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6. Chosse one the books you like a book summary.

A) name of the book: viaje al centro de la tierra.

B) name of the author: Julio verne.

C) main characters: axel, offo lidenbrock, grauben, arne saknussemm, prof. Fridriksson, hans

D) whats is about?:
The activity is about reading a book that we prefer, i prefer read a book a fiction than a
romance… the activity too is about the important is read for our vocabulary and other
thinks. This book is a great fiction for me and is a great way too to learn the other topics
E) why do you like it?
Because it is interesing the fiction of how they travel to the center of the earth anole all the
advanture they spend with me geologist. All giants animals they see.
f) would your recommend it? Why?
Yes, because it catches you in its mystery.
G)Whats is about?

"Journey to the center of the earth" is perhaps one of the best-known novels of the
famous French writer Jules Verne. Conceived as one of the most impressive adventures of
all time embodied in paper, was considered a genius by his contemporaries, and even
today remains a source of admiration, wonder and veneration throughout the world.
The German professor and geologist Otto Liddenbrock starts his journey to the center of
the Earth in Iceland guided by a writing by Arne Saknussemm, an Icelandic scholar of the
12th century. In the event he is accompanied by his nephew Axel and by the native guide
Hans. The trio, which is introduced by a volcano inside the globe, will live a series of
adventures, including the amazing discovery of a complete mesozoic world buried in the
depths, as well as the existence of electric lighting

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