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We thank you for the presence of Allah SWT who gave us His mercy and
gifts so that we successfully completed this paper in time entitled
"PROFESIONAL TEACHER”. We also thank the Lecturers of the Mathematic
Learning Strategy course, Dra. Hj. Sri Elniati, MA.
This paper is about how to become a professional teacher, where to
become a professional teacher must have a standard set of conditions.
Hopefully what we convey through this paper can add insight both to us
personally as writers and the world of education in general.
We realize that this paper is still far from perfect, therefore we always
expect criticism and suggestions from all parties that are constructive for the
perfection of this paper.

Padang, January 26th 2019


A. Background
Looking at the development of the current era which focuses on education,
in the world of education there is the most important element, namely students
and teaching staff that we often know as the teacher. Fenemone who always
approaches the world of education is the quality of the teaching staff, lots
educators who originally had the ability, but over time, unconsciously, the
ability began to fade which caused many unprofessional teachers in the bidag.
this is not a reasonable problem but a very important problem for us to find a
solution. to become a professional teacher must have criteria, fulfill rights,
fulfill obligations that we must realize. With the existence of these problems
so the author gave the title of this paper namely "professional teacher".

B. Problem formulation
1. What is the definition of a professional teacher?
2. What is the professional teacher competence?
3. What are the standard requirements for becoming a professional teacher?
4. What are the rights and obligations of a professional teacher?

C. Purpose
1. Understanding the definitiom of professional teachers
2. Understanding professional teacher competence
3. Understanding the standard requirements to become a professional teacher
4. Understanding the rights and obligations of professional teachers

A. Defenisi Guru Professional

Sebelum lebih jauh kita membahas mengenai guru profesional,kita
harus mengenal dulu apa itu guru profesional.dari guru profesional terdapat
dua kata penuh makna yaitu guru dan profesional. Guru secara sederhana
dapat diartikan seagai seorang yang memberikan pengetahuan kepada peserta
didik.selain itu guru juga dapat diartikan semua orang yang berwenang dan
bertanggung jawab terhadap pendidikan murid murid, baik secara induvidual
ataupun klasikal, baik disekolah maupun diluar sekolah.pengertian guru
menurut beberapa ahli:

Definisi Guru menurut Noor Jamaluddin (1978: 1) Guru adalah pendidik,

yaitu orang dewasa yang bertanggung jawab memberi bimbingan atau bantuan
kepada anak didik dalam perkembangan jasmani dan rohaninya agar mencapai
kedewasaannya, mampu berdiri sendiri dapat melaksanakan tugasnya sebagai
makhluk Allah khalifah di muka bumi, sebagai makhluk sosial dan individu
yang sanggup berdiri sendiri.

Definisi Guru menurut Peraturan Pemerintah Guru adalah jabatan

fungsional, yaitu kedudukan yang menunjukkan tugas, tanggung jawab,
wewenang, dan hak seorang PNS dalam suatu organisasi yang dalam
pelaksanaan tugasnya didasarkan keahlian atau keterampilan tertentu serta
bersifat mandiri.

Definisi Guru menurut Keputusan Men.Pan Guru adalah Pegawai Negeri

Sipil yang diberi tugas, wewenang dan tanggung jawab oleh pejabat yang
berwenang untuk melaksanakan pendidikan di sekolah.

Definisi Guru menurut Undang-undang No. 14 tahun 2005 Guru adalah

pendidik profesional dengan tugas utama mendidik, mengajar, membimbing,
mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasi peserta didik pada
pendidikan anak usia dini jalur pendidikan formal, pendidikan dasar,
dan pendidikanmenengah.

Sedangkan, profesionalisme adalah sikap bprofesional yang melakukan

sesuatu sebagai pekerjaan pokok sebagai profesi dan bukan sebagai pengisi
waktu luang atau hanya hoby belaka.seorang profesional memiliki
kebermaknaan dengan pengetahuan yang dimiliki dan melayani pekerjaannya
dengan tanggung jawab.

Guru profesional adalah guru yang memiliki keahlian, tanggung jawab,

dan rasa kesejawatan yang didukung oleh etika profesi yang kuat. Untuk itu ia
harus telah memiliki kualifikasi kompetensi yang memadai: kompetensi
intelektual, sosial, spiritu-al, pribadi dan moral (Mohamad Surya, 2003: 28).
Guru profesional harus mempunyai empat kompetensi guru yang telah
ditetapkan dalam Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 14 Tahun 2005
Tentang Guru dan Dosen. Empat kompetensi dasar tersebut adalah kompetensi
pedagogik, kepribadian, profesional dan sosialGuru Profesional dalam
masyara-kat yang semakin maju, demokratis dan terbuka menuntut suatu
interaksi antara pendidik dan peserta didik secara profesional. Hal ini hanya
dapat dilakukan oleh guru profesional, yaitu guru yang memiliki karakteristik

B. Professional Teacher Competence

According to Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers
Article 1, Paragraph 10, stated "Competence is a set of knowledge, skills, and
behaviors that must be owned, internalized, and controlled by the teacher or
lecturer in carrying out professional duties". Competence is a fusion of
knowledge (thinking power), attitude (heart power), and skill (physical power)
which is manifested in the form of actions. In other words, competence is a
combination of mastery of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes reflected in
the habit of thinking and acting in carrying out their duties / work. So,
competence is a set of knowledge, skills and behaviors that must be owned,
lived and mastered by the teacher to be able to carry out his professional
Competencies contain three aspects:
1. Ability, knowledge, attitudes, traits, understanding, appreciation and
expectations that become the characteristics of a person in carrying out
their duties. This aspect refers to competency as a picture of the ideal
substance / material that should be mastered or required to be mastered by
the teacher in carrying out his duties. Thus a person can be prepared or
learn to master certain competencies as a provision for him to work
2. The characteristics of competencies described in the first aspect appear real
in action, behavior, and performance. This aspect refers to competence as a
picture of real performance that appears in the quality of one's mindset,
attitudes and actions in carrying out their work skillfully. Someone can
succeed in mastering theoretically all the material aspects of the
competencies that are taught and required. However, if in practice as a real
action when carrying out a task or job not in accordance with the required
quality standards, he cannot be recorded as someone who is competent or
not good at it.
3. The results of the performance meet certain criteria of quality standards.
This aspect refers to competence as a result of performance. A person's
competence characterizes actions / behaviors and is proficient in carrying
out tasks to produce effective and efficient work actions. The result is a
product of one's competence in carrying out their duties and jobs. So that
other parties, can judge someone whether in carrying out their duties and
jobs are competent and professional or not.

As a professional teacher has to have sufficient teacher competency.

Teacher competency can be seen in its ability to apply a number of concepts,
work principles as teachers, able to demonstrate a number of strategies and
approaches to teaching that are interesting and interactive, disciplined, honest
and consistent.
The role of the teacher greatly determines the success of the learning
process, the teacher who is guided and imitated is a profession that prioritizes
intellectuality, communication skills, wisdom, and high patience. Not
everyone can pursue the teaching profession well. Because if someone looks
smart is not a determinant of the success of the person becomes a teacher.
In line with this, Law No. 14 of 2005 Chapter II Article 2 Paragraph 1,
states that the teacher has a position as a professional at the level of basic
education, secondary education and early childhood education in the formal
education pathway appointed in accordance with the laws and regulations.
Professional means doing something as a basic job as a profession and not as a
free time or as a hobby. Profession means declaring publicly and in Latin
called "Profession" which is used to show public statements made by someone
who intends to occupy a public position. Teachers who are guaranteed quality
are believed to be able to carry out their duties and functions well. Teacher
quality assurance needs to be carried out from time to time to provide quality
learning services.
As an affirmation can be observed Law No. 14 of 2007 Article 7
Paragraph (1) states that the teacher profession and lecturer profession are
special fields of work carried out based on the principle of having talent,
interest, soul calling, and idealism; have a commitment to improve the quality
of education, faith, piety, and noble character; have academic qualifications
and educational background in accordance with the field of duty; have the
competencies needed in accordance with the field of duty; have responsibility
for carrying out professional duties; obtain income determined according to
work performance; have the opportunity to develop professionalism on an
ongoing basis with lifelong learning; have guaranteed legal protection in
carrying out professional duties; and has a professional organization that has
the authority to regulate matters relating to teacher professionalism. Then
Paragraph (2) states that the teaching profession empowerment or lecturer
professional empowerment is carried out through self-development carried out
in a democratic, just, not discriminatory, and sustainable manner by upholding
human rights, religious values, cultural values, national plurality, and
professional ethics.
C. Hak dan Kewajiban Menjadi Guru yang Profesional
Menurut H. A. R Tillar (1999:205) dalam Hendri (2010:3) menggagaskan
profil guru profesional abad 21, yaitu (a) memiliki kepribadian yang matang
dan berkembang. Berarti seorang guru merupakan orang-orang yang memiliki
pribadi unggul. (b) Menguasai ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang kuat.
Seorang guru yang profesional akan menginspirasi anak didiknya dengan ilmu
dan teknologi. (c) Menguasai keterampilan untuk membangkitkan minat dan
potensi pesera didik.seorang guru yang profesional harus menguasai
keterampilan metodologis membelajarakan siswa. (d) Pengembangan profesi
yang berkesinambungan.

Dalam dunia pendidikan sering kali kita mendengar kata hak dan
kewajiban baik murid maupun guru yang mengajar itu sendiri,hak dan
kewajiban seorang guru profesional UU Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 menyebutkan
tentang hak dan kewajiban guru dalam melaksanakan tugas keprofesionalan.

Hak seorang guru dalam tugas keprofesionalan adalah:

a) memperoleh penghasilan di atas kebutuhan hidup minimum dan jaminan

kesejahteraan social;
b) mendapatkan promosi dan penghargaan sesuai dengan tugas dan prestasi
c) memperoleh perlindungan dalam melaksanakan tugas dan hak atas
kekayaan imtelektual;
d) memperoleh kesempatan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi;
e) memperoleh dan memanfaatkan sarana dan prasarana pembelajaran untuk
menunjang kelancaran tugas keprofesionalan;
f) memiliki kebebasan dalam memberikan penilaian dan ikut menentukan
kelulusan, penghargaan, dan/atau sanksi kepada peserta didik sesuai dengan
kaidah pendidikan, kode etik guru, dan peraturan perundang-undangan;
g) memperoleh rasa aman dan jaminan keselamatan dalam melaksanakan
h) memiliki kebebasan untuk berserikat dan organisasi profesi;
i) memiliki kesempatan untuk berperan dalam penentuan kebijakan
j) memiliki kesempatan untuk berperan mengembangkan dan meningkatkan
kualifikasi akademik dan kompetensi;dan/atau
k) memperoleh pelatihan dan pengembangan profesi dalam bidangnya (Bab
IV Pasal 14, halaman 6)

Dalam kewajibannya seorang guru professional dituntut untuk:

a) merencanakan pembelajaran, melaksanakan proses pembelajaran yang

bermutu, serta menilai dan mengevaluasi hasil pembelajaran yang
bermutu, serta menilai dan mengevaluasi hasil pembelajaran
b) meningkatkan dan mengembangkan kualifikasi akademik dan kompetensi
secara berkelanjutan sejalan dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, dan seni;
c) bertindak obyektif dan tidak diskriminatif atas dasar pertimbangan jenis
kelamin, agama, suku, ras, dan kondisi fisik tertentu, atau latar belakang
keluarga, dan status social ekonomi perserta didik dalam pembelajaran;
d) menjunjung tinggi peraturan perundang-undangan, hukum, dan kode etik
guru , serta nilai-nilai agama dan etika; dan
e) memelihara dan memupuk persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa (Dude, 2011: 3-
f) Pendidik guru wajib mengembangkan kemampuan profesional, yang
antara lain dapat dilakukan melalui berbagai cara berikut (Wardani,2012).

Pendidik guru wajib mengembangkan kemampuan profesional,yang antara

lain dapat dilakukan dengan melalui berbagai cara:

1) Meningkatkan kualifikasi akademik dengan cara studi lanjut, baik untuk

S2 maupun S3.
2) Mengambil mata kuliah yang diperlukan untuk memperkaya wawasan dan
meningkatkan kemampuan.
3) Mengikuti berbagai kegiatan akademik, seperti pelatihan dalam berbagai
aspek pendidikan, mengikuti seminar/konferensi baik lokal, nasional,
maupun internasional.
4) Menjadi anggota berbagai ikatan profesi yang terkait dengan bidang
5) Melakukan penelitian, khususnya yang berkaian dengan dunia pendidikan.

D. Standar Yang Dipersyaratkan Menjadi Guru Yang Profesional

According to UU No. 14 of 2005 Article 8 states that teachers must have
academic qualifications, competencies, educator certificates, physically and
mentally healthy, and have the ability to realize national education goals. Then
Article 9 states that the academic qualifications referred to in Article 8 are
obtained through higher education undergraduate programs or four diploma
programs. The affirmation of the law clearly states that teacher qualifications
have at least a bachelor's degree or a four diploma program.

1. Teacher's Duties and Responsibilities

The teacher as a profession, holistically is at the highest level in the
national education system. The duty of the teacher as an educator is the
duty of passing on science and technology to his students. Professional
teachers are ready to function as second parents for their students after
biological parents are first parents. The duties and responsibilities of the
teacher are so heavy and broad. Roestiyah N.K. (1989) an inventory of
teacher assignments in outline, such as:

1) Inheriting culture in the form of skills, intelligence and empirical

experience, to the students.
2) Establish the personality of students in accordance with the basic
values of the country.
3) Teaching the students to be good citizens. Functioning as a media
and intermediary learning for students.
4) Directing and guiding children so that they have maturity in
speaking, acting, and behaving.
5) Functioning as a liaison between the school and the environmental
community, both public and private schools.
6) Must be able to guard and enforce discipline both for themselves
and for others and others.
7) Enable themselves as administrators and managers who are liked.
8) Performing their duties perfectly as a profession mandate.
9) The teacher is given the greatest responsibility in terms of planning
and implementing the curriculum and evaluating its success.
10) Guiding children to learn to understand and solve the problems
faced by their students.
11) Teachers must be able to stimulate students to have high
enthusiasm and strong passion in forming study groups, developing
extracurricular activities in order to enrich experience.

2. Teachers who always improve their quality

The duties and obligations of the teacher either directly related to
the teaching and learning process or not directly related, are very many
and have an effect on the learning outcomes. If students get high
scores, the teacher gets praise. Deserves to be a teacher, and must be
maintained, even though it is still called an unsung hero. But if the
opposite happens, that is, the students get a low score, then the mistake
is immediately shed on the teacher. Predicted as a stupid teacher,
unable to teach, not having the ability to carry out his duties as a
teacher, better turning the function into an employee or administration
is also addressed to the teacher.

Therefore, it needs to be seriously considered how to give high

priority to the teacher. Teachers must be given trust, to carry out their
duties, to carry out a good teaching and learning process. Teachers
need encouragement and a conducive atmosphere to find various
alternative methods and how to develop the learning process in
accordance with the development of the times.

Even now, many teachers feel ignored by their students for various
reasons. For this reason, the teacher must recognize and master various
sources of modern learning that are now increasingly familiar and in
real use by the community, including students. Then the teacher better
understands the equipment or equipment that is very necessary in
delivering a lesson material.

For students, having and using textbooks is a mandatory

qualification and there are also choices. Mandatory or optional
textbooks are also used to develop the ability to understand subject
matter, summarize, and take lessons from the book. The more variety
of textbooks with their respective arguments, the more enriching
students will be in studying the knowledge deepened by students.

Study groups are a fairly effective way to get knowledge. This kind
of study group, students listen to each other and give ideas in forums.

A lot of knowledge is difficult to understand when taking classes in

the classroom with the teacher, but is easily absorbed in the study
group forums. Therefore good teachers will certainly encourage the
students to do a lot of study groups. So that the subjects they consider
difficult will be easily helped in the group. On the other hand, the use
of information technology by teachers and students in learning can
help accelerate the acquisition of scientific information in addition to
those obtained through textbooks and other reading books related to
science as part of study activities.
To say that a professional teacher must have competence, and
responsibility in carrying out the duties and obligations as a teacher. Being
a teacher is not a person who only provides material, educates, designs, but
must fulfill the rights and obligations that have been regulated in UU No.
14 year 2005. Besides that, teachers must be able to become parents when
in school, which is why teachers need master the knowledge and skills in
teaching and approaching these students.

We as teachers in the future must try to apply the knowledge we
have obtained, carry out the duties and responsibilities as well as their
rights and obligations as a teacher so that they can improve the quality of
education in Indonesia.
Realizing that, the author is still far from perfect, in the future the
writer will be more focused and detailed in explaining the above papers
with more sources which of course can be justified.

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