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Aleesha Rosado


Literature (6)

4 February 2019

Jantz, Gregory L. “6 Way To Become More Positive.” ​Physics Today​, 2008,


In this article, Gregory provides the different perspectives of how person sees themselves when

they are and aren’t more positive towards themselves and others in six ways. He uses scientific

sources to create his thesis on how a person can be more positive. Gregory explains in detail the six

steps to viewing the world in a positive perspective. These six steps are practicing gratitude, observe

your thought patterns, positive posture, smile, surrounding yourself around positive people, and do

positive gestures towards everyone. Each step has its own way of affecting a person mentally and

emotionally. This article provides a perfect way to start off on spreading positivity because you can’t

necessarily spread positivity until you’re positive yourself. I can use this source to have my three

people doing the acts of kindness start here. Soon after I introduce them to what they need to do with

themselves personally then I will encourage them to try to convince others to join them and provide

challenges once a week.


Lissau, Russell. "Stevenson Students are Spreading Love, Boosting Positivity."​ Daily Herald​, 19 Sep

2018​. elibrary​,

In this ProQuest article, Russell had created an experiment at his university that caused college
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students to spread positive comments and take actions towards others around them. With this

experiment he used phrases such as “Your smile brightens my day.” or “You look beautiful.” He

used primary sources such as his students in his classes. The article is a short summary of all the ways

he has seen the campus change drastically. It has came from complimenting a certain amount of

students to assisting people on work or helping each other study. Students wrote notecards to spread

around campus to one another. That experiment idea went so well they continued to do it. Eventually

the project became so great it went out of control in the best way. This source could be used to guide

me on how to go about my way of spreading positivity. There are many little acts of kindness within

the article that I could use.

Greenberg, Melanie. “8 Powerful Steps to Self-Love.” ​Psychology Today​, Sussex Publishers, 29 June


In this article, Melanie believes that attempting to have a positive outlook on life with a positive

atmosphere around yourself and others can only start with you. She used a self-compassion researcher

to backup all the facts she stated within her work. Going over Kristin Neff’s statement about how you

can only create a positive environment after you’ve already began putting yourself in a positive

mindset. Melanie shares the three aspects of self-compassion which are mindfulness, self-kindness,

and common humanity. Some ways you can imply them are by recognizing your mental status and

accepting the reality of it and not beating yourself up about it, but treat yourself like someone you

care about and render the care you’d give them to yourself. This can help me figure out how I want

my three people to begin a process of being a better them for the sake of the people around them.
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Chen, Yun, et al. "Evidence for Implicit Self-Positivity Bias: An Event-Related Brain Potential

Study." Experimental Brain Research,​ vol. 232, no. 3, 2014, pp. 985-94​. ProQuest​,,


In this article, Yun and his research partners have studied how people react to positive and negative

emotional judgments to themselves and others. In particular they focused on the group of Chinese. He

used ERP’s to keep track of the brain and how it reacts to the emotional disturbances. They focused

on the amplitude of the data. The higher the amplitude the less relevant the judgement was, but

compared to themselves a lower amplitude impacted the brain way more. I can’t study brain scans

while asking people questions about their emotional state, but I can test out their theory of having

positive interactions with yourself and others can impact them in the best way possible. It can answer

questions like “Did it make you feel better?” or “How did it feel to make someone smile or laugh?”

Evaluating the answers to little questions like that can help with the types of challenges I want to

create for the upcoming week. I can try to make the challenges more tough or more easy.


Aronson, Brad. “103 Random Acts of Kindness – Ideas to Inspire Kindness.” ​Brad Aronson,​ 23 May

2018, ​​.
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In this article, Brad decided to use multiple online life resources to come up with 103 different

ways to interact with others with the conclusion that any small interaction can make a huge

difference in a person’s day. He used sources called “Good deeds” and “Inspirational Stories” to add

onto the 103 ideas involved in his article. One of his ideas was to create a day dedicated to a person

you really care about which is called an “Appreciation Day.” You do things like post about them and

go out on mini dates to show you appreciate them. Another idea was to write 50-100 paper hearts

with little cute notes written on them and hand them out to people around you. I can use ideas like

that at Poly. I can have all three of the people I’m using to make 25 not cards with messages. I can

turn it into a challenge for them to hand all of them out before the school day ends.


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