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When Japan Was "Champion of the Darker Races" :

Satokata Takahashi and the'

Flowering of Black
Messianic Nationalism*
F by Ernest Ailen, Jr.

n late September 1942, in a series of highly Louis, where Bishop David D. Erwin and Gen-
publicized raids, federal agents in Chicago eral Lee Butler, two leaders of the Pacific
arrested eighty-five African Americans. Three Movement of the Eastern World [PMEW],
women and nine men were charged with sedi- were also charged with crimes against the
tion ; the remainder were accused of draft eva- State." In Newark, seven members of the
sion . Indicted on the former charge were House of Israel [HOI] - Brother Rueben Is-
hlijah Muhammad,' Linn Karriem, and Paul- rael (aka Askew Thomas), Alfred Woods, Is-
ine Bahar of the Allah Temple of Islam aiah Cald, Robert Moses, Oscar Rumlin,
[ATOI] ; Mittie Maud Lena Gordon, Seon Dawsey Johnson, and Jeremiah Ardis - were
Jones, William Gordon, and DavidJ. Logan of seized as draft evaders.'
the Peace Movement of Ethiopia [PME] ; There had been earlier as well as subse-
Charles Newby (aka Father Divine Haasan) of quent arrests for draft evasion, too, including
the Colored American National Organization the roundup of 12 members of the Kansas
[CANO] ; Stokely Delmar Hart, James Graves, City branch of the Moorish Science Temple of
and Annabelle Moore of the Brotherhood of America [MSTA] in July 1942 .fl These accusa-
Liberty for the Black People of America tions against outspoken African American op-
[BLBPA] , and Frederick H. Hammurabi Robb ponents of World War II involved violations of
of the Century Service Exchange.l the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Selective
Several days earlier, five members of the Training and Service Act of 1940 .y More to the
Ethiopian Pacific Movement [EPM] - Robert point: in the eyes of government, the pro-
O. Jordan (aka Leonard Robert Jordan), Japanese loyalties of the defendants in the
James Thornhill, Lester Holness, the Rev . above cases constituted a threat to national
Ralph Green Best, and Joseph Hartrey, an security. Indeed, the reported remarks of an
Irishman - were indicted in New York City ATOI member appeared to give substance to
on the more serious charges.' Less raucously, such concerns:
back in May, ministers David X (aka David the white devils desire the colored people to die
Jones and David Duvon) and Sultan Muham- with them in the Army and Navy ; we don't want to
mad of the ATOI's Washington and Mil- be with him in the Army or out . . . the time has
come when the white devils will be destroyed by
waukee temples, respectively, were detained dark mankind . . . the eagles seen on United States
on charges of sedition as well.} In October the money and the uniforms of service men is the
head of the International Reassemble of the mark of the beast and if you have that mark the
Japanese are going to shoot at it when they come
Church of Freedom League, Inc. [IRCFL], here."'
the Rev. Ethelbert A. Broaster, was arrested in
New Orleans.' The following January, a second The best known today of all the above
round of indictments occurred in East St . groups, the Allah Temple of Islam was an off



When Japan Was "Champion of the Darker Races":

Satokata Takahashi and the Flowering of
Black Messianic Nationalism
During World War II, some 125 African Americans were arrestedfor
resisting the deaf~` orfor exercising seditious behavior. The twenty or so _
persons held on the more serious charges included Elijah Muhammad of
the Allah Temple ofIslam, a religious association; Mittie Maud Lens
Gordon 'the Peace Movement of Ethiopia, an African repatriation
movement in the Garvey tradition; the Rev. EthelbertA. Broaster of the
International Reassemble of the Church of Freedom League, Inc., a black
Hebrew organization ; and Bishop David D. Erwin and General Lee
Butler, leaders of the Pacific Movement 'the Eastern World, an emigra-
tionistgroup. The arrests brought to light the existence of strong, pro-
Japanese sentiments amongAfrican Americans that the authorities, not
to mention black middle-class spokespersons, quickly dismissed as the
uttering ofa small number offanatics
The reality, however, was that pro-Japanfeelings among black
workers as well as the black middle class had been building since the
turn ofthe centccry, followingJapan's celebrated victory over the Russian
fleet. This mood wrrs given greater impetus during the worstyears ofthe
Great Depression by the appearance in Detroit of aJapanese ndtional
known as Major Satokata Takahashi, who took command of an associa-
tion known as The Development of Our Own.
Mr. Takahashi's initial organizing activities in Detroit, Chicagq and
St. Louis, and the "ripple ofj"ects" therefrom, led to the messianic expecta-
tion on the part ~tens of thousands ofAfrican Americans throughout
the midwest, the upper and lower Mississippi Delta, east~entral Okla-
homa and the New YorkNezuJersey region thatJapan's imperial army
wouldfree themfrom the ravages ofAmerican racism. Through the em-
ploy of newspaper articles, FBI documents, military intelligence reports,
and court records the author has reconstructed a history which, up until
thepresent; had been almost completely forgotten.


shoot of the Nation of Islam [NOI], founded Mecca and sent to the Japanese government
in Detroit in 1930 by the legendary W. D. Fard for development" :''
[pronounced Far-ad" ] . After Mr . Fard de-
Japan has had for many years a monster airplane,
parted the midwest in 1934, the NOI became known to the Moslems as a "mother airplane" .
wracked by factional disputes bearing on 1) The "mother airplane" is said to carry 1,000 small
the propriety of human sacrifice; 2) NOI "dis- airplanes, each of which carries bombs, which will
be used against the white man . Each bomb is said
loyalty" to the United States; and 3) whether to be such size to penetrate the earth's surface for
W. D. Fard should be considered a prophet of a distance of of one mile, and to destroy an area of
God, as he himself maintained, or God incar- fifty square miles when it explodes. The Moslems
have also told their people that the Japanese have
nate. In the resulting turmoil, one of Fard's superior equipment of every kind and
lieutenants, Elijah Muhammad, was forced to description.'"
flee Detroit for Chicago, where a NOI branch
- one ostensibly loyal to Mr . Muhammad - A Chicago-based organization begun in
had been in operation since 1932 . Mr . late 1932, the Peace Movement of Ethiopia
Muhammad christened his new association essentially advocated "Garveyism without Gar-
the Allah Temple of Islam; his followers be- vey" - that is, embraced in its totality the
came known as the Temple People. The De- doctrine of the Universal Negro Improvement
troit NOI was eventually folded into the ATOI, Association [UNIA] but with neither desire
but it was not until the late 1950s that the nor need for Marcus Garvey's personal leader-
unified and greatly expanded organization re- ship. Ideologically speaking, the PME came to
established itself as the Nation of Islam." rely more upon the support of white racists
for implementing its "Back-to-Africa" pro-
gram than had the UNIA, but in truth, that
was the very direction in which Mr. Garvey
he NOI worldview was dominated by an himself had been heading after 1921 ." PME
apocalyptic and prophetic vision which head and former UNIA-member Mittie Maud
held that the African American, the . "origi- Lena Gordon sought support for African
nal" or "Asiatic" black man, fell into a state of American repatriation to Africa from Presi-
social domination that began with slavery.'1 dent Roosevelt in 1933, and, towards the latter
This situation was a direct result of the ma- part of the decade received initial legislative
chinations of an evil black scientist, Yakub, backing for such from the notoriously anti-
who grafted white people, also known as black Mississippi Senator Theodore Bilbo.'"
"devils," from original black people a little Intertwined with the PME's repatriation pro-
more than 6,000 years ago . God had granted gram was a commitment to Japanese war aims.
to whites the rule of the planet for six millen- Among numerous other charges, President
nia, after which time a fiery battle was to take Gordon was accused of having declared that
place in the sky where they would suffer per- "on December 7th, 1941, one billion black
manent defeat, and the original sense of or- people struck for freedom," a rather unam-
der restored to earth. The "devil's" rule was biguous reference to Japan's attack on Pearl
actually up in 1914, with an additional grace Harbor.'9
period granted by Allah in order to allow the Much less is known of the Colored Ameri-
Nation of Islam to save and convert as many can National Organization, reportedly foun-
African Americans as possible to their origi= ded in Chicago by Charles Newby and Stokely
nal religion .'4 Within NOI eschatology there Delmar Hart in 1939 ." Newby, who once ma-
arrived a fusion of millenarian and African triculated at Leavenworth following a convic-
American nationalist traditions, with Japan's tion for auto theft, was credited with being
acknowledged leadership role couched in the originator of the slogan, "Talk Black, See
messianic terms. But the NOI's now familiar Black, Walk Black and Mind Your Own Black
story of the Mother Ship, or Ezekiel's Wheel,'° Business ." z' It was said that at CANO gather-
was cast in a somewhat different light in the ings Japanese General Hideki Tojo "was
early 1940s. The Mother Ship, it seems, was in praised as a coming saviour of the Negro from
the possession of Japan, the blueprints for the American white," and that "virtually all
which had been drawn up "in the Holy City of Negro leaders, including Joe Louis, his wife


and mother, were loudly condemned. The members of his group to refuse induction
group went so far as to advocate violence into the army, Rev. Broaster does not appear
against all white people seen on the South- to have harbored particularly strong pro-Japa-
side ." zz Newby was deposed as president fol- nese tendencies . Yet he was close to the
lowing a split in August 1942, immediately PMEW in East St . Louis as well as the Chicago-
after which he and Hart formed the Brother- based Washington Park Forum, having ad-
hood of Liberty for the Black People of Amer- dressed both groups during 1941 .
ica. CANO and BLBPA ,were also said to be Perhaps the most important of all the pro-
synonymous with the Washington Park Forum Japan groups due to its wide geographic influ-
(thus called because of its regular meetings ence, the Pacific Movement of the Eastern
held at the park) .2~ World was founded in Chicago in 1932 and
In the late 1920s Mr. Hammurabi (as F. H. transported to St . Louis in that same year.
Hammurabi Robb eventually came to be From there the PMEW extended its network
known on Chicago's South Side) had edited a to Kansas City, the southeastern Missouri
small volume entitled The Negro in Chicago. Boot Heel region, southern Illinois, the
From the 1930s onward he directed the World Yazoo-Mississippi Delta, and east-central Okla-
Wide Friends of Africa (known also as the homa . More so than any of the other associa-
I-#ouse of Knowledge), which some three de- tions, the Pacific Movement expressed a
cades later continued to sponsor weekly activ fundamental dualism in its ideological per-
ities encouraging African Americans "to spective . Torn between the demand for full
know themselves, their nation and the world." citizenship rights in the U.S. and the desire
In 1956 Mr . Hammurabi screened films on for political self-determination through em-
Africa at ATOI's very first national convention ; igration, the PMEW's line alternately vacil-
in 1942 he was charged with "speaking in be- lated between support for a Japanese military
half of aJapanese victory and showing motion invasion of the U.S. with the aim of securing
pictures of the Pearl Harbor attack, obtained black equality at home, and emigration to Af-
secretly from Jap sources, at meetings of the rica, Japan, or Brazil with the pxesumed help
Brotherhood of Liberty." 2' of the Japanese government . From 1934 to
1940 the group was headed by Rev. David D.
Erwin, who simultaneously occupied a posi-
ounded in New Orleans in 1936, with an tion of leadership in Triumph the Church of
additional chapter located at Chicago, the the New Age, a Holiness denomination . By
International Reassemble of the Church of 1939 PMEW membership in East St. Louis was
Freedom League, Inc . professed belief in said to be virtually indistinguishable from that
"One God, One King, One Race," an appar- of the Triumph Church .~~
ent take on Marcus Garvey's slogan, "One The House of Israel taught that African
God, One Aim, One Destiny" (both probably Americans were the real Hebrews, that Adam
drawn from the Christian theme of "One was black, and that the black race was once
Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism"). Appeal- supreme on earth, having lost its exalted posi-
ing to Old Testament "proof-texts" - princi- tion out of disobedience to God. The group
pally Deuteronomy 28 and Jeremiah 12 - the operated schools in which the Hebrew lan-
IRCFL held that African Americans were Jews, guage was taught, and claimed that they were
that the progeny of enslaved Africans carried "enslaved by the white race because that lan-
to the western hemisphere were the direct de- guage is excluded from the public schools."z'
scendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Like the IRCFL, the HOI appears to have
group's leader, the Rev. E. A. Broaster, had been less pro-Japan than anti-American.
emigrated to the U.S. from Belize, British
Honduras in the early 1920s when he was bet-
ter known as pugilist Frankie Anslem . During
his 13 years in the ring, Anslem reportedly
earned "a fair livelihood trading punches
O fall the African American organizations
charged with seditious activities during
the war, the Moorish Science Temple of
with the best boxers the nation had to offer at America was the only one to have been in
his weight." 2' Arrested on charges of advising existence prior to the Great Depression, hav


ing been started by prophet Noble Drew Ali in full inclusion into American society, on the
Newark, New Jersey, in 1913 .28 Although its one side, and an equal penchant towards
early activities remain shrouded in mystery, group autonomy, on the other.` 2 At times this
the Chicago temple was established in 1925 . latter sentiment has blossomed into desires
And Chicago remained the organization's for an autonomous, black nation-state . But
center of gravity throughout the depression, due to the demonstrated futility of securing
despite the occurrence of serious organiza- black self-determination within the United
tional splits in the wake of Ali's death from States, African American nationalist move-
tuberculosis in July 1929 .2y From 16 active tem- ments have often tended to exhibit a strong
ples in 1928, based in cities such as Detroit, emigrationist character. In the 20th century,
Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and Richmond, the of course, the most significant organization of
MSTA (or, more precisely, the MSTA faction this type was Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro
led bY Charles Kirkman-Bey from mid-1929 Improvement Association .
onwards) had grown to some fifty branches by An admixture of apocalyptic vision, messi-
the early 1940s. 8° Suspected of harboring anic anticipation, and prophecy belief, millen-
strong, proJapanese sentiments during World nialism derives from Jewish-Christian religious
War II, the organization became the target of traditions. Strictly speaking, of course, the
extensive efforts on the part of the FBI to un- Millennium refers to that future time when
earth criminal evidence to that effect. But it Christ, having returned to earth and smitten
was only in Kansas City that MSTA members Satan and his minions, shall reign for a thou-
were actually arrested, and then solely on sand years; and after which time Satan shall be
charges of draft-evasion. released from the bottomless pit into which
And, finally, in 1935 the Ethiopian Pacific he had been cast, and defeated once again,
Movement was founded in New York City by forever.88 In more generalized terms, historian
Robert O. Jordan and Ashima Takis. A Fili- Eric Hobsbawm has characterized the princi-
pino national who represented himself as a pal characteristics of millenarian social move-
Japanese, Takis earlier had played a leading ments in the following way: "a profound and
role in the PMEW in St . Louis; he subse- total rejection of the present, evil world, .and a
quently left the EPM as well . Born in King- passionate longing for another and better
ston,Jamaica around the turn of the century, one" ; second, an ideology of the type embod-
Robert O. Jordan had earned quite a reputa- ied in Jewish and Christian messianic forms,
tion as a street-corner agitator in Harlem dur- where it is foretold that the coming of the
ing the thirties and early forties. Visitors to Messiah shall bring all suffering to an end,
EPM Sunday gatherings held at a meeting hall and peace and justice reign forever ; and
at Lenox and 113th could hear the "Harlem third, "a fundamental vagueness about the ac-
Hitler," as he was called, regularly expound tual way in which the new society will be
on his refusal to be drafted, give prayers for an brought about." 84
Axis victory, declare his intention to fight on
the side of Japan, and express the wish that
after the defeat of the Allies, he would have P erhaps one of the earliest recorded mani-
festations of millenarian sentiment among
President Roosevelt pick his cotton! 4'
African Americans can be found in Gabriel's
NATIONALISM AND MILLENNIALISM insurrection which took place in Virginia in
1800, and where the enslaved insurrectionists
More than anything else, the flowering of identified themselves with the Israelites of the
pro-Japan tendencies among American blacks Old Testament.' Along with the huge social
in the era of the Great Depression repre- displacements occasioned by the industrializ-
sented a confluence and crystallization of two ing of American society during the last quar-
long-standing trends in African American ter of the 19th century and into the next,
thought : nationalism and millennialism. As came the flourishing of prophecy belief
an unassimilated national minority, African marked, in African American communities,
Americans from the late 18th century onward by the spread of Pentecostal and Holiness
had manifested general tendencies towards churches . During the Great Depres-


sion, millenarian sentiments underwent a sec- THE DAWN OF
ond grand awakening among African Ameri- PRO-JAPANESE SENTIMENT
cans as well, as attested by the proliferation of
prophetic religious denominations such as ProJapanese sentiment among African
Daddy Grace's United House of Prayer for All Americans dates back to the RussoJapanese
People, ProphetJones' Church of the Univer- war of 19041905, when the Russian navy suf-
sal Triumph, Father Divine's Peace Mission, fered a disastrous defeat at the hands ofJapa-
and Prophet F. S. Cherry's Church of God.~~ nese warships ." Throughout the Asian
But the Depression Decade also witnessed continentJapan's victory produced first aston-
the rise of what has been aptly characterized ishment, then euphoria . Sun Yatsen probably
as messianic nationalism, a uniquely African put it best :
American expression marked by the conflu- Since the rise of theJapanese, the Caucasians dare
ence, of secular nationalist and religious mille- not look down upon other Asiatic peoples. Thus
narian traditions ."' To be sure, such forms had the power ofJapan not only enables theJapanese
to enjoy the privileges of a first class nation, but
been witnessed earlier with the appearance of enhances the international position of other Asia-
Black Hebrew denominations around the tic peoples. It used to be the general belief that
turn of the century, as well as within the Gar- the Asiatics could not do what the Europeans
could do . Because the Japanese have learned so
vey movement, where Marcus Garvey himself well from Europe, and because we know we Chi-
was sometimes likened to a Negro Moses ." nese can do as well as the Japanese, we see the
possibility of doing as well as the Europeans.''`
Moreover, apocalyptic references not infre-
quently colored Garvey's vision of a redeemed
Japan had "vindicated the honor of Asia
Africa ." 9 A millennial streak was seen to run
and proved to the world that, given equal op-
through MSTA doctrine as well . Equating
portunities, the Asiatics are inferior to none
Marcus Garvey's relation to Noble Drew Ali as
- in any sphere of life, military or civil," pro-
that of forerunner John the Baptist to Christ,
claimed the Indian nationalist Lajpat Rai."
the MSTA's Holy Koran held Ali to be "the last Moreover, Japan's new-found prestige gave in-
Prophet in these days . . . who was prepared spiration to people of African descent as well.
divinely in due time by Allah to redeem men The arch-racist Lothrop Stoddard noted that
from their sinful ways ; and to warn them of the Russo-Japanese war "produced all over
the great wrath which is sure to come upon the Dark Continent intensely exciting ef-
the earth.""' fects."'° From the columns of the New York Age,
Messianic nationalism emerged full-blown, Archibald Grimke heaped praise upon the
however, only during the period of sharp so- "little brown iconoclasts" in grand Biblical
cial deterioration marked by the Great De- style:
pression . It arrived in the form of Black
Go . . . ye little brown men, conquering and to
Hebrew associations such as the International
conquer. Sheath not your terrible sword, lay not
Reassemble of the Church of Freedom aside yet your bloody scourge. Ye shall overthrow
League and the House of Israel, and proto- . . . Ye have thrown Russia down, ye are destined to
Islamic organizations such as the Nation of throw down others than Russia in their pride, in
their lust for power, to bring to the dust the
Islam/Allah Temple of Islam. Amore secular mighty of the earth."
version could be seen in groups such as the
Pacific Movement of the Eastern World, the It was not without cause that the "defeat of
Peace Movement of Ethiopia, and the Ethio- Russia by Japan," as Du Bois later noted,
pian Pacific Movement . And out of this mille- would give "rise to a fear of colored revolt
narian envelope, in a fascinating sort of way, against white exploitation" on the part of the
Japan arose as the impersonal messiah - and western powers.°''
General Tojo as a more intimate one - of
tens of thousands of black Americans. The key
to this last puzzle may be found by briefly trac- lmost from the very beginning, Japan's
ing the origins of the pro-Japan movement attraction to African Americans was two-
among African Americans back'to the turn of fold : as a model for political and economic
the century. development, and as a potential military ally


against U.S. racism . An early example of the land . Playing a prominent role in the novel
former came from Booker T. Washington in was none other than Marcus Garvey, who led a
1906 : "The Japanese race is a convincing ex- rebellion of ten million blacks in support of
ample of the respect which the world gives to Japan's mission. AIso evening up the score
a race that can put brains and commercial were numerous Jews and German-Americans
activity into the development of the resources seeking justice from Anglo-Americans.' In
of a country," proclaimed the Sage of Tus- 1925 Mr. Garvey himself was contacted by the
kegee.°' Musings ofJapanese military interven- Indian revolutionary Rash Behari Bose,' 4 then
tion could be found in an uncompleted short residing in Japan . Bose had forwarded to Gar-
story begun by black journalist John Edward vey a copy of a book, 1'he Negro Problem, au-
Bruce in 1912, where the President's earnest thored by Kametaro Mitsukawa, in which the
call for volunteers to repel an invasion of the UNIA was prominently featured . Mitsukawa
U.S. by Japan resulted in a temporary drop- was a founder of Gyochisa (Society to Realize
ping of the color bar.' But here the erasure of the Way of Heaven on Earth), a short-lived,
the color line emerged as an indirect result of ultra-nationalist group modeled along the
Japanese militarism ; by the 1930s numerous lines of another, more prominent association
African Americans were prepared to welcome known as Kokuryukai, which also advocated
a more direct route. the emancipation of all colored races.''
Remarkably, the African American em-
brace of Japan, generally speaking, had devel-
oped independent of any direct efforts on the ne of the more important of a number of
part of the Japanese themselves .'9 If, Oright-wing patriotic associations in Japan,
perchance, black folk had been apprised of the Kokuryukai, or so-called Black Dragon
the contempt with which many Japanese re- Society, was founded in February 1901 by
garded other-people of color, their response Uchida Ryohei to promote "the mission of im-
might have been more equivocal. In any case, perial Japan" and to "check the expansion of
African Americans were duly impressed when the western powers ." ;5 In 1901 this twin goal
Baron Makino, Japan's principal delegate to assumed the form of agitation for war with
the 1919 Peace Conference, submitted an Russia . Imperialistic in nature, the society took
amendment (ultimately rejected) to the its name from the Amur River that separated
League of Nations Covenant supporting the Chinese Manchuria from Russian Siberia.
principal of racial equality." Conversely, cir- (Called the Amur by the Manchus, the Chi-
cles close to the Japanese government were nese named the waterway Heilung-chiang, or
becoming favorably aware of African Ameri- Black Dragon River. Sharing the same ideo-
can interest in Japan. At a meeting called in graphs as the Chinese, but pronouncing them
early December 1918 for the purpose of elect- differently, the river was known to the Japa-
ing delegate-0bservers to the peace conven- nese as Kokuryu, or Black Dragon, and it was
tion at Versailles, Marcus Garvey, an advocate by the latter designation that the society be-
of "Asia for the Asiatics" as well as "Africa for came ominously known in the West. ) However,
the Africans," warned that "The next war will the "implication of the title was always clear to
be between the [N]egroes and the whites un- every Japanese : Japan's frontier was to ~be ad-
less our demands for justice are recognized . vanced to the Amur ."'~ Known for its political
. . . With Japan to fight with us, we can win assassinations within and withoutJapanese ter-
such a war."'' Coming from the interna- ritory, the society assumed as its mission the
tionally recognized head of the Universal Ne- emancipation of the "colored races" from
gro Improvement Association, the message white, western domination - even if that also
was apparently well received in Japan. In his meant their subjugation by a "colored" Japan.
work of fiction, Nichi-Bei senso yume monogatari Carried to the United States by Japanese immi-
(fapanese-America War Fantasy] published in grants, there the Black Dragon Society played
1921, retired Japanese Army General Kojiro a role that remains clouded as much by World
Sato gleefully portrayedJapan's destruction of War II media sensationalism as by the racist
the U. S. Pacific Fleet, the seizure of Hawaii, paranoia of U.S. intelligence operations. If the
and the invasion of the United States main- society enjoyed a special relationship with Afri-


can Americans, conclusive evidence has yet to Japan and Manchuria in early 1937, W. E. B.
surface on that score:5' But it is nonetheless Du Bois waxed ebullient over the social
difficult to believe that the state-side organiza- achievements of Japanese fascists in Man-
tion, or a branch of one of the many other chukuo : ". . . the amount already accom-
ultra-nationalist societies based in Japan, did plished in four years is nothing less than
not contribute in some way to Japan's pre-war marvelous. The people appear happy, and
intelligence and espionage operations in the there is no unemployment . There is public
U.S. Whatever the case, one will be content, peace and order."~' Unimpressed by such co-
for the moment, with the knowledge that ercive efficiency, however, was Langston
Hughes, who was deported from Japan in
In America, the Black Dragon Society was a patrio-
tic, ultra-right wing extremist group. Their love for
1933 as a result of his contact with Tokyo Left-
Japan created an ethnocentric frame of thought ists, as well as open criticisms of that country's
that Americans found radical and repulsive . Coun- anti-democratic policies!ti' On the other hand,
terintelligence agents noted that the name of the
Black Dragon often appeared under names of
the proposed marriage in 1934 of Prince Lij
Japanese patriotic societies and good will institu- Araya Abebe of Ethiopia and Masako Kuroda,
tions raising funds for theJapanese Army. Distinc- daughter of aJapanese viscount, was viewed by
tive robes were part of their ceremonies : the FBI
some African Americans as heralding the day
believed that members met covertly, elaborately
adorned with black hakamas, or dress kimonos, ac- of an Asian-African global unity.fil Nor was Af-
centuated with a circular white crest on the back.'" rican American identification with Japan as
"liberator of the darker peoples" harmed by
Save for a number of significant exceptions, the adoption of a fictive, "Asiatic" identity by
the techniques utilized by Japan to positively members of small, mass-based, black organiza-
influence African Americans were those tions such as the MSTA and the NOI/ATOI .
which it used in Formosa, Korea, and Man-
churia . The following description of their ac-
tivities in the Philippines is representative : umors of war between the United States
and Japan had flourished intermittently
Delegations of Filipinos are entertained in Japan
with the delightful hospitality of that country. from the period just prior to World War I
Newspapermen, legislators, teachers, business men through the 1920s .~~ When they reemerged
have fraternized with the members of their respec-
following the tatter's invasion of Manchuria in
tive professions in Tokyo, Yokahama, and Kyoto.
Corresponding groups ofJapanese have visited the 1931, the Japanese government embarked
Philippines. Prominent Filipino business men are upon greater efforts to ascertain as well as to
associated with Japanese business ventures in the
influence African American opinion. Such ef-
Philippines, or retained as lawyers by Japanese in-
terests in the Islands. There has developed in the forts, according to blackjournalist Roi Ottley,
Islands a small but active "pro-Japanese" group
the members of which are aggressively campaign- came to something of a blossom after the Depres-
ing to hasten the day when aJapanese orientation sion, when for the first time they made some in-
shall supplant the present connections with the roads with the rank-and-file. They sought out
United States. Numerous young Filipinos are discouraged elements among the teeming thou-
learning Japanese and at least one of them has sands of the urban areas. Through the Ministry of
attended the Imperial Military Academy. . . .'" Propaganda, they found a few radical nationalists,
fiercely anti-white, who would lend an ear to talk of
an all-colored utopia . Besides, a number of
Lacking a genuine national bourgeoisie Japanese of attractive manners and sound knowl-
with substantive capital or industrial holdings, edge of American affairs came to the United States
African Americans never engaged in eco- and posed as menials, seeking social ties with Negro
domestics and professing inviolable racial kinship
nomic ventures with Japanese businessmen at . . . By assiduously cultivating contacts, these people
the level implied above. Nor is there any re- insinuated themselves into the Negro community,
and, in time, some Negroes came to look upon the
cord of African Americans' having learned
Japanese as belonging to a messianic race, which
Japanese in any similar capacity . But by the would lead black men out of bondage."'
late 1930s a small but significant number of
black American intellectuals and educators One of the most effective of these propa-
such as T. Thomas Fortune, James Weldon gandists was a man known as "Major" Satok-
Johnson, Robert Russa Moton, and George ata Takahashi. (Although Takahashi's name
Schuyler had visited Japan and formed posi- suffered a number of variations in spelling by
tive impressions. Following his own trip to government agencies and the press, the above


is how it appeared on his marriage certifi- to do with one of the Shinto faith-healing
cate .) 65 Another was the scholarly Yasuichi sects of Japan. However, there was "no indica-
Hikida, who arrived in the U.S. in 1920, tion that he was spreading the Shinto faith or
worked long and effectively among New York was interested in the establishment of a
City blacks, and was deported following Pearl Shinto shrine or temple ."~ But although
Harbor.` Of the leading pro-Japanese organi- Takahashi's real mission may have been the
zations among African Americans in the stimulating of pro-Japanese loyalties among
1930s, Mr. Takahashi, at one time or another, the African American population, such a task
had assumed the direct control of one, foun- was hardly antithetical to the teachings of
ded two others, and maintained close ties with Shinto.'° It was assumed by many that Japan
at least several more - including the NOI and the United States would eventually go to
and the MSTA . When his "disciples" -direct war over the question of Pacific territories. In
or otherwise - were indicted on charges of that context, Takahashi's attempts to organize
sedition in late 1942 and early 1943, Takahashi African Americans along pro-Japanese lines
had already served three years of what was to appear to have stemmed from a desire to facil-
become a six-year-plus prison sentence . itate the disruption of economic production
Born Naka Nakane in Japan in 1875, Taka- and military conscription within the U.S.
hashiemigrated to Victoria, British Columbia
around the turn of the century, where he
married Annie Craddock, an Englishwoman .
In 1921 the Nakane family moved from Can-
ada to Tacoma, Washington, but after experi-
O ne of Takahashi's early associates aver-
red that the former represented himself
as a Japanese official who "had been sent to
encing severe, financial difficulties five years the United States by the Japanese government
later, Mr . Nakane suddenly disappeared, ap- to organize the colored people ." Japanese
parently abandoning his wife and four chil- Baron Tanaka, it was said, had prepared a me-
dren to their own resources. His activities morial outlining the policy of the Black
from 1926 through 1931 remain ' Dragon Society in Japan. Among other meas-
Adopting the name Satokata Takahashi and ures, the Tanaka memorial proposed the uni-
spuriously claiming to be a retired Japanese fication of all the darker peoples of the world
Army major, he resurfaced in the spring of by pursuing a policy of "Asia for Asiatics ."
1932 at a Chicago meeting of the Universal Japan would assist such people "to organize
Negro Improvement Association. By thefall themselves and form their own government."
the 5 ft:5 in . "Little Major," or "Little God of The associate, whose testimony was frequently
the East," as he was variously known to his unreliable, said that Takahashi "claimed to be
followers, had settled in Detroit. According to affiliated not only with the Black Dragon Soci-
Detroit Police detective Lawrence Johnson, ety but the Japanese Consulate at San Fran-
who testified before a hearing called by the cisco, California ." Japanese "situated in
Immigration and Naturalization Service in various communities in the United States"
September 1933, Takahashi had resided in were presently working among black Ameri-
Detroit for about a year . His activities came to cans, Takahashi affirmed . The moment for or-
the attention of the INS in early 1933, and ganizing was ripe, for "the people of the
complaints from African Americans regard- United States were unsuspecting and would
ing the content of his speeches were report- laugh at such propaganda but, in fact, the
edly made at FBI offices from the following time was not far off when Japan would take
October onward .` action .""
Later questioned by the FBI, Takahashi
claimed that his occupation was "special doc- THE DEVELOPMENT OF OUR OWN
toring, a kind of religion in which he acted as
a preacher," and that after having received One of the "most publicized movements
instruction in that field at an institution simi- attempted in 1933," The Development of Our
lar to a seminary in Japan, he had become a Own was initiated "by George Grimes, a city
Shinto priest. FBI analysts surmised that his worker, as a legitimate political organization ."
"special doctoring" activities had something "Through Organization, Education and Co-


operation and otherwise," TDOO's official base, one can say little else about the organiza-
aim was "to advance the interest of its mem- tion's constituency at present - including the
bers along the lines of Cultural, Intellectual, number of female members.'" Whether, as in
Social, Industrial and Commercial activities the case of the Nation of Islam, TDOO mem-
and otherwise as deemed necessary by the or- bership drew mainly from the most recently
ganization."'2 Takahashi, it was said, "became arrived, and the most impoverished, of De-
identified with the group and later succeeded troit's black southern migrants, or, like the
in supplanting Grimes, and used the organi- PMEW in St. Louis and East St . Louis, from
zation to urge Negroes to join with all other those who had established urban residency at
colored people -yellow, brown, and black - a time more proximate to World War I, re-
against all white people ."'" He collected fol- mains to be discovered.'"
lowers from existing organizations as well. Af- Under Takahashi's stewardship, "Five
ter Nation of Islam members participated in Guiding Principles" bound TDOO adherents
what was reported as a human sacrifice, NOI to an overarching code of conduct:
founder W. D. Fard was instructed by Detroit 1. To act in accordance with God's will.
detectives to leave the city in December 1932 . Thus, there is nothing to fear but God.
After clandestinely returning to his former 2. To be true to ourselves.
residence at the Hotel Traymore, located at Those who are not true to themselves can
not be true to others .
the intersection of Jefferson and Woodward
3. To help ourselves instead of relying on others.
near the waterfront, Fard was arrested once God will only help those who help
again in late May 1933 . Given a final warning, themselves.
he left the Motor City for good. It was around 4. To be part of our community and our country. ,
this time, presumably, that a handful of NOI Less talk, more act and self-sacrifice are nec-
essary if a group is to act together . By giving in
members followed Takahashi into The Devel- we gain, by surrender we win.
opment of Our Own." Although Elijah 5. To beautify this world is our final goal .
Muhammad's principal loyalties lay with the Hence we must first have the beauty of
NOI until his own abrupt departure from De- heart within ourselves.""

troit in 1934, he, too, seems to have had noth-

Whether or not these principles were origi-
ing but kind words for Takahashi.
nated by Mr. Takahashi is uncertain, but prece-
dents for such guidelines certainly existed in
the first Five Principles of Buddha, also known
nternal changes seem to have preoccupied
as the Pansil, the Five Relationships and, suppl-
TDOO during its first several months of
ementary Five Norms of Confucian thought, as
existence. Having filed as a non-profit organi-
well as the Five Teachings of the Kurozumi Kyo
zation in October 1933, TDOO voted out its
faith-healing sect of Shinto."' In the hands of
initial group of officers the following month.'S
one of its black minister-leaders, the organi-
Despite the apparent turmoil, the organiza-
zation's millenarian appeal could also be readily
tion quickly established "branches in Mt.
Clemens, Roseville, River Rouge, Ecorse, in
the 8-Mile road area and elsewhere." The ap- The Development of Our Own is a friendly or-
ganization for the darker peoples of America. Let
parent core of the movement was the Bird- us organize ourselves for one aim and one destiny
hurst Center at Eight Mile Road, where under this organization . We must do this, because
membership ranks quickly swelled to 500. we are living in a critical time - a time for dark
peoples to organize themselves for one common
One of the largest Detroit units met at the cause.
Arion Hall, located at 2131 Chene Street . An- Why can't we as a people see the signs of the
other convened regularly at 3404 St . Antoine."' times? The Bible says, "You shall see the sign in
the East, then you will know that the time of the
Although the principal organizing took Son of Man is near at hand ." He will gather up his
place in the Detroit area, there were also re- elect.
ports of a chapter in Indianapolis built on the By organizing ourselves under the "five guid-
ing principles," we shall be able and ready to meet
organizational ruins of the Moorish Science Him.""
Temple . By late 1933 TDOO was said to have
14 chapters and some 10,000 members." In contrast to the less-tempered public
Apart from acknowledging its working-class speeches for which he was often known, Mr.


Takahashi's initial column in Detroit's pre- For the most part, Takahashi's speeches be-
mier black newspaper, the Tribune-Indepen- fore meetings of organizations such as the
dent, fit will within existing, African Ameri- Bethel A.M .E . Church, or his writings in the
can, middle-class, "mainstream" thought. Detroit Tribune-Independent, remained cau-
Calling for African American unity, Takahashi tionary. But a number of the "Little Major's"
immodestly attributed a newfound advocacy preferred lectures possessed a more flavorful
among Detroit blacks for the "unification of character: for example, "The Sinking Ship
the colored race," to his own organizing ef- and the Lifeboat," and "White Supremacy
forts over the previous eight months : and the White Tyrant" - most likely deliv-
ered before black, working-class audiences . In
I am pleased to announce to you ladies and
gentlemen, that my earnest [effort] in coopera-
his "white supremacy" speech, Takahashi as-
tion with you loyal members, has given some effect serted that, by following "Japan's five guiding
to our principles, in such a way as to create a new principles," African Americans would suc-
tendency among your people toward racial unity.
ceed in overthrowing white domination :
The greatest obstacles to our desire for unity of
race are not so much external barriers, but inter-
I come here to promote international unity
nal quarrels and discord, due to selfish ambitions,
between the dark people of Japan and the dark
petty jealousies, narrow vision, and what not. "A
people of America to lead them to a better and
house divided against itself cannot stand." We see
fuller life .
many organizations wrecked by internal strife, and
What Japan has done in the past 70 years, the
many nations weakened and held down, by inter-
Negroes, too, can do by accepting Japan's five
nal divisions and factionalism .""
guiding principles . The white man will give you
little . If you obtain anything it will be done
through conquest . You must fight.
Japan has succeeded because ~eryone worked
entral to the question of internal, race
as a unit. You must work as a unit. Follow Japan's
unity was the need for harmonious rela- guiding principles. Japan is a world power equal to
tions between men and women. But gender Great Britain and the United States and fearing
nothing but God.
unity could be achieved only on the basis of
full political rights for women within the gen-
And what of Japan's stake in this outpour-
eral movement for African American justice:
ing of Asian solidarity for Black Americans? :
Men and women should respect each other, and
Three-fourths of the world are black people
strive to develop harmony with one another, al-
and one-fourth is white, and it is not in accord-
though there [seem] to be peculiar ideas prevail-
ance with God's will for one-fourth of the world to
ing among a certain group of men, that the
rule the three-fourths, which are black . Now that
women should not hold any office in an organiza-
Japan has gained rightful recognition in the
tion, nor have voice at the meetings.
world, she is willing to help other dark races. We
Permit me to say to you men, that our interna-
know that the black people of the United States
tional supervisor is a woman, if you please, with
are citizens thereof, and can not help Japan di-
whom some of the members of the board of con-
rectly in case of war, but there are other things
trol have already had an interview. She is now in
that can be done . If the white man knew that you
Chicago doing wonderful work among the white
sympathized with Japan, he would not allow you to
people, though different from my work."'
shoulder arms or go near an ammunition plant in
case of war. In some parts of this country you have
This "work among the white people," for been shot to death or lynched [while] wearing the
which the international supervisor had "dem- uniform. . . .
Japan is making overtures to you. If she fails
onstrated herself capable" of carrying out, was
you fail . This is the last chance of the dark races of
"to create a new' tendency among the white America to overcome white supremacy and to
race for racial equality, that is, to convince throw the white tyrants off your backs.'"'
them of the fact that they have been creating
In his lecture invoking western civilization
many enemies for many years, not in the for-
eign land, but right here [with]in this coun- as a "sinking ship," Takahashi assured his lis-
try's national boundary." The population of teners that Japan was the "lifeboat," the hope
the "suppressed colored race" was increasing of Black America:
rapidly: "Let colored citizens have their due You are clinging to an era of Caucasian civiliza-
place, before it is too late . This is our advice to tion and psychology because you are afraid to
leave the sinking ship. I say the sinking ship be-
the white race, in the solution of the racial
cause western prestige is doomed. It is pursuing its
problem.""' But Takahashi himself refused to inevitable course to the graveyard of obscure
address gatherings where whites were present. history .


Here is the Negro's chance to freedom in life. intelligence services as well . According to one
Leave the sinking ship. Civilization's march west- observer, "The assignment to uncover Taka-
ward has reached its farthest western shore on the
Pacific Coast of America.
hashi's local seditious activities was given to
West of America is what? Hawaii, the Philip- two colored members of the Detroit Police
pines and your friend Japan, the lifeboat of racial Department, Officers Laurence [or Law-
love made radiant by the star of the East, Japan."'
rence] Johnson and Alfred Perry. They
On one occasion, probably around early worked on the case secretly for six months,
1934 when he was out on bail, Takahashi and attended meetings of the Development of
spoke at the Golden Leaf Baptist Church in Our Own." 9' The FBI, for its part, unveiled
Flint, Michigan. Describing the talk, Reverend plans to prosecute Takahashi for having im-
Wilkerson Vaughn later recalled that Taka- personated a foreign government official.
hashi expressed a desire to organize African In early September 1933 the "Little Major"
Americans so that if they needed Japan "they was taken into custody by the INS, which
would come to our rescue . He didn't expect promptly scheduled a hearing to determine
his eligibility for deportation.92 Three months
us to fight with them in case they went to war
with the United States, but he did [want] it so later he was arrested with several other men at
that they could talk with us in an organization, the home of a supporter, Pearl Sherrod. "Sus-
said they had the second largest navy in the pected of Aiming at Overthrow of White
world . . . He asked how many people (col- Race," rang the caption of a news story de-
ored) were in Flint, he wanted at least 4,000 voted to the affair, but government prosecu-
tors eventually narrowed their focus to
colored people in this organization, he
Takahashi's immigration violations : entering
wanted all of them, but at least 4,000."'~ On
the United States without inspection, failure
yet another occasion, from a speech entitled
"Japan's Divine Mission," Takahashi outlined to possess a valid visa, and being an alien inel-
three steps by which this mission "was to be igible to citizenship. The others - Emerson
fulfilled: namely to liberate Manchuria, then Sherrod, 20 ; William Johnson, 49, and Cho-
already accomplished; to unite Japan, Man- suke Okhi, 45, also known as George - were
chukuo and China into one bloc ; and to beau- released without charge the following day.
tify the world by emancipating all the colored One of Takahashi's close associates, Muham-
races from oppression ." mad A. Kahn, 35, a native of India, was subse-
quently interrogated and set free, after being
warned that he could no longer wear his mili-
tary uniform in public ." And Takahashi him-
lso extending a Pan-Asiatic lifeline to self was freed on bond shortly thereafter.
black Detroiters was Muhammad A. From a political perspective, the marriage
Kahn, an East Indian who warned TDOO au- of Pearl Sherrod and Satokata Takahashi the
diences that "the white man has been lying to following February provided The Develop-
you ever since Lincoln saved you," and that ment of Our Own with a sense of organiza-
"you dark races had better wake up and orga- tional continuity as well as an event that could
nize." At another meeting Kahn affirmed, in be used to mask news of the ,subsequent de-
part, "that the dark races are tired of being portation of the latter. Mr . Takahashi was
fooled by the white race," and that for any- forced out of the U.S. on April 20, 1934, but
thing to be accomplished they must organize an announcement of the couple's marriage,
against the latter. India was now ready to join which had actually taken place two months
Japan in order to secure its independence earlier in Toledo, Ohio, appeared the follow-
from England.`"' ing day in the Detroit Tribune-Independent :
Not surprisingly, the proselytizing efforts of "Mrs . Pearl B. Sherrod, a graduate of Tusk-
Takahashi and his lieutenants in Detroit and egee Institute, Ala., and a member of a promi-
surrounding communities quickly fell under nent colored family of Clarksburg, West
the surveillance of the Detroit Police Depart- Virginia," had become "the bride of Major
ment, the Wayne County Sheriff's Office, the Satokato [!] Takahashi, an influential citizen
Immigration and Naturalization Service, the of Tokio, Japan .""' The article went on to note
Federal Bureau of Investigation, and military that "Major Takahashi, who is highly edu-


at member"
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ahashi at Toronto. The principal charge, it in January,, and fearing only God, Mr . Taka-
seems, was that Mrs. Takahashi had been liv- hashi set up house with 26 year-old Cheaber
ing somewhat ostentatiously in her capacity as (or Cheaver) McIntyre, then separated from
acting chief executive, and not properly for- her husband, and who recently had become
warding to her husband funds earmarked by secretary of the Onward Movement . Appar-
the organization for his support. A subse- ently in retaliation, Mrs. Takahashi notified
quent communication from Mr. Takahashi to the Immigration and Naturalization Service of
his wife indicates mutual accusations of mari- her husband's illegal presence in April, but
tal infidelity as well . Dismissing her from of- the INS was unable to determine his where-
fice, Mr. Takahashi then addressed a letter to abouts . From further information supplied by
organization members requesting that they his wife, Mr . Takahashi was finally appre-
choose between he, the founder, and his pre- hended by twb immigration inspectors in late
sumably errant wife ; the subsequent vote went June.'°' After reportedly offering to bribe the
overwhelmingly in his favor. The game was not inspectors in order to allow his escape, he was
yet over, however, for Mrs. Takahashi quickly arrested on two counts : illegal entry into the
filed suits against the newly designated execu- United States as well as attempted bribery.
tive officer, Cash C. Bates, and others for rea- Convicted in late September, Takahashi was
sons of slander and fraud. Although her legal sentenced to a maximum term of three years
actions were eventually dropped, the effective imprisonment and a $4,500 fine .
result of challenges on both sides was the dis- Subsequently "transferred from the Fed-
integration of The Development of Our eral Penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, to
Own.'°" the medical center for Federal Prisoners [at
Presumably "because of the strife occur- Springfield, Missouri] as a mental case," he
ring within the organization," reported the was initially released in late February 1942 .
FBI, Satokata Takahashi "illegally reentered Immediately apprehended as a "dangerous
the United States at Buffalo on January 11, enemy alien" during a period of wartime hos-
1939, using the identification of another Ca- tilities, Takahashi was re-interned shortly
nadian Japanese, Hisazi Kubo . . ." Those who thereafter . While incarcerated, he had the
remained loyal to Takahashi were reorganized distinction of being cited as one of the princi-
by him into another, similar association pal causes of the 1943 Detroit "race riot." In
known as the Onward Movement of America. late 1946, at the age of 71, he was once again
The new group was, in fact, identical to released from confinement and allowed to re-
TDOO except for the exclusion of Pearl Taka- join his wife in Detroit."'" But as to whether
hashi. Incorporated as a non-profit organiza- Mr . Takahashi ever became aware of the cir-
tion several weeks later, the Onward cumstances surrounding his 1939 arrest and
Movement - dubbed the "Downward Move- imprisonment, the historical record offers
ment" by Mrs. Takahashi - quickly estab- not a "clew."
lished an economic cooperative
organization ."'' Incorporated the following IN THE BALANCE
~1~Iay, the profit-oriented Producers and Con-
sumers Market was located at 20546-50 Cher-
rylawn in Detroit, its precise, stated purpose
A ll evidence pointing to Takahashi's gov-
ernment ties -at least that available until
now-remains circumstantial . Questioned by
authorities, Takahashi himself fully admitted
To buy, sell, trade, and operate markets for the
sale of both at wholesale and and retail merchan- to membership in the Black Dragon Society,
dise incidental to general grocery and mercantile but claimed that neither he nor the organiza-
business . To sell meats, poultry, Fish, fruits, vege- tion possessed connections to the Japanese
tables, canned and bottled goods, cigars, cigarettes
& tobaccos, provisions, drinks & drugs, dairy prod-
government .""' At one point a dentist, Dr. Isa-
ucts & notions; and also to purchase, lease or oth- mu Tashiro, was said to have been sent by the
erwise acquire real estate and interest in land for Japanese Consul General of Chicago to ad-
the purposes herein set forth.""'
dress the Onward Movement of America
Pearl Sherrod Takahashi was to have the group in Detroit, implying close links but not
last word, however . Having returned to Detroit necessarily official ties to "Little God of the


East .""" However, a most provocative sugges- in the MSTA, is what is believed by the FBI to
tion of the latter came when Japanese Major have sparked the pro-Japan ideological ten-
Itizi Sugitsa paid a visit to the U.S. in early dencies that then flourished within the major-
1941 . Former Assistant Military Attache to the ity of MSTA branches .''5
U.S. and then current Chief of the American In the early 1940s the practices of the
Section of the Japanese General Staff Gary, Indiana chapter of The Development of
("charged with the management ofJapanese Our Own had evolved in such a way as to em-
Military Intelligence in the United States"), brace NOI symbolism. Led by Central Pope
Major Sugitsa was said to have made inquiries (aka Joseph Gibson), the group awaited the
concerning the condition of the incarcerated day that the "Five Guiding Principles," recast
Mr . Takahashi."' here as Freedom, Justice, Liberty, Equality,
Evidence linking Satokata Takahashi to the and Honor, would be theirs under Japanese
flowering of pro-Japanese activities among a rule . The organizational banner - bearing a
number of African American organizations red background with a white star and crescent
during the 1930s is, mercifully, somewhat positioned near the lower left-hand corner,
clearer. Following his later arrest by U.S. au- and the letters F, J, L, and E (denoting the
thorities, Mr . Takahashi claimed that while first four principles) inscribed at each of the
visiting Tacoma, Washington in 1930 he corners beginning counter-clockwise at the
learned of one Abdul Muhammad, who had upper right - was said to have been sent
written a black minister of that city "request- from Tokyo! "e
ing that a Japanese work among the Negroes By the late 1930s both the MSTA and the
in Detroit.""1 Whatever the merits of when NOI were considered important institutional
and how Takahashi came into contact with sources of pro-Japan sentiment in many Afri-
Muhammad, knowledge of their subsequent can American communities. But although
relationship remains equally problematic. proJapan sentiment was apparently rife
One source claimed that "Takahashi resided within the MSTA, no substantial case was able
with Muhammad but left because he consid- to be made by authorities - a situation no
ered him a fraud." Another held Takahashi to doubt aided by the organization's highly de-
be the fraudulent party."~ Whatever the case, centralized character.
the initial friendship with Abdul Muhammad
appears to have given Takahashi access to
NOI members. While Elijah Muhammad does n early 1932 Madame M. L. T. De Mena of
not appear to have followed Takahashi into the Universal Negro Improvement Associa-
TDOO, Takahashi assuredly left his mark on tion enlisted the speaking services of a Fili-
him as well . For example, in a speech report- pino by the name of Policarpio Manansala.
edly given in 1933, Mr. Muhammad stated that Posing as aJapanese-and employing the name
"the Japanese had sent a teacher to the black Ashima Takis, Manansala began speaking un-
people and that the Japanese were brothers. der UNIA auspices throughout the midwest.
and friends of the American Negroes" - a That spring, following a UNIAsponsored
reference, no doubt, to Takahashi."' Whether meeting in Chicago, Mr . Takis and his part-
or not the "Little God of the East" ever con- ner, a Chinese by the name of Moy Liang,
sulted with W. D. Fard, Nation of Islam foun- were approached by Takahashi, who indicated
der of equally diminutive physical stature his intentions to found a pro-Japan organiza-
(and affectionately known to his followers as tion to be known as the Pacific Movement of
the "Little God of Egypt"), is unknown. Mr. the Eastern World."' Promptly signing on, the
Fard, as noted earlier, once claimed to be the organizing activities of the three took them to
originator of TDOO. Indiana Harbor and then back to Chicago's
By 1942 The Onward Movement of America south side ."" Some three months later they
had become affiliated with the Moorish Sci- traveled to St . Louis, where the most signifi-
ence Temple, casting a pro-Japan imprint on cant, early center of PMEW activity was
the latter . Takahashi's earlier rooming to- established . ""
gether with Cash C. Bates and Herschel Wash- The affairs of the PMEW also became in-
ington, two men who later became prominent tertwined with those of Mittie Maud Lena


Gordon, a staunch, former Garveyite who had
become disillusioned with the policies of the U ntil the bombing of Pearl Harbor in late
1941, most black Americans, it seems,
continued to view Japan as a positive model
UNIA. After having worked with the PMEW in
Indiana Harbor, Gordon had a falling out for political and economic development, with
with Takis. Withdrawing her supporters from a smaller number favoring that country's di-
the organization in late 1932, she formed the rect military intervention in the racial affairs
Peace Movement of Ethiopia, a pro-Japan, Af- of the United States. Following the attack on
rican repatriation movement . Finally, in 1935 Hawaii,Japan's military campaigns against the
Takis came into contact with West Indian- West continued to be viewed by many African
born Robert Jordan . Prior to parting com- Americans - even staunch "patriots" - as
pany, the two formed the Ethiopian Pacific "payback" for white underestimation of the
Movement in New York City.' z" capabilities of peoples of color. And as the
It was thus that Satokata Takahashi begat a U.S. plunged into the war, leading spokesper-
handful of proJapan organizations among Af- sons for the black middle class sought to uti-
rican Americans: The Development of Our lize the Japanese threat as a wedge to exact
Own, Pacific Movement of the Eastern World, greater concessions in the realms of political
and the Onward Movement of America. The and civil rights for African Americans, argu-
PMEW in turn begat other proJapan associa- ing persuasively that the full fighting potential
tions such as the Original Independent Benev of the black population could not be attained
olent Afro-Pacific Movement of the World, the until African Americans were made to feel
Peace Movement of Ethiopia, and the Ethio- like full-fledged citizens. (Shades of John Ed-
pian Pacific Movement . TDOO and its spinoff, ward Bruce!) Most African Americans were
OMA, also greatly influenced the Nation of either "indifferent to or reacted negatively to-
Islam, its direct successor the Allah Temple of ward the outbreak of World War II in Septem-
Islam, as well as the Moorish Science Temple ber, 1939 ." Some were bitter because neither
of America . Together these organizations in- the governments of the United States nor
fluenced, at the very least, tens of thousands of Great Britain had made any effort to forestall
working-class blacks from the early 1930s the Italian conquest of Ethiopia. Others did
through World War II, those South as well as not wish to see the United States become in-
North, rural as well as urban . They divided and volved in an imperialist war. Still others
multiplied until things came to a head in the "viewed the fighting in Europe as a divine act
fall of 1942, after which time most of the prin- of retribution" visited upon the un-
cipal organizers of these groups were hustled righteous.' 1' And there were many who sup-
off to prison . In 1942 five TDOO chapters, ported Japan - at least until the bombing of
with no more than 170 members total, were Pearl Harbor.
said to be still in operation, including groups ProJapanese thoughts among African
in Detroit and Gary, Indiana, and one headed Americans during the war, then, were hardly
by Harry Ito in Chicago.' z'
confined to a mere handful of "crackpots," as
The actions of U.S. blacks favoring national
the popular press, black as well as white, strove
liberation found echoes in the short-lived and
hard to maintain . In early 1942 the Office of
poorly conceived 1935 Sakdalista uprising in
War Information commissioned a private sur-
the Philippines, where adherents were told,
vey among African American residents of New
and apparently believed, that their struggle
York City in order to gauge their attitudes to-
against U.S. neo-colonialism would be joined
wards Japan . The results indicated that eigh-
by a Japanese invasion of the islands. One
teen percent of the respondents expressed
might cite as well the efforts in India of
the belief that, in the event of a successful
Subhas Chandra Bose and his supporters to
invasion of the United States by Japan, the
assemble a liberation army against the British
conditions of African Americans would im-
with the material assistance of Japan.'` It is
prove; another 31 percent that things would
thus important to understand that black iden-
remain the same ; and a significant 26 percent
tification with a more powerful Japan none-
theless contained a rational kernel - however were noncommittal .' =' Whether an indication
politically misguided the overall vision . of anti-American or proJapanese sentiment,


these results could not have been reassuring flourished perhaps as much as in the Twenties
to the Roosevelt administration . - a perspective to which a recent study of
Within the African American community, black American movements for the defense of
only the black Left fully and consistently per- Ethiopia eloquently contributes.'z`'
ceived from the early 1930s onward the grow-
ing danger of Japanese fascism, and the
consequent folly of African American identi-
fication with those who portrayed themselves
A lthough a rather dismissive and superfi-
cial account of the wartime arrests ap-
as "liberators of the darker races." Although pearing in Time magazine was misleading in
an unquestioning supporter of Japan's cause many respects, its title, "Takahashi's Blacks,"
during the earlier days of the African Blood contained at least a semblance of truth.'z' To
Brotherhood, Cyril V. Briggs was among the African Americans coming into direct contact
first to raise the alarm in 1932 in the pages with him in the 1930s, or who learned of his
of the Negro Worker: In the late 1930s Briggs existence through others, Satokata Takahashi
and Harry Haywood collaborated in the writ- represented a personification of the notion,
ing of a small pamphlet, IsJapan the Champion prevalent throughout Asian countries (with-
of the Colored Races? a work which, as a matter out the first-hand experience of a Japanese
of policy, was assigned a collective authorship occupation) as well as black America at the
that included other black CPUSA luminaries. time, that Japan, as "champion of the darker
While the pamphlet's main purpose was to races," would liberate them from the yoke of
undermine the proJapanese influence world-wide white supremacy. As it turned out,
among blacks fostered by the Pacific Move- of course, and all for the better, our erstwhile
ment of the Eastern World and other, like sepia samurai prepared in vain for a mainland
organizations in the U.S., its authors deliber- invasion of the U.S. which never arrived . But
ately limited their scope to the discrediting of despite the messianic aura created around his
Japanese foreign policy in Asia.' 15 person, those organizations which followed
It is time to revise the viewpoint long held Mr. Takahashi or his ideas were, for the most
by many activists and scholars (the author in- part, founded or run by African Americans
cluded) that the Depression Decade wit- themselves, fulfilling needs present in their
nessed a strengthening of class consciousness own communities.
within the African American national com- If there is a political lesson to be learned
munity virtually at the full expense of group from pro-Japan movements among blacks dur-
consciousness and nationalist sentiment - ing the Great Depression, it is perhaps that
notwithstanding the existence of "Don't Buy the waters of self-determination continue to
Where You Can't Work" movements that run deep within the African American na-
sprung up in a number of cities . The older tional community even during times of signifi-
view recognizes the Great Depression primar- cant class conflict, and that progressive
ily for the sharpening of class tendencies as strategies for social change which ignore the
well as the growth of millennial religious existence of the former, remain as doomed as
movements within black communities. Exam- those mired in extreme myth-making and ulti-
ples of the first can be found in the founding mate mystification.
of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union in Ar-
kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma ; the organiz-
ing of the Sharecropper's Union in Alabama;
struggles of the CIO in the auto, steel, min-
ing, and packing-house industries ; the Scot-
tsboro and Angelo Herndon campaigns; the
campaigns of local unemployed councils, and
the like . But as time goes by, and evidence
percolates upward from heretofore buried or
obscure sources, a growing number of re-
searchers are begining to view the decade as
one where African American nationalism


*It wasfrom Harry Haywood some tzuercty-five years Chrisman, John E. Higginson, and Joy AnnJames
ago that Ifirst learned of the existence of pro-Japa- graciously suggested improvements to the original
nese organizations amongAfrican Americans in the draft.
I930s and early 40s, and hence it is to him that the In addition to all of the foregoing, John H.
present essay owes its greatest debt. I am especially Bracey, Jr. kindly recommended a number of addi-
grateful for assistance provided by the following in- tional sources as well. David Wills provided a criti-
dividuals and institutions : firstly, the library staff cal reference to African American religious history.
at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst - A modest grant from the Five College Black Studies
Edla Holm and her indefatigable Interlibrary Loan Executive Committee enabled me to obtain materials
crew, and librarians Paula Mark and Barbara that otherwise would have been beyond my reach.
Morgan in particular; archives technician Scott M. Sara Lennox of the University's STPEC Program
Forsythe of the National Archives - Great Lakes also provided invaluable support. And, finally, a
Region ;John E. Taylor, archivist, National Archives special thanks to the Freedom of Information Act,
- Washington DC; and Linda Kloss of the FBI's without which this essay would have been infinitely
FOIA/PA section, also in Washington . Robert more speculative.

1943) : 12 ; "3 Indicted On Sedition Charges," St.

NOTES Louis Globe-Democrat Qanuary 28, 1943) : 4; "Charges
1 . By the 1950s the preferred English spelling of the Church Formed to Keep Its `Ministers' Out of the
surname Mohammed changed to Muhammad (and Army," St. Louis PostDispatch Qanuary 28,1943) : 1, 3;
that of Moslem to Muslim). For the sake of consis- "Bishop Erwin Stands Trial for Sedition," St. Louis
tency, the latter spelling has been adopted for rele- Argus (May 14, 1943) : 1 .
vant individuals mentioned in this study. For the 7. "Seven in Gult Seized as Draft Evaders," New York
same reason one will find here the traditional West- limes (January 14, 1943) : 23 .
ern order of given name/surname imposed upon 8. "Survey of Racial Conditions," 361, 574. Florence
Japanese individual names, since that is the form Murray, "The Negro and Civil Liberties During
ordinarily present in cited newspaper reports and World War II," Social Forces, 24: 2 (December 1945):
government documents. 211-12, reported that some 125 African Americans
2. ; "Sedition: Race Hate Used by Tokio to Lure 85 were convicted u1 such cases. See also American
Nabbed by FBI," Chicago Defender (September 26, Civil Liberties Union, Freedom fn Wartime (New York:
1942) : 1, 4; "U.S. Indicts 38 Cult Members," Chicago ACLU, 1943), 32-33; and American Civil Liberties
Defender (October 3, 1942) : 1; "Federal Jury Indicts Union, In Defense of Our Liberties (New York: ACLU,
Cult Leaders Here," Chicago Defender (October 31, 1944), 32.
1942): 1; 1 "12 Negro Chiefs Seized by FBI in Sedi- 9. 50 U.S.C .A. §§ 33, 34 and 50 U.S.C.A . Appendix §§
tion Raids," Chicago Tribune (September 22, 1942) : 301, 302, 311. The first set of amended codes was
9; "Another Negro Fanatic Seized as Plot Leader," based on the Espionage Act of 1917 (40 Stat 217),
Chicago %'ribune (September 23, 1942) : 8. which, under conditions of wartime, applied to the
3. "Five Who Urged Revolt in Harlem and Aid to Japa- issuing of false statements with intent to interfere
nese Are Indicted," Neru York Times (September 15, with the operation or success of the armed forces,
1942): 1. willful obstruction of recruitment into the same, as
4. "Survey of Racial Conditions in the United States" well as conspiracy to commit such violations . The
(Washington, DC : Federal Bureau of Investigation, second, on the Selective Training and Service Act of
1943) [NHyF], 209, 578 . A 714-page report pre- 1940 (54 Staf. 885) which, among other measures,
sented by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to President provided for the punishment of those who evaded
Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the fall of 1943, the draft registration or military service, or who coun-
survey contains an indispensable summary of the seled or aided others along such lines.
black press, race relations programs, independent 10. Report of (agent name deleted], Washington, DC,
black organizations, as well as Socialist, Communist, June 19, 1942, FBI file 100-6582-(37?] . Save for the
and pro-Japanese tendencies among African Ameri- document, "Survey of Racial Conditions in the
cans. Based upon raw FBI field reports, but unlike United States," all Federal Bureau of Investigation
similar materials obtained through the Freedom of records used in this study were obtained under the
Information Act, the (indexed) copy located in the Freedom of Information Act.
Roosevelt Library at Hyde Park is free of redaction . 11 . Erdmann Doane Beynon, "The Voodoo Cult
5. "FBI Arrests Cleric for Conspiracy to Sabotage Draft Among Negro Migrants in Detroit," American Jour-
and Hinder War," Chicago Defender (October 31, nal of Sociology, XhIIl:6 (May 1938) : 903, 904,
1942): 3. 906-907; Hans J . Massaquoi, "Elijah Muhammad :
Prophet and Architect of the Separate Nation of
6. "Pro-Japanese Unit Scrutinized," St . Louis Globe-Dem-
ocrat (September 23, 1942) : 7; "Indictment Names Islam," F.lwny (August 1970): 88 ; Linda Jones, "Na-
tions Apart," Mirhigan magazine, Detroit Ncrus (July
`Black Dragon' Ilk," Neru York Limes (January 28,


17, 1988): 8; "Intended Voodoo Victims' Number (Roosevelt University, 1968), 21 [I am indebted to
Still Mounting," Detroit Free Press (November 27, John H. Bracey, Jr. for calling my attention to the
1932): 1, 4; "Cultists Riot in court; One Death, 41 latter document]; E. U. Essien-Udom, BlackNational-
Hurt," Chicago Tribune (March 6, 1935) : 1; Ted Wat- ism: A Search for an Identity in America (Chicago : Uni-
son, "The Rise of Muhammad Temple of Islam," versity of Chicago Press, 1962), 50, 162; "Grand Jury
Pittsburgh Courier (April 7, 1956): 3 (magazine sec- Probes Cultists," ?he (Kansas City] Call (October 2,
Lion) and "Beginning of Muhammad?," Pittsburgh 1942) : 3.
Courier (February 22, 1958) : 8. Arna Bontemps and 25. "Survey of Racial Conditions," 173; Vernon B. Will-
Jack Conroy, Anyplace But Here (New York: Hill and iams,Jr. to NAA(.'.P, December 17, 1942, NAACP Pa-
Wang, 1966), 222, give the date of inception of the pers, Section II, Box 12 [DLC] [I am indebted to
Chicago branch as "1933 or early 1934," which may John H. Bracey, Jr. for providing me with a copy of
have been true with regard to the ATOI, but not the this docurtlent] ; "`Negro AJew' Leader to Seek New
NOI, which Detroit police reported to be in exis- Converts Here," Chicago Defender (March 14, 1942):
tepce in Chicago as early as 1932 . Essien-Udom, 3; Chicago Defender (October 31, 1942): 3.
Black Nationalism, 64, notes that the Allah Temple of 26. Triumph the Church of the New Age was an off
Islam was organized in Chicago in latter 1934, but shoot of Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God
also fails to note the early formation . The question in Ghrist, tbunded in Georgia by Elder E. D. Smith
as to whether or not Mr. Muhammad converted the in the year variously given as 1897, 1902, or 1906.
early Chicago branch NOI to the ATOI seems imma- According to Gayraud Wilmore, "Smith led the de-
terial, since Essien-Udom reports that the latter was nomination until 1920 when he moved to Addis
so small at its inception that it met at members' Ababa and never returned." Around 1921 or 1922
homes. the church underwent an ecclesiastical schism, and
12. This vision remains unchanged for Minister Louis a branch known as Triumph the Church of the New
Farrakhan's NOI, founded around 1978 . Age came into being at Pittsburgh under the leader-
13. For studies of NOI eschatology, see E. U. Essien- ship of W. D. Barbour. Leadership passed to Bishop
Udom, Black Nationalism: A Search for an Identity in A. A. Shelton of Detroit following Barbour's death.
America (Chicago : University of Chicago Press, The parent organization remained small until the
1962) ; and C. Eric Lincoln, %he Black Muslims in mid-1930s, after which time a sizeable membership
America (Boston: Beacon, 1973, second ed .) . began to accrue. In 1938 a Birmingham native, the
14 . Elijah Muhammad, "Battle in the Sky Is Near," in Rev. James Francis Marion Jones, was sent to Detroit
Message to the Blackman in America (Chicago : Muham- by Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God in
mad's Temple No . 2, 1965), 290-91 ; "The Great De- Christ with instructions to form a new branch. In-
cisive Battle in the Sky," Pittsburgh Courier stead he founded a new denomination, church of
(December 28, 1957): 10, rpt. in Message to the Rlack- Universal Triumph, the Dominion of God, and be-
man, 292-93 ; "The Battle in the Sky," Pittsburgh Cou- came known to the world as ProphetJones. Gayraud
rier (December 14, 1957): 10, rpt. in Message to the Wilmore, Black Religion and Black Radicalism : An In-
Blackrnan, 293-94 . terpretation of the Religious History ofAfro-American Peo-
15 . Report of [agent name deleted], Washington, DC, ple (Maryknoll, NY Orbis, 1991, 2nd ed.), 154; Miles
June 19, 1942, FBI file 100-6582-[37?] . Mark Fisher, "Organized Religion and the Cults," in
Milton Sernett, ed ., Afro-American Religious History : A
I6 . Report of [agent name deleted], (:hicago, October
Documentary Witness (Durham: Duke University
8, 1943, FBI file 100-6582-139 .
Press, 1985), 391; Hans A. Baer, The Black Spiritual
17 . See Ernest Allen, Jr., "The New Negro: Explorations
Movement : A Religious Response to Radsm (Knoxville :
in Identity and Social Consciousness, 1910-1922," in
University of Tennessee Press, 1984), 83, 147n ;
Adele Heller and Lois Rudnick, eds., 1915: 7he Cul
Charles Edwin Jones, Black Holiness: A Guide to the
tural Moment (New Brunswick, NJ : Rutgers University
Study ofBlack Participation in Wesleyan Perfectionist and
Press, 1991), 48-68.
Glossolalic Pentecostal Movements (Metuchen, NJ : The
18 . Gunnar Myrdal, An American Dilemma: The Negro American Theological Association and the Scare-
Problem and Modern Democracy (New York: Harper &, crow Press, 1987), 1812, 193-94 ; Vial Testimony;
Row, 1944), 813; Senator Theodore G. Bilbo, "An
African Home for Our Negroes;' % he Living Age pp. 703-706, United States v. Pacific Movement of
the Eastern World, Inc ., No. 15840 (E.D. Ill.June 15,
358:4485 (June 1940) : 328, 330; Ethel Wolfskill He- 1943) [National Archives - Great Lakes Region] .
dlin, "Earnest C:ox and Colonization : A White Rac-
27 . Elmer T. Ciark, "t'he Small Sects in America (New York
ist's Response to Black Repatriation, 1923-1966,"
and Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1949), 164, confused
unpublished Ph .D. dissertation (Duke University,
HOI dbctrine with that of the MSTA, the ideals of
1974), 112-70 .
which he believed were identical. Furthermore, it
19 . United States v. (cordon et al ., 7 cir., 138 F.2d 174.
was not the "Abyssinian" language, as he claimed,
20 . "Survey of Racial Conditions," 575. but the use of the Hebrew tongue which the group
21 . "Five Face U.S Sedition Charges in court Monday," championed . See also report of [agent name de-
Chicago Defender (November 28, 1942): 1. leted], St. Paul, March 2, 1943, FBI file 65-40879-286 ;
22 . "Grand Jury Probes Cultists," The (Kansas City) Call and "Survey of Racial Conditions," 559.
(October 2, 1942) : 3. 28 . For general but somewhat flawed information on
23. "Prison Looms as U.S. Tightens Grip on Cult," Chi- the MSTA, see Arna Bontemps and Jack Conroy,
cago Defender (October 17, 1942) : 1; "Survey of Racial Anyplace But Here (1945; rvsd . New York : Hill and
Conditions," 575. Wang, 1966), 205-208. In their highly informative
24. Frederick H. H . Robb, ed ., The Negro in Chicago: Mission to America: hive Islamic Sectarian Communities
1779-1927 (Chicago : The Washington Intercollegi- in North America (Gainesville, FL: University Press of
ate Club, 1927), cited in Christopher Reed, "The Florida, 1993), historians Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad
Manifestations of Nationalism in the Black Belt of and Jane Idleman Smith tend to treat the MSTA
Chicago, 1920-1929," unpublished M.A . thesis primarily as an Islamic organization. Peter Lamborn


Wilson's "Shoot-Out at the Circle Seven Koran: No- 39. Randall K. Burkett, Garveyism as a Religious Mane-
ble Drew Ali and the Moorish Science Temple," meat: %Ire Institutionalization of a Black Civil Religion
Gnosis, 12 (Summer 1989) : 44-49, on the other (Metuchen, NJ : The Scarecrow Press and The
hand, more convincingly traces the MSTA's Islamic American Theological Library Association, 1978),
roots to Masonic influences. See also an amplified 62-65.
version of Lamborris argument in his recently pub- 40. The Hdy Koran of the Moorish Science l errrple of America
lished Sacred Drift: F,ssays on the Margins ofIslam (San (Chicago: 1927), Chapter XLVIII :1 .
Francisco: City Lights Books, 1993), 15-50. Att in- 41 . The best overall analysis of pro-Japan sentiment
sightful, c. 1940 sociological study of the MSTA Phil- amongAfrican Americans can be found in Reginald
adelphia temple appears in Arthur Huff Fauset, Kearney, "Afro-American Views of Japanese,
Black Gods of the Metropolis : Negro Religious Cults in the 1900 .1945," unpublished Ph .D . dissertation (Kent
Urban North (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylva- State University,1992) . But aside from the New York-
nia Press, 1944), 41-51 . See also Ernest Allen, Jr., based Ethiopian Pacific Movement, Kearney paid
"Making the Strong Survive: The Contours and little attention to the pro-Japan activities of organized
Contradictions of `Message Rap'," in William Eric groups of the 1930s and early 1940s, an omis-
Perkins, ed ., Droppin' Science: Critical Essays on Rap sion partly attributable to exorbitant processing
Music and HipHop Culture (forthcoming, Temple costs for FOI/PA materials - charges subsequently
University Press, 1994). rescinded - at the time he was pursuing his initial
29 . Ali's official cause of death was "Tuberculosis Bron- research . For brief examinations of such organiza-
Cho-Pneumonia." Standard Certificate of Death No. tions, see Ottley, Nero World A-Coming i Inside Black
22054, Timothy Drew, issued July 25, 1929, Cook America (1943; rpt., New York: Arno Press, 1968),
County, Illinois (Office of Cook County Clerk) . 327-42 ; Neil A. Wynn, "Black Attitudes Towards Par-
30 . Report of [agent name deleted], Chicago, Decem- ticipation in the American War Effort, 1941-45,"
ber 15, 1943, FSI file 62-25889-228 . Afro-American Studies, 3:1 (June1972): 17-18; and Neil
31 . John Edgar Hoover, Director, FBI to the Attorney A. Wynn, %'he Afro-American and the Second Wm-ld War
General, February 19, 1942, FBI file 100-56894-44 . (New York: Holmes and Meier,1975),103-105 . In the
32 . In certain fundamental respects, the historical situ- otherwise excellent, latter work Wynn errs in assum-
ation of African Americans has been little different ing that no contact had occurred betweenJapanese
from that of other minority populations in the era agents and black defendants charged with sedition .
of the nation-state . See, for example, Gerard 42. Sun Yat-Sen : His Pdilical and Social Ideals, compiled
Chaliand, ed ., Minoridy Peoples in the Age of Nation- and translated by Leonard Shihlien Hsit (Los An-
Stales (London : Pluto Press, 1989) . For the most geles : University of Southern California Press,
comprehensive documentation of African Ameri- 1933), 170.
can nationalism, see John H. Bracey, Jr ., August 43. Lajpat Rai, "An Asiatic View of the Japanese Ques-
Meier, and Elliot Rudwick, eds., Black Nationalism in tion," Uutlaok, 114 (18 October 1916): 386; see also
America (Indianapolis: Boobs-Merrill, 1970). D. Mackenzie Brown, The Nationalist Mooement: In-.
33. See, especially, the Book of Revelation, but also than Pditacal Thoughtfrom Ranade to Bhave (Berkeley:
those of Ezekiel, Daniel, and Mark ; also Paul Boyer, University of California Press, 1961), 8-10.
When lame Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belaef in Modern 44. Lothrop Stoddard, ?he Rising lade of Color Against
American Culture (Cambridge, MA : Belknap/Hares White World-Supremacy (New York : Scribners, 1920),
and University Press, 1992), 42 . 97 . In an oftcited essay, Lord Hailey contrasted the
34. E. J. Hobsbawm, Primitive Rebels: Studies in Archaic role played by the Russo-Japanese War in the devel-
Forms of Social Movement in the 19th and 20th Centuraes opment ofAsian nationalism, with the parallel effect
(1959; rpt., New York : W. W. Norton, 1965), 57-58. As upon African nationalism of Italy's invasion of Ethio-
Shepperson has noted, the messiah need not be a pia in 1935. While the contrast is an apt one, it may
personal one. George Shepperson, "The Compara- also understate the impact of the 1904-1905 war on
tive Study of Millenarian Movements," in Sylvia L. Africa itself. See Lord Hailey, "Nationalism in Af-
Thrupp, ed . Millennnial Dreams in Action (New York: rica," fournal of theRoyalAfrican Society, 36:143 (April
Schocken Books, 1970), 47 . 1937) : 13437.
35. See especially the confessions of Ben (aka Ben Wool- 45 . Cited in Kearney, "Afro-American Views of Japa-
folk) in Willie Lee Rose, ed ., A Documentary History of nese," 38 .
Slavery in North America (New York: Oxford University 46 . W. E. B. Du Bois, Dusk of Darvn: An H;ssay ?bmard an
Press, 1976),114; T. W. Higginson, "Gabriel's Defeat," Autobiography of a Racz Concept (1940; rpt., Schocken,
Atlantic Monthly, 10 :59 (September 1862), 338. 1968}, 232.
36. See, for example, Arthur Huff Fauset, Blade Gods of the
47 . Booker T. Washington, Pulling the Most info Life (New
Metropolis : Negro Religious Cults in the UrbanNorth (Phila-
York: Thomas Y Crowell, 1906), 33 .
delphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1944); Ro-
48 . "The Call of a Nation," in %'he Se(Prted Writings ofJohn
bert Wesibrot, hatherDirrine (1983; rpt., Boston : Beacon
F,'dzuard Bruce: Militant Blackfournalisl, comp. and ed.
Press; 1984); and Jill Watts, (~orl, Harlem U.SA. : The
by Peter Gilbert (New York: Arno Press and The
Father Divine Story (Berkeley: University of California
New York Times, 1971), 99-100 .
Press, 1992).
37 . See Hans A. Baer and Merrill Singer, African-Amerl- 49. The relationship of American blacks to Japanese im-
can Religion in the-7iuentiedh (:entury: I~arieties of Protest migrants in the U.S. was an intertwined but autono-
and Accommodation (Knoxville: University of Tennes- mous issue. See, for example, DavidJ . Hellwig, "Afro-
see Press, 1992), esp. chaps. 4. American Reactions to the Japanese and the Anti-
Japanese Movement, 1906-1924," I'hylon, 38 :1
38. Elias Fanayaye Jones, "Black Hebrews: The Quest for
Authentic Identity,",Journal ofReligious Thought, 44:2 (March 1977): 93-104.
(Winter-Spring 1988) : 351!9; Truman Hughes Tal- 50. See Ray Standard Baker, Woodrorv Wilson and WorGl
ley, "Marcus Garvey -The Negro Moses?," World's Seltlmrenl (GardenCity, NY: Doubleday, Page & Co.,
Work, 41 :2 (December 1920) : 153-66. 1922), 234; and "Survey of Racial Conditions," 535.


51 . "Negro Editor Preaches War for Equality," New York 58. Bob Kumamoto, "The Search for Spies: American
Tribune (December 2, 1918): 4. See also Kearney, Counterintelligence and the Japanese American
`Afro-American Views of Japanese," 100-102. Imme- Community, 1931-1942," Amerasia Journal, 6:2 (Fall
diately following its successful 1894-1895 military 1979): 65416.
campaign against China, Japan's slogan of "Asia for 59. Joseph Ralston Hoyden, The Philippines : A Study in
the Asiatics" burstforth with abounding vitality. Per- National Development (New York : The Macmillan Co.,
haps notuncoincidentally, the first recorded usage 1942), 722-23.
of the phrase, `Africa for the African," occurred in 60. Herbert Aptheker, ed ., %he Correspondence of W f.'. B.
the title of a book written between 1895 and 1896 by Du Bois (Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts,
a sympathetic Baptist missionary of European de- 1976), II : 184; W E. B. Du Bois, "Forum of Fact and
scent,Joseph Booth . Henry Dumolard, LeJaponpoli- Opinion," Pittsburgh Courier (February 13,1937) ; rpt.
tique, economique et social (Paris : Armand C:olin, 1905, i n Herbert Aptheker, comp. and ed ., Neuupaper Col-
4th ed .), 278-79 ; Colin Leagm, Pan-Africanism : A umns by W. E. B. Du Bois (White Plains, NY Kraus
Short Political Guide (New York: Praeger, 1962), 22. Thompson, 1986), 167; "Survey of Racial Condi-
52. With an intent to reclaim territory seized by the U.S. tions," 148.
in the early 19th century, Mexico promptly invaded 61 . Emma Lou Thornbrough, 7: Thomas fortune: Mili-
Texas. Then following a final attack on New York tantJournalist (Chicago : University of Chicago Press,
City, Washington sued for peace, with Lothrop Stod- 1972), 236-37 ; James Weldon Johnson, Along This
dard, author of The Rising Tide of Color Against White
Way: %'he Autobiography oflames Weldon Johnson (1933;
World Supremacy, joining the surrender negotiations! rpt., New York: Penguin, 1990}, 393-405; Langston
See John J. Stephan, Haruaii Under the Rising Sun:
Hughes, I Wonder As I Wander (New York : Rinehart,
Japan's Plans for Conquest After Peart Harbor (Hon-
1956), 259-76; "Protest Mistreatment of Langston
olulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1984), 60 .
Hughes," The (Kansas Cityl Call (September 22,
53 . Rash Behari a Bose was an Indian government clerk 1933) : 2B . I have not yet confirmed the visits of
who became a prominent, anti-British revolutionary Messrs. Moton and Schuyler, reported in "Survey of
in the period just prior to World War I. A member Racial Conditions," 148.
of the Chandernagore group of revolutionists, Bose
62 . However, the future bride was also quoted as saying
went underground for several years after being im-
that ` Japan is over populated and I would like to
plicated in several bombing incidents which took lead a move for colonization of our race in Africa ."
place in 1912 and 1913 . Eventually he fled to Japan, The marriage was later called off. "Daughter of
where he married a Japanese woman. Bose later Japanese Peer to Wed Negro," St . Louis A~gus (]anu-
became a member of the C'.ongress Socialist Party, ary 26, 1934) : 1; "Prince Advertises for Bride in
formed in 1934 . In 1942 he was elected chair of the Japan," N~m York 7zmes (February 18, 1934): IV, 8;
newly formed Indian Independence League, an
"Duce Forces African Prince to Jilt Jap Mail Order
organization of Indians residing outside India in
Bride," Detroit Free Press (April 3,1934): 3; "Surveyof
pro-Japanese Asia . R. C. Majumdar, History oftheFree-
Racial Conditions," 150-51 . Intermarriages between
dom Movement in India (Calcutta: Firma K. L.
upper-class Ethiopians andJapanese had been pro-
Mukhopadhyay, 1963), II :306, 45459, 490; III:704,
posed in the early 1930s by a fraction of the Ethio-
707-709; D. C. Gupta, Indian National Movement and
pian ruling strata known as the ' Japan-izers," who
Constitutional Development (Delhi : Vikas Publishing
sought to modernize Ethiopia along the lines taken
House, second ed., 1973), 174.
by Japan since the Meiji Restoration . [I am grateful
54 . Robert A, Hill, ed ., %'he Marcus Garvey and Universal to John E. Higginson, who provided me with this
Negro Improvement Association Papers, (Berkeley, Uni- historical context.] A nephew of Hailie Selassie, Ab-
versity of California Press, 1989), VI :297 ; Amy Jac- ebe attended a New York City meeting of the Ethio-
ques Garvey, Garvey and Gameyism (Kingston: 1963), pian World Federation [EWF] in 1943, and
159; rpt. (New York: Macmillan, 1970), 168; Richard thereafter became involved in its internal politics;
Storey, %heDouble Patriots : A Study ofJapanese Nation- "Survey of Racial Conditions," 146. For general in-
alism (1957; rpt., Westport, CT : Greenwood Press, formation on the EWF see William R. Scott, The Sons
1973), 40-42; Robert A. Scalapino, Demorrary and the of Sheba's Race: African-Americans and the Italo-Flhio-
Party Movement in Pre-Warlapan (Berkeley: University
pian War, 1935-1941 (Bloomington : Indiana Univer-
of California .Press, 1967), 358-59 . sity Press, 1993), 176-77 .
55 . W. G. Beasley, Japanese Imperialism 1894-1945
63 . See, for example, Barbara W. Tuchman, The 7
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987), 78 ; Masao Maru-
man %'elegram (1958; rpt. New York : Macmillan,
yama, %'bought and Behavior in ModernJapanese Politics
1967), chapter 2.
(London: Oxford, 1963), 350-51 ; Storry, T'he Double
Patriots, 13-14; Scalapino, Democrary and the Party 64 . Roi Ottley, `tVetu World A-Coming: Inside Black America
Movement in Pre-WarJapan, 350 .51 ; Hugh Byas, Gov- (1943; rpt., New York: Arno Press, 1968), 328-29.
ernment by Assassination (New York : Alfred ICnopf ; 65 . Takahashi's newspaper articles carried the byline,
1942), 173-212; B. Nicolaevsky, "Russia, Japan, and S. K. Takahashi, and a PMEW membership card
the Pan-Asiatic Movement to 1925," The far !.'astern signed by him c . 1932 reportedly bore the given
Quarterly, 8:3 (May 1949) : 272-73 ; O. Tanin and E. name Sato Kata. Report of (agent name deleted],
Yohan, Militarism and fascism in Japan (New York : Detroit, March 20, 1940, p. 15 ; "Survey of Racial
International Publishers, 1934), asp. 4448, 117-I8, Conditions," 55354. Among the phonetic variations
and 252. assigned Takahashi's given name were Satonata, Sat-
56 . Byas, Government try Assassination 195. okato, Satakata, Satohata, Satohato, and Satochasi.
57 . Historian Reginald Kearney, "Afro-American Views Karl Evanzz, TheJudas Factor. %he Plot to Kill Malcolm
ofJapanesr," 118n, seems to doubt any such connec- X (New York: Thunder's Mouth,1992), uniquely em-
tion . On the other hand, as noted earlier, a similar braces the spelling "Satahota."
ultra-patriotic society, Gyochisa, made indirect con- 66 . Kea'rney, "Afro-American Views of Japanese,"
tact with Marcus Garvey in 1925. 12325; Ottley, 'Nato World A-Coming', 329-30, 336;


David Levering hewis, When Harlem Was in Vogue Cooke, treasury chairman ; Ava M. Vance, recording
(New York : Alfred A. Krtopf, 1981), 137, 302; "Survey secretary; and A. N. Scott, sergeant-at-arms. Articles
of Racial (:onditions," 1451I6, 536-37 . of Incorporation of The Development of Our Own,
67 . Takahashi was reported to have worked as an agent October 5, 1933 ; Certificate of Amendment to the
for the New York life Insurance Gompany at Tac- Articles of Incorporation, January 30, 1934, Michi-
oma, 1h'ashington from January 1923 through De gan Department of Commerce ; "survey o£ Racial
cember 1927, "having disappeared some months Conditions," 542.
prior to this discontinuance ." It was charged that he 76. Boykin, A Handbook vin the Detroit NNgrq 47; report of
had misappropriated loan and cash vendor checks L. D. Socey, Detroit, December 19, 1933, FBI file
prior to his departure from the company. Report of 65-562-15; report of [agent name deleted], Detroit,
[agent name deleted], Detroit, March 20, 1940, pp. March 20, 1940, p. 15, FBI file 65-562-43.
22, 33, FBI file 65-562-43. 77 . "Survey of Racial Conditions;' 100; report of [agent
68 . Interrogated by the FBI, Takahashi claimed to have name deleted], Detroit, March 20, 1940, p. 18, FBI
settled in Detroit in 1930 . But in an article putt file 65-562-43; "MysteriousJapanese Held; No Mys-
lished in Qpril 1934, he stated that his arrival in tery About Disposal," Detroit Nears (December 3,
Detroit was 8 months previous, which would have 1933) : 5. In 1936 an organizational branch, with
placed the date as August 1933 - still a year later headquarters located at Springfield, was incorpo-
than that claimed by Detroit police . Report of rated in Illinois. The Board of Directors included
(agent name deleted], Detroit, March 20, 1940, pp. William Thompson, Ernest Fulton, Ethel Fulton,
3, 12, 1$, FBI file 65-562-43; report of [agent name Goldie Merriweather, and Helen L. Miles. The chap-
deleted], St . Louis, April 3, 1942, FBI file ter lasted a few years at most, and was legally dis-
65-40879-66; S. K.'Takahashi, "Development of Our solved in 1939 . Report of [agent name deleted],
Own," Detroit Tribune-Independent (April 21, 1934) : 1. Springfield, IL, April 3, 1940, FBI file 65-562-49.
69 . "Survey of Racial Conditions," 542. 78. With the economyon a war footing in 1941, TDOO's
70 . See Robert O. Ballou, Shinto : %'he Unconquered h.'nemy direct successor, the Onward Movement of America,
(New York: Viking Press, 1945), 19-25; D. C. Holtom, reportedly had a large number of its memberswork-
Modern Japan and Shinto Nationalism (Chicago : Uni- ing at Ford's River Rouge plant. P. E. Foxworth toJ.
versity of Chicago Press, 1943), 28-66; and John W. Edgar Hoover, December 2, 1941, FBI file 65-562-62.
Dower, War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pa- 79 . A follow-up investigation that might have revealed
afic War (New York : Pantheon, 1986), 262-90 . such information was abruptly cancelled in April
71 . "Survey of Racial Conditions," 546-47 ; `~apanese 1940 by the FBI Director, with indications that the
Plotter Here Was Chosen by Black Dragons," St. order had come down from the Office of Secretary
Louis Posl-Dispatch (August 1, 1942): 3; "Indictment of State. A request by the Detroit Bureaus SAG (Spe-
Names `Black Drago~i Ilk," New York %imes (January cial Agent in Charge) to reopen the investigation in
28, 1943): 12 . Takis, moreover, misstated the content December of that same year was subsequently de-
of the Tanaka Memorial, itself considered a fraudtt- nied . John Edgar Hoover, Director, FBI to SAC, De-
lent document today by many historians . See Carl troit, April 6, 1940, FBI file 65-562-43; John Edgar
Crow, ed ., fapan.'s Dream of World F,'mpire: T'he Tanaka Hoover, Director, FBI to AdolfA. Berle, Jr., Assistant
MemoriaL(New York : Harper & Brothers, 1942) and Secretary of State, April 6, 1940, FBI file 65-562-43;
John J. Stephari, "The Tanaka Memorial (1927) : Au- John Edgar Hoover, Director, FBI to SAC, Detroit,
thentic or Spurious?," Modern Asian Studies, 7:4 March I, 1941, FBI file 65-562-58.
(1973) : 733-45 . 80 . Report of L. D. Socey, Detroit, December 19, 1933,
72 . Ulysses W. Boykin, A Handbook on the Detroit Negro FBI file 65-562-15; enclosure in memorandum, F. G.
(Detroit: The Minority Study Associates, 1943), 46 [I Tillman to F. L. Welch, September 16, 1943, FBI file
am indebted to Tyrone Tillery for calling my atten- 65-562-[?] ; Detroit Ness (December 3, 1933): 5.
tion to this publication] ; Articles of Incorporation 81 . See G. H. Jansen, Nonalignment and the Afro-Asian
of The Development of Our Own, October 5, 1933, States (New York : Praeger, 1966), 128 ; Masaharu An-
Michigan Department of Commerce. esaki, History ofJapanese Religion (London: Kegan
73. Boykin, A Handbook on the Delroil Ngrq 46 . The Paul, Trench, Trubner, and Co., 1930), 261n ; and D.
name of George Grimes, however, is nowhere to be C. Holtom, The National Faith of Japan: A Study in
found any TDOO corporate papers filed in Mich- Modern Shinto (London : Kegan Paul, Trench,
igan . Although it is possible for Grimes to have been Trubner, and Co ., 1938), 255.
eased out of the leadership prior to TDOO's having 82. Willie Jenkins, "Development of Our Own," Detroit
been incorporated, it is perhaps worth noting that a !'ribune-Independent (May 19, 1934) : 1. "Do you know
Samuel W. Grimes became vice-president in 1934, why Japan quit the League of Nations?," inquired
fbllowring Takahashi's deportation . this same official on another occasion . "It eras be-
cause the League failed to measure up to racial jus-
74 . "Leader of Cult Admits Slaying at Home `Altar',"
Delroil Free Press (November 2l, 1932) : 1, 2; "Altar tice and racial equality, because God told them to
Scene of Hurnan Sacrifice," Detroit 7hmes (November do so artd establish a league of nations among the
21, 1932): l; "Voodoo's Reign Here Is Broken," De- dark peoples of the earth . Don't you know that
troit Free Press (December 7, 1932) : 7; "Banished _Japan is acting in accordance with God's will?" Ue-
Leader Of Cult Arrested ;' Detroit Free Press (May 26, troid %'ribune-Independent (June 2, 1934) : 2.
1933) :10; "Voodoo ChiefBack In C:ell," Detroit Times 83 . S K. Takahashi, "Development of Our Own," Uehnil
(May 26,1933) : S; Beynon, "The Voodoo Cult," 904. %'ribune-Independent (April 21, 1934) : 2.
75 . TDOO's initial directors were George R. Wilson, 84 . Ibid.
WilliamJ. Fitzpatrick, Walker Williams, E. S. Stetvart, 85 . Ibid. The "international supervisor" may have been
Sam Williams, and Walter Warren . The following Fay Watanabe, mentioned in several FBI intelligence
mach, George C.Jones was elected president; Will- reports_ See report of [agent name deleted], De-
iam Pharr, secretary; Issiah TaBoard, trustee chair- troit, March 20, 1940, p. 81, FBI file 65-562113.
rnan ; Emanuell Pharr, advisory chairman ; John 86. The speech is reconstructed from the following


sources: `~apanese `Fifth Column' Work in Detroit cafe of Amendment to the Articles of Incorpora-
Also," St. Louis Post-Dispatch (March 7, 1942): 5; and tion, June 8, 1934, Michigan Department of Com-
report of L. D. Socey, Detroit, December 19, 1933, merce; "Survey of Racial Conditions," 542. The FBI
FBI file 65-562-15. report listed the name of "William J. Fitzgerald,"
87 . St. Louis PostDispatch (March 7, 1942) : 1, 5. but this appears to be in error. Charles C. Zampty
88 . Statement of Reverend Wilkerson Vaughu, Flint, may have been the same person as the Detroit-based
Michigan, November 23, 1942; in Enclosure to FBI Garveyite, John Charles Zampty. For an interview of
file 62-25889-136. It is unclear from the context the latter, see Jeanette Smith Irvin, hbotsolrliers of tlae
whether African Americans' fighting "with them" UNIA ("Iheir Oum Words) (Trenton, NJ : Africa World
meant fighting against or on the side of Japan. Press, 1989), 36-52.
89 . "Resume of Japanese Influence on the Negroes in 102. Correlation Summary of Wallace Don [Dodd] Ford,
the United States," Office of the Chief of Naval Op- ,January 15, 1958, p. 17, FBI file IOfr63642-15 ; SAC,
erations (1942), RG 38, ONI Security Classified Ad- Detroit to Director, FBI, January 31, 1958, FBI file
ministrative Correspondence, 1942-1946, A8-5/ 105-63642-20.
EF37/EG [DNA] ; report of [agent name deleted], 103. Beynon, "The Voodoo Cult," 903; SAC, Chicago,
Detroit, March 20, 1940, p. 9, FBI file 65-562-43. to Director, FBI, October 30, 1957, FBI file
90. Report of L. D. Socey, Detroit, December 19, 1933, 105-63642-6 .
FBI file 65-562-15. 104. Report of [agent name deleted], Detroit, March 20,
91 . Boykin, A Handbook on the Detroit Negro, 46 . 1940, pp. 40, 42, 43, 52-57, FBI file 65-562-43.
92. Report of [agent name deleted], Detroit, March 2U, 105. "Survey of Racial Conditions," 543. Officers of The
1940, p. 17, FBI file 65-562-43. Takahashi's INS re- Onward Movement of America included Cash C.
cords, which fall under the purview of the Freedom Bates, Alexander Long, Arthur Merritt, Rosa Wal
of Information Act, have been reported missing den, and Leila Fisher. Articles of Incorporation of
From the agency; C:ora L. Smith, FOI/PA Officer, The Onward Movement of America, January 30,
INS to Ernest Allen, Jr., December 21, 1993 . 1939, Michigan Department of Commerce .
93. Report of L. D. Socey, Detroit, December 19, 1933, 106. Its officers were Alexander Long, Bartie Alsobrooks,
FBI fle 65-562-15; report of [agent name deleted], and Gladys long ; Articles of Incorporation of Pro-
Detroit, March 20, 1940, pp. 3-4, FBI file 65-562-43; ducers and Consumers Market Co ., Inc., May 15,
`~ap Arrested in Raid on Club," Detroit News (De- 1939, Michigan Department of Commerce. By 1942
cember 2, 1933): 2 ; Detroit Nems (December 3, 1933) : the organization had relocated to a nearby spot in
5; Drew Pearson and Robert S. Allen, "The Washing- the vicinity of Eight Mile Road at Majestic Avenue in
ton Merry-C:o-Round," Wichita H,agle (December 14, Ferndale; Report of (agent name deleted], Detroit,
1933), enclosure in RG 165, MID 10218-261/91 November l2, 1942, FBI file 62-25889-30.
(DNA 107. Report of [agent name deleted], Detroit, March 20,
94. "Local Woman Weds,]apanese Officer," I)ehoil Tri- 1940, pp. 4-5, FBI file 65-562-43.
Irune-Independent (April 21, 1934): 1 ; .St . Loteis Posl- 108. United States v. Naka Nakaue, No . 25350 (E .D . Mich.
Dispalch (March 7, 1942) : 1. Mrs. Takahashi, whose September 28, 1939) [National Archives - Great
maiden name wag,Barnett, had three children from Lakes Region] ; "Survey of Racial Conditions," 544;
a previous marriage. Her brother was a Professor "Klan, 5th Column Links Probed in Detroit Riot-
Barnett of Tuskegee Institute . ing," Wicshington Times-HeraGl (June 23, 1943), copy
95 . "Local Woman Weds Japanese Officer," Detroit Tri- in FBI file 65-562-136. A newspaper report described
bune-Independent (April 21, 1934): 5; Boykin, A Hand- Mrs. Takahashi as "a faithful visitor at Springfield
book on the Detroit Negro, 46 . during his, imprisonment ." St . Louis Post-Uispatrh
96 . Report of [agent natiie deleted], St . Louis, April 3, (March 5, 1942) : 8; St . Louis Post-Dispatch (March
1942, FBI file 65-40879-66 ; "Survey of Racial Condi- 7, 1942) : 1 ; SAC, Chicago to Director, FBI, October
tions," 543. 30, 1957, FBI file 105-63642-6 ; SAC, Detroit to Direc-
97 . Boykin, A Handbook nn the Detroit Negro, 46 . tor, FBI, October 10, 1946, FBI file 6.5-40879-341 . In
98 . Mrs. P. T. Takahashi, "Development of Our Own," 1942 Takahashi was said to be "70 years of age,
Detroit 7i'ibune-Independent (June 16, 1934) : 2. almost blind, and . . . hospitalized during the
99 . Mrs. P. T. Takahashi, "Development of Our Own," past three years because of stomach ulcers." SAC,
Detroit %i-ibune-Independent Qune 9, 1934) :, 2. Inter- (:hicago, to Director, FBI, October 30, 1957, FBI
estingly, a U.S. Fifth Army report noted that the file 105-63642-8.
head of the NOI, "W. ll. Feraud" [W. D. Fard], 109. "Survey of Racial Conditions," 544; report of [agent
claimed to be "the originator of the Development name deleted], Detroit, March 20, 1940, pp. 60-61,
of Our Own and the Moslem Temple of Islam cult FBI file 65-562-43. -
and cited as proof a twok, which had been copy- 110. A contribution of $100 was also reportedly made by
righted by him, in the US Library of Congress, en- OMA to the families ofJapanese soldiers . SAC, San
titled `Five Guiding Principles' ." Cited in Francisco to SAC, Chicago, August 7, 1940, FBI file
(:orrrlation Summary of Wallace Don (Dodd] Ford, 65-562-53; "Survey of Racial (:onditions," 543.
January 15, 1958, p.17, FBI file 105-63642-15 . No date 111 . "Resume of Japanese lofluence on the Negroes in
is cited for this remark ; however, since Fard left De- the United States," 3, 10.
troit involuntarily on May 26, 1933, it was presuma- 112. SA(: (:hicago to Director, FBI, October 30, 1957, FBI
bly made prior to that time. file 105-63642-6 ; report of [agent name deleted],
100. Beynon, "The Voodoo Cult," 904. Detroit, March 20, 1940, p. 58, FBI file 65-562-43.
101 . The Development of Our Own v. Pearl T. Takahashi, 113. Ahdul Muhammad's wife reportedly confided in
No . 23023 civ. (Wayne County Circuit Court (:han- Ousha Appacanis, a member of The Development
cery, filed July 3, 1934), cited in report of [agent of Our Own, that "Muhammad had taken one Sa-
name deleted], lletroit, March 20, 1940, pp. 49-50, takata Takahashi into his home when Takahashi was
FBI file 65-562-43; Articles of Incorporation of The ill at which time Takahashi learned the principles of
Development of Our Own, October 5, 1933 ; Certili- Muhammad's organization and when he was well,


approached Muhammad, with the thqught in mind lion Against Negroes and a Comparison of Negro and Poor
that the two of them could utilise the organization lNhite Altitudes %bward War-Related Issues, 1942; and
to make a great deal of money. Muhammad's wife Office of Facts and Figures, Survey of Intelligence
related that Muhammad refused this approach ." Materials No. 25, "Negroes in a Democracy at War,"
Presumably the break between Takahashi and 1942, RCG 205, Records of the Office of Facts and
Muhammad occurred prior to the formation of Figures, Alphabetical Subject File, 1939-1942 [Wash-
TDOO, and if that is so, Muhanunad's organization ington National RecprdsCenter-5rritland] . Myrdal,
at the time was most likely the NOI. SAC Chicago An American Dilemma, 1400n, distorted the findings,
to Director, FBI, October 30, 1957, FBI File claiming in a curiously constructed sentence that
105-63642-6; report of [agent name deleted], De- the "highest proportion of Negroes, of all Negroes
troit, March 20, 1940, p. 58, FBI file 65-562-43. interviewed, who have admitted proJaparrese incli-
114. "Survey of Racial Conditions," 578. In his recent nations, in a confidential poll conducted by Negro
book, %'he Judas Fhrtor, journalist Karl Evanzz ad- interviewers, is 18 per cent ."
vances a number of claims regarding the relation 125. Cyril Briggs, "Negro Workers, Fight Against Inter-
ship between Takahashi and Elijah Muhammad . vention;" The Negro Worker [Hamburg], 2 :5 (May
While most of his specific assertions ring true, due 1932) : fi-8; rpt. as "War in the East in Herbert
to the fact that Evanzz's work, overall, is plagued by Aptheker, ed ., Uocummtary History of the Negro People
sloppiness, abysmal documentation, and, in at least in the United States, 1910-1932 (Secaucus, NJ : Citadel,
one instance, the creative presentation of evidence 1973), 718-20 ; Is Japan the Champion of the Colored
at variance with extant documentation, one cannot Races? (New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1938)
cite it with confidence . [I am indebted to archivist Edward C. ~feber, La-
115. Report of [agent name deleted], Detroit, November badie Collection, University of Michigan, for provid-
12, 1942, FBI file 62-25889-30, pp. 12, 24 . Associated ing me with a copy of this publication .] Excerpts
with Takahashi in the early 1930s, Herschel Wash from the pamphlet were reprinted as "Japanese Law
ington (-El) later became Grand Sheik of the Mt. and Order in Manchuria," in Herbert Aptheker,
Clemens, Michigan MSTA. Cash C. Bates (-Bey), a Documentary History of the Negro People in the United
"national liaison man" of the MSTA in the 1940s, States, 1933-1945 (Secaucus, NJ : Citadel, 1 .974),
was incorporator-director of the Onward Movement 311-14 . See also R. Doonping, "IsJapan the Protec-
of America in 1939 and became its Acting Chief tor of the Coloured Races%," Y'he Negro Worker [Ham-
Director when Takahashi was incarcerated that burg], 3:1 (January 1933) : 1418 ; the latter rpt. in the
same year. United States Naval Intelligence Service, Harlem Liberator as ` Japanese Imperialism - `Protec-
Ninth Naval Digtrict, B-7-0, "Topical Study Mem- tor' of the Oppressed Darker Peoples," part 1 (July
orandum on Moorish Science Temple of America," 1, 1933): 4 and part 2 Quly 8, 1933) : 4; Harry Hay-
May 28, 1943, in FBI Indianapolis file 100-409458. wood, NegroLiberation (New York : International Pub-
116. Report of [agent name deleted], Indianapolis, June lishers, 1948), 203; and Haywood, Black Bolsherrik,
1, 1942, FBI file 65-562-105; report of [agent name 428. The "so called Pacific (proJapanese) move-
deleted], Indianapolis, September 9, 1943, FRI file ment" was denounced by CPUSA national secretary
65-562-139 . Those familiar with the c. 1960s NOI flag Earl Browdrr at the Party's 8th national convention
will note the similarities: red background, white star in 1934; Daily Worker (April 14, 1934) : 7, rpt. i n Philip
and crescent in the center, and the corresponding S. Foner and Herbert 5hapiro, eds., American Com-
letters F, J, E, and I [Islam]. munism and Rlack Americans: A Documentary History,
117. Statement of Mimo De Guzman [Policarpio Manan- 1930-1934 (Philadelphia : Temple University Press,
sala], August 3, 1942, in report of [agent name de- 1991), 121.
leted], New York City, August 12, 1942, FBI file 126. Scott, The Sons of Sheba's Rare. See also Claude
65-40879-165; "Survey of Racial Conditions," 546-47. McKay, Harlem: Negro Metropolis (New York: E. P. but-
See also Transcript of Testimony and Proceedings ton, 1940); and Bontemps and Cgnroy, Anyplace But
Before the Grand Jury (E .D. 111 . completed Sept. 29, Here.
1942), p. 777, copy fried with National Archives' 127. %ame (October 5, 1942): 25-26.
holdings of United States v. Pacific Movement of the
Eastern World, Inc.
118. Statement of Mimo De Guzman [Policarpio Manan-
sala], August 3, 1942 .
119. Transcript of Testimony and Proceedings Before
the Grand Jury, pp. 789-90 .
120. "Survey of Racial Conditions," 562.
121. "Survey of Racial Conditions," 545; Lt. C:ol. George
W. Hinman, Jr ., G.SC., Headquarters, Second Ser-
vice Command, Governors Island, New York to Di
rector, Intelligence Division, August 21, 1942, copy
in FBI file 65-40879-241 .
122. Hayden, %'he Philippines, 382-400 - especially 391-92;
Ba Maw, Breakthrough in Burma: Memoirs of a Rewilu-
tion, 1939-1946 (New Haven: Yale University Press,
1968), 345-46.
123. Gerald Robert Gill, "Afro-American Opposition to
the United States' Wars of the Twentieth Century:
Dissent, Discontent and Disinterest," unpublished
Ph .D . dissertation (Howard University, 198,5), 258.
124. Office of Facts and Figures, ?he Negro Locks at the
War.- Attitudes of New York Negroes 7bruaril Diserimina-


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