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Standardization, Calibration, and Control UNIT 1.

in Flow Cytometry
Lili Wang1 and Robert A. Hoffman2
Biosystems and Biomaterials Division, NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland
Independent Consultant, Livermore, California

Because flow cytometers are designed to measure particle characteristics, par-

ticles are the most common materials used to calibrate, control, and standardize
the instruments. Definitions and cautions are provided for common terms to
alert the reader to critical distinctions in meaning. This unit presents extensive
background on particle types and cautions and describes practical aspects of
methods to standardize and calibrate instruments. Procedures are provided to
characterize performance in terms of optical alignment, fluorescence and light
scatter resolution, and sensitivity. Finally, suggestions follow for analyzing
particles used for calibration.  C 2017 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Keywords: standardization r calibration r control r particles r MESF

(molecules of equivalent soluble fluorochrome) r ERF (equivalent number
of reference fluorophores) r sensitivity r resolution

How to cite this article:

Wang, L. and Hoffman, R.A. 2017. Standardization, calibration, and
control in flow cytometry. Curr. Protoc. Cytom. 79:1.3.1-1.3.27.
doi: 10.1002/cpcy.14

INTRODUCTION sidered. Most results from flow cytometers are

Standardization, control, and calibration expressed either in terms of “percent posi-
provide different degrees of certainty about tive” or in qualitative terms such as “dim” or
the data acquired with an instrument. Each “bright.” These terms are relative: what is con-
process is aimed at ensuring that results from sidered “negative,” “dim,” and “bright” in one
the instrument have the quality required for laboratory may be quite different in another
the intended purpose (Horan et al., 1990; NC- laboratory. When visualizing fluorescence us-
CLS, 1998a; Muirhead, 1993a,b; Schwartz ing a fluorescence microscope, such relative
and Fernandez-Repollet, 1993; Owens and Lo- terms are mostly sufficient, though perfor-
ken, 1995; Schwartz et al., 1996; Owens et al., mance benchmarking with control materials
2000). The purpose may be an individual re- on microscopes has recently been tested (Hal-
search experiment or a clinical result that de- ter et al., 2014). Flow cytometers can measure
termines the longitudinal course of patient’s the amount of fluorescence and provide more
response to treatment. In the terminology used objective criteria for expressing results.
in this commentary, an instrument is standard- As particles are the most common materials
ized at certain time points and subsequently used to calibrate, control, and standardize the
operated under quality control conditions [see instruments, this commentary describes how
UNITS 3.1 & 3.2 (Hurley, 1997a,b)]. These pro- various types of particles are used for these
cesses maintain the instrument within prede- purposes. It also briefly reviews the status of
termined bounds and ensure that results will standardization and quality control for flow
vary only within certain limits. If results are cytometry (see Chapter 3 for further discus-
also calibrated when instruments are standard- sion of quality control). UNIT 1.4 (Wood, 2009)
ized, then future results can be objectively and covers calibration of detection system com-
quantitatively compared to future calibrated ponents (e.g., linear and logarithmic ampli-
results or to calibrated results in other labora- fiers) to ensure linearity of the flow cytometer
tories. Quantitation of results should be con- response.
Flow Cytometry

Current Protocols in Cytometry 1.3.1-1.3.27, January 2017 1.3.1

Published online January 2017 in Wiley Online Library (
doi: 10.1002/cpcy.14 Supplement 79
Copyright C 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The first section of this unit focuses on how flow cytometry is used by increasing numbers
the term “standard” has been used in flow of investigators. The verb “standardize” means
cytometry (see Standards, Standardization, to cause to be without variation. Early use of
and Jargon). The intent is to alert readers of the noun “standard” in flow cytometry seems
flow cytometry literature that they must al- to have been in the sense of a particle used
ways interpret critically how “standard” is be- to standardize (make consistent) one instru-
ing used in a particular context. The next sec- ment in one laboratory (Fulwyler, 1979). This
tion defines terms and also includes comments is much different from the authoritative sense
to put the term in context or to highlight issues of “standard.” In this commentary, other terms
(see Definitions). are used to describe more specifically what
After providing extensive background on type of particle or material is being used for
particle types and cautions (see Overview of a particular purpose. For example, “calibra-
Standardization in Flow Cytometry), this unit tion particle” or “calibrator” is used instead of
describes practical aspects of methods to stan- “calibration standard,” and “alignment parti-
dardize and calibrate flow cytometers (e.g., in cle” rather than “alignment standard.”
terms of optical alignment, fluorescence and
light scatter resolution, and sensitivity; see DEFINITIONS
Standardization and Calibration section). Fi- Concern with terminology and its evolution
nally, suggestions are given for analyzing par- is not just semantics, but reflects what has been
ticles used as calibrators, including how to as- important in flow cytometer technology and
sign to fluorescent beads a value for molecules how the technology has grown and changed.
of equivalent soluble fluorochrome (MESF) More precise and generally accepted terminol-
and equivalent reference fluorophores (ERF) ogy should clarify communication and under-
and how to determine the inherent fluores- standing among flow cytometrists as well as
cence coefficient of variation (CV) of a dim scientists in other fields. Definitions related to
bead sample (see Characterizing Particles for quantitative fluorescence cytometry are pro-
Calibration and Control of a Flow Cytometer). vided by Henderson et al. (1998).
The definitions below should be considered
STANDARDS, STANDARDIZATION, a reasonable point along the way toward au-
AND JARGON thoritative and broadly accepted and under-
It is common in flow cytometry to combine stood terminology. Some definitions include
words that describe use of a particle with the comments and references that may help put
word “standard.” Examples are “calibration them in context.
standard” and “alignment standard” (Horan Accuracy: degree to which a measurement
et al., 1990; Schwartz and Fernandez-Repollet, agrees with the true or expected value.
1993; Schwartz et al., 1996; Shapiro, 2003). Alignment particle: particle with uniform
Rarely is there any indication of who has set size, fluorescence, and light scatter character-
the “standard” and by what authority or con- istics that is used to check the alignment (or, in
sensus. some instruments, adjust the alignment) of the
There can be many levels of “standards,” excitation and emission optics in the flow cy-
depending on the size and authority of the tometer. It is desirable that the alignment parti-
group that establishes them. For example, an cle emit fluorescence in all detector channels,
individual laboratory or investigator may have as this allows all channels to be checked simul-
standard practices or materials. A large clinical taneously. Alignment of the optics is optimal
or research study may have standard practices when signals from the particles have maxi-
and materials that are agreed to by all inves- mum intensity and minimum variation or CV.
tigators involved in the study. A professional The more uniform the particles, the better the
organization may establish standard methods degree to which small deviations from optimal
or identify standard materials for specific pur- alignment can be detected. Optimal alignment
poses. If the word “standard” is not modified is most critical for measuring DNA, because of
by a term such as “laboratory,” “clinical trial,” the very low inherent variation in DNA content
or “study XYZ,” it may imply something that from cell to cell.
is generally and widely accepted by acknowl- Antibody binding capacity (ABC): num-
edged authorities. In that authoritative sense, ber of antibodies of a particular type that can
however, there are few “standards” in flow bind to a cell under saturating staining condi-
Flow Cytometry cytometry. tions. Researchers also use the term “ABC” to
Standardization Clear and common understanding of what stand for “Antibodies Bound per Cell.” This
and Calibration
is meant by a term is important, especially as term may not always imply a requirement
Supplement 79 Current Protocols in Cytometry
for saturating staining partly due to interfer- other, more robust statistics for flow cytome-
ence caused by simultaneous staining of dif- try. Another excellent reference for statistical
ferent kinds of antibodies on the same cell methods is Bevington (1969). A robust CV
population. excludes outlier data and is typically defined
Autofluorescence: inherent fluorescence using ranges of data including a specified per-
from a cell or particle to which no stain or centage (e.g., 95%) of the data. In the case
fluorochrome has been added. Manufactured where there are no significant outliers, the ro-
particles (such as plastic beads) can be pre- bust CV is equal to the CV using the standard
pared to have nearly the same autofluorescence definition.
as lymphocytes. Control particle or material: stable mate-
Background (noise, fluorescence, scatter): rial (e.g., sample of manufactured particles)
signal present when no particles are flowing that gives reproducible results when analyzed.
in the sample stream. Background noise is Particles used to set up a flow cytometer are
one factor that limits the sensitivity of fluo- used as a control even if they do not have an
rescence detection (see definitions of fluores- assayed value assigned to a physical character-
cence sensitivity and light-scatter sensitivity istic. Controls can be used to monitor the sta-
below). Depending on how low the signals are bility of an instrument and determine whether
that one is trying to detect in the sample, dif- it is acceptably within calibration. A calibrator
ferent factors are dominant contributors to the can be used as a control material, but a con-
background. When no light is coming from the trol material does not have to have an assigned
flow cell (e.g., lasers turned off), detector noise value for a characteristic.
is the background limit. For photomultiplier Control sample: sample prepared in the
tubes (PMTs), the detector background noise same or nearly same way as a test or unknown
is called dark current and is due to random sample and which should give an expected,
emission of electrons from the photocathode. predetermined result. In immunofluorescence
For photodiodes and other solid-state detec- analysis, a positive control sample may use
tors, which have no or low signal amplifica- known cells (characterized for reactivity to a
tion, the limiting factor under best conditions panel of antibodies) and the same antibody
is noise from the amplifier required to raise reagents as the test sample. A negative control
the signal to a useful level. Sources of flu- sample may use the test cells but without an-
orescence noise include Raman scatter from tibody reagent or with an irrelevant antibody
water and optical components; fluorescence reagent. Also, the positive control sample can
from unbound fluorochrome, reagent, or con- contain some negative cells which function
taminants in the sample or sheath stream; and as an internal negative cellular control. This
fluorescence from optical components. can also be referred to as an internal isotype
Calibration: process of adjusting an instru- control.
ment so that the analytical result is accurately Fluorescence sensitivity: In flow cytometry,
expressed in some physical measure. there are two different aspects to the notion of
Calibrator: material that has been manu- sensitivity: threshold and resolution. The first
factured or assayed to have known, measured has to do with the smallest amount of light
values of one or more characteristics. The as- that can be detected (Wood, 1993; Owens and
sayed values are provided with the material. Loken, 1995; Schwartz et al., 1996; Shapiro,
Fluorescent manufactured particles can be as- 2003). This notion has also been given the
sayed for diameter or for the amount of flu- name “detection threshold” (Schwartz et al.,
orescence they produce. A practical measure 1996). The second has to do with the ability
of particle fluorescence is the number of flu- to resolve dimly stained cells from unstained
orochrome molecules in solution that produce cells in a mixture (Brown et al., 1986; Horan
the same amount of fluorescence as one bead et al., 1990; Shapiro, 2003). These concepts do
(see definition of MESF and ERF). not measure the same thing. The second no-
Coefficient of variation (CV): statistical tion incorporates a measure of the broadness
measurement of the broadness of a distribution of the fluorescence distributions for dim and
of values, usually defined as CV = σ /μ, where unstained particles, not just the average fluo-
the standard deviation σ = [(xi –μ)2 /(N– rescence. Two instruments can have the same
1)]1/2 , with the sum over N measurements of detection threshold but differ significantly in
xi (where xi is the ith measurement of vari- ability to resolve a dimly stained population.
able x), and the mean μ = ( xi )/N. Shapiro This is illustrated by example later (see Stan-
(2003) gives an excellent discussion of CV and dardization and Calibration Section). Flow Cytometry

Current Protocols in Cytometry Supplement 79
1. Degree to which a flow cytometer can beads, seem to be stable for many years.
measure dimly stained particles and distin- Two methods, namely, solvent (or “hard”)
guish them from a particle-free background dying and surface staining, are used to stain
(threshold). Threshold is important when the particles. In solvent staining, non-water-
mean fluorescence of a dimly fluorescent pop- soluble dyes are mixed with the particles
ulation is measured. The greater the num- in an organic solvent. The particles take up
ber of particles analyzed, the more accurately the dye and are then suspended in aqueous
and precisely will the mean fluorescence be solution. The dye is trapped in the beads,
measured. which essentially become a “hard-dyed”
2. Degree to which a flow cytometer can plastic material. In some cases, hard-dyed
distinguish unstained and dimly stained pop- particles can be synthesized directly using
ulations in a mixture of particles (resolu- fluorescent monomers (Rembaum, 1979).
tion). Resolution is important for immunoflu- As most dyes or fluorochromes used to
orescence analysis of subpopulations and is stain cells are water soluble, solvent staining
strongly affected by the measurement CVs for cannot generally be used for them. When
dim and unstained particles. solvent staining is possible for water-soluble
Inherent sample CV: actual variability in fluorochromes, the spectral characteris-
the characteristics of a sample; for example, tics can differ significantly from those of
the actual variation in the amount of fluo- fluorochrome in aqueous solution. Sur-
rochrome per bead in a sample of beads. Be- face staining allows many common
cause the measurement process is not perfect fluorochromes—especially those used as
and itself adds variation, the CV of the mea- tags on fluorescent antibodies—to be used for
sured fluorescence will be greater than the in- particle staining. In this case a chemical group
herent sample CV. The inherent CV of a sam- on the particle surface (e.g., amino group) is
ple can be estimated within a small uncertainty covalently bound to a reactive group on the
if the measurement variability added by the fluorochrome.
flow cytometer is well characterized (see De- MESF (molecules of equivalent soluble flu-
termining Inherent Fluorescence CV of a Dim orochrome) and ERF (equivalent number of
Particle Sample). reference fluorophores): measure of particle
Light-scatter sensitivity: degree to which fluorescence in which the signal from a fluo-
small particles can be detected above “particle- rescent particle is equal to that from a known
free” fluid. In practice, forward-scatter sensi- number of molecules in solution. The ERF unit
tivity is usually limited by optical noise caused is different from MESF in that the fluorophores
by the excitation source, and side-scatter sensi- attached to particles and the fluorophores in so-
tivity is usually limited by submicron particles lution can be very different and may have very
in the sheath fluid. different molar absorptivities. Hence, MESF is
Limit of detection: the lowest amount of a special case of ERF where the labeling flu-
analyte in a sample that can be detected but orophore and fluorophore in solution are the
not quantified as an exact value. same. This is a practical measure because a
Limit of quantitation: the lowest amount of known concentration of particles can be com-
analyte in a sample that can be quantitatively pared directly with a solution of fluorochrome
determined with acceptable precision and ac- in a spectrofluorometer (see Calibrating Parti-
curacy under stated experimental conditions. cle Fluorescence in ERF).
Manufactured particles (beads, plas- Nonfluorescent particle: particle whose flu-
tic beads, latex particles, microspheres, orescence distribution is the same as that of a
microbeads): particles made of synthetic particle-free sample. In practice, the concept of
polymers (plastics). Sizes range from submi- nonfluorescence is dependent on the sensitiv-
cron to over 100 μm, which generally covers ity of the instrument making the measurement.
the range of cells analyzed in flow cytometry. A particle that is not measurably fluorescent in
Most manufactured particles are made by bulk one instrument may be so in a more sensitive
polymerization, but very uniform beads can be instrument. Fluorescence (or other lumines-
made employing the same droplet generation cence or Raman scatter) from otherwise un-
principle used for flow cytometric cell sorting stained manufactured particles depends on the
(Fulwyler et al., 1973). Colored or fluorescent material and treatment with which the beads
particles can be made by staining the beads are made. With all other factors equal, the “flu-
Flow Cytometry with dyes or fluorochromes. Nonfluorescent orescent” signal from microbeads will be pro-
Standardization beads, as well as many fluorescently stained portional to the volume of a single bead.
and Calibration

Supplement 79 Current Protocols in Cytometry
Precision or reproducibility: degree to signal is applied only to the forward scatter
which repeated measurements of the same detector, the response of all other detectors
thing agree with each other. In flow cytom- to background light and noise can be mea-
etry, precision of a measurement is estimated sured. When a sample is run under normal
by the CV obtained when measuring a sam- conditions, any signal from particles above
ple of particles (biological or nonbiologi- this background and noise level actually comes
cal) with very uniform characteristics multiple from the particles. There is no guarantee, how-
times. ever, that the particle signal is from particle
Resolution: degree to which a flow cytom- fluorescence; for example, light scattered by
etry measurement parameter can distinguish the particles may not be totally blocked by
two populations in a mixture of particles that the optical filters, or in some cases, the light
differ in mean signal intensity. Fluorescence scatter may actually induce the filter to fluo-
sensitivity (see above) can be considered a spe- resce. The possibility of scatter-induced light
cial case of fluorescence resolution for which detected as fluorescence signal can be checked
the signals are very dim. Note that the reso- by running unstained cells and looking for a
lution will appear different when data are ac- signal in the fluorescence channel. Because
quired and/or displayed on a logarithmic rather such a signal can also come from autofluores-
than linear intensity scale. Depending on the cence, one should also look at the side scatter
maximum number of channels into which the versus fluorescence histogram for a strong cor-
signal intensity is acquired (e.g., 256 or 1024), relation between side scatter and fluorescence
a logarithmic display of the data may not have from unstained cells.
sufficient resolution to display populations that
can actually be resolved by the instrument.
Standard: 1. noun. (a) acknowledged mea- OVERVIEW OF
sure of comparison for quantitative or qualita- STANDARDIZATION AND
tive value; (b) something recognized as correct PERFORMANCE
by common consent or by those most compe- CHARACTERIZATION IN FLOW
tent to decide. CYTOMETRY
2. adj. (a) serving as a standard of mea- Standardization (see Definitions) is the
surement or value; (b) commonly used and foundation of flow cytometry and allows in-
accepted as an authority. vestigators to have confidence in instrument
Standardize: (a) cause to conform to a given performance and measurements. This section
standard; (b) cause to be without variation. surveys characteristics of particles used in flow
Test pulse–triggered background fluores- cytometry, for example, to standardize im-
cence: measurement of background fluores- munofluorescence and to check alignment and
cence in a flow cytometer by using an measurement precision (see Types of Parti-
electronic pulse to trigger the pulse detection cles). Specific types of particles are compared.
electronics and acquire data from the fluores- Standardization can be complicated, however,
cence detector(s) (see UNIT 1.4; Wood, 2009). by factors other than particle type (see Gen-
As no particle is present to emit light, the flu- eral Cautions for Using Particles in Standard-
orescence signals acquired are due only to in- ization and Calibration; see What the Instru-
strument background light and noise, and thus ment Cannot Control: Sample, Reagent, and
establish the lowest signal that can be mea- Data Analysis), but prospects for formaliz-
sured. The duration of a test pulse usually sim- ing flow cytometry standards are encourag-
ulates a signal from a particle of typical size. ing (see Standard-Setting Organizations). The
Larger particles would have signals of longer next section (see Standardization and Calibra-
duration and produce more background signal tion) reviews various parameters of flow cy-
and noise. If equipped with a test pulse func- tometers that can be standardized, such as reso-
tion, the flow cytometer can provide a mea- lution and sensitivity, and the final section (see
surement equivalent to running a sample of Characterizing Particles for Calibration and
truly nonfluorescent particles. The background Control of a Flow Cytometer) describes proce-
fluorescence distribution produced by a test dures and cautions for characterizing particles.
pulse should provide a measure of the “detec- Where appropriate in the discussion of stan-
tion threshold” described by Schwartz et al. dardization, approaches to characterizing in-
(1996). In many instruments, the test pulse strument performance will be included. Per-
signal produces a pulse of light from a light- formance characterization is different from
emitting diode that is detected and processed standardization in that it provides informa- Flow Cytometry
by only one detector. When the test pulse tion about limitations or limits of performance.
Current Protocols in Cytometry Supplement 79
Examples included fluorescence sensitivity beads. The fluorescence could be standardized
for resolution of dim populations and lin- with a maximum difference of 40% with any
earity limitations of computed fluorescence of these particles.
compensation. A large, multi-laboratory, multi-instrument
study has been performed to estimate the vari-
Types of Particles ability of instrument calibration and standard-
Manufactured particles and biological par- ization using several different hard-dyed beads
ticles may be used to standardize flow cy- compared to beads surface stained with an-
tometers. Beads may be spectrally matched to tibody conjugated to four different common
the fluorochromes used to stain cells, or they fluorophores. (Hoffman et al., 2012). Across
may simply fluoresce to a useful extent in the 135 different flow cytometers the fluorescence
spectral range of interest. Spectrally matched of various hard dyed beads had considerable
beads allow standardization or even calibra- variation compared to fluorescence of beads
tion across instruments that do not have ex- stained with antibodies conjugated to spe-
actly the same emission filters and/or excita- cific fluorophores (FITC, PE, APC, and Pa-
tion wavelengths. Biological particles may be cific Blue). Figure 1.3.3 serves as an exam-
stained with the same fluorochromes used in ple and shows the variability of hard dyed
experiments to stain cells. Examples of data bead fluorescence in the detector channel de-
for some of the more common types of parti- fined as FITC channel. Within a particular in-
cles follow. Classification schemes for various strument model, most hard-dyed beads had
types of particles used for standardization in fluorescence variation of at least 20% refer-
flow cytometry have been proposed (Schwartz enced to fluorophore-conjugated antibody flu-
et al., 1996, 1998). orescence. This study concludes that the spec-
trally unmatched hard-dyed beads can be used
Comparison of spectrally matched and as fluorescence calibrators but have to be veri-
unmatched fluorescent particles fied for every instrument model and bead. Cal-
Figures 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 show emission spec- ibrators that are stained with the specific fluo-
tra from three types of particles: fluorochrome- rophore of interest, e.g., FITC, PE, etc., are
tagged beads (CaliBRITE beads, BD more suitable for reproducible fluorescence
Biosciences), stained with either fluorescein calibration and standardization across differ-
isothiocyanate (FITC) or phycoerythrin (PE); ent instrument platforms.
broad-spectrum hard-dyed beads (Rainbow
beads, Spherotech); and glutaraldehyde-fixed “Nonfluorescent” and autofluorescent
chicken red blood cells (gCRBC, BioSure). particles
Figure 1.3.1A compares FITC-stained Cali- Figure 1.3.4 shows emission spectra for
BRITE beads with Rainbow beads and particles with very low fluorescence. Un-
gCRBC, which are not spectrally matched to stained CaliBRITE beads have fluorescence
FITC. Figure 1.3.2A makes the same com- comparable to autofluorescence from lym-
parison with PE-stained CaliBRITE beads. phocytes. Osmium-fixed chicken red blood
Figure 1.3.1B compares quantitatively the cells (CRBC) had no fluorescence detectable
fluorescence signal of each particle through above background in the fluorometer. Such
filters of differing spectral bandwidth placed “negative” particles are useful for estimat-
in front of PMT1, with data being normalized ing how well low-level signals can be de-
to the signal from FITC CaliBRITE beads for tected, as discussed later (see Sensitivity or
each filter. The gCRBC varied by about 35% Signal/Noise for Dim Fluorescence). An al-
over the range of filters used. Rainbow beads, ternative type of “non-fluorescent” particle is
however, varied by nearly 200% with the same submicron polystyrene beads (e.g., 0.5 µm di-
filters. The differences in relative fluorescence ameter), which are easily triggered by side
with different filters should be considered scatter, but, because their volume is at least
when comparing different instruments. Even 100 times less than typical particles used for
for a particular flow cytometer type or model, standardization, have also 100 times lower aut-
filters and other factors affecting spectral ofluorescence, which (with the possible excep-
response vary slightly due to manufacturing tion of using UV or violet excitation) is essen-
tolerances. Figure 1.3.2B shows a similar tially below the detection threshold of com-
comparison for the relative fluorescence with mercial flow cytometers. As the sensitivity of
Flow Cytometry different filters placed in front of PMT2. In instruments improves, “nonfluorescent” par-
Standardization this case, both gCRBC and Rainbow beads ticles that had not previously been detectable
and Calibration may no longer serve as as “nonfluoresent.” The
vary only slightly from PE-stained CaliBRITE
Supplement 79 Current Protocols in Cytometry
Figure 1.3.1 (A) Fluorescence emission spectra of FITC CaliBRITE beads (BD BioSciences),
Rainbow beads RFP-30-5K (Spherotech), and glutaraldehyde-fixed chicken red blood cells
(gCRBC, BioSure). Excitation at 488 nm was used. (B) Percentage of fluorescence signal through
different optical filters for Rainbow beads and gCRBC normalized to signal from FITC CaliBRITE
beads. Data in B are also scaled relative to the signal through the 505 to 525–nm filter.

only true nonfluorescent event is an event with (1) unstained (autofluorescence) and FITC-
no particle present, which can be achieved us- stained CaliBRITE beads, shown in region
ing an electronic or optical signal to trigger R1 in panel A; (2) a combination of un-
data acquisition without providing any signal stained and multiple levels of stained Rain-
to the fluorescence detector. bow beads, shown in region R2 in panel A; (3)
gCRBC, shown in region R3; and (4) forward-
Comparison of particles for scatter (FS) test pulses (no particle, R4 in
standardizing immunofluorescence panel A). Fluorescence histograms in Figure
analysis 1.3.5 are from unstained and FITC CaliBRITE
Figure 1.3.5 shows light-scatter dot plots beads (panel B); Rainbow beads (panel C);
(panel A) and green (515 to 545 nm) fluo- FS test pulses and gCRBC (panel D); Quan-
rescence histograms (panels B-F) for several tum 24 beads (Flow Cytometry Standards;
types of particles used to standardize flow panel E); and osmium- and glutaraldehyde-
cytometers for immunofluorescence analysis. fixed CRBC (panel F). Panels B, D, and F
Fluorescence from the stained particles is in illustrate different pairs of particles or sig-
the range observed for immunofluorescence nals at the low and high ranges of a scale for
from cell-surface markers. All data were ac- immunofluorescence. The Quantum 24 beads
quired using the same instrument settings, shown in Figure 1.3.5E had calibration val-
and panels A-D were obtained from the same ues for the stained beads (upper four peaks in Flow Cytometry
sample acquisition of a mixture containing the histogram) of 4,201, 16,936, 37,466, and Instrumentation

Current Protocols in Cytometry Supplement 79
Figure 1.3.2 (A) Fluorescence emission spectra of PE CaliBRITE beads (BD Biosciences), Rain-
bow beads RFP-30-5K (Spherotech), and glutaraldehyde-fixed chicken red blood cells (gCRBC,
BioSure). Excitation at 488 nm was used. (B) Percentage of fluorescence signal through different
optical filters for Rainbow beads and gCRBC normalized to signal from PE CaliBRITE beads. Data
in B are also scaled relative to the signal through the 564- to 606-nm filter.

65,797 fluorescein MESF (molecules of equiv- Particles for aligning and checking
alent soluble fluorochrome) provided by the measurement precision
vendor. Figure 1.3.6 shows scatter and fluorescence
In the same multi-laboratory, multi- data for a uniform 2.49-μm-diameter fluores-
instrument study whose results are illustrated cent bead that is useful for checking or adjust-
in Figure 1.3.3, four different bead manu- ing optical alignment. All fluorescence CVs
facturers used identical protocols and mate- were <2%. A low fluorescence CV is an im-
rials to assign ERF values to beads. Consid- portant performance characterization, partic-
erable variation in results was found among ularly for DNA content measurements where
manufacturers compared to values measured for non-replicating cells the biological varia-
by the National Institute of Standards and tion is essentially zero.
Technology (NIST; Hoffman et al., 2012). To
provide reproducible and traceable fluores- General Cautions for Using Particles
cence intensity assignments to beads, NIST in Standardization and Calibration
has established a flow cytometry quantitation There are two important factors to remem-
consortium under which a service of the ERF ber when using manufactured particles rather
Flow Cytometry intensity value assignment to beads will be than cells in a flow cytometer. First, beads are
Standardization provided to bead manufacturers. not cells and do not necessarily scatter light
and Calibration

Supplement 79 Current Protocols in Cytometry
Figure 1.3.3 Box and whisker plots of the normalized ratio of the MFI of the indicated hard-dyed
beads to the MFI of the FITC fluorophore standard bead for 10 different flow cytometer models.
The box shows the 25th to 75th percentiles, and the line in the box indicates the median value.
Horizontal bars outside the box indicate 10th and 90th percentiles and the circles indicated 5th and
95th percentiles. The percentile markers indicate the percentage of instruments for which the cross
calibration was within the indicated normalized range. The number of instruments represented for
each instrument model is noted after the model name on the x axis of each plot. (This figure is
from Hoffman et al., 2012, Cytometry Part A, 81A, 785).

as cells do. Second, fluorescence from a bead such as Sephadex chromatography beads, give
may be similar to that from a cell stained with a light scatter results similar to those from cells
particular dye, but it is almost never identical. (Sharpless et al., 1977). However, such com-
Regarding the first point, light scatter from mercially available beads have a wide distri-
beads usually differs greatly from scatter from bution of diameters and are difficult to use in
cells of the same size. This is primarily due to standardizing an instrument.
differences in the optical refractive indexes of Regarding the second point, fluorochromes
beads and cells. Beads with high water con- used in hard-dyed beads are rarely the same Flow Cytometry
tent and consequently low refractive index, as those used to stain cells. Even when the Instrumentation

Current Protocols in Cytometry Supplement 79
Figure 1.3.4 Fluorescence emission spectra of unstained CaliBRITE beads (BD Biosciences)
and osmium-fixed chicken red blood cells (CRBC, BioSure). Excitation at 488 nm was used, and
concentrations of the two types of particles were the same. No fluorescence from the osmium-fixed
CRBC could be measured above background noise in the spectrofluorometer.

fluorescence emission spectra of a hard-dyed for samples and reagents that are not properly
bead and a fluorescently stained cell are maintained, prepared, and used (see Chapter
closely matched, it will be rare that the excita- 4 for information on molecular and cellular
tion spectra also match unless bead and cell are probes; see Chapter 5 for specimen handling,
stained with the same fluorochrome. Also, one storage, and preparation). Good data produced
needs to be aware of a possible nonlinear rela- by the instrument cannot guarantee correct re-
tionship between the fluorescence signal and sults if data analysis is wrong (see Chapter 10
the intensity of light used to illuminate the par- on data processing and analysis). The flow cy-
ticles [UNIT 1.4 (Wood, 2009) discusses system tometer hardware is only one part of the system
linearity]. The relative fluorescence of two dif- that must work correctly to give good results.
ferent fluorochromes can differ considerably Owens and Loken (1995) provide an excellent
with the intensity of excitation light (Bohmer and instructive introduction to the entire range
et al., 1985). of factors that affect results of flow cytomet-
Fluorochromes such as FITC and PE, ric analyses commonly performed in clinical
which are used to tag antibodies, are available laboratories.
on surface-stained beads, and such beads
closely match the fluorescence characteristics
of cells stained with tagged antibodies. The Standard-Setting Organizations
The Clinical and Laboratory Standards
surface-stained beads have the same excitation
Institute, an international clinical labora-
spectrum and sensitivity to excitation light
tory standards–setting organization, has estab-
intensity as do cells stained with the same
lished several guidelines specifically for flow
fluorochromes. However, surface-stained
cytometry or that apply to flow cytometry. The
beads in suspensions are less stable compared
list (at the time of this writing) includes H42-
to hard-dyed beads, and, hence, have limited
A2 (Enumeration of Immunologically De-
shelf life. Freeze-dried surface-stained beads
fined Cell Populations by Flow Cytometry;
have a longer shelf life.
Approved Guideline- Second Edition); H43-
A2 (Clinical Flow Cytometric Analysis of
What the Instrument Cannot Control: Neoplastic Hematolymphoid Cells; Approved
Sample, Reagent, and Data Analysis Guideline- Second Edition); and H52-A2 (Red
It is important to keep in mind the factors Blood Cell Diagnostic Testing; Approved
Flow Cytometry that affect results but are beyond the control of Guideline- Second Edition).
Standardization the flow cytometer. A well-calibrated instru- The CLSI guideline H42-A2 (CLSI, 2008)
and Calibration
ment and careful quality control cannot correct takes a conservative approach in stating “There
Supplement 79 Current Protocols in Cytometry
Figure 1.3.5 Light scatter and green fluorescence distributions from several types of standard-
ization particles or sources. All data were acquired with identical instrument settings, and pulse
height was measured. (A) Forward scatter (FS) versus side scatter (SS) dot plot of mixture of
beads and test pulse signals. Each type of particle or the test pulse is enclosed by a region in
the dot plot: region R1 contains unstained and FITC CaliBRITE beads or Quantum 24 beads;
R2 contains the Rainbow bead mixture RCP-30-5K; R3 contains glutaraldehyde-fixed chicken
red blood cells (gCRBC). Region 4 contains forward-scatter test pulses, which allow background
noise from all other parameters to be measured. (B) Green fluorescence histogram of unstained
and FITC CaliBRITE beads. Unstained beads have nearly the same autofluorescence as lympho-
cytes. (C) Green fluorescence histogram of Rainbow bead mixture containing unstained beads
and five levels of stained beads. (D) Green fluorescence histogram of background noise from test
pulse–triggered acquisition (region R4 in panel A) and gCRBC (region R3 in panel A). (E) Green
fluorescence from mixture of Quantum 24 FITC beads from Flow Cytometry Standards. (F) Green
fluorescence histogram of osmium-fixed CRBC (low population) and gCRBC (high population).

are at present no standards which can be used are used to run test samples.” The guideline
to check the accuracy of flow cytometric test proposes a two-step procedure for instrument
results. Hence, verifying reproducibility of in- quality assurance. First, establish that the in-
strument performance is an essential element strument performance is acceptable at a par-
of daily quality assurance for the flow cytom- ticular point in time. Then, monitor perfor-
etry laboratory. Instrument performance must mance with stable materials under test-specific
Flow Cytometry
be monitored under the same conditions as instrument conditions. No specific criteria for Instrumentation

Current Protocols in Cytometry Supplement 79
Figure 1.3.6 Scatter (FS and SS) dot plot (A) and fluorescence histograms (B-D) of 2.49-μm-
diameter beads stained with Nile red.

calibration or control materials are given. The surements, e.g., 12 color clinical cytometry
guideline instead provides a process that a lab- assays, NIST has further developed a new stan-
oratory can follow by using materials recom- dard reference material, SRM 1934, to support
mended or supplied by the instrument manu- the calibration of microspheres in the units
facturer or by establishing independent criteria of ERF. The SRM 1934 includes four fluo-
and materials. [Further discussion of the prin- rophore solutions or suspension, Fluorescein,
ciples of quality control is given in UNIT 3.1 Nile Red, Coumarin 30, and Allophycocyanin
(Hurley, 1997a); applications of quality assur- for ERF value assignment performed with the
ance in phenotyping and in nucleic acid analy- three laser excitations most commonly used
sis are covered in UNIT 6.1 (Hurley, 1997c) and in commercial flow cytometers, 405 nm, 488
UNIT 7.2 (Darzynkiewicz, 2011) nm, and 633 nm. A standard operating pro-
A guideline for validation of clinical tests cedure for ERF value assignment using this
developed in-house by clinical laboratories SRM 1934 has been documented recently by
was written by a working group sponsored NIST (Wang et al., 2016a). Uniformed ERF
by the International Clinical Cytometry So- value assignment to calibration microspheres
ciety (ICCS) and the International Council for ensures the traceability of the value assign-
Standardization of Haematology (ICSH). This ment and enables the standardization of the
guideline addresses instrument and analytical fluorescence intensity scale of flow cytome-
issues (Tanqri et al., 2013) and assay perfor- ters in quantitative ERF unit.
mance criteria (Wood et al., 2013).
NIST has developed a method for deter- INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE
mining particle MESF (Gaigalas et al., 2001; CHARACTERIZATION,
Schwartz et al., 2002) and has produced a stan- STANDARDIZATION AND
dard fluorescein solution (Standard Reference CALIBRATION
Material 1932). Practical issues to consider A flow cytometer may be characterized
in using MESF in quantitating fluorescence or standardized by running samples, such
have been addressed in detail by NIST (Wang as manufactured particles, that have some
Flow Cytometry et al., 2002). Because of the increasing de- known properties. Controlling the parameters
and Calibration mand for multiparameter flow cytometric mea- and characteristics provides consistent results

Supplement 79 Current Protocols in Cytometry
over time from one instrument but, unless the fined alignment particles. There will also typ-
instrument was calibrated, does not necessar- ically be expected CVs for light scatter. Some
ily allow results to be quantitatively compared manufacturers give specifications for low sam-
with those from other instruments. Perfor- ple flow rate (minimum sample stream diame-
mance characterization gives detailed quan- ter) as well as for high sample flow rate (maxi-
titative information about the analytical capa- mum sample stream diameter) which will have
bilities of a flow cytometer such as linearity of a larger CV due to wider range of particle po-
the measurement scale, sensitivity to measure sition within the excitation laser beam.
dim fluorescence, resolution of small differ-
ences in DNA content, or an estimate of the Light Scatter and Particle Sizing
smallest size of particles that can be detected
by light scatter. Scatter
Flow cytometers have many parameters Light scatter is a difficult parameter to stan-
that can be standardized and controlled (e.g., dardize because it depends critically on the
see Optical Alignment; see Light Scatter and scatter angles measured and the geometry of
Particle Sizing; see Fluorescence and Light the collection optics. The scattering of parti-
Scatter Resolution; see Measurement Re- cles has strong nonlinear dependence on the
sponse and Logarithmic Calibration; see Sen- angles measured and the refractive index of
sitivity or Signal/Noise for Dim Fluorescence; the particle, as well as particle size, internal
and see Spectral Overlap Compensation). This structure, and content (Salzman et al., 1990;
section also discusses aspects of standardiza- Doornbos et al., 1994; Shapiro, 2003). It is
tion relating to specific applications (see DNA even possible at certain scatter angles to have
Measurements; see Sorting Purity and Recov- a smaller signal from larger particles. The re-
ery; see Standardization with a Particle in the fractive index of most manufactured particles
Analysis Sample; and see Particle Concentra- is much larger than that of cells, and beads and
tion). The final subsection provides a summary cells of the same size have different scatter in-
(see What Measurements Can Be Calibrated, tensities. For these reasons, it is not advisable
and How Frequently Is Calibration Neces- to use scatter for quantitative cell sizing. Scat-
sary?). Actual procedures and guidelines for ter is primarily useful for discriminating cells
characterizing beads follow (see Characteriz- based on relative scatter properties (e.g., dis-
ing Particles for Calibration and Control of a crimination of lymphocytes, monocytes, and
Flow Cytometer). granulocytes is a common application).
Although it is difficult to standardize light
Optical Alignment scatter across instrument types using manu-
Optical alignment is most critically as- factured particles, it is possible to standardize
sessed and most easily optimized using par- within a particular instrument type and to mon-
ticles with very uniform scatter and fluores- itor the relative performance of an instrument.
cence. The objective of optical alignment is The relative and absolute scatter intensities of
to center the sample stream in the light beam two different-sized particles provide one way
and simultaneously image the intersection of to standardize scatter. The ellipsoidal shape
sample stream and light beam through the de- of fixed chicken red blood cells (CRBC) pro-
tection optics. At optimal alignment, signal duces a characteristic light scatter pattern with
pulses will have maximum amplitude and min- two peaks in the forward scatter distribution.
imum width, and be most reproducible. In a Region R3 in Figure 1.3.5A shows an example
histogram of the fluorescence or scatter, the of the light scatter distribution for CRBC. Al-
distribution will be at its narrowest with high- though the scatter pattern for CRBC may vary
est amplitude. The most uniform particles are among different instrument designs, it may be
generally smaller (1 to 3 μm) than typical cells. useful for monitoring a particular instrument
Although much more difficult to make, larger (Horan and Loken, 1985; Horan et al., 1990).
uniform particles are available. Fluorescence At the present time, however, the most reliable
CVs <2% can be expected for alignment par- approach is to use a biological sample of the
ticles (see Fig. 1.3.6). Other than cell sorters, same or similar type that is to be used for the
most modern flow cytometers have a fixed flow cytometric analysis (Owens and Loken,
alignment that is not intended to be adjusted 1995; CLSI, 2008).
by the user. The objective then is to evaluate
the alignment using the CV of the uniform flu- Pulse width
orescent particles. Instrument manufacturers Pulse widths of fluorescence or scatter sig- Flow Cytometry
provide expected and maximum CV’s from de- nals depend on both the height of the laser
Current Protocols in Cytometry Supplement 79
beam (in the direction of flow) and the size of the signal as one. Alternatively, it may be as
the particle passing through the beam. When complex as determining the response over a
the particle diameter is at least as large as the range of four or more decades. Absolute re-
beam height, it is possible to measure particle sponse calibrates the measurement (e.g., chan-
diameter accurately (Sharpless and Melamed, nel number in a histogram) in units such as
1976; Sharpless et al., 1977; Eisert and Nezel, molecules of equivalent soluble fluorochrome
1978; Leary et al., 1979; Shapiro, 2003). A (MESF), equivalent number of reference fluo-
mixture of two or more sizes of particles of rophores (ERF), or antibody binding capacity
known, calibrated diameter can be used to cal- (ABC).
ibrate this measurement. For a detailed proto- Knowing how well the displayed data ac-
col UNIT 1.23 (Hoffman, 2009). tually follow a linear response (or logarithmic
response for instruments that use log ampli-
Electronic cell volume fiers) is particularly important when the data
Electronic cell volume (Schwartz et al., are used to compute compensation. Small de-
1983; Kachel, 1990; Shapiro, 2003) is pro- viations in linearity can cause large absolute
vided as a parameter in some commercially errors when a fraction of one number is sub-
available flow cytometers. Microbeads are tracted from another. With the exception of
an excellent material for standardization and the BD FACSCalibur, which does fluorescence
calibration of electronic cell volume. Accu- compensation using analog amplifiers, com-
rate measurement of particle volume requires pensation is done using the linear data (or lin-
the particles to be electrically nonconductive. earized data from log amplifiers) by mathe-
Thus, caution should be used when comparing matical calculation that assumes the data are
results with fixed cells in which the plasma perfectly linear. It is easy to demonstrate sit-
membrane has become permeable and electri- uations in which a deviation from linearity
cally conductive. of 3% in a large number (say in the last
decade of a histogram) causes a truly negative
Fluorescence and Light Scatter population to be displayed and then assumed
Resolution to be positive following correctly computed
Resolution is usually estimated by running compensation.
a sample of uniform particles and measuring
the CV. For fluorescence measurements, CV Linear and logarithmic response
is a good estimate of resolution because flu- Testing the relative linearity of a measure-
orescence signals are generally proportional ment on a limited range of a linear scale is
to the amount of fluorochrome on the particle conveniently done using small beads or other
[i.e., the measurement and the characteristic stained particles such as cell nuclei that con-
of the particle are linearly related; see UNIT tain aggregates. Measurement of the sample
1.4 (Wood, 2009) on system linearity]. Reso- should then give histogram distribution mean
lution of dimly stained particles is considered channels that are multiples of the mean chan-
a special case (see Sensitivity or Signal/Noise nel of a single particle.
for Dim Fluorescence). Resolution of uniform Measuring the response of a nominally log-
particles characterizes the alignment of the op- arithmic scale can be done in two ways. The
tics and should not be greater than the instru- first uses a known linear scale as reference and
ment manufacturer specifications for the spec- compares measurements on the linear and log-
ified beads. arithmic scales (Muirhead et al., 1983; Horan
For light-scatter measurements, the CV ob- et al., 1990). The second approach uses a mix-
tained with one particle may not be a good ture of particles with known, different intensi-
measure of how well the cytometer may be ties. The log response is determined by mea-
able to resolve particles of different sizes, since suring the separation of the peaks on the log
the relationship between light-scatter signal scale as the signal level is varied by changing
and particle size is usually not linear. the PMT voltage (Schmid et al., 1988). A more
convenient version of the second approach
Measurement Response and uses a bead mixture containing a wide range
Logarithmic Calibration of fluorescence levels whose relative intensi-
The measurement response of a flow cy- ties are known (e.g., see Fig. 1.3.5C). If the
tometer can be determined in relative or ab- beads in the mixture are calibrated in terms of
Flow Cytometry solute terms. Evaluating the relative response MESF or ERF, then the absolute log response
Standardization can be as simple as determining whether two may be determined (Schwartz and Fernandez-
and Calibration Repollet, 1993; Schwartz et al., 1996).
identical particles stuck together give twice
Supplement 79 Current Protocols in Cytometry
Another standard method for measuring the measurement results in terms of antibody bind-
linearity (or logarithmic) response of an opti- ing capacity or antibodies bound per cell (see
cal detector is to use pulses from a light emit- Definitions). Three approaches have been used
ting diode (LED) that alternate at two different to estimate ABC. Each approach has different
intensities, and vary the amount of light emit- critical technical requirements and potential
ted into the detector without changing the ratio sources of error. Although not, strictly speak-
of the input intensities. If the detection system ing, a source of error, it must be kept in mind
is linear, the ratio of the measured signals will that different antibody clones with the same
be constant and independent of the absolute cluster designation (CD) can have different
magnitudes of the two LED pulses. A simple binding affinity and capacity. Particular ex-
way to change the intensity of the LED light amples of clone variability have been noted
without changing the inputs to the LED is to for CD4 (Davis et al., 1998) and CD34 (Serke
move the LED further from the detector or in- et al., 1998). Therefore, if the three approaches
troduce neutral density filters or apertures that to quantitative ABC are to be compared, they
reduce the amount of light reaching the detec- should be compared with the same clone or
tor. By measuring the output of the system as with clones that are demonstrated to give the
means of populations in a flow cytometer, one same ABC. In addition, the sample prepara-
can determine any deviation from linearity by tion method can affect the antibody binding
noting where the ratio of the measured means and must be taken into consideration (Islam
deviates from the expected ratio. A somewhat et al., 1995; Serke et al., 1998).
less rigorous method can use the intensities The earliest approach (quantitative indi-
of two fluorescent particles and vary the in- rect immunofluorescence, or QIFI) uses a
put to the detection electronics by changing calibrated anti-mouse fluorescent second-step
the voltage on a PMT while measuring the ra- reagent (Poncelet and Carayon, 1985; Bikoue
tio of the mean signals from the two beads. A et al., 1996). The anti-mouse reagent can be
high degree of linearity (e.g., no more than 2% calibrated using particles coated with known
deviation from linearity) is required in instru- amounts of mouse immunoglobulin G (IgG).
ments that calculate fluorescence compensa- Polyvalent reagents are used in this method,
tion rather than use analog electronics to per- however, and their reactivity with certain mon-
form compensation. Most currently available oclonal mouse antibodies may produce arti-
flow cytometers use calculated compensation, facts. Bikoue et al. (1996) observed that differ-
with the BD FACSCalibur being the exception. ent monoclonal antibodies to a molecule (e.g.,
A seemingly small (e.g., 5%) percentage devi- CD8) can give different ABC values on the
ations from linearity can cause large (order of same cells. Whether this is due to differences
magnitude) errors in the absolute calculated in binding of the primary antibody to cells or
compensation value. Thorough discussion of to differences in binding of the secondary an-
establishing and maintaining system linearity tibody to the primary antibody is not clear.
appears in UNIT 1.4 (Wood, 2009). Altered reactivity of the second-step reagent
with fluorochrome-conjugated mouse mono-
Secondary calibrators clonal antibody is another possible variable.
Cross-calibration of gCRBC or hard-dyed
A second approach (Quantum Simply Cel-
particles to surface-labeled beads calibrated
lular or QSC) uses particles coated with
in MESF or ERF can generally be done for
known amounts of polyvalent anti-mouse
any one instrument (Schwartz et al., 1996; see
antibody (Schwartz and Fernandez-Repollet,
Characterizing Particles for Calibration and
1993; Schwartz et al., 1996). The QSC
Control of a Flow Cytometer). To ensure that
method is designed to capture quantitatively
the secondary calibrator on an instrument is
any mouse monoclonal antibody independent
reliable, however, the emission filters and the
of fluorochrome conjugation or IgG isotype.
wavelength and intensity of the excitation light
However, conjugates of the same monoclonal
must remain unchanged. See Figures 1.3.1 and
antibody with different fluorophores give dif-
1.3.2 and cautions given by Schwartz et al.
ferent ABC values when calibrated with QSC
(1996). (Also see Types of Particles and dis-
beads, and different antibody clones directed
cussion of comparison of spectrally matched
against the same molecule can give differing
and unmatched particles.)
results with QSC beads (Lenkei and Anders-
Antibody binding capacity (ABC) son, 1995). The QSC beads could, however,
A further step in immunofluorescence stan- be calibrated to a specific monoclonal anti-
body reagent whose production is carefully Flow Cytometry
dardization and calibration is to express Instrumentation

Current Protocols in Cytometry Supplement 79
controlled (Lenkei and Andersson, 1995; A. mal whole blood samples and approximately
Schwartz, pers. comm.). 40,000 for Cyto-Trol cells, respectively. These
A third method uses antibody conju- CD4 expression levels have been verified by
gates that have been prepared with a known orthogonal measurement methods, quantita-
MESF/antibody ratio and a flow cytometer tive flow cytometry and mass cytometry, using
that has been calibrated in MESF. Phycoery- a well characterized anti-human CD4 mon-
thrin is an attractive fluorochrome for this oclonal antibody (SK3 clone from BD Bio-
approach since antibody conjugates can be sciences) as well as quantitative mass spec-
prepared with exactly one PE molecule per trometry using an isotope-labeled, full-length
antibody. Initial experiments with this ap- recombinant CD4 receptor protein as the in-
proach were promising (Davis et al., 1998; Iyer ternal quantification standard. The known ref-
et al., 1998). In fact, it was this system that erence CD4 expression enables the translation
led to the development of the QuantiBRITE of a linear fluorescence intensity scale to the
products of purified 1:1 PE-antibody conju- ABC scale, which ultimately ensures quantita-
gates and freeze-dried beads surface-stained tive measure of target antigen expression levels
with known numbers of PE molecules per independent of flow cytometers used.
bead. Separately, another method for estimat-
The QIFI and QuantiBRITE methods ing how many bound antibodies are required
have been found to be generally compara- to produce a particular measured signal and
ble (Lenkei et al., 1998; Serke et al., 1998) thereby antibodies bound per cell has been de-
for ABC quantitation, but the QSC method veloped by Kantor and colleagues (UNIT 1.30;
frequently gives significantly different results Kantor et al., 2016). This method, so called
from the other methods (Lenkei et al., 1998; the Test-Fill method, is based on complemen-
Serke et al., 1998). Since the QuantiBRITE tary binding of Test and Fill antibody reagents
method uses direct fluorescence staining, it can to antibody capture microspheres. Quantita-
be easily used in a multicolor staining proto- tive values for the reference reagents are
col. The general recommendation for compar- anchored using QuantiBRITE PE beads to cal-
ing ABC across laboratories or over time is to ibrate the PE channel scale and a 1:1 antibody-
use a single method along with the manufac- PE test reagent in complementation bead stains
turers’ recommended reagents. with the Fill reagents. While replacing an-
Certain cell-surface markers may be useful tibody capture microspheres with biological
as biological calibrators with a relatively small cells, and implementing the Test-Fill method
variability and uncertainty. Although not as on the reference flow cytometer with known
reproducible as the amount of DNA per cell, statistical photoelectron scales under the same
the amount of CD4, CD45, and many other operational conditions, estimation of ABC val-
molecules on normal human lymphocytes is ues for the Test antibody reagents can be car-
generally reproducible (Brown et al., 1986; ried out in the same manner as on the antibody
Poncelet et al., 1991; Bikoue et al., 1996); thus, capture microspheres.
CD4 content may be a useful biological cal-
ibrator for immunofluorescence analogous to
the use of normal lymphocytes or other de- Sensitivity or Signal/Noise for Dim
fined nucleated cells as biological calibrators Fluorescence
for DNA quantitation (Hultin et al., 1998). The practical notion of fluorescence sen-
A protocol of quantitative flow cytome- sitivity involves the ability to resolve pop-
try measurements in ABC based on human ulations of dimly fluorescent particles. The
CD4 reference marker has been recently de- factors affecting the ability to reliably detect
veloped jointly by NIST and FDA (UNIT 1.29; dim fluorescence include electronic noise, the
Wang et al., 2016b). The reference marker, amount of fluorescent light collected, the effi-
CD4 receptor protein on human T helper cells, ciency with which the fluorescent light is con-
can come from either whole blood of nor- verted into electrons in the detector, and the
mal healthy individuals or Cyto-Trol Con- amount of background light that is present.
trol Cells, a commercially available peripheral Characterization of an instrument’s detection
blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) prepara- capability should include the effect of these
tion, depending on the preference of users and factors. An overly simplified method for char-
the accessibility of normal individual whole acterizing fluorescence sensitivity can give
Flow Cytometry blood samples. The CD4 expression levels in misleading results, as illustrated by the fol-
Standardization ABC are approximately 45,000 for fixed nor- lowing example.
and Calibration

Supplement 79 Current Protocols in Cytometry
Figure 1.3.7 Comparison of three methods for estimating green fluorescence sensitivity. His-
tograms are four-decade log with 256 channels per decade. Each column of histograms represents
a different measure of fluorescence sensitivity. (A-E) Histograms of autofluorescent unstained Cal-
iBRITE beads (low peak) and gCRBC (high peak). (F-J) Histograms of background noise from
a test pulse trigger (low peak) and gCRBC (high peak). (K-O) Histograms of autofluorescent
unstained CaliBRITE beads and dim Rainbow beads. Each row of histograms shows results for
a different condition or perturbation on the optical system of the instrument (see Sensitivity or
Signal/Noise for Dim Fluorescence).

Resolution of dimly stained from Delta channel and detection threshold

unstained particles methods: traditional and not very
Three methods for assessing fluorescence sensitive
sensitivity are illustrated in Figure 1.3.7. The “delta channel” approach measures
Data for each row of panels were obtained the mean or median channel of autofluores-
with exactly the same instrument condi- cent or nonfluorescent particles (or test pulse–
tions with a single sample that contained triggered background) and that of relatively
all the particle and test pulse events. The bright particles. This approach is illustrated in
fluorescence histograms were gated to con- Figure 1.3.7A-E, where the negative popula-
tain the events of interest by setting regions tion is a bead with about the same autofluores-
in a scatter dot plot, as in Figure 1.3.5A. cence as unstained lymphocytes and the bright
The left column in Figure 1.3.7 (panels A- population is gCRBC. With autofluorescence
E) are histograms of unstained “autofluores- as the negative reference point, there is almost
cence” beads and glutaraldehyde-fixed CRBC no difference in mean channel or delta chan-
(gCRBC). The middle column (panels F-J) nel for the different instrument conditions.
shows histograms of background light (from There are considerable differences, however,
test pulse–triggered fluorescence) and the in the ability of the instrument to resolve auto-
same gCRBC. The right column (panels K-O) fluorescent beads from dimly stained beads
shows histograms of autofluorescence beads (Fig. 1.3.7K-O). For very dim populations, the
and dimly stained beads. The instrument con- delta channel method does not critically as-
dition for each row of histograms was varied sess the ability to resolve unstained from dimly
by adding background light or reducing the stained particles. This is primarily because the
amount of fluorescent light that reached the method does not take into account the broad-
PMT. ness of the fluorescence distributions; rather, it
Flow Cytometry

Current Protocols in Cytometry Supplement 79
considers only the mean or median channels. rescent particles (Gaucher et al., 1988; Steen,
Resolution of the dimly stained population, 1992) can be developed based on optical detec-
however, is critically dependent on the broad- tion efficiency, Q (number of photoelectrons
ness of the distributions, which is determined per fluorescence intensity of fluorochrome
by background fluorescence and the amount molecule analyzed), and background light, B.
of fluorescence signal reaching the PMT. B can be expressed in units of the equiva-
If nonfluorescent particles or test pulse– lent number of fluorochrome molecules that
triggered fluorescence is used as the neg- would produce that background. The studies
ative population, one obtains additional in- by Gaucher et al. (1988) and Steen (1992) used
formation about sensitivity. For Figure 1.3.7 flashes from a light-emitting diode (LED) to
F-J, the instrument was configured to have the produce dim signals to a flow cytometer detec-
same response for bright particles, but differ- tor and used the CVs of the resulting signals to
ent amounts of background signal. In the ter- determine Q. The contribution to the CV from
minology used by Schwartz et al. (1996), the background light was determined by compar-
instrument had the same “window of analy- ing CVs that were obtained from LED flashes
sis” for data in Figure 1.3.7F-J. Comparing with the laser shining on the sample stream to
panels F-J with panels K-O in Figure 1.3.7, those obtained with the laser blocked. A fluo-
one sees an improved ability of this method to rescence intensity standard bead was used to
predict whether dimly stained particles will be calibrate the flow cytometer in MESF and ERF
resolved from unstained particles. The method units. Interest in using LED pulses as the ideal
is not perfect, however. Panels L and M have signal for determining Q and B has encour-
the same amount of background signal or, as aged development of at least one commercial
expressed by Schwartz et al. (1996), the same LED test unit specifically for use on flow cy-
“detection threshold,” but they differ notice- tometers, e.g., quantiFlash from Angewandte
ably in resolution of the autofluorescent and Physik & Elektronik GmbH in Germany.
dimly stained particles. The same considera- As a generally practical approach, it has
tions hold for panels N and O of Figure 1.3.7, been shown that sets of beads with uniform
which have the same, intermediate amount of but dim fluorescence could be used instead of
background signal. So, the detection threshold LED flashes to determine Q and B (Chase and
method also fails to reliably measure differ- Hoffman, 1998; Wood, 1998). The intrinsic
ences in the ability to resolve dim populations CVs of the dim beads could be determined by
from the unstained population. comparing their measured bead CVs with CVs
of LED light flashes and CVs of identical but
Resolution of dimly stained from brightly stained beads (Chase and Hoffman,
unstained particles 1998). Thus, a set of beads stained at varying
The most direct measure of the ability to re-
levels from dim to bright could be character-
solve unstained from dimly stained particles is
ized for intrinsic properties and then used to
simply to run a mixture of the particles and see
measure Q and B in a flow cytometer. Q and
if they are resolved. Panels K-O in Figure 1.3.7
B can then be determined by using a fluores-
illustrate this approach. This method at least
cence intensity standard to calibrate the flow
guarantees unambiguously that the instrument
cytometer in terms of MESF/ERF and measur-
is able to resolve a certain low level of flu-
ing the CVs (or SDs) of the dimly and brightly
orescence. Making this approach quantitative
fluorescent beads. There are several ways to
requires not only attention to the relative num-
analyze the resulting bead data to determine
bers of unstained and dimly stained particles,
Q and B (Chase and Hoffman, 1998; Wood,
but also some limits on the inherent particle
fluorescence CV. By calibrating the unstained
A robust method for determining Q is to
and dimly stained particles in MESF or ERF,
correct the standard deviations of the beads
one could have a method that would standard-
for the illumination uniformity contribution to
ize and calibrate sensitivity.
SD (this is determined from the CV of a bright
The Q and B method to characterize bead). A plot of standard deviation squared
instrument sensitivity (SD2 ) versus the mean bead intensity in MESF
To address the quantitative characteriza- units gives a straight line whose slope is 1/Q.
tion of fluorescence sensitivity, the underlying An estimate of B can be determined from the
physics of optical detectors needs to be taken intercept of the line with the SD2 axis. The
Flow Cytometry into account (Wood and Hoffman, 1998). A intercept is B/Q. Alternatively, and probably
Standardization theoretical model for the CV of dimly fluo- more accurately, B can be determined from
and Calibration

Supplement 79 Current Protocols in Cytometry
the SD of a blank bead or noise distribution instrument dependent; ask the manufacturer
(Chase and Hoffman, 1998). for details. Since the percentage of FITC flu-
UNIT 1.20 (Hoffman and Wood, 2007) pro- orescence in the yellow detector is always a
vides a detailed protocol for determining Q constant fraction of the amount of FITC fluo-
and B using the SD2 approach and simple lin- rescence in the green detector, the same per-
ear data fitting. The degree to which the data centage of green FITC fluorescence can be
fit a straight line at every point is an indi- subtracted from the yellow signal no matter
cation of how well assumptions used in the what the FITC signal is. For example, PE flu-
method are met—particularly the assumption orescence = yellow fluorescence – f × green
that all beads in the set used have the same fluorescence, where the fraction f is a constant.
intrinsic CV and same uniformity of illumina- Figure 1.3.8B shows the same sample as
tion, which is accounted for by the brightest in Figure 1.3.8A but with spectral compen-
bead in the set. An alternative approach uses sation applied. Spectral overlap compensation
a quadratic fitting function that estimates the simply transforms the readout of the fluores-
contribution of intrinsic and illumination uni- cence from green and yellow to something
formity from the fit parameters rather than di- more directly related to the analysis results:
rectly measured by the brightest bead in the the amount of FITC and PE fluorescence. Cor-
set. Another alternative is used in BD’s auto- rectly adjusting the fraction of compensation
mated CS&T system, which has beads with requires care, however, since small differences
only three different brightness levels, but in- in the emission spectrum of the particle can
cludes data for the important intrinsic CV dif- have a large effect on the amount of compensa-
ferences. All these approaches to measuring Q tion (Schwartz and Fernandez-Repollet, 1993;
generally give somewhat similar results. Schwartz et al., 1996). Manufactured particles
An important reason for characterizing sen- stained with fluorochromes such as FITC or
sitivity in terms of Q and B is that these val- PE may not have exactly the same emission
ues can be used to predict the resolution of spectrum as cells labeled with the same fluo-
dimly fluorescent populations of cells (Chase rochromes. If beads are used to adjust compen-
and Hoffman, 1998). Q and B can also be used sation, it is always advisable to check compen-
to determine the effect of background con- sation with labeled cells at least once for each
tributions from unbound fluorescent antibody new batch of beads (Schwartz and Fernandez-
or from spectral overlap on the resolution of Repollet, 1993; Owens and Loken, 1995).
populations. Antibody capture beads are an alternative
to using fluorochrome-stained beads or stained
Spectral Overlap Compensation cells for compensation. It is advisable to stain
Measurement of fluorescence in a partic- the antibody capture beads with the same an-
ular spectral range is not the same as mea- tibody conjugates that will be used to stain the
suring the fluorescence from a fluorochrome. cells. Antibody capture beads are especially
One usually measures fluorescence in a spec- useful as compensation control samples for
tral range that contains the emission peak of multicolor analysis, since the unstained refer-
the fluorochrome, but emission from other flu- ence particle is identical for all fluorochromes,
orochromes used simultaneously to stain the and all fluorochromes are controlled with a
cells may also overlap into the desired spec- stained population that is relatively uniform
tral region. In Figures 1.3.1 and 1.3.2, the spec- and bright.
tral overlap of FITC fluorescence extends into When more than two fluorochromes are
the range where PE has maximum emission used simultaneously to stain cells, compen-
at about 575 nm. Similarly, PE has a small sation becomes significantly more complex. If
amount of fluorescence in the range where the third and fourth fluorochromes in the sam-
FITC has peak emission. The effect of the ple have little or no spectral overlap, compen-
spectral overlap is illustrated in Figure 1.3.8A, sation can be set manually. However, if three or
which shows a dot plot of yellow and green flu- more fluorochromes all have significant spec-
orescence from a mixture of unstained, FITC- tral overlap among one another, correct com-
stained, and PE-stained beads. pensation requires a matrix calculation that
To make the dot-plot axes read in units of is practical only using software (Bagwell and
FITC and PE fluorescence rather than green Adams, 1993; Roederer, 2001). In instruments
and yellow fluorescence, the amount of spec- that use log amplifiers, a combination of hard-
tral overlap from each fluorochrome can be ware and software compensation may give the
subtracted (Bagwell and Adams, 1993). The most accurate results (Baumgarth and Roed- Flow Cytometry
method used to accomplish the subtraction is erer, 2000). With compensation performed by
Current Protocols in Cytometry Supplement 79
Figure 1.3.8 Example of spectral overlap with FITC- and PE-stained beads. Three populations
are shown in each dot plot: unstained beads, FITC-stained beads, and PE-stained beads, with
unstained beads appearing in the lower left quadrant. (A) Uncompensated data with FITC-stained
beads in the upper right quadrant with about 300 units of green fluorescence and 80 units of
yellow fluorescence. PE-stained beads are in the upper left quadrant with about 8 units of green
fluorescence and 800 units of yellow fluorescence. Unstained beads have about 6 units of green
and 5 units of yellow fluorescence. (B) Same data after compensating for spectral overlap to
make the dot-plot axes represent fluorescence from a specific fluorochrome rather than a color of
fluorescence signal. Note that the FITC-stained beads in the lower right quadrant of B have the
same mean “PE” fluorescence as the unstained beads, and the PE-stained beads in the upper left
quadrant have the same amount of “FITC” fluorescence as unstained beads. FITC beads have no
more PE signal than unstained beads, and PE beads have no more FITC signal than unstained

software and with proper controls, accurately structure should caution against overinterpre-
compensated results are possible and practical tation of the results (Darzynkiewicz, 1993).
with ten or more fluorochromes (Baumgarth
and Roederer, 2000).
Sorting Purity and Recovery
Various manufactured particles can be used
DNA Measurements to determine purity and recovery for sorting. A
For DNA measurements, fluorescence lin- mixture of beads with different fluorochromes
earity and resolution must be assured. Sam- is typically used, but using only two types of
ple preparation and data analysis must also be stained particles can give results that are overly
carefully controlled. Reviews of standardiza- optimistic. This is because a mixture of two
tion issues for DNA analysis include those by differently stained beads has “built-in” doublet
Dressler (1990), Bauer (1993), Darzynkiewicz detection. For example, if two different stained
(1993), and Wheeless (1993); also see Chap- beads with primary fluorescence in fluores-
ter 7 for nucleic acid analysis. Approaches to cence channels 1 and 2, respectively, are mea-
performing instrument standardizations were sured together (coincident in time), the event
discussed earlier (see Optical Alignment, see is easily discriminated in a dot plot of channel
Fluorescence, and see Light Scatter Resolu- 1 versus channel 2 fluorescence. This coinci-
tion, and Measurement Response and Loga- dent event appears as doubly stained with sig-
rithmic Calibration: Linear and Logarithmic nal in both fluorescence channels 1 and 2. A
Response). Either fluorescent beads (see Fig. sort gate that was set only for a singly stained
1.3.6) or stained cells or nuclei can be used. bead (i.e., in channel 1 only) would exclude
For determination of abnormal DNA content it these coincidences. If the real sample to be
is important to use an internal staining control sorted has unstained cells that produce unde-
in the sample. Chicken erythrocytes, trout ery- tectable coincidences with stained cells, the
throcytes, and normal human cells have been sort electronics will either (1) detect the coin-
used for internal controls. Calibrated measure- cidence, abort the event, and reduce yield; or
Flow Cytometry ment of the amount of DNA per cell has been (2) miss the coincidence, sort the coincidence,
Standardization reported (see Shapiro, 2003,for a brief review), and give lower purity. If one of the beads is un-
and Calibration
but sensitivity of the staining to chromatin stained, however, it is not possible to detect a
Supplement 79 Current Protocols in Cytometry
coincidence in a dot plot of channel 1 versus What Measurements Can Be
channel 2. Calibrated, and How Frequently Is
Calibration Necessary?
Flow cytometry measurements that cur-
Standardization with a Particle in the rently can be calibrated in at least some com-
Analysis Sample mercially available instruments are particle di-
Adding the particle used for standardiza-
ameter or volume, numbers of fluorochromes
tion or control to the sample to be analyzed
(or MESF, ERF or ABD) per particle, anti-
gives an extra level of confidence to a flow cy-
body binding capacity/antibodies bound per
tometric analysis. Fluorescent beads are gener-
cell (ABC), and particle concentration (e.g.,
ally used for “standardization in tube” methods
particles per microliter). Calibration need not
(Horan and Loken, 1985; Horan et al., 1990).
be a daily practice, but the instrument must
The standardization or control particle must be
be quality controlled daily prior to calibration.
sufficiently different in some measurement pa-
Monitoring measurements with control mate-
rameters to be distinguished from the cells in
rial ensure that the instrument is still in cal-
the sample. For example, the particles can be
ibration as long as the measurements do not
chosen to have lower forward scatter but much
exceed acceptance limits determined by the
higher fluorescence than the cells in the sam-
application. If controls are out of range, it will
ple. If a known number of particles is added
be necessary to recalibrate. If the instrument
to a known volume of sample, one can also
is changed or serviced, it is usually advisable
use the particles to measure the concentration
to recalibrate.
of cells (cells per volume) in the sample (see
Particle Concentration). One commercial and
clinical assay kit, Leuko64, for instance, uses CHARACTERIZING PARTICLES
an internal FITC bead control for assay value FOR CALIBRATION AND
assignment of activated granulocytes. CONTROL OF A FLOW
Particle Concentration This section gives suggestions for how to
Particle concentration (i.e., the number of assign fluorescence values to test beads (see
particles per unit volume) is becoming a more Calibrating Particle Fluorescence in MESF
widely used measurement. This is largely mo- and ERF) and for assignment and use of in-
tivated by the clinical need to measure the herent fluorescence CV of a particle (see De-
concentration of CD4 cells in HIV-positive termining Inherent Fluorescence CV of a Dim
individuals and in AIDS patients. In this con- Particle Sample and see Measuring Signal to
text, the concept of “absolute count” has been Noise from Dim Particles).
used instead of cell concentration. The count
is “absolute” in numbers per microliter of the Calibrating Particle Fluorescence
original blood sample, as calculated from the in MESF/ERF
concentration of cells (e.g., CD4 T cells) for
the sample analyzed and the known dilution of Assigning intensity values to fluorescent
blood used in preparing the sample. Reference particles
samples of known particle concentration can Relatively bright beads or other particles
be used to standardize particle concentration of known concentration can be measured
measurements on a flow cytometer. For stan- in terms of molecules of equivalent soluble
dardizing and calibrating the absolute count, a fluorochrome (MESF) and equivalent num-
controlled or calibrated dilution of the original ber of reference fluorophores (ERF) with a
sample must be made. spectrofluorometer using a solution of fluo-
Some instruments are capable of measuring rochrome as reference (Brown et al., 1986;
particle concentration directly, as they mea- Schwartz and Fernandez-Repollet, 1993). The
sure a fixed volume of sample. An alternative spectrofluorometer is adjusted for the excita-
approach uses a known number, N, of refer- tion and emission of the fluorochrome to be
ence particles added to a sample. The ratio, r, measured. Depending on how close the fluo-
of sample particle events (e.g., CD4 T cells) rescence excitation and emission wavelengths
to reference particle events is measured in the are, it may be necessary to use a band-pass fil-
flow cytometer. Then, the number of sample ter in the excitation light path and a high-pass
particles is computed from the product r × or band-pass filter in the emission path to ade-
N (Stewart and Steinkamp, 2005; Stebbings quately reduce light scatter from the particles. Flow Cytometry
et al., 2015). The signal from a reference concentration of
Current Protocols in Cytometry Supplement 79
fluorochrome is measured to calibrate the re- lots of beads. BD Biosciences has used this
sponses from a spectrofluorometer, and then a approach for Assigned BD units (ABD units)
suspension of the particles to be calibrated is of fluorescence intensity to the CS&T beads
measured under exactly the same conditions as used in their instrument performance charac-
the fluorochrome solution. The fluorescence of terization and tracking system. The creation
the particle suspension is expressed in terms of of ABD units was necessary at the time due
equivalent molecules of fluorochrome by com- to the absence of traceable fluorescence stan-
paring it with the reference fluorochrome solu- dards for the many fluorophores that are in rou-
tion. The particle concentration (particles/ml) tine use. Hopefully, the concept of ERF will
is determined, correcting for doublets or ag- allow a universal, traceable fluorescence inten-
gregates if necessary. The MESF or ERF per sity unit. When ERF standards are available,
particle is calculated as the fluorochrome con- alternative fluorescence intensity units such as
centration equivalent of the bead suspension MESF and ABD can be cross calibrated to
divided by the particle concentration. ERF.
The U.S. National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) has published a se- Assigning relative intensity values
ries of papers (Gaigalas et al., 2001; Schwartz
to hard-dyed beads
A flow cytometer can also be used to mea-
et al., 2002; Wang et al., 2002; Wang and
sure and assign accurate relative fluorescence
Gaigalas, 2011; Wang et al., 2016a) detail-
intensity values to hard-dyed particles such
ing the fundamental scientific basis and refer-
as Rainbow beads from Spherotech. For ex-
ence methods for assigning MESF or ERF val-
ample, a flow cytometer with calibrated log-
ues to particles. NIST has recently developed
arithmic or linear amplifier could be used to
a standard fluorescein solution kit, Standard
measure fluorescence from each peak in a flu-
Reference Material 1934, that includes flu-
orescence histogram for a mixture of particles.
orescein, Nile Red, coumarin 30, and al-
Figure 1.3.5C shows data for Spherotech Rain-
lophycocyanin for ERF value assignment.
bow beads.
Compared to the use of a commercial spec-
trofluorometer for fluorescence value assign- Using hard-dyed particles as a
ment, a spectral response–calibrated fluorome- secondary calibrator on one flow
ter equipped with laser excitations such as 405 cytometer
nm, 488 nm, and 633 nm, commonly used in A mixture of stable, hard-dyed particles
flow cytometers, and a CCD detector, is used with a range of intensity levels and a sample
by NIST to perform ERF value assignment of of fluorochrome-labeled particles with known
calibration particles. The use of SRM 1934 MESF values are used to calibrate a flow cy-
establishes the traceability of the ERF value tometer as follows:
assignment and ultimately enables the stan- 1. Calibrate or verify calibration of the
dardization of the fluorescence intensity scale electronic response of the data acquisi-
of flow cytometers in quantitative ERF units. tion electronics. Alternatively, a mixture of
At low-particle MESF or ERF, the spec- fluorochrome-labeled beads (e.g., labeled with
trofluorometer may become inaccurate or lack FITC) of varying, known MESF can be used
sensitivity because of the measurement per- to calibrate the intensity scale (Schwartz et al.,
formed in suspension. If the log response for 1996).
the fluorescence channel of the flow cytome- 2. Adjust the PMT voltage so the
ter has been carefully calibrated [see Mea- fluorochrome-labeled bead(s) of known MESF
surement Response and Logarithmic Calibra- is in an appropriate histogram channel(s). This
tion; also see UNIT 1.4 (Wood 2009)], then the calibrates the histogram scale in MESF.
brighter particles can be used to calibrate the 3. Run the hard-dyed bead mixture at
upper range of the fluorescence channel in the same PMT voltage as the fluorochrome-
MESF per linear fluorescence unit on the his- labeled beads.
togram. Alternatively, the same process can be 4. Use the histogram calibrated in MESF
done using linear amplification. Dimmer parti- to assign MESF values to each of the hard-
cles can now be assayed on the calibrated flow dyed bead populations. The hard-dyed beads
cytometer and assigned MESF or ERF values. are now a calibrator or “secondary standard”
A different approach to establishing inten- for this instrument and only this instrument.
sity values is essentially arbitrary assignment On subsequent days and at other PMT voltage
Flow Cytometry of values to a reference lot of beads, and us- settings the hard-dyed beads can be used to
Standardization ing the reference lot to assign values to future calibrate the fluorescence histogram in MESF.
and Calibration

Supplement 79 Current Protocols in Cytometry
Cautions using hard-dyed particles as Measuring Signal to Noise from Dim
MESF calibrators Particles
Because hard-dyed particles do not have ex- In engineering, a standard definition of min-
actly the same excitation and emission spectra imum resolvable signal is that for which the
as a fluorochrome used to stain cells, they will signal (S) and noise (N) are equal, that is, S/N
not necessarily have the same fluorescence in- = 1. In flow cytometry, it is customary to use
tensity relative to that fluorochrome on another CV rather than S/N, but the simple relation
instrument. Caution and skepticism should be CV = N/S can be used to translate between
used in trying to assign to the hard-dyed beads the two measures.
a “global” MESF value that is valid for cali- If the inherent CV of a dim particle is known
bration in terms of MESF on all instruments (see Determining Inherent Fluorescence CV
(Schwartz et al., 1996). For further informa- of a Dim Particle Sample), the system noise
tion, see Figures 1.3.1, 1.3.2, and 1.3.4, as well can be determined. The fluorescence of the
as the discussion in the section above on Com- dim particle is measured on the flow cytome-
parison of Spectrally Matched and Unmatched ter, and the CV of the resulting distribution is
Fluorescent Particles. determined. Although a range of particle in-
tensities might be required to measure system
noise accurately, a single particle can be used
Determining Inherent Fluorescence to determine whether S/N at a particular MESF
CV of a Dim Particle Sample is above a required minimum. Noise can also
The inherent fluorescence coefficient of be expressed in MESF, and the MESF level at
variation (CV; see Definitions, “Coefficient which S/N = 1 or some other predetermined
of variation”) of a particle sample should be number is a measure of sensitivity.
due only to variation in the amount of fluo- The instrument noise determined with the
rochrome in the particles. Measurement limi- dim particle sample correlates with the ability
tations or noise in the flow cytometer broaden to resolve dim particles from unstained parti-
the measured CV (see Steen, 1992 and Chase cles. The other important factor is how large
et al., 1998, for more detailed discussion). a signal is produced by unstained particles or
The contribution to the CV from variation in cells. A convenient measure of the response to
illumination can be estimated by running a truly nonfluorescent cells is provided by the
very bright, uniform “alignment” particle. For test pulse mode available on many flow cy-
dimly fluorescent particles, background noise tometers. The pulse detection electronics can
and photoelectron statistics become dominant be triggered by an electronically generated sig-
contributors to the CV. To determine the in- nal to a nonfluorescence parameter such as for-
herent CV of a dim particle, where the to- ward scatter. The fluorescence channels then
tal CV may be ࣙ10%, one must measure the measure the response only to background light
background noise and photoelectron statistics. and other noise sources.
This can be done by using dim light flashes
from a light-emitting diode (LED). Dim sig-
nals are created by using filters to attenuate the CONCLUDING REMARKS
light from the LED or by simply holding the Flow cytometry has had rapid growth since
LED far from the detector. The inherent CV the mid 1980s. It has moved from a technology
of the dim particles is found by subtracting (in platform that only a few hundred “initiated”
quadrature) the noise CV from the total CV experts understood and could use to become
(Steen, 1992). both a common laboratory tool and clinical di-
The inherent CV of dim, hard-dyed beads agnostic system. To name a few applications,
can be determined in this way, effectively cal- flow cytometry is essential for accurate mea-
ibrating the particles in terms of population surement of CD4+ cell counts for ensuring that
CV. When the particles are subsequently an- patients receive the appropriate antiretroviral
alyzed on any flow cytometer, the noise con- treatment for HIV/AIDS monitoring. Count-
tribution from the measurement can be deter- ing the number of viable CD34+ cells us-
mined by the broadening of the CV. Essentially ing flow cytometry for reconstitution of the
one works in reverse from what was explained hematopoietic immune system of patients af-
above: the noise CV is determined by subtract- ter chemotherapy has become a gold-standard
ing (in quadrature) the inherent particle CV clinical practice. Multiplexed flow cytometry
from the total measured CV. For dim signals, assays (ࣙ12 fluorescence parameters) are rou-
this gives a measure of the fluorescence sensi- tinely used in clinics for disease diagnosis and Flow Cytometry
tivity in terms of conventional signal/noise. therapies. This is clearly seen in the clinical
Current Protocols in Cytometry Supplement 79
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Current Protocols in Cytometry Supplement 79

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