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Saturn, most important and most talked planet. In every forum, every discussion,
every debate Saturn is a common point between all astrologers, learners and lis
teners. You people know a lot of things about Saturn, so today I will describe t
o the point about Saturn for all houses. Frequent asked queries from me like Sat
urn planet, Saturn Astrology Saturn quality, Saturn effects, exaltation of Satur
n, Saturn Dasha, Saturn conjunction, Saturn Retrograde, Saturn facts, Saturn Fri
ends, Saturn Transit, Saturn God, Saturn Bhukti, Saturn yogakarak, Saturn Number
, Saturn mahadasha,Saturn-Jupiter,Saturn Life, etc....
Saturn is a karmic planet, accordingly our karmas. Saturn gives results. Saturn
doesn't make things easy. That's the role of the taskmaster of the zodiac. Satur
n commands us to get to work and to work hard. Discipline and responsibility are
important to this planet.
Saturn needs about 28 years to move through all twelve signs of the Zodiac. Not
until your 28th to 30th birthday will you experience your first Saturn return, w
hen the planet finally returns to the place in the sky where it was at your birt
The first Saturn return is a turning point in a person's life, when they've seen
and experienced enough of life to get a firm grasp on what direction, they want
to go in their lives. Luck start favors individual on same time generally.
I will also tell only few lines for Saturn before starting.
Slow but steady
Slow but permanent
Slow but huge
Slow but stable
Slow but sure
1) Saturn in the 1st house 1st house strong Saturn gives very good gains in poli
tical line for ex: L.K.ADWANI, ATAL JI etc. because this is the placement where
peoples can do hard-work. Their thinking above from society. Saturn in 1st house
gives bold voice and average height with lean body. Saturn in the first house d
elays marriage if Venus is not supporting, But if Saturn is in a good sign and d
egree like Libra or own sign or Taurus, it can give a very good career with its
10th house aspect. Saturn in 1st gives good thinking for society but a different
type of views. Male generally lives rough and tough life-style like big hair, s
haves. Saturn here also makes the native Disciplined, organized, hard worker, es
pecially hard task master. Saturn presence in 1st house, achieve most of the thi
ng late in their lives, it comes through hard work. Career wise they can go into
Politics, Mines-related jobs, law-judiciary, engineering, mechanical career, co
nstruction or coal business, iron-related works, electrical, electronic related
field. These type's Saturn persons lead large organization it may be political o
r something else.
2) Saturn in the 2nd house This is not very good position for Saturn. This is th
e place of family life and our voice that may disturb because of Saturn If mercu
ry also with rahu or making any connection with rahu. Saturn restrict here mainl
y assets, daily income delays and houses/property/vehicles also late in life. In
the second house Saturn aspects the 4th house of mother`s house that is not goo
d generally. Peoples with 2nd house Saturn gives loud voice, if rahu also afflic
ting this house then vani dosh and not good for marriage and income. It may give
sudden downfalls. You are a practical person and once getting money you are rel
uctant to let it go. You gain money through hard work and it doesn't come easy t
o you. You do not acquire wealth through luck.
3)Saturn in the 3rd house- This is a very good position for Saturn as it makes t
he native very creative with scientific attitude, in scripting and in writing t
hese can excel easily. This Saturn makes person very intelligent. Own business a
nd be their own company is best for this position. Relationship with siblings ce
rtainly not in good shape. Direct aspect on 9th house is not good for father. Yo
u are versatile and tend to be an agreeable person. This position also good for
communication and for politics.
4) Saturn in the 4th house- This house for Saturn either very good or very bad.
Reason is Saturn gives huge mass appeal if strongly placed here like Amitabh Bac
hhan others combination also in his chart. But badly placed here then lot of wor
ries related with home/mother, disharmony in marriage. Saturn usually delays wea
lth till the age of 35 or 44. In the basic education people s faces lot of struggl
es generally if badly placed. Saturn also aspects the 10th house again, which me
ans the native would be very hard worker, disciplined and organized in their app
roach. You may dream of being famous and successful, yet believe that this succ
ess will never come your way. Yet through working on this and with effort applie
d to self-development you can in time attain your goals.
5) Saturn in the 5th house- Romance in serious mode, mean you can say dead roman
ce. Creativity is blocked because Saturn is sitting instead of aspecting the 5th
house. Whenever strongly placed Saturn aspecting 5th house delivers scientist a
nd great researcher or highly intelligent attitude guy. Saturn is a slow moving
planets and due to such reasons marriage, children and romance late in life and
wealth also comes slowly and chances of unearned wealth is negligible. Saturn's
3rd aspect is on the 7th house for this is why Saturn delays the marriage. Satur
n delays the marriage, it brings a very mature, dedicated and disciplined partne
r and family oriented partner. You may be involved in entertainment as a manager
or an agent, however your work environment will hard work .You may have a tende
ncy to be controlling with children, and try to make them grow up before their t
ime. You may be somewhat afraid of children, thinking of the bad things that can
happen. And your attitude towards children will be more possessive, that may gi
ve problem in later age of life.
6) Saturn in the 6th house This Saturn gives great patience and always satisfied
attitude towards life. This is a favorable position for Saturn .Here, Saturn wil
l destroy all enemies, and gives favor from the superior and timely promotions a
nd good service with stability. . You can concentrate on work so much that you n
eglect your nutrition and exercise
Lawyers usually have Saturn in the 3rd, 6th and 9th house. This position also g
ives long life. Saturn in the sixth house makes one organized, discipline and st
ructured in their approach. Saturn in the sixth house grows better with time and
the native would defeat his or her enemies through patience and discipline. Sat
urn here gives lot of assets after marriage through one's enemies, loans and deb
ts. Saturn from sixth house also aspects the 3rd house, so there will be cordial
relationships with siblings
7) Saturn in the 7th house Digbali Saturn is there, best position for Saturn sin
ce it s exalted in the sign of Libra which is the 7th original house. This is the
best position for a businessman, a politician, Film industry or for night worker
. Saturn in the 7th house usually delays the marriage unless it's in it's own si
gn, or retrograde. This placement makes the personality of the native very busin
essman and organized. You will be very possessive towards your wife & great chan
ces of love marriage. There may be hidden anger or other emotions .Must be Avoid
Smoking, drinking. Spinal cord and lower part related diseases will create the
8) Saturn in the 8th house- Generally feedback from Astros for 8th house is goo
d for Saturn because its increase longevity and all bla bla bla, but I am totall
y disagree with this thought. This placement of Saturn I found in most of cases
is very bad. This placement can be good and bad depending upon the sign that Sat
urn occupies. Saturn in the 8th house gives a very long life, but gives black ma
gic ability, interest in occult science but not genius of occult and bad luck. 8
th house is deep dig so everything related with mines, petroleum, long cases in
court you can realize in your life. This placement bad for father and extremely
bad relation with in-laws, even you can face problems in marriage life because o
f your in-laws behavior. Aspecting 5th house can delay children and abortion als
o. Chances of bad marriage or unusual marriage.
9) Saturn in the 9th house Saturn shows very diplomatic behavior here because re
ligion wise this is not the house where Saturn feels comfortable. But for money
or job related things Saturn can give extraordinary heights because good judge,
lawyer and high position government job, electronics related jobs get good suppo
rt in 9th house placed Saturn. Higher education does not come easily to you, an
d you might need to work hard in order to succeed. . From the 9th house Saturn a
spects the 11th house of gains, and large network circle. If Saturn is well plac
ed by signs then there could be tremendous gains in professional during Saturn's
Mahadasha. But it blocks social presence, Because Saturn feels alone is better.
Aspecting the 3rd house, native would take great interest in yoga, spirituality
and philosophical thesis. That person always thrash their enemies because of bo
ss support which they are getting from 9th house. But for parents, this is not g
ood placement. You will always have big differences in views.
10) Saturn in the 10th house Perfect position for Saturn, in beginning some diff
iculties after huge success but if Saturn weaker here then it will never grew up
to you. You can reach the top in your career, but only through long, hard work.
Professions that require a long period of study, such as medicine and science a
re examples of this. Saturn gives very good results in its own house. Saturn tak
es a person to new executive heights in this house if in a good sign and Nakshat
ra. This placement brings a perfect career, usually in the law-judiciary, Mines,
oil, security agencies, politics but it all varies depending upon other conditi
ons. 10th house is strongest Kendra and Saturn one of favorite zone where Saturn s
feels comfortable. There would be slow but steady rise in the native's career b
ut extra-ordinary. The individual is organized, structured and well-disciplined.
This placement of Saturn can show working with government as an administrator,
lawyer, judge or executive in public sector, job related higher court. Big house
, vehicles from government always you can enjoy. But father will be the ordinary
person you will not get inheritance from your father.
11) Saturn in the 11th house This is also one of favorable house of Saturn, it g
ives immense wealth but after 40 if well placed. 11th house is the original hous
e of Saturn's sign Aquarius that can give huge money and fulfill all your desire
like one Bollywood star Salman Khan. This is why Saturn is the most comfortable
here and works at highest level. If Saturn badly placed here then really surviv
al of life is very difficult. The native has lot of support through their profes
sional network to rise in life. This placement gives sometime rude and very mood
y or mood swing in nature. Due to some mood swings, sometimes you may feel oppos
ition in life from your friends and family.
12) Saturn in the 12th house This is not house of Saturn .It brings lots of ment
al stress, loss of property and family wealth, bad health even if mars aspecting
then jails or court cases you can face. But savings points of view it is good p
lacement. Saturn gives very spiritual inclination to the native. However, 12th h
ouse is also foreign lands. This can give opportunity to go in foreign lands but
not for more time. The native can also be a Security guard, Night watchman, war
den, police officer you may work for a big organization which is related with ho
spital, prison, or even organizations like security agencies. If badly placed an
d afflicted from Venus or rahu then women, wine will be the cause of your downfa

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