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Engineering secondary metabolite production in plants

R Verpoorte* and J Memelink†
Recent achievements have been made in the metabolic genetics. This achievement was facilitated by the fact that
engineering of plant secondary metabolism. Various pathways flower colour is an easily screenable phenotype. Other
have been altered using genes encoding biosynthetic enzymes secondary metabolite pathways that have extensively been
or genes encoding regulatory proteins. In addition, antisense studied at the level of intermediates and enzymes mainly
genes have been used to block competitive pathways, thereby lead to pharmaceutically important products such as indole
increasing the flux towards the desired secondary metabolites. and isoquinoline alkaloids [6,7,8•]. From these pathways,
however, only a relatively small number of genes have
Addresses been identified so far.
*Division of Pharmacognosy, Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Drug
Research, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands; Genetic engineering of a secondary metabolic pathway
† Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences, Leiden University, Leiden, aims to either increase or decrease the quantity of a certain
The Netherlands; e-mail: compound or group of compounds [2,3•,4•,6,8•,9]. To
decrease the production of a certain unwanted (group of)
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2002, 13:181–187 compound(s) several approaches are possible. An enzymatic
0958-1669/02/$ — see front matter step in the pathway can be knocked out, for example, by
© 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. reducing the level of the corresponding mRNA via anti-
sense, cosuppression or RNA interference technologies, or
4HB 4-hydroxybenzoic acid by overexpressing an antibody against the enzyme. The
ICS isochorismate synthase antisense gene approach has been successfully used for
IPL isochorismate pyruvate lyase changing flower colours [10]. Other approaches include
PMT putrescine N-methyltransferase
SA salicylic acid
diversion of the flux into a competitive pathway or an
STR strictosidine synthase increase in the catabolism of the target compound.
TDC tryptophan decarboxylase
More often, the goal is to increase the production of certain
Introduction compounds in the normal producing plant species or to
Plant secondary metabolism has multiple functions transfer (part of) a pathway to other plant species or other
throughout the plant’s life cycle. These functions can be (micro)organisms. Also, there is interest in the production
classified as mediators in the interaction of the plant with of novel compounds not yet produced in nature by plants.
its environment, such as plant–insect, plant–microorganism To increase the production of a (group of) compound(s),
and plant–plant interactions [1,2]. The production of two general approaches have been followed. Firstly, methods
secondary metabolites forms part of the plant’s defence have been employed to change the expression of one or a
system, for example, the constitutive production of few genes, thereby overcoming specific rate-limiting steps
antifeedants and phytoanticipins, and the inducible in the pathway, to shut down competitive pathways, and to
production of phytoalexins [2]. Secondary metabolism also decrease catabolism of the product of interest. Secondly,
plays a role in plant reproduction, for example, in attracting attempts have been made to change the expression of
pollinators and in male fertility. Secondary metabolites regulatory genes that control multiple biosynthesis genes.
determine important aspects of human food quality (taste, Recent examples of the different approaches are reviewed
colour and smell), and plant pigments are important for here, covering several major secondary metabolite groups.
the diversity of ornamental plants and flowers. Moreover,
several plant secondary metabolites are used for the Flavonoids and anthocyanins
production of medicines, dyes, insecticides, flavours and Biosynthesis genes
fragrances. Secondary metabolism is thus an interesting Flavonoid and anthocyanin biosynthesis was the first target
target for plant breeding. Molecular breeding, by applying for genetic engineering, as the biosynthetic pathway was
genetic engineering, is in this respect a promising well known and the results could easily be observed by
approach. Although in the past 10 years quite some changes in flower colour [4•,5,11]. Numerous experiments
research has been done in this field [3•], a major constraint have been performed involving the overexpression of
has been the poor characterization of plant secondary various pathway genes, aiming, for example, to produce new
metabolic pathways at the level of biosynthetic inter- flower colours by introducing new compounds in the plant.
mediates and enzymes. Consequently very few genes
from plant secondary metabolism are available. The best- Because of their antioxidant activity, higher levels of antho-
studied pathway at the genetic level is the one leading to cyanins and flavonoids in food are an interesting objective.
the formation of flavonoids and anthocyanins [4•,5]. Most Much work has focused on tomato. Chalcone isomerase
of the genes in the anthocyanin pathway have been cloned (CHI), an early enzyme of the flavonoid pathway, was found
by a combination of biochemistry, molecular biology and to be the key to increase flavonol production [12•].
182 Plant biotechnology

Overexpression of the Petunia CHI gene led to a 78-fold pathway engineering using transcriptional regulators
increase of flavonoid levels in the tomato peel. Upon requires detailed knowledge of the regulatory control circuit.
processing such tomatoes, a 21-fold increase of flavonols in
tomato paste was achieved, if compared with non-transgenic Alkaloids
controls. Except for the flavonoid content, neither trans- Indole alkaloids: biosynthesis genes
genic plants nor the paste of the transgenic tomatoes could The terpenoid indole alkaloid pathway has been the target
be distinguished from their respective controls. Thus show- of numerous genetic engineering attempts, owing to the
ing that it is feasible to increase the level of compounds that fact that about 15 terpenoid indole alkaloids are industrially
are beneficial for health in tomato-based products. important, including the antitumour alkaloids vinblastine,
vincristine and camptothecin. These alkaloids share the
Isoflavones in legumes act as phytoalexins, that is, the pathway leading to the intermediate strictosidine, and
biosynthesis of these antimicrobially active compounds is from this point the pathways in various alkaloid-producing
induced by microbial infection. These compounds could be plant species diverge. Most efforts have been concentrated
produced in Arabidopsis, tobacco plants and maize, which on mapping the early part of the pathway and on over-
normally lack the ability to synthesize these compounds, by expression of early genes, aiming to increase the metabolic
overexpression of isoflavone synthase, a cytochrome P450 flux into the alkaloid pathway. In particular, the genes
enzyme [13,14]. The production of the isoflavones depends encoding tryptophan decarboxylase (TDC) and strictosidine
on the availability of precursors from the phenylpropanoid synthase (STR) have been studied extensively in
pathway. The induction or genetic engineering of this path- Catharanthus roseus cell cultures [20]. Overexpression of
way is therefore important to further improve isoflavone TDC resulted in higher levels of the immediate product
biosynthesis in heterologous plant species. tryptamine, but not in increased levels of alkaloids; in the
case of STR higher levels of alkaloids were noted [21]. Feeding
Regulatory genes such cell lines with tryptophan and terpenoid intermedi-
An alternative to engineering the expression of single ates showed that they have the capacity for high alkaloid
pathway genes is the use of transcription factors that production (up to 1100 µmol/L) [22], indicating that the
control multiple pathway genes. In maize kernels, antho- terpenoid branch of the pathway is limiting. Such studies
cyanin biosynthesis is regulated by a combination of two indicate that there may be multiple rate-limiting steps.
transcription factor species, R and C1. The R protein
shares homology with the basic helix–loop–helix protein TDC and/or STR were also expressed in various other
encoded by the vertebrate proto-oncogene c-MYC, whereas non-alkaloid-producing plants [23,24]. Feeding transgenic
the C1 protein has homology with the proto-oncogene tobacco cell cultures with secologanin [24,25] led to the
cMYB product. Induction of the complete flavonoid production of strictosidine, but this glucoalkaloid is excreted
pathway has been achieved by the overexpression of the to the medium instead of being stored in the vacuole as in
transcription factors R and C1 in undifferentiated maize the indole-alkaloid-producing C. roseus. This illustrates the
cells cultured in vitro [15]. Also, in rice the overexpression importance of physiological aspects in secondary metabolism
of the maize transcription factors C1 and R in combination besides biosynthesis. Thus, not only genes that encode
with the chalcone synthase gene resulted in activation of enzymes catalysing biosynthetic steps are involved, but also
anthocyanin biosynthesis, causing an increased resistance genes involved in, for example, pH regulation and transport.
to fungi [16]. In Arabidopsis a single MYB-type transcription
factor (PAP1) was identified, which upon overexpression Cell cultures of Weigelia ‘Styriaca’, capable of secologanin
led to plants with intense purple pigmentation throughout biosynthesis, overexpressing the TDC and STR genes
development [17]. These examples show that the stringent produce small amounts of ajmalicine and serpentine. This
genetic control of natural product accumulation during shows that indole alkaloid biosynthesis in otherwise non-
plant development can be overcome by overexpression of alkaloid-producing plants is feasible via expression of one
one or a few transcription factors, even in heterologous or a few heterologous pathway genes [24].
plant species.
In contrast with the above mentioned studies using
Transcription factors can also act as repressors of natural Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, Leech et al. [26]
product accumulation. Knocking out the gene for the used the particle gun to introduce the TDC and STR genes
MYB-type transcription factor MYB4 in Arabidopsis led to into tobacco plants. Although both genes were integrated
enhanced levels of sinapate esters in the leaves, and to into all 150 analysed tobacco plants, in 26% of the plants
increased tolerance of UV-B irradiation [18•]. Similarly, both transgenes were silenced, in 41% either one of the
overexpression in tobacco of the MYB-type protein two genes was silenced, and in 33% both genes were
FaMYB1 from strawberry led to a reduction in flower expressed. No clear correlation could be observed between
pigmentation and decreased levels of anthocyanin and the number of integration events and the levels of
flavonol compounds, suggesting that in strawberry fruit accumulated transcripts. In the transgenic tobacco
FaMYB1 acts as a repressor of certain steps in the seedlings a 24-fold and 110-fold variation were found in
flavonoid pathway [19]. These results indicate that optimal TDC and STR activity, respectively.
Engineering secondary metabolite production in plants Verpoorte and Memelink 183

Indole alkaloids: regulatory genes to the much more valuable scopolamine is the major goal
Two transcription factors, ORCA2 and ORCA3, were charac- of these studies. The enzyme hyoscyamine-6β-hydroxylase
terized that control several steps of the alkaloid biosynthetic (H6H) catalyzes this conversion. By the overexpression of
pathway in C. roseus [27,28,29••]. Overexpression of ORCA3 the gene encoding H6H in Hyoscyamus muticus hairy root
did not result in increased alkaloid production, however, cultures, a 100-fold increase of scopolamine levels could be
owing to the fact that it did not control the gene G10H reached compared with controls that produced hyoscyamine
encoding a cytochrome P450 enzyme that catalyzes the first as the major alkaloid [34]. The hyoscyamine level (about
step in secologanin biosynthesis. A threefold increase in 10-fold higher than for scopolamine in the transgenic roots)
alkaloid production was observed compared with control cells was similar in transgenic and control cell lines.
only after feeding the secologanin precursor loganin [29••].
Both ORCA2 and ORCA3 are involved in jasmonate- Recent efforts have been aimed at increasing the flux
responsive expression of terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthesis through the biosynthetic pathways [31]. The tobacco
genes [27,28,29••]. The fact that they do not control G10H, putrescine N-methyltransferase (PMT) gene was over-
although the gene is jasmonate-responsive [30], indicates expressed in Atropa belladonna and Nicotiana sylvestris, with
that other jasmonate-responsive transcription factors control the aim of increasing the production of tropane alkaloids
a subset of pathway genes. These studies clearly show that and pyrrolidine alkaloids, respectively. For both types of
regulatory genes can be used to increase the level of a series alkaloids the formation of methylputrescine is the first
of enzymes in a pathway, thus avoiding the need to over- committed step, withdrawing putrescine from the
express each individual pathway gene. polyamine biosynthetic metabolite pool. Although a modest
increase of PMT activity of up to 3.3-fold was found in
Isoquinoline alkaloids the transgenic A. belladonna plants, no increase in alkaloid
Another pharmaceutically important group of plant secondary levels was observed and only the level of the methyl-
metabolites comprises the isoquinoline alkaloids, which putrescine was increased. In some transgenic N. sylvestris
include, among others, the important medicines morphine plants the PMT activity was increased four- to eightfold,
and codeine. The pathways to several of these alkaloids have whereas in others co-suppression was noted. The trans-
been elucidated in the past few years, opening the way for genic lines showed a 40% increase in nicotine level,
metabolic engineering. Yamada and co-workers [31•] hypo- whereas in the case of co-suppression the nicotine level
thesized that overexpression of an enzyme at a branchpoint in was only 2% of wild type. The latter plants had a clear
a pathway should lead to an increased flux through the increase in polyamine levels. A certain step in a pathway
affected branch. In the biosynthesis of berberine, the enzyme might appear to be rate-limiting, but overexpression of the
(S)-scoulerine 9-O-methyltransferase (SMT) is such an encoding gene will, in most cases, immediately reveal new
enzyme that might control the ratio of coptisine:berberine rate-limiting steps.
plus columbamine in Coptis japonica cells [31•]. Over-
expression of this gene resulted in a 20% increase in enzyme Terpenoids
activity, with an increase of berberine and columbamine from Monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes
79% of the total alkaloid content in wild-type cells to 91% in Terpenoids are by far the largest group of plant secondary
transgenic cells. This observation proves that fluxes at a metabolites. Following the recent discovery of the role of
branchpoint can be changed by metabolic engineering. the 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol-4-phospate (MEP) pathway in
Overexpression of the C. japonica SMT gene in a plant cell the biosynthesis of plastidial terpenoids, such as the
culture of Eschscholzia californica, a plant lacking this enzyme, carotenoids and monoterpenes and diterpenes, several
resulted in the production of columbamine, which is normally genes of this pathway have been cloned [35,36••,37,38].
not found in this species. Opening up a new pathway at the
intermediate scoulerine apparently channelled the flux away Modifying the MEP pathway is potentially useful for a wide
from the sanguinarine branch, resulting in considerably lower range of applications. A co-suppression and an antisense
levels of this alkaloid. strategy used to knock out a cytochrome P450 enzyme in
tobacco trichome glands, for example, conferred an increased
An interesting approach for the production of new com- resistance to aphids [39]. There was a clear shift in the cem-
pounds in a plant might be to introduce enzymes with a branoid spectrum, with a 19-fold increase of the diterpenoid
different substrate specificity (combinatorial biochemistry). cembratriene-ol and a decrease in its oxidation product
Recombining Thalictrum tuberosum O-methyltransferase cembratriene-diol. In another example, overexpression of a
subunits to form heterodimeric enzymes with a substrate chimeric farnesyl diphosphate synthase gene in Artemisia
specificity different from that of the homodimers was annua was reported to increase the flux in the sesquiter-
proposed as a possible way to generate new alkaloids [32]. penoid biosynthetic pathway leading to a twofold to
threefold increase in the antimalaria drug [40]. In tomatoes,
Tropane alkaloids and pyrrolidine alkaloids over-expression of an S-linalool synthase transgene increased
Quite some research has already been done on the genetic many fold the production of the monoterpenoid flavor com-
engineering of the pharmaceutically important tropane pound S-linalool, compared with control plants, although no
alkaloids [33]. In particular, the conversion of hyoscyamine changes in the levels of other terpenoids were observed [41].
184 Plant biotechnology

Possibilities for genetic engineering of essential oil in chromoplasts, mainly in the nectaries. The total
production in mint have been reviewed [37]. Over- carotenoid level was increased in the flowers of the
expression of the gene encoding deoxyxylulose transgenic plants [48••].
phosphate reductoisomerase (DXR) in mint resulted in
plants that had twofold to fourfold higher DXR activities From these results it is obvious that the carotenoid pathway
[36••]. The plants had a normal phenotype and an almost is amenable to genetic engineering, and thus the nutritional
50% increase in essential oil (monoterpenoid) production. value of various food plants might be improved.
In plants in which co-suppression was observed growth was Interestingly, from the engineering of different steps in
reduced as well as monoterpenoid production. Although carotenoid biosynthesis it becomes clear that changing later
most plants had the normal oil composition, some did show steps in the pathway results in a larger flux into the total
qualitative and quantitative differences, which was thought carotenoid pool. This might be due to the fact that the
to be due to insertional effects of the transgenes. normal products are channelled away into new products,
and are therefore no longer able to cause feedback inhibition.
Increasing menthol levels in mint oil might be achieved by Vitamin E levels have also been genetically modified.
cutting one of the competitive branches in the mono- Levels were increased 10-fold in Arabidopsis seed oil by
terpenoid metabolic network leading to menthofuran overexpression of γ-tocopherol methyltransferase [49].
[36••]. An attempt was made to block the branch that
channels pulegone away from the menthol pathway by Benzoic acid derivatives
using the antisense gene of menthofuran synthase. Most Salicylic acid (SA) is an important signalling molecule in
transgenic plants did not show any effect, but a few had plants involved in systemic acquired resistance after
decreased levels of menthofuran (35–55%) and more challenge with plant pathogens. Although the evidence is
menthol than wild-type plants. Surprisingly, these plants incomplete, it has long been thought that this compound was
also had a lower pulegone level. formed via phenylalanine. More recently, it was discovered
that SA produced in response to pathogen infection is formed
Carotenoids from chorismate via conversion to isochorismate by isochoris-
For several reasons the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway is mate synthase (ICS) [50]. Microorganisms produce SA from
a very interesting target for genetic engineering. The chorismate via conversion to isochorismate by ICS followed
carotenoids are important colour compounds in flowers, by the splitting off of the pyruvate group by isochorismate
food and fruits, they are also antioxidants, and last, but not pyruvate lyase (IPL). Plants overexpressing the bacterial
least, vitamin A is formed from β-carotene [42]. Vitamin A enzymes ICS and IPL in the plastids showed a normal pheno-
deficiency is widespread. The introduction of β-carotene type, but an increased resistance against viral and fungal
biosynthesis into the major staple food rice, by over- infections [51••]. The SA level was increased 1000-fold com-
expression of phytoene synthase, phytoene desaturase and pared with wild-type plants, but growth was not affected. It
lycopene β-cyclase, is thus an important achievement seems that the second enzyme, IPL, is the rate-limiting step
[43••]. β-Carotene (provitamin A) levels of 2 mg/kg dry rice for SA formation. A fused protein of two bacterial enzymes
endosperm were achieved (see the article by Zimmermann has been constructed and was introduced into Arabidopsis
and Hurrell pp 142–145). In contrast to rice, where over- [52]. The plants with the fused enzyme in the cytosol showed
expression of a plant phytoene synthase (originating from a two- to threefold increase in SA levels, whereas after expres-
narcissus) only results in the production of phytoene, in sion in plastids a 20-fold increase was observed. The plants
canola seed specific overexpression of the bacterial gene clearly showed reduced growth, which might have been due
results in a 50-fold increase of β-carotene levels in seeds to depletion of isochorismate for phylloquinone production.
[44]. In tomato, β-carotene content was increased up to In the transgenic tobacco IPL activity was limiting for SA pro-
threefold by overexpression of a bacterial phytoene duction [51,53], therefore, the overexpressed ICS produced
desaturase in tomato plastids. However, the total carotenoid sufficient isochorismate for both SA and phylloquinone
content, including the direct product of the enzyme biosynthesis. This example shows that engineering of two or
lycopene, was decreased [45]. Several of the carotenoid more steps in a pathway requires a correct balance between
enzymes were upregulated. The decrease of total the activity of the overexpressed enzymes, to avoid affecting
carotenoid content is probably due to feedback inhibition negatively the precursor availability for other pathways.
somewhere in the pathway. The expression of a bacterial
phytoene synthase in tomato fruits resulted in a twofold to Similar to SA, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (4HB) can also be
fourfold increase of total carotenoids. Levels of other formed via phenylalanine or directly from chorismate. Heide
plastidial isoprenoids were not affected, neither were the and co-workers [54•] introduced the microbial ubiC gene
activities of various enzymes in the pathway [46•]. encoding chorismate pyruvate lyase into Lithospermum
Overexpression of the lycopene β-cyclase gene (βLcy) erythrorhizon hairy root cultures, which normally produce the
using a specific promoter increased levels of the direct naphtoquinone shikonin via the phenylalanine pathway. The
product of the enzyme, β-carotene, in tomatoes sevenfold chorismate-derived 4HB contributed to 20% of the overall
[47]. By introduction of an algal gene encoding β-carotene 4HB production in the hairy roots. No overproduction of
ketolase into tobacco, astaxanthin production was achieved naphtoquinones was observed, although 4HB from both
Engineering secondary metabolite production in plants Verpoorte and Memelink 185

pathways was incorporated. Instead, the levels of menisdaurin, factory has been assembled, based on the genetic information
a nitrile glucoside, were increased fivefold. This is yet another present in the cell and on its environment, the cells can
example to demonstrate that increasing the level of an inter- produce all kind of compounds, without the need for further
mediate may lead to the production of unexpected products. genetic regulation. The fluxes through the pathways are
controlled to a great extent at the level of enzymes and intra-
Cyanogenic glucosides cellular and intercellular transport. Fluxes through metabolic
An example of the expression of a complete secondary pathways are thus not only determined by gene expression
metabolite biosynthesis pathway in a heterologous plant levels, but also by post-translational regulation of enzyme
species is provided by the expression of cyanogenic glucoside activity and enzyme and metabolite compartmentation and
biosynthesis genes from Sorghum bicolor in Arabidopsis [55••]. transport. The major challenge for the coming years is to
Sorghum contains the cyanogenic glucoside dhurrin, which is obtain more information about regulation at all these
hydrolysed by a β-glucosidase upon tissue damage. The levels — genes, enzymes, compartmentation, transport and
resulting cyanide release is an effective pest deterrent and accumulation. This will open the way for successful strategies
insecticide. Dhurrin is synthesised from tyrosine via the action for altering the accumulation of certain compounds. Our
of two multifunctional cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs) and challenge will be to integrate proteomics and metabolomics
a specific UDPG-glucosyltransferase. Overexpression of the with the genetic information in order to map and subsequently
first enzyme (CYP79A1) of the pathway in Arabidopsis led to better understand metabolic networks. A thorough characteri-
the formation of p-hydroxybenzylglucosinolates, which are sation of the enzymes will also be of great value. The intricate
not native to this plant species [56,57]. Arabidopsis plants over- and highly complex metabolic networks present in cells
expressing both Sorghum CYP genes produced various involve numerous enzymes. These enzymes can, for example,
glucosides of p-hydroxybenzoic acid, formed after decomposi- be either highly specific or non-specific, might have positive
tion of the nitrile, but no dhurrin. Apparently, none of the and negative feedback controls, and may require activation or
many glucosyltransferases occurring in Arabidopsis was able cofactors. Detailed knowledge at the level of the enzymes will
to glucosylate p-hydroxymandelonitrile to form dhurrin. The help us to develop models simulating the fluxes through
overexpression of the specific Sorghum glucosyltransferase in the metabolic networks. These models will be important to
combination with the two CYP genes resulted in dhurrin identify targets for metabolic engineering [46•,58].
production in Arabidopsis. The dhurrin-producing transgenic
Arabidopsis released high levels of cyanide upon tissue dam- Presently, a major constraint in engineering plant secondary
age, indicating that dhurrin is hydrolysed by an endogenous metabolite production is that only a few genes of these path-
β-glucosidase. Leaf tissue from the transgenic Arabidopsis ways are known. As per definition, plant secondary metabolism
plants was rejected by larvae of the flea beetle Phyllotreta is species-specific and the knowledge of the sequence of the
nemorum, and larvae feeding on transgenic leaves died. High Arabidopsis genome is of limited value for cloning genes of sec-
levels of a foreign metabolite were thus produced in a plant ondary metabolite pathways in other plants. On the other hand,
species without negative effects on growth and with positive regulatory genes have been shown to be more generally applic-
effects on resistance against pests. The results show that an able as useful tools to identify genes from secondary metabolite
entire biosynthetic pathway can be transferred to a hetero- pathways and for up- or downregulation of a pathway, or part of
logous plant species, and suggest that it may be possible to a pathway, in different plants.
transfer other pathways in the future.
The most important conclusion is that the knowledge of
Conclusions secondary metabolite pathways is very limited, and is the
In the past few years, several secondary metabolism genes major constraint for successful application of metabolic engi-
have been overexpressed in the original plant or in other neering. Despite the little knowledge presently available
plant species. In some cases, overexpression resulted in an some very interesting results have already been obtained.
improved production of the desired products, whereas in The examples discussed in this review show the enormous
other cases only an increase in the level of the direct product potential for the genetic engineering of plant secondary
of the overexpressed enzyme was achieved. However, from metabolism. Unravelling plant secondary metabolite path-
these results no general conclusions can be drawn about the ways is the challenging way to successful applications in
chance that a certain approach will be successful. This is fields such as molecular farming, health food, functional
partly because the differences in transgene expression levels food, and plant resistance.
in individual transformants are not well understood, and
partly because of differences observed between different References and recommended reading
plant species. In several cases, overexpression results in the Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review,
have been highlighted as:
production of unexpected products, demonstrating the com-
• of special interest
plexity of the metabolic networks and our lack of knowledge •• of outstanding interest
of these networks and their regulation.
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The picture that evolves from the studies on biosynthetic 2. Dixon RA: Natural products and plant disease resistance. Nature
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derivatives. Also, metabolic engineering in relation to the function of tryptophan decarboxylase and strictosidine synthase. PhD Thesis,
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resistance, colour and fragrance).
23. Hallard DAC: Transgenic plant cells for the production of indole
4. Dixon RA, Steele CL: Flavonoids and isoflavonoids – a goldmine alkaloids. PhD Thesis. Leiden University; 2000.
• for metabolic engineering. Trends Plant Sci 1999, 4:394-400.
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An interesting example of the identification of a regulatory gene in a pathway
13. Yu O, Jung W, Shi J, Croes RA, Fader GM, McGonigle B, Odell JT: and how one can make use of such a transcription factor for upregulating
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