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It is an animated film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios, this film project is
considered in the year of 2016 according to the Oscar Awards Best animated film.
The production has animal characters with the ability to interact, dialogue and behave as
people in a modernist environment, with large and large cities for development.
The main character is a little rabbit, who since he was young had the ambition to become a
policeman. Over the years, Judy becomes a police officer and faces the case of a missing otter
along with 14 other animals.
Judy Hopps with the help of fox Nick, are immersed in various events that lead them little by
little to know the truth about the mysterious disappearances.

Recommendation: I recommend it as an educational film and above all it leaves a lesson at

the end and at the same time it's fun and you do not get bored

Superlatives: the movie is great and also a great message

Comparative: It is similar to several caricature that has the same content

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