shorten ICU length of stay be improved with concurrent MAP augmentation and
and decrease laryngotracheal complications [96]. Early cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) diversion? Prospective, com-
tracheostomy is recommended even in patients with parative studies are needed to answer these questions
recent anterior cervical surgery [97, 98]. and tailor the hemodynamic care delivered to patients
with acute SCI.
Hemodynamic Management
Cardiovascular collapse may develop following acute SCI Use of Steroids Following Acute Spinal Cord Injury
due to volume loss or neurogenic shock. The develop- The concept of neuroprotection in acute traumatic SCI
ment of hypotension is thought to contribute to spinal has been the subject of considerable scientific research
cord ischemia and secondary neurological injury. The and debate. A number of agents have been purported to
avoidance of hypotension and the continued perfusion reduce primary insult and minimize secondary injury,
of the injured spinal cord through augmentation of the most notably methylprednisolone (MP). The National
mean arterial pressure (MAP) are essential. Initial vol- Acute Spinal Cord Injury Studies (NASCIS I, II, and III)
ume resuscitation is carried out with intravenous crys- were designed to evaluate the potential neuroprotective
talloid, according to Advanced Trauma Life Support effects of MP following acute SCI [104–106]. For each of
guidelines. Vasopressors may be initiated for refractory these studies, patients were randomized to receive either
hypotension. MP or placebo at varying doses and time points following
injury. Despite negative results from the NASCIS I and trial evaluating the use of CSF diversion is currently under-
III trials, many practitioners continued to administer MP way comparing “standard” MAP augmentation with MAP
to patients following acute SCI, citing the positive results augmentation and continuous CSF diversion [116]. The
of the NASCIS II trial. results of this Class I medical evidence study will help
Detailed analysis of the NASCIS II trial reveals mul- inform an evidence-based practice guideline on this issue.
tiple scientific irregularities which have discredited its
results [107]. The preplanned end points outlined in the Surgical Management of Acute Spinal Cord Injury
initial study protocol were all negative. The study authors The topics discussed above reflect SCI care delivered
applied an arbitrary 8-h treatment window in a post outside the operating room. Because surgical treatment
hoc manner. Only the right body motor change scores studies are onerous to design and effectively execute,
from a small subset of patients were extracted from this there is comparatively little high-level medical evidence
arbitrary treatment window to demonstrate the pur- on the surgical management of acute SCI. The accumu-
ported benefit. Given the negative overall trial result and lated medical evidence on the surgical management of
reported positive result from the arbitrary 8-h treatment patients with acute SCI and their associated recommen-
window group, it follows intuitively that those patients dations are presented in the Guidelines for the Manage-
who received MP outside the 8-h treatment window ment of Acute Cervical Spine and Spinal Cord Injuries [5].
must have experienced an overall negative treatment A detailed discussion of the current topics in the surgical
effect. Evaluation of the NASCIS II patients treated out- care of patients with acute SCI is beyond the scope of this
side the 8-h window confirms this result. Patients who article and is an appropriate topic for future discussion.
received MP had higher rates of sepsis, respiratory fail-
ure, and death. These results were confirmed in NASCIS Conclusion
III and in at least two additional studies [108, 109]. Acute traumatic SCI is a complex and potentially devas-
To date, there is no scientifically valid evidence sup- tating disease process. The work of many authors over the
porting the use of MP or any other medication as a neu- last 70 years has contributed to a growing body of scien-
roprotective agent following acute traumatic SCI. Several tific research. Increasingly, physicians are looking to high-
randomized trials have demonstrated not only a lack level medical evidence rather than anecdotal “expert”
of benefit, but a trend toward more complications and testimony to guide their management decisions. Because
higher overall mortality in patients who received “neuro- of the pathophysiological complexity of many disease
protective” MP following acute SCI. These studies form processes, and the sheer volume of published medical
the basis of the Level I recommendation against the use evidence, we must periodically review and synthesize the
of MP following acute traumatic SCI. existing data on particularly complex topics. Here we have
presented such a discourse on the current topics in the
CSF Diversion Following Acute Spinal Cord Injury care of patients with acute traumatic spinal cord injury.
The use of intracranial pressure (ICP) monitors in
patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) has
been studied extensively. Despite a paucity of compara- Dr. Shank is the Worthen Family Clinical Scholar at the University of Alabama at
tive studies due to a lack of clinical equipoise in the USA, Birmingham Department of Neurological Surgery.
the use of ICP monitors in patients with severe TBI
Author’s Contributions
remains a Level II recommendation based on numerous All authors contributed to this manuscript in accordance with ICMJE criteria.
descriptive studies [110]. The use of ICP monitors with
the ability to divert CSF (e.g., external ventricular drains) Compliance with Ethical Standards
allows practitioners to lower ICP, preventing ischemic Funding
insult, and secondary brain injury. Such devices confer a No authors have funding to report relevant to this project.
therapeutic advantage.
Conflict of interest
Prevention of secondary spinal cord injury is the primary The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
objective of contemporary SCI care. The concept of spinal
cord perfusion pressure optimization (analogous to cerebral
perfusion pressure) has garnered increasing attention over
the last several years [111]. Based on favorable outcomes
following CSF diversion for aortic surgery-related spinal
cord ischemia [112, 113], several authors evaluated the con-
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