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Letter to Dermatology

Dermatology 1993; 187:278

A.J. Kamvar
S. Dhar
'Nose Sign' in Dermatology
S. Ghosh
Department of Dermatology,
Venereology and Lcprology,
Postgraduate Institute of Medical
Education and Research.
Chandigarh, India

The nose has received particular attention rubbing of the nose probably contribute to
in dermatology and the clinicopathologic pat­ it [1]. Other factors could be that, the nose
tern of involvement of the nose has character­ being raised above the body surface, the skin
ized a number of dermatologic disease enti­ over it does not allow lodgement of physical,
ties. Rhinophyma, rhinosporidiosis, rhino- chemical or aeroallergens (in cases of contact
scleroma, saddle nose arc a few well known dermatitis or atopic dermatitis). Moreover
examples in dermatologic practice. These arc the tip of the nose is supplied by end arteries.
the conditions where the nose is cither first, So relative vascular insufficiency might also
predominantly or exclusively involved. But possibly play a role in preventing circulating
when only the surrounding skin is affected, antigens, antibodies or toxic substances from
the nose being classically spared, we speak of reaching the skin over the tip or the nose. We
dermatologic diseases constituting the ‘nose would like to share our experience with
sign'. These arc air-borne contact dermatitis, others in the field.
severe atopic dermatitis involving the face,
pityriasis rubra pilaris, polymorphic light
eruption and exfoliative dermatitis. This has
not been highlighted in standard textbooks of Reference
dermatology. Only recently, Agarwal ct al. I Agarawal S. Khullar R. Kalla G. Malholra
[1] drew attention to this fact in exfoliative YK: Nose sign in exfoliative dermatitis: A pos­
dermatitis. sible mechanism. Arch Dermatol 1992:128:
Though the exact cause of this sparing is
yet to be established, blowing and frequent

Dr. Amrindcr J. Kanwar v 1993 S. Karger AG. Basel

Department of Dermatology. Venereology and Leprology 1018-8665/93/1874-0278
Postgraduate Institute of Medical S2.75/0
Education and Research
Chandigarh. 160012 (India)

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