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SolidWorks Electrical: Schematic


SolidWorks Electrical: Schematic

Dassaun Systemes SolidWor1cs Co!poraiion

175 Wyman Street
Waltham, MA 02451 U.SA
~~t~!ll:~b>::~-: :r;~
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·C 1995-2013, Dassault Syst~mes Solid\Vorks Corporation. a Copyright Notices for SolldWorks Standard, Pre.mlum,
Dassault Syst!mes SA. company, 175 \Vyman S~t, \Valtham, Profusslon al, and Education Products
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Portions of this sofu~·are 0 1998-2013 Geometric ltd.
Patent Notices Portions of this soft-..;·are incorporate PhysXT'.14 by NVIOL4. 2006-
SolidWorks® 30 meicha.nical CAD softv;are is protected by U.S. 2010.
Patents 5,815,154; 6,219,049.; 6,219,055; 6,611,725; 6,&44,877; Portions of this software C:·2001-2013 Luxoll)gy, LLC. All rights
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7,694,238; ? ,853 ~940; 8,305,376; 8,581,902, arui foreign patents,
(e.g.,E.P 1, 116,190 Bl and JP 3,5 17,643). Copyright 1984-2010 Adobe Systems Inc. a."ld its liccnsors. AU
rights resenied. Protec.ted by U.S. Patents 5,929,866; S,943,063;
eDr~"inSS:o softv•a:re is protected by U.S. P~nt?,184,044; U.S. 6,2&9,364; 6,563,502.; 6,639,593; 6,754,382; Patents Pending.
Patent 7,502,027; and canadian Patent 2,318,706., the A.dobe logo, Acrobat, the Adobe PDF logo, OistiUer
U.S. ~d foreign patents pending~ .and Reader are-rtgistered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Introduct ion
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Trademarks and Product Names for SolldWorks Products For more OS Solid\Vorks copyright information, see Help>
About This Course ................................... • .... 2
and Services About Solid'A7orks. Prerequisites .............................. . .. .. • ..... . 2
SolidWorks, 30 ContentCe:ntral, 30 Part:Strcmi.N"ET,
eDrav•.ings, and the eDra,lfin8$ log_o are registered trademarks Copyrlght Notlc<>S for SolldWorks Simulation Products Course Design Philosophy .. . ••.... ....... ... . .. .... •. . . . 2
and Featurt)..tanager is a jointly ov.ntd registered trademark of Portions of this sofh~·are C 2008 Soh'er-Soft Cozporation. Using this Book .............. ....... ......... ...... ... 2
OS SolidWorks.
PCGLSS C 1992-2013 Computational Applications and System About the Training Files .................... . .. ... • ...... 3
Circuit\Vork$, FtoXpress, PhotoYie-.-v 360, and TolAn.alyst, .are Jnte,g_ration, Inc.. AU rights resm•ed.
trademarks of OS SoJid\Vorks. Windows® 7 .. .... ......... .......... ... ... . .. ... •. .. . 3
Copyright Notle<>S for SolldWorks Ent erprise PDM
Product Conventions Used in this Book ..................... • ..... 4
F e~e\Vorks is a registered trademark of Ge.ometric.Ltd.
Outside Jn"'' Vie"·er Tt:chnoJogy, C 1992-2012 Oracle C 2011, Use of Color ..................... ..... ........ ........ .. . 4
Solid\Vorks 2014, SolidWorks Enterprise PD_r-..1, ?\·!icrosoft Corporation. AU rights resen·ed.
SolidWorks \Vorkgroup PDM, Solid\\lork:s Simulation,
Lesson 1:
Solid\Vorks Flow Simulation, eDrav;ings, Copyright Notices for eDrawtngs Products Projects
eDra\.;ings Professional,. Solid\\lork$ Sustainability, Portions of this sofuvare Ci 2000-2013 Tech Soft 3D.
Solid\Vorks PlQStics, Solid\Vorks Electrical, and Portions of this sofuvare C t 995-1998 Jean-Loup Gaill-y and
SolidWorks Electrical ...................................... 6
SolidWorks Composer arc product names of OS Solid\Vorks. Mark Adler. Stages in the ............................. ..•• ...... 6
Portions of this sofuvarc ·Ci 1998-2001 3Deonnexion. Starting SolidWorks Electrical ..... ....... ......... ......• ... 6
Othe-r brand or product names are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respecti,re. holders. Portions of this sofuvarc 0 1998-2013 Open Design Alliance.
A.l l rights rts.t'r\"ed. The User Interface ... ....................... .... . . .... . 7
COMMERCIAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE - PROPRIETARY Portions of this sofuvare C t 995-2012 Spatial Corporation. What are Projects? ....... •••............ ........ ....... ... 8
The Soft;~-are. is a •commerc.ia.l item" as that term is defined at 48
C.F.R. 2 .101 (OCT 1995), consisting of "commercial computer The eDra\.;·ing:s~ for Windo\,..s<:·sofuv-a-re is based in~ on the Creating a New Project .... • ........... ......... . .. .. • ...... 8
softv;·are" and "com.r;~ercial sofu,--are doc·um.entation" as S't!Ch ;vork of the Independent JPEG Group. Project .............. ••••••..... ...... .... . .. ... ••. . .. 8
terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (SEl'T 1995) and is pro\'ided Portions of eDrawings·it for iPad;~ copyright ·C 1996-1999
to the U.S. Go,-.emment (a) for acquisition by or on behalf of Book ................••••........................ . ... 8
Silicon Graphics Systems, Inc.
ci''ilian ag_encies, consistent with the polic.y set forth in 48 C.F.R. Folders .... ....... .. •• ............ ......... . .. .... ... 8
122 12; or (b) for acquisition by or on behalf of units of the Portions of eDra\ting:s:i for iPadr.: COp)'rightC2003-2005 Apple
department of Defense, consistent \vi th the policies set forth in Computer Inc. Drawings ............ •••••••.... ....... .... . .. ... •. .. . 8
48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1(JUN1995) and227.7202-4(JUN1995) . Scheme ........... .. ........................... .. .... 8
In the event that you recei,•e a request fro m an~· agenc.y of the
U.S. go\'cmment to provide Sofu'('are 'vith rights beyond those Project Overview ......................................... 9
set forth abo,,e., you .;viii noti.f'.:'• OS Solid\Vorks of the $Cope of Project Storage ...... ..................... .......... .. 10
the request anri DS Solid\Vork$ \.;ill have five (5) business days
to, in its sole discretion. ac«pt or reject such req,uest. Contractor/ Editing Project Properties/Settings .............. ....... ... 12
11anufacturer: Dassault Solid\Vorks Cotporation, t 75 Editing Drawing Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 14
Wyman Strte~ Wallham, Massachusetts 0245 1 USA. Document Number: P1'1Tl413-ENG
Locations ........................ .....•••• . ..... ..... .. . 15 Creacing New Symbols .... .•••• .. .... .. ..... .... ... . ... .. . 65
Location Naming .......... ....... .. . • ... ..... . ... .... 17 Replacing a Symbol ... .... ......... ..... ..... . .. ... .. . 68
Zooming and Scrolling .... .... ....... .... .. .......... ... .. 19 Moving Symbols ..... ..... ......... .... ....... . . .• .. .. 68
Mouse Zoom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Using Stretch......... •••• .. ..... .. .... ..... ... . ... .. . 69
Mouse Scroll . ............. ...... .. . • ... ..... . ... .... . 19 Exercise 3: Schematics .. ..... ......... .... ..... . .. ..• .. ... 70
Exercise !: Creating a New Project ... .......••....... .. ..... 20 Lesson 4:
Lesson 2: Cabling
Mixed Scheme What is Cabling? ........ .... ......... .... ..... ... . .... . .. 76
What is a Mixed scheme? .. .. .. ..... ..•.• .. . . .... ..... .. ... 22 Changes in the Single Line Diagram ..... .... . ....... •• . .. 76
Stages in the Process . . .. ....... .. ....... .... . .... ... .... .. 23 Stages in the Process .... ..... ......... ...... . .... .. • .... .. 76
Existing and Archived Projects. ...... ........•••. . ... ..... .. 24 Cables .... ...... ....... ... •..... .... ..... .... ... .. . . .. . 77
Opening an Existing Project. ...... ..•..• . . . ..... .... .... 24 Detailed Cabling . ........... .. ........... . ........ •• ... . . 78
Unarchiving a Project ... ... ..... ........••••.... ... .... 25 Adding Manufacturer Parts ... ... ........... .. .... ...... . .. . 81
Closing projects ..... ..... ....... .... .. .......... ..... 26 Search Options ...... ..... ......... .... ....... . . .• ... . 82
Line Diagram Symbols .... .... ..... .....••• . ...... .... ... . 26 Adding Circuits to Manufacturer Parts ........... ... . .. . .. . 84
Adding Symbols ...... .. .... ...... ... . • .. ..... . ... .... 26 Terminal Strip .. ....... .... ......... ..... ..... . .. ..• .. ... 86
Symbols Library ...... .... ....... ..... .. ..... . .... .... 26 Pin to Pin Connections .. ..... ......... .... ....... . . .• ... .. 87
Symbol Orientation ... ..... .... ......••• . ...... .... .. .. 28 Wires ................. ••• .. .... ... .... ..... ... . .. . .. 87
Changing the Title Block ... ....... ... . •• .. ..... . ... .... 30 Terminals ... ....... .... ......... .... ........ ..• ... .. 87
Zoom Extents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Creating a New Cable .......... .. ..... .. ... ......... . .. 90
Adding Cables........ .. ....... .. ...... .... . .... ... .... .. 33 Adding Terminals co the Strip ...... ...... . .... ... • .... .. 92
Move ......... ..... .. .... ..... ......••••..... ..... .. 34 Adding Circuits to Terminals ........ ..... ..... ... . .. . .. . 93
Dra\'l>i ng Tools ............ ... .. .... ..•.• .. . . .... ..... .. .. 36 Symbol association ......... .. ... ........... . ....... •• ... . 94
Blocks ............ .. ....... .. ....... .... . .... ... .... 36 Terminals Editor ..... • • .. ......... ...... . ..... .. • ... .. 95
A Closer Look at the Diagram .... .......••• . . . ... .... ... 3 7 Copy and Paste ..... ... .....•••.... .... ..... .... ... . . .. .. 97
Rectangles and Arcs .... .. .. ... ........•.... . .. .... .. .. 38 Exercise 4: Cabling .... .............. .... .. . .. . . .. . .... .. . 99
Layers ............ .... .. ....... .... ... ........ ..... . 39 Lesson 5:
Exercise 2: Single Line Diagram .... ...... . ..•. . •.... .... ... 41 Macros
Lesson 3: What are Macros? ...... ..... ......... .... ....... ..•• ... . I 04
Developing a Scheme Stages in the Process ....... .. .......... ... ......... .• ... . I 04
What is a Schematic? ... .... ........ . . .•.. . •..... ... ... ... 46 Creacing and Adding Macros .. ... .... ... . . .. .... .... . . . ... I 05
The Power Drawing ... ..... ...... ...•• .. ........... .. . 46 Creating a New Group ..... ......... .... ....... ..•. .. . I 05
Adding New Schemes Manually ... ......••. .. . . . .... . . .. 46 Location Outlines . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Stages in the Process ................ .... .. ......... ..... .. 47 Exercise 5: Macros .... ... ........................ .. . . ... 116
Draw Multiple Wires . .. ..... .... .......•••.•..... ... .... . 47 Lesson 6:
Cable Selection ...... .... ....... ..... .. ......... . . .... 47 Control Drawings
Cable Sketching Options ......... ...•. .. ......... ...... 48 What are Control Drawings? ...................... .. . . . .. . 120
Wire Scyle Selection ............. ......••.••.... ... .... 49 Stages in the Process .... ..... .. .. ..... .... ..... .. ... • . .. . 120
Schematic Symbols ....... .... ....... .... .. ......... . . ... . 52 Dra\\>ing Single \Vires ....... .. ......... .... ........ ... ... 120
Manufacturers parts .......... .............••••.. . . ..... .. 54 Inserting Single Terminals ... .••••..... ..... .. . . . . ... . . .. . 122
Modifying Symbols ..... .. ........ ..... .. ......... .... 55 Using Functions ........................................ 124
Grid and Snap Options ..... .... ..... . .•. . •..... ... ... .. 56 Adding a New Function ..... .. .... ... . . .. .... .... .. ... 124
Symbol Properties ........ ..... ...... ..•• ... .......... ... . 60 Function Outlines ....... ..... ......... .... ....... ..•. . .. 125
Types of Properties ............... .... .. ......... ..... . 60 Exercise 6: Control Drawings .............................. 126

ii iii
Contents SolidWorl<s 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Contents

Lesson 7: Lesson 10:

Cross Referencing I Component association Final Drawings Changes
Associating symbols co a component .... ... .... .......... ... 132 Editing the PLC Dra\•ing . ...... . ....... • ... ......... .... . 178
Componem Color Coding ..................... ...... ... 132 Stages in the Process ............. .... . ............. ..... . 178
Stages in the Process ..... .... .. ............. ......... .... 133 Associace Cable Cores .... ... ... ...... ••• ................ 181
Cross-referencing symbols .... . ........... ... .... .. .... ... 13 5 Adding a Part Manually .... .. ............ ......... ....... 184
The Cross Reference Lise .. .... .......... ... ......... .. .. . 136 Creating a New Manufacrure.r Part .... • .................. 185
Cross Reference Stace Colors . ........... ... ........... . 136 Assigning a Part .......... ... ........... •........ ....... 185
Cross Reference Contacc Colors .................... .. ... 137 Wire Style Manager ..... .... ............. . .. ......... ... 188
Cross Reference Text Coding . .......... ... .......... ... 13 7 Single \Vires ......... .... .......... • ................ 188
Cross Reference Types .. .... ........... .. ............ . 13 7 Mulciple Wires ....... .... .... .... ... •........ ....... 188
Cross Reference Location Listing........ ... ........ .. ... 138 Equipotential Formula ..... .......... • .. ......... ..... 190
Exercise 7: Single Line Diagram Cross References ......... . ... 141 Numbering Wires .................... ...••....... ....... 191
Lesson 8: Assigning Parts to Other Objeccs . ....... • .... ......... ..... 193
Managing Origin-Destination Arrows Assigning Parts to Terminals ...................... ..... 193
What are Origin-Destination Arrows? .................. •• .. . 144 Renaming Drawings ..... ... ... ...... .. ............... 194
Stages in the Process .... ...... . ........... ......... •• ... . 144 Assigning Parts co Locations . ....... • .... ......... ..... 195
Replacing Wires .......... . .•• •..... ........... ..... .... 144 Exercise 10: Editing a PLC .... ...................... .... .. 197
Replacemem Range ..... ... ... .................. •• . .. 144 Lesson 11:
Origin-Destinacion Arrows .... ............ .... .... .. ...... 146 Reports
Interpreting che Arrow Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 147 What are Reports?...... ..... .......... • ................. 204
Exercise 8: Origin-Destination Arrows ... .. ......... •••• .... 151 Stages in the Process ........................ ..... ........ 204
Lesson 9: Report Manager ......... .... .......... ... ......... ..... 205
Programmable Logic Controllers B ill Of Materials grouped by manufacturer ... ....... ...... 205
What is a PLC? . ......... .. .. ........... .. ......... .. ... 154 List of w ires by line style .............................. 205
Stages in the Process .... . ..••....... ........... ....... .. . 154 List of cables grouped by reference ... .. ••.. ....... ...... 206
Adding a New Scheme . .. .. • . ...................... ... ... 154 Drawings list. ...................... . ................ 206
Adding a PLC Mark ..... ............ ............ .... .... 155 Drawing Terminal Scrips .............. . .... ......... ... ... 210
Inserting a PLC .......... ... ......... .. .. . ........... ... 156 Exercise 11: Reports ....... ... .......... • .. ......... ..... 2 12
PLC Configuration .................... ... ...... ... ... 157
Configuration options .... ••.•...... ........... ..... ... 157
Mulciple Copy ........ . . .. ......... . .. . ........... ... 160
Editing \Vires .. ... .....••• •• ........ ..... ......•• ... 164
Mark Numbers ....... .. .. ......... .... ......... •. ... 166
Types of Marks ....... ...•...•..... .......... .... .... 166
Replacing a Symbol .... . .. ........... ... ........... .. 167
Editing a PLC . ........... .. ......... .... ......... •.. .. . 168
Exercise 9: Adding a PLC .. .•..•..... ........... ...... .. . 170

Contents SolidWorks 2014

Introduction SolidWorks 2014 Sol idWorks 2014 Introduction

About This The goal of this course is to teach you how to use SolidWorks Electrical Laboratory Laboratory exercises give you the opportunity co apply and practice
Course to optimize your drawings and designs for manufacturability so you Exercises some of the material covered during the lecture/demonstration portion
can maximize quality, avoid re,·vork and decrease time to market. of the course. They are designed co represent typical simulation
Specifically: situations while being modest enough to be completed during class
time. These exercises are in an ANSI standard to allow srudents to have
• Integration of the electrical and mechanical design processes.
experience w~th different country standards.
• Early identification of design problems resulting in Jess rework,
improved quality and decreased time co market. About the A complete sec of the various files used throughout this course can be
Training Files do·wnioaded from the SolidWorks website,
The cools for working with electrical design in the SolidWorks
Click on the link for Support, then Tra ining, then Training Files, then
Electrical software are quite robusc and feature rich. During this course,
we will cover many of the commands and options in great detail. SolidWorks Traini ng Files. Select !he link for the desired file set.
There may be more than one version of each file set available.
However, it is impractical to cover every minute detail and still have
the course be a reasonable length. Therefore, the focus of this course is Direct URL:
on !he skills, tools, and concepts central to successfully working with
Solid\Vorks Electrical. Certain commands ·will be repeaced, or carried
out in different ways, during the design co try to reproduce a more The files are supplied in signed, self-extracting e.xecutable packages.
realistic working environment and so provide a broad overview of how The files are organized by lesson number. The Case Study folder
a variety of result can be achieved. within each lesson contains the files your instructor uses while
Prerequis ites Students auending this course are expected to have !he foJlo·wing: presenting the lessons. The Exercises folder contains any files that are
required for doing the laboratory exercises.
• Electrical design experience.
Cumulative Projects The projects used in the Case Study are cumulative, so the work done
• Completed !he course SolidWorks Essentials.
• Experience wilh the WindowsTM operating system. in each lesson is saved co a project and contributes to a single
• Solid\Vorks Electrical installed. cumulative project.. The same is true of the EXercises.
• Have read/undertaken the coursework prior to class attendance. Archive Files In order to keep users on task, a complete set of archive files is included
Course Length The recommended minimum length of this course is 2 days. in the training file sec co help a user 'catch up'. These files are project
archives,• .proj files, chat muse be unarchived and then opened (see
Course Design This course is designed around a process- or task-based approach to Unarchiving a Project on page 25).
Ph ilosophy training. R.alher than focus on individual features and funccions, a
process-based training course emphasizes the processes and procedures For example, is you were unable co complete the exercise
you follow to complete a particular task. By utilizing case smdies to }vfacros on page I 03, you would be able to open an archive
illustrate these processes, you learn the necessary commands, options file Start_Exercise_OB.prqj at the start of the ne)l."t
exercise, Control Drawings on page 119, and have all the
and menus in the context of completing an electrical design project in
an IEC standard. prior work completed. ....
Using this Book Note Lesson archives are named in a similar way. For example
This training manual is intended to be used in a clas...<room environment
under the guidance of an experienced SolidWorks Electrical instructor. sta.rt_Lesson_07.proj would be used at the start oflesson 7.
It is not intended to be a self-paced tutorial. The examples and case Windows®7 The screen shoes in this manual were made using the SolidWorks
smclies are designed to be demonstrated "live" b)' the instructor. Electrical software running on \Vmdows~ 7. If you are not using
\Vindows 7, or if you have a different theme setting, you may notice
slight differences in the appearance of the menus and "indows. These
differences do not affect the performance of the software.
lntroouctJon ~OllCIVVorKS ;tU14

Conventions Used This manual uses the following typographic c-0nventions:

in this Book
Convention Meaning
Bold Sans Serif SolidWorks commands and options appear in
this style. For example, Line diagram ->
Insert Symbol 0means click the Insert
Symbol icon on the Line diagram tab of the
Typewriter Location names and scheme names appear in
this style. For example, L2 - Pump. Lesson 1
Double Jines precede and follow sections of
the procedures. This provides separation
17 Do this step
between the steps ofthe procedure and large
blocks of explanatory text. The steps
themselves are numbered in sans serif bold.

Use of Color The SolidWorks user interface

makes extensive use of color to
highlight selected geometry and
to provide you with visual Upon successful completion of this lesson, you will be able co:
feedback. This greatly increases
the intuitiveness and ease of use • Start SolidWorks Electrical.
of the Solid\Vorks software. To • Understand pr-0jects, books and drawings.
take maximum ad1,antage of this,
• Create a new project.
the training manuals are printed
in full e-0lor. • Edit project seuings.
User Interface Throughout the developmem of the software, there have been some • Revise a title bl-0ck.
Appearance c-0smetic User Interface changes, incended to improve visibility, that do
• Edit the properties of a drawing.
not affect the func.rion of the software. As a policy, dialog images in the
manuals which exhibit no functional change from the previous version • Create new locations for electrical c-0mponems.
are not replaced. As such, you may see a mixture of current and "old" • Zoom and scroll a drawing.
UI dialogs and e-0lor schemes.

4 5
Lesson 1 SolidWorl<s 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 1
Projects Projects

SolidWorks The SolidWorks Electrical

1 Start SolidWorks Electrical.
Electrical product and associated
SolidWorks add-ins can be used to Double-click SolidWorks Electrical ]!].
create electrical projects starting
w ith 2D schematics and ending
The User Interface The SolidWorks Electrical user interface is divided up into four main
w ith 3D routing and cabling of lhe
sections. They include:
Side Pan el The Side Panel provides access to project documents (see Drawings
This lesson follows !he process of
creating a new Solid\Vorks on page 8) as well as components, macros and symbols. It also includes
a command tab and options sho\'1>11 when a command is active.
Electrical project.
Ribbon Menus The Ribbon, or CommandManager menu, contains input commands
Stages in the The major stages in !he process are listed below: sorted inro multiple groupings (tabs).
Graphics Zone The Graphics Zone is limited to draw ing access and editing.
• Starting SolidWorks Electrical
Status Bar The Status Bar shows !he cursor position and allows you to toggle
The SolidWorks Electrical product is started from !he All Programs
modes like SNAP on and off.
menu or using a desktop shortcut.
- - Side Panel - - - Ribbon Menus

- -.
• New projects, books and drawings
Cre.ating a new project from a template can also create a new book and
several drawing fiks.
• Edit projec t
Project settings can be edited at anytime during !he design process.
• Change a t itle block
Title blocks can be revised and updated in projects ro improve the
quality of information displayed.
• Editing drawing properties
The properties of a drawing can be edited after it has been created.
• New locations
Locations can be added to represent physical locations for !he
placement of components.
• Zooming an d scrolling •., -I
• I

Zooming and scrolling are used to manipulate the view of !he dra\'l>ing.
Procedure Beginning with running SolidWorks Electrical, a new project and a '---L .:__ J
new location are added.
Starting The SolidWorks Electrical product is a program that runs in its own
SolidWorks window independently of SolidWorks. It uses 2D symbols, (blocks),
Electrical and lines to create electrical drawings.
In can also be run concurrently with SolidWorks using the same
project. "'
Where to Find It • Start Menu: All Programs, SolidWorks,
Graphics Zone - - ' Status Bar·- _ ;
SolidWorks Electrical I!!
Lesson 1 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 1
Proj octs Projects

What are A Project is used to store the many different i)o(-"'ll""llS B X SolidWorks Cabinet The SolidWor ks Cabinet Layout allows for the development of
types of files used co create the reports, data and __:__• ~Dt.o--~I.. ,I_- - - Layouts project data in a 3D environment.
Projects? E 8~~
other files that together fully define the project. :. ~ 1 ·~11""'1• 111o:on....e.
. !{lo • ..! •• t: -
~ O~ ·CC\~ ~

A project contains one or more document books.

S o: ·Dl':...Wllt
• m03 h"' ··~
~ -o · · ~l>e'7'
.... .:1 !l "' ' ~ n ~ r .-
:i::::.::..:.. .!%•- !!' · - - " -
Books can contain multiple folders co manage the ~ <>f · FOWfS
~ ')S Cb'l~d
different drawing types and files related to the it 1::.:l l ·~::l) .~v

book itself.
Creating a New Creating a new project from a template can automatically populate
Project multiple files, of several different types, into the project. Additional
drawings and other files can be added manually. The default file types
available for new projects and books are described below:
Project The Project is the name assigned to the entire project including all the
books and drawing files.
Book The Book contains all the documentation t hat is used to create t he Project In this and the following lesson, a project will be created and refined.
project including folders, drawings and associated documents. Each Overview The cumulative project w ill use an assembly that includes a tank and a
project can contain one or more books. pumps c-0nnected with pipes controlled by valves. You ·will design t he
electrical circuits to power and control those pumps and valves.
Folders The Folders contain data within the Book, and can be used to
categorize data, for greater manageability.
Drawings The Drawings contain different information types that go to make up
the complete project data sec, drawings can contain, schemes, lists, 2D
cabinet layouts ...
Cover page The Cover page contains a title block in which user can set attributes
t o display information such as the project name and description,
contents of a book. The draw ing cools may be used to add an image.
Scheme Scheme dra\vings contain circuit information related to the function of
the electrical project.
Line diagram The Line diagram shows a simplified overview of project In order to complete the project, we ·will:
c-0mponents interconnects and cables used to form these connections.
• Create the basic concept of the project using a single line diagram
Mixed schema The Mixed schema drawing allows users to mjx the data style of
(see Lesson 2: Mixed Scheme).
scheme and line diagram type drawings to produce data rich hybrid
• Fully develop detailed circuits to generate the behavior required for
the electrical portion of the project (see Lesson 3: Developing a
Drawing lists The Drawing list s can c-0ntain a variety of project reports generated Scheme).
as drawings. • Pass the 2D information into 3D and integrate all the pares into a
SolidWorks assembly.
Terminal drawings Terminals drawings are automatically created from data applied to
terminals in the project drawing set and through the Term inals e ditor.
2D Cabinet Layouts 2D Ca binet Layouts are general arrangement layouts that can be
created within SolidWorks Electrical Schematic to aid in the
positioning of components within a machine, cabinet, installation...
Projects Projects

Project Storage On creation of a project a unique folder and SQL database v.~11 be Note User attributes can be added using the Customize button after the
created. By default the location of the project folder is stored in rhe Project has been created; until OK is clicked rhe project folder and SQL
folder ProgramDa ta\ SolidWor k s Electrica l\ Projects. Click database do not e.xist.
Tools -> Application settings and click the Databases tab to change .. .. "
4 Files. ~........

rhis location, and/or rhe SQL Instance c-0ncaining the program mera The proj ect is created including book and differenc • ~~:s .v tt-1• 1
dara. dra\ving files. The lists appears under the Documents =·
if · ~ ""'""° l )wtm,..
l · " W l -lw&
f !!,; 01. r....._
~ll'l ilt ~"I
tab i;::, in rhe Side Panel. ~w ,. ""'"-J.>v"•
@"O•! (( -SOlidV/odi::.Dect1i<~I • P~i • ·J't I Sc""11P."t)(W Pl Click Drawings preview and click 02 • Drawing
0 1i•ru:t... £ricfa&inlib16ry ,.. Shere: wit~ ,.. Bum N('ll;folder ~t .,. U @ list to see the preview.
• • SCllidWcd'\ f lt:flTi(Jol ,,
J 61odl: 42
6' $0M fEm$)1iltt '3

.... .
.,/. Glos.ury

~ fl;)llfltl>



ile>m'> ~Mfl !i SllMN'

5 Open ing a drawing.
Double-click O1 · Cover page to open rhe drawing in rhe Graphics
Where to Find It CommandManager: File -> Projects Manager-> New P roject ~
• Ol ·CCner ~e: :X..1 H X

2 New project.
Click Projects Manager [lJ and New Project ~1 . .
Select IEC and click OK. Click English and click OK.
3 Project information.
Type in the name Training Lesson l SWE and other information as Training Lesson 1 SWE2014
shown. Type rhe Descri ption (Eng lish) Training Less ons and User Docu!Tient book'
data 1 Pump. Click OK '

1.-.~ ~·~ 1 SWi

A:ltt~n J:;
/d;kH 1 :
/.:il'll''U 2.
Jdl.... >
' ' :.. ~

- ro-
-· I
°"" ....
~!l»"l dm :

14:4~t~:ifl({k : ~
I~! c_: 1-;r·
llr.- ......
IM6'1s l
:zjTR11'1$1ahde dda
rr.11'Vk::tt~ ~) 1 ipi.•

10 11
Lesson 1 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 1
Projects Proj ects

Editing Project The Pr oj ect settings can be modified at anytime and the changes 12 Addi ng attributes.
Properties/ realized in the project automatically, or through an update process. The On the side panel Edit title block
Settings settings impact on general data such as font styles to be used, the a ttributes expand Projects >
default color applied to different types of information, through to the Description s folder. Double click on
units of measurement and the symbols that \'l<ill be available for use in # PROJECT_TZ_O_L l and position it
the drawings. below # BUNDLE_TZ_O_L l.
Defining the. settings correctly can save a great deal of time during 13 Apply existing properties.
project development. In this example project will be set to use multiple Right click on #BUNDLE_TZ_O_L land # PROJECT_TAG
languages, and an attribute added to illustrate how this can be utilized. select Copy properties from the #BUNDLE_TZ_O_U
Tip The Proj ect settings accessed through the Projects tab, c-0ntexrual menu. Right click on #PROJECT_TZ_O_Ll
Configurations bunon, will show the current projects senings; where # PROJECT_TZ_O_Ll and select Apply
copied properties.
multiple projects are opened it is advisable to access the seuings by
right clicking on a project listed in the Documents cab, and select 14 Save and Close.
Configurations from the contexmal menu. Press the save icon w located on the Quick a ccess toolbar. Click on
the ' x' of the drawing tab to close the title block
Where to Find It • Shortcut Menu: Right-click a project and click Configurations >
Project... Tip When closing a drawing a Save prompt ''~II be displayed, by saving
before closing it ensures no data is Jost mistakenly.
6 Project Configuration. 15 Updating the title block.
Select the Project tab, Configuration command, (if you select the Double-click O1 - Cover P2€e to open the drawing in the Graphics
pulldo\vn options select Project...) Zone. Right click on the Ol · Cover pa ge in the Documents side
7 Project lang uage. panel and select Title block > Update to have the new attribute shown
Set the Second Iangu2€e for the project as French from the in !he drawing.
pulldown. Click OK. Tip By changing the project primary language to French the Description
8 Project Properties. applied in French will automacically be displayed in the cover page title
Right click on the project name in the Documen ts tab, from !he block. The English description will be S'tl.~tched to che secondary
contextual menu select Project properties ... language, the information applied in the English description field being
9 Multiple languages.
In the Description (French) field type Formation en cla.sse. Click
10 Close drawing.
Click on the 'x' of the drawing tab ..& 1 ·fo:t"""'• '• to close the drawing
o 1 • Cover page.
11 Modify a title block.
Right click on O1 · Cover P2€e from the contextual menu select Title
block > Open.
Tip A cover page is simply a ride block, text can be added on a project by
projecr basis, but the most flexibility can be obtained by adding
auributes to different cover page title blocks. By adding attributes, the
title block will automatically update based on information applied to
the projecc.
Lesson 1 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 1
Projects Projects

Editing Drawing The Properties of a drawing can be edited co change specific Locations A Location is an actual place where an electrical component is placed.
P roperties properties data such as the description or co add user fields where more Every drawing and component is associa1ed with a location.
information is required.
To avoid placing drawings in the default location, new locations can be
In general, propercies can be created, names assigned to them, and these can in rum be associaced to
edited to change the sertings Main electrical closet drawings and the components they contain. In this example, the Door
held v.ithin an object. Many and Chassis locations are created ,,;thin the Ma.In electrica.l closet.
other objec1s, such as symbols, The Pump location is outside the Ma.In electrica.l closet and ac the
also have editable properties. Door same leveL
These more complex objects Symbols and drawings Locations can be changed for after they are
will generally di\ide the created/added co a project using the Change location (Ill and
propercies into different
Chassis Properties cools.
groupings such as Component
properties the Symbol Tip Single locations can be added using New location and multiple
properties, (tha1 make up a locations ac the same time t1ich Insert several locations.
componen1), the Location Where to Find It • ComrnandManager: Project-> Locations @
properties where the componenc is co be physically installed. For more
information about symbols, see Schematic Symbols on page 52.
17 Change a locations properties.
In this example the propercies will be ediced co add a cext description. Click on the Location field. Click Ll·Loca.tlon 1 and select
Where to Find It • Shorteut Menu: Right-click a drawing and click Properties -ti Properties. Change the Description (English) field co
electrical closet and Description (French) Armoire electrique
principale click OK.
16 Edit drawing card.
Right-click O1 · Cover page and click Properties. Type che text for 18 Add a location sub location.
Pump after the Description (English) Cover page as shown and Add a new location inside of the Ll · Ma.In electrical closet. Click
pour Pompe after the Description (French) Page de ga.rde. Locations tIJl and click Ll · Ma.In electrical closet and click New
n X Location dJ· Type Door as the Description (English), Porte as the
..... Description (French) and click OK.
,, __ "'9
.:.. - ' ·-
,., X
- -I :;/ "I 9' f;]~

- -·- ·
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,.,------------------==========;i . .....
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" ---
• t •


-- ·-._ .,,_,
"'-'"<• :
:::.-~~ ~
I r·' "!"8-1-

. .

"""' t:l
. .,_
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.. "

....... ~ !:
-ei-> ·

. . .. ............



-°""' J '--~~~~~~~~~~~~.:.....~
, ,,.., ..... t o• • ,_.... I
19 Resulting locations. Location Naming The locations are named using the same default "L" prefix, even those
The Ll ·Door location has Ll as the Master and is indented under the that are created inside other locations such as the locations L 1 · Door
L l • Main electrical closet loca1ion. and L2·Chassis from the previous steps.
llJ looiiti«IS Manager. ...,.allllllg U.s>of'l 1 swc: - " " To change the prefix, rype a different Root name in the dialog when
!! ...!.. I.~ ~.~. .!
you create the new location.

It) (»
....., ..., lt~(;]

- - x

•ot.tltOr'! totodbom
•• --- ··· --·· r'

•n..n ....... :v- ....1>,,;;....:;;"~-=-==============

- i- ' T1etTI:1 leAIC.'n 1 SWE
11 !)nor 11 ~
ll .W11r. l.'lee!<llldw:I
, Ma:.!1'!' - ~cid}lool(

1· D'>~boo'k

" """ "' '°""""""""' --=i

_J 1 ·""°"""•b<dt -I
' )~lllll~&)· I~~
-- 11
"""' I

~(£,-~"") .
20 Add another location in the cabinet. Us11tdoe1• I
Using the same procedure, click the L 1 • Main electrical closet "]lr.ill'dbl~ c...,,~
Trvd:t.:tic d:c::i 1 ~)
location, and add a new location Chassis under it, (the French is the Tl'<Ydic.'lble d:e.!i 1 frer<h>:

same with a circumflex over the a (Alt+0226)).

TO'l'll~c!~.)2~W\l ·

. T:nsl~dtu2~~~·'----------------~-1


M:i~: Trall110g les~r l !i·,vr

" -"
""" '" lon1b:11u
l!)Utoon " ""'"'
.v ~o
~ I x ~""'"'"···. . . ., . . . ....
!otlllfon """ '
\:J ~r@-
• . 1 '"j '"'
oi!.:il~ CIFMllllf
*!f!~mt11l - - l~ dj. V1rw
- ~ ~ TmTI1 Lew.-n 1SWE
~-- ~!!_- -~611~ -
B G;~-1&1h~E':~~ """' t1 J _I_!"!(_!__
21 Add independent location.

l l -131.!0I
ilt .W11r. tled.eul cic&d 1 • Dxt.mCl"t book
I:!! l1 ol.1 Using the same procedure, make sure that none of the existing locations
ID U·O-..C"$ cg l2 °"'
°""'" •ll l ·~boolt
are selecced, (select the project name), and add a new location Pump,
I (English), Pompe, (French). Click OK, Close and OK.
+ld;&)· I~
I °"' I
" .,,
.ill Z!iJ I >< .i) rsl
Ut.., bu '1t jt' OE'll'.11! 0,09tl\lt\,.. Ot4auil
· )C4Uon foQb)ns locwon
119 {'-' ]
v...s,, !l:.l , ..~t
llkpl.1'f OtJPl.ff'
t.bMClt~nt la VIM

~- !ruiNtt~lSWEI Cunirt ..lotk l.oedion Mos!~ At~~

e Gi Ll- ~oi.xtl\::QI ~ ni Ll .w..b~dot!Ct 1 ~~
-6' t..l·Oo~ ! ID u 0oor -t1 1 -~book
CB t1·0\-:1"1J CB u O'.lli'SS~ -ti t. ~ too'k
<I GjJL2·"""'1 • -.;__ '~

"'"""'">- 1""""" =1 I °"'

16 17
Lesson 1 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 1
Projects Proj<>CtS

22 Change location. Zooming and Zooming or scrolling the drawing can be done in many w ays but the
Right-click 04 - Electrical scheme from the Documents tab and Scrolling most direct is by rotating or dragging the middle mouse scroll wheel.
click Properties. Click on the location L l - Main electrical closet.
Click the location L2 Door , Select and OK. Mouse Zoom Rotate the middle mouse scroll wheel down to zoom out (further
away). Rotate the middle mouse scroll wheel up to zoom in (closer).
- .., " Mouse Scroll Press and drag the middle mouse scroll wheel to pan the view left,
' t .>JWtorllob: right, up or down.
I"' Where to Find It Mouse Button: Rotate or drag w ith the middle mouse scroll wheel.

'" """' ---=I• fH [:_ .!.

~~,~- ~~-
24 Open drawing.
Double-click 0 4 - Electrical s ch eme to open the drawing. Zoom on
Hcllll1!e : 20.~ the LOCATION section. +L l +L l and Door are listed. Zoom and scroll
li!kbl:xt.11"c 1 to o:irlJ'IS .(bt'c~neric:'ttl}. I
l l •
the drawing so that the entire border can be seen.
°'"'"~~): s~:!rd.$d\crc
oe~(Ft~~)t ~&.cir'«.le
t.ber d:ii;,. J:
1- . . 11....,., .
Document book
~Ol df~: - -·1.\1
+Ll+Ll Door

25 Save the proj ect.

.,..... I
Although the drawing has been automatically saved, it is prudent to
23 Change drawing location options. save at key points in the development. Click Save 1i!J and keep the
When a drawing location is changed a prompt is automatically project open.
displayed through which you can select to update all the components
currently locared in the drawing, or update the drawings default
location only. The drawing is currently empty so either of the top two
options can be selected.

Q The location of the dr<1wing(s} is about lo

c~nge. Oo you want to change the location of
the compone11t?

+ Change component location

C:l•l'IPQ•"tt!ts on d"1w,.19(s) ""''" ' ~l'l'lot l('Oi•O<'l iS
dr.i..,ing wit h!l\•r klc.1111011 d'IMgt>d 11~ the dr;n.;i1191.

-+ Change drawing loCiltion ooty

Oo'#( l he Cl"""''l\QS l0<~10ri will he cll~ngo1«<.

-. cance1
LQUlnm Of Uit ;t,;;,..-''9' ...... not ~ tht:•9fd·
Exercise 1 SolidWorks 2014
Croatlng a Now Projoct

Exercise 1: Create a new SolidWorks Electrical project and location using che
Creating a New informacion provided.
Project This lab uses the following skills:
• Creating a New Project on page 8.
• Locations on page 15.
Procedure Create che projecc and add the location as shown.
1 New project.
Click the Projects Manager and create a new projecc using the
following settings:
• Project template - ANSI Lesson 2
• Project language - English
• Name - EXERCISE Mixed Scheme
• Customer - Your choice
• Drawing office - Your choice
• Description - Garage Door
2 Create a new location.
Create a new locacion Garage at the same level as the default
L l · electrical closet.
3 Properties.
Access the Properties of the 03 • Line diagram and select the new Upon successful completion of this lesson, you will be able to:
location Garage.
• Understand archived projects.
4 Save the proj ect.
• Delete, Create and renumber drawings.
• Use the symbol library.
• Draw cables to connect symbols.
• Use drawing cools to annotate your drawing.
What is a Mixed A Mixed Sc heme is a combination of a Single Line Diagram, and a A Mixed scheme is a combination of both these drawing types,
scheme? Scheme drawing. Each drawing type contains specific cypes of allowing for the inclusion of the different symbols styles, in addition to
information, the Single Li ne Diagram is a simplified representation of the commands, co provide increased design flexibility. The only
the cabling that will be used in the project, an example is shown here limitation being thac it is not possible to link scheme wires to line
named 03 · Line diagram. It shows the original concept of the diagram symbols.
project, optionally with drawing graphics, rather lhan the final result. In
this example some pieces of the final project, a set of four valves, is noc
shown. The cables for the valves -.viii be added in a later drawing.

. ' ... •

:1I .. ..
.. .. _:_:.e-:-
• • 'I 1
1 DoCl.lmtllt ~
Note The single line diagram is not required buc it is useful in managing the
! ;]:
..": ._.....,.~ ... ,;.,.:. .,_,
cables used in the project, and outlining the basic project concept and
core component interconnects.
Stages in the The maj or stages in !he process are listed below:
A Sc heme or schematic diagram is used to show the electrical
components and their detailed electrical wire and cable connections.
Schematics may appear in one or more of the drawings oflhe book. An • Existing a nd archived projects
example is shown below named 04 · Electrical scheme, this is an Projects management includes both opening and unarchiving
JEC standard power circuit; a power circuit is a scheme that contains procedures.
the circuits rhar connect ro all the components that require power. • Deleting, creating and re num bering d rawings
Drawings can easily be moved, created, or deleted requiring the
numbering to be updated to reflect changes.
• Line diag ram s ym bols
The e.\."tensive symbol library is used to add line diagram symbols to the
• Adding cables
Lines that represent cables are added to the drawing.
• Drawing tools
Dra\\ing annotations can be created using the drawing cools.
Usi ng an Arc hive To start the lesson with an up ro dare project, unarchive and open the
File file start_Lesson_02.proj from the folder Lesson02\ Case Study.
For more information, see Unarchiving a Project on page 25.

22 23
Lesson 2 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 2
Mixed Scheme Mixed Scheme

Procedure Delete dra'\\'ing 03 • Wiring line d1a€mm, create a mixed scheme, Unarchiving a Archived projects are stored in a compressed format that must be
and renumber the dra'\\'ing set. Using the new 03 · Mixed scheme Project uncompressed before opening. The archive stores all the information
dra'\\'ing, add symbols, cables and annotations to create the single line required to open and edit the project.
diagram, scale and move symbol artributes.
Once the project has been unarchived, it can be opened using the
Existing and There are options in Solid\Vorks Electrical for opening projects and method described in Opening an Existing Project on page 24.
Archived unarchiving projects. These follow difl:'erent procedures as one type Start Files To begin a lesson or exercise '''ith a completely up to date project,
Projects uses compressed files and the other does not. unarchive and open the appropriate project. For example, use the file
Start_Lesson _02.proj at the start of this lesson and use
Opening an Existing projects are listed in the Projects Manager dialog. These
Start_Exercise_0 2 .proj at the start of the related exercise.
Existing Project projects have been created and opened at least once and appear with a
unique ID, Project name, Project description 1 and Contract The start files are stored in the SolidWorks Training Files \
number. By default, the files are stored in the C:\ ProgramData \ SolidWorks Electrical Schematic\ Les son folders and the
SolidWorks Electrical\Projects folder and a sub-folder named for appropriate Case Study and Exercise sub-folders.
the project ID. Note Unarchiving a file does not open it unless you click Yes on the "open"
Note Only the projects stored in that folder will appear in the Projects message.
Manager dialog. l. Click Projects manager.
l. Click Projec ts manager. Click Projects manager li'.J and click Unarchive ~ . Browse to
Click Projects manager Ii:). All the projects that have been the folder C:\ SolidWorks Training Files\
opened or unarchived recently are listed. SolidWor ks Electrical Schematic\ Lesson 02\ Ca se Study,
2. Double-click a project by name. click the file Start_Lesson_02.proj W and click Open.
Double-click a project name under the Recent projects tab.
2. Project information.
l'iJ~Mt'lf?t\)llr - .. " The Project dialog includes text information about the project.
Click OK.
[! u~~ ~ u~ ;~~~,. !!l.~~.~L
I . ' t11r.:.i.tlJIMI


3. Messages.
At the message: Do you wa nt t.o updat.e your libraries? e-Jick
lkant~o;:i$ ,~ ~ Do not update. At the message: Do you want t.o open this
I•!' ID
I PIOje(t~
Pl-ji~O;«t~IM 1
J_ ~}tUIJ!llet project? click Yes.
Using Update Data If you click Update data, a wizard will appear to help you decide
B: what action to take when newer files are available in different
categories. Ac the message: Do you want to open this project?
click Yes.
tJ iJnarct>.'llng : Frojects - => x
. w•- 60 """""' l!il- @:Jill-IOll ..r !iii -'-""'="'-·' '' - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Co~
' litle bloclcs
Change action.using popup menu oo oolumn •AGlion• on a se!ie-tlionofi:ems.
Color code. r£od prov1ded....,lh tie soft,,iate f Cteen cteated by us1H ( Blue • p10V1ded..,'ilh lll.e 9oftware andmodilie-d by user

Where to Find It • Projects Manager Property.Manager: Double-click a recent project

from the list """ ~
~ O,~.q:o ~1Tl.JOP_/IHS4_0_CO • CO~P"«'
~ O.,nettun;• ..=J m_ror.J.HSl..S_tt~ D'lf&A\oi oot-.rnn
Q D:>netl-~ ._!lm_rorJJISlO. SC.. Uv.thto:ek
~ o,~~ ..=JiR_fOP_AflS!_.D_CH 0 '\\\th U(olrl'li~Uiew

24 25
Lesson 2 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 2
Mixed Scheme Mixed Scheme

Where to Find It • Projects Manager PropertyManager: Unarchive dj

Breaking de"ices
Closing projects Open projects can be closed using the Projects manager. Select the

rn lm
project from the list (open projects v:ill appear in blue text) and click

Where to Find It

-LJ. .
Projects Manager PropertyManager: Close ~ L!:: !J_
Contactor relay Circuit-breaker Modular circuit-breaker
Line Diagram The Line Diagram Symbols library stores many

Symbols symbolic representations for line diagrams broken
in logical groupings. You can copy a symbol from
the library to the drawing sheet.
Adding Symbols There are two main methods of adding symbols to a drawing; one uses Fuse disconnecter
a standard click (Insert Symbol) to place while the other uses the
familiar drag and drop method. Both methods can access the same Command
symbol library.

~ ~ [gJ
Symbols Library The side panel symbols tab offers easier access to some of the more
c-0mmon symbols. The are shown in the following table.

t ~ ·~·
Supplies EW_SY_EmergencyStop EW_SY_PushButtonStop
Emergency stop button NC push but.ton
NO push button

t• J
Cells battery
EW_SY_Transformer High
High Voltage Transformer
Low Voltage Transformer
[00 ~
EW_SY_Switch EW_SY_PedalConta-Ot
Loads Switch Foot contact

r ., µ..] ~

l1 -~I [ii] ~
EW_SY_Motor EW_SY_Resistor Heat EW_SY_Jack
Motor Heating resistor Cylinder
EW_SY_Limitswitch EW_SY_LimitswitchLever EW_SY_PressureSensor

~ t~]
Roller limit switch Lever limit switch Pressure sensor

:·~ 1 ~
EW SY Fan EW SY Pump
Fan Pump
EW_SY_ProximitySensor EW_SY_TemperatureProbe
Proximity sensor Temperature probe
Note The symbols sho"l'l'll in the symbol library will vary based on what type
Miscellaneous of drawing or scheme is open. For line diagrams there are less symbols
available than for power or control scheme dra\vings.

[iJ LIJ j~J Note The Symbols tab on the side panel can be modified by adding selected
symbols to any of the group such as Command and Sensors.

EW_SY_Termina.l EW_SY_Cabinet EW_SY_Ammeter

Where to Find It • CommandlV!anager: Line diagram -> Insert Symbol tt\
• Side Panel: Click Symbols .©
Terminal strip Electrical cabinet Ammeter

1 Create a Mixed Scheme.

Generic frame.
Time meter
Click the Project tab, New -> New Mixed Scheme.
Add drawing descriptions.
Enter an English description of Mixed power scheme, and French
description of Schema de puissance mixte and click OK.
3 Delete drawing.

II ~
Right click on drawing 03 • Line diagram click Delete and OK on

EW_SY_MotorDrive EW_SY_Plc EW_SY_Screen
the confirmation mes.sage.
Drag and drop drawing.
Holding do\\'ll the left mouse button click
on drawing 06 • Mixed power scheme .: . t •n1•1114w-~sw1:201•
• x

Drive PLC Screen a ._ 1 . l)(IG\Jfli?."' ~

and drag it up the list so that it w ill be · ~ Ot·(o,~pe11efof"'-"$)
102 · Dr~l$1'
above 04 · Elect rical scheme, release
Symbol The Symbol Orientation options control the rotation and possible
the mouse button to move the dra\ving.
Orientation mirroring of a symbol as it is added to the dra\ving.
5 Renumber drawings.
_. I Right click on the Book and select Renumber drawings...
Original orientation . \ 6 Numbering formula.
·, 90 rotation 1..~J In the Renumbering dialog click the fx formula manager button. In
1 ; the Formula: File mark field change the formula co
')-( STR((VAL(FIL_N0)+99), 2 , 0), click OK, and OK again (0
renumber the drawings.

('.-....:./·~ Note The FIL_NO field is the variable field within the formula returning an
mcremencal counter l, 2, 3... for numbering dra\Vings. By default this is
., .
180 rotation ~
. ) .J .
270 rotation I.ill a text field, in order to have the numbering start at 1 00 it is necessarv
10 convert the field to a number, (VAL), then add ninety nine co the ,
FIL_NO, ( +99). Converting this return back co text, (STR), will leave
two decimal places after the expression return, the ,2,0 will trim this
I I from che formula.
90 rotation and ,YI
7 Open drawing.
Mirror ~I
mirror I~•
b Open the drawing l 02 • Mixed power scheme.

28 29
esson esson
Mixed Scheme Mixed Scheme

Changing the Title The tide block appears in the drawings based on a predetermined Zoom Extents Use Zoom Extents to make the entire drawing fit inside the graphics
Block selection. To access different size or type of title block, Choose zone.
another title block is used, from the dra'l1.'ing context menu, or a
Where to Find It • ComrnandManager: View -> Zoom Extents ~
default can be set/changed through the project configuration.
In this example the title block is being set as an ISO A3 for mixed 9 Zoom to Extents.
scheme dra\"ings. Select Zoom extents so that the graphics area shows the entire title
1O Select symbol.
::: Click Insert Symbol ~ 'from the Line dia~am tab, click the Other
symbol button, (if this is the first time this command has been used the
Symbol selector will open automatically). Click Motors from ihe
Classification list, click Pump and Select.


Where to Find It • ComrnandManager: Project-> Configuration ->Title block->

Mixed scheme ~
0 )(

8 Set a title block.

Click the Project tab Configuration icon, click the Title blocks tab,

and click on the Mixed scheme Select field. Choose the ISO A3 title
block TR_FDP_BASEA3CA_EN. Click Select and OK and Update

all the related schemes options in the dialog prompt.

.. .......

l\o:lces, a~ll

~. ....tcru

"'""""" · l'l•••W L11I • ., , ..,.,;, l""hif.l"l"n

fbijl>ll ' II'·" l\hp w,'•11.. ,.,. ... . .,,,..,.,.; H
1.0!( 1:1 Comcclon
h"1"'1V L <',,(l!ltll ! ~-----1 Fl Contac1.0t' r•ys. rtlltt
Ot ll!.ottols,_..,,,

9 ~~~·
H ~~ntde'lus
•,_, II
~oc. fotf«4Jc.
Fl ~~
U Rel!ltorJ
e HJ~,Abrm
t..J \ llt!f'Oilt
~ Iii fei:nr4 !$1np$,. ~s
F1 ililJf1.N~
~~::.c rd.'ivs
I ~j!j I
L _ ._ .J

30 31
Lesson 2 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 2
Mixed ScJJeme Mixed Schen~e

11 Locate symbol. Adding Cables A cable concains one or more cable cores which will be assi<>ned wires. ~

Click on che drawing co place the symbol in the centre of the drawing. It may be used to simply indicate component connections, to reserve a
Change the Location to L2 • Pump by clicking on the Location field, cable for use between two components, or to define the detailed wiring
and click OK. between symbols in line diagrams; this information bi-directionally
updates in schemes and vise versa.
Note In order to have a command continue after a process has been carried
om select !he Pin ~ icon on the Command side panel when the Note The cables are drawn to show connections between components. There
command is active. is nor yet any assignment of cable conductor cores to the cable.

12 Drag and drop symbol. Where to Find It • Command?vfanager: Line diagram -> Draw cable La
Click the Symbols ID tab from the side panel and select Line diagram
symbols palette (IECSynopticSymbolPalette) option from the 14 Cable.
pulldown, click che Miscellaneous page. Click Draw cable La and connect the symbols ~Q * f,f !>""""""'' .
Double click on che Terminal str'ip (EW_SY_Terminal) symbol and
place it as shown.
by clicking as shown. Draw a cable

~~ I
6: l~I

Symbols ·~~cl <IJest)oie
• Se'cct lt>e ~n IN~ ~'Rim
· ~'~ ©•- It> 00 ;.1 tie crr. nf mt «)'11"""1d
· Odtl'r!:tt>Olllt
ID m_L:!""_'.1-'9'.'IM~~eni:('}

~: EW SYT~ •
Deeo1tllJOn~ r-..;Mll strt>

I °"""""'
"""' r "bnt Dffi:l-citJ.,.
%ft'.JJ'.l:m>l111 · ~
Co -

Dru [IJ
I Tip The Esc key will stop creating cables, when f02 ~do~Wl • Rec
f03 ""= W'!"1cu • lllit

1~· ;· ~4
drawing a cable char does not terminate ac fO; Q-=i c;:nb... ill lb6

~~ ~ [JJ . ,I I ~ ~ another symbol.

; I I •
l- -:.:::.J8 ~------
-- • I I

CIJLJCEJ 15 Zoom to extents.

· ~I

Ie ltiiH•i13 Location.
This component should be placed in a different location, !he Chassis.
Click Zoom Extents ;;i. co fit che entire title block "~thin che window.

Select the Location L2 • Cha..ssis in !he dialog and click Select. Click
OK. ' =1
Lesson 2 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 2
Mixed Sclleme Mixed Sch em e

Window Selection of Dragging a rectangular w indow around geometry is a very efficient

Geometry method of selecting multiple pieces of geometry. It does make a 16 Move.
difference.whether the window is dragged from left to right or from Click Move r:.'J and drag-select across both symbols and cable. Click
right to left. OK. Click near the original location and then at the new location.
Dragging a \vindow right to left captures geometry in and crossing the
w indow. • •

···· ··• ·····.;;.-····· ··········

,....__-rtJt··············· ~
.......• ....:1:1f .... .........
Dragging a window left to right captures geometry in the window.

- -- -- - ' - • " '- -

·· - -&- - -

1'·•. . ,--:.--1-~J--- "':•: : ·~ " r::::_.,___.____ 17 Add another symbol.

Click the Symbols © tab from the side panel and click the Sensors
Add a Lever limit switch (EW_SY_LimitSwitchLever) to the
drawing, placing it above the Pump as shown. Set the Location as
L2 · Pump.
Move Move is used to move, but not copy, geometry in the draw ing. In this
example, the move is defined as a vector distance and direction from Using Draw cable L.,, connect the symbols as shown.
the current position.
Where to Find It • CommandManager: Line diagram -> Move .:P
• CommandManager: Schematic -> Move ·.-fl
Note The command is the same but appears on a tab that matches the active
drawing: line diagram or scheme. . '

.. . •


Note For more information on symbols and cables, see Adding Symbols on
page 26 andAdding Cables on page 33.
Drawing Tools The Drawing cab has many drawing tools to skecch and manipulace 2D A Closer Look at The block that has been added as a diagram shows a pump moving
geometry on che drawing sheet. It can also be used to add existing the Diagram water from a well to a tank. The electrical design w ill decermine !he
geometry. rules of how and when !he pumps are used.
In this example, a skecch showing the physical model will be added 10
!he drawing. Addicional geometry will be added 10 show how che
symbols map to !he componencs of the physical model. Both existing
and sketched geometry will be used.
Blocks Blocks allow you to re-use existing geometry in other places and in
ocher drawings. Geometry inserted as a block is treated as a single piece
of geometry thac can be moved or deleced.
Where to Find It • CommandManager: Drawing -> Others -> Insert block ~

1 Insert block.
Click Insert block IA:! and Browse for !he file Pump_Diagram.dwg
from the folder SolidWorks Electrical Schematic\Lesson02\Case
Click OK and place the block above and to !he left of the symbols.


• .' z ' • The pump w ill move water from the well to !he tank until !he cank
reaches a minimum volume of w ater.
• Once the minimum w ater level is reached, a secondary pump will
• • ' move water 10 a valve.

- -~ - ~ ~ I '
Security Routines
• The valves w ill allow !he water to pass as requested.
Some securicy routines will be added co prevent !he tank from
overflowing or being empcied.
• When che minimum w ater level of!he tank is reached, no w ater will
be released through the valves.
• When the w ater level of!he tank drops below the minimum value,
wacer will automacically be pumped from che well to fill it.
• The tank will automatically release wacer chrough !he valves if
Note Move the symbols and cables, if necessary to make room for the block, maximum wacer level is exceeded.
using the method sho'tl.'ll in ,\fove on page 34.
Note This diagram represencs just one of the four redundant syscems in !he

36 37
Lesson 2 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 2
Mixed Scheme Mixed Scheme

Rectangles and Rectangles and Arcs are just two of the, many drawing tools available Layers Using Layers allows you to separate, the geometry into groups. They
Arcs from the Drawing tab. can be used to assign color, line thickness and line type 10 the geometry.
Where to Find It • CommandManager: Drawing -> Rectangle t:l Where to Find It • CommandManager: Drawing -> Layers '-"
Where to Find It • CommandManager: Drawing -> Arc '\
3 Create new layer.
2 Sketch. Click Layers cJ and click Add layer. Name the new layer
Click Rectangle t:J and sketch a rectangle around the pump as Connectors and set the color to Magenta. Click OK.
shown. Click Arc '\ and sketch two connecting arcs as shown.
dld\'i.on; man<1g0< . e"x

[ A<:kl ltr;~r [ R~mWl!IJWll ~~I>

~.!_~~ ~~:'!. ~~~LF•_tuiri
~· ...L li.!,!O:l~- ~~It~ Priul • !
J •
• .. """''""
'" \\'111:1'1
l":_IO:lli 1f.y Ollf:!t tt
cortruo:.''6" Dmcit
..!I ~J
- ~IKKUIJ!..-
ew 1~r_wwr
- •
- •
.~ -
• .•~1:6

9rin1ow:; lt_~1..1!:..J.3
~.tnxlll' Ey Oef;e.d l
I '·I

4 Set geometry to layer.

set ::ecdlet~o:• ~ au:cm

Select the rectangle and Control+select the arcs. Right-click and click
OJo:Wl: I~

f .,
- I .,....., I

Properties. Set the layer to Connections and click Close.

E GttllQI Qil
Cd o1 .;(m.:I
liyp(_ C;:in:ie<l:io~
Lh oty"" EIJt"i"''
l if"'Yf•-'I Jll:"~ I OO:Ml
Ep;1~<11r U,OO:CXD
Lr.c: t:1 :l<J> ~:;,

H,~i·k "''""

The selected geometry, a rectangle and two arcs, changes layer and
color to magenta.

38 39
lesson 2 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Exercise 2
Mixed Scheme Sing/• Lin• Diagram

s Scale drawing data. Exercise 2: Create a single line diagram using the
Select the Drawings tab, Scale command RI and select all the data in Single Line information provided.
the drawing. Specify a base point by left clicking, and in the side Diagram This lab uses the following skills:
panel co=and dialog enter a value of0.5 and press the tick icon.
• Adding Symbols on page 26.
Tip It is not possible to select a ti!le block in a drawing using Drawing
• Symbols Library on page 26.
• Adding Cables on page 33.
Using the, method shown in Move on • Changing the Title Block on page 30.
page 34 move the data to the upper left • Drawing Tools on page 36.
of the title block. Click on the symbols to • Blocks on page 36.
reveal the attribute grips, click on these
Using an Archive To start the exercise with an up to dace project, unarchive and open the
and drag the attributes to reposition them File file Start_Exercise_02.proj from the folder Lesson02\ Exercises.
outside the symbols .
For more information, see Unarchiving a Project on page 25.
Procedure Create a single line drawing as shown.
1 Title block.
6 Save the project.
Change the tide block of the 03 - Line Diagram to the ANSI size,
Click Save ~ and keep the project open. D Size - 34x22 inches, D Without column without row.
2 Illustration.
Open the drawing 03 - Line diagram and insert the block
Garage_Door as shown.
Note The file Garage_Door .dwg is found in the folde.r:
SolidWorks Training Files\SolidWorks Electrica l Schematic\
Lesson02\ Exercises.
Optionally, use !he drawing cools to sketch geometry and create an
illustration that represems a garage door and motor.

n ,... -....-
-- .
3 symbols. 4 Cable.
Add the following symbols to the drawing in the locations shown. Create a cable connecring the symbols Xl and Ml as shown.

r= -:1
[I] 11. ~1

I [!I)
_ _::_j E
EW_SY_Motor EW_SY_Limit8w1tch
Roller limit switch
Location: Garage
L- -- _I
s Draw.
Use the drawing tools to add lines representing conduirs to the
Terminal strip Proximiry sensor illustration.
Location: Main electrical Location: Garage

====71 ~ ~

~!i T&_,
Ii__ ::..JI
Cet l
L!IJ ~-----~ ~-1
ne 1Jqram
~ ~
i!&..!! ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ "
.. ram I-
- =
6 Save the project.
" ~= ·-· "
Tip The Garage location was created in the previous exercise, Exercise 1:
Creating a New Project on page 20.

42 43
txerc·l Se" ~OllCIWorkS J::U14
Single Line Dlagra1n

Lesson 3
Developing a Scheme

Upon successful completion of this lesson, you will be able to:

• Understand scheme drawings.
• Draw mulriple wires.
• Understand scheme symbols and how rhey are used.
• Unarchive parrs.
• Assign Parts.
• Modify symbols.
• State bar sertings.
• Add artribures.
• Update symbols.
• Creare/manage palerte groups.
• Understand Symbols and Components.
• Create new symbols on-the-fly.

44 45
Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 3
Developing a Scheme Developing a Schen~e

What is a A Schematic diagram is used co show the electrical components and Stages in the The major stages in the process are listed below:
Schematic? their electrical c-0nnections. Schematics may appear in one or more of Process
the drawings of the b-Ook.
• Schematics
The Power The Power Drawing is a schematic that c-0ncains the circuits chat The schematic drawing commands are introduced.
Drawing c-0nnect co all the components that require power. In this project the
• Draw Multiple Wires
power drawing is named 04 • Power.
Multiple wires are selected from a library and sketched as one.

. , I .. I h I I I H
" "'
• Schematic Symbols
Schematic symb-Ols are introduced and added co the drawing.
. Using an Archive To start the lesson with an up co dace project, unarchive and open the
File file Start_Lesson_03.proj from the folder Lesson03\Case Study.
!! · 11' ·
. .I •. Il"'l For more information, see Unarchiving a Project on page 25.
. ..J Procedure Develop a new schematic power drawings using multiple '"ires and
schematic symbols in the mixed scheme.
mt 1·. . .H
JJJJI J} ~ lj 1 Zoom Extents .

1111 . 1~ . ~~· Click the Zoom extents command icon >[;,, from the Quick access

. i1 ..
. 11~ .
toolbar at the top of che screen, or double click the mouse wheel.

- .
-luI T Draw Multiple
The Draw multiple wires tool is used to sketch
1 w 5 lines char represent the electrical wires

I -
, ~
• simultaneously. The wires are parallel, equally
spaced and run horizontal or vertical (unless
the Non ortho drawing option is clicked).
Add ing New New schemes can be added manually using the document list Right-
Schemes Manually click 1 • Document book, click New and Scheme.
Note Schemes such as the drawing 04 • Power appear \vith the 0 icon in
' - - - - - -- '
the document list. Mixed scheme drawings with the llil icon.
Cable Selection The \vires, including the style, number of wires, spacing and colors are
defined prior co sketching.
In chis example, we \viii be using the cable NL1 L2L3 (3) Each phase
with real colors. le contains the following wires and color settings:

Neutral wire • Phase 1 • Phase2 O Phase3 . Protection •

Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 3
Developing a Scheme Developing a Scheme

Cable Sketching The sketching options determine how the \\.ires appear, how they bend Wire Style The Wire style selection browser is used to select the type of wire or
Options and even if they remain horizontal and vertical. The setting can be Selection wires that will be sketched. Single wires with five wires can be
switched as you sketch using the buttons or keyboard shortcuts. selected, but not all the wires need to be used.

Uncross Wires -I =-\Vire Uylc !i-t>let!D1 0 x

-0 O·fkoclJ~

,__ _ ?"/
-.,__ ., ..., • 2-WCC

Phase inversion

l lCY
,__ C~-an~
E lllJUU
ii Nt.1 l l U (2)

• • •
"I Ai• It.

~~ ·.<il:h•rol«
All~ '$t ll1~
( spaceba.r key) E Nl lUU.(l) • • • Iii Ph~cs 1t.tth ~cob-::
Cross Wires ' - i. .. ~ • 2-WAG
- 'L .. ~·, i ~\'/>£
~ . ""' •
Where to Find It • CommandManager: Schematic -> Draw mu ltiple wires §
Drawing Wires ' 2 Multiple line settings.

chunk by wire
Click Draw multiple wires '§ .
chunk 'ti.

Under Wire style selection, click the ...
- Browse button and selecc NL1 L2L3 (3)
Eaeh phase with real colors. Click I~ :

Bent drawing Select.

Drawing 2 wires
Make sure that all five of the Available ., =i
(c key) chunk by 2 wire P;;~~
wires are selected as shown.
chunk :;fl, 0t~e'.lnll-
0 rt~$<: 1

' e rt~~2
EIFt:1o$C l
B IWl~Ofl

Note The color and display settings of the wires can be ediced using the Wire
style manager, available from the browser: Wire style selector. For
more information, see Wire Style Manager on page 188.
On ~

Non ortho
\'\ 3 Settings.
Keep the default settings of:

drawing """\: : • Phase inversion - Uncross cables I

. .
~~'.'-· '-... .

Bent drawing - Cable chunk [lir
Non ortho drawing - cleared

Note The cursor position influences the toggle (angled

line) to that side and performs the same function as
the Phase Inversion option, ordering the group of
Developing a Scheme txJveloplng a Scheme

4 Sketch. Tip By activating the pushpin f rt: icon on the command panel it is possible
Click in the graphics zone in the lower left portion of the dra"l.ving. to select and replace each wire style wilhout reactivating the command
Click again in the mid left comer, then pull the cursor 10 the right of the to replace each ·wire.
dra\ving as shown to complete the line.
6 Phase toggle.
Click OK or right-click to end input. Click Draw multiple wires §.! .
Under Name, browse for NL1L2L3 Each
phase with a color and click Select.
Clear the Neutral wire and make sure that
the four Available wires are selected as
1• ,, ~,~~:-~~~JD
~ OOl ~lhM

shown. rs-
- Click on t he 2nd \vire, Phase 1, as shown, Otk<.irdwi..""
0r1i.,~ 1
and move the cursor below the horizontal to 0Phe,,,z
select !he right downward phase toggle. It] Pho~" J

~· '

........ .., ....... ....

s Replace Wire Style.
Right click on the Green - Protection wire and select Wire Style ->
Replace. In ihe Command panel seleci Propagation to
equipotential, click OK to confirm and from the Wire style selector
expand N L l L2 L3, click on Protection and Select.
Note On activating the command the incorrect \vire scyle is active, by
Note By selecting to propagate to equipotential, the selecred style of \vire
drawing off existing \vires in a dra\ving, the program \vill automatically
w ill be applied to the entire equipotential in the scheme rather than the
adjust the style of those being dra\'1>11 to match the existing styles. This
selected section of \vire only. By selecting to propagate through
not only acts as a time saving feature but also helps resolve a common
circuits, the style will be applied through symbols circuits, (where che
design error before it can occur.
style is the same as that being replaced on either side of the symbols
circuit). 7 Complete line.
Click again on the lower part of !he I I
Repeat !he process replacing each of the phases for the equivalent
screen to complete the line. Click
phase in the wire style N Ll L2 L3.

- ~\'fir~ $.~ !Wloedo!

- .. 1.
~· L o: UO'f
" <.
F -- ~ Lill~----------·----
' neuni__..~ • Loch~Mlh!-mlat
~I • ~Mipt'OlftlvJth 11«1bt

Dt'l'M2 · fi:,(ti~~"l-ilh <1 t1.1\11
• Qidi ~sic v.1ltu1 coloc
• e.lil:h,:hue ¥.llh11 <0~

~- 2' f\'ll l2 L3(2}

I II ~
r< llLZLJ \.I}

50 51
Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 3
Developing a Scheme Developing a Scheme

8 Two wire cable. Note These symbols are different from those for line diagrams introduced in
Click Draw multiple wires §.!. Line Diagram Symbols on page 26 although they are all stored in the
same general library. This is a subset of the general library.
Clear all wires except the Neutral wire and Phase 1.
Where to Find It • Commancllv!anager: Schematic -> Insert Symbol ~
Click on the !st Neutral wire and create a horizontal cable in the • Side Panel: Click Symbols ..~
correct phase as shown.
Tip The Symbols on the side panel are limited to several generic groupings
but clicking Other symbols from any dialog accesses the Symbols
' selector and the full library. The symbols available can be set/changed
in the Project settings -> Libraries and palettes tab.

9 Select symbol.
Click Insert Symbol t'&ji and click the Circuit-breakers classification
Select the Four poles ma.gneto-thermaJ circuit breaker symbol
TR·DI004 and Select. Click to place the symbol onto the Neutral wire
as sho'\'\'ll.

The '"ires angle ofcut should be as shO\\'ll, press the Space bar to It ~

toggle the angles to match.

Schematic The Schematic Symbols library stores many symbolic representations --·
~~ f-' ..l ~
Symbols for schematics. The library contains many classification folders and B -
sub-folders to suit many needs. ' ~

If the required symbol is not available from the librar)~ see Creating
New Sy mbols on page 65 to create a user defined symbol from a similar
existing symbol.
.. '
10 Location.
Set Location, L2 • Chassis and click Select and OK to return to the
lesson 3 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 3
Devel oping a Schem e Dove/oping a Scheme

Manufacturers By defaulc only a few manufacrurers pares are added co the database 12 Unarchiving parts wizard.
after inscallacion, this reduces che cime taken processing informacion In the wizard click on the Selection tab, followed by the Finish cab,
into the SQL database on first launching the program. Addicionally ii and click Finish 10 start the unarchive process.
reduces the amounc of data in the program which users may not require. Note The \>izard will be displayed once for each of the selec1ed catalogues
It is possible to selectively Unarchive manufacrurers pares data from being unpacked: as multiple files are being unarchived the above
the Ca.ble references and/or Ma.nufact.urers parts managers. process will need 10 be carried ou1 multiple times.
Click the Close buuon to return to the drawing.
13 Assign part.
u ...., -- ~

----"=--- ....:.,,,;~
Right click on the C1rou1t Breaker +Ll +L2·Ql and select Assign
Uncheck the In the class option, set the follo'IY'ing options and click
~.-\ ­
tv,,.,.,...J::iao'. 1
• Manufacturer - Legrand
!lf.;,~31 ~1 ~:idt.<orb9:i:I..
w._ -~-~ -

' '-:llldt~Do>'.t.•
• Reference - 006557
....JOO>.-· u,l:/1'Al!.S:4t!1 ~:olok',\.rbdot.I..
...Wt..-iil- :.J!ll~tl::O: !? O!li«.\obfb.l..
/( \'aod"<Mlllperl.I~- 12r.1o'»~20::7 l'~Eb:I;. Selec1 the result, click Add selected part C , and click Select
Y,ll"Un~...... ........ <'f:~1;fl.ll'ft 1 <-.-(Wf,

.............t.. . .
............... -

,. ..., . , j>al.l:fUil
:.l,1:1,':!>t~ln !)
... ,. fWt ...... df.11'20\Ji:tl<!' ;#'.'<WtlO'!O: ...

1-,:;..,.,,....._,...,..,.....i .... ~ -I
" ,_.,......._. ·
.,.,.H,,. v~r•·,,~. ·~ +L1+L2-Q1
Note The parts are installed by default in the c: \ Progra.mData \ c
SolldWorks Electrical\ catalog folder Parts and Cables folders.
Where to Find It • CommandManager: Library -> Manufacturer parts I Cable
references Manager ~ it'
Tip When Unarchiving it is possible to select multiple *.tewzip files.
Mod ifying Symbols can be modified on-the-fly from ·within drawings with only
11 Unarchive Parts. Symbols minimal disruption to the worldlO\\~ allO\'\'iog for attributes to be added,
Click the Library tab Manufacturer parts manager icon W'. or graphics manipulated.
Where to Find It • Shortcut Menu: Right-click a symbol and click Symbol ->
Select the Unarchive k) icon and browse to the Open symbol '7
C: \ Program])a.ta.\SolldWorks Electrical\ catalog\ Parts folder,
(the path provided is the default and may vary where the installation 14 Open scheme symbol.
defaults were changed). Right click the Clrou1t Breaker +Ll +L2·Ql and select Symbol ->
Using the Cntrl key selec1 Legrand.part.tewzip, Leroy Open symbol !3'.
Somer.part.tewzip, Omron.part.tewzip, Entrelec.part.tewzip
Schneider Electric .part.tewzip, and Siemens.part.tewzip.
Click Open.
Grid and Snap The grid and snap senings for a dra'l'l'ing, scheme or symbol will appear Left click once and drag the cursor do\vn
Options in the lower right corner. to move the attribute w the bouom ofthe #TAG ,i
lisc. #CROSS REF "
Left click again to move the·anribute to the #TD_1
By default, it 'l'l~ll use the following seuings. new position. #TD 2
• GRID (grid dots) - on Activate the Move command again and
• ORTHO (ortho mode) - off select all the attribmes listed below the
• SNAP (snap mode) - on #TAG attribme. #COM_TX_O
• LWT (lineweight) - off
Left click to select where to move the
• OSNAP (object snap) - off
attributes from and with the command #CROSS_REF ---{,"-

For the remainder of the manual, the GRID option v.~11 be clicked off, active change the Snap spacing to 0.75.
but geometry will still snap to the hidden grid points.
Close and move the attributes
Note Right-click on the panel to access the Drawing Parameters dialog and approximately one attribute height down.
change senings.
Tip The State bar on which these options is shown can be turned ON or \
OFF from the Vlew tab -> View Zone -> State bar option. l
#TD 1
15 Change SNAP settings.
Right click the SNAP option in the lower right of the screen. #TD 3
Change the Snap spacing from 5 co 2.5 and click Close.
16 Window til es. #COM_TX_1
Click the Windows tab and press the Vertical ti les icon to 1riew both
the symbol and scheme at once. #CROSS_REF
Note This makes it easier to idemify which artributes are currently in use, 18 Adding attributes.
and which could be moved or where new aUribuces could be best added Click the Edit Symbol tab Attribute #TAG
to the symbol. insertion ~ icon. __\,_
#REF DES 1 \
17 Moving attributes.
Click the Drawing tab Move ±3 command.
Check ON the #REF_DES_ l and
#REF_DES_2 amibutes and click OK.
#REF=DES=2 l
#T -
Select the attribute #CROSS_REF and click OK on ihe co=and In the Attributes insertion command D 2
panel to confam the selection. panel change the Spacing field to 2 .75 #TD=3
and the Justification to Right. #TD_4
Position the anribmes below #TAG and #COM_TX_O
click to place. #COM_TX_l
19 Save symbol.
Click Save ~ to save the changes to the symbol.
20 Update symbol.
Click on the mixed scheme dra\ving to activate it, right click on the
circuit breaker symbol and click Symbol -> Update to have the
changes to the symbol reflected in the drawing.

56 57
Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 3
Developing a Scheme C>eveloplng a Scheme

21 Close symbol. 24 Add ing symbols to a palette group.

Click the X to close the symbol window and maximise the mixed On creating a new group the Symbols selector is • (.l, r <D"""" -
scheme. opened. Click Transformers from the IID .~-~~H'dt= O=::. _·
N$11= : TRam
22 Symbols from t he tab. Classification list. ~CJiCllM: Stigle ~C lra."1$fortl!C

Click Symbols & from the side panel, select IEC Symbols palette Using the Ctrl key, select the Single phase
(IEC SymbolPalette) from the pull down and click Protections. transformer and Single phase tran.sformer
Double-click the 3 pole fuse disconnect.or TR·ELO 11, click to with earth and click the Symbols side panel cab.
place it on the Phase 1 line. Set the location L2 • Chas sis and click Right click on any button and select the New
OK. Group option from the comexc menu.
In the dialog enter a Name of Transformers and
click OK.

·"!? ' 25 Insert Transformer.

From the newly created palette group, double click on the Single

>~~ ~
phase transformer and place it on the Neutral I Ph ase 1 ·wires.


Tip Double clicking symbols for insertion will automatically rotate co the
angle of the wires they are placed on.
Note The Protection wire does not connect, it passes through the symbol.
23 Adding a palette group.
On the Symbols side panel right click on any bunon and click the New
Group option.
Enter a Name of Transformers and click OK.

Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 3
t>evelop/ng a Scheme Developing a Scheme

Symbol The Symbol properties dialog is used to set and control the allribu1es Component Component properties includes the Mark and Data and
Properties of a symbol including the texrual propenies, the manufacturer part and Properties Manufacturer parts and circuits tabs. The Mark and Data tab
the cross references to other symbols. includes information (lower portion of dialog) about whether this
symbol mark is original and unique.
Types of For any symbol, there is an option to select either the Symbol
Properties properties or the Component properties. Both types include the ~ I ....... • • •. ,,., ...... , "'J'I

• 0 "

e:,.. .....- ...-~-

r ........
same Manufacturer parts and circuits tab (Adding ,\lanufacturer
Parts on page 81) used to add manufacturer pares to the symbol.
Symbol Properties Symbol properties includes the Edit symbol and Manufacturer
parts and circuits tabs. The Edit symbol tab includes 1extual property -
...-.~ --------
• ·-
.. .
da1a as ''ell as a lisling of componen!S (right side column) tha1 is useful
when crealing cross references (see Lesson 7: Cross Referencing I
Component association on page 131 ). ·--~~
U-•""7""·~ 7111
~-~ :;

- n " ••
,......_.,. ......,,
[G:!i: Sj«td ( ""1r!.i''ld,_.,.Q ...... ....,.,..
A:wia:u ..,.t~ ti: a CCllll)Ol'let1

°'"'. CKl.&~ut·~~
....._ ...... ~ -.= ~Ill ;;~-~
!!: ·F1 Ki

'7. 01 • f '!fl..JCZ:
". -F-l·NI
1~ 9 41-01
""" Q

1)1·2·31-'C... 111:9'«0.flct!llcl'
C0-2 · l~Corteci
! · IM«k
l.oc11Don: ll • lo"-.ntlK'tno:eldo-.. Zl>·G\'AE11
run(l)on: I rl · ~ hll'IC'IOI! ,, lb
• 23·GV2WE06
· ~acnnrdala
OnMn11r.o IP.- •fi Q3

r Ci.net1 "~ W'I

:fl<M Where to Find It • Shortcut Menu: Right-click a symbol and click Symbol

• ,:, ·F1-S1
CLnen e1 •11gMGC ~ n.s r ·F1.s2 properties ·.ii
..... c.mlfll M ••
..fl T1 • Shortcut Menu: Right-click a symbol and click Component
)' -~1:1 2
I.Mot-....... =f2-S4 properties JJ
l.wdiili 1 1r .FS-Hl
~ ............. doit.
T -t-'..M(."4
Note Double-clicking a symbol accesses the Component properties.
l~!M!tth ~ 1 (
l~otO..U. 2~
The following section uses Symbol properties.
~-;m ----­
c...-...,.. 26 Symbol Properties.
On placement of the Sln81e phase transformer the Symbol
properties is shown, change the Location to L2 - Chassis.
Click the Manufacturers and circuits tab, and Search...
Click the Manufacturer Legrand, type the Reference 04251 and
click Search.
Click the top result, and Add selected part a I, click Select and OK. 28 Fuses.
Click the Schema tic tab Insert symbol command,
~G.•O',K'•l:W'!] t' -Au• i
l'l b: ll<s.!
1$9' ,-,-,..,_.... ~
...,, " x click Other symbol... from the Command side
panel. Click the Ci rcu it-b reakers classification. /

......""'"'" '""
1 -..-....··~.. 11!.li ....~.. .,_ ~;.»··~-- i!i'<:" ~W"~ (•
Double click on the
l\>'l _;_i_
~~,. 1 wW 1 h - :.1AA.~o(q;v"'t>-r,..., • - ' i ti;-._
;di:· i· l ~l!~ J! .M/-'.d .SI"¢
Two poles magneto thermal cir cuit breaker

-...-.... t
~: 1;
"'7•"11 '""'
~ ... TR·DI00 2 placing it in the drav.'ing as shown.
l"/M: '
~- ,
"•' •.11::1 ~
01:~ 1i
01H1£ 'll/¥~"d

'""' '' Set the Location to L2 · Chass is. Use the following

I ...r==
(M)~ I~

. . N'.!!"11 --~e-..,.
~- ' information to select the component part. ·L2·H
a '"'1- • In the c lass - Clea red

"'..,.,..,,,.,<.Al:· I t~":it;o11J _J¥__1: L'.-Wl>,~_'!i.:'-:?..t~~~
t......, ..... .,_.,> @ ~...W.-.. I, 1 ,._7
Ll 'f~~ --· ~ f•=l>-•u t,1 M} • Manufacturer - Legrand
~t."'O ""'
<.'(> • Reference - 064 68
:.1... i .. <U1... <»-• Select the top result, click Add selected part ~ C , click Select and
".,.. ,. ...~ 41 OK.
-" ........~
:.1 1
~ • L~==~"'-'~_,..~ ..- - Tip If at this point the Ins ert symbol command is ended, reactivate it and
activate the Pushpin icon on the Command tab. This will ke.ep the
command running after insertion of a symbol.
29 lnterruptor.
Click Other symbol... and select the Contactor
relays, relays Classification and double click
<ll +ll·n, }
tr I

the Three poles power contact, TR·EL035

and insert in the drawing as shown. Use the
follo\·11ing information to select the location and
27 Component properties. • Location - L2 • Chassis
Double click on the 3 pole fuse dis connector +L1+L2-F1 to open • In the c lass - Contactor relays,
the Component properties. relays \ Power
• Man ufacturer - Schneider Electric
Note A component is a real-world physical device, this can have multiple • Reference - LC1Dl 210B7
representations in the design, and can be made up of multiple symbols.
Altering a component properties will automatically populate changes to
any, and all, symbols that are associated to the component.
Click the Manufactu rer p a rt and circuits tab, uncheck the In t he
class checkbox and use the follo\ving information ·to select the
• Manufacturer - Legt>and
• Reference - 005 573

62 63
Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 3
!Mveloplng a Schem e Devel oping a Scheme

30 3 phase motor. Creating New New symbols can be created from scratch or by modifying an existing
Click the Motors classification and select to insert the Symbols symbol.
Three-ph ases alternating current motor, 3
terminals + ground (TR·EL09 2T) to the drawing as Both the attributes and the graphics can be edited.
sho\v11. Use the following information to selec.t the
Graphics - --..
• Location - L2 • Chassis
The placement of all the symbols is shown below.

~ - I- --

11..l ~ Q"tt
.U•l Ul, '!;. { \; . l~ .

. . l' .
2DA '
8!iOJ.S t:

. .
,t : ,f +U..U·TI

~~, ·iu.:.•• "'"

• <(!
,.' ' "'
r Uf~I

Note The best method is to find a similar symbol, copy/paste it and modify it
to suit your needs.
Where to Find It • .r..&
Commandi\1anager: Library·> Symbols Manager ltii"

I tU fll·t.U
v-~• 1 31 Copy and paste.
"'"' M Click the Symbols Manager->Classification Fuses ,
Dis connectors. Right-click the 3 poles fuse disconnector and
Note Unlike the other symbols, no manufacturer part is selected for the 3 click Copy. Right click in the window and Paste.
phase motor. This component will have a part defined later in the Tip Wnen you paste a symbol the original, copied symbol, remains
deoSign process. highlighted. \\'hen viewing symbols using Thumbnails, the
Descr iption is displayed underneath the symbol. This means that it is
relatively easy co mistakenly modify the original symbol. By S\Vitching
to List mode, the new symbol can be identified as it has a suffix of + 1
after the symbol name.

64 65
Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 3
Oevel oplng a Scheme Devel oping a Schem e

32 Properties. Insert the attributes below # TAG as shO\'\o1l.

Right-click the new, copied, symbol and click Properties. Change the
Description to 3p fuse disconnect and click OK.
~ S)nbot pro~rues t TR: ru111 • r - " 1'

! - ~e1.1:
5'tn'bol r.~ :
Oesa-~tlcJl-(l..ndJBl:i} •

A~~~d ~_,cr.) :

C'.te•~:on d:llC ~ 't9/07f/013!.'1llC>: 19/G7/1DIJ.
Ut..·¥1 : tfC iF.C S 1711t.w!ll'Q~ .:J
~t.I :
Uflts~1ti1:m :
~s rt'le>r~~
r~tiic. ..:!
l\,c.ktoiii~U!\l~: 35 Copy Properti es.
[ ,JO-
Oq;Qy~s PIM!~: Right click on the #TAG attribute and select Copy properties.

Using a crossing selection, or by left clicking with the ctrl key, select
#REF_DES_l and #REF_DES_2.

"' I """"' 1 Right click on one the highlighed attributes and Apply copied
Note The Symbol name and muse be unique as all symbol blocks are stored - • • 4

in the same folder.
33 Edit attribute posit ions.
Click the Move command, and select the attributes listed below #TAG,
and move them one attribme height do,·1111.

-#TD_l '?. #P~ ~ . A

#TD 3 J: ~ ~
#TD- 4 z z z
#COM l f l
36 Completed symbol.
Click the 'X' on the symbol cab , ii1fil!\1;!,011tW • •JI and click Yes to save and
close it.
34 Add attri butes.
Using the method outlined in stepJ 8 Adding attributes. on page 57 add
Manufa.cturer and Manufacturer p art attributes, specify a height
of1 and Center justification.
Lesson 3 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 3
Developing a Scheme Developing a Scheme

Replacing a Replace can be used to substimte a symbol in place on the drawing. Tip Attributes can be moved by selecting their grip poinc and dragging
Symbol Connecting wires are maintained. them co the preferred position, without having to modify the library
Ifthe symbol is used more than once in the project, these options \\>ill
• Selected only - Only the selected symbols will be replaced. Using Stretch Stretch is used co move one or more line.s and symbols while keeping
• Identical in c urrent drawing - Only the identical symbols in the me circuit connections intact. Like the Move tool (see Move on
current drawing will be replaced. page 34), the stretch is defined as a vector distance and direction from
• Identical in c urre nt project - Only the identical symbols in the the current position.
cunent project will be replaced. Note For more information on window selection techniques, see i'vfove. on
Where to Find It • Shortcut Menu: Righc-click a symbol and click Symbol, page 35.
Replace © Where to Find It • Commandl\ilanager: Schematic -> Stretch .f>)
37 Replace symbol. 38 Stretch I Move.
Right click on the 3 poles fuse disconnecter, +L l +L2·F l and select Use the St retch and Move commands to adjust your schematic to so
Symbol, Replace... that the symbols and wires are as follows.
In the dialog click on 3p fuse disconnect and click Select.

. .,.J
Note Using the Replace symbol option it is possible· to retain information
applied w a symbol bur select a difl:erent graphic representation.

Moving Symbols Symbols can be moved along or off of their \vires. The move is •.;;i . ~: .'.'[
~.~ ~j

c-0mpleted using a ' from-to' vector in the following procedure: I ---

1. Select the symbol.

X2 4 ~/
>-- - - - ---·····:l·· ..:.......______
39 Save the project.
Click Save ~ and keep the project open.

2. Click the handle, or grip, that controls the entire symb-01. This is the
' from' position.

X2 4
i -- - - - - - '- ... .'.:~·-. L...... ______

Note The controlling handle position varies by symbol.

3. Click the new location of the controlling handle. This is the ' to'
exercise 3 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Exercise 3
Schematlcs Schematics

Exercise 3: 3 Manufacturer parts.

~Y.'~-;:...~1-'--'!=-1r ".:..-£ ~'
Create a schematic drawing using
Schematics the info1mation provided. Add the symbols and assign the manufacturer parts to each one.
This lab uses the following skills: ....
Symbol: Ql
In the class: Circuit-breakers\ magneto-thermal
• Draw lvfultiple Wires on
page 47. ~-- ,
Manufacturer: Schneider Electric
• Schematic Symbols on page 52. Type: Base
Reference: GV2ME06
Using an Archive To start the exercise with an up to dace proj ect, unarchive and open the In the class: Circuit-breakers
File file Sta.rt_Exercise_03.proj from che folder Lesson03\ Exercises. Manufacturer: Schneider Electric
For more information, see Unarchiving a Project on page 25. Type: Auxiliary
Procedure Create the schematic power drav1ing as shown. Reference: GVAEl 1
1 Power drawing. Symbol: Q2
Open the Power drawing. In the class: Circuit-breakers
2 Draw multiple lines. Manufacturer: Legrand
Draw multiple lines using che wire style N L 1 L2 L3 · Each phase Type: Base
with a 00101' and combinations of that wire style as sho'\\'Il. Reference: 006468
Symbol: K l and K2
In the class: Conta..otor relays, relays\ Power
2 - -- Manufacturer: Schneider Electric
Type: Base
l Reference: LC7Kl2015M7
•. Symbol: Ml
s In the class: Motors\ Three-ph ase
Manufacturer: Leroy Somer
• Type: Base
Reference: LS80L-4P( O.75)

Note The positioning of the symbols are sho\vn on page 72.



,. . . .. II

70 71
Exercise 3 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Exercise 3
Schematics Schematics

4 Positioning. 5 Phase inversion.

Positioning of the symbols from the table on page 7 1. Add multiple '\'\~res (phase wires only) connecting !he K2 symbol as
~ '!).

• " 1'r Qt ""

- ,,_ "'
_ ~~-~ '"'-I I.ML ~1~-'"'--~'~~~
· ---~---~"~"~I :i-=

- __
""-<P''.Xr-.~- ,~~

1.u --VX.r--.. cm - : \ '.VI ) &>HW "> '1'.!·•"f""'1.:.rv~'" ~" I P12

"' I I-"'---
.,, 5/U 6' ··; ( .X../
Sd111~ ~ lilt"Wic
~ ((rl SfU I I r.'T'l

, """"""'
"" ~-;;v;.;mc~~---1--+--+----.,, .....~,,,- - - -1- -1--1-

1/l:Lj ~·
Fl ri-
"'-I~ !Cl

•u 11 "''
'----~~U"" .W-f'l

'------''~"'-I :~·~~----------'
1(';11Cl ) ll i:>M1

l-~10---%-'-....- l
Note The 3-\\~re sets on either side oflhe K2 symbol have a phase inversion,
as shown, to reverse me direction of !he motor.
.. . G

6 Transformer.
Add the symbol T l and assign the manufacrurer part. Also, add the
Neu tral wire and the -24V · 24V AC wire as shov:n.

Note The symbols have been broken into rwo sections for clarity.

Symbol: T l
In !he class: Transformers\ Voltage
Manufacturer: Legrand
Type: Base
Reference: 004251
7 Save the project.
Lesson 4

Upon successful completion of this lesson, you will be able co:

• Gee local manufacturer contem.
• Browse the cable library.
• Reserve a cable.
• Create Vmual a circui1.
• Understand how to creace a user defined cable.
• Use detailed cabling co connect componems and a cable.
• Search for manufacturers parts in a catalog.
• Change projecc fom settings.
• Assign 3D SLDPRT, defaulr, to a part.
• Symbol - Component associacion.
• Cabling in the terminal strip edicor.
• Use copy and paste co reuse geometry.

74 75

What is There are different ways to apply cables t o imerconnet devices in • Adding Manufacturer Parts
Cabling? SolidWorks Electrical. The acmal pare file related 10 the symbol is selected from a large
catalog of manufacmrer parts.
Regardless of the method used the process allow s for the definition of
point co point cable conductor connections. • Copy and Paste
Existing geometry with intelligence can be copied and pasred for reuse.
Methods that w ill be used in this lesson will be Detailed cabling for
single line drawings, and Associate cable cores which can be carried Using an Archive To start the lesson w ith an up to date project, unarchive and open the
om in scheme drawings, through the Terminals editor, or the Wire File file Sta.rt_Les son_0 4 .pr oj from the folder Les son 04\ Case St udy.
cabling order command. For more information, see Unarchiving a Proj ect on page 25.

Associating cable core relies on scheme draw ings co have '"ires Procedure Create a new cable, add manufacmrer parts and apply them to the
interconnecting symbols, which provides the exact connection single line drawing using derailed cabling.
information. Detailed Cabling allows for exact connection information Cables Cables w ere created co connect components, bur the details of those
to be defined \'l>ithom having any scheme wiring, allow ing for cables is still unknown. What type of cable and how many cores does it
interconnections to be made prior to the scheme design. Regardless of have? Questions like these w ill be answ ered as the detailed information
the method used the information is automatically populated across all about the cables is added to the drawing.
affected project draw ings.
The cables that are available for use are all stored in the same library
· - -Mt- - used by Solid\Vorks Electrical. The library includes both unclassified
lS!12»4P(4) and classified types t o cover many situations, but it is possible that you
-WI (3 phase may need a cable that is not lisred. In that case you may want to add a
new cable (see Creating a New Cable on page 90) .

~ ,?,. ~ ~- •.~L ..~ ~ I

- ~ Origin
-" ~ Iii 1-
l:IU\UU: l')t t!J,11

(, 'f · -
"----'-----,.~ ~~1"'i.\iili<..-;:..::,
'" P¥1 I ~1..,cr
WI . ......, ""~'
- -
u p lM'JOt! llOW~I )
u ~
v - Iii

I ·j'-..™-.. . . . . ___J

~ · ll'.IJR O.ffwf~l
Ul l l'>lllll.-
l.lnn. • H'> llU • -"l
• " .l
• ••• l
" "l
l l<ll ll·illock M1:U _,,.:·111. " n ~~ - 1 ~.,1=i i).r-"1 1,.,.., · -•
• Nl~ 2J~·l l'AIJI 0.~'2 UQ: · -l
J MlV 1 @ M«.or
"" M @ Ground
;g M1
~ 1
~ 1f•MlHl.""• •"l
ll~ · ll'>lleO-~
••,...,.. ,..,. :~~('.\11i to;;nr, 1~...
.' u m.·;
'""" l
... , l

"" llron:W • - · .,,. · - ·1

~.~~ .. ;, ~t f'\IS;~J.O\ llt 1!~21.2 .
~~~~ae>llf •• ~ F~ :')_,
- 1
.... l

0 ''" MlM
t tr1> elO'es
,.,._,, .._,,"'11t.¥"...(.;>lt/1-_ ..¥ nl.''-· ,,.,....,.
• ...,..,....... ~C.- llf t1 ~; ;v. 1. ~ ~....
t...>am.•; -
" "l
- ·
'~ ~
'" ~t ~."~<C-\ llt l" ~< ~?.';
Q;_,:"""""~£t.C">ftftto~llliS:"2 1•CO
'le• r'S
•••• l
0 1 ""
' ,.,......,,;,,. ~ 1:t1h~~,.21•.uou ~ t.•AJ.e>Z ''''l
"'' "
..._...."".~~eo\ l!flt.~.., h l.&:'I
1¥~"" "-" """'To;"'t(.\ UIP> "'O'/ffli,•71<,..,
..... ,.
" .II'
b-Jl2!.I'·:> · -·1
- 1


Changes in the When the detailed cabling is complete, the single line diagram becomes )"f'(';"-':l)«I ~
~~l'M~> IU'lh :»XJi.q tJ:)OO ~~-II'
Ao1......... 1..,, ,'W.1::!(.\ U tf ll1o=of.l.': • J.;ll.) ,.,_, ..,.,
.... l
J.looon.,.,.~ l!ht'.~I0! ..1:0;.~ - . .. c...m":>
~"""Ill- " ••••1
Single Line more than just a line drawing. The detailed information is added to both iJ u 1i-....., ~· "'1,. ;·;:oi.?('.• llm•~ff'M.,.:>~ l.~ ,..,, ... ,.,..,~,.; · -1

~~1'1.1$ ~~:1.C.Hlflh~T~.:.2:.c;:i.l ~·:·4 e'T.<(61"2 ....l
...,,,,___ j~ "91ee.·O~l!fll1 ~~ .-:t).:;L: )kW!!> c•>tl:I;-! "'"l
Diagram the symbols and cable. That information will be passed to the ~
,,..,...... .,.,,.p·~!IO ll(lt. :...-:e.1'1)(;<1
J>o.Mr• Pi1<.:~n('1> lll'111 ~~~:>~
,,,..m.· :>
· -1
schematics such as the power and control drawings.
1.11eo.reP1.iJ P~ ll1tt> eo~~;ai.s
~ftu~:!.O>ftl'll• ~ tJllJ':
· .:!:l.S ~•:"':t.
...., I
.... l

""'•ionl4..1""1'..!':~ l\(th~tt.O:..n!J~ t.~~Ql>Z

. ,.=---...,.,. .:,
_....,.. '""l
Stages in the The maj or stages in ·the process are listed below: ..." ,..,.,...,.. " .. ~·=iam('1> Rt1i. r...~.., 1"~
IJileo.rt~~:l(.\fl.l!h~'.m .:2 :1JO ~•)'\$

.~M,...,..,e·::;c· er·b~ .,,...~2a.;1 ,
1 ··~· ·1
Process .~ I
• Cables
Cables can be selected from the library or created from scratch to suit In this lesson, both user defined and exisring cables will be used.
the design needs.

• Detail ed Cabling
Detailed cabling requires the selection ofthe cable, the components at
either end and their connections.

76 77
Lesson 4 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 4
cabllng Cabling

Detailed The symbols of the mixed scheme map directly to the X l and B l
sections of the Detailed cabling dialog. The symbols are also labeled 1 Unarchive cable catalogs.
in the dialog as che Origin component and the Destination
component but they are as yet are undefined. The follo\ving sections
Click the Library tab Cabl es reference manager icon i".
<.:l 'i ll add definition to the components and cables in the dialog. Select to Unarchive (j and browse to the C: \ Pr ogra.mData\
SolidWorks Electrical\catalog\ Cables folder, (the path provided is
the default used and may vary where the installation defaults were
Select all the .cable.tewzip files.
Click Open.
2 Unarchiving parts wizard.
In the wizard click on the Selection tab, followed by the Finish tab,
and click Finish to start the unarchive process.
Note The wizard will be displayed once for each of the selected catalogues
n x being unpacked; as multiple files are being unarchived the above
process will need to be carried om multiple times.
Click the Close button to return to the dra-wing.
3 Reserve cable.
Select the Project cab, Cables icon ::>;:.
tlo uC!e: is ~e:rtcd to lint d!t:~t'mf'O"ertCS.
No hn•11114I " 'W thi' ltrl"'I•~ stnu.
Oociiile \k'tl~ W..dd t ~
Thlf component na 110 o:tuc. it ct nnot be: Click the New cable command ~ .
0111.1ble(l!c,he.rt l1>~11 fest>rw t~imNI. M . ..
Do~ .dicth~t(Udcd: ·~ill a!Ylo~
01 .t.:JdV!rt.uil CS'(~. 4 Cable fam ily.
Clear the In the class option. Select the Fami ly U· lOOO RVFV
(searching is automatic with cables).
5 Cond uctors.
Select the Conductors number 2 and Reference 2xl. 5.

Where to Find It • CommandManager: Line diagram -> Detailed cabling R

• Shortcut Menu: Right-click a cable and click
Detailed cabling a
lesson 4 SolidWorl<s 2014 SolidWorks 2014 lesson 4
Cabling Cab /Ing

6 Cable selection. 10 Start cabling.

Select U·lOOO RVFV 2X l.5. Click the cable line as shown and click Detailed cabl ing a .
'""' ..,., do~
"""'· '
U-!.OOCI RIR LS - --. ... • .,...._,. ,1
U·t X!O R\'FV

U· u:oG
i ·· -......, ,. .·11
U· txlO l'<\'FV
t.J. IOXIR\q> 1.s1 ·'-... ·+L2-Bl .
"""' u '""

_____J__I ,~

I COfl:l.1:rcu (l'J. .. I Se~M

~' I l ~I

Note Double-clicking the cable line will also start Detailed cabling.
11 Sensor ci rcu it.
<.Ab •
Select the Add virtual c ircuits icon to the right of the
Destinat ion button B l.
Select 10 Add a single virtual circuit !fl".
7 Cable defi ned.
Change the Circuit type from Black b ox to Sensors , detectors and
Add selected part ;.: ., and click Select.
click OK.
8 Cable properties.
Select the newly created cable W l and click the Properties icon. Note The yellow rectangle indicates that the circuit exis1s in the database
only, it is not related to a part, and there is no scheme symbol with
9 Cable locations. circuit 1erminals that represent it.
Set the Upstream location to L2 · Chassis and the Downstream
location to L2 • Pump, click OK and Close.
Note This process will create a Reserved cable; when interconnecting Adding Manufacturer parts are applied to symbols t o associate them to a real
devices that have mat ching locations the cable will be available. If the Manufacturer manufacturer part and a SolidWorks part. The selected part also
locations differ then the cable w ill be automatically hidden 10 help with Parts provides circuit information which is compared 10 the circuits of the
cable selection. symbol. Any differences are noted.

Tip This system allows for the creation of all commonly required cables 51
within the machine, installation .. .In addi1ion to defining where these
cables should be employed, prior to carrying out any design w ork.

Vewv.;011 !Pie;~} Men:~.,- de~~ Ty:>= orw( t simel

lltJ;f1t&:11~.0C Red Le::> S<Mtitk!f' 6?clli( lijfl'~ 6'lllie' 2
Search Options Searching for manufacturer parts can be made easier by making use of • Reference
the search Filters ["I ""'•l tab. Filtering will generally reduce the Tex1 typed in !he Reference field searches the Part name for a match.
volume of results and make it easier to select the proper part. The For example, 1he part name of a luminous signaling alarm is XACV06.
following is a list of the filters available. Cables are also parts and have The partial name XACV can be used to narrow the search.
some slightly different options.
• Description
• In the class ., x Texc typed in Description field searches the part Description for a
Click the In the class option to limit match. For example, the description of a luminous signaling alarm is
the search to a specific class of part p LIGHT FOR XAC-B DIRECT. The partial description LIGHT can
such as Push buttons or Motors. The u be used 10 narrow !he search.
classes are listed in the Class selector
• Art.i cle
which can be browsed when the option A secondary reference or name for the part, often one that is used
is selected. internally.
Note The In the class option also limits the search. Try clearing the check • Circuit
box if the search results are not satisfactory. Select !he Number of circuits or Terminal number from a pull down
• Library
Selects the Jjbrary to search. Unless there is a user hbrary, All is used. • Use
Select the Use Voltage or Frequency from a pull down list.
• Manufacturer
Limits !he search to parts by manufacturer name such as GE or • Control D. Select the Control Voltage or Frequency from a pull down list.
• Type
Selects the type: Base, Auxiliary or Accessory for example to filter 12 Sensor.
the search. Click the button B1, to access the Component properties, and select
the Manufacturer part and circuits tab and click Search.
Base: Base parts are used for components lhat have a single reference
or are tl1e main reference in components with mulciple references.
Auxiliary: Au.xiliary parts are parts used only used in conjunction with
a Base reference because they are connected to the base. They also
perform an electrical function.
Accessory: Accessory parts are (like Auxiliary parts) used in
conjunction with a Base part, but do not have an elecirical function. An
accessory could be something like screws to fix the part to the cabinet
or a text plate ~'Plaining the function.
Note PLC components have their own unique set of types. For more
information, see Lesson 9: Programmable Logic Controllers.

82 83
Lesson 4 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 4
Cabling Cabling

13 Search for sensor.

Click the Manufacturer part and circuits tab and Search. The option 16 Add itional properties.
In the c lass has Detector, sensors selected because this applies to the Right-click the part E2 K ·L26MC1 and click Properties. Click Add,
sensor symbol. Click Search. selecting the red dot Add option, and select the Type TS7 • Se nsors,
Detectors. For Terminals number, type 1,2 and click OK.
~ MM11if~'1&n~ ~•cm

11.llolho? da6f :
i l);:-tl'rwfl, ~fNll

! ~,.
· ~Im!

I· '
~ .....
........ .,,,.,,....
:.l lillO:llNllCJt:lti!t•
~~· ·!
_ ,_..
l eo"Md "' -
l ti<
Octcctors, :ierlll'on !lose
- " ,.,-

I· 1

"""""wer :
~f:.:blltr. Le;nnd """
'-~ .
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'" lti•
~n.eit. =

, ~,

'" lb• ,-·

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1. e7aid
'" Uti• TM ; 1liMc

'"" • """"
O"l.l6 Tl t e-:nllld
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c-o.1·e:~on:e.~ 1

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~,.. LeTMd
'" !1.1o~e: Cte:ftir ! s,,_
•• 1. e-r«!d
'" ·~' .
o-•1e1 ~

ltckr<'tlee :
MDMaltM Alh! : ~ II
Le-7vid Oe:bccUIJ"S.~~ !1.1o~e


~ 0
0"1 61 1


= -~
·~-- _.,.,,...~ 11,o.t..
• --
""""' ...
·- --

i- -1
. ~...f~ I ?St
-- I ~ !' Ste'le Oescnpm I T~n.nbo
~$. O...•
El ~:rbcr
- · ofoo <.I.II>
rct~ rurb< <.'!!I> ~r ...
El ' '""" ...,,
OCortt ofprot <A'I>

"""' ""'>
<'Jo!> :;]

El ....,,...
·Vdttcc .,,,
,,,,, -:l • 17 Select part.
~ ff ' • •L I

~ ofpe,m~ 938l I -t:ki~c
I Click the E2K·L26MC1 part and click Add selected part .. G !. Click
Select and OK.
A large amount of sensors have been found in the library of

;'\ tdallt1fadinr po1t IE~
manufacturer parts. This represents the total of all manufacturers, and
all types. 'is"""""'"" .'11 """'
14 Narrow search by manufacturer and reference.
Select Omr on as the Manufacturer. Click Search. This returns less <Al>
'-t -~-~
Qti.216MC-1 ~.f. UQJEl.twt.SENSOlt Qllroo
<l Dt.XI SMn ait.X C'l\KIAK.M.~ - OllrOI'\
~- 0.
~llWlfOl'I S..
~ .......
Manljf~; 3 e:at«4'Fl a .;aC'flNJUCN.Maucn' .•• OllRn Dne<b't,__.. a- a o
results, but still too many.
15 Narrow searc h by reference.
Type lhe reference E 2K and click Search. This reduces the number of
results significantly.

Add ing Circu its to The Circuits se,ction of the Part properties dialog lets you to manage
T:IC 9
, MlrUJKu.-TfWl- I
DelQJ*!t! f!d!ll I swc ~ Termruil~ l
., @DOMin UCUINCI QC-\UQ(ID ~ secsat • ~.~s ~. 2
Manufacturer the definition ofthe circuits and set the number of pins in a "'
Parts manufacturer part. Pins are the external connections points for wires Note The additional properties appear in the lower right section of the dialog.
connecting the component to other components and terminals. The blue rectangle indicates that the part circuit matches that of lhe
component, but is not yet assigned to a matching scheme symbol, as
such the terminal connections are regarded as being spare.
Lesson 4 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 4
Cabling Cabling

Terminal Strip Term inal strip components contain - - # of Wires at Terminal Pin to Pin The components and cable required to - -#of Wires at Terminal
multiple pairs of terminals that
- -Circuit Direction Connections use the Detailed cabling tool (see r---TerminaJ
contain one or more wires al each Detailed Cabling on page 78) have
--Terminal - -Circuit
terminal. been completed. Direction
Pin 10 pin connections between
components and terminals using cables II~!
are created using the Connect iool.
u - e .::J
u iii Mot0<
0 v iii Motor
0 w iii MotO<
' 0 ... ll
W ires The Wire - represents the actual number of wires tha1 connect at the
18 Insert terminals. terminal.
On the Xl side, click Insert terminals
Term inals The Terminal tit represents the actual connection point (screw for
-;.@ and type 2 as the number to be exam.pie), where the wire is attached to the componen! or terminal.
created. Click OK. Note Numbers or letters will only appear in the terminal column when the
manufacturer has been selected and the data exists.
The Origin component, the terminal, now
has been defined with a specific number of If ::@)- XI 19 Cores reservation.
1- ti IE
.,. - Select the Cores reservation icon l'J!_ .
Select Filters (or expand the dialog) delete L2 from the Location 2
field, and change Location 1 to L2 • ChassiS.
Click Select to have the existing cable Wl listed.
Tip The list of cables is automatically filtered to match the Locations
applied to the OI'igin and Destination symbols in the Detailed
cabling; this is a time saving feature where project cables have been
~a c.1.'vi 10 P"&.-itr#
created in advance for use between specific areas, (Locations), of the
machine, ins1allation ...
Note Changing the filters allows access to the cables in the project. On
co ~tn. L2 ·0i-'s I selecting to reserve a cable for use, the Upst ream and Downstream
locations will need to be changed to match the locations where it \'\~II
Note This sets the initial number of terminals. To add more terminals, see be used.
Adding Terminals to the Strip on page 92.
20 Change cable locations. 23 Multiple connections.
Check on W l to reserve it for use interconnecting the level sensor and Using the technique, select the black and light-blue
terminal strip. Origin cells. Next, select che matching two cells in the Xl column as

• El~
sho\vn. Click Connect i,f .

Click OK.
Note Where the reserved cable Locations do not match the components it is
r!•ll·tl I.
assigned to, a dialog will be displayed asking if the cable location r_.u.rt·2'
should be changed, selecting Yes will change the cable location and I '

make it available for interconnecting the components.

21 Connect sensor cable cores.
Click the black Desti nation cell followed by the B l, terminal l ''ire Click Close.
cell. Click Connect J,?=. 24 Change font.
As che wiring diagram section of the drawing has been scaled do\vn, che
height of the cable font is larger than required. To change this select the
Project tab, Configurations pull down, Project... option.
11~1 Selecc !he Font cab, change the Line diagram cable cext height from
Wt fU·1000 1lVIV 2X1.S)
3 to 1.5 and click OK.
--1.~:;~;---t 25 Detailed cabling for second cable.
Create the cabling from the origin component terminal Xl to the

., ~
destination c-0mponent M 1. Click the cable line as sho>1'Il and click
Origin Cliblt

· - 1 ~ llEll Cir«1it I $ 1-
Detailed cabling a .
ll·---,.~~;~~;.---·- lt '"
l. Bll I I 1,!. en~
' I•

22 Other terminal.
Repeat the procedure for terminal 2 as shown.

(g···· ··· •·······l_~

-Xl +L2-Ml
Note The X l terminal opens with some existing definition from the previous
cable procedure.
26 Define Ml.
Click the butt-On M 1. Select the Manufacturer part and circuits tab and
set the following options and click Search.
• In the class- Motors
• Manufacturer - Leroy Somer
• Reference - LS 11
• Number of circuits - 4

88 89
Lesson 4 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 4
Cabling Cabling

Select the part LS I 12M·4P( 4), click Add selected part 1

1 ', click 28 Cable properties.
Select and OK. The new cable properties dialog inherits all the information from the
selected cable when choosing to Add. Set the Conductors size
standard to Section (mm 2). Fill in the remainder of the Cable

properties, starting with the part name 3 phase power, using both
,...,.,.,. .... LT!fit
~ ..
11.'.'!1 '
_!WJ -
l~U.,.. ol'«)
,l j ~ I JWI;_·~ ,~

l .:<W • <NU
""" •' •'"

... . pull down menus and typing to complete it, as sho\\'ll.
~ N\IW cr,ol.;i: rqfp~(l('q
--- - " ><

-~· 1
eor.da:toc:s :a:e ~.~
I1:........., - C"'*'P'QPC'fliM

I.-,w,:,>41.,, ~

... ,=.. .
c; e ..
• • p,,,1:
"'-11/f'. :lun:r ;

. ~,~.,-~. ... ,...,,...,. ~~ ;

lbery : M'l2Jt()VS_Caa.E • ~1' ~ ""'" r.iecbon n 1m1J
~t~... <;)ffl' l $U.3 -t.P... u

... _
8 5_":'~---
""'w~r... « b ~
Ii!) .,. M;tl)'
:Jt,;,rQrd: W'J/tWJI tf c 3'!·~
IJ- l')))~:!:V4ctt... ~

fCtl't'l$0Vlt "' ~

•" > ~ I•
~ r.·ooM cn~tot 1
Oct~xi cb.11>: :
MGC!fQton<btc ~
'lli} 07(1» U

·--·.., .
16-' j- Clwlr'Kt~
o.:-_,:.1'l1:r..< ... . > ~ Type : ~


••• .
..:lh DIMIC!l!t (tmi} :
CdY t
a <u.oe•
\V .ot,>; ...).
;1_. I •
ccn:ll~ *'>:IWl(IMI') !
: 0 . 75
__l!~'-~11 ~1".'J.;._l

""""" 1- .
29 Add cores.
Note The lower right section of the dialog ste~ ' ~llorl 1~ ~
Click Add four times to add four default cores to the cable.

l;;;· t~h)t u

describes the physical circuit, including ~ Ml;ll)t
terminals, in the manufacturer part. ~ MolM
~ (.t(U'f!
fi°"<(p};,,; ...,, """"""'Ct'»ll1l
Tioe •,
l l ;:oi:
'' - ~-scdlin""-G
Creating a New Cables !hat do noi exist in the library can be ~
......... ' - ~~

Cable created by defining both the cable and core data

for each cable. The new cable will be stored in the
same library and applied in the same way as any •
other cable.
Note User libraries can be created to store user defined data. They are also
useful as filters during a search for user defined manufacturer parts or
30 Define cores.
cables. Type the descriptions L l ·Black, L2·, L3· and Ground as
Tip Although the best place to create multiple references is via the shown. Also, select Protection for the ground and apply the colors
managers, it is possible to create them without breaking the work flow. listed. Click OK.
Where to Find It •

CommandManager: Library ·> Cable references manager
Shortcut Menu: Cable reference(s) selection-> Right-click a
cable and select Add l'.
.:: •~
.cl • .ltd
.:.I • GW:
- j kl(W! (""~ '


27 Add a cable.
Select Add a cable ,A .
Select the Filters tab and make sure the In the class checkbox is Tip Ifmultiple colors (C olor 1, Color 2 and Color 3) are selected, the·color
cleared. Right click on a cable and selecc Add ... •. name appears as Color 1 I Color 2 I Color 3.

90 91
Lesson4 SolidWorl<s 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 4
Cabling Cab /Ing

31 Add new manufacturer cable part. 33 Assign parts.

From the Family pull down select SolidWorks. Select the newly Using the Shift key•left mouse select all t erminals except X l 6.
created cable and Add selected part a .
Select the Manufacturer parts Cr< pull down and click Assig n part...
1 = on the Filters tab, and set the following options and click Search.
• cable merercie(s} stlet1101 - ~
It.-,., Ii' '''""< I
,........... ""' """'"'"'" I
'""" I a. • In the class- Terminal st r ips , t erminals
:.Jhll!edia :
_A.'.YG\lOA'.\'G .,. $,~ ~g
' """""" V-WOCIRV:f\'-.fln ftV2f\41
• Manufacturer - Entrelec
~ Reference - 0 11 51 2

""' 1-1 34 Set 30 default SLOPRT to a Part.

Soi~ ~ll~
Fl Right click on O11 61 2 9 14 and select Properties.
C~ :
.= Scroll down to Illustrations section and click on the 30 part field.

<Al> l·l - ' • Browse co the Solid Works Elect rical Schema t ic \ Less on04 \
W:ln.lfuaurff: 10 ~. Case St udy folder, select 1492..J3.SLDPRT and click Open.
SOt'J.'1()11\t I· I
I p.,,t I "-"b
I Cond..dDI 11 r<U,,

Co!!duttor:: rurber :
l s !'lWJt' PoM:t- U·1000 R'l2F•'-Rl1
' "'""
~" Note Setting a 3D part ensures a specific 3D part is used when the
S«IWI (;tom'} components are inserted into a SolidWorks layout. This is a default part
"">- ;-;--
l·I" only; another 3D part can be selected during insertion if required
w ithout requiring modification of the manufacturer part.
Adding Circuits to Tenn inals, l ike other manufacturer parrs, may require -X2
I Termi nals the definition of circuits including setting the number
•- " .' '
of pins in the t erminal. The terminal numbers '"ill c
l~ • l s•
... - sd=
- I d~
-- I
appear on the d ra-wing. ~
For a similar procedure, see Adding Circuits to . 00 ~
Click Select to return to Detailed cabling.
l'vfamifacturer Parts on page 84. Pump ~
Tip Adding a cable in this manner automatically reserves the cable and 1
conductors berween the terminal strip and motor, applying the
Locat ions from each component co the cables Or igin and
Destinat ion, (Ups tream and Downstream), locations.

Add ing Terminals Additional terminals can be added to the t erminal scrip if they
t o the Strip are required. In this example, the cable from X l co B 1 used 35 Add circuit to part.
rwo wires. The additional cables from Xl to Ml and Xl to Click Add, selecting the red dot Add option, and select the Type 8 88 •
B2 will require an additional six '"ires. Terminal. For Terminal number, type 1,2 and click OK.
A total of 8 terminals \viii be required but we currently have 36 Select part.
only two t erminals available. Six more terminals must be Add selected part O J 0 11 512914. Click Sel ect, Close and Close
added. to return to the dra\ving.

32 Edit terminal stri p.

Click Edit Terminal stri p GOO.
Select Insert several terminals ..§ and type 6 in the dialog and OK.
Lesson 4 SolidWorl<s 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 4
Cabling Cab/Ing

37 Insert 'n' terminals. Note Terminals listed \vith a g,ey c-0lor indicate that they exist only in the
Select the Schematic tab and click Insert +lHL2-Kl database, when associated to a scheme symbol they are shown in blue.

'n' terminals 9# · Select Terminal -:: ~­ 39 Associate symbol to component.

Right click on the scheme motor symbol and select Symbol
and click Select. Sketch a vertical line
across the four lines as shown. Move che
cursor above the terminal and click to On the righc of the dialog select the Same base c lass icon 'R;, select
orient the cerminal. =F l ·Ml from the list and click OK.
Tip This automatically associates both che wiring diagram and scheme
symbols to the same component, this means that they are different
representations ofthe same device, from chis point fonvard a change to
one will affect the other aucomatically.

Terminals Ed itor The terminals editor displays a selected terminal strips connection
information, internal connection to the left, external connections to the
'\.J right. The center of the dialog lists the terminals in the strip.
A range of cools for the modification of the terminals are available, to
reorder terminals and afrect the terminal drawings, cable terminals to
Symbol Different symbols can be associated to a single component, the primary devices, apply bridges, define the terminal drawing settings...
association c-0mponents properties being automatically populace<! to all associated Tip The terminals editor can be accessed directly from a scheme terminal
symbols. This is achieved by associating symbols to !he same via the right-click c-0ntexrual menu.
component Mark value.
Where to Find It • CommandManager: Symbol Properties ->Associate -•
Where to Find It • CommandManager: Project-> Terminal strips 0:0
40 Terminal strips cabling.
38 Term inal marks. Select the Projects tab, Terminal strips icon, highlight Xl , in the
The Terminal properties dialog sets the terminal marks. Expand the
right of the dialog, and click the Edit icon.
location L2 - Chassis , =F l ·Xl select terminal 3 and click OK. Repeat
this process for all four terminals being inserted, selecting terminals 4, J,_____
5, and 6 each time the dialog is shown.

... ,,.,.,,,,.
.,.:'.l."' CJ ~•~

i~... ( ll!lSl • · :.-O•:
/ir.un~o• :.-°""''
f•v ..Ou"''"" ... ,._

....;;.,, . . .
·•1 ~ ll•'ll

. r i.1.1-1:1... ·~

- c x
1rtr1tiN1-.;;r-,~~~­ Multi-select the cable column connecting terminals 3·6 with !he motor
T r_......, ..... Ml.
um . I~ 11rco~lCl'IWn

~~ ·! ~ () ..''""1
', XI Click the Advanced cab, Associate cable cores ~ .
41 Remove Filters.
rlJf>:'):ci: Select the Filters pulldown and delete the values from Location 1 and
" Location 2 fields.
~. ..t. ~e \ fo'.lrl!I$

,t....· ·- - - Note Filters are automatically applied based on !he Locations of che
1 · 1~ jl
connected components, in this instance !he required cable W2 has
already been reserved for use between components. By removing the
filter all the cables available in the project can be seen.
Lesson 4 SolidWorl<s 20~1~4~----- ~·-------cS"o"l~
idW orks 2014
..-o- · ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,L-=e sson _4 __
Cab/Ing Cabling

42 Associate cable cores .... Copy and Paste Geometry can be copied and pasted using the standard copy/paste
Expand the function field to see the cable W 2 that was previously shortcuts. The geometry duplicates any intelligence in !he copy.
reserved for use betw een these terminals and the pump motor. Using
Where to Find It • Commandlvfanager: Edit > Copy ~ and Edit > Paste (3
S hift+mouse click select the four available conductors.
• Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V
In the lower half of the screen select all the listed connections.
Click the Associate cable cores icon. 1 Select.
Pan, or Zoom to extents and -·-----..:-, ··4··-~::'..•'1~1".'1"'• 'I:<:~}

select both che cable and the ...... ..,
.,.. ca
.. ....., +L2·Bl symbol as shown. ···~-

-.. ·--- ·- ..,_. .-.

, ....,__.

_l_I l I

<I... ...

rrrJ. ! '""'"'"""~! ~~
... .l
- •--
"'1-414f «t<i•> .n-
..-1.11.u ti , ....... ,1)1'11

;~- ..-...._ :-~._:.:~~u ~!:!:::!:

Jfl•U •\J.U .c>> <tltUN

-:tt.u...us_c:_;. ~,_,.
·Xl + l2·M1

- - ---- ~•

U tU~I~

-tu.u•u :n-tJ
_,, .,.,.....,._
"' ~
.... . • ....~ -t
··uuy ,.......

11 1 1 11\1·,.._~
11.uuu •.._.,
• 11HJ ·~ •• +
2 Copy.
Click Copy ~ . Click in the draw ing, locate the geometry above and
to the right of the +L2·Bl symbol and click Paste ~ .
Tip Using the Paste Special Ji
command provides options to retain or
reset a range of information on data being pasted.
Click OK, Close and Close. ------
Note The detailed cabling connection info1mation defined here is '
automatically applied co the w iring diagran1 between the motor and
terminal strip as the scheme symbols are detailed representations of the
w iring diagram components.
-----......WI~~:":~·"' ~SJ
\1 11J-~.:t'/.:r.,· xu.s..
'\. - -

lliJ II

+LI +L2·XI q>,:( ~s ~ 6 .......
., _____ + l2-Bl .

II 1- =-i I
"'"~ ·~·")
~ Z;
., , :
i. :
"" (J •

+L2~t'f ( M '
L-- - - - -- -' ' ·--- -··-·- ----
-Xl + L2-Ml
1438 tr~~~

.. F
tro .. ,~~--.,..-----,..,.-
~ . ..... W
l .1=- -
..--- .


1141 u •
11.U-l~t.o • ..IJ-;';'i;:;'-1.1..
•l· t.•uw
OI • -
I I t I J I !Hl1 • 1' • II •·.-i
I 0 1 I 11.u UU
I t I I I
Lesson 4 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Exercise 4
Cabling Cab/Ing

3 Edit cable. Exercise 4: Add detailed cabling to a single line

Select che unconnecced cable and connect ic to che Xl component as Cabling diagram using the information
shown. provided.
This lab uses che follow ing skills:
• Creating a New Cable on page 90.
• Detailed Cabling on page 78.
+L2·B2 • Adding lo!anzifacturer Parts on page 81.
• Pin to Pin Connections on page 87.
Using an Archive To scart the exercise with an up to date project, unarchive and open !he
File file Start_Exercise_04.proj from the folder Lesson04\Exercises.
For more information, see Unarchiving a Project on page 25.
Procedure Create the project and add the location as shown.
1 Create cable.
Create a custom cable using these properties:
Note The cable W3 is curremly reserved for use between the terminal strip
and sensor, however no detailed cabling has yec been carried out, this • Part - STUDENT CABLE, l lAWG
will be defined later in the Electi>ical Conti'.'ol scheme. • Man ufacturer - SolidWoi>ks
• Class - _AWG\ lOAWG ·> 19AWG
4 Completed cables. • Type - Power
The completed cables include visible part and cable numbers. • Diameter - 2.305
• Description - Cable Exercise
2 Cores.
Add these c-0res co the custom cable:
+ L2· B2
Description Type Color

L I-Black Miscellaneous Black

L2-Black Miscellaneous Black
L3-B lack Miscellaneous Black
Ground Procection Green-yellow
+l2· M1

5 Save the project. Detailed Cabling Use detailed cabling to set che cable, component and terminals.
Click Save ~ and keep the projecc open.
3 Cable.
Use Detailed Cabling to assign the STUDENT CABLE, l lAWG to
the cable in the drawing.
Tip Use a unique value, such as Manufacturer, in che search criteria.
Exercise 4 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Exercise 4
Gabling Cab/Ing

4 Manufacturer parts. 7 Additional manufacturer parts.

Assign the manufacrurer part IO the Destination Component symbol. Assign the remaining manufacturer parts to che B 1, B2 and B3
Symbol: Ml
In the class: Motors Symbol: B land B2
Manufacturer: Leroy Somer
Type: Base
Reference: LS80L-4P(O. 75)
In the class: Buttons, swit.ches
Manufacrurer: Schneide1' Electric
Type: Base
Reference: XCKD2 l 39G 11
11.. -ii
5 Terminals.
Symbol: B3

Add 4 c-0mponems IO the Origin Component terminal Xl .
In the class: Detectors, sensor\ Pl'oximity
Oq;in e~~ Manufacrurer: Schneider Electric
1iii}- XI '1!.0'l tt\I ~ -I ~I Type: Base
Reference: XS4Pl2PC410
.... e ~ lum10al Iii ; .... Q ~' Circuit ~ ;

a 1
• u ~ M«or
8 Save the project.
Q 2
• v @ M«.01

Q • w @ Me-~or

' • M Ii: Ground

6 Pin to pin connections.

Add pin to pin connections between the Origin and Destination

liilr- XI ---
rrmr~l ~ -I ~
Or.g11t C<ibte Oet1o~tl(ln

- _..

r· ~ Tcrm¥"111I ~ Wt · Cablclxe«ke(STl100fl'CA6U. 11AWG> tEJ °'"'" _..

~ Ji.I) .....,,. U ·l!l~I: u @ Mo:.01

G ~ ll·6l<1(k v @ Mor.or
"" Cir'our.d
w @ Mor.or

Exercise 4 SolidWorks 2014

Lesson 5

Upon successful completion of this lesson, you ·will be able co:

• Create a macro classification.
• Unarchive a macro.
• Create a macro using geometry.
• Drag and drop a macro into a drawing.
• Delete project lvfacro group.
• Managing symbol locations.
• Modify title blocks.
• Create new macro group.
• Add macro to a group.
• Modify and insert a macro.
Lesson S Sol idWorl<s 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson S
Macros Macros

What are Macros are predefined symbols or circuirs char •• Tip Selecting a listed class and creating a new class will create a sub-class.
Macros? are stored in a library for lacer use in any project. 3 Unarchive a mac ro.
Previews ofrhe geometry appear in the Macros
side panel. __ ...,
Select rhe Motor control cireuits classificarion, and click the
Unarchive command.

·- ........... Browse co rhe ... \ \SollaWorks Electrical Schema.tic

\ Lesson06\Case Study folder, selecr rhe Control
-- Circuit .macro.tewzlp and Open.
4 Unarchiving wizard.
· ·~ J
~-I Click rhe Next bunon followed by rhe Finish tab, and click Finish to
~~ ,
unarchive rhe macro, symbols, and pares, and click Finish again.
5 Change Macro class ification.
Note The advantage of a macro over a simple copy and paste is thal rhe Selecr the classifications co locare where the unarchived Pump
macros interface allows the user co access rhe macro from any projecr, control circuit macro. Righr dick on rhe control c1rcult
nor jusr rhe projecr ·where it was creared. macro and select Properties.
Stages in the The major siages in rhe process are lisred below: Click rhe Class f1el<1 and selecr Motor control circuits from the list of
Process classificacions, Select, OK and Close.
• Creating and Using Macros
Use macros to copy and reuse pieces of geometry in any project.
Creating and Macros are used to save commonly used groups of geometry to a
• Mark Numbers Adding Macros library location. The macros are named and applied by drag and drop.
The Mark Number identifier is used to label symbols in the project.
The predefined groups under macros are named: Motor start, Motor
Using an Archive To scare rhe lesson wirh an up co dare project, unarchive and open the command, Power s upply, Command and User.
File file sta.rt_Lesson_OB.proj from the folder LessonOB\Ca se Study.
The intelligence of the symbol is copied with the macro. For example,
For more information, see Unarchiving a Project on page 25.
if a symbol that is copied inro a macro conrains manufacrurer part and
Procedure Creare a macro and use it to create geometry quickly. circuirs data, that data is carried with ir when it is dragged and dropped
into a drawing.
1 Macros manager. Crea ting a New New groups (in addition to Motor start and Power s u pply) can be

~ command. Group added by right-clicking in the side panel and clicking New Group.
Selecr rhe Library tab, Macros manager
Note SolidWorks Electrical Macros ha\'e no relation co macros in core
2 Newclass. Solid\Vorks.
Select the New class Ji icon or right click in rhe Class ification tab Where to Find It • Side Panel: Click Macro *
panel and select the New class option. Fill in the fields as follows and
click OK co creare the new macro class. 6 Create a macro group.
Click the Macro tab '(( from the Side Pan el. Right click on the panel

·- M
T1r .... .,....,.-..
I',...-.... ~.,~
~ ..... ,........
c ..,.,.,,.~~·
,_.•.. ,._........
......... o.-r;_.~
. . ..... ........
~·--· ... - and select New Group.
Enter a name of Motor Starter, and click OK.
\;_ H_.....
...a( ,

. .:>-·
Lesson 5 SolidWori<s 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 5
Macros Macros

7 Save a macro. Paste special Anytime a macro is placed into a dra\ving the Paste special options
Selecr the moror circuir as sho\vn and drag and drop it ro the Motor will be made available, the options allow for numbering changes to be
Start macro side panel. Name it Macro 1 and click OK. applied to circuit components.

·~ ~ ......
-Xl L' ..,,

0Pt1oriS for pasting..

O::c:C'-c ~ch:mcr ~' ~.:&It!~ ~>:c. d~~·1:.


- I
ID' - -
\\N w.1
<....,,. .........; ....... ~

'1 I

. l<cn•
_ ....... !f'fe •'
.. !l r
~ ~-;,.,
,I !l
-~ ..... r

"" ~-.; !l

c-..1 <.....>-;.....~ !l ~
I ..... •c-:.o-:..o:t•
Cl)f~*1n'O '' C~!'' '""' ' .._ :.!
• : )!· - °""1t YW Tl!O< !l r
.,.• -
= ~!!!.'
~ ~.
; ; :

' '
·-• • ~ ··
9 Paste Special.
Make sure that all Action settings are sec to Keep existing mark, the
Component and Terminal to Create new mark and click OK.
8 Use a macro. 10 Delete a macro group.
Drag the macro from the macro side panel and drop ir in the dra·wing so On the Macros side panel tab right click on the Motor start group
that rhe connecring wires line up properly. and select Delete group [Motor start] ...
Select Yes to confirm the deletion of the group .
• P 11t- tZi ..-" - 11 Delete.
Righr-click the +Ll+L2·F2 symbol from the macro geometry and
~ II
click Delete.

_,,~~·m - r. !


l ~ D.

L~.l, ·
12 Symbol. Moving Symbol Text Each symbol is made up of graphics
Click Insert Symbol © and Other symbol. Expand the folder and text. The text is made up of
multiple te:>..'t strings that can be 21 13
Circuit-breakers, click Three poles magneto-thermal circuit
moved individually ifthey overlap ~ -
breaker, (TR·DI003), and Select Place the symbol -Q3 as shown.
other text or geometry. '
\ -Q~ '-" ·. ·. "'
\1 ..\. -·--~· -·--..·-·-··
Each text string contains specific 22 14 · ·:
data that is bound to ·the symbol.

15 Move text.
13 Manufacturer part selection. Select the -Q3 component. Click on the blue square next to 1he text
Find the manufacrurer pan for the symbol -Q3 as shown. 22,5 and click again below -Q3 as shovvn.
• In the class - cleared

..q~ .:. .r.'~!~. (t{J I

1 ,.i11.i.Ji11J.Jii;iu
• Manufacturer - Schneider Electric
• Type-Base -Q4. _::.,'.'.....'i'.... \'.' ___
• Reference - GV2ME06 : ·. '
\ \ \

Select the part GV2ME06 and click Add selected part rn=.
14 Additional part selection.
Add another manufacrurer part 10 the symbol -Q3 as shovm.
• In the class - cleared
• Manufacturer - Schneider Electric 16 Move cross reference.
• Type - Auxiliary Move the cross-reference. contacts, by le.ft clicking on them and
• Reference - GVAEl 1 dragging them to the right of the breaker.
Select the pan GVAE l 1 and click Add selected part ::: !. Click
Select and OK. 21
• !vu}1u~/D•
------1;+ 13
2··,_ 14
22 14
Lesson S SolidWorks 2014 SolidWork:s 2014 Lesson S
Macros Macros

Changing locations On modifying a drawing location, or applying a location outline t o Location Location Outlines can be used to display the location of a symbol by
symbols, options are available to automatically apply the changes to Outlines enclosing it in a rectangular or polyline border.
any symbols in the drawing or outline. This is a time saving feature best
In this example, the entire drawing is set to the location L2 · Chassis
employed on t he 80/ 20 rule, if 80% of the symbols in a drawing will be
except for the pump motors (·M l and ·M2) , and the sensor
in the new location, apply it to all and modify the other 20% using
outlines and/or by modifying symbol properties. components. These should be located in L2 • Pump. The location
outline distinguishes the location of the component as different than the
drawing ' title block' location.
17 Drawing properties.
Click the Documen ts tab. Right-click the 102 · Mixed power + L2 - Pump
scheme drawing and right-click Properties (!) . Click L2 · Cha ssis
and click OK.

~· .'-""
~~ ---
4 kW
lt,-1 l_»i 1438 t r/min
......... L._t;;jULol IP SS

Location _ _ /

Where to Find It • CommandManager: Schematic -> Locatio n outline \.~

19 Location o utline.
Click Location o ut line @i and click Rectangle,
18 Change drawing location. Thin options. """""< •
Oldl. fri.t DO!!lt
In the dialog click Change component location.
Fflll"r CtlOrdln;:iotr< •
Note The numbering of the symbols in the dra'"ing will automatically X.Y

update, this is due to the location of the drawing and the majorit y of the I•
symbols being the same. This causes the +L l-+L2 ... identifier in the 0- •
mark to become redundant and be removed. u:ifDI
Sketch a rectangle around the pump symbols and 'text by placing
opposite diagonal comers as shown.

~·..-·"-v JI 1 W .J'
+L2~t1J )' M"\
. +L2·M2
(/M., vj
4kW \ r 4 kW . /'\,_.,
1438 t.rfp
SS '-...._V..../ 1438 tr/min
!P SS. " ·...,, _ _...,
lesson 5 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 lesson 5
Macros Macros

Click L2 · Pump and click Select, and click Change Component 23 Edit drawing 103.
location from the dialog. Select the Document cab on the side panel and right click on drawing
103 • Electrical scheme, and select Properties...

~ " t"\l'.
+L2 - Pum ' ,. Change 1he Description (English) to Electrical control scheme,
.v 'f ,J~ and Description (French) to Systeme de contrOle electrique and
. ·M1 ..
M- .
. .. .


click OK.

4 ~ \ I .., '
24 Open title block.
1'436 tr/1nin ' -' 1
IP SS '-~- _..
. #

Right click on drawing 103 · Electrical scheme, and selec1 Title

block -> Open from the con1exmal menu.
20 Changing outline text.
25 Replace title block attribute.
The text size applied to the outline can changed using the process
ouclined in Change font. on page 89 by changing the Location outline Right click on the attribute #BUNDLE_TZ_O_Ll and select Replace.
Expand the Projects folder Description folder, highlight Description
field from 3 to 2 .
21 Changing location outline. (English) and click Replace.
Click the Graphic tab and from the Location Line type drop-down Repeal the process selecting 10 Replace #FOLIO_TZ_l_Ll with
select Dashed, and click OK. Drawing-> Description (English) #FOLIO_TZ_O_Ll.
26 Update title block.
+L2 - Pump
I> l>J ci: cr Press Save, and Close the title block symbol, muili select drawings

.t~/~~·M2;~~ r
I f l +w 102 and 103. Right click on either of the selec1ed drawings and click
I ·Ml~ Title block-> Update from the contextual menu .
1438 tr/min ~
IP 55
\ n..J
Selec1 Yes co confirm the update.

Training Lessons
22 Wiring diagram location outline. Mixed power Scheme
Pan or Zoom to the wiring diagram components in the upper left of the
drav.>ing. Draw a Location outline around the pump and level sensors +ll +L2 Chassis
setting a location of +L2·Pump.
27 Open Control drawing.
Double left click on dra\ving 103, or right click and select Open.
28 New macro group.
Click the Macros tab ~ from the side panel. Right click on the panel
and select New Group from the context menu.
Enter a name of Motor control circuits, and click OK.
29 Add existing macro to group.
Right click on the white panel beneath the· Motor control circuits
group, and click Add Macros ... click the Motor control circuits
classification, highlight the Pump control circuit and Select.
30 Edit Macro.
Right click on the macro thumbnail and selec1 Edit this macro.
lesson S SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 5
Macros M·acros

31 Object SNAPS. 34 Insert control macro.

Right click on anyone of the Drawing parameters in the lower right of Left click to drag and drop, or double click on the macro and place it in
the screen. the drawing. Ensure all Paste special action senings are set as
Keep exi sting mark/number, and click OK.
Check on the Endpoint object snap and click Close.
Press the F11 key t o activate object snaps in the macro draw ing.
L .< • ' > • • '"
32 Move macro on GRID.
Select the Drawing tab, Move command and using a crossing selection ,
from right to le.f t select the entire circuit. Click OK to confirm the
'" ---1 :::~~-:

M ove the cursor close to the upper left ·wire, and left click.

-CQ- .-. .
... _..r,·1 I
•·' .

+L1 -S1 E-'<.
Legrand \
04453 ~
Green I

In the Command panel enter 0 ,0 in the X,Y co-ordinates, and click

OK to reposition the circuit.
33 Insertion point.
Click the Insertion point command 0
at click on the upper left \vire on the
circuit, (X,Y co-ordinat e 0,0).
Close and Save the edited macro.
Exercise 5 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Exercise 5
Macros Macros

Exercise 5: Create and add a macro using the information 3 Create macro.
Macros provided. Create a User Macro using the geometry.
This lab uses the follov.'ing skills: '""!IC:"'""-"' aol4Qi.2tlr.xim
, ~ :npbxi:
4 Schemes.
Create three new schemes in !he current document book: 06, 07 and
• Creating and Adding _Macros on page 105. 08. Change the title blocks of each to B with rows.
• Adding a New Scheme on page 154. 5 Use macro.
Use !he macro by adding it to !he drawing 06.

6 Save the project.

Using an Archive To start the exercise \vith an up to date project, unarchive and open the
File file Start_Exercise_09.proj from the folder Lesson09\Exercises.
For more information, see Unarchiving a Project on page 25.
Procedure Create a macro as shown.
1 Open drawing.
Open !he 04 • Power drawing.
2 Select entire circuit.
Select all the geometry !hat makes up the entire circuit as shown.

1 •••, .

r·. :·:·.~·:~1r~~..~:~·::::::::·:·:1<-. · ···::·. . . . . . . ..

: : : i • •
2 :: •' • '·······~---
· -'········ " ·'·- · ....
····· ·• .•.................
·············· ········ ·····, ······ -
·······- ········ ··!I
·······• ....~,
" . ...

:· 11 : :::···~ . ::::=:r.:~~
:: : ...... . .1• . . . · · · · •
:- !! :! p
l~ !
7 : : :
8 i i.i
+i1.;LL:.:::·;~::~ :::::::(jJf:::::::::::::: -·
- ,, , r
10 : :: : ~
11 •••••

E:Xercise S SolidWorks 2014

Lesson 6
Control Drawings

Upon successful completion of this lesson, you w ill be able ro:

• Draw single w ires.
• Create a component.
• Assign default symbol to a pan.
• Insert single terminals.
• Create and apply Function outlines.
Lesson 6 SolidWori<s 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 6
Control Drawings Control Drawings

What are The Control Drawing is anocher schematic drawing thac contains lower 1 Lines.
Stages in the
voltage components such as concrols. This drawing is used a
complement to the other schematic drawings in the documem book.

The major stages in the process are lisced below:

Click Draw single wire type Click Name,
select -24V - 24V AC and click Select.
Sketch three lines as shown.
-- O ct frvpoN



Drawing Single Wires
Single lines of specific rypes can be sketched
Create a component
- 2N 2-NIC

• J
ComponentS can be created in the project withouc requiring a graphic
representation in the dra\'\ing set.
• Inserting Single Term inals
Single terminals can be added 10 single wires.
• Using Functions and Function Outlines
Functions can be defined and used \\~th outlines w delineate different
functions on the drawing.
2 Create a component.
Using an Archive To start the lesson with an up to date project, Unarchive and open the
Select the Components tab in the side panel • - · . Right click on
File file Sta.rt_Lesson_06.proj from the folder Lesson06 \ Case Study.
the location Main electrical closet and select New ·> Parts ... select
For more information, see Unarchiving a Project on page 25.
the Class Contactor relSiYs, relSiYS and click Select.
Procedure Create the concrol drawing using single wires, symbols, terminals and
Search for a manufacturer part as follows.
function outlines.
• In the class- Contactor x>elSiYS, rel.a\Y's
Drawing Single Single wires of many siyles can be sketched on the drawing. They are
• Man ufacturer - Schneider Elect ric
Wires selecred from a catalog called the Wi re style selector. The general • Type- Base
style grouping choices are o - Electrical, 1 - Hydraulic or 2 • • Reference -LC1Dl2 10B7

Where to Find It
• CommandManager: Schematic -> Draw single wire type = 3 Apply scheme symbol to part.
Righi click on the part and select Properties. Scroll down 10 !he
Illustration section and cbck on the Scheme symbol field.
Click the Instantaneous relay coil, (TR-ELOSJ}, located in the Coils
classification, and click Select and OK.

Add the selected part using the a icon and Select.

Tip The newly created component currently only existS in the SQL
database, buc will be included in BOM, and Paru liStS, it can also be
inserted into 20 or 30 cabinetS, Scheme, Wiling diagrams, or Mi.xed
schemes. Using this method it is possible to reverse engineer a project
carrying om costing reports prior to doing any design work.
Lesson 6 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 6
Control Drawings Control Drawings

4 Insert relay coil.

Right click on the relay =F l ·K3 and select Insert symbol... position 6 Insert terminal.
the relay under the level sensor and left click to place it. Click Insert terminal ~· and click to place the terminal as shown.
Make sure the black arrow, the external side of the terminal, faces

do\'1-11 and click again. Expand ihe Chassis location on the right of the
Omr<in t'< dialog, select terminal X1 7 and click OK.
100~ 180~ +.!
'----' -1--

1 -+ll+l2-Xl 1

•LI •L3Bl @ ·f .
J +l.l·+ l 3-81 0-
E2K·U3r.&e1 , E2K·Lrnf8r
7 Terminals and directions.
Add, and associate, three more tem1inals at the locations with the
5 Location outline ·Change
component location.
-0 -U ·t:mr i directions as shown.

Zoom out so that the pushbuttons +L l · 1AriA ;.\ .

S 1 and +L l ·82 can be seen. Select the ...

Schematic tab and click Location

outline \,~, click Rectangle and
sketch around the tw o symbols as
sh0\'1111. Click L 1 · Door and Select.
Select the option Change component
location to have the pushbuttons
location changed to match the outline.
For more information, see Location
outline. on page ll 1.

Tip By changing the location of a Components properties, it will be

automatically populated to all symbols associated to it. Locations can
also be changed via the Symbol Properties dialog, or by right clicking
a symbol and selecting Change Location ... from the comexrual menu.
Tip By default, the direction arrows do not remain visible after the terminal
is added. To make the direction arrow s visible, click Drawing ->
Inserting Single Single Terminals can be applied to single lines in the drawing. Layers and select Active and Frozen for the ORIENT layer.
Note Multiple terminals were inserted in previous lessons (Insert 'n '
terminals. on page 94) but in this example just single terminals are
Where to Find It • CommandManager: Schematic -> Insert terminal i
Lesson 6 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 6
Control Drawings Control Drawings

Using Functions are used to group devices or components that together make Function Function Outlines are used to distinguish a function for one symbol
Functions up a feature. Functions can be created and then assigned to Outlines when the surrounding symbols are set to a different function.
Where to Find It • CommandManager: Schematic -> Function outline ~
Functions are added and perform similar to Locations. For more
information, see Location outline. on page 111.
4 Control drawing.
Adding a New New functions can be added. Switch to drawing l 03 · Electrical control scheme.
Function The only default function is F 1. 5 Function outline. ~Lt +L2 ·Xl q1
Note All functions use the 'F' prefix, although that can be customized. Click Function outline \~\ , click Rectangle =F2 - Water-top
Where to Find It • CommandManager: Project-> Functions ~ and sketch a rectangle arotmd the +L l ·+L3·
Bl symbol as shown.
1 Add new function.
=F l +Ll ·+13-81
0- tI
Click F2 Water-top as the function and click E2K·U3MC1 ~
Select the Projects tab, Functions command. Select the project name, Select.
click New function ~ and type Water-top as the Description Select Do nothing in dialog.
(English) and Eau-haut in Description (French). Click OK.
Repeat the process defining Water-bottom
~ runcoo11.s manage!' Tm11r..g ~s.s:in-1"5\'IEZOI~
-· --
- -x around the second sensor in the drawing.

~ ~"~·- I.~ ,~.!L ~ I ~1~

IQ QI 6 Change Function outline text.

- 1 f~~TS\\•i,
l"nW.Or. l

~ ~~.\\'~~00






_ _ I_ __

l · ~b»t

Docum;fl ~
I "'
dint">4Y 1d1sp!s/

The text size applied ro the outline, can changed using the process
outlined in Change font. on page 89 by changing the Function outline
field from 3 to 2.
Location outlines.
• ' •J Create location outline around the sensor symbols as shown. Assign the
2~t'lf(f) · 1 ~ location L2 Pump in both cases selecting to Do nothing when
""' prompted.
Note Selecting the project name before clicking New function places the
new function on ·the same level as the existing F 1. l1
+11+U·X1 ~J

-+ L2 • Po1np
+tl +17·XI
q -tl2 . Punl) r
2 Second function. =t-2 • Water -top
Add another new function to the project with an Description (English)
of Water-bottom and Description (French) ofL' eau·bas and click
OK and Close. =fl +ll- L3· Bl
ffii =F1 +t l -tlJ·lQ O
3 Assign function.
Double-click the -B2 wiring diagram component to access the +l! +l2·Xl, 2
Component Properties. Click Function field Fl. Click F2 Water·
top, click Select and OK.
8 Save the project.
Repeat the procedure to apply Water-bottom to the B 1 component. Click Save ~ and keep the project open.
Exercise 6 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Exercise 6
Control Drawings Control Drawings

Exercise 6: Create a control dra-wing using the 2 Symbols.

Control information provided. Add the symbols as sho\vn.
. ~-

Drawings This lab uses che following skills:

• Drawing Single Wires on page 120.
• Cross reference list. on page 139. f---tt~-_,-_.':_:c--, --_.:i...__ _
• Using Functions on page 124.
• Inserting Single Terminals on page 122.
• Function Outlines on page 125.
----1"1 -
Using an Archive To start the exercise '\v'ith an up to date project, unarchive and open the
File file Start_Exer cise_06.proj from the folder Lesson06\Exer cises .
For more information, see Unarchiving a Project on page 2 5. ----< I -

Procedure Add wires, symbols, terminals, functions, manufacturer parts and

cross-refere.nces as shown. .___ _""·~1:----- _ _ __......._ _ _- r - ---<s_:i__ ~.,
-~~,1-----~,_ o~
1 Wires.
Open drawing 0 5 and create the single wires using the - 2 4 V - 24 V
AC wire style. --1 1-- "

3 Term inals.
Add single terminals placed (all X 2) and oriemed as shown.

. "---~

Xl - .. '.:L ;; " '"


Control Drawings

4 Cross reference.s - left. 5 Cross reference.s - right.

Add the symbols and cross references to the symbols. Also Add the symbols and cross references to the symbols. Also
add the single Neutral wires using the left-side image as a guide. add the single Neutral wires using the right-side image as a guide.

.,_ I "
=Fl·B2 =Fl·K2 =F l ·Kl

St:mens X2 l "'
•i..L.n X2 1
lSBJ2.t+-OM.4 l «> er ~· 1'~"
,,., ...., ...,
Sdrleiie'f" GeCb'i:
~3% J J
Sltnodcc Fkicl;IT
_ ,,_. _ .. =F l ·Ql ~~-~--
=F l·B l P66
•i1 I-"'
..u P67

,, .. ..

Sdli11s!ltt Ek:m
=F l ·Kl :=""
-' ~~~~~---"""'<'' 'm

=F l ·B3

l2 l2

., Bl =F l -B2 u =Fl·K l =Fl-K2

X2 X2
• X2 ,, X2 X2 n
' 21.f';:I » ' " I "' It
82 ~

Sd'nel:!er Oec:tllc

>«m2J 39G J I
0 " .,l14

X2 "
·0 . . "0"'
1,51\ OS>/03

l,5A Sdn:sfer &ri.111
P 66 l()Q)lt39G1J
I ~01SK7

=Fl·B3 =F l ·Bl =Fl·K2 ';:,


=F l -83 "'I

See Manufacturer Parts on page 130 for cross references 10 the

symbols. Note See }Janufacturer Parts on page 130 for cross references to the
lesson 7 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 7
Cross Referencing I Component associa6on Cross Referencing / Component association

Associating A component is a representation of a physical deYice that '"'ill

be Stages in the The major stages in the process are listed below:
symbols to a installed in an elecuical installation. The schemes, wire diagrams, and Process
component other drawing C}J>CS that go to make up a project drawing set can have
• Associate symbols
multiple representations of a component. These representations can be
Association populates data from the primary symbol component to the
associated to a single component to pto\ide concise wiring
symbol associated to it.
• Cross-reference symbols
A.s..<ociations are made by applying the same 1\1ark, when this is done
By associarine parent and c.hild symbols to a single component, cross-
the information from the primary symbol, (regarded as the component),
referencing \Vill identify locations and potential design errors.
\Vill automaticallv, be tr&i5ferred to the svmbol
, that has been associated
to it.. • Removing redundant components
Componenrs can e.icist in the database only, having no physical
Bv associatin2 a scheme sensor S\'Illbol to a sin21e line dia= sensor,
representation in the drawing set; this accommodates costine for
the infonnati~ from the single fute diagram S}~bol 'Nill i;;, applied to
feastl>ility srudies, (reverse engineering), and furore changes.
the schematic symbol.
Redundant components should be removed to avoid reporting
For e.umple, the manufitcrurer pan for the motor Ml was defined in a inaccuracies.
previous step (Adding J,fanufacrurer Parts on page 81) for the single
• Resolving cross-reference errors
line componeruc In order to transfer that information forward to the Common desim errors identified throlli!b cross-referencin2 can be
scheme symbol, an as...<ociation is made making both symbols
representations of the same component.
resoh·ed by ~ending the associated c;mponent part, or addingby
atL~ary pans.

Using an Archive To start the lesson "itb an up to date project, unarcbive and o~°ll the
File file sta.rt_Lesson_07.proj from the folder Lesson07\Case Study.
For more information, see unarchiving a Project on page 25.

[ bl ! -Ml
Procedure Associate symbols in differeru drawings to a single component, and so
rransfer the data from one to another. Identify and resolve errors.

1 Associating sensors to a single

Right-click the sensor symbol
=Fl +Ll-+L3-B2 and click Symbol
There are rwo ways to accomplish this: properties. Click the Same base
• Select the equi,·alen1 symbol in the tree and click OK class icon and select =F3-Bl from
• Set the Number value equal to the equivalent symbol, click the L2 - Pump location and click
=F2-B2. Click OK
Associate - and click OK

The former method is much faster and generally simpler.

Component Color The colors ofthe component icons used in the tree are c .a> ·""'
· ~·lot- .......
Coding meaningful: -0 IO·i"\ncl

• Orange means that the component is a single line diagram Note Cabling is automatically applied \Vilen the association is formed, as the
component. detailed cabliru? bem-een the terminals and sensor was carried om
• Green means that the component is a schematic symbol. previously in the Mi.xed scheme, (see Co1mecr sensor cable cores.
staning on page 88).
lasson 1 SolidWorks 2ll 14 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 7
Cross Referencing I Component association Cross Referencing I Component association

2 Adjust Location/Func tion outlines. Cross· Electrical scheme drawings can have multiple symbols that represent a
Left click on the Location outline to referenci ng single physical device. A relay or coil is generally sho\vn as multiple
highlight its grip points, left click on the symbols \\ithin the circuit; a relay and the contacts it contains. As these
lo"·er right comer and drag the ourline dov.'ll.. different symbols represent a single component they need to be related
Repeat the process for the Function outline. to the same component, and to cross-reference to one another.
Cross-referencing not only serves to display where associaterl symbols
are located in the project dranings, but additionally assists in
3 Associat e second sensor. identif)ing potential design errors.
Right click on symbol =Fl+Ll-+L3-B l and select the Symbol
Properties. Select the Same base class option to reduce the available
4 Zoom and Tiie.
components to those that are rele\lmt. F rom the Pump location on the
right ofthe dialog select =F'2-B2 and click OK to form the association . Select the Wmdow tab and Vertical tiles icon [I]. Zoom in on -K l in
Adjust the Function and Location ourlines lo accommodate the added the Mixed power scheme and the relay coil +Ll-K3 in the
information_ Click OK Electrical control scheme.
5 Cross reference.
Righr-click the coil symbol and click Symbol properties. On the right
of the dialog expand the Chassis location select the component =F l -
Kl and click OK
The information applied to the contacts in the Mixed scheme are
passed to the coil symbol in the 103 - Electrical control scheme
- ...
......... -
-~. -- ~
..::. ~"-

()eog;tt (T i:n:--."0:- -
! ~1

.!"'dls::.l :
r~;we. a;a
: ...~u...I


6 More cross references.

On the Components side panel expand =Fl-+Ll+L2-KM1 right-click
the NO contact and click Go to. R i~ht click on the scheme contact and
select Symbol properties. E xpand l2 - Chassis, select =Fl-Kl and
click OK
Repeat the procedure for the other NO contact associated to =Fl-
·- -·----··· ~ +Ll +L2-KML
= F2-B2
lesson 7 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 7
Cross Referencing I Component. associJtion Cross Referencing I Component associa6on

7 Removing redundant components. Cross Reference Ibis follo"ing color coding oflhe contactS is used:
Associating the relay the 3 phase power contact, and the NO Contact Colors
contacts to the sin~le component =1"1-Kl , leaves two components in The circuit is used and has !he associated reference.
the database which are not represented in the. drawings, or .required in
The circuit is used bm does not have the associated
the project. -If-
On the Components tab right click on =Fl-+Ll +L2-KM1 and select
Delete component... repeat the process for =Fl-K3, =F l -+L3-Bl , The circuit is aYailable, bm not used, and bas the
-I -
=Fl-+L3-B2. associated reference_
Tip \Vhen a symbol is insened in a drawing, by default, a new component The circuit is available, not used, but does not baYe
is created. Deleting the dra\\ing symbol automatically deletes the th<: associated reference.
component from the proj ect. Ifa component is created and then a
symbol is inserted that relates to it, the component is retained in the Tip The c.olors in the color scheme can be changed using Project->
project database. Configurations -> Cross-f'eference drawing, or by right clicking on
any cross reference information and selecting Edit cross reference
style ...
The Cross The Cross reference list contains color coded symbols to help you
Cross Reference The teJcr on either side of each contact, for e.'Gllllple, l / Ll and 2 / T2,
Reference List determine the Starns of the cross references at a glance. The system
Text Coding reference terminal numbets on the manufacrurer part. The coding may
collects contacts in the cittuit and automatically places the list in the
include slashes, dasb_,-s or just numeric Yalues depending on the
upper righrponion ofthe dra"ing, although the positioning can be
standards used by that manufactUret.
The Circuits portion of the Symbol properties, for the symbol Kl in The symbols reflect !he children; they are either open or closed
contacts as the drawing dictaies.
this examples, proYides a lL<tin~ of the parent (Reley coil) and child
circuits in the 05 - Control drawing. The Terminal numbers seen l~_;.-! ~ -/
here are also seen in Cross Reference Terr Coding on page 137. _"fl:.~ 1])2-4-7

~.; . ;: : !(12 4;
'ia' ~ ; • ,..... ~~ !'a
JI ~Q '- .R i3-H "'1C~l:$1 1..1. JCB41
• a(;!- ~ IA,I ?.'Tl W.L; t~i.7'~ --~
a .l.'t,..41'D -w"""• .::1c~
• NJ -~ 1.'lJ,.i.-'O ""!a~7 ...:1C'~
l!ll llO ::O.~ ~ ., ,.,,, l ~1C7CS
• .., ~ -ct&l

Cross Reference The Cross Reference Types pull down menu controls the \i sual
Note Clicking on any ci1cuit in the list zooms the drawing to that symbol in Types display of the cross references.
the "indo"· to the ri~ht of!he list_The window can be zoomed and
scrolled further if needed_ Right-click Symbol properties and select a Cross reference type.

Cross Reference The State of each circuit in the Symbol properties dialog is color Without - Do not show any cross
State Colors coded.
• Green indicates that the manufacturer part has been successfully
-- -·..:.... -. -·
~~ ""
II: • ! -
Parent in !able - The cross references are
displayed in a rectangular panem.
• Blue indicates that !he manufacrurer pan has not yet been assigned. .
:-~ roi+7 Parent in line - The cross references are
• Red indicates an error in the cittuit. .:.:1 -; lti.:+7 displayed in a linear panem.
...?:.'" ."!- t02+7
,, ..
" t:Jli-!

- -·- l!B-S-1
Lesson 7 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 7
Cross Referencing I Component associa6on Cross Referencing J Component association

Child - The symbol is used as a child.

8 Cross reference list
After the cross haYe been made, .U+L2 •J
Same level - Used 'IVilen the symbols are on the ...
!iC111~1:h!I s~w
the Cross Reference List appears in the .U.+U·Kl ()J21087
same Class.
lower left corner ofthe drawing beneath
.Ul .i-:2 lQ..'-4-7 Using default configuration - The standard the relay coil.
l.':1 ;-.i 102:4-7 sertjn~.
ll:J ·~·::!. :m.+7
~ ~· !0341

- .•
- :01-3-!
+ll +l2-Kl
~-:;:s 102-4-7
Cross Referenoo The red number to the right portion of the cross reference represents the 1,1.:-~ 102 4 7
Location Listing grid location on the drawing. For e.xample, 103-8-1 means that the > i:_.~ 10] 4- 7
associated symbol lies in dra\\ing 103 grid column 8 row 1. ~_.......!! tw+ l
-- lflJ-.8· 1

Note The last (bonom) symbol 103·8 · l is in red indicating that the contact
circuit is in use bur does not ha\·e the associated circuit in the parent
part. This means that the part will not accommodate the defined \viring,
as an exua NO contact is needed in the component
9 Symbol properties.
Right-click on the relay and select Symbol properties, click the
Manufacturer part and circuits tab. The State is red for the last
circuit on the list.
- ' __,_



• Bc..rrc:;i
• m- - J.'U
~ •-n
~--= ~

'"CJ .4-7
"Cl.I .,.



H) ~

10 Add an auxiliary clip on contact

X3 .S-l

Click Search. Use the following information to select the component.

• In the class- relays, re!ays
• Manufacturer - Scbneider Electric
a Type - Au x iliary
• Reference - LADN
Select the pan LADNl l TQ, click Add selected part ~ , click Select
and OK
Note This adds a front clip on contactor device that can be attached to the
relay; it pto\ides two more contacts, resol~ing the part error and
proYiding a spare )JC contact for fuiUre use..
lesson 7 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Exerc·is& 7
Cross Referencing I Component association Single Line Diagram Cross References

11 Updated cross-reference list Exercise 7: Add cross references between drawings and l2
The cross reference list is updated \\ilh me additional '-:_~E lW-4·7 Single Line add multiple tmninak using the information Ml
partS contaclS. S.J :)1') 102-'1-7 Diagram Cross proYided. """"""'
12 Associate cable cores. u :4 lW-1- 1 References This lab uses the following skills: 0.75\'VI

- .---
Pan dO\vn me page to reYie...- the sensor -B2 between l400tt/rM
:a - ~ lCB-8·1
terminals 7 and 8.
.-- • Associating symbols ro a campor.eni on
lli-£ page 132.
Right click on the wire c-0nnectingrenninal 7 and-Bl • Jnserr 'n •terminals. on page 94.
selecting Associate cable cores ... from me oonte.\.-tual menu.
Using an Archive To start the exercise \\ilh an up to date project, llltarchive and open the
In the dialog remo,·e the filrers as described in Remove Filiers. on File file Start_Exercise_07.proj from the folder Lesson07\ Exercises.
page95. For more information, see Unarchiving a Project on page 25.
Expand cable W3, hi~hligh1 lhe Black conductor and the connection in Procedure Create cross references between symbols as shown.
the lower half of the screen. Select Dissociate cable core followed by
1 Cross reference.
Associate cable cores, and click OK to confirm_
Create a cross reference berween the motor s:ymbols in the Line
Repeat !he process for the 'Wire connecting terminal 8 and -B 1 , diBgram and the Power drawing. The manufacrurer part for the motor
selecting the W3 light-blue oonductor. was selected in me pre,ious e.xercise.

+U+l2-X1 7
+l2 - Pump (~

=f'2 • Water•top

- .,.-~
-82 ~~.
Omron ---
.-1"11-11.11n•, ~ -F?-11-P.>.

E2K-L26MC1 °2 -1-U·L.!"1'-' ~~--;;;:;;:;- ~ -Ii-I.Hu 2 Multiple tenninals.

102-4-1 ~ Insert multiple passing terminals across four wires in the Power
drawing as shown. The direction arrow orientation is to the left as
i shO'<Vll.
+U+L2-X1 ~
• XI !>

-1>, m-.:~
•.1 ~...... Ml
Note This amomatically updates the cable core connections in both the
) wi·. u.-a.
\I """ """'
M lSOOl~0.7S)
mi...:ed scheme and terminals editor.
wi~ ..C\1 •' 3
13 Save the project ..: n' SS
Click Save Q and keep the project open.
3 Component properties.
Open drawing 06 select the Components tab right click on =F l-M3
and select Properties, changed the Root Number from 3 to 2 and
click OK
4 Save the project
Exe.rcise 1 SolidWor ks 2014
Single LJne Di agram Cross R eferences

Lesson 8
Managing Origin-Destination

Upon successful completion of this lesson. you '"ill be able to:

• Replace e..'tisting wires.
• Edit "'ire marks.
• Add origin-destination anow; to \\ires.
Lesson 8 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 8
Managing Origin-Destination A/Tows Managing Origi1>-Destination Atrows

What are Origin-Destination Arrows connect the same wire as it moves

berwee:n dra\\ings, joining rwo segments of a line as if they were 1 Replacement wire.
Origin· Right-click the wire below !he relay and lamp in drawing 103 -
Destination physically connected_ The arrows iI creates behave like a hyper link
-and includes te.'tl that define.s !he origUi/destination dra\\ing and Electrical controi scheme, from Wire Style click Replace... ~ .
Arrows? Click the Replacement Range option Propagation to equipotential.
Click browse, e.'l'.pand NL1L2L3, select !he Neutral wire and click
Note Only wires of the same wire sryle can be connected this way.
Stages in the The major stages in the process are listed below:
~......, .... ,..,

• Replacing Wires ~~ · W

Replacing an exiting wire is more efficient that deleting and sketching " -""
- ;.. - lP
F -.__ C0.-.):4
the wire agailL
~ =·~c"
~Jil- • bd!P.:••"i*
• Origin-Destination Arrows ft'e:le-1 • ~~10\t.::ib'
"'-.l • e.... ..................
Placing origin-de,,<ination arrows makes the continuation of a \\ire on
-another drawing easier to follow.
- *""'' ~
•• bit-~-"'*

E. = ••u>UO)
Using an Archive To start the lesson m'th an up to date project, unarchive and open the
=-=- •uuuc:t

File file start_I.esson_08.proj from !he folder Lesson08\Case Study.


= · .. .
~ -- .. ::s;r
For more information, see Unarchiving a Projecr on page 2.5.
Replace a wire and add origin-<iestination arrows between drawings.
E'l'.i.<ting wires can be replac.ed with \\ires of a different style selected
from the Wire style selector.
!: .?-~

The wire changes c-0lor and propagates beyond the original selection to
the entire equipotential
Replacement The Replacement Range determines how many \\ires of that \vire
Range style to replace; from a sin~le line segment to a search of the entire
project. The options are:
• The whole project - All lines ofthat \Vire style in the project \viii
be replaced.
• •
• Current book -All lines of that \\ire style in the current book \vill
be replaced.
• Current folder - All lines of that "ire style in the clll'tent folder
• ······ -·· · ··~ ·· - ··· ·-····- ·· II----
\\ill be replaced. Not all books have folders.
• Current Scheme -All lines of that \\ire style in the current scheme
or drawing \\ill be replac.ed_
• Choose schemes - All lines of that wire sryle in selected schemes
or drau·ings \\ill be replaced.
• Selected items in scheme - Only !he selected line or lines will be
• Propagation to equipotential - All lines connected directly to the
selected line or lines "ill be replaced.
• Propagation through circuit - All lines of the selected circuit \\ill
be replaced_
Where to Find It • Shortcut Menu: Right<lick a wire and click Wire style,
Replacement ~
l&SSon8 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 8
Managing Origin-Desfina6on Arrows Managing Origin-Destination Arrows

Origin· Using Origin-Destination Arrows allow Note Left clicking on the end of a \\ire changes the circle color from green to
Destination connection of circuits that lie on dilferem ...... 05-1 red, and di.<plays it regardless of where the cursor is moved. this
dra\\-ings; by selecrine the endpoints of wires that indicates that it has been selected.
are the same wire SI)i e. They act as hyperlinks between the connected

--- ~'
Interpreting the
Arrow Text
The arrows that result from using Manage origin-Oestination arrows
contain a code that blends the connecting drawing and the acrual
location on that drawing.
Arrow Drawing The dra\\ing number is listed in the first half of arrow text. For
example, in the 102 - Mixed power scheme drawing, the arrow is
-;i ·~
~ .! labelled 103-1. This means the continuation of the circuit is found in
l!lfi ... dra\\ing l 03 - Electrical control scheme. In the 1 03 - Electrical


·=- ·=


J control scheme drawing the arrow is labelled 102-9. This means the
continuation of the circuit is found in drawing 102 - Mixed power
-- -1: · -.:; - --

+t: +t2·Xl. ~

Note Double-clickine an arrow, or right-clicking Go to, outgoing

redirection, brings you to !he matching arrow in the. destination
~------· - ~ ----------+----
Where to Find It CommandManager: Schematic-> Manage origin-Oestination
Note :Multiple arrows can be applied to the same line endpoint.
arrows -:_

2 Add arrows.
Select the Schematic -> Manage origin-Oestination arrows .:;.. and
zoom in on the line ends that "ill be connected. Click Single insertion
~ and select the open line endpoints from each dra\ving as shown .

-U.U·Kl --~
· 1.W.181

J't.'.:. ~-:
Lesson 8 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 8
Managing Origin-Destination A/Tows Managing OrigiJ>+Destination Atrows

Arrow Location The location ofthe arrow in the drawing grid is listed in the second half 4 Wire style properties.
of the arrow text. F0tthe arrow that is labelled 102-9, the 9 refers to Click Window, Vertical tiles.
1 2
column 9 in the title block The arrow lies within that row of the Right-click the line and click
drawing. Wire style, Properties.
The description is listed as a 24V
AC \\ire. Click OK
• ·-
I t-l l'-l l- Ooor

5 Replace.
t =1=

-~[ : :
Right-dick !he line and click Wire style, Replacement.
~ J1!
- ··· ~ Click Propagation to equipotential and click OK Expand the - 24V
folder, click 24V AD and click Select. The wire style and color

--=~ : _ V change. The wires should now match.


When Endpoints When m·o open endpoints canno1 be selected \\ith Manage origin- ~L
Cannot be Selected destination arrows, they are unmatched wires. The connection cannot
be made until the wires haw the same Wire Style (see Wire Sryle
Selection on page 49). This a,·oids creation of an electrical fault in the I .-·

3 Selection.
Zoom in on the areas ofthe dra\\ings as shown. Click Single insertion
~ and tty to select the \\ires shown. Only one can be selected.
Click Close.
• •
d.. ---~-----

-u-u · Owl'
lesson 8 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Exerc-is& 8
Ma1taging Origin-Destin ation Arrows Origin -Destination Arrows

6 Create arrows. Exercise 8: Add origin-destination arrows using the

Click S ingle insertion ~ and select the open line endpoints from
each drawing as shown.
information prO\ided.
This lab uses the follo"ing skills:
~ 05-2
Arrows a Replacing Wires on page H4.
a Origin-Desrinarum Arrtrws on
page 146.


~==~ . ... ~ 05-1

7 Save the proje<:l Using an Archive To start the exercise with an up to date project, unarchive and open the
Click Save g and keep the project open. File file start_Exeroise_08.proj from the folder Lesson08\Exercises.
8 Edit wire marks. For more information, see Unarchiving a Projecr on page 25.
Open drawing 102 - Wxpd power scheme and zoom in on the Procedure Create origin-destination arrows as shown.
tranSformet -Tl. Ri~ht click on the blue, neutral wire and select Edit 1 Arrows.
wire mark. .. from the contexmal menu. In the dialog click on the
Add origin-destination arrows between 1he Power and Control
Equipote ntials marks > New field and enter a value of N-2 and click
dra\\ings as sho\\n.
9 Show/hide wire marks. 0
Right click on the neutral wire and select Show/hide wire marks from FS - Open Door l 1 •&
the contextual menu to display the marlcs on the equipotential. ' u
,......._ '
10 Edit wire marks.
Open dra-.ving 103 - Electrical control scheme and zoom in on the
relay +Ll+L2-Kl.
Right click on the blue, neutral wire, below the relay coil selecting

l l v
"'-{ w
l(](JlOT_s,,Q i
,... I

Edit wire mark... from the conte.uual menu. In the dialog click on the
Equipotentials marks> New field and enter a Yalue ofN-2 and click
OK. A message will displayed stating that the mark is duplicated in the
project, click Yes on this wanting and click OK again to rerum to the
-:: ~ ~
.. ,
.. CS.-:.
Note Defining the same "ire marks on different -.vires in a project identifies -•>
them as being a continuation of the same equipotential. ~':.'
N - <>
11 Automatic insertion. ~ N


Select the Schematic tab, Manage o rigin-destination arrows ~·;2_ ~

pull-down, and click the Automatic insertion. Select Connect when 2 Save the proje<:t.
drawing locatio n is different and OK The arrows will be
automatically inserted on the ends of the "'ires.
Exercise 8 SolidWorks 2014
Origin-Destination Arrows

Lesson 9
Programmable Logic

Upon successful completion of this lesson, you "'ill be able to:

• Add a new scheme.
• Create a PLC ~1arlc to the Components tab.
• Add a PLC symbol onro a drawing.
• Create and modify the PLC configuration.
• Edit an eximn~ PLC.
Exercise 9 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Exercise 9
Adding a PLC Adding a PLC

PLC Output Add the details of the PLC Output drawing in the follo,ving steps. 8 Functions.
Details Set the function for each of the symbols as listed for drawing 07 and
6 Wires and symbols.
Create the wire.s (-24V - 24V AD and Neutral wire) and symbols as
Symbol function
shown. Use. the table in the following step to add the manufacturer
pans. 84 Emergency Stop

-. ________ 85

Door Opened

-- S6
Door Closed
Open Door
• - N
K5 I Sensor
S8 Close Door

"0_,_ ~
... -· K3 I Open Door


K4 Close Door

x1 ~·"'X2~-----
H3 I Open Door
>..,.., H4 Close Door

114 9 Edit the PLC.

-+- - - - - - - 'Xl"--i':---<uF----- Edit the PLC (either drawing) and add the descriptions for each
v- q: --< physical address nsin~ the table below.
- 0

--- -- Physical Address

1.1 .
Emergency Stop
I.2 Door Opened
1.3 Door Closed
1 Manufacturer parts.
Set the manufacturer pans for the symbols created in the previous step. I.4 I Open Door
LS Sensor
Symbol: K3 andK4
In the class: Contact.or rela3s, ~s\Power
Manufacrurer: Schneider Electric
I Close Door
Open Door Reley
Type: Base
Reference: LC7Kl2015M'7 Q.2 I Close Door Reley
Symbol: H3 and H4 Q.3 Open Door Pilot
In the class: Signamng _Al&..T'l!l\Lum.inous
Manufacturer: Schneider Electric
Type: Base
Fl Q.4 I Close Door Pilot

1O Save the project.

Reference: ZB4BVB4
Exercise 9 SolidWori<s 2014
Adding a PLC

Lesson 10
Final Drawings Changes

Upon successful completion of this le:.'"'SOn, you "IVill be able to:

• Associate cable cores to wires.
• Add pam manually.
• Assign multiple manufacrurer pam at once.
• Set the properties of "'ires.

Losson 10 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 lesson 10
Final Drawings Changes Final Drawings Changes

Editing the PLC The PLC is available generically but must be modified to suit the needs 2 Vector.
Drawing of a specific projecL For in:.<ance, only a small portion ofthe available Select the geometry, click the end of the Q:.1
L'O ports v.ill be used on this project. The PLC be edited to fit the green line and the output point 2. All the
requirements of this project. selected geometry moves down the same I/0 1
Stages in the

The major stages in the process are listed belov.·:

Associate Cable Cores

Associate the cables cores to the wires in the
Add power lines.
Using Draw single wire type = ' sketch the
power lines using - 24V - 24V AD wire to
connection point 1 as shown.

- 2

• Adding a Part Manually

Parts can be added manually when they do not appear as manufacturer
parts in a search.
• Assigning a Part
Assign the same manufacrurer part to multiple symbols. •o• I ~· I
,,,, I
I ' ~I

• Wire Style Manager

The wire style manager is used to set the properties of wires.
Using an Archive To start the lesson v.ith an up to date project, un=hive and open the . -
File file Start_Lesson_ lO.proj from the folder LessonlO\ Case Study.

For more information, see Unarchiving a Projeer on page 25.
Edits will be made to the PLC drawings by assigning \vtres and adding

·1 ] ·1
manufacturer parts.
.. ..,.,!-~

1 Select for move.

The PLC has a circuit attached. but it is not connected to either of the
connection points 1 or 2. Open the scheme 105 and click Move µ
(for more information, see Move on page 34). 4 Add terminal.
; ~
Click Insert terminal q (s----elnserring Single Terminals on page 122)
! ' :
l i i
and click Other symbol. Select the Passing terminal ~:. ~ and
.; - -
' ' '
-~- ·~:.... i
Select. Click to place the terminal "'irh lhe e.."<ernal direction sho\vll.
; i
" '· ~: :r..:

~' ~ ~ ""'!. l~

• • • • !; Note Wnen the first terminal is added, a new terminal strip

i X2 is created automatically and associated to the
• • • • • •

Tip The terminal direction indicates the excemal side of the terminal to
assist v.ith cabling and the terminal dramng layout.
lesson 10 SolidWorks 2ll14 SolidWortcs 2014 lesson 10
Final Drawings Changes Final Drawings Changes

5 Second tenninal. 9 Location outline.

Select to draw a Location outline from the Schematic tab, draw a
Add another Terminsl - ,-- . Click to place the terminal with the rectangle around the electrovalves -Yl to -Y4 selecting a location of
e.xtemal direction as shown in the ne.xt step. L2 Pump and choose to Change the component location.
6 Attach to tenninal strip. ·X2 I
In the dialog, click the component =Fl -X2 and click OK. This makes
use of the existing terminal strip (X2) rather ihan creating a new one.
-)Q I 1
... __.

·X2 • ·X2 •

Associate Cable The Associate Cable Cores tool is used to associate core data to wires
Cores in the dra'•ing.

t z
Where to Find It • Shorrcut Menu.: Riehr-click one or more wires and click
Associate cable cores l£

y 10 Select wires.
7 Multiple copies. Righr-click the four wires and click Associate cable cores I ~ .
Click Multiple copy 'a· Click New cable ;i .

Control+click the terminals and create multiple copies as shown . "'i • "'Iii' ""11· "'Ii"
X2 I xz:.'.:' "'¢ , .., .......
X2 "
"' ...,~ •I "' ~
•I ...,. • .,.."'T '
. . 1

ll.1~10 YJ ~=

lCZ ,

Change drawing locations.


""<· '
11 Select cable.
.., '
~·· "'...' .J Q

Use the following information to select the component.

• Size standard - Section (mm")
Select the side panel Drawing tab, multi select drawings 10 4 and 105 • Manufacturer - Nexans
right click and select Change location from the contextual menu. • Conductors number - 2
Select L2 Chassis, as the majority of the components in the dra\vings • Reference - U-1000 R2V
will be located on the chassis.
Click Select and choose to Change component location.

180 181
l&SSon 10 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWortcs 2014 Lesson 10
Final Drawings Changes Final Drawings Changes

Select the panU-1000 R2V 2X2.5 M, increase the Quantity field to 13 Other side.
4, click Add selected part n and Select. E~d the w s, we, W7, Select the wires on the olher side of the electrovalves.
and WB folders and select the brown " ·ire in each one. · X2 I ·X2 l


Pllmp ;:
nr~ ;:

r -Y2 ~
. ar
·YI -Y3
:;y >H.,.

- . --- ,_..

--- ..
-~- -X2


-X2 ~• ·X2 ~
12 Select wires.
·- 14 Assign blue conductors.
Select the blue conductor cores in each cable and !he foiu wires in the
Wire(s) to associate to cable cores section, click Associate cable
Select the four \\ires in the Wire(s) to associate to cable cores
cores • and OK.
section, click Associate cable cores and OK. I•
".l )I' ...•• .
•.l . . .. !iJ ,
)C ; ~

--- ---

- "'

- ·-r:- • ...r.:-- ... ...

..... -- --
~ r :: ::.:: ::=
--- ._, _
--:::"- ·-- ...........--~, !=~
-.=::- ·- ~==-- ~.::.

~- :....- -=--·""
-"-!1-~~i>::- i'l-~-.i

·----- ·--
;.::.:;- . --
~ --
=~ ~·
·-·~--- -~-- ·-·- ·- -..,..- -'!.!"..
~.... . _.,..
_• .o;.-
·- ; ._
·- --

-·- .• r -, -~ . -, ..,.

-- -. --
__ - - - -- ..
-·· --- -
- _
-. -·--· -=-
-- --- ..
-.... -= . .
-~ -

r •• _.
. .. ~'
- ... ...
• • ... • 0
-U - f"..c- -• -u-~ ~

............ ..,.!"'~ -«{

Y-'- -
<! ::i >

- ..... ...•. _.,

• ·XZ . •
Lesson 10 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWortcs 2014 lesson 10
F;naJ Dr;cwings Changes Final Drawings Changes

Adding a Part Ifthe manufacrurer pan does not e.'tist for the selected symbol, it can be Creating a New This procedure creates a new manufacrurer part that does not yet exist
Manually added manually. In this example it refers to a pipe valve. Manufacturer Part in the catalog.
Where to Find It • Symbol properties Properry1Manager: Add manually Add to catalog The Add to catalog option is used to add the part to the catalog so that
it can be used in other projects.
Only for this The Only for this component option is used to limit the part for use in
1 Symbol.
Right-click the -Yl and click .,
,,, ~' component this project only.
Symbol properties. Click the
Manufacturer part and circuits
tab and click Search. t 4 Add to catalog.
At the message: Tills manufsctw'er part does not exist in
2 Search resulls. catalog. Do you want to add it? Click Add to catalog and OK.
Select In the class Brakes. electrovalves and Search. The results •
are limited, they do not include any viable options. Click Close. ---
-, - :::::-

- -- --- '
T... - ...
·~ ~

. -

--- .. -
.. - -
""" ...

- ~-C'- ~-
- .

.. . ... - l
.....,. ' -~ _,..·1=""
~ .,,,;.a_ ____
........ ............. ,,...
-.~~ r trie..d""tl .,t~

-- ..,.....
., ~
..-~- -- ._._............,..._

-- .........
......~~'\'U'.t ~~ .,,._ ~
..._. ~ n:.;.... ~=-·"' ~- ....
~ --- ·I•


~ .. -
- .
"""""" ,,,........
,,._ ............

---·.nr. .....,.

-- -= _..., ---......- -
' ::. 5 +

· -~
,. •..:~
. ;;...
,. _
r-..~ <.lb-

_.. """·
",__, ...
~· j-J

:1 Assigning a
.... j .• . Part
Assign Part can be used to assign the same manufacrurer part to
multiple symbols at once.


Add manually.
- ·~

Where to Find It

• Shortcut Menu: Right<lick a symbol and click Assign part i:i

Assign part.
Click Add manually and type the follov.i ng te:\."t into the specified
Drag-select the remaining symbols and right-click Assign part ~-
• Part - electrovslve 2w 50mm '"' ~ •
-V~ ...i~
·YI ECJ -~, !-:-

Manufacturer - Cepex
Description - Ball valve 2 WS¥ 50mm
., i'

• 30 part - LessonlO\ Case study\cepex-2w-valve 6 Select part.

Under Circuits, type: Select In the class Brakes. electrovalves and Search. Select the
ne\\"ly creared part electrovalve 2w 50mm, click Add selected part
• Tenninals number- 1 ,2 c , click Select
Click OK Tip Cepex \\ill be at the end of the list of manufacturers until the program
is restarted.

184 185
L&SSon 10 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson.1G
Final Drawings Changes F;na1 Drawmg.s Changes

Manipulating The addition oforigin-destination arrows can be made easier by 8 More arrows.
Drawings in the manipulating the ,·arious ne,'-' and pre'ious options. Yianipulate the dra"'ings to get the 104 and 105 drawings visible.
Origin-Destination Click Single insertion and select the endpoints as sho"'n.
Manager (see Origin-Destination Arro-.<-s on page 146)

Switch Both The options Previous drawings jj and Next drawings lJ shift
Drawings both drawings to another set by changing both dra\vings back or
forward at once.
Change Drawing The options Previous " and Next " can be used for Change
Drawing 1 or Change Drawing 2 to shift each drawing back or
forward one dra\\ing at a time. The Selector J option selects a
dra\\ing directly by name.
Where to Find It • Manage origin-Oestination arrows PropertyManager:
Switch both drawings, Change Drawing 1 and 2


Click Manage origin-Oestination arrows and manipulate the
dra\\ings to get the 103 - Electrical control scheme and 104 --0
..., !

dra\\ings ;isible. Click Single insertion and select the endpoints as ~ .+·

., r

9 Last arrows.
~anipulate the dra\\ings to gei the 103 and 105 drawings Yisible.

il'a!ro;·~:'3!0!)H\N'J:. ~~ ~ ~

. . .- Click Single insertion and select the endpoints as shown. Click Close.

I s I 9 I 10
I .,.,
I I Yi I I ~· I
-:. ::.1~~ I!
l~· -
• I

-·~ - -

--- ·X2 '

lQSSon 10 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 10
Final Drawings Changes Final Drawings Changes

Wire Style The Wire Style Man ager controls the properties of\\·ires in the project 11 Properties.
Manager The lines styles of connecting lines wi th arrows (see Orig in- Click Properties ;, and change the Diameter (mm) field to 1.63,
Desrinarion Arrows on page 146) must match. under Section or gauge iype 2.1, set the Wire size standard to
Note Ifusing the Wire siz e standard Gauge (AWG standard), also set the Section ( mm"').

Si ngle Wires For single wires, use Draw s ingle wire type =
Diameter value to the diameter of the \\ire in mm.
(see Drawing Single
Click OK and Close twice.

Wires on page 120).

---- -"
~.Y.R.~prqioat..e x

Multiple Wires For multiple wires, use Draw multiple wires ;::::: (see Draw Mulriple
Wires on page 47).

...... -

... .



2 t.1t1ierct&t
Where to Find ft • Draw s ing le wire type Properry~1anager: Wire style selector,
,,,. .......

......-w.. - -
Ule.-<:~ 1:

~ .... 1 ~

• Draw multiple wires Property:\1anager: Wire style selector, ;::..~ .......

~<nti! ~: E>Jf<UOOV.. .
~.,..., ,~

T~lt!'e d!b26dSi
~~ ~~
Manager .
~ .. ...

"" .

10 Wire style manager. \\'fie il:e s;:-c" "

Click Draw s ing le wire type Browse - and click Manager... Se:r:d IXUi. tbll:l;et\

and select the-24V - Control wire under Group: O - Electrical. """"""""'

,., .
-- /ktlmJue ..
- """"
12 Wire style manager.
.;: , P.,1;., =. ......_
1........ Click Draw multiple wires ~, clicl: Manager and click the N L I L2
.- ..
3 E!Go..GO.~

~ 1#V...:-
• -'¥XI.I · ~
• ;o.N .C.W
L3 \\ire style group.
13 Sele<:t multiple wires .

- ......(#«d
• · 11,!V . ~
Shift+sele<:tthe first three " ires {Phase 1, 2 and 3 ) and click
· ~·~
.,.= Properties ;, . Under Section or gauge type 4.2 , select the option
_.c=:f::::::::;. M_l f..?ll
Section (mm"') from Wire size standard, type the Diameter (mm) as
2 .3 and click OK.
14 Last two wires.
Controf+sele<:t the last two wires (Neutral w1re and Protection ) and
click P roperties .ii . Under Se<:tion or gauge rype 2 .1, select the
option Section ( mm") :from Wire s ize standard, type the Diameter
1.63 (mm) and click OK.

188 189
lesson 10 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWortcs 2014 Lesson 10
Final Drawings Changes Final Draw;ngs Changes

Equipotential The Equipotential Formula is a numbering system for equipotential Numbering The Number new wires option is used to calculate the marks of new
Formula wires. In addition to a large selection ofpre-defined formulas and Wires \vites in all drawings in the proj ect.
variables. c11>-iom formulas can be created by the user.
Note \\-ires that are oot connected to terminal strips or symbols will not be
Variables The \1lriables can be added by clicking a variable in the Available numbered.
variables and s imple formulas list.
Where to Find It • ConunandMana~oer: Process-> Number new wires -::-
Variable Variable Kame
16 Number wires.
EQU_NO Equipotential counter
Click Number new wires ':".AI the mes,,--age:
Function mark
Do you want to renumber the new wires, without modifying
LOC_TAG ILocation mark the existing numbers.
FIL_UDATA_O It;ser data 0 Click Yes.
Equations The equations are built by adding a combination of variables and 17 S how/Hide wire marks.
operators to the Formula : Wire mark dialog. Open drawing 10 2 - Mixed power scheme and Zoom into the
scheme wires on the left of the dra"'ing.
Equation Wire :\'ame Results

;,' J~
• L1- • + EQU_NO Ll-1, Ll-2, Ll-3... •

• R- • + EQU_NO R-1 , R-2, R-3 ... • ; • :9 •

." -* ) •;-;~J-·'1-;.,.
15 Formula.
: :. :: I
Double-click the first "ire (Neutral) and click the Equipotential

formula browse button. Currently the value is a fixed te.xt string "N -"
followed by an equipotential counter, remove the space between N and tU~~+d
.. " '

the hyphen-. Click OK twice, and repeat the process for the green l~M '"+'1"·
Protection wire, selecting a formula of "PEn. Click OK twice, and Select the wires as shown, right click on a highlighted \vite to access
Close to rerum to the drawing.

the contexrual menu and select Show/hide wire marks to hide the

-- ---
_ . . . ,-
~...._-:~ ~) ... Tip
Every line entity that makes up an equipotential has a mark value
.•' ...~
. . . _ ..... ,...

........,,_ -
~ •'T •i:QOIO
• C.1'4

,-AoltP.Ji . . . , , • .,. . ....

" " _. , _ (.._. .....,..-.Fi•l<(l\ "j
_.t ..,.._ <3'<1..,,U.Ult.'ftl'll~

-· """'~'"" "'-~~,
,.... ~ ....... v::,•
.... .
applied to it, these can be shom1 or hidden to improve the information
displayed on the face of the drawing .
_ . . _ . ._ _,, .. ,.,. ......
:...,.,,... .....
~_ocJlll11 .•

~ ""°" -- fXll ·~
~~ '---.. -- ~nio;t
,..,,,._. -t-c..... ~ Select the wires running across the top of the circuit and right click to
select Show/H ide wire marks.

·-__ ..,
............. ..,..... l'.4 -- ·)l.""tl'. ..t-I,

; ...
.,._ ,,_.r~-""'"~..:t~

- - - ········-·······················:;':°!.......... - .............. - .........__ __

. ·----
lesson 10 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 10
Final Drawings Changes Final Dfil'Mngs Changes

18 Align texts. Assigning Parts Manufacrurer pans ha\·e been a:."'Signed to symbol in many previous
Select the \>ires <lispla}ing the marks once again, and right click to to Other steps. Other objecrs such as terminals and locations, may also require
access the COtllexrual menu, select Align texts. assignment of manufacturer pans.

Assigning Parts to The Assign Part option is used to assign a manufacturer part to a
Terminals component. The part can be assigned to multiple individual terminals in
a terminal block.
For more information, see Assigning a Parr on page 185.

19 Assign parts to tenninals. -Q:' l1· ~~«­ = ~ n·~ ~,i o~

~at ti ~:if ft 1D u !.loco'
Shift+select all the tmninals in -=>m' U-0..- e ~ ll·~
cfl.fl ... ~1.f1
Left click on the blue, neutral wire, at the position the marks '"ill be the terminal strip =Fl -X2 as .fH-2 E .,;=,1 F2
shown. Ri~bt-click and select to ..t. ..,.,..90 • ..:1.K'i
moved to and aligned.. Drag the cursor down and left click once, the
CW'SOI' can now be moved left or right to define the marks justification Assign part :y.. Search for the ,
T """

••" _.,.,.
··1 IO
.!.. ~~
mannfacru:rer Entrelee and the
point, leave the ju:,'1ification as Center and left click once more. T ""''
.fl<ll •'
.iW I

reference 011512g14. Click
•> .,,..,

Add, and Select •
,;;.in • ...1-s:i

u-:. ~ :m .....xi
Select tenninals 6 and 12 in -= -m J:t-Jl2
strip =F1-X1 as shown. Ri~h\­
click and select to Assign part
;It;. Search for the manufacrurer
..•. 1"'..'
• )l '

Entrelec and the reference , l •

.. " 011512914. .• l
• l •

Right click on O 11512914 and select Properties. Scroll down to

illustrations section and click on the 30 part field. Browse to the
... \ SolidWorks Electrical Schematic\ I.essonlO\ Case Study
folder, select 1492.J3-0.SLDPRT and click Open. Click Add,
Tip The change to the part "ill not affect components it has been assigned
10 already,so that terminals in strip -X2 will ha,·e a difterem 3D part to
terminals -XI 6 and-XI 12. Usi n~ the Process tab>Update data
command allows the assigned data to be updated to reflect any changes
made at an application le,·eL
L&SSon 10 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson.1G
Final Drawings Changes F;na1 Drawmg.s Changes

Renaming Schemes or dra'\\ings can be renamed to match the contents. The Assigning Parts to Parts and assemblies like the cabinet do not
Drawings numeric prefix remains regardless of the name change. Locations relate 10 a symbol and ther-...fore are simply
assigned 10 a location (see ltJcarions on
20 Rename drawings. page 15) in the projecL
Right-dick drawing 104 and click Properties ~ . Under Description For more information, see Assigning a Parr on
(English), type PLC Input.s and Entrees PLC in Description page 185.
(French). Click OK.
0 _,.
-. -·
I ,

.-...-- ! .:r-l- - 21 Add cabinet part.
Right-click the Ll - Main electrical closet and click Properties iJ .
Click the Parts tab, find the part NSYCRN65200, click Add selected

r part Q , click Select and OK

- -.
~~ _$1$~
,,, ~ ts I Opp;:w1& #j

Right-dick drawing 105 and click Properties .;s . Under Description

(English), type PLC outputs and Sorties PLC in Description
(French). Click OK.

.. """' I
22 Check component locations.
Components will be available in 3D dra'\\ings based on the location
applied to them. Select the Components tab, right click on =F l -Hl
and select Change location, selecting Ll Door. and Select Repeat
the process for =Fl-X2 selecting the location L2 Chassis. Finally
change =Fl-83 and =Pl-84 locations to Ll Door.
23 Add cable descriptions.
To access all !he cables in !he project select the Projects tab Cables
JI' command.
24 Description.
Click Wl - User Defined 4G cable and click Properties iJ . Under
Description (English), type Pump Power in Description (French),
type Pompe d ' sJimentation and click OK The full name becomes
Wl - Pump Power.
losson 10 SofidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Exercise 10
Final Drawings Changes Editing a PLC

25 Additio nal descriptions. Exercise 10: Edit existing PLC symbols using me
Add the mnaining descriptions in English and French as follows. Editing a PLC information ptO\ided.
• W2 - Low Level Sensor - Gapteur de niveau bas
• W3 - Top Level Sensor - Capteur de niveau superieur This lab uses me follo\\ing skills:
• W4 - Pump Power - Pompe d 'alimenta.tion • Editing rhe PLC Dr(lloing on page 178.
• W5 - PLC outputs - Sorties PLC • Numbering Wires on page 191.
• W 6 - PLC outputs - Sorties PLC • Assigning a Parr on page 185.
• W7 - PLC outputs - Sorties PLC
• we - PLC outputs - Sorties PLC •• Wire Style Manager on page 188.
Assigning Parrs ro Orher Objeas on page 193.
Click the Close bun=
Using an Archive To start the exercise \\ith an up to date project, unarchive and open the
- - x
File file Start_Exeroise_ lO.proj from the folder Lessonl O\ Exereises.
For more information, see Unarc11il-ing a Projea on page 25.
-- Procedure Edit PLC symbols as shown.

~ Wl -~~-
"' . . Wl·l.e#~se--

.I: 7: '#I'S -r., ,__ ....
U :C!JC~Jl!..S
""' .., .,.,,.~
.., .,_
..,.,,,.. -·
'9'.t ·M*!ce:tttd~
.fl.: .~
1 Add to drawing.
Open the 07 dra\\ing and add the \\ire and symbol as shown. Create a
cross reference to the Q3 component.
.., • '#0 ·A.C~n
.l! ~ -Pl.C~
• . . Wl·Plt O.~
~111L'!llltX..: 1111
\HCW 'Q'> ZQ..2 Ill
~:OX D ::xl.Hll
~ ·~ d:o'3d:$::
.c..i ~~uo..c.::
.:(J · '"""'~-::,1 ~
..t.. ·w.hdeQ'.:llfcb-=
., ..


..., • V.'$·A.C0.:;>;r.S T'-l ·~

~ ..,._ ... __ ~...___..._ ..._ ___.._ ...... _WL..•.
rt:io:.: Ot'~V ~~~~;,~~:iocieit:=• ::~~~oeau:c:~:- &oc~=

- 1
1:="61 5-1 ~

:;g tr---
=t.OOCE lSr-zi»-:."IAlll
26 Save the project. 21 ' ll
Click Save Q and keep the project open.

--~ ·-~

:Jg ·-

2 Open drawing.
Open the 05 - Control drawing.
Exorcise 10 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Exercise 10
Editing a PLC

3 Wire style properties. 6 Arrows.

Use the Wire style properties to set the properties of these wires: Add origin-destination arrows between the wires in the drawings 06,
07 and 08 as sho"'n_
Wire Diameter Section or Gauge
-24V -24V AD l.45m.m 15
Neutral wire
P hase 1 2 .3m.m 11 '
Phase 2
P hase 3

4 Number wires. •
Number the '"ires in all dra'ki ngs. •
•• "
X?' t 5 o-~·"
~------'".o -
1~ i
- B:a;r .. -

5 Cable and Terminals.

Select Project tab Cables, selecr W 1 and Duplicate. Open dra'king 06
insert multiple terminals exremally connecting to M2. Terminals
should be pan ofXl numbered 5-8. A,,-sociate cable W2, as shown.


- -::: . • ~

- -- • "'"' ..... ·( M: ) "'

.,..,._ lllrtl)•!

w' 3-

- -·::• "'w.!J.s-- " :P.SS

:;:a :;~

ell =.
~ °'°""

198 199
Exercise 10 SolidWorlcs 2014 SolidWortcs 2014 Exercise 10
Editing a PlC

7 Assign part. ~it """""" 10 Location.

Use Assign Part to assign the same manufu:cruret ... .,,
F [J L1 · M:t1 ce..'1:11 ct>~

Change the location of the follo"IVing symbols to Gara€e .
pan to all of the terminal pans underXl , X2 and ........
X3. .......
In the class: Termlllal strips, terminals ,iJ ..n.-1 3S83203-1HA20
= ...r;.o1
':! .(•.(;2
l.\1anufacrurer: Entrelec
Type: Base
Reference: 011512914
X3 1
:,.; CEO •ff.X I • -0-
~a:Q .J-..xz
~ tt(i ... l ~
X3 3
8 Rename.
Rename drawings

Current Xame New Name

06 06 - Power PL.C F1F3 KS

07 07 - PLC Inputs •
21 t-: 22

08 08 - PLC outputs
Fl f6 58 1 32
9 Cross references. •
Add cross references in !he 08 - PLC outputs drawing as shown.
.-<f--- - 1<3
11 Add cabinet part. -i t-
~ ca L1·1t:i1i~:u:11. :toY.1
Add Manually a cabinet pan reference to the - ... ll<"•

H · 10
location Main electrical closet using the .,
" ....f14'1
follo"IVing criteria: -11<.
.f-1 1(2
•f l-ffl
Reference: 1 78864 "';<
_. ..f l.OJ
Manufacrurer. ABB -s .r1-04
-;i ..f-1 S1
Class: Boxes, cabinets > Enclosures >
Height< 1000 mm
f"'--- - K4 Type: Base
\\>1dth: 700
H6ghr 650
Depth: 250

Note This part is applied to a location not a symbol.

12 Save the project.

200 201
Exe.rcise 10 ~li dWori<s 2014

Lesson 11

Upon successful completion oftlris le..-son, you will be able to:

• Use the Report Manager to select reports.
• Generate repon drawings.
• Create a Book Folder.
• Modif'; a repom properties.
• Create terollnal strip drawings.
l&SSon 11 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 11
Repotts Reporls

What are Reports are lists that show the information included in the project. Report Manager The Report Manager is used to select specific reports from four major
Reports? There are many differem types of reports. The Report Manager categories: Bill Of Materials grouped by manufacturer, List of wires
controls which reports are used in the project. by line style , List of cables and Drawings list The default report
types follow.

- ~-
" -=-- -

... _
Bill Of Materials
grouped by
The Bill Of Materials grouped by manufacturer lists the pans that
haw been a:.-signed in the project. The columns can be sorted by
reference, matk number, description, quantity or manufacturer. In this
example it is sorted by the Mark column.

--.-.....-- - -.
i X Ill b ~ iil15'°
-" .
- --- ~ --

L .. -
I "
--- •
Stages in the
The major stages in the process are listed below:

List of wires by
The List of wires by line style lists thew-ires in the project. The
• Report Manager line style columns can be sotted by origin. destination, wire number, section,
The Report Manager controls the repons used. let1eoth or reference. In this example it is sorted by the Section column.

.- ---
Drawing Terminal Strips
• •

... - - -
• -- --
Specific Terminal Strip Drawings can be created.
Using an Archive To start the lesson with an up to date project, unarchive and open the
$ ii! ~"w


file start_Lesson_ l l.proj from the folder Lesson! 1 \ Case Study.
For more information_ see Unarchiving a Prajecr on page 25.
Using the Report Manager, generate repons, create folders, modify
It -~-
=· - -
- -- ·-

_- ru

•• ..,
-- ..-- -·-· u-......_ -.... i
• ~

,,, ~
- ~·

u• ~..,~


~ ~ JO

and update a report layout, and create terminal strip drawings. • _., *•
~ ~

- ~


u-...... -......
...... -
• .,.., _

-·.... -.. .,_
,. ••
~= ~· ~
~ ~
~' ~·

rd ~

·-· •

l esson 11 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWortcs 2014 lesson 11
Repotts Reports

List of cables The List of cables grouped by reference listS the cables in the
grouped by project. The columns can be soned by mark, description, path, origin, 1 Report manager.
reference destination or l~Olh. In this example it is sorted by the Description Click Reports EB and click Add to report Type PLC in the -ii.

x *' _ ..... ,
Name field and check on the PlcIO_Metric and click OK.

---· - -
·-- ---- -----
..i. ~ i!I '5' ,._
- .....- ----··
·- -
,·~ -
-·. .....
_,.... .._
•• _.,,
- -
- -- ·--
~~ ~
_t -
7" _·
_ -_
•• i:
_;_ i:;
,,.;:_- .,_,~

· -fUll-l>
\J. .lll'.~
~ oa -UVl !

Drawings list The Drawings lis t lists all me drawings or schemes in the project. The
columns can be sorted by drawing, function, location, revision, date, 2 New report.
cm.ted by, designation, folder mark oc folder designation. In 1his The new report a._ppeafi lb-red in the Report Manager.Sort the PLC
example it is soned by the Drawing column. Inputs/Outputs list by the Address column.

.. )( .. !J ~
__ . _ _ _ ,.... JI
- -,_
_.. ti
- ..
111 --
:! ~.l..!..-~-.!l~ ..~! ·- --'°"-·-
,,. ...._
3- -
- •- . - . .- -- -
... _ •'.• -
--· - " .. • -- --- ~





_ ' i __ __._

I- ---
=· -.......


J!i:m -..J.....,.,.~
• -$.;'tr ~
~ {~


.... .


t!; ~
, >
~:=;:; ~
~ ~Ml
~:t....,i;;r..:.a: ..
~1"--~"-l "'
~~. . Ill-
_..._ f-• *t:e ,..
~ ,,
.-. .


~~-' ~- ~c...::aa;::::a; "' .,,_,..,.~.

' • ~----~c-----~ ..
Where to Find It Command.Manager: Project -> Reports EB
- I ......
lesson 11 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWortcs 2014 Lesson 11
Repotts Reports

3 Generating report drawings. 6 Update reports drawings.

Double-click the 1O1 - Drawing list to open it, right click on the
Click Generate drawings ii!
and click all items in the lisL Several dra\\ing name in the Document tab side panel and select Update
lists are added below the dnmings in the Documents list. Click OK
reports drawings !II from the conte.x-rual menu to show the new
and Close.

..... _ x
information relating to the position of the dra"ings in the Schemes

. ·- - ~

• .ii_
So*o·.. ~~·t,..,,.._.
•e;.o~"" ....... sQ:jli_......,...,...._r i
. I _I


txt- 'OX•lltJI! llH x.:k

4 Creating Folders.
Folders can be created in Books in order to bener manage the project
documentation. Right click on the Document book and select New,
Folder, add a Description (Eng lish) of Schemes and Description
(French) of Regimes and click OK

- c x

_ 7 Modify reports column.
Currently the Folders column exc...-eds the drawing border, this can be

?"-..... -..~- r
modified by accessing the reporu properties. Select the Project tab
Reports c-0mmand., select Drawing list and click Properties. Select
the Columns tab and change the Folder designation field from 80 to

~ W~ : ~
~~:ta ~~


~T.......... M •
.............,.,..,. i~-

-~ ,

L'tf. I (.~

5 Moving Folders/Drawings. f ~ l · ~ l»:l-

l!!l 1~ . 0-,...... ... ,._
On the side panel Document tab left click on •!! tol · Ono In
lO? · KIOe:l~:W-
the folder Schemes and drag and drop it below 0 ltl'l · ~ u..l"O ..,_
~ 10" ·'\C)Vb
drawing 101 - Drawing list. i! !Of· l't.C 0-JCIJIS
• lM · f\.C S.'Pb/Q..a).iU~
~ulti selecr dra" in:.<>s 102-105 left click and ·• lll7 · l~of ~ ~
~ lC~ · · :i11~~:ito
drag and drop them into the Schemes folder: J!l
tO> aloe ,.;n;.1;a1ii
• l » ·tetof·- er.
~ lll ·t4tohir~
.. ~ " .:-il

208 209
lesson 11 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWorks 2014 Lesson 11
Reports Reports

Tip On changing the field value click anywhere else in the dialog to 9 Open tenninal strip drawing.
activate the Apply bunon, this writes the field change directly into the Open drawing 113 - X2 - (1 / 1) .
SQL database.

I ·. ., I

------- ......
- -- -- -
:::.: ·=

·- .:.

-·-- - 0
. .. - I ·:_. '"'-··
- L.2_

--- . --= . - - :.-..- -.

- r
·- ~

-- ~
ir-~~~~~~~ , ....
=== ......

Click Apply, Close and Close again. Update the drawing report as ~ ·- -~- .,_ .. I '"
outlined in the preYious step.

10 Save the project.

Drawing Tenninal Strips Drawings can be generated automatically from the Click Save Q and close the proj ect.
Terminal Strips terminal strips in the project.
Where to Find It • Shoncut Menu: Ri~ht-click the Book and click Draw tenninal
strips here, All the project tenninal strips

8 Draw tenninal strips. ~~ - ~

~ 1;11;·~ P* '1'"'-'"0
Right-click the book and click Draw tenninal le l)! ·
strips here, All the project tenninal s trips. 3 Ql Sd-
~ J;Q • t"--~
Two new terminal drawings are added: ~ 1:>J ·O!:~-::iritro'h~
It:) l:M PLC b\>JU
112 - Xl - ( 1/ 1) and 113 - X2 - (1/1). - ld l~·l'll;~
~ l.~·1"1.C ~ /Q.rtp..r.;;~
Iii 01 1.i$1 ~ Nad:$
· Ul ·fi' nf~
~ PS · lli ofns!X"1!1'$
Iii UC !blot ...«$
!lrl 1n -1• « -
~ Ul·;.'.~-(ll0
~ UZ X2i U!J

210 211
Exercise 11 SolidWorks 2014 SolidWor!cs 2014 Exercise 11
Reports R•potts

Exercise 11: Create a set of repons using the 3 Terminal strips drawing.
Create drawings of all the terminal strips in the project.
Reports information prO\ide<l -~
-·.- .. -·.. -·. I
This lab uses the follo\\ing skills:
• Report Manager on page205.
• Dra..-i ng Tenninal Strips on
Using an Archive To stan the e.'i:ercise \\ith an up to date project, unarchive and open the
File file Start_Exe rcise_ l Lproj from !he folder Lessonl 1 \ Exercises.
For more information, see 0narchiving a Project on page 25.
Procedure Create !he reports and dra"ings as sho\\n.
1 Reports.
Add the follo\\ing repons:
• GableGroupedByReference_Imperial
• Folio_Imperial
• ReferenceGroupedByManufa.cturer _Imperial
a Wi.ringI.jneType_Imperial
2 Generate drawings.
Generate the follo\\ing dra"in~<:
• Bill Of Materials grouped by manufacturer
• List of wires by llne style
• List of cables grouped by reference

--- -

I:: r .•
~.II- 1=-- :-1=

1-.. 1~ ~ 1~-

1= Q ••

--- :-1=
' ---
I ..

I -"•

212 213
Exercise 11 SolidWorks 2014


A E p
sdd 15 odit pin to pin com:...-roons S7
A.dding annCmes. ~ ' ~14- J>LC
sd&ing c.iroJits to S4 etccmcaJ CC'~ insO'! 156
adding ci..'"CWts co < 93 = h S2 mar:k 155
stroVtS 146 o,'uipr.mtial f=m:la 190 J>YXC" C..".'O.;\ing: 46
assign pa..>t 185 proj= s
F 24
B fu:nctio:i llC'\\' 8
blocks 36 ai.:i:i 124 una."'C'.hh-e 25
books OL> l l i propmies 14

c L R
cables llilc~ 22 .re¢scing v.iresc 144
add 90 loonii>:; 15 upo:t
associa:.e cores 181 C>Ul!C=lll bill o!~m.3!e:i..ili 21>5
<!owl<<! o.Olillg. 78 c:h!es 206
d?av; cable 33 M d..~206
rct:Cer:.ttS manag~ 90 ::::.:aos 104 ~port ~e.r 205
sket..:hing 48 .Cd 105 ~ 2.05
circuits 84. 93 aene 105
colon .,.,..=kirg ciop~ 160 s
images in. manual 4 ~~""'! scl:~...uic 46
COf'.llC:ctUlg dra\;s 146 .Cd SI sch= s
oon:nections S7 aene c ew 1S5 addin;piew 46
copy m..,.r<n~ 166 defi.n.ition 221 46
multipk 160 =:Jbcr 166 scroll
copying geometry 160 """ 166 mouse 1.9
ttoss referc:ce list 136 ,,,,..... mci 166 search
colors. 136 Ull~-d mdc. 166 manuf.ecmrcr pan 82
location 138 usedmrl 166 sini!!e line diaza:n 22
tcxt 137 ,,,.;..;, 69 -
~pes 137 5'."mbo!.s
N • iir.c diagram 26
0 =Ca mmnumbtt 166
d."O.\\.ing .......q 166 mC-'\"C 55,68
properties 14 ::ru:mb::- llires 191 Froperties 15o;
d."O.\\.ing tools ~P~ 6.S, 167
arcs 38 0 scl:~ 52
bloclcs 36 orU::!:.fesrinrim~ 146
!avers 39 ou:k T
re~'i3!!.g!es 3S ~125 t.erm:n3J 86
d."O.~iogs 8 locirion!ll addromip 92
control draOJ..t:g 120 am.ltiple 94
00\'Cl' page 8 .si!:gk 122 list s tan:in3! strips dra\\.in£ 210
line dUgram S tft!e block 30
po,,,.·er d?a'l\oillg 46 chanf-e> ::.ti

214 215
Index SolidWorks 2014

u.~hive 25
usct in:erl':ace 1

draw muhip!e wi.TCs 47
d:aw sin2.le ~ires 120
ed5t 164-
~po-tential f~nnula 19(1
nwnbc< 191
replace 144
system ofnum._"'c:ing 190
v.ire scyle mansgcr lSS

cxtents.ofdra\oing 31
mouse- 19


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