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ِ ‫ي ِمنَ ْال َم ِي‬

‫ت َوت ُ ْخ ِر ُج‬ َّ ‫ار فِي اللَّ ْي ِل ۖ َوت ُ ْخ ِر ُج ْال َح‬ ِ ‫تُو ِل ُج اللَّ ْي َل فِي النَّ َه‬
َ ‫ار َوتُو ِل ُج النَّ َه‬
3:27 - ‫ساب‬ َ ‫ت ِمنَ ْال َحي ِ ۖ َوت َ ْر ُز ُق َمن تَشَا ُء ِبغَي ِْر ِح‬ َ ‫ْال َم ِي‬

"Thou causest the night to gain on the day, and thou causest the day to gain on
the night; Thou bringest the Living out of the dead, and Thou bringest the dead
out of the Living; and Thou givest sustenance to whom Thou pleasest, without
measure." (3:27)

Thou causest the night to gain on the day, and thou causest the day to gain on the night;

The earth is round, rotating on its axis. I am not re-inventing the wheel by saying this which even a
nursery kid knows like the back of his hand. But, because there are hundreds and thousands of people
all over the world, mostly in ‘developed countries’ of Europe and Americas who are, as Gujaratis say,
101% sure that earth is flat and that people are being fooled to believe it is round.1 They fail to see that
nothing is stationary and nothing is flat in the universe. Whatever revolves and rotates, that it has been
doing for last 5.4 billion of years in gaseous, liquid and solid states, cannot remain flat. If your vision fails
in cosmos and your logic fails in your brain, take dough in your hands and do it. If you get a flat dough
with rotations and revolutions, I will accept this theory.

Round earth and its rotations and revolutions are blessings of God, only if we realize. I am not
elaborating this point here and will discuss it, God Willing, in a more relevant.

It’s a bright day with bright sunlight energizing us with its energy, charging us for our chores all through
the day. With the hard labour of the day, our energy drains and our exhausted body signals for a rest.
The earth slowly rotates us to the back of the earth, away from the sun. Gradually, the earth slides the
cloak of darkness and tranquility over us and the night gains over the day. We rest our body.

After a sound sleep all through the night, the earth, gradually, rotates us to the front of the earth again
and the day gains over the night. It slides the cloak of sunlight and energy over us. We are charged back
with another round of chores and hard work.

1 Sept 11, 2018 10:53 IST
This happens every day and has been repeating for billions of years and not once it has failed. And it will
continue to happen for next billions of years and will never ever fail. Not until The God will annihilate it,
just as He created it; and He will repeat it again and again. I will elaborate on this, God Willing, in the
relevant section.

Thou bringest the Living out of the dead, and Thou bringest the dead out of the Living;

Just like the day gains over the night and the night gains over the day and this has been repeating and
shall continue to repeat without fail; life comes out of the dead and dead come out of the living, and this
has been going on and will continue to happen.

Thou bringest the Living out of the dead

The Animals

When animal or man dies, the process of breaking down of the body starts. This is known as
putrefaction. The process involves the decomposition of proteins, and the eventual breakdown of the
cohesiveness between tissues, and the liquefaction of most organs. This is caused by the decomposition
of organic matter by bacterial or fungal digestion, which causes the release of gases that infiltrate the
body's tissues, and leads to the deterioration of the tissues and organs.

A dead body is an ecosystem of its own, in which different fauna arrive and depart from the corpse at
different times.

A live pig is not outwardly decomposing, but its intestine contains a diversity of bacteria, protozoans and
nematodes. Some of these micro-organisms are ready for a new life, should the pig die and lose its
ability to keep them under control. Although the body shortly after death appears fresh from the
outside, the bacteria that before death were feeding on the contents of the intestine begin to digest the
intestine itself. They eventually break out of the intestine and start digesting the surrounding internal

Bacteria break down tissues and cells, releasing fluids into body cavities. They often respire in the
absence of oxygen (anaerobically) and produce various gases including hydrogen sulphide, methane,
cadaverine and putrescine as by-products. People might find these gases foul smelling, but they are very
attractive to a variety of insects.

The buildup of gas resulting from the intense activity of the multiplying bacteria creates pressure within
the body. This pressure inflates the body and forces fluids out of cells and blood vessels and into the
body cavity.

From the moment of death flies are attracted to bodies. Without the normal defences of a living animal,
blowflies and house flies are able to lay eggs around wounds and natural body openings (mouth, nose,
eyes, anus, genitalia). These eggs hatch and move into the body.
Typically, the first insects to arrive upon the dead carcass in a terrestrial environment are blowflies. The
delay between death and the initial arrival of blowflies is highly variable and dependent on many
factors, but it may occur within seconds to minutes. Adult female blowflies will deposit eggs on the body
in predictable locations, including the orifices of the head (eyes, nose, mouth, and ears) and the
anogenital region; as insects will also colonize other body areas containing injured skin or exposed body
fluids. All life stages of blowflies are present in a carcass as they colonize the body.2 The flesh fly
(Sarcophagidae) arrives slightly later, but compensates for its tardiness by birthing live maggots rather
than eggs.3

The young maggots move throughout the body, spreading bacteria, secreting digestive enzymes and
tearing tissues with their mouth hooks. They move as a maggot mass benefiting from communal heat
and shared digestive secretions.

The rate of decay increases, and the smells and body fluids that begin to emanate from the body attract
more blowflies, flesh flies, beetles and mites. The later-arriving flies and beetles are predators, feeding
on maggots as well as the decaying flesh. They are joined by parasitoid wasps that lay their eggs inside
maggots and later, inside pupae.

By this stage, several generations of maggots are present on the body and some have become fully
grown. They migrate from the body and bury themselves in the soil where they become pupae.
Predatory maggots are much more abundant at this stage, and the pioneer flies cease to be attracted to
the corpse. Predatory beetles lay their eggs in the corpse and their larvae then hatch out and feed on
the decaying flesh. Parasitoid wasps are much more common, laying their eggs inside maggots and

The surface of the body that is in contact with the ground becomes covered with mould as the body

Beetles feed on the skin and ligaments. Many of these beetles are larvae. They hatch from eggs, laid by
adults, which fed on the body in earlier stages of decay. Predators and parasitoids are still present at this
stage including numerous wasps and beetle larvae.4

Three types of beetle make their living out of corpses. The early arrivals tend to be predatory adults that
feed on fly larvae. Some of these species lay their eggs in the corpse, and the emerging larvae, which
share their parents' powerful jaws, also feed on fly larvae. These species include the rove beetles
(Staphylinidae) and hister beetles (Histeridae).

Late-arriving species tend to be specialist scavengers which feed on tougher parts like skin and tendons
as the body dries out. The dominant late stage scavengers include the larvae of hide beetles
(Dermestidae), and ham beetles (Cleridae). Species such as the carrion beetles (Silphidae) are more
variable in their diets. The adults are predatory, although they will eat some carrion, but their larvae are

2 Postmortem Changes in Animal Carcasses and Estimation of the Postmortem Interval - J. W. Brooks,
3 Deadly secrets—the science of decomposition (
restricted to carrion on moist corpses. Other families of beetles also eat carrion (decaying flesh), for
example, the carcass beetles (Trogidae), but they are minor players in the decomposition of corpses.

Many thousands of mites feed on a corpse over the full term of its exposure to the elements. Gamasid
mites like Macrocheles are common in the early stages of decomposition, while tyroglyphid mites feed
on dry skin in the later stages of decomposition.

Some mites and carrion beetles have developed lifestyles that benefit each other. For example beetles
from the genus Necrophorus find the ammonia excretions of blowfly maggots toxic, making it impossible
for them to inhabit a carcass dominated by maggots. However these beetles carry on their bodies a type
of mite from the genus Poecilochirus which feeds on fly eggs. If the beetle and its cargo of mites arrive at
the corpse before any fly eggs hatch into maggots, the mites keep the maggot population in check by
eating the eggs allowing the beetles to safely occupy the corpse.

Some of the familiar clothes moths (Family Tineidae) feed on mammalian hair during their larval stages.
Adult moths lay their eggs on a carcass after all the fly larvae have finished with it. On hatching, their
larvae forage on any hair that remains. Tineid moths are therefore the final animals contributing to the
decomposition of a carcass.

A number of families of wasp lay their eggs inside the larvae or pupae of flies, and are known as
parasitoids. The wasp eggs hatch inside the maggot or fly pupa. The wasp larvae then feeds on the
maggot or pupa, eventually killing it. The wasp larvae then pupate inside the maggot or fly pupa and
emerge as adult wasps.

Wasps from the family Pteromalidae parasitise a variety of species but prefer the pupae of the
predatory blowfly Chrysomya rufifacies. This is probably because this species pupates on the surface of
the ground and is more accessible than the pupae of species that bury their pupae in the ground. One
pupa is host to an average of 12 wasps. Brachymeria calliphorae (Family Chalcidae) parasitises maggots
rather than pupae, and only one wasp emerges from each maggot. Only one wasp emerges from pupae
parasitised by Hemilexomyia abrupta (Family Diapriidae) but this species appears to lay its eggs only in
the pupae of the blowfly Calliphora stygia.5

A study shows that the microbial community changes through time in a predictable way. The
decomposers were barely detectable at the beginning of these experiments, and the soil around each
corpse supported seemingly quite different sets of organisms. But soon after the corpses ruptured—
caused by the activity of gut microbes—their native microbial community was replaced by oxygen-loving
microbes in the air and the soil. These once-rare decomposers then undergo a population boom, fueled
by the decaying guts, which are rich in nitrogen from broken-down proteins. The array of microbes shifts
through time, with nitrogen-recyclers starting out as dominant, and fungi and nematode worms getting
a foothold in later stages of decomposition.

Their findings show that most of the microbes responsible for decomposition come from the soil, not
from the gut as other researchers have suggested. What’s more, no matter the soil type, the weather, or

the presence of other scavengers, the microbes are the same. This suggests that soils may contain a
"microbial seed bank,” a set of rare microbes that may be barely getting by until a nutrient-rich corpse
arrives. That’s when their population explodes, says Greg Caporaso, a bioinformatician at Northern
Arizona University. Eva Cuypers, a forensic toxicologist at the University of Leuven in Belgium, says the
most surprising insight is that the microbial decomposer community doesn’t depend on soil type. This
could make it easier for her to answer whether there is a unique smell associated with death, she adds.6

After three days of decomposition, the body moves to the third stage: purge. At this point, it begins to
shrink, as skin bursts open to relieve mounting pressure and fluids leak out. "The purge is so rich in
nitrogen that it actually kills off all the vegetation around it," Daniel Wescott, forensic anthropologist at
Texas Body Farm, says, pointing to the blackened dead grass surrounding one body. "But if you come
back in year, it'll be really high in plant life, because it'll act as a fertilizer."

It was once thought that the bacteria that drive decay are simply the same species inside you while
you're alive, but it's since been discovered that a succession of different species carries it out over time.
Some of them are indeed present during life, but others are brought to the body by flies and beetles.
Meanwhile, some bacteria species release chemicals that actually attract particular kinds of insects —
and proteins in those insects' saliva kill off competing bacteria. Further, these insects are prey for mice,
which in turn attract rattlesnakes and other larger predators. A decomposing human body, it turns out,
creates a remarkably complex, tightly evolved, and underappreciated ecosystem. Scientists are now
calling it the necrobiome.7

The Plants

Similar to animals, plants too, go through the cyclic process of birth, death, decomposition and decay. A
wide range of organisms takes part in the decomposition process, with most of them being relatively
inconspicuous, unglamorous and, from a conventional human perspective, even undesirable. The
detritivore community includes beetles and their larvae, flies and maggots (the larvae of flies), woodlice,
fungi, slime moulds, bacteria, slugs and snails, millipedes, springtails and earthworms. Most of them
work out of sight, with their handiwork not immediately apparent, but they are the forest's unsung
heroes of recycling. Almost all of them are small in size, and their function happens gradually in most
cases, over time periods measured in months or years, but cumulatively they convert all dead plant and
animal material into forms that are useable for growth either by themselves or other organisms.

Standing dead trees and fallen debris provide a fantastic array of 'microhabitats'. There is a breathtaking
range of saproxylic (deadwood-dependent) organisms including fungi, lichens, invertebrates, mosses
and birds, many of them having very specific requirements, and some specialising exclusively on one
particular microhabitat. A remarkable 40% of woodland wildlife is dependent on this aspect of the forest

6 Thousands of unexpected microbes break down our bodies after death By Elizabeth Pennisi Dec. 10, 2015 , 2:00 PM
7 The science of human decay- Inside the world's largest body farm By Joseph Stromberg Updated Mar 13, 2015, 10:01am EDT (
The dead plant material is quickly invaded by the hyphae of fungi - the white thread-like filaments that
are the main body of a fungus (the mushrooms that appear on the forest floor are merely the fruiting
bodies of the fungus). The hyphae draw nourishment from the litter, enabling the fungi to grow and
spread, while breaking down the structure of the dead plant material. Bacteria also play a part in this
process, as do various invertebrates, including slugs and snails, springtails and, as the decay becomes
more advanced, earthworms.

Fungi that feed on dead plant material are called saprotrophic fungi and common examples include the
horsehair parachute fungus (Marasmius androsaceus), which can be seen growing out of dead grass
stems, leaves or pine needles, and the sulphur tuft fungus (Hypholoma fasciculare), which fruits on logs
that are at an advanced state of decomposition.

In contrast to the softer tissues of herbaceous plants, the fibres of trees and other woody plants are
much tougher and take a longer time to break down. Fungi are still mostly the first agents of decay, and
there are many species that grow in dead wood. The common names of species such as the wet rot
fungus (Coniophora puteana) and the jelly rot fungus (Phlebia tremellosa) indicate their role in helping
wood to decompose. The growth of the fungal hyphae within the wood helps other detritivores, such as
bacteria and beetle larvae, to gain access. The fungi feed on the cellulose and lignin, converting those
into their softer tissues, which in turn begin to decompose when the fungal fruiting bodies die. Many
species of slime mould also grow inside dead logs and play a role in decomposition. Like fungi, they are
generally only visible when they are ready to reproduce and their fruiting bodies, or sporocarps, appear.

Some decomposers are highly-specialised. For example, the earpick fungus (Auriscalpium vulgare) grows
out of decaying Scots pine cones that are partially or wholly buried in the soil, while another fungus
(Cyclaneusma minus) grows on the fallen needles of Scots pine.

As the wood becomes more penetrated and open, through, for example, the galleries produced by
beetle larvae, it becomes wetter and this facilitates the next phase of decomposition. Invertebrates such
as woodlice and millipedes feed on the decaying wood, and predators and parasites, such as robber flies
and ichneumon wasps, will also arrive, to feed on beetles and other invertebrates. For trees such as
birch (Betula spp.), the wood becomes very wet and rotten, and falls apart quite easily after a few years.
Earthworms and springtails are often seen at this stage, when the decomposing wood will soon become
assimilated into the soil, and they can reach high densities - the biomass of earthworms in broadleaved
forests in Europe has been estimated at up to one tonne per hectare. The wood of Scots pine, however,
has a high resin content, which makes it much more resistant to decay, and it can take several decades
for a pine log to decompose fully.

Most fungi, being soft-bodied and having a high water content, decompose quickly, often disintegrating
and disappearing within a few days or weeks of fruiting. The tougher, more woody fungi, such as the
tinder fungus (Fomes fomentarius) and other bracket fungi, can persist for several years. However, in
many cases they have specialist decomposers at work on them. The tinder fungus, for example, is the
host for the larvae of the black tinder fungus beetle (Bolitophagus reticulatus) and the forked fungus
beetle (Bolitotherus cornutus), which feed on the fungal fruiting body, helping to break down its woody

Another bracket fungus that, like the tinder fungus, grows on dead birch trees, is the birch polypore
(Piptoporus betulinus), and it in turn is colonised by the ochre cushion fungus (Hypocrea pulvinata),
which feeds on and breaks down the polypore's brackets. The bolete mould fungus (Hypomyces
chrysospermus) is another species that grows on fungi, in this case members of the bolete group, which
have pores on the underside of their caps instead of gills and includes edible species such as the cep
(Boletus edulis). The silky piggyback fungus (Asterophora parasitica) and its close relative the powdery
piggyback fungus (Asterophora lycoperdoides) fruit on the caps of various brittlegill fungi (Russula spp.),
accelerating the process of breakdown and decay in them. Slime moulds, although not actually fungi
themselves, are somewhat fungus-like when they are in the fruiting stage of their life cycle, and the
sporocarps of one species (Trichia decipiens) are highly susceptible to fungal mould growing on them,
accelerating their decomposition process.9

Certain insects depend on the fungi which grow on dead trees. For example, the black tinder fungus
beetle (Bolitophagus reticulatus) and another beetle (Bolitothorus cornutus) lives in the fruiting bodies
of the tinder fungus (Fomes fomentarius) which is only found on dead birches.

Then there are some endangered species which specialise on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), such as the
pine hoverfly (Blera fallax) which breeds in wet pockets of decay in large pine stumps. This species is
found in only a few places, including Abernethy, and is threatened by loss of habitat. Another rare
hoverfly (Callicera rufa), whose larvae rely on rot holes in old pines, has been recorded in Glen Affric.

A whole specialist community of insects which depend on the dead wood of aspen in various stages of
decay, and one of these species - a fly (Ectaetia christiei) - was only identified by scientists for the first
time in the 1990s. In order to fully flourish, this community requires a minimum of 4.5 hectares of
woodland containing decaying aspen and other broadleaved trees.

One third of all woodland birds nest in holes or cavities in dead trees, and large, hollowing trees provide
ideal roosting sites for species such as the great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) and various
owls. The crested tit (Parus cristatus) is highly dependent on dead pines for nesting, and excavates its
nest hole in the softer, rotten wood of large diameter pine snags. Some birds also rely on the
invertebrates in dead wood as a food source.

A wide range of mosses and lichens can be found on decaying wood, and the Black Wood of Rannoch
and Culbin Sands have been designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest, partly because of this. The
characteristic hummocks which are found in ancient pinewoods frequently form on old tree stumps.
These lush, vegetated mounds develop as layers of lichen and moss colonise the stump, followed by
larger plants such as blaeberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), ling heather (Calluna vulgaris) and eventually even
birch (Betula spp.) and pine. These attractive features add further diversity to the forest ecosystem.
There is also a whole range of saprotrophic fungi (fungi which obtain nutrients from dead organic

9 Sept 11, 2018 17:48 IST
matter) which are associated with pinewoods, including the yellow staghorn or jelly antler fungus
(Calocera viscosa), which sends up yellow branching coral-like fruiting bodies from pine stumps.

It is said that there is more life in a dead tree than a living one, and studies in the Pacific Northwest of
North America confirm this. In the bole of a living tree there are around 5% living cells by volume.
However, in a dead one there can be as many as 40%, largely made up of fungi and nitrogen-fixing
bacteria, both of which are crucial to the health of the forest.

When a tree dies, the sapwood will be invaded by wood-boring beetles. Along with fungi, bark beetles
(Scolytidae) are among the earlier dead wood colonists, and use the cell contents of the cambium and
sapwood. These soon attract predators and parasites including spiders, false scorpions, and ichneumen
wasps, as well as allowing more fungi to enter. Fungi tend to begin the work of decaying the less
nutritious heartwood, as their threadlike mycelia penetrate the tissue and allow entry to other

Some specialist beetles such as longhorns (Cerambycids) are found in the early stages of wood decay
and are again followed by predators and scavenging beetles. In Scots pine these predators include the
larvae of the large robber fly (Laphria flava) which feeds on longhorn beetle larvae. Hoverflies,
millipedes and mites are associated with the mid-stage of decay, and in the later stages the wood may
even be used by small mammals. The 'humification phase' is the final stage of decomposition, in which
saproxylic insects are replaced by soil organisms. Most of these organisms feed on the bacteria and
microfungi that convert the wood to humus. This is in a sense the completion of a cycle, in which the
nutrients that have been stored within the tree for decades return to the soil.10

We have seen how every dead plant, animal or even human being are a complete ecosystem in itself
where several plant, animal, fungus and microbes live and thrive, completing life-cycles and giving rise
to several generations. This is how nature brings out living from the dead.

Thou bringest the dead out of the Living

The Animal

Cell is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms. A cell is the
smallest unit of life. Cells are often called the "building blocks of life". Capable of reproducing
themselves, each cell in a body was made from an already existing cell. All the parts of the body are
made up of cells and the body has several kinds of them. Though they might look different under a
microscope, most cells have chemical and structural features in common. In humans, there are about
200 different types of cells, and within these cells there are about 20 different types of structures or

Like all living beings- cells are born, live a functional life and die. In the body of an average male adult
human, approximately 96 million cells die and an equal number of cells are born, every minute. The
dead cells are discarded either through the skin or through the waste.11

Cell death is a vital and common occurrence in body. Biologists recognize two general categories of cell
death, which include genetically programmed death (Apoptosis) and death resulting from external
forces (necrosis). Genetically programmed cell death is necessary for replacing cells that are old, worn,
or damaged; for sculpting the embryo during development; and for ridding the body of diseased cells.12

There are between 50 and 75 trillion cells in the body.... Each type of cell has its own life span, and when
a human dies it may take hours or day before all the cells in the body die."

Red blood cells (RBC) live for about four months, while white blood cells (WBC) live on average more
than a year. Skin cells live about two or three weeks. Colon cells have it rough: They die off after about
four days. Sperm cells have a life span of only about three days, while brain cells typically last an entire
lifetime (neurons in the cerebral cortex, for example, are not replaced when they die).13

Human Skin

The outer surface of the skin is the epidermis, which itself contains several layers — the basal cell layer,
the spinous cell layer, the granular cell layer, and the stratum corneum. The cells in the epidermis are
called keratinocytes.

The deepest layer of the epidermis is the basal cell layer. Here cells are continually dividing to produce
plump new skin cells (millions daily). These cells move towards the skin surface, pushed upward by the
dividing cells below them. Blood vessels in the dermis — which is below the basal cell layer — supply
nutrients to support this active growth of new skin cells. As the basal cells move upwards and away from
their blood supply, their cell content and shape change.

Cells above the basal cell layer become more irregular in shape and form the spinous layer. Above this,
cells move into the granular layer. Being distant from the blood supply in the dermis, the cells begin to
flatten and die and accumulate a substance called keratin. Keratin is a protein that is also found in hair
and nails.

The stratum corneum (‘horny layer’) is the top layer of the epidermis — it is the layer of the skin that we
see from the outside. Cells here are flat and scale-like (‘squamous’) in shape. These cells are dead,
contain a lot of keratin and are arranged in overlapping layers that impart a tough and waterproof
character to the skin’s surface.

Does the Human Body Really Replace Itself Every 7 Years? By Benjamin Radford (
Dead skin cells are continually shed from the skin’s surface. This is balanced by the dividing cells in the
basal cell layer to produce a state of constant renewal.14

Phagocytes are a type of cell that engulf and “eat” other cells. Two types of phagocytes are
macrophages and neutrophils, which are both essential cells involved in immunity. They are particularly
involved in the innate immune system, which is effective from the beginning of an individual’s life.
Macrophages and neutrophils bind to shapes called PAMPs on the surfaces of many invasive microbes,
and then absorb and dissolve the microbes.

Many cells in the bodies of multicellular organisms engage in phagocytosis, such as certain skin cells.
Phagocytes work to remove all of these kinds of potentially harmful pathogens, including cancer cells.15

Keratin is one of a family of fibrous structural proteins. It is the key structural material making up hair,
horns, claws, hooves, and the outer layer of human skin. Keratin is also the protein that protects
epithelial cells from damage or stress. Keratin monomers assemble into bundles to form intermediate
filaments, which are tough and form strong unmineralized epidermal appendages found in reptiles,
birds, amphibians, and mammals.16,17

Epidermal keratinocytes undergo a unique form of terminal differentiation and programmed cell death
known as cornification. Metabolism ceases, and the cells are almost completely filled by keratin. During
the process of epithelial differentiation, cells become cornified as keratin protein is incorporated into
longer keratin intermediate filaments. Eventually the nucleus and cytoplasmic organelles disappear,
metabolism ceases and cells undergo a programmed death as they become fully keratinized.18


Similar to the animal cells, plant cells as well are born, live a functional life and die. Plant cells also
undergo the deaths through Apoptosis and Necrosis, as well as autophagy.

As the stem ages and grows, changes occur that transform the surface of the stem into the bark. The
epidermis is a layer of cells that cover the plant body, including the stems, leaves, flowers and fruits,
that protects the plant from the outside world. In old stems the epidermal layer, cortex, and primary
phloem become separated from the inner tissues by thicker formations of cork. Due to the thickening
cork layer these cells die because they do not receive water and nutrients. This dead layer is the rough
corky bark that forms around tree trunks and other stems.19

Senescence has been defined as the deterioration that ends the functional life of an organism or an
organ. Senescence occurs in leaves, flowers, fruits, stems, and roots, but it commonly occurs at different

16 Wang, Bin (2016). "Keratin: Structure, mechanical properties, occurrence in biological organisms, and efforts at bioinspiration". Progress in

Materials Science. 76: 229–318. doi:10.1016/j.pmatsci.2015.06.001.

17 Fraser, R.D.B. (1972). Keratins: Their composition, structure and biosynthesis. Bannerstone House: Charles C Thomas. pp. 3–6. ISBN 0-398-

18 Cell death by cornification- Leopold Eckhart, Saskia Lippens, Erwin Tschachler, WimDeclercq
times in these organs. In many perennial herbs, such as alfalfa, essentially the entire above ground
system dies each year, but the crown and root systems remain largely viable. In deciduous woody
perennials, the leaves die, but much of the root and stem tissues remain alive.

Another pattern of senescence is seen in several herbaceous annual species such as beans, tomatoes
and the cereal grains. Here there is a progressive senescence of the leaves from the older to the
younger, followed by death of both the stem and roots after flowering. Senescence may be thought of
as a final stage of differentiation which itself is continuous from juvenility to death.

Soon after senescence occurs, some plant organs are lost by abscission. The physiology of this process is
best understood in the case of leaves, flowers and fruits. The longevity of flowers ranges from three or
four hours in Hibiscus trionum and Calandrinia compressa, upto three or four months in Plialaenopsis
scilleriana. Leaves are generally longer lived.

The leaves are periodically detached from the perennial plants. The phenomenon of this detachment is
complex one. During this phenomenon, leaves are separated from the stem without causing any injury
to the living tissues in stem and the newly exposed surface is also protected from desiccation and
infection. This phenomenon of the separation of leaves from the stem takes place in a particular region
of the plant, known as abscission region or abscission zone. The phenomenon as a whole is known as
abscission of leaves and the separating leaf may be said to abscised. The abscission zone consists of a
separation layer through which the actual break occurs, and the protective layer.

We have seen how dead cells come out of living bodies, both in plants as well as in animals as well as in
man. These cells could be singular or in the form of an organ or a mass like sloughing-off of skin, antlers
and horns, or the bark, leaves and twigs in plants.

No doubt, dead coming out of the living!

Thou givest sustenance to whom Thou pleasest, without measure.

We have seen how on a dead animal or plant a host of bacteria, mites, beetles, flies, moss, lichen and
fungi thrive completing their life-cycles and feasting on the dead. A dead living being is a sustenance,
indeed for them. This is how Allah The Almight, The Nourisher nourishes His creation.

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