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Invisible Man

By: Griffen Riley

Int. School Hallway- Over the shoulder

It is a typical day at JAKE’S Westfield high school. Jake

is running late to class and the camera follows him as he
hustles to MS. WHITLESS’ American History class.

Man I hate being late to class.

Jake enters the classroom as Ms. Whitless is beginning her

boring and tone-deaf lecture. Ms. Witless wore her usually
intoxicating outfit consisting of a plain vanilla sweater
and jet-black pants.

Ms. Whitless
As an effect of the environment into which
it moved, the frontier’s chief
characteristic is a process of reversion to
savagery followed by a slow recovery of
civilization that…

Jake zones out and you can hear the quieting muffled sounds
of Ms. Whitless as he drifts into a daydream.

Fade To:


There are buildings on fire and people running around

screaming “help”.

OH NO! It’s the terribly awful, the awfully
terrible VISIBLE MAN! He’s destroying the city!

Visible man is seen standing in the middle of the city of

Chicago, burning buildings surrounding him. It appears he
can set things on fire just by being visible. People
running around on fire are screaming around him. A MAN not
on fire casually walks by.

What are you doin-
Man bursts into flames when he sees visible man and starts
running around and screaming like the rest of the people on
But wait! Who is this emerging from the smoke?!

Jake in an Invisible Man costume emerges from the smoke,

only to disappear as he emerges.

Could it be?! Is it really?! It’s INVISIBLE MAN!!

Out of seemingly nowhere, Jake defeats Visible man. Visible

man takes a beating from an invisible force. As this
happens you can see what looks like a floating fire hose
being controlled by Jake putting out all of the fires. Jake
is abruptly interrupted from his daydream.

Ms. Whitless
Jake are you paying attention?

Jake lifts his head up abruptly.

Oh um yeah, I just need to uh, can I go to the

Ms. Whitless
Yes you can, but make it quick.

Jake gets up and heads to the front of the room, grabbing

the bathroom pass and leaving the room.

Fade To:


1:25 PM flashes across the screen.

Jake enters the bathroom. There are 3 KIDS vaping in the

bathroom while he walks in. They don’t acknowledge him but
glance at him judgingly as he enters.
Hey it’s that one kid. The weird one.
You guys know who I’m talking about right?

Oh shit it is him isn’t it?

Kids 2 and 3 hit their vapes.

Int. Bathroom Stall

Jake is taking a very intense shit. He grips the walls on

his sides for support. Loud shit noises fill the bathroom
and the kids that are vaping awkwardly stand silently in
the bathroom.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph my poop is loud.

Kid 1
Dude what the fuck is wrong with this kid?

Kid 2
I’ve never heard something like that oh God and
the smell.

Kid 3
(crying softly)
Guys it burns, why does it burn?

The kids hear a loud thud as Jake passes out in the stall.
After some time, the three kids walk up to the stall.



The three kids are now back at the sinks, vaping and
whispering to each other, clearly shaken by the experience.
They vape more intensely than usual to calm their nerves,
as they are horrified by what they just saw. Jake exits the
stall and the bathroom quickly and quietly, not stopping to
wash his hands.


6:45 PM flashes across the screen


Inside a dimly lit office, DRUG LORD is inserting stacks of

dollar bills into a money counter. HENCHMAN 1 and HENCHMAN
2 stand by menacingly.

It’s just not going to be enough. We have to
expand our territory.

I don’t think it’s possible after our last
incident. I think we need to lay low for a
while. Maybe shut down for a couple weeks.

Drug Lord
Shut down?! We can’t afford to shut down for
a day let alone a week! I won’t listen to

We got a play down on that corner, regular
customers, those tweakers from yesterday,
what should we tell em?

Henchman 1
Boss, that’s the corner from th-

Drug Lord
I don’t wanna hear about that no more! We
tell them twice the normal price if they
want it. And to be there in an hour.


7:30 P.M. flashes onto the screen.

Jake, his MOTHER and his FATHER are silently and awkwardly
eating dinner. About 20 seconds of silence goes by.

So did you see the game last night Jake?

Oh shut up! He’s not your coworker. And you
wonder why our son is so goddamn weird. He
doesn’t even like sports. But you’d know
that if you were ever home wouldn’t you?

10 more seconds of silence pass. Jake is looking down at

his food, eating silently.

Jake looks up from his food and responds to his father’s


No I don’t really like sports.

10 more seconds of silence.

Mother turns and addresses father again.

And speaking of you never being home, where
exactly were you last night, huh? Working
the “graveyard” shift again?

A few seconds of silence pass.

Jake gets up and leaves the table and his half-eaten plate.
You can hear mother and father arguing as he walks up
stairs to his room and shuts the door behind him.


8:15 PM flashes across the screen

Jake is sitting in front of his mirror in his bedroom. His

bedroom walls are painted a royal blue. Posters of
Invisible Man cover the walls. He is staring at himself in
the mirror intensely, shirtless, and quietly muttering to
Could it be? Could I be? The... chosen… one?

Jake looks dramatically at the biggest Invisible Man poster

on the center of his wall.

I tried to tell you at that Comic Con convention.
I knew all along that I was the chosen one to
carry your invisible legacy. You tried to tell me
I was just some weird kid. You tried to push me
away. You tried to call the police. But I knew. I
knew I would one day be the Invisible Man.

Jake pulls down his newly made Invisible Man mask down over
his face slowly and dramatically. The mask is made out of
old “tightey whiteys”. After putting his mask on, he
continues to stare at himself in the mirror.

This is the moment you’ve been waiting for your
entire life.

Jake slowly stands up. As Jake stands, Eye Of The Tiger

beings to play in the background. Jake begins doing a
training montage in his room.


Jake drops down and very slowly does one single push
up before collapsing.

Jake then drops down and starts to do a sit up before

giving up halfway through.

(In slow motion, sweat dripping off of him) He jumps

up, already covered in sweat and chugging water.

He goes to run across his room, only to trip over his

laundry basket, falling hard and in slow motion,
spilling water and sweat everywhere. He lands facedown
on the ground. As he falls, he knocks down a laundry
basket, hitting his slightly cracked closet door and
opening it up more.

Montage ends.
Hearing all of the commotion, Jake’s MOTHER comes to his
room. Mother opens doorway.

Jake! What are you doing in here?! What is
all this damn noise?!

Jake remains motionless on the ground, wearing nothing but

his underwear and a plain white underwear-mask. He says
nothing and doesn’t move at all.

JAKE! You better listen to your mother!

Jake remains frozen still. Mother looks at the closet door

in confusion and storms off.

Jake V.O.
It had worked. I was invisible.


Jake has finished preparing himself to fight crime and

starts walking down the stairs to leave his house when he
notices his parents are watching TV in the family room,
which he must cross to get out the door. Knowing his
parents will never let him leave, he tries to go invisible.
He starts slowly creeping by his parents when he notices
the TV.

The community of Chicago are still
recovering after the shooting of an innocent
young boy on the corner of 5th street, more
later tonight.

Jake V.O.
That’s it. That’s where I’ll go, 5th street.
I’ll just go and investigate a little, see
if I can find any clues to what happened.

Jake continues sneaking through the family room. When he

gets to the door, he opens it quickly and leaves.

As he leaves, 9:35 flashes onto the screen.



Jake waits outside the door listening to see if his parents

are following him or yelling for him. After hearing some
brief commotion, he leaves, walking down the street in his
Invisible Man costume, ready to clean up the streets of


10:30 PM Flashes across the screen

Henchman 1 and Henchman 2 are standing on the corner. SHADY

GUYS are approaching them from the other side of the
street. Jake is seen approaching the meeting from a
distance. He stops to hide behind a nearby trash can.

Jake V.O.
I knew it. This is my chance.

Jake takes out his tape recorder and starts straining as if

he is trying to shit his pants (attempting to activate
invisibility). The meeting is going down in the near
distance and Jake begins moving towards it. Jake can be
seen now approaching in the wide open.


The drug deal appears to concluding as Jake is getting

close, recorder in hand. The two SHADY GUYS are dapping up
the two HENCHMEN, about to go their separate ways. Henchman
1 sees something approaching over the shoulder of the Shady
Henchman 1
What the-

Henchman 1 reaches for his gun. As he does this, the two

Shady Guys freak out, thinking the Henchman is going to
shoot them. They rush the Henchman, knocking him onto the
ground and starting a struggle. While this is happening
Jake had frozen in place. As they hit the ground, Jake
springs into action. They do not notice him at all jumping
into the struggle. He walks up to the struggle, and
attempts to pull Henchman 2, now in the scuffle as well,
off of one of the Shady Guys.
Jake grabs Henchman 2, who spins around, extremely

Henchman 2
Jesus Christ! What the fuck!?

Everyone in the scuffle pauses their struggle and looks in

Jake’s direction. Henchman 2 reaches for his gun with one
hand and shoves off Jake with the other before aiming at
him and pulling the trigger one time. A loud gunshot rings
off as the camera pans out to an aerial view of the scene.
You can see the henchmen and the shady guys looking in
Jake’s direction terrified and in shock. After a couple
seconds, they all scramble for their scattered belongings
and take off sprinting in different directions. You can see
the two henchman arguing with each other for a second
before Henchman 1 shoves Henchman 2 angrily in the chest
and runs off in the other direction. You can see cops
lights beginning to come down a nearby road fast.

Fade To

A couple seconds of black screen.

INT. Westfield High School Bathroom – Earlier that day

1:25 PM flashes across the screen.


The bathroom scene from earlier in the movie begins to


Jake enters the bathroom. The 3 vaping kids are

huddled together by the sink.

Kids 2 and 3 hit their vapes.

The vaping kids see Jake go into the bathroom and

begin making loud shitting noises.

They hear thumping as he grips the side of the stall

for support before hearing silence when Jake passes
out. After a few minutes of awkwardly staring at the
stall, they approach.
As the kids approach the stall, they notice something

Kid 1 bends down to peak under the stall. When he

peaks, there is nobody there. All that can be seen is
Jake’s backpack, which he had taken into the stall
with him, and left on the ground.

The three kids walk back over to the sink, shaken by

what they saw.

The other kids shush him as the stall door slowly

opens. They see nothing but a floating backpack
hurrying out of the bathroom, not stopping to wash its
hands. The seen cuts when the bathroom door opens and
the backpack leaves.

Montage ends.
Fade To

8:15 PM flashes across the screen


Mother is sitting on a couch in the family room watching

Oprah. The noise and commotion from Jake working out in his
room above progressively gets louder as she watches. Eye Of
The Tiger is coming from his room as well, slightly

The PHONE starts ringing but Mother lets it ring until the
automated voicemail picks up. An automated message begins
to play.

Ms. Whitless
Hey Ms. McClausky this is Jake’s 4th period
AP US History teacher Ms. Whitless, just
calling to let you know Jake never came back
to class today after going to the bathroom,
hope everything is okay, please let Jake
know he has to return to class when he goes
to the bathroom next time, thank youuuu buh-
bye now.
Mother looks visibly angry and storms off upstairs to
Jake’s room.

INT. MOTHER POV (over the shoulder)

Mother swings open Jake’s door.

Jake! What are you doing in here?! What is
all this damn noise?!

Mother does not see Jake anywhere.

JAKE! You better listen to your mother!

Mother notices the half opened closet door, and assuming

that Jake is hiding in there and ignoring her, storms off
angrily. She can’t see Jake, invisible on the floor.

Fade To:

9:30 PM flashes across the screen

Mother and Father are watching TV downstairs. A news

program is on talking about a shooting that had occurred on
5th Street earlier that week in which a young boy was
killed. As they are watching this program, you can faintly
hear a door open and shut upstairs.

The community of Chicago are still
recovering after the shooting of an innocent
young boy on the corner of 5th street, more
later tonight.

As the news program plays, the front door randomly opens

and shuts quickly, with nobody appearing to actually be
coming in or out of the house.

What the- did you see that?

Yeah it’s sad, such a rough area over there.
No, the door. Did you see that?

The door? See what about the door?

Father looks down at the now nearly empty box of 24 Bud

Lights near his armchair.


Fade To:

10:30 Flashes across the screen


The drug deal is concluding as the two Sketchy Guys are

dapping up the two Henchmen. As this is happening, Henchman
1 sees what appears to be a floating backpack approaching
behind the two Sketchy Guys. Unsure of what is going on he
instinctively reaches for his gun.

When the Sketchy Guys see this they panic and rush him.
Henchman 2 then tries to control the situation and it ends
up turning into a scuffle. During the scuffle, Henchman 2
feels someone grab him.

He spins around to see who it is and sees a floating

backpack. He panics and tries to shove the invisible entity
off of him. He then fires his gun one time in the direction
of the backpack, which appears to be falling after he
shoved it.

The two Sketchy Guys see their opportunity and take off
while the Henchmen are focused on the mysterious backpack.

Henchman 1 gets up and pushes Henchman 2 hard in the chest

to get his attention, as he is staring at the backpack on
the ground, confused and terrified.

Henchman 1
We gotta get out of here man!

The two Henchmen take off running.

Fade To:

EXT. JAKE”S POV – CONT. (over the shoulder)

Jake is running as fast as he can down the street away from

what had just happened. He was bleeding slightly on the
right side of his head through his white underwear mask as
the bullet from Henchman 2 had just barely missed him. He
had left his backpack on the corner when he dropped it and
ran, so he has nothing but his costume on. Nearby sirens
can be heard slowly getting closer.

Fade To:

Title flashes across the screen: Invisible Man

Credits roll.

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