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Clinica Chimica Acta 312 Ž2001.


Review article

Minerals, trace elements and related biological variables in

athletes and during physical activity
Michelle Speich a,) , Alain Pineau b, Françoise Ballereau a
Departement de Sante´ Publique et de Pharmacie Clinique, Faculte´ de Pharmacie, UniÕersite´ de Nantes, l, rue Gaston Veil, B.P. 53508,
F-44035 Nantes Cedex 1, France
` Industrielle, Faculte´ de Pharmacie, UniÕersite´ de Nantes, F-44035 Nantes Cedex 1, France
Laboratoire de Toxicologie et d’Hygiene
Received 10 October 2000; accepted 30 May 2001


This review concerns various minerals Žsodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus., trace elements Žzinc,
manganese, selenium, copper, iron, cobalt, iodine, chromium, fluorine, lead, cadmium. and other biological variables Žnitric
oxide, L-carnitine, glutamine, serum transferrin receptor, biopyrrins. in relation to hemorheologic effects, stress, immune
response and infections during physical and sports activities. In athletes, macroelements in the ionized form contribute to
heart and muscle contractions, oxidative phosphorylation and the synthesis and activation of enzymatic systems. Zinc ŽZn.
protects against the effects of increased free reactive oxygen species such as copper ŽCu. and manganese ŽMn. ŽCu–Zn
superoxide dismutases; Mn superoxide dismutase.. Selenium in glutathione peroxidase protects the cardiovascular system
and the muscles, and helps combat allergic and inflammatory diseases. Copper and iron are involved in many aspects of
energy metabolism and are important components in the synthesis of hemoglobin, myoglobin and cytochromes. Fluorine and
Cu protect the ligaments and tendons. Physical activity appears to be beneficial to urban residents who are exposed to metal
pollution Žlead, cadmium.. The data cited in this review are often contradictory and incomplete. It is still unclear in many
cases how minerals are involved in physiological changes, and much work remains. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights

Keywords: Sports; Physical activity; Minerals; Trace elements; Oxidative stress; Biological variables

1. Introduction constantly occur, involving many enzymatic systems

activated by minerals or trace elements. AMens sana
Human health depends on a delicate balance in corpore sanoB wrote Juvenal ŽSatires X, 356;
among reactions within the organism in which nerve, 60–140 AD. at a time when volcanic ash was con-
muscle, blood, bone, and endocrine and visceral sumed and geophagia compensated for mineral defi-
tissues are continually renewed. Vital exchanges ciencies in the diet.
Sports has long been regarded as an important
cultural value, and the concept of health developed
Corresponding author. Tel.: q33-2-4041-2827; fax: q33-2-
by the World Health Organization today implies
4041-2827. living a balanced life and neutralizing stress through
E-mail address: ŽM. Speich.. physical activity. However, very few publications

0009-8981r01r$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 9 - 8 9 8 1 Ž 0 1 . 0 0 5 9 8 - 8
2 M. Speich et al.r Clinica Chimica Acta 312 (2001) 1–11

have considered the value of minerals and trace pounds and the dietary intake of antioxidant vitamins
elements in achieving this objective. The present and minerals w25,27x.
review investigated most of the literature Žparticu-
larly since 1994. on minerals, trace elements and 3.1. Minerals in sports and physical actiÕities
some related biological variables in relation to ath-
letes and physical activity. 3.1.1. Macroelements
The macroelements Ca, Mg, K, Na, and phospho-
rus ŽP. are generally integrated into anatomic struc-
2. Materials reviewed tures Žbone elements, nucleic acids, membranes, pro-
teins, enzymes., although they are also involved in
Twenty-seven studies published between 1994 and the ionized active form and regarded as essential
2000 were analyzed from Medline and ScienceDirect trace elements, as in voltage-gated ionic channels
w1–27x, representing contributions from the USA, w28x. In active form, they are of particular importance
France, Spain, Germany, Finland, Canada ŽOntario., for metabolic balance in sports and during physical
China ŽTaiwan., Malaysia, Japan and Sweden. These exercise w27x. Naq contributes to the maintenance of
studies involved athletes or individuals of both sexes osmotic pressure, water regulation, and acid–base
who performed significant or exceptional physical balance. The cations Naq, Kq, Mg 2q and Ca2q are
activity, in some cases during childhood w6,25x or old involved in the propagation of nerve impulses and in
age w19x. Reviews were also included, such as those muscle and heart contraction. Ca2q controls vascular
of Sobal and Marquart w1x Ž51 studies in 15 different tonicity and coagulation of the blood. Phosphorus
sports involving 10,274 male and female athletes. ŽP., in phosphoric ester form ŽATP., results from the
and Fogelholm w2x Ž27 studies concerning 1028 male third step of cell respiration. The active cotransport
and 473 female athletes.. Other studies in the review of Naq and Kq through the plasma membrane in-
relate more particularly to nutritional aspects for volves the energy of ATP hydrolyzed by NaqKq
athletes w5,14,22,23,25–27x. ATPase and activated by Mg 2q, constituting an es-
The minerals investigated by these various au- sential cell function requiring around 25% of the
thors include sodium ŽNa., potassium ŽK., magne- energy metabolism of man at rest w29x. The forma-
sium ŽMg., calcium ŽCa., zinc ŽZn., manganese ŽMn., tion and use of energy-rich bonds require Mg 2q w30x.
selenium ŽSe., copper ŽCu., iron ŽFe., cobalt ŽCo., After a long-distance run in high heat and humid-
iodine ŽI., chromium ŽCr., fluorine ŽF., lead ŽPb. and ity, plasma ŽPl. –Na and Pl–K are significantly in-
cadmium ŽCd.. creased Ž p - 0.01. and Pl–Mg significantly de-
creased Ž p - 0.01. w24x. Magnesium may be lost in
sweat w27x. Lukaski w4x found that Mg movement
3. Findings from plasma into erythrocytes was greater as exer-
cise became more anaerobic, and that the amount of
All activities of human tissues and organs depend Mg lost in urine was related to the degree of exer-
on minute mineral concentrations that act as enzyme cise-induced anaerobiosis as indexed by post-ex-
biocatalysts. For some biological activities, certain ercise oxygen uptake and plasma lactate concentra-
macroelements or toxic trace elements also act as ¨ et al. w14x reported that a morning Pl–Mg
tion. Konig
essential trace elements at concentrations below those concentration - 0.75 mmolrl is indicative of a Mg
of their constitutive role or with respect to their toxic deficit. Marathon runners show significant decreases
nature, such as arsenic ŽAs., vanadium ŽV. and Mn. of serum ŽSer. –Mg and urine–Mg w18x, whereas
During strenuous physical activity, the rate of energy Shephard and Shek w22x found that Pl–Mg increases
turnover in skeletal muscles may increase several and that ultrafiltrable Mg decreases after maximum
fold. As exercise augments reactive oxygen species exercise. Nuviala et al. w23x observed that serum
ŽROS. that can damage cells, the body contains an ŽSer. –Mg levels for women involved in different
elaborate antioxidant defense system that depends sports were significantly higher in 23 runners than
on the endogenous production of antioxidant com- 65 control women, and that urinary excretion of Mg
M. Speich et al.r Clinica Chimica Acta 312 (2001) 1–11 3

was significantly greater in 19 basketball players. In inflammatory processes and in stress and post-
Conversely, hypokinesia ŽHK. may induce mineral traumatic pathologies in athletes, Pl–Zn is decreased
changes in bone, cells of many tissues, serum, urine when Zn is redistributed for the repair of damaged
and feces. In fact, the use of Mg supplements was tissues. Zn is taken up in the liver, kidney and spleen
not effective in preventing negative Mg balance in by induction of metallothionein synthesis, but is
athletes during a prolonged 364-day period of HK decreased in erythrocytes, bone, muscle and urine
w31x. Concerning Ca, modest levels of exercise stim- w4,8,14,20,22,27x. Rodriguez Tuya et al. w9x reported
ulate bone mineralization, but very strenuous exer- a higher Pl–Zn level in anaerobic Žjudo and fencing.
cise may promote Ca loss, especially in women w27x. than aerobic Žcycling and endurance. athletes due to
For all of these macroelements, the data are often lower Zn mobilization resulting from decreased en-
contradictory, and it is unclear in many cases how ergy metabolism and antioxidizing functions. In a
concentrations of these minerals translate into phy- study of women athletes w23x, 16 karate participants
siological changes. Mineral serumrblood levels do and 23 middle- and long-distance runners had signif-
not usually correlate well with body levels, although icantly higher levels of Ser–Zn, whereas 19 basket-
Pohl et al. w32x considered that sweat loss and a shift ball players showed significantly lower values. How-
of Mg into cells without Mg deficiency were respon- ever, no differences in Zn urinary excretion were
sible for a significant fall in Ser–Mg in football found among these groups. On the whole, these
players after a match. results indicate that data are very contradictory for

3.1.2. Trace elements Manganese. Very little has been reported
Essential trace elements are among the most ion- about Mn concentrations and their changes during
izable ones. In the metalloenzyme structure, the es- sports and physical activities, although a superoxide
sential trace element not only serves as an intermedi- dismutase found in the mitochondrial matrix func-
ary for the enzyme and substrate, but also supplies tions with Mn w5x. With respect to exercise stress and
the energy in electron form needed for the reaction. antioxidant status, a decrease in Mn superoxide dis-
Pearson’s principle allows qualitative predictions rel- mutase subsequent to nutritional intervention with
ative to the association sites involved in the interac- enzymatic yeast cells and antioxidants can be inter-
tion of a given metallic ion with a multisite receptor. preted as a sign of reduced free radical stress w35x.
The metalloenzymes of Mn include arginase, pyru- Zinc. The systemic availability of Zn in vate carboxylase and glutamine synthetase w32x. Glu-
tissues is highly influenced by the balance of an- tamine is the most abundant amino acid in the
abolic and catabolic processes regulating the renewal organism, especially in muscles, and glutamic acid is
of soft and skeletal tissues w27x. Most of the body Zn one of the three constitutive amino acids of glu-
content is present in muscle Ž60%. and bone Ž30%.. tathione, an important antioxidant w25,36,37x. Man-
As no hormone specifically and uniquely involved in ganese, which acts on skeletal growth, the synthesis
Zn metabolism has been identified, Mg- and Ca-reg- of nucleic acids, proteins and hemoglobin, and the
ulating hormones may affect Zn metabolism directly metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates, also has
or indirectly. Zinc is associated with more than 200 anti-allergic properties. It acts on the nervous system
enzymatic systems. It is involved in the synthesis of as a calcium antagonist and is several times as
nucleic acids, protein synthesis, growth inflamma- efficient as Mg 2q in inhibiting the release of neuro-
tory syndromes, testosterone secretion and cerebral mediators into synaptic space, probably because of
function. Zinc augments the natural defenses of the competition with Ca2q at the level of calcium chan-
organism and protects against the formation of free nels.
ROS by Cu–Zn superoxide dismutases present in
cell cytoplasm and mitochondrial membrane space as Selenium. During physical activity, the ox-
well as by a Cu–Zn superoxide dismutase that shows idative stress due to excessive oxygen consumption
lower activity in plasma and biological fluids w34x. is compensated by higher levels of free radical scav-
4 M. Speich et al.r Clinica Chimica Acta 312 (2001) 1–11

engers and by an increase in the activities of antioxi- ing of wounds, burns and inflammation. Copper
dant enzymes to preserve the structure and functions improves some cases of fatigue and ID anemia,
of lipids, DNA and proteins w25–27,33,36–39x. For participates in energy metabolism and intervenes in
example, free radicals may interact with albumin, neuroactive compounds Žcatecholamine, endorphin.
which contains several disulfide bonds, and cause w35x.
variations in its three-dimensional configuration and Copper homeostasis is essential in physical activ-
binding capacities with metals. Glutathione peroxi- ity and sports w40x. During intense physical exercise,
dase Žan enzyme containing Se. and other antioxi- SOD activity is increased, favoring the adaptation of
dant enzymes act to preserve the cell and its mem- Cu metabolism w4,9,25x. Significantly, lower serum
brane w15,22,27x. In association with vitamin E and ceruloplasmin biological activity was found in trained
glutathione, Se is anticarcinogenic and delays aging professional soccer players than in a control group,
and degenerative neurological diseases. It protects but with no difference in Ser–Cu w40x. Anuradha and
the muscles, heart and arteries and helps combat Balakrishnan w38x reported lower total proteins and
inflammatory and allergic diseases w22,33x. albumin and higher ceruloplasmin in trained male
Few results are available concerning Se concen- athletes after long-distance running. Elevated cerulo-
tration during or following physical activity, and the plasmin may be related to its ferroxidase action and
levels of glutathione peroxidase reported in athletes to endogenous response to an acute phase reaction.
are divergent w15,37x. Endurance training may induce No significant differences in Ser–Cu and cerulo-
heterogeneous effects on oxidative and antioxidant plasmin were found by Nuviala et al. w23x between
adaptation independently of Se supplementation w15x. four groups of women athletes and control women.
However, athletes are generally not affected by Se In fact, Cu measurement in urine was of limited
deficiencies w27x. value because of the slight urinary excretion of this
metal Ž1–2% of that absorbed.. Only the group of Copper. Although Cu plays an important karate women had significantly lower Cu excretion
role during physical activity, the results for this w23x.
mineral are divergent in reports concerning athletes Copper and iron are more abundant in the sweat
w2,4,40x. About 23.3% of an adult’s total body Cu is of athletes after exercise, particularly on limbs. This
found in muscle w23x. Copper is a critical nutrient ultrafiltrable Cu appears to be bound to small
involved in many aspects of energy metabolism and molecules capable of stimulating membrane lipid
an important component for the synthesis of hemo- peroxidation, thereby providing a cytotoxic effect in
globin, myoglobin, cytochromes and some peptide controlling skin bacterial flora. As in the case of
hormones w27x. It is needed for proper utilization of Pl–Zn, Pl–Cu was increased in athletes vs. controls,
Fe and protection against oxidative damage to cells and Pl–Cu was lower in an aerobic than an anaero-
w4,40x. Copper was mentioned above with respect to bic group w9x. Conversely, Ser–Cu was lower Ž p -
Cu–Zn superoxide dismutases. It is also the cofactor 0.02. in 49 male ice hockey players Ž12 " 0.5 years.
of proteins involved in redox processes, such as than in 35 control males Ž12.4 " 0.5 years. w6x. In
mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase. Plasma cerulo- fact, age and sex are important in Cu metabolism
plasmin, a Cu-transport protein, is also an oxido- w32,41x. Copper concentration in the blood may be
reductase. Copper and iron are interdependent both higher, unvaried or lower in athletes than in control
in the intestine, where Cu allows assimilation of Fe subjects due to varying concentrations of cerulo-
and in ceruloplasmin, where it catalyzes the transfor- plasmin and Cu-dependent enzymes w40x. The contra-
mation of ferrous into ferric ions. Any Cu deficit can dictory results reported are inexplicable, but it is
lead to iron deficiency ŽID. anemia. High Zn intake noteworthy that ceruloplasmin works not only by
impairs Cu retention and decreases SOD activity w4x. binding Cu ions, but also Žand mainly. by means of
Copper contributes to the synthesis of elastin and its ferroxidase activity.
collagen and to the restoration of cartilage in arthro-
sis and to bone structure. It possesses antiviral and Iron. Iron, a component of oxygen-binding
antibacterial properties and also facilitates the heal- molecules Žhemoglobin and myoglobin. of cy-
M. Speich et al.r Clinica Chimica Acta 312 (2001) 1–11 5

tochromes and of many enzyme cofactors Žheme and heart strain w45x. In addition to causing anemia, ID
Fe–S clusters., can accept and donate electrons, may affect physical exercise by altering glycolysis
interconverting between ferric and ferrous forms through production of excess lactate, which gener-
w29,42x. During athletic activity, Fe may damage ates highly damaging free radicals w25x. This could
tissues by catalyzing the conversion of hydrogen lead to muscular disorders responsible for apathy,
peroxide to free radical ions. However, proteins se- somnolence, irritability and loss of attention, with
quester Fe to reduce this threat. Iron ions circulate resulting risk of accident and incapacity to concen-
bound to plasma transferrin and accumulate within trate during sports events w45x. Iron also contributes
cells in the form of ferritin. Both ID and Fe overload to regulating body temperature after physical exer-
are deleterious. During periods of Fe insufficiency or cise and to controlling immune defenses w22,33x. The
impaired Fe utilization, Zn becomes an alternative signs of abnormal encephalin and endorphin meta-
metal substrate for ferrochelatase, leading to in- bolism in individuals with Cu deficiency are similar
creased Zn protoporphyrin ŽPP. formation w43x. Iron to those associated with the early stages of ID.
interacts positively in metabolism with Cu, Cr and F, Anemia is often diagnosed erroneously in athletes
and negatively with Zn, Mn, Co and Se w5,23x. because endurance training leads to an expansion of
Serum ferritin concentration is lower in women blood volume and thus to low hemoglobin concentra-
than men, and the prevalence of low serum ferritin tion, despite normal total hemoglobin content
concentration is higher in female athletes than in w22,27,46x. Latent ID may be observed in the en-
untrained female controls w2x, which is also the case durance competitor because of the involvement of
for male child athletes vs. controls w6x. Males have transferrin in antioxidant reactions and a restriction
greater Fe requirements in early puberty, but large of intestinal Fe absorption associated with the adop-
postpubertal Fe stores may be a source of potentially tion of a high-proteinrfat diet w22x. Conversely, sig-
harmful effects w6,10,26x. Recently, Constantini et al. nificant increases in hemoglobin, hematocrit and
w44x reported that adolescent athletes of both genders plasma osmolality, as well as a decrease in mean
Žgymnasts particularly. are prone to nonanemic ID, plasma volume, were observed immediately after a
which might compromise their health and athletic race in high heat and humidity w24x. Zinc protopor-
performance Žlow transferrin saturation, low ferritin phyrin quantification is useful as a sensitive and
concentration.. The organism is particularly Fe-spar- specific tool for evaluating Fe nutrition and meta-
ing w27,42x. The Fe pool, consisting of about 4 g in bolism w43x.
the adult male Žcirculating hemoglobin: 1800 mg,
liver parenchyma: 1000 mg, reticuloendothelial ma- Cobalt. The human organism is incapable of
crophages: 600 mg, bone marrow and muscle myo- transforming cobalt ions into vitamin B12 Žcyanoco-
globin: 300 mg each, plasma transferrin: 3 mg. and balamin.. In the human diet, cobalt must be supplied
2.5 g in the adult female, is continually renewed. In entirely in its active physiologic form. Vitamin B12
the balanced state, 1–2 mg of Fe enters and leaves deficiency is the cause of megaloblastic anemia ŽBi-
the body each day. Iron is released from cells when ermer’s disease.. Cobalt is a regulatory agent of the
tissues are damaged and Ser–Fe concentrations in- sympathetic nervous system, limiting arterial blood
crease w18x. Various recent studies have dealt with pressure. It is used as a supplement by athletes,
the influence of ID on health, even before marked although there is no evidence for increased require-
anemia appears, i.e. when alterations are apparent in ment or for any beneficial effect of specific supple-
numerous enzymatic systems. Any ID leads directly mentation on performance w27x.
to a hemoglobin deficit, resulting in poor cell oxy-
genation affecting the heart and the entire muscula- Iodine. The only known role of iodine in
ture Žcramps. and in decreased exercise performance humans is to provide an element essential to the
w27x. Heart rate accelerates in order to increase irriga- composition of hormones secreted by the thyroid
tion and compensate for oxygen deficiency in the gland, namely tetraiodothyronine Žthyroxine or T4.
blood. Iron needs to be administered to augment and triiodothyronine ŽT3., which are involved in the
physical capacity during exercise, while relieving metabolism of all cells of the organism during the
6 M. Speich et al.r Clinica Chimica Acta 312 (2001) 1–11

growth process and in the development of most activates certain enzymes, notably those that elabo-
organs, particularly the brain. Iodine stimulates the rate collagen during the initial stage of fracture
cardiovascular system and the metabolic combustion restoration, and has a positive effect in primary
of sugars, lipids and proteins, making its role essen- osteoporosis. In athletes, F may help strengthen the
tial in athletes w5,27x. Generally, intake is excessive, resistance of interosseous ligaments or muscle ten-
and there is no evidence of a greater requirement in dons during dislocations and sprains and prevent
physically active individuals w27x. tendinitis. It binds Ca to bone, thereby avoiding
deposits within vascular walls, and may thus prevent Chromium. The input of Cr in the diet is arteriosclerosis.
below the optimal value because of the consumption
of refined foods. Chromium is involved in a large Cadmium. Cadmium enters the organism
number of enzymatic processes. It increases toler- through the lungs Žindustrial discharges, cigarette
ance to sugars through the glucose tolerance factor smoke., in food, or in drinking water from pipes
ŽGTF., a complex of unknown structure, which po- with galvanized welds. It has been suggested that Cd
tentiates insulin activity. Chromium increases the dissolved from galvanized iron pipes might be the
number of insulin receptors and can improve matu- Awater factorB causing hypertension w49x. Its toxic
rity-onset diabetes. Chromium andror GTF also seem effects are apparent in erythrocytes, kidney and liver
important in lipid metabolism through their role as and by blockage of the biocatalytic action of Cu, Zn
cofactors of insulin, a hormone involved in both lipid and Co. The manifestations experienced are bother-
and carbohydrate metabolism, and by increasing the some for the athlete since they can produce joint
HDL cholesterol concentration. Chromium con- pain, bone demineralization and a progressive rise in
tributes to gene expression and influences protein blood pressure. Athletes, as compared to controls,
metabolism w35x. Chromium metabolism is altered showed a significant decrease of Pl–Cd Ž p - 0.005.,
during stress. and a similar trend was apparent after athletes were
Chromium metabolic variations during sports ac- classified according to aerobic and anaerobic activi-
tivity have rarely been studied, notably because of ties w9x.
the lack of a good indicator of Cr status or of an
appropriate reference database with sensitive and Lead. Lead enters the organism by the
reliable assay methods w47x. Endurance activity may lungs and in food, drinking water and wine. Its toxic
influence Cr status negatively and enhance urinary effects are produced in the kidneys, liver, heart,
Cr excretion due to a complexing of Cr with lactate arteries and bones, and it inhibits enzymatic reac-
and an increase in plasma cortisol w12x. However, tions essential to hemoglobin synthesis w49x. These
similar Pl–Cr concentrations have been reported in disturbances may be harmful for athletes, leading to
athletes and untrained controls w2x. Chromium sup- fatigue, headaches, dizziness, intestinal disorders,
plementation of young men and women did not muscular pain and cardiovascular disease. Plasma–Pb
promote muscle accretion, fat loss, or gains in concentrations were significantly lower in athletes
strength w47x. Chromium picolinate supplementation than in a control group Ž p - 0.05., which was also
of football players was ineffective in bringing about true after the athletes were classified according to
changes in body composition or strength during a aerobic and anaerobic activities w9x.
program of intensive training in weightlifting w48x. Physical activity could provide a positive protec-
tive effect against diseases related to the action of Fluorine. Fluorine, cited once by the refer- toxic metals, especially for individuals in large cities
enced authors, is the most electronegative nonmetal who are more exposed to pollution w9x.
w5x. It combines directly with all elements except
oxygen and nitrogen and reacts strongly with most 3.1.3. Conclusions and research prospects
organic compounds. More than 98% of F in the The data cited in this review concerning minerals
organism is found in the skeleton. It constitutes one in relation to sports and physical exercise are often
of the major elements of bone and tooth structures, contradictory and incomplete. In fact, it is still un-
M. Speich et al.r Clinica Chimica Acta 312 (2001) 1–11 7

clear in many cases how minerals are actually in- vasodilator that acts on guanyl cyclase, a hemin
volved in physiological changes. Reports often fail to enzyme w28,53x. Moreover, possible protective ef-
include various essential matters: a description of the fects of exercise training against the risk of cardio-
methods for assaying minerals and for their quality vascular diseases may relate to NO-mediated platelet
control, the type of samples studied Žwhether total functional changes Ždecreased platelet adhesiveness.,
blood, platelets, erythrocytes, serum, plasma, plasma together with changes in Mg and Ca platelet concen-
fractions, saliva, urine, sweat, feces, or tissues., sam- trations w16,30,53x. In fact, the trained group in the
pling time, the subject’s condition Žfasting or not. study of Wang et al. w16x had significantly lower
and age, the sports or type of physical activity resting heart rates and blood pressures compared to
involved Žduration, intensity, phase., nutritional the control group Ž p - 0.05. and to pretraining val-
habits, and possible mineral, vitamin or supplement ues and showed improved exercise performance. In-
intakes. In addition, healthy athletes are not inclined creased Zn protoporphirin formation after Fe deple-
to provide blood or tissue samples, which makes it tion may affect nerve cell metabolism and EDRF
difficult to perform follow-up analyses. directly through inhibition of NO synthase and solu-
A good mineral and essential trace element status ble guanyl cyclase enzyme activity w28,43x.
is fundamental to sports activities, particularly as
physical exercise often creates additional needs, de- 3.2.2. Hemorheologic effects
pending on the nature, intensity and duration of Zinc status affects exercise performance by he-
exercise, training periods and pre-competition, the morheologic effects. Zinc cations protect red cells
opportunities for recuperation, and the age and sex of against calcium-induced binding of the erythrocyte
the individual. The objective should be a varied, cytoskeleton to the membrane w13x. Hyperviscosity is
well-balanced diet, although there is certainly no observed in soccer players with low Ser–Zn, which
AwonderB nutrient available w22,44,46,50x. Physically can be attributed to increased erythrocyte rigidity,
active subjects should be advised to select and con- low blood glucose and higher blood lactate. Hyper-
sume food with high nutrient densities rather than to viscosity leads to changes of erythrocyte distribution
rely on nutritional supplements w47x. In fact, much in muscle microvessels.
work needs to be done in this area.
3.2.3. Physical stress and oxidatiÕe stress
3.2. The effects of sports and physical actiÕities on An increase in muscular stress is indicated by a
other markers rise in creatine kinase, myoglobin, protein turnover
and N-methylhistidine and by changes in K, Mg, Zn,
3.2.1. Nitric oxide (NO) Cu and Fe concentrations w4,14,32,34,54x. During
Disturbances in the metabolism of nitric oxide and following exercise, the course of cytokines and
ŽNO. can be related to many pathophysiological acute phase proteins, as well as of cortisol levels, is
events, in particular, the oxidative stress of sports an indirect indicator of exercise intensity and indi-
activity w28,43,51–53x. Jay-Gerin and Ferradini w53x vidual ability to cope with physical stress w8,14,20,
have postulated that NO-reductase or NO-dismutase 34,54x. Athletes with increased interleukin ŽIL.-6
regulates the high local NO concentrations released have decreased Pl–Zn and increased Zn sweat loss
within NO-generating cells in response to oxidative w14,20,22x. Several authors have suggested that Zn
stress. The active site of these enzymes results from and Mg redistribution and modifications in the con-
the formation of Cu–nitrosyl complexes by a mecha- centrations of Zn, Cu, Fe, Cr, K, Mg, Na and Ca
nism involving oxidation–reduction of Cu, as in occur in sweat and urine during and after physical
superoxide dismutation. Generally, acute exercise in activity w4,8,20,24,27,32x. Corticoids, catecholamines
healthy subjects causes only mild oxidative stress, and IL-6 induce metallothionein synthesis, resulting
which may be related to an increase in antioxidant in the sequestering of circulating Zn, Pb and Cd by
activity and down-regulation of NO formation w52x. the liver and other tissues w8,20,49x.
However, NO has a high affinity for Fe and, as an Compared to age- and sex-matched control sub-
endothelium-derived relaxing factor ŽEDRF., is a jects not engaged in training, female and male ath-
8 M. Speich et al.r Clinica Chimica Acta 312 (2001) 1–11

letes showed significant increases in superoxide 3.3.1. L-Carnitine and glutamine

dismutase ŽSOD. activity in erythrocytes during L-Carnitine, a quaternary amine related to L-lysine
physical training w4,9,34,36x. There was a significant and L-methionine, is a physiological compound that
correlation between SOD and the degree of training. exists in all cells of the body and is particularly
A decrease in Mn–SOD concentration might be in- abundant in muscle and myocardium Žtissues rich in
terpreted as a sign of reduced free radical stress w34x. K, Mg, and Zn., where paradoxically, it is not
Although these studies suggest that training enhances synthesized. L-carnitine plays a fundamental role in
antioxidant capacity, the results are not as clear as lipid utilization and is also involved in intermediary
for NO. In particular, the studies used different metabolism. L-Carnitine is provided by the exoge-
markers of antioxidant status and involved different nous food supply Žred meat, milk. as well as by
training levels for subjects w15,25x. Moreover, in- endogeneous synthesis Žmainly in liver and kidney..
creased or decreased blood concentrations of anti- Carnitine deficiencies occur when the diet is inade-
oxidants or of oxidative metabolites do not reflect quate or in conditions causing abnormal renal loss or
concurrent changes at the tissue level and may have overconsumption notably during physical activity
minimal physiological implications. The high degree Žincreased amino acid catabolism, and loss of body
of variability in resting concentrations of some of proteins and minerals. w55x. In elite athletes, good
these indicators, and in their response to exercise, is L-carnitine balance appears to be quite useful during
indicative of the complexity of the relationships competition. In particular, L-carnitine is involved in
among minerals, exercise, oxidative stress and the transporting long-chain fatty acids, energy meta-
generation of free radicals w25x. bolism, prevention of hemolysis and protection of
membrane fluidity and mineral permeability w32,55x.
3.2.4. Immune response and infections During sports activity, increased secretion of stress
Intense physical exercise has been found to be hormones and cytokines, increased excretion of N-
associated with immunosuppression and an increased methylhistidine, K, Mg and Zn, and intracellular
rate of infection. Some athletes can withstand intense glutamine depletion are potential mediators of al-
training periods without health problems, while oth- tered protein metabolism w22,30,32x. Biolo et al. w55x
ers are prone to infections. Many factors may inter- found that both carnitine and alanyl-glutamine lim-
fere with immunoregulation: nutritional imbalance, ited whole-body nitrogen loss in severely trauma-
fatigue, stress, and the fragility of the organism tized patients.
w21,22x. In particular, it has been shown that trace
elements are related to cell-mediated and humoral
immunity w21,33,42x. Deficiencies in Se, Zn, Fe, Mg 3.3.2. Serum transferrin receptor
and Ca may have effects on exercise tolerance and Red-cell production is not disturbed until Fe stores
immune function w21,22,30x. Iron deficiency causes are depleted, i.e. until serum ferritin levels become
overall atrophy of immune tissues, and major Zn low w11,42,46x. When the stores have been used up,
deficiency leads to lymphoid atrophy w22x. Supple- Fe saturation of transferrin decreases and subjects
ments may be required after heavy sweating, but begin to show evidence of iron-deficient erythro-
excessive intake of Fe facilitates bacterial growth poiesis. The levels of free protoporphirin ŽPP. and
w22x. It is important in dietary recommendations to Zn PP increase in erythrocytes, whereas those of
athletes to recognize that immune response can be soluble transferrin receptor ŽsTfR., a plasma protein-
jeopardized not only by deficiencies, but also by cleavage product, increase when ID limits the pro-
excessive intake of certain nutrients w42x. duction of new red cells. Most circulating receptors
come from erythroid marrow precursors w56x. The
3.3. Related biological Õariables synthesis of ferritin and transferrin receptors, which
are present on all human cells, but more frequent on
Finally, certain other currently assayable biologi- erythroblasts, is regulated in an opposite manner:
cal variables should not be overlooked since they are regulation occurs at the mRNA level and depends on
related to mineral metabolism in athletes. intracellular Fe concentration w42,56,57x.
M. Speich et al.r Clinica Chimica Acta 312 (2001) 1–11 9

During physical and sports activities, the mea- fects, immune response, infectious and allergic dis-
surement of sTfR can be a powerful tool for the eases, L-carnitine, glutamine, sTfR andror biopy-
diagnosis of ID in a variety of physiological and rrins to the minerals involved in energy metabolism
clinical situations. It is a sensitive means of detecting and oxidative stress. In this respect, minerals have
early-developing ID erythropoiesis, and it retains its many functions: transportation of electrons in redox
specificity to changes in Fe status, irrespective of reactions ŽFe.; components of mitochondrial cy-
concurrent inflammatory or infectious status or of tochrome oxidase ŽCu., superoxide dismutases ŽCu,
cytolysis w56,57x. Contrary to the situation for fer- Zn, Mn., glutathione peroxidase ŽSe. and thyroid
ritin, there is no sex-related difference for sTfR in hormone ŽI.; cofactors of dehydrogenases and car-
the adult and no difference between pre- and post- bonic anhydrase ŽZn.; catalysts in protein, lipid and
menopausal women. Its intraindividual biological carbohydrate metabolism; or activators of adenyl
variability is markedly lower than that of ferritin, cyclase and membrane ATPases ŽMg.. The cellular
iron and the saturation coefficient of transferrin w57x. role of macroelements, in the form of highly mobile
sTfR determination is particularly indicated in groups ions ŽNa, K, Ca, Mg. in voltage-gated ionic chan-
of subjects with low physiological stores that limit nels, and of P is also an important factor for cardiac
the value of assaying ferritin, i.e. young children, and muscular contractions, the Krebs cycle, oxida-
adolescents, pregnant women and trained athletes. tive stress and apoptosis w28x. Trace elements and
An intensive training session Ž90 min. in athletes did macroelements are constantly involved within the
not modify basal sTfR concentration, whereas a 50% human body, playing a key role in cellular metabo-
increase occurred under recombinant human erythro- lism from the lowest level of intracellular life to the
poietin Žr-Hu EPO., a forbidden doping substance. functional activity of the largest organs. This role
Thus, the sTfR assay might be one means of detect- differs depending on age, sex, physiological or
ing the illegal use of this substance as part of the pathological state and the physical activities per-
battle against doping and associated problems within formed. For athletes, Se, Zn, Fe, Mg and Ca increase
the Public Health sector w46,56x. tolerance and the immune function; K, Mg, Ca and
Fe favor muscle and heart contraction and relaxation;
3.3.3. Bilirubin and biopyrrins Mg, Zn and I improve endurance; Cr, Fe and Mn
A last group of substances consists of bilirubin activate the utilization of stored sugars; Mg, Cu and
and biopyrrins w58–60x. Bilirubin has been shown to Mn heighten reflexes; Zn, Cu, Mn and Se eliminate
scavenge ROS produced by oxidative stress in vivo, toxins and free radicals; and F, Ca, Cu and Mn
in which case the oxidative metabolites of bilirubin prevent tendinitis or torn ligaments. Moreover, nickel,
Žbiopyrrins. are excreted into urine. Heme oxygenase
Co and Mn may stimulate the production of EPO
isoenzyme 1, an inducible enzyme of bilirubin bio- w62x. Physical activity can provide a positive protec-
synthesis, is enhanced by oxidative stress, heavy tive effect against diseases related to the action of
metals or hormones w58x. Shimoharada et al. w60x toxic metals ŽPb, Cd., especially for individuals liv-
have confirmed that biopyrrins in urine may prove ing in large urban areas and exposed to various
useful as a new practical test for estimating oxidative forms of pollution. However, the need for these
stress in vivo. It would be useful to determine these elements, supplied essentially by a balanced diet, is
indicators in athletes whose ROS concentrations in- not the same for everyone. Certain questions remain
crease because the high reactivity of ROS, together unanswered: Is it necessary to provide mineral sup-
with their very short life span, complicates the direct plements for athletes according to their age, sex, or
measurement of these species in human subjects type and duration of sports activity? If so, at what
period of their sports career? Which elements are to
be recommended, and which may be considered as
4. Conclusion useless or even harmful? Which elements should be
analyzed with sufficient sensitivity to detect and
It would seem useful in research concerning ath- correct deleterious abnormalities? Mineral variations
letes to relate NO metabolites, hemorheologic ef- during exercise or during the hours and days of
10 M. Speich et al.r Clinica Chimica Acta 312 (2001) 1–11

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