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America's Oldest & Largest Manufacturer of Beekeeping Supplies I CD@

The Worker
ME? BEEKEEPING! The female wo rke r
honey bee is the laborer of
the colony. Workers gather
Man's Love Affair with the Honey Bee all the nectar and pollen, feed young lar-
Even before recorded history, man was gathering honey from honey bees vae, warm and protect eggs, larvae and
living in hollow trees. But honey wasn't the only reason for keeping honey pupae, supply water, secrete beeswax,
bees because man soon learned that the honey bee was an interesting and build comb and do ma ny other tasks.
exciting social insect. The mystery and fascination of the hive, how honey The worker starts as a fertilized egg,
bees live, work and reproduce has intrigued man ever since. which hatches into a larva. The larva
grows, matures and soon changes into
Beekeeping as a Hobby or Vocation the next form called a pupa. The pupa
Dadant and Sons has been supplying the beekeeping industry with sup- the n matures into an adult worker honey
plies and equipment since 1863.10 that ti me we have developed equipment bee. The entire metamorphosis takes
that makes beekeeping easy and fu n, even for the inexperienced beginner. only 21 days.
Hundreds of thousands of people in all walks of life have become enthu- During the summer honey flow, June
siastic beekeepers. Whether it is in your own backyard, apartment, rooftop, through August, worker honey bees t rav-
small town garden or farm, beekeeping can fit in anywhere. el about 55,000 miles to gather enough
nectar to produce one pound of honey.
The Honey Bee Colony Each individual worker will only produce
The story behind what appears to be the casual moveme nt of honey about 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey and
bees from flowe r to flower is the discovery of an industrious and ti reless about 1/80 of a teaspoon of beeswax.
societ y. Honey bees are social insects. They band together and divide labor. However, an entire colony can produce
The honey bee society is made up of three types of individuals with sharply . 200 Ibs of honey annually!
defined duties a nd functions. The population of t he colony numbers from
about 7,000 in mid winter to over 70,000 in late summer and consists of one The Queen
Queen, several hundred Drones and t housands of Worke rs. Honey bee colony life
revolves around the queen
honey bee. Without the eggs
How Honey Bees Work that she lays the entire colony
Most all flowers produce a sweet liquid to attract insects, primarily honey
would die. 5he begins life as an o rdinary
bees, so that pollination can take place and assure the survival of that plant
female worker larvae, but by feeding on
species. Honey bees make honey from nectar found inside t he flower blos-
an extremely rich mixture of food, pro-
som. Field worker honey bees collect the nectar and carry it back to the hive
vided by young worker honey bees called
in pouches within their body. The field worker honey bee gives the nectar
Royal Jelly, she becomes a queen. A new
to young worker honey bees back in t he hive, who then place the nectar in
queen can be produced at any time, if
a beeswax comb made up of six sided cells. The excess water is then evapo-
the young workers choose, by feeding
rated from the nectar. After a period of time the nectar is transformed into
any female larvae less than 48 hours old
pure honey.
royal jelly.
Some workers collect nectar, some collect pollen and some do both. In terms of
The queen's function is to lay eggs. Day
economic value the workers that collect pollen are the most important to you and
after day the queen lays thousands of
I. Honey is just t he sweet, secondary reward that we collect from honey bees. If
eggs which will develop into more honey
honey bees ceased to exist today, about one-third (1/3j of all foods we eat would
bees. 5he is continually surrounded, pro-
disappear. Why? Because of pollination. The worker that collects pollen from the
tected and fed by young worker
flowers packs it into pellets on her hind legs. As she travels from flower to flower,
the pollen brushes off OfIto a special pollen receiving st ructure called the stigma
in the center of the flower. This process is called pollination and allows all flower-
ing crops to reproduce. The outcome is fruit, vegetables, nuts and a wide variety The Drone
of seeds t hat are used for human and animal foods. For this reason many people The drone is the male
keep bees on farms and near gardens. honey bee. He is larger
than the worker and smaller
than the queen.
Except for mating, the drone is an
expendable member of the colony.
Drones do not collect nectar o r pollen
nor do they make beeswax. In fact, t hey
are driven from the colony as winter
approaches whe re they perish from cold
and starvation .

(I) Fifth Generation - Tom Ross, Tim Dadant, & Nick Dadant
(r) Sixth Generation· Luke Dadant Menn, Gabe Dadant

1-888-922- 1293
A The modern bee hive is like a highly efficient multi-storied factory with each "story" having
a specific function. These "stories" work together to provide a home for bees and a honey
factory for the beekeeper.
c A) Hive Cover - Telescoping cover "telescopes" over the sides of the top super to protect
the hive. Galvanized covering.
c B)lnner Cover - Creates a dead air space for insulation from heat and cold.
e) Shallow Supers - For "surplus" honey storage. Bees store their extra honey in these for
D the beekeeper to take. 6 5/8", 5 11/16" supers, or even hive bodies may be used.
DJ Queen Excluder - Keeps the queen bee in the brood chambers as she is too large to
pass through the excluder. Prevents her from laying eggs and raising brood in honey
E supers placed above the excluder.
E) Hive Bodies - "Brood Chambers" are the bees' living quarters. The queen lays eggs in
these chambers and brood is raised. Honey and pollen is also stored for the bees' food.
E F) Bottom Board - Forms the floor of the hive. Shown with wooden entrance reducer in
place to keep mice and some cold out during winter.
G) Hive Stand - Supports the hive off the ground to keep hive bottom dry and insulate
F hive.

G Successful beekeeping means easy manipulation of the frames of brood and honey to
provide a "surplus" of honey beyond that needed by the bees to live on and rear their
replacements. It is this "surplus" that the beekeeper removes and markets.

The Frame The Hive Tool
The modern hive for the honey bee as provided by
Dadant and Sons is the perfect home for your honey
bees and makes beekeeping remarkably simple and
.-----' Honey bees collect a miscellaneous
product called propolis from tree gums,
saps and resins-anything sticky. This
enjoyable. The hive is constructed to hold movable they use to seal cracks and crevices
frames which in turn hold pure beeswax foundation within the hive. Because of the sticky
(starter sheets for honeycomb). These frames hold the honeycomb that the nature of this product a special tool
honey bees make. The honeycomb provides storage space for honey and is used for those times when a little
new bees develop in its individual six sided cells. leverage is necessary to remove
frames, supers, etc. from the
The Hive Body (brood chamber) hive.
These large boxes containing ten flO) frames are the heart
the honey bee colony. Usually two hive bodies are used
round for the honey bees to use as an area to raise
The Bee Veil
The bee veil protects the
(larva and pupa) and to store extra food for them·
face and neck. Many times
selves for use during winter when no nectar is available.
it is made from wire mesh
to help the veil stand away
The Super(s) from the face.
Additional boxes, usually smaller than the hive bodies,
with movable frames are set on top of the brood chamber
and provide space for the honey bee to store surplus honey
which the beekeeper will harvest. The word Super comes from the word
Superimpose which means, "to place in a covering position, to overlay." The Gloves
There are a variety of types and styles of
The Smoker gloves available from Dadant & Sons.
The smoker is a metal container with air pumping bellows attached. A However, with proper use of the smoker,
_"TIe,ld,, ,;"" fire is built in the metal fire chamber and the bellows are gloves are only occasionally needed.
used to blow the smoke produced out through a nozzle at
the top of the smoker.
When lightly puffed into a colony of honey bees the
smoke causes a temporary confusion and disorganization
within the colony. The honey bee's group defensive behav-
ior is disrupted. This allows the beekeeper to move calmly
and to comfortably inspect the interior of his colonies.
When do I order package bees? see if the Queen has been released. If the Queen has
It is best to order package bees for spring delivery. The been released, you should check for eggs and larvae
bees should be delivered after the date of the last hard to be sure she is active. If the Queen has not been
freeze for your region. The package honey bee suppli- released, enlarge the hole in the candy in the Queen
ers will be able to help you determine the best delivery Cage. Three weeks after you have hived the package,
date. you can examine the colony again. Be sure to keep
feeding the colony sugar syrup during this time to
stimulate comb building. You should see sealed brood
When should I hive my new package of in the colony at this time.
honey bees?
The best time to hive the honey bees is late afternoon
or early evening. Spray the honey bees with sugar Can I keep bees in a straw skep?
water while still in the shipping container. This will No, honey bees are required to be kept in a beehive
make it easier to put the honey bees in the hive. with removable frames. This is to allow inspection for
diseases. It is the law in all states.
What kind of frames should I use when
starting with package bees? When should I add a second hive body or
It is best not to mix solid plastic frames w ith wood super?
frames when hiving package bees. It is confusing to the You should add the second hive body or super w hen
bees when mixed. We recommend using wood frames the majority of the frames in the first hive body are
when hiving package bees. fully drawn out, (8 or 9 frames ). A second super should
be added after the first super is about one half full.
What do I feed the honey bees in the
spring? How much honey should I leave on the
It is best to feed a mixture of sugar and water in a one hive to over winter?
to one ratio. The bees w ill use the sugar syrup mixture As a general rule, you should have a full super or second
until natural sources are available. In the fall , use a hive body and 20 to 30 pounds of honey in the brood
t wo part sugar to one part water mixture if the bees nest. This will amount to a total of 60 to 70 pounds of
do not have adequate winter stores. Feeders on page honey for w inter and early spring consumption.
54 work well. You can also stimulate the honey bees
to raise brood by feeding them Dadant's Brood Builder What should I look for in spring in the
Patties or MegaBee ~ Patties. These items can be found colony?
on pages 58 - 60. You should check for evidence that the Queen is
laying eggs. You should also check the honey stores
Where do I place my hive? and pollen supply. If the honey stores are low, you may
If you are in the city, you should put the entrance of start feeding sugar syrup in a one to one ratio of sugar
the hive facing a high fence . This wil l force the bees to and water. The bees may consume about 10 pounds of
fly in a high flight pattern, avoiding neighbors. It is good sugar syrup in a one-week period.
to give the hives a wind break to protect them. You
can also place the entrance facing the sun to allow the How can I get information or help about
bees an early start in the morning. The hive can also be beekeeping in my area?
placed on concrete blocks or a wooden pallet to keep All 50 states have state and local associa-
it off of the ground. tions and are a very good source of informa-
tion and help. They w ill be able to direct you to a
Do I paint the inside of the beehive? bee club or an association in your area. For con-
No, paint the outside of the beehive only. Allow the tact information on the state associations call us at
paint to dry thoroughly before installing the bees. 1-888-922-1293.

How often should I check my new hive?

You can open the hive after a few days to see if the
queen has been released. Look in the Queen Cage to

Attention " $
Dadant Package Bee Customers
for Pickup only at Dadant Branches
At the se le cted Dadant offices listed, bees will be available for pick-up. For deta ils of day, time,
locatio n and cost, ca ll your nearest Dadant Branch location. (Most pickup days are mid-April.)
Hamiltonl IL 1·888·922·1293 Package bees will be in limited quantities.
Watertown, WI 1·920·26 1·5363 Delivery dates are subject to change due to weather conditions.
Albionl MI (Plcgs& Nues} 1·8 77·932· 3268
Some branch locations supply package bees independently
Waverly, NY 1·8 77·5 32·3268 of Dadant & Sons, Inc. Purchase of bees & queens at these
Chatham, VA 1·800·220·8325 locations are not the responsibility of Dadant & Sons, Inc.
Frankfort, KY (Pkgs&Nua) 1-8 88-932-3268
Call or email for a list of package bee suppliers
High Springs, fL {Pkgs& Nues} 1-8 77-83 2- 3268 for your territory. 1-888-922-1293 or

Suggestions for Hiving Your Package Bees

Place package on its side. To Using hive tool, pry open top of While holding top of package,
keep bees from fl yin& d ip bee package bees. lift from grou nd a few inches
brush in syrup and brush gently and then set back on ground to
o nto screen wire. knock bees to bottom.

;;;;;;;;;<1 remove syrup can the bee s directly over

and re move, queen cage. Cover queen cage top bars, q uee n cage. Tap package to get
package hole while p re pa ring candy e nd up slightly. Use wire or the remaining bees together.
q ueen for install. push two frames toget her to hold .

Be sure to Pour any remai ning syrup
sma ll opening. i will help t he into feeder jar. Any short-
bees gua rd t heir e nt rance un til age of feed causes reduc- tio n, queen was
sure ;1
the colony grows. tion in brood rearing. Remove queen cage
refill feede r.
Entrance feeder is shown installed on photo #7. Hive
top feeders may be used. Division board feeders are U. It is essential that you keep feed on the bees
not recommended for use with package bees. until they hal/e an abundance of nectar aI/ai/able . •••
Beginner Kit No.1 contains everything necessary fOf the beginner to start that first
colony of bees except the bees themselves. Unassembled kit with the best grade
wood. As your colony grows, we recommend the Hobby Kit #3 for the additional
items needed for production of a honey crop.
M58101 Beginner Kit #1, Ship wt. 391bs. . ..... $167.50
• 1 - standard beehive • 1 - all purpose hive tool
• 10 - 91/8" grooved top bar frames • 1 - bee smoker to calm bees
• 10 - sheets plastic based foundation • 1 - smoker fuel lib.
• 1 - bottom board • 1 - Hat Veil Pullover Combo
• 1- inner cover • 1 - sting resistant gloves - large
• 1 - telescoping metal cover • 1 - book First Lessons in Beekeeping
• 1 - reversible entrance reducer
• 1 - entrance feeder

MS8101 • 1- assembly instructions

ore protective equip,

for 11' '/J]el1t, ),'l-
seepages 31
Hobby Kit No. 2 - Kit #2 contains everything needed to get started in
beekeeping except the bees themselves. 6-5/8" brood boxes and supers
make all standardized and easier on the back.

M59601 Hobby Kit tl2,

Ship wt. 461bs .. . .. ... .. . ...................... $179.50

• 2 - 6·5/8 supers • 1 - all purpose hive tool

• 20 - 61/4" grooved top bar frames • 1 - bee smoker to calm bees

-_. . .
• 20 - sheets plastic based foundation • 1 - smoker fuelllb .
• 1 - bottom board • 1 - Hat Veil Pullover Combo
• 1 - telescoping metal cover • 1 - sting resistant gloves - large
• 1 - inner cover • 1 - book First Lessons in Beekeeping
• 1 - reversible entrance reducer • assembly instructions
• 1 - entrance feeder


For Those Desiring To Produce

Extracted Honey

. 2 - 10 pack PlasticeIlS-l/2" coated

• 1 - plastic excluder
• 2 - 6-5/8" Super
• 2 - c/lO GTB frames for super

Hobby Kit No.3 Designed to accommodate those who intend to produce extracted honey. Kit 1#3 contains two 6-5/8~ supers
with frames, foundation and plastic excluder
838301 Hobby Kit #3, Ship wt. 27 Ibs ..... . . ...... . .......... $80.35

/-888-922- /293
The 6-5/8 kit is all you need to add a hive to your operation.
Comes completely assembled, painted and ready for the
CS2501P bee yard with a Ponderosa pine bottom board, four 6-5/8~
supers, assembled frames w/plasticell foundation, inner
cover w/telescoping cover and entrance reducer.
CSZ401P 6-5/8 Expanding Apiary Kit .......... $239.80
Ships in 5 Packages: 1-16Ibs., and 4-14Ibs.

• 3·6-5/8 supers • 1- entrance fee der

• 30 - 6 1/4" grooved top bar frames • 1- all purpose hive tool
• 30 - sheets plastic based foundation • 1 - bee smoker to calm bees C52401P
• 1 - bottom board • 1 - smoker fuel 1 lb.
• 1 - telescoping metal cover • 1- bee brush
• 1 - inner cover • 1 - Alexander veil
• 1 - reversible entrance reducer • 1 - sting resistant gloves large
• 1 - plastic queen e)(cluder • 1 - book First lessons in Beekeeping
C52501P 6-5/8 Assembled Starter Kit,. . $292.50
Ships in 5 Packages: 1-16 Ibs., 3-14Ibs., and 1-6Ibs. EXPANDING APIARY KIT
ASSEMBLED STARTER KIT The e)(panding apiary kit is all you will need
Here at Dadant we strive to make sure you, the beginning beekeeper, to add a hive to your operation. The kit
have everything you need to start a successful beekeeping venture. comes completely assembled and painted
Assembled Starter Kit Indudes: • 1 - hive tool with a Ponderosa pine bottom board, two
full depth 9-5/g" brood boxes, two medi-
• 1 - bottom board • 1- 4x7 smoker
um 6-5/8" depth honey !>upers, assembled
• 1- deep brood bo)(es w/frames and • 1 - smoker fuel lib.
frames w/plasticell foundation, inne r cover
plasticell fou ndation • 1 - bee brush
w/telescoping cover.
• 1 - medium depth super w/frames and • 1 - Hat Veil Pullover Combo
plasticell fou ndation • 1 - ventilated leather gloves -specify C52301P Expanding Apiary Kit, . . $260.50
• 1 - inne r cover and top cover glove size Ships in 5 Packages: 2-19 Ibs., 2-15 Ibs.,
• 1 - plastic queen e)(duder • First Lessons in Beekeeping and 1-17 Ibs.
• 1 - boardman entrance feeder
C52201P Assembled Starter Kit, . . $312.95
Ships in 4 Packages: 2-19 Ibs., 1-15Ibs., and 1-25 Ibs.


-- -
Master Pollinator Kit

1 • Assembled painted telescoping metal cover 1. Dadant zipper veil suit
1 • Inner cover (available In 5, M, L, XL, XXl, 3 Xl, 4Xl)
2 • Assembled painted hive bodies w/wooden 1 • Dadant plastic helmet
frames & plasttcell 1· Economy leather gloves (available in S, M, l, Xl)
1 • Assembled Painted Bottom board 1• Book-First Lessons in Beekeeping
1 • Smoker- 4" x 7" Stainless Steel w/shield 1• Book-The Hive and the Honey Bee
2 • lib. of smoker fuel 1• 1 Year Subscription-American Bee Journal
1. Entrance feeder 1 • Medications brochure (not shown)
1. MetallO" hive tool M58001 Master Pollinator Kit ............... $335.00
1. Bee brush Ships in 4 Packages: 2-19 Ibs., 1-33 Ibs. and 1-5 Ibs.
Please state suit and glove size when ordering.
Did you know that honey bees play an impor-
tant role in the growth of many flowers, fruits and
vegetables that you find at your local market? Yes,
they do. Pollination is a vital part of the human food
chain. Whether you grow your own flowers, fruits or
vegetables, many of these plants must be insect
pollinated to bear their fruits or seeds.
Our Master Pollinator Kit provides you with quality
woodenware, educational materials and protective
equipment, which are all essential tools to estab-
lish a colony of honey bees. Whether you want to
increase the yield of your crops or just enjoy the
hobby of watching nature, this kit has the means
to add new life to your backyard.

See page 5 for informatioll about ordering your package bees from your nearest Dada"t branch.
111ere is a spring ordering deadline for the package bees, call early.

/-888-922- /293
BeeMax Hive
A BeeMax Hive fets your bees spend more time raising brood and collecting nector Instead oj heating or cooling the hille.

-Features The Best Bee Insulation

.; Durable "' Well-Ventilated Your Money Can Buy!
.; Proven Design and Testing ..... Cooler in Summer A COMPLETE ASSEMBLED UNIT CONTAINS:
...... Expert North American Construction II' Warmer in Winter 1 - Hive Cover
1 - Bee Max Inner Cover
1 - Standard Hive Body
10 . Standard wOIXi Assembled Frames w,lPtasticel Foundation
1 - Ventilated Bottom Board
or you can purchase the components separately!
MS88S1 Complete Assembled Unit,
Ship we 37 Ibs., ea. (Oversized) . . $86.00
MS8901 Bottom, Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea.
·We recommend 1-4 ...... , . . . . . . . . $18.60
painting your hive 5-49 . . . . . .......... . . $15.45
and super on the out- 50+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . $13.95
side only and with MS8801 Hive Body (Empty), Ship wt. 6 Ibs. ea. ~
BeeMax Inner Cover latex paint. 1-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... $22.55
5-49 ........... ..................... $20.15
50+............. . ................. $17.05
M59101 6·5/8 5uper (Empty), Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea.·
BeeMax Hive 1·4 ............. . . ........... $17.95
Top Feeder 5·49 .. .. .. .. . . . . . $16.60
50+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . $15.45
We highly recommend gluing the hive M59001 Bee Max Hive Cover, Ship wt. 5 Ibs. ea.
body and supers of your BeeMox hive 1·4 .................... ... .. ........ $18.75
for maximum strength. 5-49 ..................... ........... $18.25
50+ ......................... ........ $17.50
816001 Bee Max Inner Cover, Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea.
1-4 ....................... .......... $10.90
5-24 .................. . . . . ........... $9.80
25+. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ......... $9.55
Dimensions are 20-1/8" x 23·3/4". M59511 Hive Top Feeder Complete, Ship wt. 61bs. ea.
Same design as our regular Inner Cover. 1-4 ............. .. $27.00
5-24 ........... . . ................... $25.85
25+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.50
M59501 Entrance Feeder Complete,
Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea. (use with Bee Max Hive only)
\ 1-49 ... , . , . . . . . .
50+. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
M0l390 Tie Down St rap, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea ... $8.20
. $6.15

Bee Max hive is

Bee Max Hive Kit includes:
o 1 - lnsulated BeeMa~ Hive
o 1 - Ventilated, Screened Bottom Board
o 10 - Standard wood Assembled
Black/Red Tie Down Strap- No nails, staples or Frames w/Plasricell Foundation
o 1 - Alexander Veil
ropes ever again I EasY-lo-use tie down straps with ten· o 1 · Telescoping BeeMax Hive Ccr.Ier
sioning buckle secures your bee hive every time. No slip- o 1 - Bee Max Inner Ccr.Ier
ping- No worriesl • 1 - BeeMax Entrance Feeder
o 1 - All Purpose Hive Tool
o 1 - Bee Smoller to calm bees
• 1 - Smoker Fuel 1 lb.
Bee Max Deluxe • 1 - Stire Resistant GIooJes
• 1 - Bcx:IK First Les:sons ., Beekeeping
Hive Stand • 1 - Assembly Ins(ructions
M01696 10-frame for BeeMax Hive Kit contains everything necessary for the beginner
Bee Max Hive to start that first colony of bees except t he bees themselves.
Ship wt. 10 Ibs., ea, ........ $79.50 M58800 BeeMax Hive Kit, Ship wt. 60 Ibs· .......... $172.95·
os.. pile. U8
Prolonged contact with Paradichlarobenzene (moth crystals) may damage 8eeMax products
Dn.dallt COllstruction •••
Small Details Make A Big DiJfirence
OUf woodenware is manufactured from hand selected Ponderosa Pine. Each board
has been carefully moisture-metered to assure its proper moisture content before it
is precision-milled into the finished product. All our hive bodies and supers have upre_
drilled" holes for nails to prevent splitting during assembly.
tapered cut for easy gripping from the Northwest. The best wood for the job. to prevent splitting
before cutting to prevent warping provides the proper "Bee Spacen for superior strength
10 prevent cracking
Select Commercial Economy

The most widely used b:,~~;~~:~,:~~~ The same precise fit as the other t wo
beekeepers. Tight kn~t_s II grades but is a lower wood q uality. Does
whe re they occur except not pass quality standards for "select"
joints, rabbets, or handholds. and rabbet. o r "commercial" but is a good service-
able box. Layer knots and knots with
cracks or splits are allowed.

We will strive to maintain woodenware prices: however, due to escalating lumber costs, wood price Increases may be necessary.
Dadant Frame Construction -2 Frame Styles-
• 18% more wood in end bars Wedge Top Bar Grooved Top Bar
(Full 3/8" thickness)
• Grooved bottom bar stronger
and easier to use

l)Wood wedge is removed from frame.
2)Foundation is placed in frame. Foundati n is placed in attorn -bar groove
and top-bar groove. This frame works best
3)Wood wedge is held firmly against foundation with a rigid foundation such as Duragilt or
and nailed or stapled in place. Plasticell.
NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, frames with grooved bottom bars will be shipped. SOLID AND SLOTTED
BOTTOM BARS ARE AVAILABLE IN 100 OR MORE QUANnTIES. Please specify bottom bar desired.

Unlike some,
Our assembled frames
continue to feature a full
1/2" thick bottom bar
along with a full
3/4" thick top bar.

where it counts!

9-1/8" GT8/G88 &-1/4" GT8/G88

Assembled Frames with Assembled Frames with
Coated Plasticell Foundation Coated Plasticell Foundation
Ship wt. lib. ea. Ship wt. lib. ea.
C75201 C76201
1-10 . .. $3.15 1-10 . . . . . . $2.90
11-49 . . . .. $2.90 11-49 . . . . . S2.S5
50-99 . . . . . $2.45 50-99 . . . . . $2.15
100-249. .. $2.10 100-249. ljr
. . . $1.95
250-499. bottom bar
.. $2.00 250-499 . . . . $1.85
500-749. . . $1.95 500-749. . . . $1.80
750+ .. . . . Call for Price 888-922-1293 750+ . ..... Call for Price 888-922-1293
Prices are F.O.B. Hamitton, Il.
Contact your local branch for a quote and availability from their location.

Sizes Available 91,s" and 61,,' EZ Frames-One piece frame and foundation molded together for one
long lasting, sturdy unit. You never have to assemble frames and founda-
tion again. That's why it's called EZ Frame.
Wax Moth Cannot Damage Base
9-1/8" Frames
Food Grade Plastic wax coated
at Hamilton, IL
M58705 M58725
9-1/8" EZ Frames, each Ship wt. lib. each 6-1/4" EZ Frames, each
1-10. . .$2.70 500+ Call for 1-10. . . . .$2.17
11-49 . .$2.35 Quantity Pricing 11-49 . . . . . .$2.07
50-99 . . . . .$2.25 50-99 . . . . . .$1.87
100-499 . .$2.10 Prices are F.O.B. Hamilton, IL. 100-499 .. $1.82
Contact your local branch for a quote and availability from their location.
COMPLETE HIVE • Telescoping cover with
without foundation galvanized metal top


Superbly constructed 9 5/8"

select grade Ponderosa Pine
I e body

• Metal frame rests

2 ea .
• Reversible Bottom Board for
. 10 - 91/8" Wedged Top Bar Frames summer and winter bee entrance

10 ea.
2 ea. 10 ea .
20 ea.

Nails included for

all components. 1 ea.
2 ea. 2 ea.
2 ea.
Notice: Select Wood
BSllOl Carton of 1 I ea.
Ship wt. 35 Ibs. . . . $73.50 ea. may not be available at
1 ea.
852105 Carton of 5 aU brond>loamons.
Ship wt. 160 Ibs.. . $319.50 ea.
Wood Entrance Reducer

Hive Body wilh Frames Honey Supers Wilh Frames

851101 comes unassembled wi t h 10
Wedged Top Bar Frames. Nails and
Frame Rests included . Select Grade
Wood. Ship wt. 17 Ibs. 831101
851101 Ca rton of 1 . $31.25 ea. 2 ea.
2 ea. 6-5/8" Dept h Super wit h Frames
Ship wt. 13 Ibs.
831101 Carton of 1,. . . $29.75 ea.
5_11/16 Depth Supers with Frames
Ship wt. 13 Ibs.
832101 Carton of 1, . . . $27.50 ea .

2 ea.

831101 & 832101 Unassembled with
10 ea. 10 wedged Top Bar Frames. Nails
included. Select Grade Wood.
- 2ea.
See page 14
for your favorite Dadant foundation.
While we hope to maintain prices at aI/locations, escalating freight costs may necessitate occasional adjustments.

We Now Offer Assembled Equipment
Primed and Painted for You.
No Pa int t o Buyl No Mess t o Clea n ! (1 primer coat and 1 white exterior latex coat)

Hive Body or Super with

Frames and Foundation

Assembled/Painted Tele Cover (only)

Ship wt. 13 Ibs. each
C1100lP ... . . . $27.55 ea.

C9I20lP B15201 lnner COlier sold separately

(see pg. 27) ... .. ... . $10.25 ea.
Assem bled/Painted Bottom Board
Ship wt. 8 Ibs. each Asse mbled/Painted Tele Cover (only)
and Bottom Board CSUOlP
C9120lP .. . .. $20.95 ea.
Ship wt. 19 Ibs. each
Cl0900P . .. . . . $48.85 ea.
9-5/ 8 Painted Hive Body
Complete Hive with Wax Coated Plasticell Foundation C5U01P comes assembled with 10 - 9 1/F/'
Grooved top bar frames with wax coated
Plasticell foundation installed in t he frames.
Commercial gr.lde wood, painted.
Ship wt. 19 Ibs.
CSlIOIP Carton of 1, . ... $62.50 ea.
20 or more . . . .. $58.75 ea.

C52101P 6-5/ 8 Painted Super
01501P comes assembled with 10 - 6
1/4" Grooved t op bar frames with wax
coat ed Plasticell foun dation installed in the
• 10 - 9 1/8" Grooved top bar frames with wax coated frames.
plasticell foundation Commercial grade wood, painted.
Shi p wt . 15 Ibs.
• Superbly constructed 9 518" commercial Ponderosa Pine
C3 1501P Carton of 1, ... . . . . $53.30 ea.
hive body, painted 20 or more . . . ... . . . . $49.60 ea.
• Metal frame rests
Assembled Frames with Foundation
• Painted telescoping cover with galvanized metal top Carton of 10
• Inner cover
• Reversible painted bottom board for summer and
winter bee entrance
C76210 I
Ships in two cartons
Ship wt. 331bs. and 171bs. 9-1 /8" GTB/GBB 6-1/4"GTB/GBB
C52101P Carton of 1, . $121.25 ea. Ship wt. llibs. Ship wt. 9 Jbs.
5 or more. . . $116.25 ea. C75210 CI10 Frames, .. $31.50 ea. C76210 CI10 Frames,. $29.00 ea.

Call for quote on large quantity pricing on unpainted hives or supers.

While we hope to mointoin prices at all locations, escalating freight costs may necessitate occasional adjustments.
DADA NT FOUNDATION - The Key To Successful Beekeeping
Dadant Quality Foundations-
Fresh Quality Foundation Makes Good Productive Combs Onl 100% Pure U. S. Beeswax Is Used
Duragilt Crimp Wired
Developed By Dadant & Sons
dant Researched-Oadant Developed
Copied But Unequalled
I~ Saves Labor-Easy To Use
Plastic Inner Core
Metal Edges
Reinforce an
r if Steel Hook FHs Behind Wed ge
In Top Bar

Deep Worker-Sized (ell Imprints
g Vertlcel Crh,ped St_,
Perfeal, Milled Cells
Precision Milled
No Additional Cross Wires Needed Deep t act Walls
~Communlc.tfon Holes RIIdi Stlensth

We Recommend Add!n Cross Wires In Dee Frames

Medium Brood Cut Comb and Thin Surplus
The Original 100% Pure Beeswax Foundation Finest Comb Honey Foundation 100% Beeswax
Cut comb is slightly heavier than
Our lowest Priced Foundation thin s urplus for easier handling.

Cut Comb For Chunk Honey and Comb

Precise Even-Milled
Worker-Sized Deep ord'f.-Cuts.r:om The Frame
_ Walled Cells
The thinnest beeswax s heet
for finest comb honey.
We Recommend Cross Wiring
Frames With Medium Brood Foundation Thin Surplus For Square and
Round . n Comb Honey

"Plasticell" EZ Frames
Food Gra de Plastic
Raised-Cell Sheet, Best Plastic Foundation Wa x coated 1 Piece Plastic Frame and Foundation
Available, Tested and Proven at Hamilton, IL No Assembly-Strong-No Wiring
Durable-Not Affected By Weather Cond~ions
Wax Coated or Pl.ln
(W . ......m ........
Bettswax Coatifta,)
Wax Moth Canno t
Da mage Base
Unique Uniform
Wax Coad"1

All prices lire far 25 lb. blilk pllCks. Additiarwl charges will
Wax Working Rates be assessed Jor less than 25 lb. per Clirton paclwging. (i.e. 10
w~ Working Rates per Pound fmd 50 sheet pllcks lind 1 lb. lind 5 lb. sillgfe pllcks) - (Special
Working Foundatlon Type MIn. of 2s.t sizes-200# WIiX Working Mi"imum or Additiomd $110 set-up
Number Over 1001
to 100# charge app lies. Small Cell orders u"d~.,. 200# will hfll'e a $300.00
""",,, Cr1mp-Wlred. w/l hoo"
Cr1m -WIred. no hooks
2.86 $2.82 set up fee.)
The Dadant Company has been working wax into foundation for
'.M $2.80
''''''''' Duraglh 2.83 $2.77
their customers for many years. Our wax working rates include
all the many steps it takes to process your wax into the finest
:.tedlum PlaIn
''''''''' ThIn Surplus
2.71 $2.66
100",(, beeswax foundation available. Careful inspection during
''''''''' Cut Comb
3.11 $3.06 every step of the manufacturing process, along with durable and
protective packaginB- insures a final product of superior quality.
''''''''' 3.10
Call for pl1clng on Small Ceu WIred or Medium Plaln
Because of the low prices reflected in the working rates, we
must have your beeswax before shipping foundation and do
Note: Add $.03 per pound to figuresshOW\l for allshallow sizes (4-3/4- and behw).
require payment for the working charge. Beeswax foundations
Please Note: Working rates for Thin Sarplus ond Cut Comb Foundations ore bo5ed cannot be shipped safely in cold weather. For further informa-
on custotner.'; providing light wax. Additionol upcoorges will opply if light wax is tion on the wax working program, contact your local branch
not supplied. manager.


Hive Bodies -

.p •
9 %" Deep Supers -

Item Number
Ship wt. in Ib,.

u ...
8.5 Ib,. each
'*'*Nofllldwded".."... UJ

851bs. each
8.5lbs. each
PRICE $20.25 $88.15 $16.50 $ 15.50 $15.00
Item Number 850270 850270 850270
c-.... . Ship wt. inlbs. 8.5 lb.;. each 8 .5 Ibs. each 8.5lbs. each

PRICE $15.70 $14.45 $13.15
Item Number 850501 850501
Ship wt. in Ibs. 8Slbs. each 8Slbs. each
PRICE $11.30 $11.20

-- ,- -
For quantities 01500+ Call for price

9~" Frames f or 9 ¥i"
• HOIve B0 d·les - Not Assem bl •d Avai Ia bl e in mu tiples 0 f 100
_,,,........,,._., ....1
NoIb Not IndutIft SHIHIfIft JI1
"""'" eo....
.,"" . . . . . . . Up

Top'" FtIrrrMI
Item Number
Ship wt. in Ibs.
$ 11.95
50 Ibs./l00
250 Ibs./SOO
1500 Ibs./5ooo
Item Number 875210 875250 885201 885201 885201
, JIr lJroowrl Ship wt. in Ibs. 7lbs. 271bs. 50 Ibs./100 250 Ibs./SOO 2500lbs./5ooo
Top'" "..,.., PRICE $11.95 $52.75 $80.85/100 $77.90/100 $75.60/100
, lJr fCOllOltly -Supply Umited- Wedge Top Bar 8850011 $74.05/100 $72.70/100 $70.60/100
Only When 50 Ibs./100 250 Ibs./SOO 2500 Ibs./5000 Groov9d
- '......1 Available Groove Top Bar 8852011 $73.00/100 $71.65/ 100 $69.55/ 100 Top Bar

100% U. 5. Beeswax Foundation for 9)1;" Frames

(... ,...l4J

fits 9}!i" frame
-- _""-

Wedge Top Ba r
-.. """".....
10 sheets
50 sheets
_. ....
Wu Working Rates Page 14

$15. 10
8~ X 16~ Grooved Top Bar "
F39600 , 251bs. 210.00
F35010 , 10 sheets 12.80 r
, ,

fits 9}!i" frame Wedge Top Bar
F35050 50 sheets 58.40 i
CrlmpWlml By'; 16* X Only
F35000 , 251bs. 199.95
no hook Wedge or Grooved Top Bar "
F35001 , 251bs. 199.95
F38410 , 10 sheets 12.20
fits 9}!i" frame
Wedge Top Ba r ,
F38450 , 50 sheets 56.60
By'; 16* X
F38400 , 251bs. 188.80
Note: Foundation will be shipped at buyer's risk dUring cold weather, 38° F or below. (Fragile)
Plasticell - Plastic Foundation for 9}'11"
PltutlceU /ft$ 9 "H
,.... .....
• Frames

,.......... 8 H .. ......." """""'" ""'" .-- .,......

......... J /iJIj:

-- ,- --
"""--- - - -- -
,.- ,.-
$.99 $1.27 $.99 $1.27
Medium Brood

10-49 4#/10 511/10 .92 1.16 ~92 1.16

Wedge Top Bar
., 50-99
~ 91

~ 82
1.02 Plasticell
Grooved Top Bar
11JOO.2999 32011/1000 38011/1000 .77 ,~OO .77 1.00 Available in Black
For quantities of 3000+ Coli for price 1-888-922-1293 or Yellow

'Sheets per lb. are approximate and may vary In the manufactunng process.
Special Supers, Frames, Foundation and Frame Parts Available CALL FOR QUOTE 1-888-922-1293
While we hope to maintain prices at all locations, escalating freight costs may necessitate occasional adjustments.


• Da d ant Dept h Honev 5upers NOT ASSEMBLED
6 Yo"

(. . . "".. JO)

It e m Number
Nal" Indudnl
831 500
.... -
NaiJa Not Im:iuded (S- pafI_19J
831 500
250 - 499

Co mmercial

Ship wt. in lb. 6lbs. 3S lb • . 61bs. each 6lbs. each 61bs. each
PRICE $15.25 $67 .50 $ 12.35 $ 11.50 $10.90
Item Number 834100 834100 834100
CGmmen:lal Ship wt. in lb. 61bs. each 61bs. each 6lbs. each
PRICE $ 12.10 $9.75 $9.15
Item Numbe r 834201 834201
E~, Ship wt. in lb. 6 lb •. each 6 lb •. each

PRICE $8.70 $8.40 For quantities of 500+ Call for price
6 XII Frames for above 6 %" Honev Supers N OT AsSEMBLED

Nalt. Indudftl QuantHy (PI_ onI.r In mulfJpln of JOO)
Fram. StyI_
c:.rton CartDn N"II. Nat IMuad s.. pog. lS}
utI. af50 IIl<HllO 500-4900 5000 and Up
Ite m Num ber 876110 8 76150 885003 885003 885003 Top Bar
6 %" WRg.
Ship wt. in Ibs 6lbs. 261bs. 48lbs./loo 240 Ibs./500 2400 Ibs./5000
Top lkIr Frrlm.. PRI CE $ 11.95 $52.75 $8 3.50/ 100 $80.60/ 100 $78 .70/ 100
Ite m Num ber 876210 8 76250 885203 8 85203 885203
6 %" GrDIWftI
Ship wt. in Ibs 6lbs. 261bs. 4 8lbs./l oo 240 Ibs./500 2400lbs./5000
Top lkIr Fnlm.. PRI CE $ 11.95 $52.75 $80.85/ 100 $17.90/ 100 $75.60/ 100 Top Bar '"
6%" Emnomy -Supply Limited- Wedge Top Bar 8850031 $74. 05/ 100 $72.70/ 100 $70. 60/ 100
Grad. (Budg.tJ Only W hen 48lbs./l oo 240 Ibs./500 24 00 Ibs./5000
Framn Ava ila bl e Groove Top Ba r 8852031 $73.00/ 100 $ 71.65/ 100 $69.55/ 100 Available in m ultiples
of 100

l.QQ&U. . Wax
.... .......
,for 6 Yo"
Quon. "'r
c:.rtan w./g"
, ",."
5% x 16¥s

fits 6%"
Wedge Top Ba r

"' ,.,
"" . ,
, ".l>
Duro gilt
Wedge Top Ba r

fra me

~ ~
CrlmpW/m Onl y
5% x 16'%
0" hook H " Ib,
MH/um lJraod
5% x 16¥s
Wedge Top Ba r
. H
H " Ib,
Crimp Wired

Cut Comb

5% X

5~ X
fits 6%"

Wedge Top Ba r

Frame Style
Used In
, ,
Qua nttty Un~ed ,:::;:.

D cur eo mb

Uncom.d Dr lJ....waJI CIXItftI


Graond Top liar ~ i D Plasticell

. : FO" FOR7Yo"~
,'-"<0/' "-",'"'' ""~ ..... ........,
"-' "'~ ,,."'" "''''''
.....". Uncoated Wax Coated
6. " 16%
,-, , "'./>h , ",./,h ,.."
UncDGtH or s....waJI CIXItftI '04'
,,,,, "I" "i" ." ' 00

Cir"rJmMd Top Bar "'I'"

,." '''i''' .M

• " ' "'" . " II f • • P" <O
No", !,wlll be , " , , .~old
-Sheets .... r lb. al"ll approximate and may va~~~. I
S.... ci .. 1Supen, Frames, Found .. tIon and Frame Partl Av.. ilable
WhIle we hope to m<lmto,n pn~. at 011 locatio,.., e.ooloting fr~ght cost. may necea,tote occtnIDnol adjustment..

/ -888-922-/293

5 11 / 1 6"

-,- ... -......
Shallow Supers

of' """'"
of' "

".,. Not InducIH (s- """. J_I

250· . . .

...... he .... Numb<tr

Ship WI. In lb.
8 32201
5 lb •.
83220 5
30 lb •.
8 32500
5 1m.. each
Sibs. ..ach
Sibs. each
h e .... Num,",
Ship WI. In Ibs
Sibs. each '''''''
5 1M.. each
Sibs. each
PRICE $9. 75 $9 .05 $8.75

,- It . .... Numb<tr
Ship WI. In Ibs
8 34601
5 lb.. each '"''''
Sibs. eiiICh
".'" $8.35

..... ,.......
5 %" Frames for above Shallow Supers NOT AsS EM BLED

...... ..".
1_",..10} c.m..
1,,/onrNIfIon ........ ,...... .........
QcIcmtHy , " ' - - otWr In mvItIpIn of JODI
NoIh Not Indudftl Sn,.". J,} W•

5 ~"'WHp
Item Number
Ship WI. I,., Ibs
8 77 110
2S Ibs.
4 7Ibs./l 00
23S Ibs./SOO
5000 fIfNI Up

2350 Ibs.{SOOO

PR ICE $11.95 IUch $52.75 each $83.50/100 $ 80.60/100 $78.70/100

Item Number 885204 885204 885 204
5 %'" Groot!ftJ Ship WI. In Ibs 4 7Ibs./l 00 235Ibs./SOO 2350 Ibs./SOOO
Top'" FnImn PRICE $80.85/ 100 $n.90/ 100 $7'.60/ 100 G
S ¥e" ECOfNtm)' -SUpply Umited- W...dgeTop Ba r $74.05/ 100 $12 .70/ 100 $70.60/ 100 Top
....... OnIyWh."
Availabl<t Groov.. Top Bar 8852041
4 711>../100
$73.00/ 100
$11.'5/ 100
2350 Ibs./SOOO
$69,55/ 100
Av silable in multiples
of 100

-- -
~ Va. <'
: :~ .... ........
, for 5 Yo"
.... ~.
........ I'w
Rates Page 14
,,, ,,,.. Crimp

; OUT" ~d
Wedge Top Bar
GrooYPd Top Bar
4~ <1 6'" 30 lb.
flts 5;1f'

Wedlle TopBar
~-.. 0"'
4* X 1 6~ f35200 l2 2S Ibs.
" "'.00 Medium Brood

,,,.. "'.00

"" hook ."- ,,," ~ n""
n,,,, "n 25 lb •.
frame Wedge Top Ba r
10 .h.."
7 '""
4~ <1 6~
"'''' n 25 lb •.
"1. "'.00
fits 5'' ' .." .00 Cut Comb
··CIttComb frame Wedge Top Bar 7
..""" .......
4~ I 1 6~

Wedge Top Bar
''''00 " 25'''.

'''.00 D
-- -- -
Th in Surp/w

Plasticell-Plastk Foundation FOR 5 X" FRAMES

....... .....
,., ",."..'"
.... W _
5 cnJsh
U,., 311/10 3M/l O
.".n ."
~Top'" .,
Uo-'" IN _ _ _ CoIJtftI
SQ." 1211/SO 13'/50
e r - d Top IIlH
", n./l00 2611/100
." ."
1000-2999 23011/1000 26CW1/1ooo
uantlU.s o f 3000+ , . 11 for ric.
Note: Foundation Will be shipped at buyer's risk dUring cold weather, 38' F or below. (Fragile)
' "'
·Sh..t. p.r lb • • re .pprolli m. t e il nd m.v v.ry In t he milnufileturi,. proc.....
" Pr.f.rr.d for cut Comb Hon.v . nd Chun k Ho n.v. 4 3/8" found.tton I, ilvailil bl.-Cilli fo r Prices.
Special Supers, Frames, Foundation and Frame Parts Available CAll FOR QUOTE 1-888-922-1293
While wt! hope to maintain prict!s at aff locations, t!scalating frt!ight costs may necessitatt! occasional adjustmt!nts.
Bee-O-Pac Comb Honey FOR CUT COMB & CHUNK
· Reduce costs through · No messy cutting \Ve also recommend 4 *" Thin Surr,llIs
this impressive packaging · No frames to dean and 4 -%" Cut Comb foundation. A I of
innovation · Made of recyclable food these products are listed on page 17.
· Reduce labor up to 75% grade PET plastic 5 11/16" Comb Honey Supers-empty
from hand cut method · Fits a standard 6-5/8" B32201, . . . . . . . Carton of 1
· No adaptation costs super Ship wt. Sibs .. .... . $13.60
· No wax foundation · Includes a snap-on lid B32205, . . .. . . . Carton of 5
Ship wI. 30 Ibs...... $58.30
The Bee-O-Pac system consists of eight bee-a-pac frames that B34400"',. Commercial, Carton of 1
fit directly into a standard 6-5/8" honey super. These frames 11-49.. $9.75
are assembled from two nearly identical frame halves. One half Ship wt. Sibs. ea.
has eight holes die cut on its sides while the other half has rounded buttons in match ing (for larger quantities see page 17)
loc"ri,,", . These are snapped together to make one complete frame. • Nalls not Included
bees fill the sections they are removed from the hive, t he
5 3/S /l Frames

i':~:~i:~i,t:,,~ sections are separated and the lid is installed and the B77110, . . .. 10 Frames per Carton
package is labeled and market ready. With a suggested
il of $3.00 per section the profit potential is great!! Ship wI. 6lbs. .... . $11.95
877150, .... 50 Frames per Carton
Ship wI. 25 Ibs .... . $52.75
M01580 Set of Bee-O-Pac Fits standard 6-5/8" B85004'",100 Bulk Frames, Commercial
honey super (8 frames) Ship wt. 6lbs. Ship wt. 47Ibs./100. $83.50
M01580 1 Set . . . . . .$59.95 • Nalls not Included
3 Sets or more . . ...... . $55.50
4 ]/4" Cut Comb Foundation
M01583 Roll of 400 Labels .... . . $34.55
Ship wt. 3 Ibs. F32201, . lib. of Foundation
Ship wt. 2 Ibs. . . . $10.00
F32205, .. . . . . 5 Ibs. of Foundation
Ship wt. 7 Ibs. .. . $43.20
M01583 F32200, .. . . . 25 Ibs. of Foundation
Ship wt. 311bs. . .. $208.00
Approximately 18 sheets. per pound
• Nails not Included


Complete Round Semon Super Ready to Component Parts for
Use Except for Installing Foundation Round Section
Comb HOney,,,,;:c=::~_
MOIOIO Half frames, carton of 36,
(makes 72 round sections)
Ship wt. 12 Ibs. . . . . . . $79.95
MOl013 200 Section Rings,
(2 per section required)
Ship wt. 3lbs. . .. $48.60
Round Section Super is shipped assem- MOl014 400 Section Rings,
bled. Purchase foundation below, (item (2 per section required)
number F31(01). Insert it between sec- Ship wt. Sibs. . .. $79.80
tion half frames, and place super on the MOl015 200 Clear Covers,
hive. Ship wt. 15 Ibs. (Covers sold sepa- (2 per section required )
rately-See right hand column-Clear Ship wt. Bibs. . .. $94.00
or opaque.) MOl016 400 Clear Covers,
MOl024 ea. $79.95 (2 per section required)
Each portion of the foundation becomes a Ship wt. lSlbs ... . . . ... $172.95
part of the comb honey for sale. \Ve use the MOl022 200 Opaque Covers,
utmost care in selecting only the very finest (2 per section required)
of virgin capping wax for the manufaduring Ship wt. Bibs. . .. $94.75
of our thin surplus foundation. The raw wax MOI017 400 Opaque Covers,
is then washed, deaned and filtered 50 only (2 per section required)
pure 100% beeswax is present in thefini5hed Ship wt. lSlbs ... . . .. .. $174.95
sheet offoundation. Strong sidewalls on each M00953 100 Round Section l abels
cell help your bees to finish beautiful sections Ship wt. 12 oz. . .... $13.95
of sparkling white comb hOlley.
100% Beeswax ''Thin Surplus" Foundations for Round Comb Honey
Fits Round Section 3 718 X 16 112
F31001 Thin Surplus Foundation, lib. F31005 Thin Surplus Foundation, Sibs. F31000 Thin Surplus Foundation, 2S Ibs.
(2B Sheets) Ship wt. 2lbs .. $10.00 (140 Sheets) Ship wt. 7 Ibs. $43.20 (700 Sheets) Ship wt. 311bs . .$208.00
·Sheets per Cilrton ilre ilpprollimilte ilnd mily Vilry in the miinufilduriOl: process.

Plastic Support Pins Plastic Rods
Plastic support pins are •
color coded to match the _ '
queen marking colors. Support Rods - Sick of cross wiring frames? These support
This will let you know the year the foundation rods slide through the holes in the end bars and are locked
was placed in the hive. Slip the pin in the holes on
the end bar and slide the sheet of foundation in
to securely hold it in place. Minimum of two per
in place. Wire your frames in seconds. Color coded support
rods will help you remember the year the foundation was ~
placed in the hive.
end bar. C/l00 M0175410 (/10 rods, Ship wt. lib. . . . $3.95
M01755 c/100 pins, Ship wt. l ib . . .. $9.95

Support Pins
Support pins are small metal pins similar to clothespins. Simplv press these pins through the holes in the frame
end bars so foundation is held in pin slot. For many, especially beginning beekeepers usi ng crimp wired founda-
tion in brood chambers, support pins are much easier to use than the sometimes tedious cross wir-
ing to prevent foundation sagging. Cannot be used with Dadant Duragilt or Plasticell foundation.

MOO819 200 pins, Ship wt. l ib. $15.40

Moo820 1000 pins, Ship wt. 4 Ibs . . $62.70
Hive Staples
Staples penetrate W' . Points 2" apart. Quick, easy way to fasten Fasten
bottom board to hive body. Approx. 125 per lb.
Moo735 per lb., Ship wt. 2lbs.
MOO736 10 Ibs., Ship wt. 13 Ibs.
. . $6.15
. $43.20 A
M00737 50 lb. keg., Ship wt. 55 Ibs ... $180.20
~ Hive Bottom
~ to Hive
Showing correct placement of staples
Hive Bodies/Deep Supers
Nail Nails Needed 1# of
Heavy, 12"9". Size: Per Hille Body/ NililsWm
Deep Super Make:
Nails for Frame and Super Assembly 70 5 Hille
For nailing frame top bars to end bars and for bottom bars to end bars use Moo727 Moo711 " Bodie,
(1~"). For nailing wedges use Moo726 (W'). For nailing hive bodies and supers, we rec-
ommend Moo731, 7d (2~") galvanized nails. For nailing bottom boards we recommend 4D 4 115 Hive
Moo11O Bodie,
Moo730, 4d (11i") galvanized nails.

Item Size and Approx. Quantity Price lb. * 6 5 / 8 Supers

Number Description Quan./lb 1-9Ibs. 10-49Ibs. 50 Ibs. & over Nilil Naib Needed 1# of Nilils
MOO726 W' x 18 gauge 2600 $3.90 $3.15 $2.80 Size: Pw6 5/ 8 Super Will Make:
MOO727 1~" x 17 gau~e 1150 $3.15 $2.30 $2.20 7
MOOHO 4d galvanized 460 $3.15 $2.30 $2.20
Moo131 " 6 5/8 Supe"

MOO731 7d galvanized 180 $2.80 $2.15 $2.00 4D 4 m

Moo730 6 5/8 Supe"
"'For shlppmg weight add 2 Ibs. to quantlty ordered
up to 100 Ibs. and add 5 Ibs. over 100 Ibs. Frames
_ _ _ _ _ _.... 18 cauge Nilil Nails Needed 1# of Nails
Size: Per Frame Will Make:
----------0000 17 ,au,e
(Not actual size)
'!<!" 4 nail, for "".,
- - - - - ->O>0 4d ..."J 7d

1 ~"
wedge only frame,

Moon1 '" frame,

Metal Rabbets
Metal Rabbets protect frame rests in you r supers. Light gauge pre-punched and pre-bent metal parts fit over frame rests and nail into
place. These metal parts increase t he life of your supers and ease super cleaning by protecting the wooden frame rests du ring cleaning.
Moo722 Ship. wt. 25 per Ib.- M00723, Ship wt. 12 per lb.
L-shaped Rabbets Protect Frame Rests
M00722 L-Shaped Ra bbet 1-99 ea ..... . ... .
L-Shaped Rabbet 100-999 ea . . .
L-Shaped Rabbet 1000 & over ea ...
M00723 Old-Style Rabbet 1-99 ea.
Old-Style Rabbet 100-999 ea . . . . .

/ . . Old Style

Old-St yle Rabbet 1000 & over ea. $.20

Cross wiring is necessary to firmly hold some foundations in place. For example, we recommend 4 cross wires when using
BY.;" medium brood foundation, but only 2 for holding 8Y.i" crimp wire foundation. Beekeepers even find it advantageous to
put one cross-wire in bulk comb foundation-then pulling out the cross-wire from the end of the frame prior to cutting the
bulk comb. To prevent the wire from cutting into the frame end bars, we recom mend using eyelets to protect the frames.

Grooved Spur Embedder Spur


" ,-"-- ,••
This is another style of spur embedder. Uses hand pressure to fa sten wire in any foundation needing
has a groove between the wheels that horizontal wires for added support. Roll the wide-tooth spur
will help make the job easier. Cannot points along each wire. May be used warm (preferable) or cold.
Many beekeepers purchase two-keep one heating while the
be used with crimped frame wire.
other is in use.
M00721 Grooved Spur Embedder, MOO703 Spur Embedder, Ship wt. 8 oz. ea .............. $6.15
Ship wt., ea lib. . ............ $6.95

Wire Crimper
Use the
Support your wax foundation by tig'''''';"'
and crimping your frame wire with spur embedder
wire crimper. Helps give wax foun- to insert frame
dation the extra support it needs. wire to strengthen
M01943 Wire Crimper, the foundation.
Ship wt. lib., ea ..... .

Brass Eyelets Frame Wire

M00709 ...-::~'" Top grade tinned wire made especially for the

~ .. .......
< •
bee industry and has great tensile strength .
Should always be used for horizontal wiring
brood or extracting frames in which plain or
< < ,

unwired foundation is to be used. May also

be used with crimp-wired foundation to gain
even greater strength. This wire is 26 Gauge.

M00705 ~ lb. Spool, Ship wt. lib. . . $4.65

Small brass eyelets are punched into the wiring holes MOO706 lib. Spool, Ship wt. 2 Ibs ... . . $7.05
in end bars of brood and super frames. Prevents wire MOO707 5 lb. Spool, Ship wt. 7lbs. $28.66
from cutting into the wood. Keeps horizontal wires
tight. Special punch makes insertion simple and easy.
Sold separately.
Electric Embedder and Transformer
M00709 1000 Eyelets, Ship wt. 1 lb ... . $6.95 -Sold Separately-
M00710 SOOO Eyelets, Ship wt. 3 Ibs . $28.75 This embedder, used with the 12 volt transformer shown
M00711 Punch, Ship wt. 6 oz .. . . . . $3.75 below, heats horizontal frame wire so it is well-attached, but
Frame/Form Board does not mar the foundation. Embeds one wire at a time.
For use with 9-1/8", 6-1/4" and 5-3/8" frames This is a use-
MOO701 Embedder Only, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea. . . $38.95
ful tool for nailing frame wedges and inserting foundation
MOO70212 Volt Transformer Only, Ship wt. 2lbs. ea. $49.95
in frames. It is a good companion for the spur embedder
(shown above). It supports the frame with foundation while
embedding. May also be used for hand-wiring frames.

810301 Form Board, Ship wt. 5 Ibs. ea .......... $8.95

"'"'" .-::,

Copied by many - but matched by none
Premium Smokers. Excellent Smoke Output
Superior Bellow Design
Dadant bee smokers are sti ll
Made in the U.S.A . by us.
Don/t settl e for less t han t he best,
in th e original fas hion of
the Bingham smoker.
MOO926 4x7 Stainless Steel Smoker,
Ship wt. 3lbs. ea ...... $31.95
M00927 4x7 Stainless Steel Smoker
with Shield,
Ship wt. 3lbs. ea ...... $39.95

M00928 4xlO Stainless Steel Smoker

with Shield,
Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea ...... $42.95
M0092Sl4xlO Stainless Steel Smoker
with Shield Finger Heat Guard,
Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea ...... $44.95 MOO9281
MOO927 .... Best Value··

These smokers are of

Domed Smoker the original Bingham
design that is of time
Don't be fooled proven quality. Dadant
by the other guys' has been manufactur-
high priced impan- ing these smokers since
ed smokers. If you they acquired the A.G.
are looking for a Woodman company in
decent smoker at a the 1970's, and are proud
discount price, this is to produce the smoker
the smoker for you. that everyone tries to
M01944 Domed Smoker, Smoker Fuel *"Best Value*"
Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea .......... $23.50
Replacement bellows for t he All cotton fib ers make t his the smoker fuel of choice. Can be
imported domed smoke r. easily li t with a match or lighter for a long continuous
M019441 Domed Smoker Bellow, burn. Much easier to light than the plugs of the past. A
Ship wt. lib. ea. . . . . . . . . .. $9.50 simple solution to the never ending search for smoker
-Fast Ligh><
MOOSlO lib. package ... ..... $2.89 <lng_
Smoker Bellows MOOSlO S-391bs. .. . . . . $2.25/1b. -Easy Us _

Wood Pellet Smoker Fuel

...... D Wood Smoker Pellets
• l ong lasting s moke-
• Makes your trip to the bee yard better-
• Your smoker is always ready... MOO80S5
• FfeICible, tough Naughehyde fabric
• New face boards hold staples firmly
• Aluminum easy-grip edging
• Air valve for best operation
-- w hen Smoker Pellets are used-
t Recommended for Commercial Use
MOO808 40 lb. Bag ........ $10.95
M008041 4-Bolt Replacement Bellows, MOOS085 Sib. Bag ......... $3.95
Ship wt. lib. ea .......... $11.75
ESSENTIAL HAND TOOLS for working with Honey Bees
Perfect Pocket Hive Tool
Brought to us by TX beekeeper Jeff McMullan, the Perfect Pocket Hive Tool fits easily in your
back pocket. This compact tool has all t he benefits of t he larger tools on the market. No mo re
ripped jeans or torn upholstery in your bee vehicles. M01978
M01978 Pocket Hive Tool, Ship wt. 3 alS. ea .. . . .... . . . .. .. $6.95

Turbo Hive Tool

The Turbo Hive tool is 12.5" long and has a hooked end to lift frames. This tool
works great in a nd out of the bee ya rd.
M019S3 Jero Hive Tool, Ship wt. 7 alS. ea. $16.50 M01953

9.5" Painted Hive Tool

This hive tool is Made in the U.S.A. of high qualit y spring steel to give a lifetime of
use. It has one tape red flat end for prying a nd removing frames, and one curved
end for scraping.
MOO757 Painted Hive Tool, Ship wt. lib. ea . $8.10

9.5" Economy Hive Tool

We are pleased to have fi nally found a source fo r a high q ua lity low price hive tool.
Heat tre a ted to provide the strength needed for those tough prying jobs and with
scraping feat ures t hat rival t he more costly models. Colors may vary.
MOO7571 Economy Hive Tool, Ship wt. lib. ea. M007571
1-9 qt y. ......... $4.50
10 or more qty. $3.99

7.5" Small Yellow Hive Tool

For those of you aski ng for a smaller hive tool, here it is. This 7.5" spring steel hive tool is
perfect for t hose with small ha nds or t hose manipulating nues or mini mating nucs.
MOO76l 7.5" Small Yellow Hive Tool, Ship wt . lib ea .. .. ... . . $9.95

9.5" Yellow Hive Tool
This 9.5 hive tool is made of spring stee l just like the smaller 7.5" ve rsion.
Great for manipulating frames and scraping burr comb.
Moo760 9.5" Yellow Hive Tool, Ship wt. l ib. ea. .$11.95

J Hook Hive Tool

Hook end is used for prying frames out of supers. Opposite e nd is used for
scraping. Chrome plated .
Moo856 J Hook Hive Tool, Ship wt. l ib. ea.. . . . . . . . . . . . .. $11.95

Italian Hive Tool

We have had many requests for this longer style hive tool. Made of tempered steel
this hive tool will provide you wi th the leverage you need to pry your boxes apart.
Colors may vary. M01948
M01948 Italian Hive Tool, Ship wt. l ib. e a. ... . $4.95

Section Scraping Knife

This knife is specially designe d and const ructed for clea ning wax and propolis from
fi nished sections. The notch in t he top is ideal for edges- it prevents cutting into the Moono=;;.~i::3
Moono Section Knife, Ship wt. 3 OlS. ea . . . . . . . . .. . . $13.95
Bee Brush 50ft, Flexible Bristles
The bee brush has long, soft, flexible yellow bristles that a re gentle e nough for
brushing bees off queen cells yet firm enough to remove bees from frames, -Won't Injure Bees
supers, or clothes. Will not crush or injure bees. A st urdy all purpose wooden
ha ndle brush. Can be washed.
M0075l Bee Brush, Ship wt. 8 OlS. ea . $4.95 M0075l
6 o r more . . . . .$4.50

Frame Grip Frame Grip
Grips top bar of frame for loosening and removing frame s This handy tool, imported from Portugal, features a combina-
from supers. Single spring allows one hand operation. tion frame manipulation tool and frame grip all in one. Loosen
M00754 Frame Grip, Ship wt. lib. ea .. . ..... $19.25 the frame with the tool end then grip.
MOO749 Frame Grip, Ship wt. lib. ea. . .. $12.95

Hive Net
Round Handled . . . .. Fo r use when moving hives from
Frame Grip yard to yard or to keep bees
This frame grip is as tough as all the inside the colony due to herbi-
others, but at a portion of the cost. cide spraying.
Rounded handles make for an easy
grip. L = :"::J V02000 Hive Net,
Ship wt. 2Ibs., ea. . $28.95
MOO748 Round Handled Frame Grip,
Ship wt. l ib. ea. . .. $9.25

Hive Carrier
Convenient tool to transport heavy hives or supers. Lets two people move a
hive from the truck to the yard and move supers from the hive to the truck.
Galvanized steel frame for durability. Designed for easy operation. Hive sold
M00318 Hive Carrier. wt. 8lbs. ea. - ............ $72.55
- See page 118
Frame Cleaner
A handy tool to dean top or bottom groove of any style frame. Quickly removes wax and (::::::::::~:::~-;;::;;:-11
propolis from grooves. Especially useful for comb honey production. C --- M00753

M00753 Frame Cleaner. Ship wt. S ozs. ea .... $4.45

Spacing Tools Plastic 8-Frame Spacing Tool

9-frame spacins tools. These tools will
easily space 9-frames in a lO-frame

-,-.,' honey super. The bees will extend the

comb beyond the edge of the frame
making uncapping easier and quicker.
Available in stainless steel or plastic.
This tool will easily space 8-frames in a 10 frame honey
super. The bees will extend the comb beyond the edge of the
frame making uncapping easier and quicker.
M008788 Plastic S-frame Spacing Tool
Ship wt. I lb., ea. . .......... $11.35

M00964 Stainless Steel 9-frame Spacing Tool,

Ship wt. lib., ea. . . . . $19.95 Plastic 7-Frame Spacing Tool

M00878 Plastic 9-frame Spacing Tool,
Ship wt. lib., ea. . . . . . ....... . $11.35
This tool is used to space 7-frames in an 8 frame box.
MOO879 Plastic 7-frame Spacing Tool
Ship wt. lib., ea. . . . . . . ............. $11.35

"Honey In The Comb"
Learn How To Produce Comb Honey
By Eugene E. Killion. Twelve comprehensive chapters cover every aspect of comb
honey production in both round and square sections. 165 brand new photographs
and equipment drawings, completely cross-indexed. 148 pages, softbound in
honey gold. Also, don't miss the DVD by Gene Killion complementing his book
of the same title. An excellent guide and aid for the novice and experienced
beekeeper alike.

M00006 Honey in the Comb Book, Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea. . .... . . . .. $10.50
M001242DVD Honey in the Comb DVD, Ship wt. lib. ea. . .. $19.95
M00006SET Honey in the Comb Book & DVD Set, Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea ... $29.95

Wax Tube Fastener

Wax Tube Fastener is ideal for securing foundation into grooved top bar
(cut comb and chunk honey) frames. Metal cylinder is filled by lowering into con-
tainer of hot, liquid beeswax. When cylinder is filled, wax is retained in cylinder
by placing finger over air hole. With foundation in place, the wax tube fastener
is run along the top bar groove. By removing finger from the air hole, a small
amount of wax flows out to cement the foundation to the top bar.
M00778 Wax Tube Fastener, Ship wt. 5 ozs. ea .. . . ...... . . . .... $6.15

Serrated Comb Honey Knife

Serrated Comb Honey Knife -The best comb cuttting knife we have found.
This extremely sharp and serrated knife makes slicing through comb a breeze.

M00336 Serrated Comb Honey Knife, Ship wt. lib. ea ...... . . . . $9.95

Comb Cutter
Comb Cutter -Cut 41/8" x 41/8" sections of comb
honey to fit standard cut comb boxes, MOO250, (see
page 90). All food grade stainless steel. Sharpened
cutting blade. Sturdy stainless steel handle. Made in
the USA.

Moo937 Stainless Steel Comb Cutter,

Ship wt. lib. ea .. ...... . . . . .. $11.95

Small Comb Cutter

Small Comb Cutter -Cut 33/ / x 3314" sections of
comb honey to fit, MOO2Sl, Economy Cut Comb
Boxes (see page 98). All food grade stainless steel.
Sharpened cutting blade. Sturdy stainless steel handle.
Made in the USA.

Moo938 Stainless Steel Comb Cutter,

Ship wt. lib. ea .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . $11.95

Moving Robber Screen ~
two-in-one tool. These screens can be left on all season long. Close the screen off to help cut down on
weaker colonies being robbed and use the top e xit, or dose them off completely to move hives from "O~O;'.~:",~!!~r;;;;,::,:::!:;~
location to the next. Available in 8 - and lO-frame. ,

IO-FRAME - 893401 Ship wt. lib. ea $16.25

8-FRAME - 8934018 Ship wt. lib. ea $16.25
Top View

Nuc Introduction Board

.........-~-. 1 The nuc introduction board will help you unite your S-frame nues into a standard 8- or lO-frame colony. Place
on top of your colony and cover with iI sheet of newspaper. Spray the paper with sugar wa ter and the bees will

I eat through the paper uniting the two colonies together. After a few days move the frames from the nuc into
your standard box.

10-FRAME - 841401 Ship w t. 2 Ibs. e a . . $7.95

8-FRAME - 8414018 Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea . . $7.95

841401 Super Shim

The super shim is to be used only when your honey supers have been completely drawn out. Place shim above
your queen excluder and below your honey super to give the bees an upper entrance I exit from the honey
supers. Note: bees will burr comb the space from bottom of shim to bottom of supe r should you leave it on too

10-FRAME - 810014 Ship wt. 2 Ibs. e a . . . . $3.75

5+ . . .. 3.45
B10014 8-FRAME - 8100148 Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea . . . . $3.75
5+ . . .. 3.45

Double Screen Board

The double screened board makes requeening easy and efficien t. When dividing a colony, remove your top
ch a mber and pl ace your dIs on top of the bottom chamber and place your split on top of the dIs. The older for-
aging bees will return to the bottom chamber leaving the younger bees, which will accept the new queen with
much less stress. You can also replace the dis with a queen excluder and run a double queen colony.

10-FRAME - 891601 Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea. $16.45

S+ . . . . . 15.75
8-FRAME - 8916018 Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea . $16.45
S+ . . . . . 15.75

Screen IPM Board Replacement Boards

This integrated pest management bottom board comes com- for Screen /PM
plete wi th varroa monitoring board. Access the screen from
front of the hive below the bottom board. leave the monitor- 10-FRAME - 892101-01
ing board out when not monitoring varroa levels to provide Ship wt. l ib. e a ..... . $5.25
extra ventilation and allow mites to fall through to the ground. 5+ . . 4.95
8-FRAME - 8921018-01
10-FRAME - 892101 Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea. .$17.95 Ship wt. l ib. ea. $5.25
892101 5+ ... . 16.95 5+ . . 4.95
8-FRAME - 8921018 Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea. .$17.95
5+ . .. . 16.95
Cloake Board
The Cloake board is a device invented by New Zealand Beekeeper Harry Cloake to raise queens with a mini-
mum amount of equipment. Consists of a wooden frame wlqueen excluder and metal tray and involves a
series of stages which divide a colony into a queen right lower colony and queen less upper colony which
improves accepta nce of grafted larvae. Requires knowledge in graft ing larvae. Full set of instructions provided.
10-FRAME - 841301 Ship wt. 6lbs. ea. $28.80
8-FRAME - 8413018 Ship wt. 6lbs. ea. $28.80

Insulated Top Cover

Our new insulated cover is just wha t your colony needs during the cold winter months. A great way to help
keep that hive warm in the winter.

10-FRAME - M01601 Ship w t. 7 Ibs. ea . . . $22.60

8-FRAME - M016018 Ship w t. 7 Ibs. ea . . .. $22.60

Requeening Frame
OUf re-queening frame w ill work with most wooden queen cages. This a llows
the queen to be readily accepted prior to being released. Be sure to remove
the cork from the candy end and secure queen cage to frame.

M01592 Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.50

Tired of using bricks to hold your top covers down? Then try o ur cam lock. The
camlock screws into the top cover and locks in pla ce at the handho ld of your hive
body or super.

M01975 Ship wt . 6 azs. ea .. . . . .. . • . •• . ...... $6.95 ea. M01975

Slatted Rack
You as ked for it a nd here it is. The slatted rack sits in- between you r bottom board a nd brood box,
providing ventilation a nd extra space for the bees. The additional room provided when using the
slatted rac k is though t to help reduce swarming. Fra mes line up with the slats so varroa will fa ll
through the screens in your bottom boards.

891401 Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea .. . .... . . . . . . .. $13.35

891401 5+.. . .. . . . . . 12.90

Ventilated Inner Cover

Use our vented inner cove r to up ho ne y produc-
ti o n and inc rease ventilatio n throughout the hi ve .

815501 Ship wt. l ib. ea . . . ... . . . . . $12.35 ea.


Ultimate Hive Cover

The Ulti mate Hive Cover is a self-ventilati ng, insulated, telescoping lO-fra me cover. Made
from recycled material, no assem bly or painting required. Technopolymer construction will
not ro t. Double wall const ruction with dead air LOne insulates the hive, cooler in summer and
wa rme r in win ter. Passive ventilation system improves airflow and eliminates moisture in t he
hive. Drip edge keeps hive and components dry fo r longe r life. Fits alilD-frame equipment.

MOl605 M01605 Ship wt. 10 Ibs. ea .. . . .... . . . . . .. $30.95 ea.

Insulated 10 Frame top cover

Our new 10-frame insulated cover is just what your colony needs during the cold winter mon ths. A
great way to help keep that hive wa rm in the winter.

MOl601 Ship wt. 7 Ibs. ea .. . ...... $22.60


Ponderosa Pine Bottom Board

The standa rd lO-frame bottom board is t he floor of the hive and is a n essential pa rt of t he
hive. It provides the hive e nt ra nce and proper spacing for the bees to work. Re ve rsible
fea t ure allows full 3/4" summer e ntrance or 3/8 " entrance whe n reversed for winter.
Unassembled. (" Nails included).
891101 Standard, c/l, Ship wt. 8 Ibs . . . ... .
891105 Standard, c/5, Ship wt. 35 Ibs .
... $14.95 ea. "
. . . .$65.65 c/5 · 10 Frame Size ~.1::;:::~:~"'"
891201 Commercial, 50-249, Ship wt. 71bs ... $9.70 ea. Tongue and Groove 'l1li 891101
Commercial, 250+, Ship wt. 7 Ibs . . . . . .$9.40 ea. Construction


Hive Stand
To eliminate moisture problems and provide insulation, it is important to keep the hive from
making contact with the ground. This durable wood hive stand protects the hive bottom board
and gives bees an angled landing area. Unas.sembled.

M00695 Ship wt. Sibs. ea ...................... $13.25 ea .

M00696 cIS, Ship wt. 18 Ibs... . . . . ....... $56.25 cIS

Telescoping Cover With Inner Cover

A stron& rigid cover with full thickness interlocking side rims. Interlocking ends are pre-drilled for easy
handling. Aheavygatvanized metal top has all four edges turned down to protect the edges of thewood.
Metal top has pre-punched holes for nailing. This entire cover "telescopes" down over the inner cover
and il portion of the top super. An inner cover (see below for details) is induded. Unassembled.

B1ll01 Ship wI. 13 Ibs. ea ............. ... . .... . . . . $28.35

811105 Carton of 5, Ship wt. 55 Ibs. ea. . . . . . . . $138.60
10 or more Cartons of 5, Ship wt. 55 Ibs. ea ... $134.95
810002 Metal Tops, 1-99, Ship wt. 3lbs. ea... $7.65
Metal Tops, 100+, Ship wt. 3lbs. ea. . .. $7.00
(metal tops only - not shown) B11101

Inner Cover - Only

Masonite Inner Cover - Mortise and tenon wood frame construction with sturdy masonite
inner liner set in grooves. Will not shrink out of shape. Strong and durable. Designed to
last a long time and work properly by providing correct bee working space and good hive
ventilation. Use with bee escape (see page 75) to remove bees from supers.

B15201 Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea . .. ....................................... $10.25

B15205 Carton of 5, Ship wt. IS Ibs.. . . . . . $45.50
10 or more Cartons of 5, wt. IS Ibs. ea.. .. . . . . •. . ...... $43.95 B15201

Flat Wood Cover

The most economical commercialsrade cover (made from Ponderosa pine). Tongue and
groove construction for a tight fit and a strong cover. (May not always be available at all

814201 1-49, Ship Wl. 7 Ibs ........ . $11.50 ea.

50-249, Ship wt. 7 Ibs ...... . . $10.25 ea.
250+, Ship Wl. 7 Ibs .... . . .. $9.95 ell. 814201

Bee Max Style Insulated Telescoping Cover (For wooden hives only)
The same style insulating cover used on our BeeMax Hive. For standard 10 frame langstroth
Hive. Upgrade your current wooden hive. Made of polystyrene, it is now cooler in summer,
r----.. .--,
warmer in the winter. Helps your honey bees in raising brood and collecting nectar instead
of heating or cooling the hive. For a weather-resistant seal, the entire cover slips down and
over your inner cover a nd a portion of your top hive body or super.

M593011-4, Ship wt. 5 Ibs. ea . . $IS.65 ell.

5-49 ................................. $17.70 ell. M59301
50+.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ...... $15.99 ell.
Prolonged contact with Paradichlorobenzene (moth crystals) may damage BeeMax products.
Catch Your Own Honey Bees -
Swarm Box Catch
TX beekeeper Dwain Cleveland brought his swarm box to our attention. After
seeing it in action, we thought we'd bring it to yours. Outer box connects to most
shop vacs. Additional adapters may be needed as hoses will vary. Inner capture Swarm Box
box holds aprox. 3 Ibs. of bees. More catch boxes may be needed, depending
upon the size of the swarm you're trying to catch. DVD included. Swarm
M00743 Swarm Box, Ship wt. 32 Ibs., ea .. ....... .$169.90

Catch Box
For the larger swarm, more catch boxes may be needed. These are made to fit
our swarm box only.
MOO743CB Catch Box, Ship wt. 7 Ibs., ea . . $55.55

Swarm Lure
Vita Europe has come out with another great product. These swarm lures can ...
_ _ _ .Jil'c •

be hung on the inside of your swarm box. Once opened, it is effective for 2
weeks then needs to be replaced. Hang at 6·8' off the ground. lO/box.
M00744 Swarm lure c/lO, Ship wt. lib., ea. ... $18.50

Jester's EZ NUC
Our friend Kevin Jester has come out with the EZ NUC.
Ventilation around the top and ends of this box make it
a first choice for making splits or increases in your bee
yard. Made of one piece corrugated plastic for durability
and strength. The best all around Nuc box on the market. Close-up of
M01502 lester's EZ NUC, entrance
Call for shipping rate Frames Not Included
1·9. ... $11.95
Frames Not
10-99. . $9.95
100-299. . $8.50 Jet Force
300 & Up . .... $7.75 Bee, Wasp & Hornet Killer
Jet Force is great for getting rid of
Wooden Nuc Box those unwanted pests. (Not for use
around honey bees). Provides a 12-ft.
Multiple Uses! Swarm Trap, Nuc Box, Split, Divides,
Queen Production, Queen Mating Box and more. This jet stream of insecticide that kills
bees, wasps, yellow jackets, and hor-
small 5·frame lightweight is an easily transportable
Ponderosa Pine nuc box that fills all those special needs nets. Kills at once on contact and
":;.~ th," a heavy full size hive can't! Frames not included . residue kills within 24 hours.

Unassembled B5340l Nuc Box, Ship wt. 15 Ibs. ea .. . . . $33.50 M00143l Jet Force,
Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea., .. . . .. $8.30
Nuc Box's 12 & Up ....... $7.70

Swarm Catch
• Capture swarms from your own hives
thus reducing loss of honey bees .
• Add to your hive count and honey yield by
MOI507 capturing stray swarms from other hives in
Frames Not the area.
Included Swarm Catch contains Nasonov: the orientation pheromone,
sometimes called the "come hither" pheromone. On average,
Finally, a nuc box for those who run standard 91/8" frames
swarms will occupy 50-80% of catch boxes with Swarm Catch
and 6 \:II" frames. Perfect for selling nues, capturing swarms,
(provided there is a reasonable amount of swarming in the area).
or making splits. Place Swarm Catch lure into an empty super with comb (comb
MOI506 Corrugated Nuc Box Deep 9 5/8", should not contain honey). Store lures in the freezer until use.
Ship wt. 2lbs. ea.... .$9.95
MOI507 Corrugated Nuc Box Medium 6 5/8", M0074I 2 Vial Pack, Pack Ship wt. 8 ozs. ea. .. $7.75
Ship wt. 2lbs. ea.. ......... . .... $9.95 M00742 5 Vial Pack, Pack Ship wt. 12 ozs. ea. . $17.85
Nor available ar all Dadanr locations.

Asian Hornet Trap ~
Brought to us by our friends at Vita Europe. Api Shield traps pesky Asian hornets,
wax moths and wasps while letting the bees come and go as they please.

Sits upon a dosed off bottom board or hive stand.

_ -"':Ii'
M01546 Asian Hornet Trap
Ship wt.9 Ibs. ea ................ $99.95

Bee entrance
Side rails not Close-up
shown on trap.

M 00690
Pollen Trap
Exterior Pollen Trap-Our most popular trap.
Four-sided frame fits between hive bodies.
Trap fit s on outside of hive. Colony is redi-
rected into pollen trap. Simple and effective. Hive not
Easy to use. Included
M00690 Ship wt. 10 Ibs. ea .......... $35.95
Trap shown on hive

Trap shown on hive

Bottom Pollen Trap

Bottom Pollen Trap - A great bottom pollen trap.
lasting with built-in drone escapes and a convenient
side sliding pollen collection drawer. Easy to set up
and easy to use.

M00682 1-4, Ship wt. 10 Ibs. ea ................. . $59.25

S- 19, Ship wt. 10 Ibs. ea.. . . . .. . ............... . $55.75
Hive not included
20 & up, Ship wt. 10 Ibs. ea ..................... . $53.55

Sundance II Pollen Trap

Sundance II Pollen Trap-We are pleased to offer a new approach
to collecting pollen. The Sundance II top pollen t rap is the fin est top
mount pollen t rap being offered today. When ready to use, just place
the trap di rectly over the top of your hive. A convenient sliding drawe r
Hive not at the rear of the hive makes it easy to remove pollen from the tra p. All
included entrances must be closed for the bees to enter through t he top of t he
pollen trap. Simple to set up, simple to use.

M00699 Sundance II Pollen Trap, Ship wt. 10 Ibs. ea ..... $59.95

Propolis Trap
Propolis Trap-Earn extra money collecting and selling propolis.
Phone 800·283-4274 for propolis marketing information. Trap
installs in place of inner cover.

Moo689 1-9, Ship wt. 1 lb. ea.. ........ . . ...... $6.95

10-100, Ship wt. 10 Ibs./lO ..... $6.00
101 & Up, Ship wt. 93 Ibs./100 ............. $5.80

Wood Bound Excluder

The wood bound excluder fits a standard hive. Electrically welded. pre-
cisely spaced metal wires make the grid system that is edged (bound)
on all sides with quality fitted wood. Easy to use and remove. Provides
proper bee spaces.

841101 1 Wood Bound Excluder, Ship wt. 4 Ibs., ea ......... $15.70

841110 10 Wood Bound Excluders, Ship wt. 26 Ibs., per 10 .. $127.50


Metal Bound Excluder

The metal bound excluder has the same precisely spaced welded wires
as the wood bound excluder. This wire grid is edged (bound) with
metal on all edges.

M00823 1-9, Ship wt. 3 Ibs ........ . . .. $6.50 ea .

10-499, Ship wt. 251bs./10 . $5.85 ea.
500 & Up, Ship wt. 25 Ibs./IO. . . $5.50 ea.

Closeup of metal bou nd

excluder construction.
Heavy duty rivets
to hold frame.


Metal Bound Excluder

shown on hive
Hive not included

Improved Plastic Excluder

This eKduder is all plastic with properly sized openings for the
worker bees to travel through. FleKible a nd durable. Easy to dean,
corrosion proof.

lO-FRAME - MOO865 Ship wt. 8 ozs., each,

1-9 .......... . ..... $3.35
10-49 ........ . $2.90
50-499 ....... . $2.60
500+ ......... . · $2.25

8-FRAME - M008658 Ship wt. 8 ozs. ea.

1-9 ................. . · $3.35
10-49 ............... . · $2.90
50-499 ......... . · $2.60 10-FRAME - M00865
500+ ........... . · $2.25

Universal Entrance Metal Entrance Red ucer- Origi,../ Galvanized

Quickly and easily installed on lO-fr. hive. Fasten metal d ips at both
Reducer sides, slip reducer behind dips. Provides winte r entrance. Keeps mice
• • • • •• •• out. Screws included. Priced per set. Ship. Wt . 3 Ibs. per 10 sets .
M00855 1- 11 sets, Ship wt. 12 DIS. ea. $1.00
Side Clips &
MOO855 12-99 sets eac h .. . . $ .92 Screws Included
• Eight 3/8" en trance holes M00855 100 & Up sets each . . . $.90
• Made with durable 24 gauge baked-on metal
• Screw holes provided if you want to fasten to hive MOO855
• Mouse-proof

MOOSS! Ship wt. 13 DIS . ea. or 3 Ibs. per 10

1-9.. . . . . $2.70
10-49 . . . . . $2.43
50-99 . . . . . $2.42
100-499 . . $2.17
500 & Up . . $2.07 Wood Entrance Reducer
The st andard of t he industry fo r 100 years. Two entrance/exit sizes. Small fo r
win te r a nd la rge for summer. Hi nt : Red uce the entrance s ize un til your valu-
able package bees are establishe d. For use with standard pine bottom boards .
10-FRAME - B93101 Wood Ent rance Reducer, Ship wt . lib., ea. . . . . $1.10
8-FRAME - B9320l Wood Entra nce Reduce r, Ship wt. Ilbs., ea. . . . . $1.10

Pallet Clips-2

• Metal Frame Spacer

• • • • • • •
• • Secu re your hives to
pallets with t hese clips.
We offer both the W
M00875 and U stlye.

M01392 Pallet Clip-

style W, Ship wt. 1 lb., ea. $.77
Metal Frame Spacers are metal devices which have cutouts M01391 Pallet Clip - st yle U, Ship wt. 1 lb., ea $.77
to receive the fra mes and space t hem evenly. They fit over Call for Quanlity Pricing
the frame support area of hive bodies and supers of the
10 frame size. They are great time savers. They allow even Economy
spaces for the bees to fully draw combs and they protect Frame Holder
frame rests. Ship wt. 1 Ib./lO This economy frame holde r will do
M00874 9-Frame Spacers M00875 a-Frame Spacers trick at the right price. Place up to 3
1-99, e a. . .. $.55 1-99, ea. . . .. . $.55 frames at a time o n our economy frame
100-499, ea. . .. $.49 100-499, ea . . . . . $.49 holder.
500 & over, e a. . .. $.44 500 & over, ea . . $.44
M01949 Economy Frame Holder
Frame Fixer Ship wt. 2 Ibs.. . . . $10.95
Don't throw those valuable .;----...,-:::I~ Frame Holder
frame -comb combinations Why bend over and set frames on
away because of a broken the g rass? Or, t ry to balance them
top bar end - Repai r fra me agai nst the hive. With the Frame
top bar e nds wi t h t hese 20 Holder, now your brood or honey
gao galvanized frame fixers. fitled frames are at your finge r tips.
Nails included . Frame Holder, t he most efficient
and convenient way to hold valu-
MOO7l8 1-99, . . . $.26 able comb filled frames removed
100-999, . . . ... . $.23 from the colony during inspection.
1000+, . ... . $.22
Ship wt. l ib. per lot of 10 M00319 Frame Holder,
Ship wt. 3 Ibs. . . . . . . . . . . $22.98
Multi-Purpose Tool Box


This multipurpose tool box will carry most everything you need to
take to the bee yard. Carry extra frames, pollen sub patties, tools and
medications. This box can come in handy on swarm calls as well.
Uses 9 1/8" frames - not included.

M01977 Tool Box Ship wt. 13 Ibs ..... . . • .. .. .. .. .. . $52.75

Observation Hive
This 5-frame nuc observation hive is perfect for
educating both adults and children alike. Pull
a frame from the nuc and place in the observa-
tion hive. Be sure to find the queen and place
her in the upper section. The removed frame
can be replaced with a division board feeder
full of sugar syrup to feed the bees while caged.
When not using the observation window move
the frame back down below and let the bees fly
freely until needed again.
Uses 91/8" frames - not included.

GS4006 5-Frame Observation Hive

Ship wt. l8lhs. . . .. $149.95

Top Bar Hive

For the natural beekeepers here is the ultimate in top bar hives.
This top bar hive comes with 26 frames that can be divided into
two separate hives with the follower board and screened bottom.
Comes fully assembled except for the legs.
Ships LTl.

» Fully assembled except for the legs

» Screened bottom board
» Follower board
» 26 top bars

852901 Top bar hive

Ship wt. 55 Ibs.. . . $224.95

Assembled Garden Hive
with 6-5/8 Supers
We are pleased to offer the Dadant Garden Hive. Select grade
wood is hand selected and assembled for your beekeeping
adventure. This 8-frame garden hive will look wonderful in
your flower garden or back yard. Comes completely assembled
w ith copper garden top cover, inner cover, two 6-5/8/1 supers,
assembled frames with plasticell foundation , solid bottom
board and cedar hive stand.
(52801 6-5/8 Assembled Garden Hive ... ....... $144.95
Ships in 4 Packages: I-Bibs" 1-15Ibs.} and 2-12 Ibs.
May not ~ available at all branch locations.

9-5/8 Assembled Garden Hive

For those wishing to use larger brood chambers we have
the 9-5/8" depth 8-frame Dadant Garden Hive. Select
grade wood is hand picked for these kits and assembled
with ultimate care. Comes completely assembled with
B-frame copper garden cover, inner cove r, t wo 9-5/B"
depth B-frame brood boxes, 16 grooved top bar frames
with plasticell foundation, solid bottom board and cedar
hive stand.
C52901 9-5/B Assembled Garden Hive .... $145.75
Ships in 4 Packages: 1-8 Ibs., and 3-15 Ibs.
May not be olltli/able at all branch locations.

Assembled 8-Frame Boxes

Select Grade
We are offering three sizes of 8-frame boxes, assembled without frames and foundation . Made of NW Ponderosa pine all
wooden supers have tapered cut hand holds for easy gripping, uniform interlocking joints to prevent cracks, pre-drilled nail
holes and interlocking construction for superior strength.
6-5/8 Deep Super
Shallow Super
Honey Super

Aasembled without frames & foundation Assembled without frames & foundation Assembled without framel & foundation
C32501 Select 5-11/16 Shallow Super C315018 Select 6-5/8 Honey Super C50231 Select 9-5/8 Deep Super
Ship wt. 5 Ibs. ea. Ship wt. 6 Ibs. ea. Ship wt. 9 Ibs. ea.
Carton of 1 . . . . $18.25 ea. Carton of 1 ... . $19.25 ea. Carton of 1 .. . . . . .. $23.50 ea.
Carton of 5 or more . . . $17.50 ea. Carton of 5 or more .. . $18.50 ea. Ca rton of 5 or more .. . $21.50 ea.
8-Frame 8-Frame
Beginner's Kit Starter Kit

a-Frame Beginner Kit This 8 frame hive kit comes with 8 Frame Starter Kit For ease of lifting we recommend the starter
everything you will need to start your first colony of bees kit with 6-5/8" depth 8 frame supers. Includes all you will need
except for the bees themselves. This kit comes knocked to get going in beekeeping except for the bees. Additional supers
down for your assembly. As your colony grows you will will be needed as your hive grows. Comes knocked down.
need to add an additional brood box and honey supers. MS9801 8-frame Starter Kit,
M59701 8-frame Beginner Kit, Ship wt. 351bs....... . . $167.50 Ship wt. 44 Ibs. ..... . . ... $177.50
o 1 . 8·frame 9·S/8 N beehive 01· All purpose hive tool • 2 - 8-frame 6-5/8 supers o 1·Entrance feeder
o 8- 9-l/ff' grooved top bar frames 01· Hat Veil PuHoller Combo • 16- 6 1/ 4 " grooved top barfrnmes o 1-AII purpose hive tool
• 8 Sheets plastic based foundation 01· Sting re;istant gloves • 16 - Sheets plastic based foundation o 1-Hat Veil Pullover Combo
• 1 Bottom board 01· 8ee smoker to calm bees o 1- Bottom board • 1·Sting resistant gloves
• 1 Telescoping metal oovef 01· Smoker fuel lib. 01- Telescoping metal OOIIer • 1-8ee smoker to calm bees
• 1 Innenuller 01 Book First LessotlS in Beekeeping o l-Inner UJ\Ief • 1-Smoker fuel l ib.
• 1· Reversible entrance reducer 01· Assembly instructions o 1- Reversible entrance red ocer o 1·Book First Lessons in Beekeeping
o 1 Entrance feeder


without foundation
• Telescoping cover with
UNASSEMBLED - galvanized metal top

o Superbly constructed 9 5/ 8 "

Select Grade Ponderosa ~=:2ea.
Pine HIve Body .-- lea .

• Revers/ble Bottom Board

for summer and winter
bee entrance
.8 - 9 1/8" Wedged Top Bar Frames
2 ea.
8 ea.
8 ea. 1 ea.
16 ea.
z ••
Nails included for all components. 1 ea.
2 ea. Notice: Select Wood may not be 1 ea.
available in all branch locations. tea.
852601 Carton of 1
Wood Entrancs Reducsr
Sh ip wt. 30 Ibs ... .. $73.50 ea.

Unassembled 8-Frame Supers
8-Frame 9 -5/8" Deep Supers
w_ _
,_... . ,.
Hal. Not hcluded CS-".". If) Select
,.- "...
(" ' '''''0)

Item Number 850231 850231 850231

250 · ...
Ship WI. in JI» 8.5 lb •. OIch 8.5 lb.. each 8.5 lb" ~~ch 8.5 lbs. ~~ch 8.5 lb.. ~~ch
PRICE $18.85 $17.20 $16.50 $15.50 $15.00
Item Number 850271 850271 850271 850271 850271
ContnwcIM Ship WI. in JI» 8.5 lb •. OIch 8.5 lb.. each 8.5 lb" ~~ch 8.5 lbs. ~~ch 8.5 lb.. ~~ch
PRICE $16.00 $15.80 $15.70 $14.45 $13.05
quantities of 500+ Call for price
8-Frame 6 -5/8" HONEY SUPERS

( - fJIlfIfI 10) . """""... '-4 ..,.
NIII. Not InciudMJ (s-

~ f9)
1fD.249 250 -_
Hem Number B31501 831501 B31501 831501 831501
61bs. e~ch
""""" Ship we. ill lbs
61bs. • ""h
$14.65 $13.60
6 lb.. each
6 lb.. each
6 lb.. rach
Hem Number 834000 834000 834000 834000 834000
CommfH'CiBl Ship we. ill lbs 61bs. • ""h 61bs. e~ch 6 lb.. each 6 lb.. each 6 lb.. raeh
PRICE $13.15 $12.35 512.10 $9.40 $9.15

8-Frame 5-11/16" SHALLOW SUPERS


WoodGrad8 Hal. Not Includlld (See PfJfIfI 19)
(... fMfIlI 10J
'-4 5-1. 11-49 1fD.249 250 - 499
Hem Number 832501 832501 832501 832501 832501
""""', Ship we. in lb.
5 lb..• :och
5 lb. .•aeh
5 lb. . .-aeh
5 lb.. raeh
5 lb.. raeh
Hem Number 834300 834:<0 834300 834300 834300
Commfll'C.1 Ship we. in lb. 5 lb..• :och 5 lb. .•aeh 5 lb. . .-aeh 5 lb.. ra"h 5 lb.. ra"h
PRICE $12.55 $11 .30 $10.75 $8.95 $8.60

8·Frame Fume Pad

Fully assembled 8-frame fume pad with 2-1/4" deep wooden frame with a heavy
flannel-coated chemical-absorbing can vas liner and bright shiny metal cove r. Sprinkle
liner with Bee Quick, Bee Dun, o r Bee Go (see page 75) and place on top of honey
M00683 s upers. Heat from the sunshine will e vaporate chemicals and force bees o ut of the
honey super.
M00683 8- frame Fume Pad, Ship wt. Sibs. ea. . . . . . .. . . . $11.50
t1is side shown,--,_-+
(iled v.ith f9f1d- 8·Frame Wooden Hive Top Feeder
This 8-frame wooden pine feeder is the best we have seen on t he market. All joints
a re caulked with 100% silicone to ensure proper sealing and t he bottom is made out of
urethane coated maple plywood for d urability against moisture. Wooden fl oats help
Hive not included keep drowned bees to a minimum.
M01453 8-frame Wooden Hive Top Feeder, Ship wt. 9lbs. ea. $23.35

8·Frame Queen Excluder

Keep your queen out of your Honey Super with our Metal Bound queen excluder. Precisely spaced
welded wires and bound metal edges make this the ultimate queen excluder for 8 frame hives.
M00893 8-fra me Queen Excluder, Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea .. . . . .... . . . .... . . $6.50

~See pages 14-17 for Frames & Foundation cJ8

Cam locks
Tired of using bricks to hold your top covers down? Then try our camlock. The camlock
screws into the top cover and locks in place at the handhold of your hive body or super.

M01975 Ship wt. 6 DlS. ea .. . . . .... . .... . ..... . ........ . . $6.95 ea.
Garden Copper Top Cover
We a re pleased to offerthe Dada ot 8-frame Garden Copper Top. It is made of the finest materials
available. Please note thot we will not accept returns of the copper tops due to scratches or
spots caused by touching the copper. May not be available ot all branch locations .

(12601 Garden Copper Top (over, Ship wt. 17 Ibs. ea .. . . . . . . . . . . . .$69.95

Assembled 8-Frame Telescoping Cover

Fully assembled 8-frame telescoping cover with heavy galvanized metal top. This entire cover
"telescopes" over the inner cover and a portion of the top super. Inner cover sold separately.

Cl1501 Assembled 8-frame Telescoping (over,

Ship wt. 7lbs. ea. ctn/1. . . $27.75
C11501 ctn/S ..... . . . .... . . . .... . . . $23.90

Assembled 8-Frame Inner Cover - only

Masonite Inner Cover - Mortise and tenon wood frame construction with sturdy masonite inner
liner set in grooves. Will not shrink out of shape. Strong and durable. Designed to last a long
time and work properly by providing correct bee working space and good hive ventilation. Use
with bee escape (see page 75) to remove bees from supers .

815601 Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10.45

Assembled 8-Frame Ventilated Inner Cover

Use our fully assembled 8-frame ventilated cover to help with ventilation and increase honey

817501 817501 Ship wt. lib. ea .. . .. . . . . . .... . . . .$12.35

Assembled 8-Frame Screened Bottom Board

The 8-frame screened bottom board comes completely assembled. Help your colonies survive
by providing them with screened bottoms. The ultimate in Integrated Pest Management .

8929018 Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea . . . . . ..... . . . .$17.95

Assembled 8-Frame Solid Bottom Board

Our 8-frame assembled solid bottom board will give you years of service. Made of the finest
North Western Ponderosa Pine. 1 Wood Entrance Reducer (893201) is included .

C91301 Ship wt. 8 Ibs. ea. ... . . . .$15.75

Assembled 8-Frame Cedar Hive Stand

Our 8-frame Cedar hive stand will keep your bottom boards up and off the ground and give
you years of service. Both solid and screened bottom boards will work with these.

\ . - '....--~C02305 C02305 Ship wt. 5 Ibs. ea. . .... . . . .... . . . .$14.25

8-Frame Pollen Trap
This top pollen trap is the finest top mount pollen trap being offered today. When ready
to use, just place the trap directly over the top of your hive. A convenient sliding drawer at
the rear of the hive makes ease out of removing pollen from the trap. All entrances must be
closed for the bees to enter through the top of the pollen trap. Simple to set up, simple to use.
M01951 Ship wt. 10 Ibs. ea. . . . ..... . . . . . .... . . . .$57.95

All Suits, Jackets, Trousers - Unisex Sizes
Economy Vent Suit
and Jacket
We are pleased to offer an economy
V01260L ventila ted suit and jacket. Three layers
of ven tilated netting a re sandwiched
toget he r to provide you with opt mum
protectio n while a llowing ultimate ai r
flow keeping you well prote cte d a nd
cool . The suit offers ext ra padding at t he
knees, t wo chest pockets, two hive tool
pockets, and side pockets. The jacket of-
fers two chest pockets and t wo pockets
by t he waist. This suit also offers e las-
tic wrists, elastic/zippered an kles and
an elastic th umb hold . The ulti mate in
economy ven tilated clot hing.

V01260, Suit, Ship wt. Sibs. $87.'0

V01261, Jacket, Ship wt. 31bs each
$108. 00 Jacket
V01261S - Small
Suit V01261M - Medium
V01260S - Small V01261L - Large
V01260M - Medium V01261XL - X Large
V01260L - Lar ge V012612XL-2XLG
V01260Xl- X La rge
V012602XL- 2XLG V0126lM

Ventilated Suit and Jacket
We are pleased to offer what we feel is t he finest
vent suit and jacke t in the indust ry. Synt hetic foam
is sandwiched bet ween 100% polyester mesh ma k-
ing t his suit the coolest, most ve ntilated suit avail-
able on the market. The hat veil features an adjust-
able Velcro strap to help insure a true fi t. Elastic cuffs
around the wrist and ankles. Ankles a re zippered fo r
easy on/off . Two large pockets on front waist are a
and one on front chest provide room fo r needed
tools. Suit has extra padding at t he knees. Jacket of-
fers elastic a round t he waist along wi t h two large
pocke ts and one large pocket on chest.

VOI2S0, Suit, Ship wt. 7 Ibs. VOl2SlM

VOI2S1, Jacket, Ship wt. Sibs

$141.95 $101. 95
each each
Suit Jacket
V01250S - Small VOl2S1S - Small
V01250M - Medium VOl2S1M - Medium
V012S0L - Large VOl2SlL - Large
V0l250Xl- X la rge Close-up of VOl2S1XL - X Large
V012502XL- 2Xl G VOl2S12XL -2XLG
suit material

Dadant Zipper Veil Suit
Zipper Veil-Suit Combination was designed by Dadant & Sons. We added all the
features our beekeepers wanted for total protection and comfort for a full day's
work in the bee yard. This Zipper Veil-Suit Combination offers the fine features of
the Dadant Folding Veil and the Dadant Coveralls to provide total protection for the
beekeeper. Zippered side openings allow full protection and easy access to trouser
pockets. Easily slip on over boots or shoes with generous zippered bottom pant legs.
The location of the veil zipper holds the veil in place, assuring perfect vision while
allowing total freedom of movement. Easy on and off. We recommend using with the
Dadant Plastic Sun Helmet. When ordering. state catalog number and size. Because
of numerous sizes, branch locations may be temporarily out-of-stock of some sizes.
Note sizes are based upon chest sizes. Ship wt. 4 Jbs.

Helmet not induded,

M01103 Small (36-38)
[sold separately M0110S Medium (40-42) $71.'''
on pace 41) M01107 large (44-46) each
MOl203 X-large (48-50)
M0110s MOl203X XX-large (52-54) . $74.50

Snow-White Coveralls
Dadant coveralls are a snow-white, polyester-cotton blend. Snow-white because white is
less annoying to bees than darker colors and they are less apt to sting. Full front zipper for
easy on and off. Sturdy construction - all points of stress are bartacked for extra reinforce-
ment. Six roomy pockets hold the tools you need. Side openings allow easy access to trou-
ser pockets. When ordering, state chest size by item number.
Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea.
MOl063 Small (36-38) ..
MOl065 Medium (40-42). $41-40
MOl067 large (44-46) ..... . each
Poly/Cotton Blend
Six Roomy Pockets M01121 X-large (48-S0) ... . $43_" MOl063
Full Front Zipper each

M01122 XX-large(S2-S4) .. .. $46. 2S

Dadant Cricket Style Hat & Veil Suit and Jacket

Available only rhraugh the Corporate Office In Hammon, IL Added Material
To orde£ please call f..888-922- 1293. at Elbows

We are pleased to offer both cricket style suits
and jackets with polyscreen crush resistant veil.
Both suits and jackets are made of a blend of
polyester/cotton material. These are the ultimate
in protection with added material in the knees
and elbows. Suit offers a rear zippered pocket and
two large front pockets which give plenty of room
to carry what is needed in the beeyard. Ankles are
zippered for easy on and off.

Cricket Style Cricket Style V0123IM

Hat & Veil Suit Jacket
VOl230S Small (36-38) $92.
6S VOl23lS Small (36-38)
VOl230M Medium (40-42) each VOI231M Medium (40-42) $68. 95
VOl230llarge (44-46) VOl231llarge (44-46) each
VOl230Xl X-large (48-50) VOl23lXl X-large (48-50)
&Knus VOl230XXl2X-large (52-S4) VOl23lXXl2X-large (52-54)
VOl230XXXl3X-large (56-S8) V01231XXXl3X-large (56-58)
V01230XXXXl4X-large (60-62) VOI23IXXXXl4X-large (60-62)
Leg Cuffs

Model Spe cs Model Specs
Weight: 145 Ibs. Weight 165 Ibs.
Height: 5'7" Height 5'9"
Wearing Small Wearing Medium in
in SUits,jackets, Sults, Jackets, Trouse~
Trousers and and Coveralls


Hat-Veil Combo w ith Poly/ Cotton Trousers Hat-Veil Combo with Poly/ Cotton Suit
V01220SP Small V01170S Small (36-38)
Poly/ Cotton Zippere d Jacket
V01220S Small (36-38) V01220MP Medium $22. 60 V01170M Medium (40-42)
V01170llarge (44-46)
V01220M Medium (40-42)
V01220l large (44-46)
V01220LP large
V01220XLP X-Large
each V01170Xl X-large (48-50) $72.

V01170XXl 2X-large (52-54) each

VOl220Xl X-large (48-50) $58. 65
V01220XXLP XX-large V01170XXXl 3X-Large (56-58)
V01220XXl 2X-large (52-54) each Our adult trousers are a nice compli- V01170XXXXl 4X-Large (60-62)
V01220XXXl 3X-large (56-58) ment to our Hat-Veil Combo Jacket and
Hooded Poly/Cotton Jacket. These trou- Featuring: Leg zippers for easy on/off,
V01220XXXXl 4X-large (60-62)
sers fea tu re two large front pockets with two front side pockets and a chest pocket.
Featuring: Fron t zipper with elastic velcro closures and an extra hive tool Comfortable hat/veil combo with zipper
cuffs and waist and a zippered chest pocket on each side. The waist is a very attachment, elastic leg and wrist cuffs.
pocket. Easy to zip on and off for that stretcha ble elastic wit h front zipper and
q uick hive inspection. button up front. Zippered legs for easy
on and off.
Hooded Poly/Cotton Jacket
V01200S Small (36-38)
V01200M Medium (40-42) $57.i l Improved
V01200llarge (44-46) each Hood Design
V01200Xl X-large (48-50)
V01200XXl XX-large (52-54)
Hooded Poly/ Cotton Suit
V01180S Small (36-38)
fit V01180M Medium (40-42) 50$78.
V01180l large (44-46) each
Closeup of V01l80Xl X-large (48-50)
embroidered logo
V01l80XXl XX-large (52-54)
• Heavy-Duty Zippers ·2 Lg Chest Pockets
• Unobstructed Vision • Rugged Quality
• Relaxed Fit • Easy On & Off V01180M
For quick trips to
• Elastic Waist
the bee yard, a
practical hooded Classic Hooded Design... but with a difference I Our ljppered
jacket gets the polyester cotton blend is double lined with 2 full laye~ to protect Leg Cuffs
job done. Secure, the back of the head. Give yourself confidence, full vision and
safe and cool. rugged Dadant quality with our newest Protective Bee Suits.
Not. slz.s I r. bue<:! upon chest sizes. Jilcket Ship wt . 3 Ibs., Trouser Sh ip wt. 3 Ibs., Suit Ship wt. SIIn.
Child's Two-Piece Suit Ages 4 & 6
Available only through the Corporate Office in Hamilton, IL.
Toorder lease caJI1-888-922-1293.

We are pleased to offer 81 Sherriff two-piece suits for children

ages 4 & 6. The jacket features a zip on hooded veil with elastic
cuffs at the waist and wrists. The trousers feature elastic waist
and ankles along with two front pockets. Perfect for your child's
first visit to the bee yard.

Child's Two-Piece Suit Age 4

V01244, Ship wt. 3 lbs. ea ....... $89.95

Child's Two-Piece Suit Age 6

V01246, Ship wt. 3 Jbs. ea ....... $89.95

Children's Hat-Veil Children's Hat-Veil

Combo with Combo with Poly/
Poly/Cotton Jacket Cotton Suit
OUf jacket for 10-12 year-old children Children's (10-12)
features a zippered chest pocket with
V01170C Ship wt. Sibs ..... $72.00
elastic cuffs and waist. Easy to slip on
and off for the quick trip to the bee
yard with mom and dad.
V01220C Children's (10-12)
Ship wt. 3lbs. ea ....... $58.65





Children's Poly/
Cotton Trousers
Our children's trousers are a nice addi-
tion to our child's jacket. Featuring
a front pocket with elastic waist and V01170C
ankles. These trousers will give your Side view
youngster the extra protection they may
sometimes need in the beeyard.
V01220CP Children's (1O-12)
Ship wt. 3lbs. ea .. . .. .. ... $22.60

Quality Materiais-Quality Workmanship
Dadant Folding Veil
Our most popular veil. Cool and convenient. Open mesh netting
top with elastic cord to fit any hat or helmet. Strong seamed wire
netting face, side and neck panels are hinged at all corners to
permit easy flat folding for storing - wire doesn' t kink. Open mesh
netting skirt for maximum protection and coolness. Available
with a long bottom drawstring or an attached zipper ready to be
sewn to your beesuit. Fits our helmet and most hats, helmet not
included. Ship wt. lib.
VOI093 Folding Veil w/Bottom Drawstring-Adult Size $15.10
VOI096 Folding Veil w/Bottom Drawstring-Child Size. $15.10
VOllDa Folding Veil w/Bottom Zipper-Adult Size . .. $16.25
Dadant Tulle Veil
Tulle Veil uses clear-vision fabric that is really cool. Elastic cord at Folding Veil Tulle Veil
bottom and top so veil will fit any hat. This veil is the lightest weight
and easiest to carry of all. Fold and put it in your pocket. Great for
any outdoor activity! Keeps away mosquitos, black flies and gnats.
Fits our helmet and most hats, helmet not included. Worh best
with ventilated or plastic sun helmets.
VOI092 Tulle Veil, Ship wt. 4 ozs. ea . . . . .... . . . . . ... $11.35
Dadant Excelsior Veil
A wire veil of one-piece round construction. Allows clear view
in all directions. Double-seamed, open mesh netting, top and
bottom. Elastic top. Bottom drawstring. Cool. Fits our helmet
and most hats, helmet not included.
VOI094 Excelsior Veil, Ship wt. lib. ea .. ...... . ...... $14.95
Dadant Alexander Veil Best Value
The Alexander Veil has a durable white cloth top that form s the
hat. Full-vision, round one-piece screen-wire veil - no helmet ~ _ __
needed. Inner elastic headband holds veil in position so top Excelsior Veil Alexander Veil
does not touch the head. Cloth top extends down back of veil
to form sunshade for the neck. Long tie·down drawstring.
VOI090 Alexander Veil, Ship wt. l ib. ea . . ...... . . . .. $18.50
Polyscreen Folding Veil
We are pleased to offer this folding-style veil with a new poly-
screen material. Durable and flexible screening that won' t rust
and will hold up to many seasons of use. Features white nylon
binding. Fits our helmet and most hats, helmet not included.
von02 Polyscreen Folding Veil, Ship wt. lib. ea.. $19.50
Hat Veil Pullover Combo
A new slip-on hat/veil combination featuring the same polyscreen
material used in our polyscreen folding veil. Ideal for a quick inspec-
tion-simply slip it on and go. Wide brim hat holds veil out from Polyscreen Folding Veil Hat Veil Pullover Combo
the face.
von08 Hat Veil Pullover Combo, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea ... $20.55 (All veils and helmets sold separately)
Dadant Plastic Sun Helmet Ventilated Sun Helmet
Dadant Plastic Sun Helmet-We designed it with you in mind. Molded Ventilated Sun Helmet-Woven open mesh material
of gleaming white plastic, the full wide brim holds t he veil away from is strong and lightweight. Allows maximum circula-
your face. Side louvers allow maximum circulation of air around the tion of air. Adjustable headband. Water-resistant.
head. Adjustable inner headband fits all head sizes and holds the helmet Available in either tan or white.
away from the head for even more air circulation. Ideal combination Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea.
with any of our veils or wear it around the yard and garden for cool pro- MOl087 Tan . . $18.95
tection from the sun. Ship wt. 2lbs. MOl087W White . $18.95
Our plastic sun helmet was designed for the prevention of the Apis mellifera
honey bee from entering. Caution: other smaller breeds may be oble to enter.
M01049 or MOl0495

500 & Up.

. .. $10.00
30·49 . . . .... $8.45
50-199. . . $7.45
200·499 . .... $6.45
a· MOl087 MOI087W
We especially recommend beekeeping gloves for beginning hobbyists. Even experienced beekeepers will want gloves on hand
for handling an occasionally defensive colony. All of our gloves are cut from quality mate rials and carefully constructed to give
several seasons of wear. Choose from canvas, plastic-coated canvas, high quality ventilated leather, or our newest economically
priced leather.
Ventilated Leather Gloves
We are pleased to offer this top quality glove at a great price. The hand is made of top grain cowhide leather.
Heavy duty rubberized gauntlet bell cuff with 100% nylon, full circular ven tilation panel, is firmly stitched between
glove and sleeve for extra coolness on hot days. Lighter weight elbow length canvas drill sleeves with e lastic band
at the top provides good protection with a cooler material. Ship. wt. lib. State size by item number.

M011382C Child's.
M011382 Small.
M011372 Medium
$20. 95
M011362 Large. any size
M011352 X-Large . .

Lighter Weight Ventilated Leather Gloves

A lighter weight ve rsion of our glove above. Basically the same constructio n and same quality features. This
glove incorporates a lighter weight leather for those not needing the day-to-day durability of our premium,
more expensive, glove. Ship wt. lib. State size by item number.

M011381 Small.
M011371 Medium . . $10. 95
M011361 Large. each
M011351 X-Large . . . any size

Canvas Gloves
Heavy canvas gloves specially treated to make them even more sting-resistant. The full -elbow length sleeve
has an elastic top. Fits snugly around the arm below t he elbow. Not washable. Ship. wt. 10 ozs. State size by
item number.

M01080 Small. $10."

M01079 Medium each
M01078 Large. any size

Plastic·Coated Canvas Gloves

The hand is made of plastic coated canvas which makes this glove virtually sting-proof. The sleeves of special
cloth are full elbow length and have elastic in the top to fit the arm snugly. Ideal for use in the honey house.
Ship. wt. 1 lb. State size by item number.

MOI086 Small. $11." j

M01085 Large. each
any size

Boot Bands
Stop bees from crawling up pant legs. Sturdy 2" wide x 141/2" long bands with velcro are used
to tighten pant legs against boots. Easy on and off. Boot bands are a must when wearing pants
without elastic in the cuffs.
Yard Apron
MOI060 Pair., Ship wt. 2 oz. ea. . . $3.85
Ideal in the Honey House
12 & Up Pairs, ea. .... . . $3.35
Poly-Cotton Blend ' Divided Leg Style
Sweat Band Great for working in the honey
Lightweight elastic terry house or the kitchen. Divided
Dadant cloth material absorbs legs each have easy-to-clasp
fasteners. Easy walking-
Hat moisture and cools the
Comfortable sitting.
wearer. Easily washed.
Especially necessary fo r
Embroidered those who wea r glasses.
MOIon Yard Apron
hat with adjustable strap. Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea.
MOl212 Dadant Hat MOI088 Sweat Bands 1-11 ... $17.50
Shipwt.llb.ea .. $7.75 Ship wt. 2 ozs. ea ..... $3.40 12 & Up. ..... $16.95

/-888-922- /293
Don't Let Your Beekeepinq
Tall Behind the Times!
Subscribe now to the monthly magazine for beekeepers

Save $ By Reading the

American Bee Journal
M any su b scribers sa y they easily save
th e cost of an en t ire year's subscrip-
tion from a single in f orm ative article
in t he Ame rican Bee Journal. You
ca n. too] Every issue of the Journal
is pac ked with art icles which app eal
to a wi de range of t he bee keeping
spectrum from the hobbyist to th e

Interesting and Up-ta-Date Articles

Articles are selected from contributions sent to us from around the g lobe. So m e are
written by research entomologists. and com m ercial b eekeepers. but m any are written
by the avi d hobbyist just li ke you! Articles run the gam ut f rom su bj ects important to us
all like the bee mites. practical m anagemen t. honey m arketing and p romotion . all t he
way down to m ore specialized subjects such as how to ma ke honey soft d rinks or how to
create more enjoyment an d profi t from your beekeeping.

ABJ uses 8 superior quality paper and has a larger total number of pages than many U.S. publications and thus has 8
slightly higher postal rate outside the continental U.S.

Domestic (US) Rates Canada Surface Rates J Foreign Surface Rates

1 Year $28.00 MOOO81 1 Year $45.00 MOOO811SC 1 Year $52.00 M000811
2 Years $53.00 MOOO82 2 Years $88.00 M000821SC 2 Years $99.00 M000821
3 Years $75.00 MOOO84
Call or Fax for Ai mail Rates - Rates are al 0 available online at
Digital ABJ Subscription
1 Year (12 Digital Issues) $16.00 MOO081D
Pub lished by

Dadant & Sons, Inc.
Hamilton, Il 62341
Toll-Free 888-922-1293 iii .
W rite fo r free sample copy.


Pro tect your back issues of t he American Bee Journal - holds 12 issues of ABJ. An a ttractive
"leather loo k" gold embossed magazine binder. Sturdy vinyl covers open fl at.
MOOOSO Binde r for the American Bee Journal, Ship. wt. 2 Ibs., ea. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . $10.50
The Hive and the Honey Bee
The latest edition of t he classic book on beekeeping. Completely rewritten, revised and enlarged. The best ref-
e rence book on honey bees and beekeeping. 22 chapters, 33 world-famous authors, hundreds of photos and
drawings, clothbound wi t h a tt ractive goldstam ped cover and spine, and many special fea t ures: new 52-page
US . and Canadian honey plan ts table, updated Africanized honey bee information, parasitic bee mite ma nage-
ment, business practices, marketi ng, hive products, bee behavior, pesticides, and mo re. 1,324 pages. Hardcove r.
MOOOIO The Hive and t he Honey Bee, Ship wt. 4 Ibs., ea . . . . . .. . . . $36.00

First Lessons In Beekeeping

The new First Lessons in Beekeeping introduces the prospective beekeeper to the
basics of beekeeping through easy-to-understand text and I SO color photos on honey
bee biology, beekeeping equipment, management, honey production and processing,
as well as disease diagnosis and treatment. In the preface to this book, author Keith
Delaplane says of his fi rst book on beekeeping, "Its pages opened to me a golden
world of honey bees and beekeeping and guided my st umbling steps that fi rst spring
season. My story is but one of thousands who have passed through the door opened
by Dadan t's little book." That "little book" was the 1968 edition of Charles P. Dada nt's
1917 classic First Lessons in Beekeeping. Dadant's book and its succeeding editions
have been America's first stop for beginning beekeepe rs for over 90 yea rs. For the lat-
est edition, Delaplane honors the tradition of sticking to the basics, while fully e ngag-
ing the new realities of beekeeping in the 21st centu ry. Here in this book is everything MOOOO1S
MOOOOI you need to know to become a successful beginning beekeeper.
MOOOOI First l essons in Beekeeping, softcover, Ship wt. l ib., ea . . . $8.95
M00001S Primeras lecciones e n Apicultura, softcover, Ship wt. lib., ea. $8.95

American Honey Plants

Authored by honey plants expert Frank Pellett, this classic book on American honey plants has been
reprin ted in its entirety. Recognized as the best and most comprehensive book ever writte n on
American honey plants, this volume has been out of print and hard to fi nd fo r many years. Orde r your
copy now while supplies last ! Beekeeping artist Roby Baer has provided a wonde rful new color cover tha t makes
this book a true collector's volume. Softcover, 467 pages
M00125 Ame rican Honey Plants, Ship wt. 2 Ibs .. . . .... . . . . . $24.95
Dadant Honey Bee Study Prints
These 12 beautiful 13" x 18" color enlargements depicting various honey bee behavioral characteristics
and beekeeping scenes a re excellent for the classroom, bee meetings and e xhibits. Ideal for home, office,
and honey house display. Printed on the back of each color photo is instructional ma terial - tells what can
be observed and learned from the picture, asks questions, gives additional information on the subject,
and suggests other sources of information.
M00020 pe r set, Ship wt. 2 Ibs .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26.95 M00020
The Classroom Beekeeping Question & Answers
Jerry Hayes, our Classroom writer for the American Bee Journal, has put togethe r a huge selection of the most
asked beekeeping questions and answers that have been sent to The Classroom over the yea rs. Great for the
beginner or seasoned vete ran. Book chapte rs deal with management, bee biology, diseases, parasites and trea t-
ment, pesticides, swarming, moving bees, pollination, equipment, honey, propolis, stings, queens and much
mo re ! Honey gold softcover. 300 pages wit h photos. learn ing really can befun!
MOOO69 The Classroom, Ship wt. 2 Ibs., each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... $11.95
Mites of the Honey Bee
This is a must-have book for any beekeeper who wishes to understand the tracheal and varroa mite problems in the
United States and the potential for control of these two serious honey bee pests. Twenty-seven expert authors have come
together to write 18 concise chapte rs on Mites of the Honey Bee. This 300-page hardcover book is amply illustrated with
photos, drawings and graphs to augment the text. By Thomas C. We bste r and Keith S. Delaplane
M00095 Mites of the Honey Bee, Ship wt. 3 Ibs . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . $9.95

Contemporary Queen Rearing

According to the late au thor, Dr. laidlaw, "Contemporary Queen Rearing is still the best book I have written on practi-
cal queen rearing. Information on producing vi rgin queens, mating the queen, use of queens, package bee produc-
tion, stock maintenance and much more useful information. 199 pages. Softcover.
M00065 Contemporary Queen Reari ng, Ship wt. lib.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $12.50
....•...._ - MOOO65
Restocking fee of 35% for all pre-approved book returns

/-888-922- /293
Dadant System of Beekeeping
c.P. Dadant's excellent instructional book on his beekeeping methods was popular for many years after it
was first published in 1920. Now Dadant & Sons has reprinted it, along with a new cover that features his-
torical photos of c.P. Dadant working his hives, as well as photos of his home beeyard and a personal por-
trait. This book contains a wealth of practical beekeeping and historical information. Softcover, 115 pages
MOOO29 Dadant System of Beekeeping, Ship wt. lib ..... . . $8.95

Outapiaries and Their Management

i rare volume written by M.G. Dadant was first printed in 1919 and has been out of print for many years.
Now Dadant & Sons has reprinted it in its entirety, along with all of its interesting and historical photographs.
i is one of the few books in existence written exclusively on the subject of establishing and managing new
beeyards. Its good advice is still relevant today and its historical significance makes it a real collector's item.
Softcover, 124 pages
MOO030 Out Apiaries and Their Management, Ship wt. lib .. ...... . . . .... . $S.95

Honeybee Democracy :.• ~.

Written by Dr. Thomas D. Seeley, noted professor of biology at Cornell University, Honeybee Democracy is '/"' HON£YIIH:

destined to become a classic among honey bee behavior books. Katherine Bouton, New York TImes, says,
"Dr. Seeley is an engaging guide. His enthusiasm and admiration for honeybees is infectious. His accumulated
research seems truly masterly, doing for bees what E.O. Wilson did for ants." Every beekeeper will want to add
~ ~
Honeybee Democracy to their collection of beekeeping reference books. Hardcover, 280 pages.
M00015 Honeybee Democracy, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea.. . . ......... . .... $29.95
ABC & XYZ of Bee Culture -The New 41" Edition
There's a wealth of practical information that's been completely updated on the fundamentals of honey bee
biology, anatomy, physiology, behavior and all the rest. We've brought in the best graphics, stunn ing photos,
and latest findings to this edition from research sources not even published yet, but including the classics in
anatomy and biology. The 41" Edition has just over 1,000 pages and more than 1,000 photos, most in color.
Full color hardcover.
MOOOO7l ABC & XYl of Bee Culture, The 41" Edition, Ship wt. Sibs. ea .. . . . . . .... . ... $59.95

Swarm Essentials
Author Stephen Rapasky is a second generation beekeeper and certified Master Beekeeper who has always
had an interest in swarms and finds their behavior fascinating. Mr. Rapasky says, "Through Swarm Essentials,
Dr. Larry Connor and I hope to provide some of that knowledge to all beekeepers, to offer some insight into
the biology, ecology and sustainability of colonies in your bee yard." Softcover, 128 pages with beautiful color
M0010S Swarm Essentials, Ship wt. l ib. ea.. . . . . ..... $23.00
Honey In The Comb - Book or DVD
By Eugene E. Killion. Twelve comprehensive chapters cover every aspect of comb honey production in both
round and square sections. 16S brand new photographs and equipment drawings, completely cross-indexed.
148 pages, softbound in honey gold. Also, don't miss the video by Gene Killion complementing his book
of the same title. An excellent guide and aid for the novice and experienced beekeeper alike.
MOOO06 Honey in the Comb Book, Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea. . .$10.50
M001242DVD Honey in the Comb DVD, Ship wt. lib. ea. $19.95
MOOO06SET Honey in the Comb Book & DVD Set, Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea ....... $29.95 M001242DVDM00006
Honey Bees & Beekeeping - A Year in the Life of an Apiary
Honey Bees & Beekeeping by Keith S. Delaplane, Ph.D., is an eight episode video series and companion book designed
to teach novices the basics of beekeeping and to give more experienced beekeepers expanded knowledge. The videos
trace the development of ten honey bee colonies from start-up through a complete year of management.
Book: Honey Bees and Beekeeping: A Year in the Ufe of an Apiary complements the videos.
M00099 Book only, Ship wt. 2lbs. ea. . .... $19.95 •

DVD Series: All eight 30 minute episodes are presented on DVD.

MOOlOODVD DVD series only, Ship wt. 2lbs. ea. .. .. .$39.95 DVD
MOOlOOSETDVD DVD/Book Set, Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea .... . $S7.95/set MOOlOODVD MOOO99
Restocking fee of 35% for aff pre-appro lied book returns
Guide to Becoming a Successful Back Yard Beekeeper
Want to find out what all the buzz is about beekeeping? The latest (3rd) edition of Beekeeping for Dummies
gives you the most trusted and up-ta-date information on safely keeping your own bees, including complete
inst ructions for assembling and maintaining beehives, handling all phases of honey production, using t he
lates t tools and equipment, and much more.
MOOOS9 Beekeeping For Dummies, Ship wt. 2lbs. . . . . . . . .. $22.99

The Honey Connoisseur

From ho ney and beekeeping experts C. Marina Marchese and Kim Flott um comes this comprehensive
course in the origin, flavor, and culinary uses of more than 30 varie tals of honey, from dover to star t histle =
d y
to buckwheat and many more. Beautifully illustrated, it's t he perfect book fo r food lovers, beekeepers
and locavores alike. Hardcover, 208 pages
M00076 The Ho ney Connoisseur, Ship wt. 2 Ibs .... . . . . . .... . . . . ... . . . . .... . $26.95

Honey Bee Diseases and Pests
3 rd Edition
This publication was prepared by the Canadian Association of Professional Apicultu rists to assist bee-
keepe rs in preventing serious disease-related damage to t heir hives. Softcover. Excellent color photos.
Perfect fo r the hobbyist and a good addition fo r the experienced beekeeper.
Moo0131 Honey Bee Diseases and Pests, Ship wt. l ib. . . . ... . .. . . $17.95

History of American Beekeeping
This is o ne of the few comprehensive books ever written on the history of American beekeeping. Aut hored
by the late American Bee Journal editor, Frank C. Pe llett, in 1938 t his once very ra re book has been reprinted
in its entirety, along with its original histo rical photos. This is a fascinating and valuable his torical document
t hat details the rise of Ame rican beekeeping and the beekeeping pioneers who made it happen. Hardcover,
213 pages
M00072 History of Ame rican Beekeepin& Ship wt.llb. ea. ..... . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . $35.00
Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping
The new e dition of this excellent beekeeping text book has been extensively revised a nd updated by
author Dewey M. Caron wi t h the help of Lawrence John Connor. Since its original release in 1999,
Honey Bee Biology & Beekeeping has become a widely acce pted beekeeping textbook. It concentrates
o n t he "why", "how" and "when" of beekeeping, while e xplaining bee and beekee ping basics in a ma n-
ne r mea ningful to people who lack an intensive biology backgrou nd. Nicely illust ra te d wit h many color
photographs. Ha rdcover, 368 pages
MOOOH Honey Bee Biology a nd Beekeepin& Ship wt. 3 Ibs. . .. . . $55.00
More Than Honey - (DVD) MORETHAN
This informative DVD created by Academy Award-nomi nated director Markus Imhoof tackles the vexing
issue of why bees, worldwide, a re diminishing in nu mbers. With t he tenacity of a man out to solve a great
mystery, he investigates t his global phenomeno n, from California to Switzerland, China and Australia .
"Exquisite macro-photography of bees in fligh t a nd in t hei r hives reveals a fasci nating, complex world in
crisis." 91 mi nutes in lengt h
M00107 DVD More Than Honey, Ship wt. 3 ozs. ea . . . . ... . . . $29.95

Keeping Bees in Towns and Cities

Author Luke Dixon is one of many new urban beekeepe rs who have sta rted t heir wonde rful beekeeping
" r. ,".'.1TTI~
hobbies within the city limits of communities across t he globe. Ofte n forbidde n un til recent years, many city
officials have come to realize the advantages of having thriving and pollinating honey bee populations withi n
thei r cit y limits. Dixon teaches reade rs basic beekeeping, while intermingling s pecial helpful hints for success-
ful urban beekeeping. Softcover, 183 pages with many excellent color photos.
MOO119 Keeping Bees in Towns a nd Cities, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. . . . . ... . . . . .... . .$19.95
Restocking fee of 35% for all pre-approved book returns

/-888-922- /293
Natural Beekeeping (DVD) ~
Org anic, Non-Disruptive Apiari an Methods by jerry Dunba~
"Organic, Non-Disruptive Apiarian Methods" For more tha n 40 years Jerry Dunbar has been developing
ways of working with honey bees in a manner that creates the least possible interference and encourages
their health and fut ure survival.
MOl720 DVD Natural Beekeeping, Ship wt. I lbs. ea . . . . .. ... . . . . .... . . $29.95
Natural Beekeeping b y Ross Conr ad
Author Ross Conrad has been hailed by many beekeepers for his "organic approaches to modern apicult ure". Ross
believes that many beekeeper disease a nd pest problems can be solved without using harmful chemicals. Wit h
news that some chemical honey bee disease and pest t reatments are no longer working, Ross says, "It's ti me for
a new app roach. Natural Beekeeping offers an holistic, sensible alternative to conventional chemical practices by
proposing a program of na t ural hive management ." Softcover.
M00049 Natural Beekeeping, Ship wt. 2lbs. ea.. . .. . . . . . . $35.00 ~!!~!!~
This DVD is a comprehensive survey of natural beekeeping, its principles and practices, aimed at both hobby and
small-scale commercial apiculturists. In this filmed workshop, noted Vermont beekeeper Ross Conrad flips t he
script on t raditional approaches by proposing a program of selective breeding and natu ral hive ma nagement. ",.""'.
The video presents a comprehensive survey of natu ral beekeeping methods and challenges, including segments
fi lmed in the field . It offe rs practical information that every aspiring beekeeper needs to know- everything from
basic hive equipment to worki ng with your bees to harvesting and processing honey.
M00049DVD Natural Beekeeping, DVD, Shi p wt. l ib. ea. . . ... . . . . .... . . . . .... $29.95

The Beekeeper's Handbook

Written by Diana Sammataro and Alphonse Avitabile, this 190 page beekeeping inst ructional manual has been
hailed by many as one of the best beginner's books written in recent years. A glossary and bibliography are also
provided suggesting more detailed information on the topics discussed. Softcover. Fourth edition .

M00094 The Beekeeper's Handbook, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea ... .. . . .. .

An Introduction to BEEKEEPING
a vailable on DVD
. . $27.50

An Introduction to Beekeeping is a full color, 58-mi nute DVD, professionally produced and informative
video that takes yo u through t he four seasons of beekeeping- from installing packages to packaging your crop.
Moo1241DVD An Introduction to Beekeeping, DVD, Ship wt. l ib. ea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $31.95

Organic Beekeeping 101 DVD
This very informative DVD will teach you everyt hing you need to know to become an organic beekeeper
by following along in the 11 chapters provided by Randy Sue. Forward by Michelle Flenniken, Ph.D .

M00125DVD Organic Beekeeping 101, DVD, Ship wt. lib. ea . . . . . . . . . . . .$19.95 . ._ - .

Swarm plus
A n In credible, Up-Close Look at th e Amazing Honeybee
This expertly done instructional DVD teaches t he beekeeper about honey bee swarming and includes
-- Nine swarms, Feral colony, Afte r the catch, Bee removal, Equipment, plus a Bonus video. The narra tor
demonstrates how to catch a varie ty of swarms in many different circumstances. A fun, instructional,
and entertaining video. Approx. 58 minutes.
Moo096 Swarm plus DVD, Ship wt. lib. ea .. . ..... . . . $24.00 M00096
Bees- Tales from the Hive DVD
Discover new found facts about the strange and complex life of bees in t his in-dept h documentary. It
features up-close footage fi lmed with specially developed macro lenses. Witness the most intimate and
spectacular portrayal of a working bee colony. From a high-s peed mid-air "wedding flight" to a close
encounter with honey-lovi ng bears, t his Nova DVD exposes a bee colony's secret world.
M00052 Bees-Tales from the Hive, DVD, Ship wt. l ib. ea . ..... ....... .... . .. ... $35.00

Moo052 Vanishing of the Bees

Narrated by Oscar Nominee Ellen Page, this popular DVD explores the unprecedented loss of honey bee colonies
in recen t years and cites research t hat may point to several different reasons for this a la rming disappearance of
nature's premier pollinator. Stunning photography makes this 87-minute film an engrossing educational experience.
M00093 DVD Vanishing of the Bees, Ship wt. lib. ea. ............ . . . $18.95
Restocking fee of 35% for aff pre-appro lied book returns MOO093
~ The Backyard Beekeeper 3 rd Edition
~n Absolute Beginner's Guide to Keeping Bees in Yo ur Yard and Ga rden
Kim Flottum, editor of Bee Culture magazine, has written a n excellent how-to book for beekeepers that he calls
"an absolute beginner's guide to keeping bees in your ya rd and garden". There are many excellent color pho-
tos provided with Kim's easy-ta-understand, step-by-step di rections for successful beekeeping. 3 rd edition,
Softcover, 207 pages
M01980 The Backyard Beekeeper, Ship wt. 2 Ibs . . .... . . . ........ $ 24.99

Bee-sentials - A Field Guide

A beekeeping book you have been looking fo r--a basic book with some 'meat on its bones' for continued study
by new and not-so-new beekeepers. This is a book that can be thrown into a computer bag o r backpack and
read o n an airplane or beside a lake in the woods. 25 Colorful pages of honey plants. 208 pages, paperback
Moo077 Bee-sentials A Field Guide, Ship wt. l ib. . .. . . ... . ...... . $25.00

Attracting Native Pollinators MOOO77

~~2, Bees, wasps, butterflies, moths, flies a nd some beet les pollinate more than 70 percent of flowe ring plan ts, but
North America's native pollinators face multiple th reats to their heal t h and habitat. The Xerces Societ y offers a
complete action plan for protecting these indust rious animals by providing flowe ring habitat and nesting sites.
MOOlll Attracti ng Native Pollinators, Ship wt. 3lbs. . . . . . . $29.95

Insect Pollination of Cultivated Crop Plants

The late Dr. S.E. McGregor's comprehensive handbook remains t he defini tive work o n this subject. Major
and mi nor crops are covered in t his 4 11 page book, a long with many excellent photos and drawings. Besides
specific recomme ndations and references fo r individual crops, Dr. McGregor also presents much informa-
tion abou t pollination in general, as well as specific help ma terial for the professional pollinator/beekeeper.
MOOllO Insect Pollination of Cultivated Crop Pla nts, Ship wt. 3 Ibs. . . . . . . . ... . $34.95

Two Million Blossoms - Discovering the Medicinal Benefits of Honey

" Author Kirsten Traynor has carefully resea rched and interviewed many experts for this well written and
informative book that chronicles t he medicinal use of honey ufrom ancient civilizations un til the advent of

antibiotics u. uNew scientific findings from around the world demonstrate honey heals chronic wounds, beats
antibiotic-resistant superbugs, eliminates tissue sca rr ing, red uces brain damage, improves memory and
minimizes the ha rmful side-effects of cancer tre a t ments. An easily assimilated antioxidant, honey proves
more e ffective tha n over-the-counter cough medici nes, acts as a na tural laxative, stimulates good intesti nal
flora, and alleviates spring allergies." 258 pages, softcove r
M00120 Two Million Blossoms, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea .. . . . . .... . . $19.95
" , Honey Bee Hobbyist
This is a wonde rful beginner's beekeeping book from Dr. No rm Gary, beekeeper, research entomologist,
bee behavior expert and musician! A bee specialist for over a half a century, Dr. Gary not only has taught
actors how to perform with t housands of bees, but also has taught t housands of st uden ts t he biology of
bees. In t his book Dr. Gary counsels the beginning beekeeper on a ll things honey-bee re lated, from observ-
ing your first hive to harvesting your own honey. Dr. Gary's passion for bees is palpable in this practical,
easy-to-follow guide to beekeeping as a hobby. Softcover, 17S pages.
MOoo08 Honey Bee Hobbyist, Ship wt. lib. ea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . $16.95

Hive Inspection Sheet Notepad

Hi ve Inspection Sheets to help record hive activity, requeening, treatments, feeding, honey storage, honey
extraction, a nd the condition of the hive. Notepad is made up of 25 sheets wit h pre-drilled holes to fit into a
3-ring binde r.
M01940 Hive Inspection Sheet Notepad, Ship wt. lib. ea.. . . . . . ... $2.50

Honey Bee Life Cycle Chart

Great for classroom bee talks or beekeeping exhibits. Poster size.
MOO002 Honey Bee Life Cycle Chart, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. $14.65 -
Bee My Honey Note Pad M00002
"Bee My Honeyu No te Pad: A cute a nd colorful note or stationery pad . 12 deligh tful bee carica tu res and
sayings are repea ted twice. 24 sheets. 5 u x 9".
M00903 Ship wt. 8 ozs. ea.. ......... . ... . . . $2.50
Restocking fee of 35% for all pre-approved book returns

/-888-922- /293
Increase Essentials - 2 nd Edition __
Au t hor Dr. Lawrence Connor continues his Bee Essentials series with this excellent guide on how beekeepers can
use nuclei to solve problems in the beeyards and use them to winte r colonies and provide a reliable source of fresh
bees, loca lly acclima tized queens, replacement hives and colonies fo r operational growth o r sale. Second edition,
softcover, 176 pages
M00023 Increase Essentials, Ship wt. l ib. ea .... .... $25.00

The Bee - A Natural History

Author Noah Wilson-Rich examines the intriguing world of bees a nd beekeeping in this beautifully illustrated
book. It explores our relationship wi t h the bee over evolutionary time, delving into how it came to be, where
it stands today, and what the futu re holds for humanity a nd bees alike. Hardcove r, 224 pages.
MOl721 The Bee - A Natural History, Ship wt. 2lbs. ea..... .... . . . .. . ... $27.95

Observation Hives
How To Set Up, Maintain And Use A Window To The World Of Honey Bees
Observation hives have fascinated people since they were first invented. Authors Thomas Webster and Dewey Caron
explain for the first time, in detail, how to set up, maintain and use an observation hive in nearly any location. This
book also goes into great detail on how to use an observation hive as a teaching tool in nature centers, school rooms,
museums and other educational sites.
MOOO33 Observation Hives, Ship wt . 2 Ibs. ea ...... . . . .... . . . ........ . .... . . . ..... $18.95

Instrumental Insemination of Honey Bee Queens

Susan Cobey, world-re nowned expert on honey bee queen insemination, shares her 25 yea rs of experience in
teaching this important technical skill that is vital to modern bee breeding. She also has 30 years of experience
at single-handedly developing and maintaining a closed breeding program to prod uce her New World Carn iolan
bee stock. Her love of beekeeping and teaching shines through in this 3D-minute DVD instructional program.
M00047 Inst rumental Insemination of Honey Bee Queens, DVD, Ship wt. lib. ea .. .. . . . . $30.00

Scientific Queen-Rearing
G.M. Doolittle fi rst published this classic book on queen reari ng in 1889. Mr. Doolittle spent over two decades research-
ing and testing the ideas he outlined in his book. Now considered essential to the development of the modern queen
rearing industry, the book describes how beekeepers are able to use the instincts of the hive to produce quality queens.
Reprinted by Dr. Larry Connor's Wicwas Press. 101 pages, Softcover.
M00097 Scientific Queen-Rearing, Ship wt. l ib. ea. .. . . . . $20.00

Queen Rearing Essentials

Dr. Larry Connor has produced another excellent leaming manual for those who want to raise their own queens. Dr. Dewey
Caron, professor emeritus, University of Delaware, says, "Very detailed and practical manual for raising queens on a small
scale from locally selected stock. Larry offers a tested and proven method to teach backyarde rs how best to improve bee-
keeping stock for greater return and enjoyment." 100 pages, Softcover.
M01964 M01964 Queen Rea ring Essentials, Ship wt. lib. ea. . ... . . . . $20.00

Honey-Nature's Golden Healer

Autho r Glo ria Haven hand belie ves that honey bees, the origin of many pharmaceutical drugs, have been for-
sake n and fo rgotten - to o ur cost. She now manages a number of honey bee colonies a nd runs Medibee, a bee
product company. Wi th an increasing number of people interested in ditching drugs for natu ral alternatives to
combat health problems from alle rgies to acne, this book is a timely look at how the beehive can help us look
and feel better. 160 pages and beautiful color photography, softcover.
M00032 Ho ney- Nature's Golden Heale r, Ship wt. l ib. ea.. . . . . . $19.95 M00032
Bee Sex Essentials
Bee Culture/American Bee Journal writer Dr. Larry Connor reviews the latest and essential knowledge of drone and queen
production, mating and genetics. He clearly and concisely shows how the sex life of bees directly impacts the fate of the
colony and, in turn, the success of the beekeeper. He outlines a sample bee-breeding program for a sideline beekeeper
with fewer than 100 colonies who wants to produce queens from survivor, locally-adapted and mite-resistant lines.
MOO112 Bee Sex Essentials, Ship wt. l ib. ea. .... . . $25.00
Restocking fee of 35% for all pre-appro lied book returns
Honey Bee's Adventures at Wilderness Pond ~
Lots of beautiful artwork in this children's story about young Honey Bee as she na rrowly escapes the
clutches of a num ber of dange rs on her journey to Wilderness Pond. This delightful pict ure book in rhyme
promotes the vi rt ues of kindness, fo rgiveness a nd responsibility. Hardcover

M01979 Honey Bee's Adve nt ures, Ship wt. lib ..... $25.95

- ISIUSV as a Bee- The Cat in the Hat know s a lot about that!
Join the Cat in the Hat on a buzzing advent ure to find out how honey is made! This children's book
comes complete with big two-sided crayons and easy-wipe-off pages, so you'll be able to draw with
the cat over and over again!

M01725 Busy As A Bee, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. $9.99


The Berenstain Bears and the Missing Honey

Join the Bereostain Bears as t hey try to solve the case of the missing honey. You'll never guess who
the honey thief is! This book is one of ma ny from this excellent series written by Stan & Jan Beren-
stain for young readers.

MOl724 Missing Honey Ship wt. lib . ... . . . ..• . . . . •... . • . .. .. ....... $4.99

The Berenstain Bears and The Big Honey Hunt

This beginning to read book by Stan and Jan Berenstain centers around Papa Bear as he tries to find
some honey, but somehow t hings go wrong a nd he gets into lots of funny trouble with angry bees.
Wonderfully illustrated .

MOl723 The Big Honey Hunt Ship wt. l ib . .... . . . .. .. • ... . $8.99


Step into Reading- Show Me the Honey

This Step into Reading book has the Cat in the Hat telling kids where honey comes from as he takes
you inside a beehive. Beautifully illustrated and written for children in grades 1-3 .

MOl727 Show Me the Honey Ship wt. 1 lb ... .... . . . ...... . . . . $ 3.99


Honeybees-Jump into Science

This National Geographic children's book uses colorful artwork and easy-to-unde rstand descriptions
to explain the life history of honey bees. The end of the book has several excellent ideas fo r children
to act out interesting aspects of honey bee behavior. Softcover, 31 pages

M01726 Honeybees - Jump Into Science Ship wt. l ib .... . .. . ... $ 6.95
Restocking fee of 35% for all pre-approved book returns

/-888-922- /293 M000501

Andy the Ant Learns the Buzz On Bees
Learn the Buzz on Bees! This is a colorful children's book on bees written by Nancy Blackwell and illustrated by Charles
Etti nger. Join Andy the Ant as he treks th rough an exciting adventure inside a beehive with his new friend, Beatrice the Bee.
Activities in the back of the book include some tasty honey recipes for kids to try a t home. Hardcover
M00104 Andy the Ant Learns the Buzz On Bees, Ship wt. lib .. ...... . . . $19.99
Sophia Bee, Believe
This children's book written and beautifully illust rated by N.J. Selsor explores the life and dreams of Sophia Bee while teach-
ing that N in your dreams is all that you need. There's nothing too great for you to achieve. Anything is Possible if you
just Believe.~ Softcover
M00075 Sophia Bee, Believe, Ship w t. li b . ea ..... . . . . . . . . $12.00

Buzz MOOO75
BUll loves everything there is about being a bee. The thing she loves the most of all is being able to fly.
But when she hears that bees aren't suppose to be able to fly, she finds herself unable to get off the
ground. What is little Buzz to do? Hardcover. 32: pages.
M00122 Buzz, Ship wt. 2 lb. ea. . . . . . . . . . ........ $15.99

Come inside the honeycomb - a busy, buzzy, bee-filled home-and learn about the unexpected wonders
of these tiny insects' lifestyles, families, and communities. In fourteen fu nny, fact-filled honeybee poe ms
and paintings, Douglas Florian explores the natu ral history of these often-unappreciated critters, revealing
them to be a totally cool- and totally important-part of our ecosystem. Hardcover. 32: pages.
M00123 Unbeelievables, Ship wt. 2 lb. ea. ......... . .... . $18.99

Look Who's Buzzing A Book About the Five Senses

This clever children's book allows the reader or listener to explore the honey bee 's world by using his/her
five senses in a fun Touch-Sniff-and-listen experience! Each child will enjoy learning about the honey bee
and will retain the information better because it is learned with all five senses. Hardcover.
MOOO78 look Who's Buzzing, Ship wt. lib. ea. . .. . . . . $9.95
Bee & Me
A New York Times Bestseller, Bee & Me is certain to delight children with the wonders of the honey bee and why we need to
protect and conserve this marvelous insect. Written by Elle J. McGuiness and illustrated by Heather Brown, Bee and Me combines
infOfmative text and lively illustrations with ground breaking AniMation technology to tell a charming story of an unlikely friend-
ship between a fearful little boy and a very busy bee, along the way, teaching the importance of bees and what we can do to help
them. Ha rd cover.
MOO009 Bee & Me, Ship wt. lib. ea .. . .. $16.99 MOOO09

The Beeman
Grandpa is known all around town as the beeman. He is a beekeeper, wearing his zippered ...... p hood and his heavy cotton and
leather gloves to protect himself while he tends his hives. As he teaches the basics of beekeeping to his young grandson, you too
will learn about the lives of bees and discover the vital part that they play in the natural world. The Beeman is full of essential
fucts about bees, beekeeping and-of oourse!-honey. There is even a delicious apple and honey muffin recipe for you to make.
Beautifully illustrated by artist Valeria Cis, authOf' laurie Krebs. 40 pages. Paperback.
MOO066P The Beeman, Pa perback, Ship wt. lib. ea. ...... . . .. . ..... $8.99
In The Trees, Honey Bees
Children love to learn a bout honey bees and a re fascinat ed by this indust rious and inge nious social insect. Au thor Lori
Mortensen and illustrato r Cris Arbo have teamed up to cre a te this award-winning child re n's book on the honey bees. Cris
Arbo's wonderful color artwork is a real att ention-getter and is sure to keep children glued to each page as they learn about
the honey bee colony. Soh cover with color a rtwork.
M00025I n the Trees, Honey Bees, Shi p wt. lib. ea. $8.95

The Magic School Bus Bee Colori ng Book

When the Magic School Bus turns into a hOfley
bee, Ms. Friule's students get to see the inside Ideal for the children. Attention getting coloring book.
of a beehive! Brilliantly designed and illus- Children have fun coloring and they learn about bees and
honey. Fun activities are also included. 2:4 pages.
trated.47 pages. Softcover.
MOOO03 The Magic School Bus,
Ship wt. 2lbs. ea . .. . .. $6.95 - M0005011-99, Ship wt. 8 ozs. ea.
100-999, Ship wt. 8 OlS. ea ...
1000 & Up, Ship wt. 8 OlS. ea.

Restocking fee of 35% for aff pre-appro lied book returns
''''l!jUlhI\UUIl••uu.'U1li ~ REel PE BOO K S
JOy Joy With Honey - 5 th Edition
he 5th edition of this popular honey recipe book advertises "300 recipes you'lilove!~ Doris Mech, retired bee-
H~ keeper, teacher and creative cook, shares her favorite honey recipes in this 5th edition. You will find Chewy Granola
Bars, Blackberry lemonade, Super Bowl Chili and Dreamy Chocolate Decadence as additions to this new edition.
Spiral bound, softcover, 198 pages
'''~, M00121 Joy With Honey - 5th edition, Ship wt. lib. ea ............... $17.95
MOOl21 Honey
This honey cookbook contains a selection of over 80 delicious savory and sweet recipes. Author Hattie Ellis has gone
the extra mile to present many delicious foreign recipes, in addition to a number of unusual honey recipes that are not found
in most honey recipe books. Many excellent photos of finished recipes, as well as beekeeping and flower scenes, help to
make this a book you will want to put on display for the enjoyment of others. Honey, 191 pages
MOl722 Honey, Shi p wt. 2lbs. ea. ......... . ..... $19.95


uthor Jennifer Katzinger describe~h~~!~oo~ a~:!~day favorites baked with whole grains and nat ural
sweeteners". Seventy-five mouth -watering recipes include Banana Buckwheat Pecan Muffins, Apple Pie, Sweet
Potato Skillet Corn Bread, Honey Spice Cake and Chocolate Chip Cookies. Enjoy healthier versions of your favorite
baked goods! Hardcover, 160 pages
M01728 Honey & Oats, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea. ............... $29.95

MOI728 The Hibernation Diet

The Hibernation Diet works while you sleep! Authors Mike and Stuart Mcinnes have created a rea! media stir with their new
book and have been the subjects of numerous newspaper, magazine, radio and lV interviews about their wonderful new
diet. What's the key to this diet working? - a spoonful of honey taken before bed every night! What could be easier than
that! Softcover.
MOO040 The Hi bernation Diet, Ship wt. lib. ea. . . . . . . . .. $14.95
The Honey Revolution
Restoring the Health of Future Generations MOO040
The Honey Revolution will change the way you t hink about hOfley and expose the truth about sugar, high fructose corn syrup and
artificial sweeteners. Join the Honey Revolution and learn why honey is the sweetener of choice for diabetics. In addition,
The Honey Revolution will teach you how to fuel properly for exercise and for sleep. Discover over 14 research validated
healthful benefits of honey. The Honey Revolution is a must read by every health professional, nutritionist and dietitian,
trainer, recreational and professional a thlete. Written by Dr. Ron Fessenden, MD, and Mike Mcinnes, pharmacist, authors
of The Hibernation Diet. Softcover.
MOO055 The Honey Revolution, Ship wt. lib. ea.. . . ..... $19.95

HONEY The Gourmet Medicine

Folk medicine lore is replete with tales of the curative properties of honey. Now numerous studies document honey's medici-
nal properties providing ample supporting evidence for anecdotal claims. Honey is an effective treatment for a variety of ail-
men ts. This insightfu l book summarizes the medicinal value of honey and explores honey as a gastronomic treat. 104 pages.
MOO019 HONEY The Gourmet Medicine, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea . . .. . ... .. . ....... $9.95

Cooking with My Honey MOOO19

A collection of honey recipes by the East Texas Beekeepers Association, this new cookbook is handy to use with its spiral bound
notebook style format. Sections cover Appetizers and Beverages; Soups and Salads; Vegetables and Side Dishes; Main Dishes,
Breads and Rolls; Desserts; and Cookies and Candy. Hardcover, 116 pages
M00071 Cooking with My Honey, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea . . ....... $19.95
"'!f J(OPll V
M00071 Honey, I'm Homemade
Sweet Treats From the Beehive Across the Centuries and Around the World
Edited by May Berenbaum, professor of Entomology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, t his honey cookbook
showcases a wealth of recipes for cookies, breads, pies, puddings, and cakes that feature honey as an essential ingredient.
At the same time, Prof. Berenbaum details the fascinating history of honey harvesting and oonsumptiOfl around the wood,
explains the honey bee's extraordinary capacity to process nectar into concentra ted sweetness, and marvels at honey's
diverse flavOfS and health benefits. Sales of the book will benefit the University of Illinois Pollinatarium-the first freestanding
science outreach center in the nation devoted to flowering plants and their pollinators. 163 pages, softoover.
MOOOll Honey, I'm Homemade, Ship wt. l ib. ea. ......... . .... . . . . $21.95 MOOOll

Hl EY The Fresh Honey Cookbook

84 recipes from a Beekeeper's Kitchen. Highlighting a different varietal honey each month, beekeeper and chef Laurey
Masterton offers honey-tasting tips and vibrant recipes that deliver amazing dishes, both savory and sweet. Softcover, 207
M00105 The Fresh Honey Cookbook, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea ... . . . .......... $14.95
, Restocking fee of 35% for all pr~pproved book returns
Honey Crafting
From the satisfying taste of fresh honey butter to the blissful aroma of a beeswax candle, Honey Crafting celebrates all the
amber goodn ess the hive has to offer. Inside, you'll find a variety of sweet crafts for around the home, including Molded
Beeswax Ornaments, Oatmeal and Honey Scrub Bar, and Cocoa lave nder li p Balm, as well as delectable recipes like Honey
Gorgonzola Toasts and Pumpkin Puff Pie. Softcover, 1S9 pages
M00074 Honey Crafting, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. e a. ..... .... $17.95

Soap Crafting M00074

Use color, oils, and scents you love to create beautiful soaps that you can enjoy yourself, give as gifts, or e ven sell. Anne-Marie
Faiola, The Soap Queen, makes cold-process soap making accessible and fun with complete descriptions o f the entire process,
from selecting your oils to staying safe when working with lye. Fu ll -color step-by-step visuals lead you through 31 recipes.
Hardcover, 239 pages
M00106 Soap Crafting, Ship WI. 2 Ibs. ea. . . . ...... . . ... . $19.95 meft-mold
Melt & Mold Soap Crafting
Soapmaking has never been this easy! The revolutionary melt-and-mold method is taking the craft world by storm. Beginning
with a mel ta ble glycerin base, crafters can create stunning specialty soaps in minutes, wi th no lye and no waiting. It's as easy
as melt, pour, mold, and de<:orat e. 144 pages, softcover
M04003 Melt & M old Soap Crafting, Shi p wt. li b . ea. ..... . . . .. . . . . $14.95

The Natural Soap Book

Susan Cavitch shares formulas and information advice for soaps free of additives. 182 pages, softcover
M04001 The Na tura l Soap Book, Ship wt. lib. ea.. . . . . ............ $14.95

The Soapmakers Companion
Susan Cavitch leads you through every step of the soapmaking proce ss with clear step by step instructions. She
includes tips on how to start selling soaps. 2B1 pages, soft cover
M00021 The Soapmakers Companion, Shi p wt. lib. ea .. . . . .. ... . . . ...... . . . .... . . . .... $18.95 Il
The Candlemaker's Companion
From wax to wick to wrapping, the magical glow of a handmade candle is now easier to create than ever before.
Illustrated step by step inst ructions show you how to roll, pour, mold and dip candles. A great book for beginners and
experienced candlemakers. 199 pages, softcover.
M00022 The Candle maker' s Compa ni on, Ship WI. 2 Ibs. ea ........... $19.95

MOOO22 Basic Candle Making

This is a wonderful instructional book. Author Scott Ham gives detailed step by step instructions wit h full color photographs to
show how to craft molded, tapered, container and rolled beeswax candles. 104 pages, spiral bound, softcover.
M03001 Basic Candle Making, Ship WI. l ib. e a.. . . $19.95

Creating Candles M03001

With over a hundred unique projects and more than a thousand beau tiful photographs this book is a must have guide for
candle makers. Precise instructions accompany each photo. From designing a candle for special occasions to simply adding a

gift wrap suggestions for each candle. 223 pages, softcover.

M03002 Creating Candles, Ship wt. lib. ea .. . . .... . . .

Making Mead (Honey Wine)

decorative touch to any table this book offers ideas using a wide variety of materials. It also includes creative variations and
.......- ,

An extremely popular book. Roger A. Morse provides the history and methods of making fermen ted drinks from honey and
honey-fru it mixtures. judging criteria included. 128 pages, softcover.
MOOOll Making Mead (Honey Wine), Ship wt. lib. ea. . . $20.00
Making Wild Wines & Meads
12S unusual recipes using herbs, fruits, flowers and more to make a wide variety of wines and meads (honey wines). An
excellent book for the home wine and mead maker. Authors Pattie Vargas and Rich Gulling are avid winemakers and will
treat you to taste-tempting recipes for delicious fermented drinks such as Lemon-Thyme Metheglin, Cherry MeJomel and
Cra nberry Claret. Softcover.
M00039 Making Wild Wines & Meads, Ship wt. lib. ea. . $16.95
M00039 The Compleat Meadmaker
The title says it all. This is the book for the serious meadmaker. Authored by Ken Schramm, a well known e xpert on the
subje<:t, this book is 212 pages, softcover, and is published by the Association of Brewers. It is divided into four parts-
Background, Process, Ingredients and Re<:ipes.
M00036 The Compleat Meadmaker, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea.. . . . . . .$19.95
Restocking fee of 35% for aff pre-appro lied book returns M00036
Ultimate In Hive Feeder 4 Jar Feeder
We are pleased to offer the "Ultimate In Hive
Feeder". Place feeder on top of brood box This 4 jar feeder will
and use another empty super or brood box as keep you from having
a shell. to refill jars every other
day when introducing
• Unique feeding tray prevents drowning
package bees or nucleus
• Fits both 8 and 10 frame equipment colonies. This will also
• Can be used with both medium and deep come in handy when
hive bodies trying to get hives up to
• Easy to clean, virtually maintenance free weight before winter.
Place above brood
• Made in USA
frames and use a brood
. . . . . . ." M01508 box as a shell.
M01508 Ship. wt.1.S Ibs. ea ... . . . $21.50

Improved Division Board Feeder M0082S Ship. wt. lib. ea . . . . . .... $5.10

Finally a division board feeder that virtually eliminates drowned bees. Heavily
ribbed interior gives bees a perfect foothold while climbing in or out. Extra
thick sidewall construction puts more material where it's , _ _ __
needed for years of use. Holds approx. 1 gallon. Exclusive
new condensation points-channels moisture away from
M00859 Division Board Feeder

Ship wt. lib. ea.
1-4. . . . .... $4.25
Feeder Clip
5-9 . . . . .... $4.10 This feeder clip was brought to
placed in hive.
10-49 ..... $3.55
Hive/Hue not included us by TX beekeeper Paul Spen- MOO8S92
50-249 . . . .... $3.20 cer. Use two clips/division board
250-499 . . .... $3.00 feeder to keep feeder open. Can be stored
500+ Price- Call Local Branch inside stacked feeders when not in use.
M008592 Ship. wt. lib. ea. . . $ .30
Wooden Nuc Top Feeder
,, ,.
Interior Ribs -
Top Feeder
Entrance Feeder-for wood hives
Entrance Feeder fits snugly into the This 10 frame wooden pine feeder is the
entrance of the colony. Works best in best we have seen on the market. All joints
warm weather (late spring, summer, early are caulked with 100% silicone to ensure
fall). Perforated metal cap is included with proper sealing and the bottom is made out
each feeder. Cap fits standard mason jar. of urethane coated maple plywood for
Feed level visible at all times. Refill jar durability against moisture. Wooden
M00826 without opening hive. floats help keep drowned bees to a
minimum. Holds approx. 3 ~ gallons.
M008261-49 Ship. wt. 9 OZS . ea. . .. . $3.90
In cartons of 50 ea., Ship wt. 28 Ibs .... . $$3.40 M01454 • M01454 Ship wt. 9 Ibs. ea ... $23.35
MOOSS7 Replacement Cap Only (size G70), ea. . . .70 Hive not incfuded
Bee Max Entrance Feeder
All-weather PVC entrance feeder is custom designed for use with your Bee Max insulated hive.
Perforated metal cap is included with each feeder. Cap fits standard mason jar.
M59501 Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea .... $5.95

BeeMax Hive Top Feeder

BeeMax Hive Top Feeder-TIred of feeders that: 1. The bees can't get to because it's cold
or 2. You have to open up the whole hive to refill? The BeeMax one-piece leakproof hive
top feeder solves your problems. Fits on top of colony hive body. Bees enter, feed and
return inside without ever being exposed to the outside. To refill just pop the top. Works
on standard and BeeMax hives. Holds approx. 4 gallons.
M59511 Ship wt. 6lbs. ea. . . ... . . . . . . $27.00
Prolonged contact with Paradichlorobenzene (moth crystals) may damage BeeMax products

Feed additives
Method of application Time of year to apply
& supplements
15-20 dn,p' P" Use as a feed supplement two times in
Nozevit Plus the fall at 10 .
It is advised to mix 1 - 2 teaspoons of Optima per gallon of syrup When ever feeding is needed or
when fed through preferred hive feeder. A 100 ml bottle will bees are overstressed.
make 20 gallons of syrup. When feeding by drench meth-
od it is advised to mix 4 teaspoons per quart of syrup and
drench at rate of quart or 10 - 12 ounces solution per col-
apart. When feeding in pollen patties 1/2
lb of recommended.
Mix 1-2 teaspoons per quart when fed in sugar syrup. Use up to Feed during late winter, early spring,
four teaspoons when used as a spray with 1: 1 syrup in place of a fall or dearths of nectar and may also
Honey - B - Hea lthy smoker to calm bees. be used to build up nucs, weak colo-
nies and swarms.

AP23, These pollen subs may be fed either dry or in pattie form. If feed- Feed in spring to boost colonies pop-
ing patties and running double brood box's, place patties between ulations and in the fall after miticide
Brood Bu ilder & box's. If running singles feed on top of frames. treatments. May also be fed any time
MegaBee a pollen dearth occurs.
mix 1 part sugar to 1 part water to stimulate for- Apply when needed.
Sugar Syrup mix 2 part sugar to 1 part water if not enough
for winter.
Feed complete anytime you are feeding sugar syrup. Can be fed in Apply complete whenever
Complete syrup, by drench method and in nutritional supplement protein feeding is needed.

Uquid feeds available for pick-up at Chico, Fresno, High Springs, Paris, Chatham, Frankfort,
and Hami~on or for delivery to your location throughout the U.s.A.

Chico, CA 1-877-332 -3268

Buy 1/2 or Fresno, CA 1-877-432 -3268
full truckloads High Springs, FL 1-877-832 -3268
Call Paris, TX 1-877-632 -3268
1-888-922-1293 Chatham, VA 1-800-220-8325
Minimum 48 Hour Frankfort, KY 1-888-932 -3268
Notice Required Hamilton, IL 1-888-922 -1293

Fructose Pump
Make Feeding Fructose Easy-Pump Directly From Storage Into Feeders
Don't Carry It! Pump It With
Dadant's Fructose Pump
I~ -- • 0
Pump 1 gallon 70 fructose in 15 seconds
! ...
~ _.e • 5.5 hp 4 cycle B & S OHV gasoline engine
~ ii"''' •

Ball bearing output shaft
1" inch gear pump with pressure bypass
-.a. amwDI • 14' crushproof suction hose
• • 50' discharge hose and discharge nozzle
M00518 Fructose Pump, Ship wt. ISO Ibs. ea. Ships Freight Only . . .... . . . . $1,475.00
Hobby Shots have been brought to us by the makers of Nozevit and are intended for the back-
yard beekeeper looking to supplement a hive or two. Mix per label instructions and feed by
drenching colony or inside of a standard feeder. Sold as set. Set includes 1 each of Optima,
Nozevit, and Bee Cleanse.
M01523 Ship wt. 1 lb. ea. . .... . .. $7.15

Nozevit Plus incorpor.ltes the original highly popular Nozevit product and adds additional whole plant poly-
phenols aimed at the longer term health of the honey bee while maintaining the same application rate and
methodology. It is an all natural product helping to promote and maintain the intestinal integrity of the honey

- bee along with long-term health and vitality of your bees.

M01955 - 50 ml $23.20 (Ship wt. lib.)
M01956 - 250 ml - $98.85 (Ship wt. 1 lb.)
M01958 - 1 liter - $283.25 (Ship wt. 3 Ibs.)
Recommended feeding for Nozevit
-1/3 quart or approximately 10 ounces of light syrup with 1 ml of nozevit or 20 drops
- Apply by either drenching o r spraying syrup directly on top of fra mes in hive
- For preventive care we recommend feeding your bees two times, 10 days apart in spring, fall and during summer
nectar dearths.
- For bees under extreme stress feed four times at 4 days apart
- Add to your pollen patties. 20 drops per pound or for the larger beekeeper 500 ml to 310 Ibs. of dry product.
- Always store unused Nozevit in a cool dark location

050 ml bottle ofNozevit will feed 50 hives one time when mixed into 4 gallons or 15 liters of syrup
o 250 ml bottle ofNozevit will feed 250 hives one time when mixed into 22 gallons or 83 liters of syrup
0500 ml bottle ofNozevit will feed 500 hives one time when mixed into 44 gallons or 167 liters of syrup
o 1000 ml bottle ofNozevit will feed 1000 hives one time when mixed into 88 gallons or 333 liters of syrup

"Complete" contains full Optima is a new all natural honey bee food supple-
strength Nozevit, OPTIMA and ment and feed ing stimulant that is to be mixed into
Bee Cleanse. The most "com- sugar syrup and pollen patties. It contains whole
plete" food additive on the plant polyphenols known for their intestinal clean-
market containing more than ing properties along with a complex essential oil
14 essential oils, amino acids, package to help promote a healthy intestinal tract
vitamins, and minerals. One in the honey bee as well as overall hive health,
liter will feed up to 200 colo- vigor, productivity, and cleanliness.
nies by drenching or 400 colo- Benefits: Feeding stimulant, antibacterial for bees
nies in sugar syrup. and hive components, calms bee when sprayed on
bees, queen acceptance, combining weak hives and
M01923 swarms, encourages hygienic behavior.
M01923 - 1 liter
Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea. ... $93.75 M01925 - 100 ml - $9.55 (Ship wt. l ib.)
M01926 - 500 ml- $42.75 (Ship wt. 2 Ibs.)
M01927 - 1 liter - $78.25 (Ship wt. 3 Ibs.)

Plastic Pump Sprayer Recipe

This is the best top quality pressurized pump sprayer we 2 Heaping Tbs. Sugar Use as spray
have ever run across. With a 1 liter capacity, it requires 2 Tbs. Honey-B-Healthy to work bees
fewer fillings. Ideal for spraying a calming dose of Honey- 2 Tbs. Nozevit plus all seaso n.
B-Healthy. Add Nozevit plus to your spray and make the Mix with 1/2 sugar to 1 part No Smoke !
most of your colonies. See Recipe. water or 1:1 if a thicker spray is Best quality
M01922 Plastic Pump Sprayer, Ship wt. 2lbs. ea. $27.95 preferred. Makes 1-1/2 liters. we have found!
1 liter


Protein Benefits:
• Stimulates brood rearing when there is no natural pollen or
• Simulates a nectar flow and pollen bloom when using 1:1 sugar
syrup with HBH plus protein.
• Provides all vital amino acids plus 9 more.
• Adds many health benefits especially with the HBH; larger,
more robust and hardy bees.
• Reinforces worn out stored pollen for late winter brood rearing.
• When fed in sugar water with HBH stimulates rapid build-up of
nucs, swarms, package bees and weak colonies.
• Can be used to help produce high quality queens by providing
protein for royal jelly.
• Can be used as a "Protein drench" when bees take pollen sub-
stitutes very slowly; just spray or drizzle the HBH-Protein into
the cluster area; bees will clean it up, store it and use it.
Directions: Use 1 tbsp. {IS mil to 3 tbsp. {4S
16 oz. Amino-B Booster
mil in a quart or liter of sugar water along
with 1 tsp. {S mil Honey-B-Healthy~ Feeding M01914 .............. $21.55 (ship wt. 2 Ibs.)
Stimulant with essential oils as a preservative. 1 Gallon Amino-B Booster
Best fed in inverted jars on top of the colony.

Honey-B-Healthye was developed in 1995 by a commer-

cial beekeeper. Rich in specially processed essential oils,
many large commercial beekeepers use it to fortify colo-
ny health and build resistance to the problems prevalent
in today's apiaries. Easy to administer by either feeding
or the dousing method. Honey-B-Healthye can be added
to a spray and used in place of smoke. Skilled beekeep-
ers find it useful to build up weak colonies and when
combining colonies.

M01909 - 16 oz. - $21.35 (ship wt. 2 Ibs.)

Makes up to 25 gallons of feeding mix

M01910 - 1 gallon - $101.95 (ship wt. 12 Ibs.)

Makes up to to 220 gallons of feeding mix
Used by many of Ihe world's
largesl commercial beekeepers. M01911 - 5 gallon - $465.00 (ship wt. 57 Ibs.)
Makes up to 1(100 gallons of feeding mix
Ships Freight On y
Guaranteed Analysis
Crude Prole,", min_
Crude Fat. mJn .
Crude fiber, max
Mol&ture. ma)t.


WET MOIST PATTY FORMULA In moat of the U.S. where outdoor feeding is not possible, a moilt Brood Builder
patty placed inside the hive is preferred. Brood Builder COIn be mixed with sugar
syrup or fructose to make a moist patty. Mix until a cookie dough consistency is reached, then form into patties weichin, between 1 and 2
Ibl., depending upon colony strength. Most will form patties between two sheets of WilX paper. Wax Paper can be removed from patties when
placed on the hive or left. The bees will remove this pilper out the front entrance. If the wax pilper is not removed from the patty when put on
the hive, use your hive tool and make an X In the patty. Pattil!l should be placed on top bars of hives when runnine sinele bOKes, or in between
boKet when runnine doubles. It is recommended to feed durine the early sprine to up brood production, during nectar dearths and after mite
treatments. Patties can be reapplied as needed. If in small hive beetle country, smaller amounts of patties (1/4 -1/2 Ib.1 should be fed and
miKed with more carbohydrates (suear) to help speed up consumption and stay ahead of the beetle. Repeating as needed.
Some beekeepers are finding it beneficial to add two different feed additives to the miK. Honey-B-Healthy, made of all natural essential
oils, and Nozevit, an all natural feed supplement, can be added at the recommended doses. More sugar can also be added to help speed up
If eKtra patties are miKed that you will not need until later, they can be put into a ziploc-style fn!ezer bae and placed in the deep freeze until

of California, the southwest or southern tier of the U.S. Brood Builder may be your answer to late winter or
early spring outdoor dry feeding stimulation. If your bees can fly early in the yl!ilr and collect Brood Builder,
you can increase colony production.
Brood Builder must be protected from direct moisture such ita rain, dew, foe and other inclement weather.
Can be fed on platforms ortrays directly in the bee yard. Honey bees collect Brood Builder because it is so close
to pollen in nutritional value. Honey bees collect Brood Builder naturally, just as they would ureal pollen."
Directions for Use: Feed as is from the pachee on platforms or trays directly in the bee yard. Must be protected
from direct moisture, such as rain, dew, foe and other inclement weather. Fill feeders often.

MOOI465 5 lb. Quantity, Ship wt. 8 Ibs ... $11.S0

MOO1462S 25 lb. Quantity, Ship wt. 29 Ibs. ea .
1-5 25# Bag .......... $38.00 Slb.bag
6-10 25# Bag .......... $36.00 M001465
25 lb. bag
11 - up 2511 Bag .......... $32.00 M0014625
Brood Builder™ yields approximately 4 feedings per pound.


M0014610H 10 pack . . . $19.50 M0014640HHN

40 lb. carton
M0014640H 40 lb. carton 1-20 Boxes ........ $72.75 per box
1-20 Boxes ........ $52.50 per box 21-39 Boxes ....... $71.75 per box
21-39 Boxes ....... $51.50 per box 40-159 Boxes ...... $69.75 per box
40-159 BOKes ...... $49.50 per box 160+ Boxes ........ $68.25 per box
160+ Boxes ........ $47.75 per box Minimum quantity of 40 pounds.
May not be available at aU branch locations.

Nutritional Analysis: Carbohydrates 47%,

as Dry Feed, Protein 40%, Moisture 7%, Fat 4%, Ash 2%

or developed MegaBee, a highly balanced

protein supplement that is scientifically
designed to improve honey bee health and
overall life expectancy. MegaBee offers
commercial operations, queen breeders and
hobbyist beekeepers an excellent tool to
To make 1 gal., use 1/2 lb. diet + Mix 1 part powder by weight + 1.7 boost colony strength, population a nd brood
1 gal. heavy syrup by weight. Mix parts heavy syrup byweight. Let
productions resulting in a more effective
well until powder goes in solution. soak overnight and make into patty.
pollination season and higher honey yields.

M01900lOPH Meca Bee Patties- M01900lOP3C Winter Patties 40 lb. Bag
with Honey-B-Healthy c/lO . . . . $22.00 1 - 20 .. .. $82.50
10 Pack M0190040P3C Winter Patties 21 & up .. $79.50
1-3 $26.95 40 lb. box . . . . . . . $45.20
4-10 . . . . . $24.45
11 - up . . . $21.45
MOl88040PH Mega8ee Hybrid Patties·
M0190040PH Mega8ee Pattie. ·
with Honey- B-Healthy
with Honey-B-Healthy
40 lb. Box
1- 20 .
40 lb. Box
Sib. bag
1- 20 . $72.75 M0190005 5 lb. Bag
21 - 39. . .... $70.75 21 - 39. $67.50 1-10 . . . . . $21.15
40 -159. . .. . . $68.75 40 - 159 . $66.50 11 & up ... .. $19.75
160 & up . . . .... $66.75 160 & up . . . . .. $64.50
-approximate weight lib. ·opproximate weight lib.

Prices FOB Hamilton, IL • Call for Branch Pricing

Diseases, Parasitic Bee Mites
and Preventive Management
The number of Parasitic Bee Mites The Parasitic Bee Mites that have Occurring nationwide, nosema is
and diseases affecting honey bees is the most economic impact on bee- the major adult bee disease and is
not large and of these, only a few are keepe rs are the Honey Bee Tracheal probably responsible for a greater
commonly serious enough to cause Mite (Acarapis wood;) which lives loss of honey crops than any other
severe colony and financial losses to within the breathing tubes of the disease. Its intensity fluctuates from
beekeepers. honey bee and the large Varroa place to place, year to year, and from
However, in any consideration of (Varroa destructar) which is an exter- season to season within a year. The
bee disease, adopt a preventive atti- nal parasite which feeds on the hemo- peak level of infection shortens lives
tude toward the treatment and mao- lymph or blood of older larvae and of the worke rs and reduces their abili-
agement of bees-accept the fact pupae and adult honey bees. ty to feed larvae during brood rearing.
that disease can be costly in causing Most diseases affect the honey bee Bee diseases have no physiological
some degree in loss of honey crop, in the larval stage of its development. effect on people handling bees and
in diminished service as pollinating American and European foul brood equipment; eating honey, pollen, or
agents, in the cost of medications and are the two most common. AFB is the comb from an infected colony; or
labor expended for treatment and most virulent and destructive of the using beeswax or beeswax products.
loss incurred in replacement of equip- two. Chalkbrood and sacbrood less
ment and bees. frequently cause extensive losses.

Suggestions for Preventive Management

Apiary locations, large or small, make it easier for any supersedure Prolific queens, with a high percent-
should be carefully selected. If possible, virgins to locate their respective hives age of egg hatchability so that every
avoid a low, damp spot where puddles when returning from mating flights, comb is filled solid with brood, are
of water will stand. Diseases can be lessening the number of queenless essential to maintaining strong colo-
spread by bees getting water from such colonies. nies. Such colonies are less likely to
pools, which may contain feces from A hive stand raises the hive off the become weak, rundown, and in turn,
infected bees or pieces of dead larvae ground and serves two main purposes. susceptible to diseases.
and bits of comb from sick colonies. A First, the bottom of the hive is less Transferring combs between colonies
source of running water nearby is pre- likely to rot or be eaten by termites. should be kept to a minimum. The same
ferred. Low spots may also be compara- Even painted bottoms will need replac- is true of shaking bees from one colony
tively stagnant as far as air movement ing more frequently when allowed to for boosting the weak or starting new
is concerned. The humidity of the area rest directly on the ground. Secondly, ones. Be careful not to let honey from
builds up during the cool periods of from the disease viewpoint, a wet bot- broken burr-combs drip on the ground
spring and fall. Too much humidity also tom board is likely to be an "incuba- when moving supers, etc. Not only is it
contributes to poor wintering. tor" for the development of causative possible to spread disease in this way,
Light shade (or no shade) is gener- organisms. Keeping the bottom dear of but it is a good way to get robbing
ally preferable to a heavy dense shaded wax scales and other debris, also helps started at times.
location which remains damp long after reduce the buildup of disease. When you know the colonies are
a sunny spot has dried out. The bees A 3/4" or 1" auger hole bored near free of disease, moving combs of
will not fly as early in the morning. as the hand hold on the front of the hive bees and brood is a good met hod of
late in the evening, nor as well on cool will make a top entrance for the bees reducing the population of a crowded
days if they are setting in a dense shade. which will facilitate air circulation within hive and building up a weaker one.
Hives should be arranged within the the hive, reducing the buildup of humid- Doing this with combs from newly
apiary to keep drifting of bees from one ity throughout the brood area. purchased colonies is risky.
colony to another at a minimum. Keep Since honey is a bee disease-carry· Wintering only healthy, strong colo-
hives as far apart as practical. Placing ing medium for spores, etc., it should nies increases the probability of sur-
them in a random manner is preferable, not be fed to any colonies unless you vival in good shape. Should a disease-
even though they may not look as neat are absolutely certain the hive from weakened colony die before spring,
as when in a straight line, where each which it came was free of disease. whatever honey is remaining often

one is exactly so far from the next. Honey purchased on the open market will be robbed by other colonies -
Placing hives beside small bushes or should never be fed to bees. There is usually the strongest ones. They, in
such will help bees mark the location no way of knowing what diseases you tom, will pmb,bl, bewme
of their hive. Natural markers will also are buying in it.
The following is offered as a guideline for medication usage. Be sure
to follow label directions in your treatment program.
For the beginning beekeeper, choosing the right medications medication to use, call your nearest Dadant branch and t hey
and knowing when to use them can be tricky_ Following is a will point you in the right direction. We also suggest ordering
chart we have devised to simplify and explain these treatments. your medications early so you will be prepared when it comes
If you ever have any questions in regards to what type of time to apply.

Length of Time To
Medications/Usage Method of Application
see pg. 66
~ 1-__ 4_2___7_0_"'
_Y'___ I-~_:_:_~_::_b_:y_i_~_"_~:_V_~~_';_~,_.;_i_5~_,_:ro_~_m_,_,+_;~~_~m.u_,_:~_~_Yb_:_"_"d_,_:'_fu_M_l_.:h_"_,_:_om_o,_",'-I
Apiguard Should be applied during the
Varroa Place delivery tray on top of top
Two treatments: bar frames. A 1/4" space is need- full, unless infestation is severe.
lst: 12-14 days Temperatures 6O"F·105°F. Don't
(Also benefits in the ed. Close off screened bottoms
2nd: 2-4 weeks apply when honey supers are
controlofTraeheal and vent holes.
mites) see pg. 67 "".
When temperatures are above
Varroa 42-56 days 1 strip per 5 frames of bees.
50"F, generally Spring and Fall.
see pg. 66

Mite-A-ThoJ/ 80"F or below, place on top bars

Menthol Recommended to apply in
of hive body.
14-28 days Spring. Temperatures must be
Tracheal 80"F or above , place on bottom 60"F _ 95°F.
see pg. 70

Tetra-B Mix!
Terramycin Sprinkle recommended dosage
Three treatments around edges of brood box on
FOil/brood 4· 5 day intervals top bars of frames. Once a week
Treat Spring and Fall.
for 3 weeks.
see pg. 63

Tyran Sprinkle recommended dosage

Foulbrood 3 treatments, around edges of brood box on
Treat Spring and Fall.
7 days apart. top bars of frames. Once a week
see pg. 63 for 3 weeks.

Nosema Varies with rate
Mix in with sugar syrup. Treat Spring and Fall.
of feed consumption.
see pg. 70

Paramoth 6 Tbsp. for 15 supers, duct tape

Wax Moth all openings making as air tight
Apply as needed, particularly
3-4 weeks as possible. Re-apply crystals as in warm weather.
see pg. 70 needed. Air out supers prior to
hive 1-2 weeks.

Hive Inspection Sheet Notepad

Hive Inspection Sheets to help record hive activity, requeening, treatments, feeding, honey
storage, honey extraction, and the condition of the hive. Notepad is made up of 25 sheets with
pre-drilled holes to fit into a 3-ring binder.

MOI940 Hive Inspection 5heet Notepad, 5hip wt. lib. ea ... ..... . ......... $2.50

Early Detection of
AFB (American Foulbrood) Diagnostic Kit.
AFB OR EFB DIAGNOSTIC KIT M00133 1 Kit, Ship wt. lib.
Qty. 1-4 . . . . $13.00
FINALLY!!! NO MORE GUESSING! Qty. 5-19 . . .... . . . . .... $11.95
Qty. 20-49 . . .. $10.95

EFB (European Foulbrood) Diagnostic Kit.

Moo134 1 Kit, Ship wt. lib.
Qty. 1-4 . . . . . . . $13.00
Qty. S-19 . . .. . $11.95
Qty. 20-49 . . . . .. . $10.95
Qty 50+ . . . .. CALL FOR PRICING
3 minutes
is all it lakes

Tetra-B Mix
- No Hassle Pre·Mixed Terramycin- -
Tetra-S Mix is a ready-ta -feed mixt ure containing t he antibiotic Terramycin.
Recommended as an aid in t he prevention of American and European foul brood.
May be used for fall treatment of colonies prior to win ter or for the spring t reatme nt
of overwintered colonies. Spread over the top bars of the frames in each section of
the brood nest. All use should stop at least fou r weeks prior to a s urplus honeyflow.

M00162 2 lb. Shaker Can,

Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea . ... $10.95 • Ready To Use
Handy Resealable
M00161 10 lb. Bags, Ship wt. llibs. ea. • No Mixing 2 lb. Shaker Can and
1-4 Bags . .$20.55 Bulk 10 lb. or SO lb. Bags.
5-49 Bags . . . .$19.15 • Convenient
50 & Up Bags.... .$18.50
• Effective
M00163 50 lb. Bags, Ship wt. 52 Ibs. ea. M00162
Each · .. . . . . . $86.50

Tylan" (tylosin tartrate) Terramycin'" - Concentrate-

Terramycin antibiotic is a proven treat-
Tylan is a newly approved antibiotic
ment for Ame rican and European foul-
for t rea t ment of fou lbrood in honey
brood. Blend wi t h powdered sugar
bees. Labeled to legally use only
to make your own medication. Ea rl y
as a d ust, tylosin should be mixed
spring t rea t ment is recommended with
a t a rate of 200mg of tylosi n to 20
t hree one tablespoon applications at 5
grams of confectio ners powdered
day intervals. Spread over top bars of
suga r The 100g bottle when mixed
frames in brood nest a rea. Never trea t
with 22 Ibs. of powdered sugar will
make 500 doses. Approximately 3
tablespoons of mixture per dose to
• •• 30 days before or during a nectar flow .
TM -I00.
be administered weekly for 3 weeks by Terramycin 100MR
d usting over t he top bars of the brood chamber. A bulk pack used by commercial beekeepers fo r treating large
numbers of colonies. A 50 lb. bag when properly mixed wit h
M01700 Tylan (soluble) l 00g,
sugar feed s 4000+ colonies. 50 lb. Bag
Ship wt. I lbs. ea. M00176, Terramycin
Qty 1-4 . . ... . $46.99 Ship wt. 53 Ibs. ea .. . $439.95
Qty 5-9 . . · .. . $44.99
~sian Hornet Trap Beetle Bee-Gone
Brought to us by our friends at Beet le Bee Gone sheets are an a ll-natu ral,
Vita Europe. Api Shield traps chemical free way to t rap small hive
pesky Asian hornets, wax mot hs beetles. Place one to two sheets per Beetles tr.llPped
and wasps while letting the bees brood chamber where beetles congre- using OJ sheet of
come and go as they please. Sits gate. Reapply sheets the next time work-
upon a closed off bottom board ing t hese infested colonies and watch
or hive stand. t hem disappea r natu rally.
Bee entrance M01546 M01546 Asian Hornet Trap M01545 Beetle Bee-Gone,
Close-up Ship wt. 9 Ibs. ea . . .... $99.95 Ship wt. lib. ea . . . $7.50

West Small Hive Beetle Trap

The I n Small Hive Beetle Trap That Works!
Comp o nent Diagram
The West SHB Trap was designed to sit on the bottom board just where SHB naturally
like to hide. The trap consists of a tray that you partially fill with a small amou nt of
vegetable oil and a specially designed lid that is covered with almost 300 small slots.
The SHB, in looking for a place to hide from the honey bees trying to catch them, head
for t he slots as an escape route, which is a dead end t hat leads directly to the t ray
filled with thick non-toxic vegetable oil. The SHB falls into the vegetable oil, are coated
with it, suffocate, and die. It's just tha t simple!
No C hemicals - No Hassle - No Problem

M01540 Beetle Trap Complete,

Ship wt. Sibs. ea . . . $13.55
M015401 Side Cleat for Beetle Trap, Each,
Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea . .... . . . $1.05
M015402 End Cleat for Beetle Trap,
Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea .... .. . . $1.05 Bottom Board
M015403 Cleat Set for Beetle Trap, (Not Included)
Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea . .... . . . $2.99
Bottom Board MOl5404 Beetle Trap Tray wI Cover, No Cleats,
(Not Included) Small Hive Beetle
Fits 10-Frame only Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea ..... . . $11.25 Enlarged to Show Detail

Screened Bottom Board with West Beetle Trap Insert

This is the same screened bottom you have seen for many years. We have added the option of purchasing
it with or wit hout t he West Beetle Trap. The t rap can be slid in underneath the screen from the rear
of the hive and can be used without tea ring the hive apart.
Fits 10-Frame only
B92901W Screened Bottom Board with West Beetle Trap Insert
Ship wt. 9 Ibs. ea. . . . ... . . . . . $30.25
Beetle Jail Baitable
Cutts Beetle Blaster This in-hive re-usable t rap comes with 3 t rays to hold your
Retired Florida State Apiary Inspector Laurence Cutts has come out favorite beetle bait, vegetable oil, or diatomaceous earth. Has
with this disposable beetle blaster. Similar to the AJ's beetle eater a hinged lid for easy access to clean for re-use.
at a portion of the cost. Fill with a small amount of vegetable oil M01543 Beetle Jail Baitable,
and put in between top bar frames. We suggest two per box Ship wt. 7 ozs. ea ..
when infestations are severe. Discard after each use.
M01945 Regular size Beetle Blaster, Fram e sold
Ship wt. lib., ea. separately.
1-49 . . . . $1.59

50-99 . . . . $1.35
100-999 ... . $1.09
M01952 Mi ni Beetle Blaster
Ship wt. l ib., ea .
1-49. . . . . ... $1.59 Top View
50-99 . . . .. . . $1.35 Close-up
100-999. . . . . .. . $1.09 of center

/-888-922- /293
Varroa Mite
The Varroa mite is, without a doubt, the most serious parasite of honey bees
in North America. Ignoring treatment of colonies infested with Varroa mites
will result in colony death in 1 to 2 years . Most honey bee colonies in North
America are infested with Varroa mites.
Drone Cell Foundation Drone Comb
By using a few frames of drone comb, you can lure Va rroa mites to the 6 1/4" and 9 1/8"
developing drone brood, and the mites become trapped within the drone cell
when the bees cap the cells. Remove the frame of capped drone cells. Put it
in a plastic bag in your freezer overnight to kill the mites. Remove from the
freezer and let warm. With the eappings scratche r on page 76, break open the
One piece drone frames come beeswax
drone cells. Then, put the frame back into the colony and allow the worker coated and are available in 9 1/8" and
bees to clean out the cells, getting rid of the dead varroa mites and drones. 6 ~"depths. Comes in neon green color
After the queen lays drone eggs in these cells again, this Varroa trapping cycle to help you easily identify drone combs.
is repea ted.
Varroa Mite M58701D 91/8 coated drone comb,
F45010 8~ x 16% Medium Brood Drone Comb Foundation ~
Ship wt. 1 lb. ea.
10 Sheets Per Package, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea .... . ..... $15.90
1-10 . ...... . . .... . . . . $3.45
~~i~h;~.t 9~~~i~~ ~~~~~. ~~~~~.~~~.~ ~~~.n.d.a.~~~
. . $74.00
M58725D 61/4 coated drone co~
F45000 20 lb. Medium Brood Drone Comb Foundation r"i1. Ship wt. 1 lb. ea. ~
Ship wt. 281bs. (Approx. 7 sheets per lb.) ea .. .... $217.00 --......Actual
1-10 ...... . . . .... . . .. $3.45

Dadant Small Cell Beeswax Foundation 4.9 & 5.1

It is a fact that varroa mites have a difficult time reproducing on worker brood raised in small cell comb.
So, if you are an experienced beekeeper who has an experimental nature, this may be an opportunity
for you to move ahead of the chemical control crowd with your honey bee management.


8}s; x 16% LH Wired Small Cell 4.9mm 8}s; x 16% LH Wired Small Cell 5.1mm
Beeswax Foundation Beeswax Foundation
F350103SC 10 Sheets Per Package F350103SC5 10 Sheets Per Package
WHY A 5.l? Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea.. . . . . . . $17.00
Many recommend a transition from Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea.. . . . . $17.00
the standard S.4 to the 4.9 cell founda- F350503SC SO sheets F350503SC5 50 sheets
tion allowing the bees to adjust more Ship wt. 9 Ibs. ea.. . . . . $75.00 Ship wt. 9 Ibs. ea.. . . . $7S.00
readily and help avoid the erratic comb
drawing that can occur with a direct F350003SC5 25 Ibs.
F350003SC 25 Ibs.
downsizing from the S.4 to the 4.9- Ship wt. 33 Ibs. ea. .. . $240.50
Ship wt. 33 Ibs. ea. $240.50
thus a middle step with the 5.1 (Approx. 7 sheets per lb.) (Approx. 7 sheets per lb.)

8}s; x 16% Plain Small Cell4.9mm 5 % x 16 % LH Wired Small Cell 4.9mm 5 % x 16 '" LH Wired Small Cell S.lmm
Beeswax Foundation Beeswax Foundation Beeswax Foundation
F460105C 10 Sheets Per Package F353103SC 10 Sheets Per Package F353103SC5 10 Sheets Per Package
Ship wt. 3 Jbs. ea... . . . .. $14.90 Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea.. . . . .. . . . . $16.15 Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea.. . . ... $16.15

F460505C SO sheets F353503SC 50 sheets F353503SC5 50 sheets

Ship wt. 9 Jbs. ea .. ... $73.50 Ship wt. 9 Ibs. ea .. . . . . $68.30 Ship wt. 9 Ibs. ea .. . .. $68.30

F460005C 2S Ibs. F353003SC 2S Ibs. F353003SC5 25 tbs.

Ship wt. 33 Jbs. ea. . .. . $226.00 Ship wt. 33 Ibs. ea. $231.00 Ship wt. 33 Ibs. ea. . .. $231.00
(Approx. 7 sheets per lb.) (Approx. 7 sheets per lb.) (Approx. 7 sheets per lb.)
North American beekeepers now have an effective new amitraz-based weapon
against Varroa mites: Apivar
~ Kills up to 99% of mites in one application
~ Continuously-released in the colony over a six-week period, ensuring healthy and
productive hives
~ Proven safe and effective for more than 15 years
~ Leaves no significant residues in hive products
~ Convenient and easy to use


A stud yl conducted by the resea rch arm of the USDA in the spring of 2012 shows that
Apivar" was responsible for a 52-fold drop in mite population compared to an untreat-
ed hive. This demonstrates the effectiveness of Apivar's controlled-release technology.
Apivar is packaged in vacuum-sealed foil pouches that each contain 10 strips. A single
application of two strips per brood chamber is sufficient to treat a hive, so you spend
less time and effort treating your bees, and there is less disruption of the bees than
with many other treatments.

,...,.... of ,• SIII
- .....
- ~
6ttII4I I ~ 1 'f"'~~
Apiwr ~two ItrIpi..,
brood ch..... 8.5
iPo'Il'""" alntl'Q/ 41.7
1 Eischen et ai, COIItro/Ung VQrTOG' destructor with APIVAR-Spring 2012 field trial, HQnev bee research unit USDA·ARS, Wulaca, TX.

Please check the Oadant website at foravailabilityinyourstateorcallyour local Dadant Branch.
M01490 1-9 pkgs. . . $33.99
10·49 pkgs. $31.99
50 + pkgs.. ........ . ..... Call
M0149050 c/SO .$129.95
Call for larger quantities

Apistan ~ Strips
Apistan- Strips are a product developed specifically to control Varroa mites in
honey bee colonies. There is no more convenient chemical method for beekeepers
to use to kill Varroa mites.

For complete consistent control of Varroa mites use Apistan- according to label
Treatment For 5 Hives
M001261 Apistan- Strips, 10 per pkg.,
Ship wt. lib per pkg. . . . .... . ..... $29.35
10 or more packages--per pkg. . . .. . . $27.40

Treatment For 50 Hives

M00126 Apistan- Strips, 100 per pkg.,
Ship wt. 2 Ibs. per pkg. . . . . . .... $199.95
6 or more packages--per pkg.. $193.95


A Vita-Europe Ltd. product by Dadant & Sons, Inc.

Foil pack contains 10 M01480 Apiguard'

individualSOg treatments e/10 Foil Pack, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea .
1-9 .. . .... . . .. $33.50
ready for application.
10 + ....... . ......... $31.00

Use Rim & Sticks to allow for correct spacing


810004 Rim & sticks come unassembled. Folf tray shown on

Ship wt. 31bs. ea. .. . . .. S2.95 brood frames.

M01481 Apiguard" Bulk Tub (6.6Ibs.)

Contains 60 Sag treatments in bulk gel form. Bulk tub comes complete
Ship wt. 8 Ibs. ea. with dosing scoop, spatula,
1-19 . . . . .$97.00 and delivery pads .
20-99 . . . .$95.00
100-299 . .$91.00
300 + . . . .$87.50

M01482 Apiguard" delivery pads only. c/250

Ship wt. 3 lb. ea .. . . . ...... . . $15.00


A slow release thymol gel, a new and effective treatment
A natural and non-toxic t reat ment
Through thousands of treatme nts, efficacy ra tes ranged from 85% to 95%, with an overall average of 93%.
It respects both the hive products a nd the consumer
Encourages the hygienic behavior of the honey bee, preventing a number of related problems
Resistance is controlled and unlikely to occur with Apiguard
Ease of use: 2 x 50 gm treatment trays per hive, with an interval of 14 days, in summer just after the honey flow
Best results occur when bees are active and maximum daily temperatures are between 60°F and IOS·F.
Though registered as a Va rroa treatment, Apiguard has been proven to effectively treat Tracheal mites as well.

To Use Apiguard
Place the dosing tray or pad centrall y on the top of the brood frames gel side up. Be sure to allow at least 1/4"
of spacing between the top of the tray and the cover using spacer boards or empty supers as needed. Apply the
second dose 14 days after t he first. Screened bottom boards should be closed while Apiguard is being applied.

Dadant Stainless Hive Stand

Oadant's metal hive stand will compliment any apiary.
Single stand units ship knocked down. Made of stain-
less steel.
M00698 Oadant Stainless Hive Stand,
Ship wt. 8 Ibs. ea .......... . ....... . .. . .. $42.00
M00698 Hive not

Ultimate Hive Stand Deluxe Model

The Ultimat e Hive Stand Deluxe Model is t he only hive stand
you will ever need. It has a classic design t hat is fully func-
tional and looks great in any apiary or garden. It has swing out
frame holders to make working t he hive easier and when not

- in use will fold up out of the way. The stand raises the hive 12
inches off the ground for easier access and better ventilation.
It works with any bottom board and no wooden hive stand
is needed. It is fast and easy to assemble, usually taki ng less
than 2 minutes with a screwdriver. The ballast ports allow
the legs to be filled with sand for additional stability. It is
Hive and frames made from recycled materials.
not included

M01693 10 Frame Ultimate Hive Stand DelUl(e Model, Ship wt. 10 Ibs. ea .. . .. $79.50
M01694 8 Frame Ultimate Hive Stand DeluKe Model, Ship wt. 10 Ibs. ea ... . . . $79.50

Varroa Screened Bottom Board

- Assembled -
Ponderosa Pine Bottom Board & Varroa Screen
all In ONE!
Provides a secure base, aids in t he cont rol of varroa mites
and provides optimal ventilation for your colony.
892101 Varroa Screened Bottom Board,
Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea.......... .. $17.95

Varroa Screen
• Peel cover paper from adhesive board
• Place mesh screen over adhesive board
• 5lide unit through eKisting entrance on bottom board

MOO935 Varroa Screen

Ship wt . 4 ozs. ea. . .. $3.10
M00934 Sticky Board
Ship wt . 4 ozs. ea. . .. $3.05
MOO936 Screen & Board- Complete,
Ship wt. 8 ozs. ea .......... $6.15 MOO934

/-888-922- /293

Nuc Screened Bottom Board

Aids in the control of vaTroa mites and provides optimal ventilation for your nues .

B92901NA Nuc Screened Bottom Boord, Ship wt. 3 Jbs. ea. .. . . . . . . $15.50

Screened Bottom Board with

West Beetle Trap Insert
This is the same screened bottom you have seen for many years. We have added the
option of purchasing it with or without the West Beetle Trap. The trap can be slid
in underneath the screen from the rear of the hive and can be used without tearing
the hive apart.

B92901W Screened Bottom Board with West Beetle Trap Insert,

Ship wt. 9 Ibs. ea. . .... . . $30.25

Dadant Wood Bound Varroa Screen

• Mites falllhrough the screen onto bottom board or debris tray to die if they fail
to crawl up and find a honey bee.
• Monitor effectiveness of chemical treatments
Varroa Screen
• Bees can'l gel through the screen complete
with Sliding
Place your Dadant Varroa Screen onto your DebriS Board

existing bottom board. Now place your hive NEW!
body on the new Varroa Screen/Bottom Sliding Debris
Board unit, coat the sliding debris board Existing Board
with a thin coat of cooking oil and start
catching varroa mites. Bottom Board
*Not included
*May not fit all bottom boards

841501 Dadant Wood Bound Varroa Screen, Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea. . $15.40
M00934 Sticky Board, Ship wt. 4 OlS .. ea.. . .... . . . . . $3.05

• If more than 100 mites are caught naturally within a 48 hr. period, a chemical
treatment may be indicated. Contact your state apiarist for guidelines.
Nosema FumBgilin-B ~ gram
Fumagilin-B is the only registered antibiotic effective 5 to 6 feedings
in the control of Nosema. Feed in the fall, again in Ship wt. 4 oz. ea.
spring and for all newly installed package bees. *For MOOl71 1-11. $19.95
best resul ts always read and follow label directions. 12+ $18.95
Fumagilin-B 2 gram
20-24 feedings
Ship wt. lib. ea.
MOOl731-39. $44.00
40-111 ..... $41.70
112+ $39.70
Fumagilin-B 9~ gram
Available in 3 sizes 95-114 feedings
Ship wt. 2 lbs. ea.
Nosema disease causes more small honey crops than any other bee disease. It
MOOl72 1-11. $151.95
quietly robs the colony of strength and vitality. Nosema is especially prevalent in
overwinte red colonies in spring and in package bees. Fumagilin-B is the only regis- 12-17. $148.95
tered antibiotic effective in the control of Nosema. Feed in the fall, again in spring 18+ . Call for pricing
and for all newly installed package bees.

Tracheal Mites
Menthol, a natural product, is effective in M001781 Single Package,
killing adult tracheal mites. Menthol is a Ship wt. l ib. ea .. . Only $6.50*
natural desiccant which naturally causes
the microscopic tracheal mite to lose body Package of One Dozen SO Gram
flu ids causing death. Complete Treatments
M0017S Ship wt. 3 Ibs per pkg.
-A Natural Product- 1 package of 12 -50 gram doses,. Only $45.50*
10 & up,. . .. . . . . . . Only $43.50*
'Not available at all Dadant branches

Para-Moth Drawer
drawers are a convenient way to apply Para-Moth crystals as needed. Stack supers
as you would normally store them for the season putting the Para-Moth drawer on top. Pull
out the drawer to easily apply more Para-Moth.

10-FRAME 893501 Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea . . . . .. $20.50

TOP VIEW 8-FRAME 8935018 Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea. . .. $20.50

Wax Moth
Para-moth-A dry crystal that does an excel- Not available at all
lent job of keeping wax moths and their larvae
under control. Place on top of a stack of stored
Dadant branches
supered combs.

For 1 and 5 lb. quantities, branch pickup only

is available. If shipped, product will ship from
Hamilton, Il. Additional charges may apply. -...
MOO140 lib., Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea ..... $13.95
M00141 5 Ibs., Ship wt. 6lbs. ea .... $33.95
MOO142 35 Ibs., Ship wt. 38 Ibs. ea.$129.95
Wax Moth
No shipping for 35 lb. quantity - branch pickup only is available.

The system assumes basic
queen rearing knowledge, see


below for book Contemporary
Queen Rearing (M00065).

Shown on hive
Queen rearing (hive not included)


• 5 MINUTES to t ransfer e ggs or larvae into 4 20 • Adva nced technology utilizing easy-ste p lay cage design
queen cells for h igh yield production of q ueen bees
• WITHOUT TOUCH! Our tra nsfe r of eggs or la rvae ma kes • The EZI-Queen System comes ready to assemble for
this syste m unique to t he indust ry t he hive
• No need fo r individual grafting • 15 minute instructional DVD included

With our EZI-Queen Rearing System

./ eggs are layed o ut within 4 hou rs,
./ eggs hatch to larvae within 72 hours and in 12 days your queens are ready to emerge

Queen Bee Rearing System includes:

• 1-Lay Cage Unit • 42-SNAP-OFF Plug Strips
• 1-Front Cover (10 plugs pe r strip)
• I -Front Cover Plug • 2l-Ce ll Bars
• I-Rea r Cover • 420-l ndividual Queen Cells

M01320 EZI-Queen Complete System, Ship wt_ 5 Ibs. Only $195_65

Replacement Parts
Inst ructional DVD on how to use the Ell Queen
for EZI Queen System
Systems. DVD not pictured. M01321 42 SNAP-OFF Plug Strips Ship wt. l ib .. $17.95
M01322 420 Queen Cells Ship wt. 2 Ibs. . . . . $51.95
M01324DVD Ell Queen DVD, Ship wt. lib . . . $19.95 M01323 Alumin um Bar (2 pc) Ship wt. l ib. . $4.10

Queen Cage Queen Cell

with large opening Protector
The queen cage feat ures a Queen Cell sold
, . _ - ' tapered candy t ube, large separately, see
overall opening, and secure M01322 above
closing mechanism fo r ease Queen cell protectors are to be used over the queen
in use.
cells so emerging queens are confined. To be used
M00661 Queen Cage Ship wt. 3 Ol
with the EZI Queen System
1-99 . . . . $.29 ea.
100 + .... . . . $.24 ea. M01326 Carton of 10, Ship wt. 40lS...... $6.95

Contemporary Queen Rearing

Acco rding to t he late au thor, Dr. Laidlaw, "Contemporary Queen Rearing is still t he best book I have writ-
ten on practical queen rearing." Information on producing virgin queens, mating t he queen, use of queens,
package bee production, stock maintenance and much mo re useful information . 199 pages. Softco ver.
M00065 Conte mporary Queen Reari ng, Ship wt. lib .. . .. $12.50

Instrumental Insemination of Honey Bee Queens

Susan Cobey, world-renowned expert on honey bee queen insemination, shares her 2S years of
experie nce in teaching this important technical skill that is vital to mode rn bee breeding. She a lso
has 30 years of experience at single-handedly developing and main taining a closed breeding pro-
gram to prod uce he r New World Carniolan bee stock. Her love of beekeeping and teaching shines
through in this 3D-minute DVD instructional program.
M00047 DVD, Ship wt. lib. ea . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ..... . ... $30.00


INCLUDED Finally, a nuc box for those who run standard 9 1/8" frames and 6 ~ ..
frames. Perfect for selling nues, capturing swarms, or making splits.

M01506 (orrugated Nuc Box Oeep 9 1/8", Ship wt. 2lbs. ea

1-9...... . . $9.95
10·99. . . . ........... $9.50
100+... . ........ $9.00

MOIS07 Corrugated Nuc Box Medium 6 1/4", Ship wt. l lbs. ea

1-9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$9.95
MOlS06 10·99 . . . ......... . .... $9.50
100+..... ............... . .... . . $9.00

Wooden Nuc Box

Multiple Uses! Swarm Trap, Nuc Box, Splil, Divides, Queen Production, Queen Mating Box and more.
This small 5-frame lightweight is an easily transportable Pondero!.a Pine nuc box that fills all those
special needs that a heavy full size hive can'tl

Frames sold s~parat~/y.

853401 Nut: Box, Ship wt. 15 Ibs. ea .......................... $33. 50

Jester's EZ NUC
Our friend Kevin Jester has come out with the EZ NUC.
Ventilation around the top and ends of this box make it
a first choice for makins splits or increases in your bee
yard. Made of one piece corrugated plastic for durability
and strength. The best all around Nuc box on the market .
M01502 1-9 ..... . . . . $11.95
Jester's EZ NUC, 10-99 . . · $9.95
Call for shipping rate 100-299. · $S.50
300& Up . . · $7.75

Nuc Screened Bottom Board

- Assembled-
Aids in the control of varroa mites and provides optimal ventilation for your nucs
892901NA Nuc Screened Bottom Board,

Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea ................................. $15.50

Wooden Nuc Top Feeder

This pine nuc feeder is the best we have seen. All joints are caulked with 100% silicone to ensure
proper sealing and the bottom is made out of urethane coated maple plywood for durability
against moisture. Wooden floats help keep drowned bees to a minimum.

M01452 Wooden Nuc Top Feeder,

Ship wt. 7 lbs. ea. . ......... . . ........ $21.59

/-888-922- /293
Queen Rearing Hotel
Our queen hotel is exactly what you need to continuously raise your own queens. Split into 4-
2-frame nues or 2 - S-frame nues. When you find a frame with a queen cell, put it and another
frame into our queen rearing hotel and come back in a few weeks to find your mated queen or
queens ready for placement into a split or queenless colony. You must use a standard lO-frame
telescoping lid with this unit which is sold separately.
855101 Ship wt. 20 Ibs. ea. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . $39.95

Cloake Board
The Cloake board is a device invented by New Zealand beekeeper Harry Cloake to raise
queens with a minimum amount of equipment. Consists of a wooden frame w/queen
excluder and metal tray and involves a series of stages which divide a colony into a
queen right lower colony and queen less upper colony which improves acceptance of
grafted larvae. Requires knowledge in grafting larvae. Full set of instructions provided.
B41301 Ship wt. 6lbs. ea.. . ......... $28.80
Entrance Disc
Using our entrance disc in your nuc operation allows you to have 2 entrances: one with a queen excluder opening;
the other is wide open so the bees can come and goas they please. A third option is vented for moving bees from
one location to another. Screws not included. M01505
M01505 Ship wt. lib. ea ..... . $3.05

Wood Queen Muff

Are you tired of losing queens when releasing the
Mailing Cages attendants? If you are, our queen muff is for you!
M00656 (Without Condy) Carton of 100, VOl999 Queen Muff,
Ship wt. 5 Ibs. ea. . . . . . $42.95 Ship wt. lib. ea. . $15.75
queen cage and jacket
sold separately
Queen Paint
Economy Stainless
Use the correct color for the year your queen was introduced.
Blue - 2015, White -2016, Yellow - 2017, Red - 2018, Green - 2019 Steel Grafting Tool
M01315 Yellow (2017) Ship wt. 3 OlS. ea.. . .... . $6.15 M01942 ----~~
M01316 Blue (2015) Ship wt. 3 OlS. ea .... $6.15 Ship wt. 2 OlS. ea ............... $8.20
M01317 White (2016) Ship wt. 3 OlS. ea. . .. . $6.15
M01317G Green (2019) Ship wt. 3 OlS. ea.. . . .$6.15 Queen Clip Catchers
M01318 Red (2018) Ship wt. 30lS. ea .... $6.15
Clips safely hold queen while work-
Master Grafting Tool Push-In Queen ing the hive. Designed so that work-
Marking Cage er bees can have full access to her.
Available in plastic or stainless steel.
M00654 Each, Trap the queen
Ship wt. 3 OlS. ea. . .... . . $41.15 with our push- W<10658
M00655 Extra Tongues, Each, in style cage Stainless Steel Queen Oip Catcher,
Ship wt. 1 oz. ea. . .... . . . $3.25 and mark her Ship wt. 2 OZS. ea. . . . . . . . . . .. $4.10
as you normally MOO659
would. No need to Plastic Queen Oip Catcher,
Queen Marking remove her from the frame. Less Ship wt. 8 OZS. ea ... .......... $3.65
Cage With Plunger
C""p,,..-, stress than other models.
This queen marking

markhelp you ~
the queen
and use the

plunger to get her i

M01947 Push-In Queen Marking
Ship wt. 8 OlS. ea. $1.55
Queen Clipping
M00653 Each,
Ship wt. 4 OlS. ea ... . .... $13.95


place to mark. Use one Plastic Grafting Tool

of our queen marking pens to After many requests, here it is. The Chinese grafting tool is one of the easiest
ish the job. to use. The thin plastic tip slides up and under larvae and releases them when
the end is pushed.
MOl946 Queen Marking Cage with M01941 Plastic Grafting Tool,
Plunger, Ship wt. 8 OZS. ea . . . . $4.90 Ship wt. 8 OlS. ea. ...... $3.05
JZ BZ Smokey Cell Bar
Wide Base Cell Cups shown in JZ BZ Smokey
The JZ8Z smokey cell bar holds 15 wide based cell cups. Attach
bar to standard frame and place in cell building colony.
Cell Bar (above) and frame (below)

MOO662S Ship wt. 2 ozs. ea ........ . . . $2.00

JZ BZ Plastic Queen Cell Cups-2 Styles

Push-In Cell Cups Wide Base Cell Cups

••• •
c/1OO, Ship wt. 8 oz.
1-9 c/100 ........... . . .. $9.75
1O+c/100 ............ .. $7.75
c/100, Ship wt. 10 oz.
1·9 c/100 ........... .... $9.75
10 -tC/l OO.... . ... $7.75
M006635 Smokey M00664S Smokey
MOO663A Amber M00664A Amber
MOO663R Red MOO664R Red
MOO663G Green MOO664G Green
M00663B Blue M00664B Blue

JZ BZ Top Bar Cell Protector JZ BZ Grafting Tool

HangS between top bars for easy access in and out
of the hive _ _ _ _A
JZ 8Z Top Bar Cell Protector,

M02100 c/100, Ship wt. l ib. . . .... . . . $9.25

M02100M c/1000, Ship wt. lib .... . .$85.00 M00652 Ship wt. 3 OIS. ea ........ $3.95

JZ BZ Candy Cap
Use with our queen cage to help keep queens
JZ BZ Push in Cell Protector
from emerging too early Push in for protection anywhere on drawn
JZ 8Z Candy Cap, comb JZ BZ Push In Cell Protector,

M02l02 c/100, Ship wt. lib. . .. $9.25 M02101 c/lOO, Ship wt. lib. .. .. .. $9.25
M02102M c/lOOO, Ship wt. lib. . . $81.35 M02101M c/lOOO, Ship wt. lib. $85.00

JZ BZ Queen Shipping Carton

Protects queen cells during shipment. Holds 20 Queen cells.

M02103 JZ BZ QUeen Shipping Carton,

Ship wt. lib. ea. 1-9 ....... . . ....•. . . . . .. . $3.25
l O&Up ... . . . .. . . . . . $3.00

/-888-922- /293
Non-"Chemica/" Method
Using Bee Escapes - 2 Styles
Bee Escapes are one-way doors which let the bees leave the supers but not return. The escape is placed beneath the supers of honey to be
removed. (When removing more than one super of honey from an individual hive, we recommend placing an empty shallow super under
the escape board to allow more space.) Supers are usually free of bees within :1 - 24 hours and no chemicals are used.

Bee Escape Board Conical Bee Escapes

The Triangle escape board works like a bee Conical Bee Escape Board Complete
escape except the bees are able to leave the This escape has 10 plastic cOflical escapes placed in
super much quicker. Face the triangle covered a frame work that is placed below the honey supers
with hardware cloth towards the bottom of the to be removed.
hive. Bees will eKit through escapes on the side .------~ MOO933 Ship wt. 6 Ibs. ea.. . . $22.25
of the triangle and can't figure out how to get back in.
Standard Bee Escape And Inner Cover
MOO940 - lO-frame, Ship wt. 6 Ibs. ea. .$12.95
This bee escape is placed in the cen ter opening of an inner

-- -
MOO9408 - 8-frame, Ship wt. 6 Ibs. ea. .$12.95
cover (B152:01) described on page 2:7.
Moo806 Ship wt. 2: OlS. ea .. .$2.95
10 Conical Bee Escapes Only 12:+, ea. .$2.45 M00806
A set of 10 conical escapes allows the Escilpe Only 5epilrately Page 27
operator to construct his own escape board.
M00911 Per 10, Ship wt. 2: OlS. ea ..... $9.05
Dadant's Bee Blower
The Dadant Bee Blower will remove honey
Remove Bees Fast! bees from your honey supers quickly and effi -
ciently in any kind of weather. Forget fume pads
Collapsible Chute and chemicals. Blower may be used to assist
requeening or to move bees any time. Ship wt.
Collapsible Chute is of greatest assistance when
50 Ibs. ea. · Ships Freight Only
using the Bee Blower. Set your super on the chute,
blow the bees out, and let the chute direct the M00780 Bee Blower. .... $535.00
bees toward the colony entrance. M00781 10' Replacemen t Hose,
M00785 Ship wt. 8 lbs.
0 311> hp Bricgs and Stl"1illtto n gasoline engine Ship wt. 2: Ibs. ea. . . . . . $27.95
Collapsible Chute. $69.00 o Complete with 10' hose ilnd nozzle M00782 Replacement NOllie,
o Moves up to 1500 cubic ft. of il ir per minute Ship wt. 2: Ibs. ea ........... $4.80
·See pilge 118

-------Repellent Method
Bee Go Honey-B-Gone
Bee Go - Approved chemical that quick-
ly ch ases bees from honey supers on hot Honey-B-Gone is a new, easy to use, n atu ral oi l hon ey bee "I,elle,".
or cold days - early morning to late eve- Spray on fume boards and place on top of honey supers. Watch the
ning. Use fume pad M00681 at bottom bees flee.
of page. 1 and 5 gallon cans ship Freight Moo1361 6.0 fluid oz., Ship wt. 2: Ibs. ea .... .. $20.95
Only-Hazardous price on shipping will
apply -call for quote. Additional charges
may apply. Pint sile is for
.<PlF-4S-4N, Bee Du n
pick-up only- cannot be
At"E"llIJ\lc Bee Dun is the beekeepers friend at harvest ti me. Made out of a
shipped by UPS.
pleasant smelling combination of natural oils, this is really the
(see Fischer's
way to remove bees from your honey supers. 8 Ol. bottle.
Bee Quick or
Moo135 8 fluid oz.,
Bee Dun).
Ship wt. lib. ea.... . . $14.95

Fischer's Bee Quick

Fischer's Bee-Quick- is a natural, non-tox ic blend of oils and herbal extracts that
Moo130 1 Pint, Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea. . ... $16.95
quickly moves bees out of honey supers while smelling pleasant to the beekeep-
Case of 30, Ship wt. 60 Ibs. ea... . ... $16.65 er. It isn't just free of foul odors and tOKic substances; it's also Food-Grade under
MOO1311 Gallon, Ship wt. 15 Ibs. ea ...... $91.70
FDA regulations.
Case of 5, Ship wt. 85 Ibs. ea. . . . . ... $88.65
MOO132 5 Gallons, Ship wt. 60 Ibs. ea .... $304.95 M01340 8.0fluid oz.,Ship wt. 1 lb. ea. .. . .......... $14.95
M013411 Gal., Shipwt.15 Ibs. ea ........ $77.20
The modern, clean, safe way
to clear honey supers of
Fume Pads - use with Bee Quick, Bee Dun, and Bee Go
Well constructed 2:y." deep wooden frame with a heavy flannel -
bees regardless of weather.
coated chemical absorbing canvas liner and a bright shiny me tal
Can be shipped by regular
UPS without DOT Hazardous cover. Sprinkle liner wi th Bee Quick, Bee Dun, or Bee Go and
shipping charges. place on top of super. Heat from the sunshine on metal cover Fume
Bee Quick: the fost, natural Fume pad MOO681
not included,
evaporates chemical and forces bees out of honey supers. Pad
way ta harvest honey! MOO681 Fume Pad, Ship wt. Sibs. . .. $13.95
sold separately.

Uncapping Roller Combcapper
This 4" uncapping roller will help
'-_ _ _ _ _ you uncap faster than ever before.
Made of food-grade plastic.

M00334 Uncapping Roller, Ship wt. lib. ea ....... $19.95

The combcapper fits standard 5
errated Uncapping Knife gallon pails and will hold all size
frames shallow - deep. Uncap
directly into your 5 gallon pail.
The best "cold" uncapping knives we found, the Easy clean up. Dishwasher safe.
double sided serrated knife cuts through the capping Made in USA.
very effectively.
A high quality tool from Portugal. M01366 Combcapper,
M00338 Serrated Uncapping Knife Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea ... . ...... . . . $29.95
Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea. . . .. . . .. $24.65
Uncapping Plane
Serrated Comb Honey Knife Electric Uncapping Plane-
Serrated Comb Honey Knife -The best comb cutting knife Perfect tool for small or
we have found. This extremely sharp and serrated knife large operations. UCP has
makes slicing through comb a breeze. an adjustable heated copper
M00336 Serrated Comb Honey Knife, cutting blade for depth
Ship wt. lib. ea. $9.95 cut. The heating element
is long lasting and replace-
Electric Uncapping Knife w/Control Unit able. On/off switch built into cord. The large
Blade temperature is controlled comfortable rock maple handle is comfort-
by using the knob on the control able to use. Just pull the UCP across the
box. Set to temperature of your combs and feel the difference.
liking and uncap. High quality M0033S UCP llOV Right Hand,
blades that are 10" long and 2" Ship wt. 8lbs. ea. . ..... $140.00
MOO343 Electric Uncapping Cap pings Scratcher
Knife w/ control unit
Cappings Scratcher, the
"uncapping tool" used
Ship wt. 3 Ibs.... . . . .$139.95
many hobby beekeepers.
An excellent hand tool for
Speed King Electric Knife opening the cells to let the honey
Electric Heated Knife-Blade temperature is controlled out. 20 sharp needles molded into high
by built-in thermostat. 120 volt operation. Wood handles strength plastic. A must in every ho,"e,~L .~-. .
are coolon your hands. High quality blades house. Colors may vary.
are 10" long and 2" wide. Guaranteed by -t!iii:;'~
~anufacturer for 1 year with all warran- ..........--~ ,
MOO752 Ship wt. 8 OlS. ea .... . $7.35
tles handled by manufacturer. V. i_~"11~-"• •••• 12 or more, .
Ship wt. 5 lbs. per 12 ea.

MOO339 Speed King Electric Knife, with

preset thermostat,Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea. . . . $99.95 Stainless Steel
Cappings Scratcher
Clear Plastic Uncapping Tub High quality one piece stainless steel cap-
pings scratcher with blade to remove burr
Do You Uncap? comb from top bars. Molded rubber handle.
How do you get the best honey out ofyourcappings?
M01752 Each,
- Three piece clear uncapping tub, drainer and lid! Ship wt. 8 OlS. ea . . ... .... $19.95
- Food-grade commercial restaurant quality equipment.
- Virtually unbreakable (in normal use)
- Uncap cleanly, hygienically, quickly.
Wax Pan
Easy Wax Release
- Large capacity 25"l x 18"W x 9"D uncapping tank
and drainer. - 35 Pound Capacity
- Compression Molded Fiberglass
M01355 Plastic Uncapping Tub, - Reinforced Polvester
Ship wt. 45 lbs. ea.- ...... $124.95 - High Strength for Years of Service
·See page 118 M00824 Wax Pan, Ship wt. Sibs. ea

Immersion Heaters
Single Phase, High Quality Watlow Heaters

Immersion Heaters are designed to operate comple tely submerged in liquid. Single
phase. Ther mostatically controlled. Fully encased sensing tube. Highest quality
materials. No t for direct contact wi t h honey. l ong life. Ship wt. 9 Ibs. ea .

MOO537 nO-vol t, 1700 watt heate r, 1" male Pipe Thread . . . $137.00
MOO355 240-volt, 3000 watt heate r, 2" male Pipe Thread ... $239.00
MOO361 240-vol t, 4500 watt heater, 2" male Pipe Thread ... $259.00
Maximum temperature on all models of
immersion heaters i5 2S0"F.

Band Heaters
Flexible Strip Heaters for
5 Gallon Pails and S5 Gallon Drums
· Pail Heater for 5 gallon plastic pails.
M00567 Ship wt . 4 Ibs. ea . . .$109.00
• The Pail Heate r fi ts most 5 gallon pails 9.5" to 12"
diame te r. Preset t hermostat at 125"F.
- Drum Heater-120 volt, 1750 watt, for 55 gallon drums.
MOOSS6 Ship wt. 17Ibs. ea .... . . . .... $414.95
- Drum Heater-240 volt, 3000 watt, for 55 gallon drums .
-..:::::'ll~~$') MOOSS7 Ship wt. 17Ibs. ea .. $414.95
.. Special rece ptacle required for MOO556 and MOO557.
Contact a qualified elect rician. Plugs are pictured below.
Pail heater s hown on pail.
Pail sold s eparately. control for MOOS57
plug for M005S7

plug for MOO556

Super Cart
Handy in the
Honey House

a re pleased t o Drum Handling Truck

offer another item that wi ll come in
very handy in the honey house. Our super Move 55 Gallon Drums Safely and Easily
ca rt comes wit h caste rs so yo u are able to roll it Heavy Duty Construction
a ro und the honey house wit h ease. Place up to 5 Drum Hook Holds Top Edge of Drum
deep boxes on t he cart and roll it in to extract.
He avy-duty Drum Handl ing Tr uc k takes
M00324 Super Cart, Ship wt. 12 Ibs. ... $37.00
much of the heavy work out of handling
Rubber Gasket drums full of honey. Position t he toes
of t he t ruck against the d rum, engage
mova ble sliding hook over edge of drum,
MOO7SS pull back on handles a nd the drum tilts,
a llowing tr uc k toes to slide under and
Rubber gaske ts for sealing t he lids o nto 55 gallon engage bottom of barre l. Load is secure
o pen top barrels. and ready to go. 61 u high, 23W' wide.
to" wheels.
Ship wt. 2 oz.
M007551-99. . . $.69 ea. MOO311 Barre l Cart,
100&Up ... . . .$.64 ea. Ship wt. 911bs. ea. .. . . .... $377.70
Stainless Steel Double Sieve

M01365 Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea .. $21.95

Strainer Materials
Strainer Material. Use wit h st rainer screens, plastic
uncapping tank or by itself. 100% cotton cheesecloth. 3
Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea
sq. yd. package
M00493 Ship wt. lib. ea . . . . $8.45
Bottling Bucket '
Honey TightTM Lid
Bucket bench is a con- Transform your bottling • Economical Bottler
r ",n;"n! tool to drain your 5 gal- bucket or 5 gallon honey ·5 Gallons
Ion pails of honey to the last storage bucket into • White
d rop. Collapsible and easy
easy opening. a irtigh t, • Plastic Pail with 1%" Gate
proof container wit h
to dean th is is a must The Dadant designed ~----_
new Oadant Honey Tighr-
have tool for the 1 1/ 2 " scissors gate
Lid. When attached to the
honey house. installed in a heavy
Dadant 5 gallon whi te plas-
gauge white plastic
tic pail (M00212 page 99)
pail makes a great
t he screw top resealable unit to fill honey bot-
Honey Tight- lid protects Bucket sold tles. Gate is adjust-
your honey, while allowing separately able and cuts honey
easy access for pouring or flow off cleanly. CcA''---'
M013S0 bottling. No more prying open regular Bucket is re-inforced
Ship wt. lib. ea old fashioned lids. Now the lid spins
where bail attaches. Comes with lid.
off and on wit h just a twist.
$15.95 Moo218 Ship wt. Sibs. ea ... $28.35
M00214 Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea. $10.25

Bottling Bucket Kit

Kit Includes the following:
• 200 Micron Fine Filter • 5 Gallon Pail Honey Bucket
• 400 Micron Medium Filter (Gate Included)
• 600 Micron Coarse Filter • lid
Ideal for filtering large, medium and small particles from honey. Comes complete with three
reusable, washable filters. 600 micron for coarse filtering, 400 micron for medium filtering and
200 micron for fine filtering. These filters are custom designed to fit securely on the 5 Gallon
Honey Bucket. Filters are 11-1/4" in diameter.
An excellent and inexpensive filter that will make your honey sparkle.
M01354 Bucket Kit
Ship wt. 8 tbs.
$42.75 Filters can be
Filters are 11-1/4" purchased
separately below
in diameter.
MOB52 600 Micron Coarse, Ship wt. lib. ea ...... $5.95
MOB51 400 Micron Medium, Ship wt. lib. ea .... $5.95
MOB50 200 Micron Fine, Ship wt. I lb. ea .. .. . .. $5.95

·Use of Bottling Bucket is intended for bottling only - long term storage is not recommended.

,·888-922-' 293
Beekeeper Honey House Plan
(up 10 150 hives)

-- .....


Liquidator-4 Units In 1
"The Hobbyist's Dream"

Uncapping/Cappings Drain Tank

Wax Me/ter MADE
Bucket 1 Can Liquifier (60# Container) IN THE
not U .S.A.
included 175# Bottling Tank
" o.A.'

\ Components:
1 - 14" diameter, 24" deep, 24 gauge, Type 304 food-grade
MIG welded stainless steel tank with two welded fittings-
) bottom drain .
1- 1700 watt-120 volt immersion heater
1 - Wooden frame uncapping bar
1- Heavy stainless steel support for 60# containers
1- 1" bottling ball valve
1- 14" diameter screen
1- 14Yz" stainless steel spun cover

Write or Call For Brochure With Full Operational Details

The liquidator and an extractor are the on ly equipment necessary to process and package your entire honey
and wax crop. The liquidator, a great companion for your Junior Bench, little Wonder or Ranger extractor, was
developed specifically for hobbyist beekeepers. Save time, labor and mess with the Liquidator.
M00394 The Liquidator, Complete, Ship wt. 45 Ibs. ea · . . .. ...... . . . . . . ... . . . .. .. . .. ... .. $520.00
• See PilC" 118
Dadant 36" Cappings Tank and Optional Equipment
Capping Spinners- Great for the serious but smaller operations. Separate your honey and wax cap-
pings with ease! The results are more honey to sell and dry, light fluffy wax cappings ready for melting
into bricks. This machine is a must for beekeepers operating 100 hives or less. The 20 gauge stainless
steel tank is 20" in diameter, and 32" high. The bottom is die formed, and conical for e ase of side drain-
ing.The removable cappings basket is constructed from 18 gauge perforated stainless steel, and laser
cut to perfection. Complete with legs, this machine ships at a weight of 150 Ibs. in a heavy duty carton.
Ships Freight Only

MOO599 Junior Capping Spinner, Ship wt. 13S Ibs. ea . .. $1,495.00 .i'd Ihe run do
Solar Wax Melter thE. !1uftiJl;J!
Solar Wax Melter-The perfect answer for melting up those burr combs and small amounts
of wax. Melter is 19" x 24". Works best when painted black. Comes unassembled. Inexpensive
polyethylene fi lm for top to be purchased locally.
MOOSOl Solar Wax Melte r, Ship wt. 251bs. ea. . . . . . . . . . . . $64.85
MADE IN THE U.S.A. .fr [l.!",
36" Cappings Tank -Another Versatile System-
Liquifier Grid
Convenient wheels oinlos Tank Lid & Heater
make moving easy Liquify your honey quickly,
36" evenly... without hassles!
car:;~gS - ...S. . . $194.00

• See pace 118
.5"PIJinigs Baskets
Tank is:
36" Long Cappings Baskets
18" Wide
14" Deep Excellent Cappings Drainage
Dadant Cappings Baskets-Designed Dadant Liquifier Grid & Heater-Conve rts
Dadant 36" Cappings Tank-AII· welde d for use in t he cappings tank. 17112" x cappings tank into a 3-6011 containe r liqui-
heavy type 304, 20 Gauge Stainless Steel 17" Type 304, 22 gauge stainless steel fier. 1700 watt, 120 v. immersion heater
tank. Heavy stainless legs. Caste rs wit h construction. Uncap directly into the screws into tank fitting and goes unde r-
brakes enable you to roll uncapped frames baskets. Perforated aluminum bot- neath t he all stainless steel 231t high
to t he extractor for loading or lock it secure- tom a llows good ca ppings d rainage. container supporting grids. Fits 1983 and
ly in place. Holds 23 frames. Over·all height St urdy construction allows basket full of newer model Cappings Tanks. Grid and
with casters · 32". The perfect start fo r any d rained cappings to be lifted from the heater only, Cappings Tanksold separately
honey house. tank. Pai r. on left.
MOO370 Cappings Tank, M00372 Grid & Heater Only,
Ship wt. 103 Ibs. ea.- .. . .. $540.00 M00371 Cappings Baskets.(per pair) Ship wt. 63 Ibs.*. . .. .. $310.00
• See pace 118
Ship wt. 17lbs .. .... . ....... $177.00 • See pace 118

Deluxe Solar Powered Wax Melter

The ALL NEW Deluxe Solar Po wered Wax Melter is an affordable, high performance melter tha t uses the power of the sun to melt
valuable wax with no cost to operate. It is capable of reaching and maintaining temperatures as much as 50 degrees F above melting
temperat ure withou t harmful UV ray exposure. Warm-up takes about 30 minutes and in most locations, melti ng can be achieve d in
6-7 hours on a sunny day. Even on partly doudy days, extended periods of melti ng are possible.
The Deluxe Solar Powered Wax Melter is const ructed of 7-11 layer hardwood plywood which is painted black in t he melting areas
and polyuylic finish sealed on the exterior. It is asse mbled with water proof, high strength urethane adhesive anCdrpow .:...~
,_, _,
d riven nails. Sola r tra nsfer is accomplished via multi-wall structured polycarbonate, lOmm thick sheet surrounde d .,
by a sealed wooden frame . A sliding, captive front doo r allows for exchanging of catch pans during the melting cycle
wit hout having to raise t he main cover.
The melting and collecting a reas will accommodate you r pans, screen and filter cloths up to 18" x 12" x 5 ¥.I"
fo r the melting pan and up to 11" x S" x 3" for t he collecting pan. Use of aluminum pans typically sold
in groce ry stores and ha rdware outlets is recommended. Loading is easy since the cover ca n be com-
pletely removed providing total access to the melting a rea. The Deluxe Solar Powered Wax Melter
can be shipped anywhe re in the US o r Canada.

MOO50S Deluxe Sola r Powered Wax Melter, Ship wt. 30 Ibs. ea. . ... $199.95

'·888·922·' 293
Dadant's Water Jacketed Mini Melter
Uncap directly into the unit
Draw beautiful wax from one outlet
Excellent quality honey from another outlet
WOK M el ting Grid 1800 wott-120 lIolt
1700 wott-120 110ft Imm ersion Heater/or Water
Both Heaters Are Thermostatically Con trolled
The water jacket speeds t he wax/honey separation process
and allows precise control of honey tempera t ure. Cappings
from 300 Ibs. of honey per hour have been processed with
the Dadant Mini Melter. Operating conditions vary; therefore,
production rates will vary. Will handle most hand uncapping
operations and some smaller volume power uncappers. Comes
MADE complete, as shown. Please call or write for complete informa-
IN THE tio n sheets. Patente d.
U.S.A. M005491 Water Jacketed Mini Melter, with Type 304, 20
.,. 0.1",' gauge stainless steel, Ship wt. 105 Ibs. ea. - .. . .$990.00
• See pare 118

Dadant's Water Jacketed Electromelt

" ().t"" M00548

Electromelt-Optional Slum Rake Shown at Right

A Proven Process Features and Benefits of the Electromelt

Separate Wa:J. and Honey
in 1 Step While You Uncap · 6900 watt, 240 volt melting gri d
- Stainless steel flat heating gri d
- Stainless steel tank, 16 gauge
Eliminates Spinners - Stainless steel water jacket
Saves Time and Money • Works w ith all uncappers
- Fast start up
Optional Slum Rake System • No steam required
Speeds Processing-5aves Time - 3 year warranty on electric melting gri d

The Electromelt has been proven by commercial beekeepers using all t ypes of uncappers. The unit was designed for and works
most efficiently with cappings from uncappers other than the chain flail type . Producers report processing cappings from
over t wo d rums of honey per hour when using t he rake system with the Electromelt. At the day's end, all honey and wax are
processed - no extra hours, no additional jobs to do. Quality wax is in pans, and premium honey is in storage, operating costs
are low, as energy losses a re minimal. When paying 8(: per kilowatt hour, operating costs are less t han 75(: per hou r. Both t he
melting grid and water jacket heate r are thermostatically controlled for precise control. Call or write fo r more information.

M005531 Electromelt with Water Jacket, Type 304, 16 ga uge 55,

Ships Freight Only, Ship wt. 350 Ibs. ea . ... . . . . . . ... $4,795.00
M00548 Aluminum Rake System, Optional, Ship wt. 70 Ibs. ea. . ... . . $1,760.00
Economy Stainless Steel Extractor
We are pleased to offer this
2-frame imported economy
extractor. Will hold all sizes of
frames. Easy crank handle and
high polished stainless make
this the best economy extractor
on the market.

Get started extracting

honey for

Inside View
M00385 Ship wt. 44 Ibs. ·
• See pace 118

Dadant Manufactured Honey Extractors

MADE Junior Bench

U .S.A. Extractor
" O,,/'v'(
Junior Bench Extractor-Stai nless steel hand powered. Capacity: 2 frames (9%N
deep maximum) per load. SS extracting basket and SS top assembly. Piano-style
continuously hinged lid. Easily converts to 17S-tb, storage container. (Frames must
be removed and turned to extract both sides). n~;n plastic honey ga te included. Tank:
24 gauge, Type 304 55, 14" dia. x 23%" tall, all MIG welded construction. M00391
stainless steel stand (sold separately).

M00390 Extractor only, Ship wt. 47 Ibs. " ..... $315.00

M00391 Stainless Steel Stand Sold Separately, Ship wt. 32 Ibs. " ...... . . ... $54.00
• See pac .. 118

Food Approved Grease

Food Approved Lubricant for extractors, honey house equipment and other applications where
it is important to avoid contamination of food products with ordinary lubricants. On the hand
extractors JUNIOR BENCH, LITTLE WONDER, and RANGER use this to lu bricate the
crank handles. Also used on above hand and power units to lubricate the bottom bushing. Handy
12 Ol. cartridge and 4 oz. tube.
12 oz. Cartridge - Haynes Lubri·Film 4 oz. Tube - Haynes Lubri·Film
Ship wt. lib. Ship wt. 4 OlS. ea.

M009S712 1-11, ea .. . . .. $9.99 M009S74 . $4.6S

12+, ea .. . $9.40

'·888·922·' 293
Junior Bench Extractor Kit I,O"{",'
Junior Bench Extractor Kit-The Junior Bench Extracting kit is the
perfect extracting set up for the beginning beekeeper. The kit
comes complete with 1 Junior Bench two frame extractor and
stand, 1 bottling bucket kit, 1 Speed King electric knife, plastic
uncapping tub and 1 capping scratcher.

M00390KIT JB Extractor Kit . . . ·c·~·~·.~.~.~.~.::6='~.~.~

. ~$5=94=.5~O"
This ships in 4 pkgs.
1 pkgs @ 4711 ea. ·
2 pkgs @ 3511 and 1 pkg @ 8#
Little Wonder Hand-Extractor Kits
Power style also available
little Wonder Extractor Kits-A step up in size from the Junior
Bench. The Little Wonder extracting kit is perfect for the hobby 6tNet6,.
beekeeper. It is available in both hand and power styles. This MADE
four frame extractor comes complete with extractor and IN THE
stand, 1 bottling bucket kit, 1 Speed King electric knife, plastic U.S.A.
uncapping tub and 1 capping scratcher. 1r 0.1""
M00396KIT lW Hand Extractor Kit. . . ...... . . . ..... $723.50
This ships in 4 pkgs.
1 pkg @ 78#" 1 pkg @ 8#
2 pkgs@3SIt"
M00403KIT lW Power Extractor Kit . . . ... . $986.86
• S.... pac .. 118

This ships in 5 pkgs.

1 pkg @ 78#" 1 pkg @ Bit
2 pkgs@3SIt" 1 pkg @ 8#
·S.... e118

Ranger Power Extractor Kit

Hand style also available
Ranger Extractor Kits-For those who prefer a radial extractor 6tNet6,.
this is for you. The Ranger extracting kit is available in both MADE
the power and hand styles. It is capable of extracting 6 - 6 IN THE
1/4" frames or sha llow frames radially or three deep frames U.S.A.
tangentially by using the optional baskets. The 6 frame radial 1r [I,k,
extractor comes complete with extractor and stand, 1 bottling
bucket kit, 1 Speed King electric knife, plastic uncapping tub
and 1 capping scratcher.
"Optional baskets for deep frames sold separately."
M00400KIT Ranger Hand Extractor Kit. . . . ... $800.65
This ships in 4 pkgs.
1 pkg@78#" 1 pkg@8#
2 pkgs@351t" • See pace 118

M00401KIT Ranger Power Extractor KIt. .. ... . $1090.65


M00401 Optional Baskets, for J~::~'--'~!.!~'rnJ~CIi~~

Ship wt SIbs. ea. . .... . . ...... $89.00
Combo Extracting Unit

with uncapping tank. This unit is ideal
for the hobby or sideline beekeeper. Unit
a 14"x18" uncapping area with
underneath to hold eappings for
honey drainage. A 6.5"x18" area will hold
your uncapped frames while waiting to
be put inside the Ranger Power Extractor.
Honey storage compartment can hold
up to 8 gallons of honey_ For use with 6 W' or 5 %" frames. Baskets can be pur-
chased to extract deep frames. Type 304, 16 gauge Stainless Steel with 1 y.t
honey gate. FOB Hamilton IL - ships freight only. Call for Tate.
MOO395 Combo Extracting Unit. $1,999.95
M00402 Optional Baskets, for Deep Frames,
Ship wt. 8 Ibs. . .... . . . .... . $89.00

Little Wonder Extractors Ranger Extractors

IN T H E Standard Reel
U.S.A. included with
Ir {J.M either hand
or electric MADE
power Ranger I N THE
Extractors U.S.A.
.,. [).I.t

~"'~S·'-'"·d~ard Reel shown with M[(,..~-"'~~

M00403 _ Optional Baskets for deep frames
Little Wonder Extractors-Top quality tangential extrac- Ranger Extractors-Designed for beekeepers using primarily 6~"
tors. Extract 4·9~..{t frames or shallow frames per load. All or shallow frames. Extract 6-6W' or shallow frames radially (see
welded food grade stainless steel tank houses the stainless above left) or 3 deep (9W') frames tangentially by using optional
basket. Frames must be turned to extract both sides. Turn baskets (see above right - sold separately). left picture shows
shallow frames within basket; deep frames must be lifted reels loaded radially with shallows. Tangentially loaded reel with
out for reversal. Hand models are gear driven by quiet, deeps using the optional baskets shown right. Stainless welded
durable nylon gears. Power models employ a direct drive reel provides positive frame placement. Upper ball bearing. lower
motor with an electronic speed control which is manually nylon sleeve bearing. Hand or electric power. Electric power fea-
adjusted. 120 volt operation. All internal components slip tures direct drive electric motor with manually operated electronic
out easily to convert into a 300-lb. storage unit. Comes speed control. All welded 18" dia. 24" tall, 24 gauge, Type 304-
complete with lW' gate. Tank: 24 gauge, Type 304 SS, 18" stainless tank. lW' plastic honey gate standard. For smooth opera-
dia. x 24" tall. Stand sold separately below. tion of extractor see food approved grease on pages 82 and 86.

M00396 Little Wonder Hand, MOO400 Ranger Hand Extractor, Ship wt. 78 Ibs. ea ... · $510.00
Ship wt. 781bs. ea. * ...... $410.00 M00401 Ranger Electric Power Extractor, Ships 2 pkgs.- 78 Ibs. ·
M00403 Little Wonder Power, Ship wt. 2 pkgs. - and 13 Ibs. ea.. . . ......... . . $799.00
78Ibs.* and 13 Ibs. ea.. . . . . . . . . . .. $710.00 M00401 Optional Baskets, for Deep Frames
M00397 Stainless Steel Stand (Sold Separately) Ship wt. 8lbs. . . . .... . . . . ... $89.00
Ship wt. 32 Ibs. ea. * . . . . . .. $59.00 M00397 Stainless Steel Stand, (Sold Separately)
Ship wt. 32 Ibs. ea. · . ... . .... . .. . . .. $59.00
• s.... pac" 118 .. s.... pac" 118

Dadant Manufactured Honey Extractors
6-1 2 Frame Rad ial
MADE Extractor with Motor All DADANT
IN THE 6-12 Frame Radial Extracto r- No more hand
U.S.A. reversing of frames - uncap, load, extract, and
., !M:::"t= unload. Reel capacit y 6 - 9 11t deep frames; 12
- 6 1f4" shallow frames . Frame guides provide posi-
tive frame placement. Ball bearings top and bot-
tom. Powered by specificall y designed di rect drive
motor wit h manually controlled electronic speed
control. 120 v. operation. All welded 24" dia. 28"
ta ll Type 304, 20 gauge stainless steel tank with
inverted coned bottom and 111/ welded fitting. The Concept of the Radial Extractor has
11 / 2" plastic honey gate w/ba rbed adapter includ- saved more time and oombs for beekeepers
ed. (See diagram at right for const ruction details). than any other invention. Radial extractors are
Stainless steel stand (sold separately). the quickest, easiest, and most efficient way to
extract honey from t he oomb. Frames are placed
MOO411 6 -12 Frame Extractor in the reel like spokes of a wheel. The reel spins,
Ships Freight Only creating a centrifugal fOfce and honey is thrown
Ship wt. lOS Ibs . . $1,275.00 from both sides of t he oomb at once.

Moo4ls Stand Only,

Sold separately. Construction Details
Ships Freight Only
dmE Ship wt. 70 Ibs .. . . $121.00
These items ship freight only
6-12 Frame and
20-Frame Ex1tractc,,~
Rugged Direct Drive
Motor with Manually
IN E ~~~o!I.Sp .. d Control
u. 20-Frame Radial Extractor Piano-style
iiiiiiiil:~~~=- :::.
v ...",-,-_
.4 Section Reel Hinge
• Type 304 Stainless Steel Steel Lids
.20 Gauge Stainless Steel Ball Bearings
• Holds Any Size Frame
.20 Individual Frame Pockets
• Can Hold Up to 36 Frames
.30" Diameter 28" High Guides
The ideal choice for a growing All Welded
extracting operation. From a few col- " ,,,;,,,.,,, Reel
onies to several hundred, the 20-frame
radial is excellent. Comes complete with Cone Bottom
welded drain (r Female Pipe Thread)
.... with 2" to 1-l/r reduce r bushing. A
powerful variable speed direct drive
motor powers the uni t. It has a cone bottom and is 120 v. Stainless
operation. (Stand sold separately). Steel Fitting

M00440 20-Frame Radial, Ship wt. 120 tbs. (20-Frame Extractor Shown)
Ships Freight Only . . . . .
M00444 Stand only, Ship wt. 70 Ibs.
Ships Freight Only . . . . .
. . $1,629.00

. .. $136.00

Reels for the 20-frame extractor. Small extractor assembfy. Finished extractors ready for boxing.
cto.- for
",,"'uLli t Ext.- ctor on t ti!
Insist On The Best Da~ant Quali~ Products


60-Frame Radial Honey Master
Speed Control 84-Frame

Extractor Speed Control: State-af-t he-

art fo r cont rolling up to 1 horsepowe r
DC motors. Au tomatic or manual ope ra-
tion . On automatic, select your extract-
MADE ing ti me and let t he control automati-
IN THE cally a dvance the extractor speed. Easy
U .S.A.
.,. [kt"" to o perate. Selector switch provides
operation for all size ext racto rs. 120 volt
• % Horsepower DC Motor operation. • '!-Ii Horsepower DC Mo to r
• 52" Tank Diameter
. 62" Tank Diameter
• Inverted Cone Bottom with 3" Male M00443 Ship wt. 8 Ibs. e a . ... $895.00 • Inverted Cone Bottom with
Center Dr ain
3" Male Center Drain

Comes complete
.... RAIN
. 16 Ga. (.060) Stainless Steel Tank with motor and - RAIN
• Segmented Reel Holds 60 Frames • 16 Ga. (.060) Stainless Steel Tank
• Smooth Reel Holds 85-90 Frames speed control • Segmented Reel Holds 84 Frames
• For smoot h operation of extractor see • Smooth Reel Holds 96-120 Frames
food approved grease below. • For smooth operation of extractor
M00450 Smooth Reel see food app roved grease below.
Ship wt. 800 Ibs. . $5,960.00 M00452 Smoot h Reel
M00430 Segmented Reel Ship wt. 1,000 Ibs.. $6,560.00
Ship wt. 810 Ibs . . . . . . . . . . $6,050.00 M00432 Segmented Re e l
Ships Freight Only Ship wt. 1,010 Ibs.. . $6,640.00
Ships Freight Only

Food Food Approved Lubricant fo r ext ractors, honey house equipment and other applications
whe re it is im portant to avoid contamination of food products with ordinary lubrica nts.
Approved On the ha nd extractors JUNIOR BENCH, UTILE WONDER, and RANGER use t his to
Grease lubricate the crank handles. Handy 12 oz. cartridge and 4 oz. tube.
12 oz. Cartridge - Haynes Lubri-Film 4 oz. Tube - Haynes Lubri-Film
Ship wt. lib. Ship wt. 4 ozs.
M0095712 1-11, ea . . .... . . $9.99 MOO9S74 ea.. . . . . . . $4.65
M009574 12+, ea . . .... . . $9.40

'-888-922-' 293
Strainer MADE MADE
Stainless IN THE
Screens U.S.A. Covers U .S.A.
.. {}.J.,t '" {}.J.,t
U .S.A.
.. {}.J.,t

Perforated alumi num screens in stain- Sta inless steel covers are one piece spun
less frame that hooks over tank rim stainless steel. Plastic handle. Fits tanks
and nests inside tank. Used to support with strainer screen in place.
strainer cloth.

MOOS02 14" Screen for 17S lb. Tank M00392 175 lb. Tank Cover
Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea .. . ... $55.00 Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea. . .. $48.00
M00495I8" Screen for 300 lb. Tank M00534 300 lb. Tank Cover
Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea .. . ... $68.00 Ship wt. Sibs. ea. . ... $57.00
M00496 24" Screen for 600 lb. Tank M00535 600 lb. Tank Cover
Ship wt. 32 Ibs. ea. · ... $78.00 Ship wt. 7 Ibs. ea. . .. $68.00
M00497 30" Screen for 1000 lb. Tank M005361OO0 lb. Tank Cover
Ship wt. S3 Ibs. ea. · ... $89.00 Ship wt. llibs. ea ...... $99.00
Stainless Steel Tanks-H eavy duty, all
welded. Type 304 food grade stainless • s.... p3r<' 118
steel. (Custom welded fittings or custom Dispensing Valves
tanks on request.) (Larger tonks available.) Pantry Tanks & Heater
• Se" I>"C" 118
MOO393 175 lb. Tank, 24 Gauge SS "Honey Pantry"
14 Gal. Flat Bottom, 14" dia., 23" ht. Dispensing Tanks
lYi" Nylon Gate Included M004S6 MOO4SS
Ship wt. 471bs. ea. - , ...... $219.00
MOO490 300 lb. Tank, 24 Gauge SS
2S Gal. Flat Bottom, 18" dia., 24" ht.
1)';" Nylon Gate Included
Ship wt. 781bs. ea.· ....... $265.00 MOO4S73/4" Dispensing Valve for "thin"
M00491 600 lb. Tank, 20 Gauge SS liquids, will fit 7-1/2 gallon and 10-1/2 gallon
50 Gal. Flat Bottom, 24" dia., 28" ht. Pantry Tanks.
lYi" Stainless Welded Fitting
Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea . . . . .... . . . . ... $29.86
Ship wt. 42 Ibs. ea ......... $435.00
600 lb. Ships Freip,t Only
M00492 1000 lb. Tank, 20 Gauge SS
83 Gal. Cone Bottom, 30" dia., 28" ht.
Can use with (7-1/2 gal. & 10-1/2 gal. Tank)
2" Stainless Welded Outlet with I ii" welded outlet fitting. Type 304, for "thick" liquids or use the following:
Ship wt. 54 Ibs. ea ......... $549.00 24 gauge Stainless. 14" dia. x llYi" tall
1000 lb. Ships Freight Only with 4"Yi" tall base. SS cover included. MOOS855 SS Bottling Valve
MOO563 1920 lb. Tank, 20 Gauge SS Valve sold separately.
M00585 1" Brass Filler
145 Gal. Flat Bottom, 37" dia., 36" ht. Ship wt. 27 Ibs. ea. · ... . . . $225.00
2" Stainless Welded Fitting Outlet • s.... p3V' 118
Reinforced Top Rim Adapter Kit M005854 is required to fit
M0045510Yi; Gallon SS Tank with welded e ither valves above.
Ship wt. 2S0 Ibs. ea ........ $899.00 Iii side wall drain.Type 304, 24 gauge
1920 lb. Ships Freicht Only See page 89 for these items.
stainless, 14" dia. x 16" ta ll. SS cover
M00564 3600 lb. Tank. 16 Gauge SS
285 Gal. Flat Bottom, 51" dia., 36" ht. included. 40 Inch Tank Scraper
2" Stainless Welded Fitting Outlet Valve sold separately.
Ship wt. 27 Ibs. ea. · . . . . $215.00 MOO89S
Reinforced Top Rim
Ship wt. 315 Ibs. ea ....... $1,139.00 • Se .. pac" 118
3600 lb. Ships FreicJ!t Only M00459 Optional 125 Watt Heater {not
shown} 120 vol t heater adheres to bot- Ease your ta nk cleaning. Special shapes
tom of TYi gallon tank only. Preset for for cleaning all tank edges and surfaces.
- Custom Tanks Fabricated - a pproximately 100· F. Durable white plastic.
Call Us For A Quote Ship wt. lib. ea .. . .... . . . $139.00
1-217-852-3324 M0089S Tank Scraper
Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea . . .... $30.95
Commercial Honey Filter 1Y, Inch Honey Pump

Dadant's Commercial Honey Filter is a

stai nless steel inline honey filter which
can completely filte r your honey, making
it ready for sale at a premium price. The
closure mechanism is safer and much
easier to use than band clamps. The
housings a re manufactured with invest-
ment cast covers and collars. St rong 3 Rugged, heavy-dut y special l~N gear pump
Gauge included piece design offers easy access to perfo- with built-in pressure relief valve designed
with MOOS70 rated stainless steel basket and micron for pumping liq uids like honey. 1 hp 120/240
- rated filter bag. Filter is 6" in diameter volt motor. 2 variable·speed pulleys and
and 15.5" long with 1 ~" inlet a nd out- slotted mounts for easy adjustments allow
let. Engineered for honey pump flow speed ranges from 500·880 rpm. Belt guards
rates of up to 5 G.P.M . Honey tempera- included. Complete Instructions.
ture must be 100° F or higher for longer Ships Freicht Only
filter bag use. Change filter bags before
pressure reaches 40 psi. Filter bags sold M00539 Ship wt. 146 Ibs. ea ... $1,700.00
separately below.

M00570 Ship wt. 30 Ibs. . . $595.00

It is recommended that an air vent

valve (not included) be installed when
plumbing the filter. ARE NOT AVAILABLE

5 A

Progressive Cavity Pump

Filter Bag

50 micron filter
MOO561 Replacement Bag Only,
Ship wt. 2 01S . ea ........ $4.95
(for use with the above Hon ey Filter) Pumps Honey with Cappings
Exce llent quali t y pump tha t allows solids
to pass through the pump with liq uids. 2~N
~.'!?,============= inlet, 2" outlet. At 500 rpm, 9 gallons/minute
...... A POPULOUS COLONY MAY CONTAIN 40,000 TO 60,000 SEES DURING output. Complete pumping unit comes with
THE lATE SPRING OR EARLY SUMMER. 2 hp electric motor, 120 or 240 volt, belt,
pulleys and guard.
MAXIMUM STRENGTH, AND lAYS UP TO 2,500 EGGS A DAY. M00545 Pump Complete. . $3,550.00
,- M00546 Pump Only . ....... . .... . CALL


1y," Plastic Gate

Designed Specifically by
Dadant & Sons for Use With Honey

Injection Molded High Strength

Scissors action fo r cle a n cutoff against an O-ring. Adjustable gate Perfection Gates
te nsion. lW' pipe th read for t hreading int o a fi tting o r use lY.i"
plastic nut (provided) to install gate directly into hole in tank side.
Comes with a ve rsatile plastic ba rbed adapter fo r lW' tubing
hookups. Excellent q uality. M00581

M00579 lW' Ga te, Ship wt . lib. ea . . ... . . . . $12.50

For t he M00579 plastic gate.

03-40221 Metal Replacement Thumb Screw, M00582
Ship wt. 1 oz. ea . .. . . . ... $.75

1" Brass Bottle Filler

Offset Handle for Easy Filling MOO583
Brass Bottle Fillers are ball valves t hat have been
.. ,
machined on one end to obtain good cutoff. Bot h on
and off lever action . Comes complete with go" bend.
1" has female pipe threads. Stainless steel movable Perfection Gates are cast iron construction
ball seals against nylon seats to insure very smooth with brass inserted seats, male pipe t hreads.
action and long wear. -;.;
.,' Used on steel drums but not recommended
fo r use o n regular stainless steel honey
M00585 ... 1" Brass Fille r, storage or extractor tanks. Pe rfection gates
Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea ... .... . . $85.00 M00585 will fi t steel drums, 16 gauge or heavier
metal storage ta nks.
Honey Bottling Valve-l Inch
M00581 1W' Perfection Gate,
Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea. . . . . $74.10
Stainless Steel M00582 2" Perfection Gate,
Ship wt. Sibs. ea. . . .. $77.20
M00583 3" Perfection Gate,
A solid, stainless steel, self closing no-drip valve,
Ship wt. 7lbs. ea. . . . $115.30
1" threads. Rising plunger valve. Spring close. Can
use MOOS854 adapter kit for use wit h 7 Y.i a nd 10 Y.i
honey pantry tanks.
M005854 Adapter Kit for Honey Bottling
M005855 Honey Bottling Valve, Valve-M0058SS. To fi t MOO4SS, 10 1/2 ga llon
Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea ... . ... . . $139.95 Dispensing Tank, available on page 87 . MOOS8S4
adapte r kit will also work wi t h M00456 7 Y.i gallon
honey pantry tank.
MOO585, M005855 will fit tanks with 1" male thread o utlet M005854 Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea . .... . $14.95
directly with no adapters. Valves can be used with other size
outlets, but will require adapters.
Pump Control-Strainer
IN THE 15 Gallon-12" x 12" x 32"
U.S.A. Collect honey directly from your extractor,
.,. f),k,
strain out most foreign material, and control
your honey pump in one operation. Single
tank unit is all MIG welded stainless steel.
Comes complete with wired float switch and
o strainer screens. Comes with Type 304, 20
gauge, stainless steel 1W' female pipe thread
welded inlet and outlet fittings.
Ships Freight Only.

M00558 Ship wt. 59 Ibs. ea. "' . .. $495.00

• Se. pac. 118

U.S.A. 20 Gallon Water Jacketed Clarifier
.,. f),k, Controller 1 Double-wall all MIG welded Type 304, 20 gauge,
stainless steel construction provides a water jacket
around the honey compartment. Two double baf-
fles trap heavy and floating material. Welded tank
fittings. 1 W' male pipe thread inlet and 1" male
pipe outlet. Complete with wired float switch,
1700 watt 120 volt heater, baffling system, and
two-piece complete cover. 36 W' l. x 14 }i" W. x
14 ii" H.
Ships Freight Only.

MOOS50 Ship wt. 66 Ibs. ea."' . . $1,099.00

• See page 118

Flash Heater •
ing system. Heats honey
rapidly in a closed sys-
tem to preserve flavor.
Honey is pumped
through copper coils
MADE submerged in hot water.
IN TH E Capacity for 100· F temper-
U .S.A . <ltvre ri se in up to 1800 Ibs. of
.y lJaIrvrt honey per hour. Controllable for
precise heating. 36" x 36" x 14" deep, 16 gauge type 304 all-
welded stainless steel tank. 4 - 2" female pipe thread openings
provided. Includes a 0-200' F thermometer. Comes with stainless
steel cover. Heaters sold separately (see page 77).
Ships Freight Only.

M00569 Ship wt. 160 Ibs. ea. . .... $2,370.00

'-888-922-' 293
Fill Master The Fill Master is Dadant's answer to many
requests for a simple, no drip, easily adjust-
ing. inexpensive, accurate bottle filling
machine. As with any bottle filler, the unit
Power Bottle works best with warm (llO·F) honey. No
Filler Excellent special bottling tank is required as it is self-
priming. You may pack from 60# buckets,
No Drip storage tanks or anything that holds honey.
Adjust fill level from ounces to gallons in
Accurate seconds. No fill limitations. No air supply
Dadant Designed needed. A great unit at a low price.
MADE The Stainless Steel Fill Master is made out
Dadant Mfg. IN THE of Type 304, 20 gauge, Stainless Steel. Free
U.S.A. video-just give us a call. Branch pickup is
." 0.4" available.
Ships Freight Only.
Portable Table Top Unit-Self Priming-All Electric (120 volt)
M006261 Fill Master, Stainless Steel Pump,
Pack From Any Bulk Container-Easy To Adjust Fill Quantity Ship wt. 851bs. . .... . . $3,280.00

Dadant Honey Dryer

and so much more I

b, {kf""
Pictures-Flow Diagram-Instructions

Phone or Write Your Nearest

Dadant Branch

M00568 Dadant Honey Dryer,

Ship wt. 600 Ibs ...... . . . .

Ships Freight Only.

Not available at all branches

• Removes Moisture-1X to 2 points of moisture removed from up to 2 barrels of honey per hour
• Slows Crystallization-"Shelf life"-The length of time honey is on the shelf before crystallization occurs
can be greatly increased by properly controlled heating. The M00569 Flash Heater is part ofthe Honey Dryer.
• Inexpensive To Operate
• Fully Controllable
• low Temperature Processing
• Not Affected By Atmospheric Conditions
• Clarifies Honey-Beautiful honey comes out even when cloudy honey (due to suspended air and fine wax
particles) goes in.
• Removes Fermentation-Discovered by accident, but it has worked every time. The first test pumped
19.5% moisture, fermented honey in, and 18% "good" honey came out.
10 Gallon Capacity IN THE
Comes with 14" stainless steel removable lid. All fittings welded, U.S.A.
1" male pipe thread outlet. No outlet valve supplied, order your " /kI,,(
choice from pages 89, depending on your application. 14" diam-
eter fill area. 18" diameter x 21" height. 1700 wa tt, 120 volt
immersion heater. Both inner and outer ta nk are 20 gauge, type
304 stainless steel construction.
Ships Freight Only.

M00624 10 Gallon, Ship wt. 781bs. ea. · . . . . .... . . . . . $849.00

• Site pac" 118

Prevents scorching,
hot spots, or overheating M OO624

25 Gallon Capacity
Eases product handling and
MADE prevents damage
U.S.A. • Double-Walled Tank
.fr [1,1,,( • Thermometer to Measure Water Temperature
• All Welded Tanks and Fittings
• Bottom Drain
• Type 304 Stainless Steel
• Water Sight Glass
• Immersion Heater Included

Comes with 18" removable Lexan clear cover. l a rge filling area. All fi ttings welded . 1" male pipe th read outlet. No outlet
valve supplied, order your choice from pages 89 & 93 . 21N diamete r x 31 N height. 1700 watt, 120 volt immersion heater
included. Both inner and outer tanks are 20 gauge, type 304 sta inless steel construction .
Ships Freight Only.

M00616 25 Gallon, Ship wt. 125 Ibs. . .$1,039.00

M00617 Optional Sti rring System
Ship wt. 591bs. . . . . . . . . . .. $630.00
M00619 Optional 24" Thermometer, Use Only With Stirring System
Ship wt. 3 Ibs. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... $110.00

Many products req uire indirect heating to prevent scorching, hot spots, or overheating and to assist bottling, processing,
or material handling. This tank works like a "double-boiler" and is basicall y a smaller ta nk inside a larger tank. The space
between the tanks is filled with water and an immersion heater is immersed in the water. The water is heated by the
heate r and in turn, the heated wa ter warms the product that has been placed in t he inne r tank. This indirect heating is a
gentler method of wa rming and has been found necessary to ease product handling and prevent damage to products such
as honey, waxes, soaps, syrups, etc.

Many products require indirect heating to prevent
scorching, hot spots, or overheating and to assist bot-
tlin& processing, or material handling. This tank works
like a "double-boiler" and is basically a smaller tank inside
a larger tank. The space between the tanks is filled with
water and an immersion heater is immersed in the water.
The water is heated by t he heater and in tum, the heated
water warms the product that has been placed in the
inner tank. This indirect heating is a gentler method of
warming and has been found necessary to ease product
handling and prevent damage to products such as honey,
MADE waxes, soaps, syrups, etc.
" N." 70 gallon 70 Gallon Capacity
Comes with 30" l exan dea r removable cover. Large filling
• Double-Walled Tank area. All fittings welded. 1N male pipe thread outlet. No
outlet valve supplied, order your choice from this page or
• Thermometer to Measure Water Temperature page 89. 3r diameter x 32" height. 4500 watt, 240 volt
immersion heater included. Both inner and outer tanks
• Bottom Drain are 16 gauge, type 304 stainless steel construction.
Ships Freight Only.
• All Welded Tanks and Fittings
M00628 70 Gallon, 5hip wt. 175 Ibs.. $1,959.00
• Type 304 Stainless Steel M00629 Optional Stirring System
Ship wt. 59 Ibs. . . . $689.00
• Water Sight Glass M00619 Optional 24" Thermometer, Use Only With
• Immersion Heater Included Stirring System,
Ship wt. 3Ibs .... . . . ...... . . ...... . $110.00

40 Inch Tank Scraper

Ease your tank cleaning. Special shapes for cleaning all tank M00895
edges and surfaces. Durable white plastic.

M00895 Tank Scraper, Ship wt. 3lbs. ea . ...... . . .. $30.95


The heated valve

keeps wax liquid in
valve area. No down
time waiting for wax
to liquify. Constant

Brass Bottle Fillers are ball valves that have been Not recommended
machined on one end to obtain good cutoff. Both for use with honey.
on and off lever action. Comes complete with 90"
bend. 1" has female pipe threads. Stainless steel
movable ball seals against nylon seats to insure
very smooth action and long wear.
M00585 1N Brass Filler, Ship wt. 2 Ibs . $85.00 M006142 Heated 1" Valve, Ship wt. 3 Ibs ... . $202.00
- All glass shipped will be at customer's risk. Ce_
Preferred method of shipment-freight or pick-up at branch locations.

All weights listed for

M001932 3 lb. Glass Round Quart Jar,
Plastic G70 Ud,1-99 etns . .... . .... $14.56
containers are honey weights.
Ship wt. 12 Ibs., Carton of 12
Other liquids may vary in weight.

*Queenline Glass Honey Jars

- _... 4 Sizes Available

- I'
Queenline Honey Jars with Plastic Lids

,,, .... No. of ...,.

PerOn. .... ....... ........
.... "-rOn.
, ... eo.-
8 ounces 2. 48mm MOO1952 10 $17.75

1 pound 12 58mm MOO1962 8 $10.77

1 pound 2. 58mm MOO1972 ,. $20.91

I~ lib. 2 lb. 41b.

2 pound 12 63mm MOO1982 12 $15.75

• Due to inconsistencies in supplies,
4 pound 6 G 70 MOO1992 10 $15.02 t he Queenline jars may not always be ava ilable.
Queenlme Jars with no lids are available. Call for pricing!

Replacement lids available on page 97.

Plastic Honey Bee Containers

Item Number &
Ud Style Quantity PrIce Shlpwt.
Plastic Carton of 24
lib. Plastic Honey $13.14 3lbs.
43mm Lid 1-99 ctns
Bee Container
Plastic Carton of 6
2 1/2 lb. Plastic $6.85 3lbs.
58mm Lid 1-99 ct ns.
Honey Bee Container MOO2042 M002052

PET Oval
M00208 lib. PET Plastic Honey Oval
Plastic 58mm Lid
Carton of 12, 1-99 ctns.
Ship wt. 3 Ibs.
M00209 2 lb. PET Plastic Honey Oval
Plastic 63mm Lid
Carton of 12, 1-99 ctns.
M00208 M00209 $14.12
Ship wt. 3 Ibs.

Please call for discounted pricing on quantities over 100!

All containers priced FOB Hamilton, Il-for local prices call your nearest Dadant branch
Inverted Plastic Jar
with Hexagon Pattern
Inverted Plastic Honey Jar

.. - - -
with 38mm Drip Proof Snap Cap Lids
...... ..... ....... ....
...... PwQa.

1 pound 24 MOllS8 3 $17.95

Classic Plastic

- -- ..._.......... _....-..-
4 S~es Available Classic Plastic Honey Jars with

8 oz.
.. co..
38mm Snap Caps

MOUSO 2 $13.10

1 pound 24 M01lSI 3 $15.42

I J.oS pound 24 M01l52 4 $18.40

2 pound 12 M01l53 2 $12.15

Please specify red or yellow snap caps.

8 oz. lib. 1 ~ lb. lib. 1/ none specified yellow will be sent.
MOllS0 MOllSI M01l52 M01l53
Classic Plastic with no lids are available.
Call for pricing!

3 Pound Plastic Jar '~

with Hexagon Pattern .-

3 pound
Plastic Hone Jar with 38mm Sna Co s
...... ............
... 6
....... .... ... ...
_-- ,
3 1b. 1 Close-u of hexa on attern~'

Replacement lids available on page 97.

Classic Glass

..... ........"".- ......

3 Sizes Available

Classic Glass Honey Jars with Lids

80L 24 48mm MOn32

...... ,.,a..

1 pound 24 48mm M01134 15 $14.55

2 pound 12 63 mm MOn31 12 $12.00

Classic Glass with no lids are available. Call for pricing!

M01134 MOU32
Please call for discounted pricing on quantities over 100!
Shipments of multiple case quantities may be repackaged and shipping weights may be converted to dimensional weight.
All containers priced FOB Hamilton, Il-for local prices call your nearest Dadant branch

(8) (0)


Panel slle
lor label

"'1:11'" 'fl" X1-'/,"


2 oz. Clear Bear

with caps elSO (A ) 12 oz. (B) 2 lb. (e) 8 oz. (D) 12 oz. (E) 11/2Ib.
This clear panel bear
holds approximately 2 Opaque Bear Opaque Bear Clear Bear Clear Bear Clear Bear
oz. of honey. Great for r-~~-.--~~~r-r-~~
1-1/2" K 2" 1-1/ 2" x 2 1/ 4" 2" x 2-1/2"
gifts or selli ng samples of Front/Back Front/Back Front/ Back
your honey.
MOO258 Ship wt. 3 Ibs . . . . ... $20.95 Panel size for label

M00255 M00277 MOO245CPN M00255CPN MOO271CPN

Carton of 12 Carton of 12 Carton of 12 Carton of 12 Carton of 12

; wt. 3 Ibs. wt.3Ibs. i wt . 3 Ibs. wt. 3lbs.

No Collars
M00256 MOO278 MOO246CPN M00256CPN MOO2713CPN

$95.95 $96.95 $185.95 $114.95 $85.90

$93.95 $93.95 $178.95 $108.95 $81.45
Ship wt. 52 Ibs Ship wt. 59 Ibs. Ship wt. 52 lbs . Ship wt. 52 Ibs. Ship wt. 501bs .
• See pac" 118 • See pace 118 • See pac" 118 • See pac" 118 • See pace 118

MOO2561 M002762 MOO2461CPN MIXJ2561CPN MOO2712CPN

2SD/Case lOO/Case 396/Case 2SD/Case 138/Case

$59.40 $80.95 $133.80 $75.50 $58.10

$58.40 $78.95 $131.80 $74.50 $56.15
$56.95 $129.80 $73.50
$52.95 $127.80 $72.50
wt.59lbs ; wt. 521bs. i wt.52lbs wt. 50 Ibs.

All bear 1ids are 38mm whether it's snap cap or spout.
Caps & Collars available separately on page 97
Shipments of multiple case quantities may be repackaged and shipping weights may be converted to dimensional weight.
All containers priced FOB Hamilton, Il-for local prices call your nearest Dadant branch
Spout Cap M007S7 Spout Cap,
Ship wt. 1 oz. ea .... .... . . . $0.15 Snap Caps & Seal s
(38 mm)- M007871 Carton of 1250,
Fits 8 oz., Ship wt. 18 Ibs. ea. Snap Caps for 38mm Containers with
12 oz. 11/llb 1-3... . $160.00 per Carton Tamper Resistant Seals
4-7 . .. . $157.00 per Carton
& 21b. Bears 8-15 . $154.00 per Carton Snap lock Caps have given 38 mm lid containe rs a new look.
16 & Up . . $151.00 per Carton Easy clean dispensi ng. Yellow or red, I-piece snap cap with
hinge and a built-in dispensing nozzle. Fits all plastic squeeze
Collars for dispensers. Comes with tamper resistant seal.
c.p~ Sq ueeze Bears
Under 1000 Collars ...... $0.04 ea.
Price per 1000, Ship wt. 7 Ibs.
M00786. . .. . Collar for 8 oz . Bear
M007a8 . . ... Collar for 12 oz . Bear
Collar M00792 . . . ... Collar for 2 lb. Bear
1-4 Cartons ..... . $35.00 per 1000 MOO844 MOO844R
5-9 Cartons ...... $32.95 per 1000
10-19 Cartons ... .$31.95 per 1000 M00844 Ship wt. 1 oz. each
20 & Up Cartons . .$30.95 per 1000 1-1699 · $.13 ea.
1700 & Up . . · $.11 ea.
8 oz. Bear Bulk Pack
with Caps
M00246 M00844R Ship wt. 1 oz. each
opaque 400/Case 1-1699 · $.13 ea.
& CoIlors
1-4 cases $206.30 1700 & Up . . .. · $.11 ea.
Ship wt. 59Ibs.*
Wt. per case
Carton of 12
Complete w/caps Bulk Pack M002461 Shrink Bands Tamper Protection
without 400jCase
& collars Make your product tam per resistant. Shrink Band fits over
Caps & $166.30
$8.95 Shipwt.S9Ibs.·
lid. When heat is applied, band shrinks tightly around the
Ship wt. 3 Ibs. Collars
base of the lid and container neck. (Hot-air hai r dryer works
• See p;oce 118
as a heat source).
MOO287, 48 mm Shrink Bands
1 lb. Bulk Pack M002744 Carton of 250 ... . . $6.6S c/lOOO $23.6S
with Snap Caps 250/Case MOO288, 58 mm Shrink Bands
1-4 cases $114.87 Carton of 250 ... . . $7.75 c/lOOO $26.76
5+ cases $107.63 MOO289, 63 mm Shrink Bands
Shi p wt. per case 901bs. Carton of 250 ..... $8.18 c/lOOO $31.80
MOO290, G-70 Shrink Bands
Carton of 250 ..... $8.76 c/lOOO $31.9S

Bulk Pack M002745 .;:i Tamper Resistant Seals

Snap Caps 250/Case ~ For 38mm Lids
1-3 cases $85 .76
M00273 l ib. 5 kep M00821 Carton of 250, Shi p wt. ~ Ib per carton
4-19 cases $82 .61 1-4 . . . . .$9.00
w ith Snap Caps
20 & up cases $81.61 5 & Up. . .... . . . .... $8.75
Carton of 12 $10.45
Ship wt. 3 Ibs.
Size 43mm 48mm 58mm 63mm 89mm G70
MOO64U M01053 M01035 M01036 M01033 MOI037

Plastic "" .12n.

. Un.
.14 ea .
''''' .15 ea.
.22 e a .
.16ea .

.11 ea .
.10 ea. 20,000
.09 n . 20,000
. U ea . '.<>00
.12 ea. 20,000
.12 ea . 20,000
.17 ea.
.16 ea. 20,000
.15 ea .
. Un.

Minimum Quantity (100 ea. per size & style)

Shipments of multiple case quantities mlly be repackaged and shipping weights may be converted to dimensional weight.
3 lb. and 5 lb. Economy Plastic Cut Comb Box
Plastic Honey Jugs Clear PETE Plastic-3 1/.," x 3 3//'
Wi t h 38 mm Yellow Ratchet St yle Lids Excellent Product Visibility- Lightweight
(use with Comb Cutter, M00938 see page 24)
Great Containers for Packing Yard Rent Honey MOO251 Carton of 50, Ship wt. 3 Ibs.
150 Jugs per Case Carton of 50 . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . $13.35 per Carton
M00280 Ship wt. 102 Jbs. per Case· M002521 Carton of 600, Ship wt. 36Ibs.*
1-2 Cartons. .$160.05 per Carton
31b. 1-5 Cases . . .. $87.83 per Case 3 & Up Cartons . .$148.50 per Carton
6 & Up Cases $84.83 per Case
• See pace 118
• See pace 118

120 Jugs per Case

M002S! Ship w t. 109 Ibs. per Case"

, Jugs
1-5 Cases .. . . $89.90 per Case
6 & Up Cases $86.90 per Case
• See pace 118
MOO251 M002S0 ~
Plastic Cut Comb Boxes
Honey Labels x 41/8" for Cut Comb Honey

Attractive Pressure Sensitive Honey Labels Made from crystal clear hi-impa ct po lystyrene
Yellow, black, a od red on white background. Easily applied, peel (For use with Comb Cutter, MOO937 see page 24)
la bel from ba cking a od apply to honey jars. Not fo r use on honey
bears. M00250 Carton of 12, Ship wt. Sibs.
M00853 Small Roll Labels, 21/8" x 23/S" 1-9 Cartons . . . . . ... . . . . . . . $16.20 per Carton
2S0/roll, Ship wt . l ib . . . . . .. .. . . . _ _ ... . . $5.95 each 10 & Up Carto ns . . . . . . .. ... . . . . .. $15.85 per Carton
M00854 La rge Roll Labels, 3%" x 3%" M00253 Carton of 100, Ship wt. 36 Ibs.
2S0/roll, Ship wt . 2 Ibs. ......... . .. . $10.50 each 1-S Cartons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$99.95 per Carton
6 & Up Cartons . . . . . . . . . . . .$96.95 per Carton

MOO853 M00854
Nutrition Labels
Pressure Sensitive Self Adhesive
8 oz. . . . . ... M00990 Sample 8 oz. Label
PUAIE. 12 az. . ..... MOO9905
l ib. . ..... . M00991
1).1; Ibs . ... .. .. . ... MOO9915
2 Ibs. . ... . . ...... . M00992
2).1; Ibs ... .. . .... . . MOO9925
3 Ibs. . ..... . M00993
4 Ibs . . ... . . .... . . . MOO994

- Sibs. . ..... ...... . M00995

Per l oo .
. ... . $5.15/ 100
Per SOO . . . .. . . $4.65/ 100
Per looO .. . .... . $4.15/ 100

I Creamed Honey Containers - Page 101

NutritIOn Labels are for use
with Queenline, Gamber Glass
and Plastic only Actual Label Size:
Order from Hamilton Only 2" wide K 2-3/ 4" high

Custom Honey Labels

ph: 217·222-0617
Royal Printing
QuincYI IL


Shipments of multiple case quantities may be repackaged and shipping weights may be converted to dimensional weight.

1 Gallon (12 Ibs.) Round Plastic Ja r A translucent jar with a wide mouth
plastic lid - a superb container for the larger customer.

MOO206 Carton of 4 with lids. Ship wt. 3 Ibs. per Carton.

1-48 .. . .. $7.10 per Carton
49&Up .............. . ... $6.47 per Carton

S Gallon (60 Ibs.) Container is molded from high strength translucent plastic
and comes with 21ft screw lid. An ideal containerfor long-term storage orfor
filling smaller jars by using a gate accessory (sold separately below). Can be
M00206 used many times and for many purposes.
M00266 M00266 Ship wt. 4 Ibs., ea.
1-44 .. · .. $8.40 ea.
45-899. · .. $7.90 ea.
900 & Up . . . . . · .. $6.85 ea.

1 W ' Plastic 5cisson; Gate In Cap Dadant's specially designed gate

mounted in a 2li" screw cap that fits the above container. Adjustable gate,
clean cutoff, durable high strength plastic.
M002664 Ship. wt. 8 ozs. ea. . . . .... . . $14.75

MOO2663 %" Plastic Faucet threads into the center of 2 J'" screw cap. (Not a clean
cutoff with honey). Works best with "thin" liquids.
M002664 M002663 Ship wt. 8 ozs. ea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . $2.75

1 ~" Plastic Scissors Gate - Dadant's specially designed gate that fits the
above container. Adjustable gate, clean cutoff, durable high strength plastic.
MOOS792 Ship wt. 8 OlS. ea. . . . . ...... $11.00

Metal Replacement Thumb Screw - For use with Dadant's specially

designed 1 W' scissor gate sold above.
03-40221 03-40221 Ship wt. 8 OlS. ea . . . . ................ $.75

( White Plastic Pails with Lids

S Gallon (60 Ibs.) White Plastic Pail comes complete with tight fitting lid with
seal. Bucket is heavy gaugewhite plasticand has astrong, well-attached ba il with
ha nd grip.
M002ll Ship. wt. 4 Ibs. ea.
1-99 Pails ...... $8.45 ea. SOO-999 Pails . ..... $7.19 ea.
100-499 Pails ... $7.45 ea. 1000 & Up Pails . . . $6.56 ea.

2 Gallon White Plastic Pail has the same durable characteristics as the S gal-
Ion pail described above. Comes complete with tight sealing lid and plastic
MOOH8 bail with hand grip.
M00212 MOO238 Ship. wt. 1 ~ Ibs. ea.
1-99 Pails. . . $4.46 1OO-up Pails . . . .... $4.31 ea.

Lid Removing Tool

Pail Holder Lid Removing Tool for Plastic Pails is lightweight,
Stainless Steel high strength "space age" plastic. Very helpful for
removing lids from the 2 and 5 gallon pails .

M009453 Ship wt. lib. each. ... . . . . .$7.99


Pail Holder This tool helps you collect every last drop of honey when trans- M009453
ferring honey from a bucket to a storage tank. Clean, neat and no longer do
you have to hold the pail while the last of the honey drains out. Simply place
pail in holder and move on to the next job while honey drains completely
out of the pail.
M00320 Pail Holder, Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea. . . . . $24.95
Shipments of multiple case quantities may be repackaged and shipping weights may be converted to dimensional weight.
Honey Refractometers
Honey Refractometers are precision instruments made for quick determination of the moisture content of
honey. Built-in visual scale covers a range of moisture content. Only a drop of honey is necessary to quickly
measure the moisture content.

Misco Honey Refractometer

Great for hobby and commercial beekeepers. The MISCO Refractometer will provide you with
an accurate digital reading of your honey's moisture content. Easy to use and understand.
Measures moisture w/in +/- .01%

M00600 Misco Honey Refractometer, Ship wt. lib .. . . . .... $360.00


Hamilton, Il
of Refractometers
ATAGO brand
• Dependable!!
• Accurate!!
M00597 Pocket Digital Honey Refractometer
• • Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea. . . . . .. . . . .... . . .... $360.00
·Top quality Atago brand. World renowned in the
food industry for its dependability and accuracy.

High Quality Refractometer

Atago Master Honey Low, Low Price!
Refractometer Standard
Top quality Atago Brand. World M00596
renowned in the food industry for
its dependability and accuracy.

M01976 Master Refractometer,

Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea .. . . . ...... . . . $270.00

Top quality Atago brand. World renowned in the food

industry for its dependability and accuracy.

M00596 Standard Refractometer,

Ship wt. lib. ea .. . . . .... .$75.95
Checks Moisture Content of Honey

Honey Grader
Jack's Scale Color Chart with Pfund scale (0-140 mm). Easy to use. Fill the cup and
compare. No electricity needed. Pocket size, 2" x 8.5"

M00598 Jack's Scale, Honey Grader,

Ship wt. lib. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39.00

Dadant Creamed Honey Kit

Creamed Honey Kit

contains the following :
*Increase Profits
1 - Mixing Bucket with Gate * Easy to do
25 - lib. Creamed Honey Containers
*Family Fun
25 - Creamed Honey Labels
1- Easy to Follow Instructions
I-l ib. "STARTER" Seed
1- Stainless Steel Mixer (used with 3/8" drill)
2 - 1 dram (1/16 oz.) Peach Flavoring Sample
2 -1 dram (1/16 oz.) Strawberry Flavoring Sample
2 - 1 dram (1/16 oz.) Chocolate Flavoring Sample Accessories:
M00506-02 25 Labels
M00506 Creamed Honey Kit Ship wt. lib .•.............. $3.10
Ship wt. 10 Ibs .. . . . .... . . . . •.. . . . . . .$64.95
M00203 C/ 25 lib. Containers
Ship wt. 2Ibs ............... $9.80
M01330 lib. "STARTER" Seed
Ship wt. 2 lbs............... $3.55
M01376 4 oz. Peach Flavoring Each
Ship wt. lib ............... $13.80
M00506-05 M01377 4 oz. Strawberry Flavoring Each
Ship wt. lib ............... $13.80
We've added a little flavor to your life! M01375 4 oz. Chocolate Flavoring Each
Ship wt. lib ............... $13.80
Flavoring Fun Fact:
M00506-0l Stainless Steel Mixer with Instructions
1 Dram = 1/16 oz. Ship wt. l ib ............... $29.95
M00506-03 Creamed Honey Instructions
A little goes a Ship wt. lib ................ $2.00
long way! M00506-05 Creamed Honey Shrink Bands c/100
M01376 M01375 M01377 Ship wt. lib .•.............. $7.00

Lip Balm Kit

With ingredients such as natural beeswax, almond oil and shea butter you have a spa treatment
for the lips. Kit includes 12 pots, 12 tubes, beeswax, 4 oz. almond oil, 40z. shea butter, four 1 dram
bottles of gourmet flavoring oils (tangerine, pineapple, tropical punch and peppermint), stir sticks,
decorative labels and instructions. Makes enough for 24 containers .

MOl930 Up Balm Kit, Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea ..... . . . . . . $21.59

Lip Balm Accessories

Available only through the Corporate Office in Hamilton, IL.
To order any of these items please caI/1-888-9ZZ-1Z93.
(AI Pots - 12 ct. - M019301 - Ship wt. lib. - $7.39
(S) Tubes - 12 ct. - M01930Z - Ship wt. lib. - $6.50
(e) Shea Butter 4 oz. - M019303 - Ship wt. lib. - $5.40
(D) Almond Oil Sweet 4 oz. - M019304 - Ship wt. lib. - $4.Z5
(E) Tangerine Oil - 1 Dram - M019305 - Ship wt. lib. - $1.50
(F) Peppermint Oil - 1 Dram - M019306 - Ship wt. lib. - $1.50
Available at (G) Pineapple Oil - 1 Dram - M019307 - Ship wt. lib. - $1.50
all branch locations (HI Tropical Punch Oil - 1 Dram - M019308 - Ship wt. lib. - $1.50
Melt & Pour Beginners Kit
Make your own honey glycerine soap! Simply melt
our honey based glycerine soap (contains 10%
honey), add coloring and fragrance and pour into a
mold. Kit includes 5 lb. honey glycerine soap, pour-
ing pitcher, 2 soap fragrances, 2 soap dyes, Guest
Bee Soap Mold, Bee & Flower soap mold, thermom-
eter, and soap making book "Melt & Mold Soap

M04180 Melt & Pour Beginners Kit

Ship wt. 9 Ibs.. . . . . . . . . . . .... . . .. $82.90

Standard Beginners
Soap Making Kit
Everything you need, except lye, to make your own all
natural soap. The kit includes a deluxe digital scale with
mixing bowl, thermometer, 2 soap molds, coconut, palm
and olive oil, 2 soap fragrances, 2 soap dyes, and soap
making book "The Natural Soap Book".

M04182 Standard Begjnners Soap Making Kit

Ship wt. 13 Ibs.. ......... $98.65

The Soapmakers The Natural Melt & Mold Soap

Companion Soap Book Crafting
.c.· ...... ..•.. melt & mold

Susan Cavitch leads you through every Susan Cavitch shares formu- Soapmaking has never been this easy ! The
step of the soapmaking process with las and information advice for revolutionary melt-and-mold method is tak-
clear step by step instructions. She soaps free of additives. 182 ing the craft world by storm. Beginning with
includes tips on how to start selling pages, softcover a meltable glycerin base, crafters can create
soaps. 281 pages, softcover stunning specialty soaps in minutes, with no
M04OO1 The Natural Soap Book lye and no waiting. It's as easy as melt, pour,
MOOOll The Soapmakers Companion Ship wt. lib ......... $14.95 mold, and decorate. 144 pages, softcover
Ship wt. lib ....... . . ... .. . . . $18.95 M04003 Melt & Mold Soap Crafting
Ship wt. lib. ......... . .. $14.95

102 /-888-922-/293
Soapers/Candlemakers Scale
Soap Thermometer
_~_~_ _..:
T."his compact digital scale with
An essential tool for soap and candle
large plastic bowl is ideal for making. Stainless Steel with a shatter-
soap and candle weigh-
proof plastic lens. Stem inserts into the
ing. The bowl is well
pocket holder's built in wrench and
balanced and has a Cdn be used as a handle.
practical handle and
non drip spout and is excep- M03lSS Soap Thermometer
tionally easy to handle. Hold up
Ship wt. lib .. . . . . ...... $9.95
to 9 lb. 15 oz. with graduation
19/O.05 oz. and
tare function.
Soap Making Lye
M04070 Soapers/Candlemakers Scale Lye is getti ng more diffi cult to find. This
Ship wt. 3 Ibs.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. $39.00 high test lye is ideal fo r soap making. It
comes in a 2 lb. can.
Honey For pick-up only.

Glycerine M04060 Soap Making Lye ... . $9.95

Melt & Pour o
Soap Sweet Almond Oil »
Almond oil is used as a main ingredi-
Anyone can become a soap crafter wit h t his 10% honey
glycerine soap. Just melt, add fragrance and color and ent in massage oils, lotions, salves
and balms. In soap it is used in smaller
mold. What a great and simple way to extend you r prod-
uct line, please your customers and friends and promote
one of the many uses of honey! Comes in a wrapped S
quantities to produce a mild soap with
a good lather. -
lb. bar.
M04063GL Sweet Almond Oil Gallon
M04067 Honey Glycerine Melt & Pour Soap Ship wt . 10 Ibs. . . $33.55 VI
Ship wt. 6 Ibs. . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . .... $23.99 C
M04063QT Quart ."
Base Oils Ship wt . 4 Ibs. . $9.20 r
Most recipes call for Palm or Coconut
oils. Coconut oil makes a hard bar of VI
soap with a fluffy, creamy lather. Palm oil
makes hard long lasti ng soap with small
Refi ned Shea Butter
creamy bubbles.
Shea butter helps
\ '.~'O';lG;L Coconut Oil - Gallon soften and protect skin
Ship wt. 9 Ibs. $28.80 from drying and aging.
M0406lQT Coconut Oil · Quart It is a great addition to
Ship wt. Sibs .. . . ... $8.15 lotions, balms, salves &
M04062GL Palm Oil- Gallon soap.
Ship wt. 12 Ibs. . .. $24.40
M04062QT Palm Oil - Quart M04065l Refined Shea Butter - lib.
Ship wt. 6lbs. . . $6.69 Ship wt. l ib. . ..... . .. .. $10.60

Olive Oil
Olive oil has been used for dry and
Cocoa Butter
aging skin for t housands of years. The Cocoa butter has a slight choc-
lather is thic k but this is easily rem- olate scent. Can be used as a
edied by mixing with other oils. moist urizer.

M04064QT Olive Oil - Quart M040661 Cocoa Butter - lib.

Ship wt. 4 Ibs ...... . ...... . . $9.90 Ship wt. lib. $13.90 103
Liquid Fragrances for Soap
These highly concentrated liquid scents should be
M0193017 Lavender
added to the soap base before pouring. M0193018 Rose
Liquid scents 2 oz. bottle M0193019 Vanilla
Ship wt. 3 alS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.50 M0193020 Cucumber Melon

Soap Colorant
These are non-toxic liquid soap colorants. A little bit goes M03170 Green
a long way. M03171 Blue
Soap Colorant 1 oz. bottle M03172 Yellow
M03173 Red
Ship wt. 3 alS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.20

Soap Stamps Bee and Blossoms Mold

These deluxe soap stamps are a The Bee and Blossom soap mold is
perfect way to make your soaps a 3 cavity mold. A 3 oz. mold of a
stand out. Easy to use. Instructions worker bee surrounded by many
blossoms make this mold very
A) M04160 Flying Bee Stamp Ship wt. loz ... $14.35 attractive.
5J M04161 Hand Made Stamp Ship wt. 10z .. $14.35
C) M04162 Goat Milk Stamp Ship wt. 1 oz .... $14.35 M04155 Bee & Blossoms Mold
OJ M04163 Honeybee Stamp Ship wt. 1 oz ... $14.35 Ship wt. 3 ozs. . . . . ...... . $7.95

A Flyi ng Bee Mold

The Flying Bee soap mold is a 4 cavity
mold. Weighing in at 2.5 oz. this is sure
to be a fa vorite at your local market and
sales stand.

M04156 Flying Bee Mold

Ship wt. 3 ozs. . .. $7.95
0.. M04156
<! c D
o Sunflower Mold
VI The Sunflower soap mold is a 4 cavity
mold. This mold will produce a bar
approximately 4 oz. in weight..
Wooden Soap Mold M04157 Sunflower Mold
JO...,t""...._ Ship wt. 3 ozs.. ..... . . $7.95

Soap Cutters
open to
remove soap

One of the easiest ways to make soap is to use a loaf mold. This
wooden mold will produce a loaf that is 3" H x 8" W x 12" L. Simply
line the inside of the mold with wax paper or plastic wrap taking
care to minimize creases and fold s to avoid "blemishes" in the soap. These soap cutters make a simple task of cutting soap
Once the soap has set for 24 hours unlatch the mold to remove the into bars.
soap and then let the soap cure for another 24 hours before cutting.
Soap cutters are shown below. M04050 Straight Cutter
Ship wt. 3 Ibs .. . . . $9.90
M04171 Wooden Soap Mold M04051 Krinkle Cutter
Ship wt. Sibs .. ... ... $21.95 Ship wt. 3 Ibs .. . .. $9.90

104 /-888-922-/293
Guest Tray Rectangular Mold
Welcome guests with small rectangular guest soaps.
The mold produces 15 bars of about 1 v.; oz. each.

M04168 Guest Tray Rectangular Mold

Ship wt. 8 DIS. $7.95

"Handmade" Tray Mold Guest Bee Soap Mold

Pamper your guests with beautiful soap made
from this mold. This 5 cavity mold features a
bee surrounded by an attractive border. Each
bar weighs about 1 "*
oz. and measures 2 li"
diameter and *"

A great way to advertise your efforts with this M04158 Guest Bee Soap Mold
"Handmade" mold. The mold produces 8 bars about Ship wt. 8 DIS • • . $7.95
4 oz. each.
Skep Mold
This is a beautiful 3 cavity skep mold.
M04167 "Handmade" Tray Mold
Each bar of soap weighs approxi-
Ship wt. 8 DIS. . . . . . • . • . . . . . . • . •• . $7.95 VI
mately 4 '% Ol. and measures 3 ~" x
Bee & Honeycomb Mold 2 '%" x 1-5/8".
If you produce honey and beeswax
M04154 Skep Mold
soap this mold is for you. This is a 4
cavity mold showing a bee walking
Ship wt. 80lS . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.95 :s:
across a honeycomb. Each bar weighs
approximately 3 ~ Ol.
M04153 Bee & Honeycomb Mold
Queen Bee Tray Soap Mold
A great mold for honey soap.
The bee is located in the
Ship wt. 8 ozs. . . . . ...... . . . $7.95
center of the mold with a beau-
tiful floral border. The mold
produces 9 bars weighing about
Bee and Flower Mold ."
This 4 cavity mold shows a bee lighting on a 4 Ol. each ."
flower. Each bar weights about 4 Ol.
M04159 Queen Bee Tray Soap Mold VI
M04152 Bee and Flower Mold Ship wt. 8 OlS. . . . . $7.95
Ship wt. 80lS. $7.95
Goat Milk Tray Mold
Goat Milk Bar Soap Mold This tray mold enables you to
A 3 cavity mold which makes bars make eight 3 Ol. bars.
weighing 4 OlS.
M04169 Goat Milk Tray Mold
M04166 Goat Milk Bar Soap Mold Ship wt. 8 OlS. $7.95
Ship wt. 80lS. $7.95
Guest Bee Tray
Beehive Tray Soap Mold Pine Cone Tray Mold Soap Mold
The mold This popular 6 cav· Another great
duces ity mold will please mold for honey
block friend s and custom- soap. The mold
soap. Simply produces 16 bee
ers alike. Pine cone
embossed soaps
and needles are
that are a perfect
impress your shown in great detail. way to welcome
and friends. Each bar weighs your guests. Each
approximately 4 Ol. bar weighs approximately 4 Ol. each.
M04164 Beehive Tray Soap Mold M04165 Pine Cone Tray Mold M04151 Guest Bee Tray Soap Mold
Ship wt. 80lS. . . . . . . . . . . . $7.95 Ship wt. 8 OlS. $7.95 Ship wt. 8 OlS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.95
Candlemaker Beginner's Kit
He re is all you need to begin making
your own candles. The kit includes an
aluminum melting and pouring pot, the
book NBasic Candle Making", 3 Ibs. ivory
beeswax, 6 cup metal votive mold, 100
metal tea light cups, 100 pre-assembled
votive light wicks, 100 pre-assembled tea
light wicks, thermometer, 1 can of mold
release spray and 1 can of wax remover.

M03200 Candlemaker Beginner's Kit

Ship wt. 18 Ibs. . ...... . . $92.00

Creating Candles
How to Make Spiral Candles
The Candlemaker's
.s •••. ••• • ~

1. Cut sheet on the bias, making cui 2
inches from the corner of the sheet.
2.lay 210 wick on straight edge of sheet
- --. "

and crimp edge of sheet over it.

e... .. ..V. . ..
3. With fingers spread over length of candle,
start 10 roll wax making sure you roll tightly N' ...... _ ..... With over a hundred unique proj-
W'hile keeping bottom end of candle even.
ects and mo re than a thousand
How to Make Pillar Candles From wax to wick to wrapping, the magical beautiful photographs this book is
glow of a handmade candle is now easier a must have guide for candle mak-
Use full sheet, place #2 wick across ers. Precise instructions accom-
narrow end. Crimp edges to secure to create than ever before. Illustrated step
the wick. by step instructions show you how to roll, pany each photo. From designing
pour, mold and dip candles. A great book a candle for special occasions to
for beginners and experienced candlemak- simply adding a decorative touch
ers. 199 pages, softcover. to any table this book offers ideas
MOO022 The Candlemaker's Companion using a wide variety of materials.
Ship wt. 2 Ibs.. ...... ........ . $19.95 It also includes creative variations
and gift wrap suggestions for each
2. Roll tightly. keeping the edges even candle. 223 pages, softcover.

M03002 Creating Candles

Ship wt. lib .. ...... . ... $26.95

Basic Cand Ie Maki ng

This is a wonderful instructional book.
Author Scott Ham gives detailed step by
3. Finished candle step instructions with full color photo-
graphs to show how to craft molded,

See page 109 tapered, container and rolled beeswax
for Beeswax candles. 104 pages, spiral bound, softcover.
Honeycomb Sheets
M03001 Basic Candle Making
and Candle Wicking
Ship wt. l ib. .. . .. $19.95

Polyurethane Taper Molds Wick Needle
Make professional quality M03111
This 18" copper wick needle
candles with these molds. Honeycomb makes threading the wick a
A pre-formed hole at the Taper Mold snap. For use with polyur"' -:...~
tip of each mold can be shown thane taper molds.
wicked with our wicking needle
M03159 Wick Needle
(not included). These molds are
Ship wt. lib. . .. $5.00
self wicking. Simply pull the finished
candle out and you pull up a new wick.
No seams or trimming necessary. Self !>eal-
ing base. No need for sealer around t he wick. Taper Mold Holder

II!!~:';'''':: Holds up to 12
:::. polyurethane molds!
Made of solid pine with a re mov-
able top shelf for shorter molds. Holder
works fOf 6", 8", Hi, and 11" taper molds.

M03160 Taper Mold Holder

Ship wt. 10 Ibs. . . $39.95
M03104 Standard Ship wt. lib .. ... $22.95
M03l0S Colonial Ship wt. lib .. . .. $22.95


M0310S Standard Ship wt. lib. .... $23.95
Fluted Base Former
MOU10 Colonial Ship wt. lib. .... $23.95
For a professional look the fluted
M03106 Standard Ship wt. lib .. .. $24.95
M03111 Honeycomb Ship wt. lib .. . $24.95


base former aids in getting a snug
fit in a candle holder. Made of
cast aluminum.

M03113 Fluted Base Former

8• 1.
M03I07 Standard Ship wt. 2 Ibs .... $26.95 Ship wt. 2 Ibs... $39.95

Pillar Molds M03114

These aluminum molds are ideal for beeswa)( pillars.
Use the bar listed below to center the wick.
(wiele bar and wiele sold separately)

M03120 2")( 3-1/2" Pillar Mold

Ship wt. 2 Ibs. $7.75

M03121 3")( 6-1/2" Pillar Mold

Ship wt. 2lbs ....... $11.2S
(mold, wiele bar and wiele
M03120 M03114 Wick B<lr 01/ sold separately)
r )( 6-1/2" Pillar 2" )( 3_1/2" Pillar Ship wt. l ib ......... $Z.2S
Aluminum Votive Mold Candle
An essential tool for soap and candle
This six cavity votive light mold making. Stainless Steel with a shatter-
will make an unlimited number proof plastic lens. Stem inserts into the
of 15 hour votive candles. Spray silicone pocket holder's built-in wrench and can
mold release prior to filling. be used as a handle.
For quicker release place in freezer.
M03158 Candle Thermometer
Ship wt. lib .. . ... .... . . $9.95
Aluminum Votive Mold
Ship wt. lib. Pre-assembled Wicks
$15,95 Save time with these pre·assembled wicks.
Sampf~ of votive~
Metal tab keeps wick upright while pouring

Tea Light M03l01 Tea Light Wicks (qty. 100)

Ship wt. l ib. . ... . $5.95
Mold M03l02 Votive Light Wicks (qty. 100)
This mold makes 15 tea lights with a center Ship wt. l ib. . ....... $5.95
hole. Just slip a pre-assembled wick into the
candle and place in a tea light cup. See to the
righ t for votive wicks and tea light wicb.
Release Spray
M03103 Tea Ught Mold Treating your mold before use will ensure
Ship wt. 3 Ibs......... . .... $39.95 that the details of the candle come out intact
Sample of tIP" light'
and are not lost by bits of wax sticking to the
Seamless mold. 12 oz .cOfltainer.

Melting Pot M03050 Silicone Release Spray

This aluminum melting pot holds approximately Ship wt. lib ................ $9.25
two quarts of wax. It is ideal for filting molds and
for candles and soapmaking. Use with a water Candle Mold Cleaner
bath and never put on direct heat. Over time molds accumulate debris and
blemishes. Use this to restore mold to
M03100 Seamless Melting Pot like-new condition. Regular mold cleaning
Ship wt. 2 Ibs. . . . . . . . $16.50 extends the mold life. Contai ns petroleum
bt.r~ distillates. Use with proper ventilation.
Works on most molds. Test a spot if you
Beeswax Cake Mold are uns ure. 16 oz. container.
Create your own beautiful 1 lb. beeswax
ca kes with NBeeswax embossed on each M03130 Candle Mold Cleaner
cake. Made of polyurethane. Very flexible Ship wt. l ib.... .. . ... . ...... . . . $9.9S
and long lasting.
Candle Dipping
M03112 Beeswall: Cake Mold
Ship wt. 2 Ibs........... . $27.00 Rack and Vat
Simply fill the vat with melted wax
Tea Light Cups and the dipper will allow you to make
These cups hold a K oz. of beeswax. Use plastic three pairs of dipped candles at a time.
(polycarbonate) in open containers and metal..,_.
in dosed containe rs where generated heat :;:,,,,-!<M03l23 Dipping Rack
might melt plastic. Ship wt. 2 Ibs ............. .. $21.50

M03l40 Me tal Tea Light Cups cj100 M03124 Dipping Vat 6" x IS"
Ship wt. lib. ........ . . . . $9.95 Ship wt. 3 Ibs .. $30.35
M03l41 Polycarbonate Tea light Cups c/100 M03124
Ship wt. lib. ....... . ...... .. . $10.95 6" die. x 15" high

/-888-922- /293

Create YOUr a 17 Beautiful Colors

wI) Cand\es\








A Great Hobby M41100
Use Your Creative Talents
A Great Money Maker
Perfect for Fund-Raising M41900

Note: Colors M41800

shown may not
Mint (15) M44610 M44600
be Ifin accurate
sample of the color Natural M40110 M40100
due to the
difference in the Sunflower (17) M40210 M40200
beeswax used.
Ctn/l0 Sheets (tn/100 Sheets



Candle Wicking
High quality 100% cotton wicking for aU your candle needs. Wick Beeswax
sizes are for beeswax only. Packed in 30 ft. lengt hs. Ship wt. l ib. OUf white beeswax is selected from fi ne eappings wax and
pressure filtered to produce a beautiful ivory color with
the familiar beeswax scent. OUf yellow refined beeswax
va ries in color from ora nge yellow to light brown. It
has been fi ltered to remove impurities. Neit her wax
contains bleach.

11# Cake

Yellow Refined Beeswax

WOOI02 1# Cake Ship wt. 2 Ibs . . . . .. . $7.02
White Refined Beeswax
W00202 1# Cake Ship wt. 2 Ibs . . . . .. . . $7.17

Call for Quantity Breaks (see branch numbers on page 114)


Plastic Corrugated Honey Sign-Durable Metal Honey 5ign - Attract people to Plastic Corrugated Honey 5ign-
waterproof sign to sell your honey. Black your honey. Black text on bright yellow Durable waterproof sign to help keep
text on orange. Sign measures 18" x 24". 18" x 24" Local HONEY For Sale sign. unwa nted guests away. Sign measures
18" x 24".
M00791 Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea . . . . $7.15 M01963 Ship wt. 4 Ibs. ea .. ... $24.95 M01962 Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea . .. . . $7.15

LOCAL .,~. Local LUJ'l'lo!

..... Metal 5tand to dis play Plastic
Corrugated Honey Signs in your yard.
Stake can be inserted into the ground Metal Street Signs
Metal signs up to 8" to display you r sign at a mini- Our Beeman Blvd and Queens Hwy signs are
sold mum height of 12" (from ground to made like an official street sign. Can be displayed
separately bottom of sign). inside or out. Dimensions are 6" x 24".
MOI968 Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea . .. . $7.95
Otlly for use with plastic corrugated honey signs.
Stop the Sti ng
"Stop the Sting" does just that. If you have been M01960 Ship wt . 2lbs. ea . . . .. ... . . . . $15.40
st ung, smear a small amount of "Sto p the Sting"
on the affected area fo r aid in relief of ,
the pain.
M00137 Ship wt. l ib., ea . . . ... . . . $7.00 M01961 Ship wt. 2lbs. ea., . . . .. . . . . . . $15.40 :::'"
Available only through the Corporate Office in Hamilton, Ii. To order any of these items please calf 1-888-922-1293.

Muth Jars Hex Jars

A Touch of the Late 1800's Beautifully designed hex jars a re great containers
Mut h jars deco rated wit h a s kep scene for display a nd a re exquisite when decorated
a re a great addi tion to a ny honey con- creatively. Available in 3 sizes,
tainer collection. Newly available in an S.5 oz., 9.5 oz. and
8 oz. containe r which comes with a cork 13 .5 oz. Containe rs
sto pper sta mped with the words "Pure come with gold twist-
Honey." off plastisol lids.
Hex Jar - Carton of 12
Muth Jar - Carton of 12 M00222 M00223 M01550 S.5 OZS ., Ship wt. S ibs ... . .. . .. . $9.75
M00222 8 oz. Ship wt. 7 Ibs. . . $12.50 M01551 9.5 OZS ., Ship wt. Bibs .. . . ..... $13.15
M00223 16 oz. Ship wt. 14 Ibs. . . $18.15 HONEY NOT M01552 13.5 ozs., Ship wt. 9Ibs ... ..... $13.90
Muth Jar - Carton of 36 INCLUDED
MOO2214 oz. Ship wt. 12 Ibs .. .. . . $31.15
Shrink Bands for Muth Jars
MOO827 - c/100 shrink bands
Glass Skep
For 4 oz. Ship wt. 2 ozs. $7.36 This beautifully designed 12 01 s ke p glass jar will
MOO828 - c/100 shrink bands ma ke the perfect honey container for you rself or as
For 8 oz. Ship wt. 2 ozs. $7.36 a gift to othe rs. Holds 12 01 honey weight by volu me
MOO287 - c/2S0 shrink bands and comes in c/12.
For 16 oz. Ship wt. 30zs. . . . . $6.65
M01l491 (/12 Ship wt. 8 lb ...... . .. .. $11.95

NOTICE - Glass shipments cannot be Insured . All glass shipped will be at customer's rISk.
Preferred method of shipment-Freight or Pick-up at Branch Locations. 113
Bee Hive Cake Pan Honeycomb Cake Pan
Our decorative cake pan does the Our exclusive heavy cast aluminum
work of hundreds of buzzing bees Bundt Bakeware provides supe-
- with incredibly sweet results. Just rior baking performance. Baked
fill both sides with batter, then bake. goods rise evenly, cook uni-
Adorned with bees, the two halves formly, and are fine ly detailed
emerge ready to be pressed together thanks to the excellent thermal
with jcing aod decorated to form the 7" conduction of the heavy walls. A
diam.,6" high cake. The cast-aluminum special heat-reflective exterior and
pan's nonstick finish ensures premium nonstick surface assures
release. Hand-wash.Uk:up. <a,>o<"ty,' perfect results. Our unique pans are wonder-
16" x 7 1/4" x 3 1/l" high. ful for bread, molded desserts and savory
dishes, as well as cake. 10 Cups. M0126l
MOll60 Bee Hive Cake Pan,
Ship wt. 3 lbs. ea ........ $34.95 M0126l Honeycomb Cake pan,
Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea ................ $34.95

Beekeeper & Happy Bee Keychain Garden Bee Border Bee Stepping
Give your beekeeper
Trim Mold Stone Mold
something to hang their
keys on. The happy bee
keychain and beekeeper
keychain are the perfect
gift for yourself or your
beekeeping friends. Happy Bee M04172
GS01l Beekeeper Keychain, These are great molds to make stepping stones or trim
- Ship wt. lib. ea. ..
GSOl2 Happy Bee Keychain,
. .. Sl.55 for you r garden or anywhere you deem feasible . It also makes
a great wall plaque. They are very easy to use with only a few
tools needed. You may embellish the molds by using paint and
Ship wt. lib. ea ...... $1.55
Beekeeper stains available in craft stores for concrete designs. These are
sturdy Z" deep molds made of polystyrene.
M04170 Bee Stepping Stone Mold,
Bee Fan front Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea ................. $24.95
This cute honeybee desk fan will vIew
M04172 Garden Bee Border Trim Mold,
keep you cool while working at
the computer. Comes with soft
flexible blades and plugs directly
. '
Ship wt. Z Ibs. ea ........... .... .. $24.95

into USB port of your computer's Beekeeper Paperweight

hard drive. This mold of a beekeeper in his apiary is the

GS040 Bee f," I

Ship wt. 5 OIS .. . . . . . . . . . $12.00 \ USB powered
perfect gift for any beekeeper. Works as
a great paperweight or displayed for fun
G5010 Beekeeper Paperweight,
BBQ Sauce Ship wt. lib. ea ..... $3.35
Sue Bee Honey
Sue Bee has done it again. Honey Candy
They have created another An Old Fashioned Favorite
premium barbeque sauce Back and better than ever. This old fashioned honey-filled
using pure natural honey goodness is again available in a variety of assorted flavors.
as the main ingredient. Enjoy lemon, strawberry, orange, sour apple, or double
With two exciting flavors, honey candies. All individually wrapped for easy
Original Premium and handling. Appro)(. 72 pieces per pound. Ship we
louisiana Style, you will want add 1 lb. to quantity ordered.
to buy both. louis ia na
style 1-9 cases: $88.50 per case
Each bottle is 18 OIS. (Ship wt. 2 Ibs.) $4.25 pe r lb. 10 & Up: $82.50 per case
GSBQSAUCE Original Premium $3 .05 ea. M02205lB .... Assorted .... M02205CS
GS8QSAUCEl Louisiana Style .. $3.05 ea. Appro)(. 72 pieces per lb. - 29 Ibs. per case

114 1-888-922-1293
.-....... ·.fG
These keychains are~:f~ct ~r~~ ~~~~~ or gardener in your
family_ Also works great on luggage when trying to identify ones
suitcase at the airport.

MOI710 Bee Key-pers black trim Ship wt. lib ..

M01711 Bee Key-pers gold trim Ship wt. lib
.$8.95 ~
M01712 Bee Key-pers pink trim Ship wt.llb .. .$8.95 M0l711 M01713
MOl713 Bee Key-pers pink flowers/gold trim Ship wt.llb .. .$8.95

Honey Box Apis M. Magnet

Show your support for the honey bee with this
APIS M magnet. Perfect for your refrigerator,

or car bumper.
G5014 Magnet - Apis M.
Apis M
Honey Not Ship wt..8 OlS. $3.00

This honeybee decorated box holds 3 - 1 Ib jars of

Honey Bee Tree Game
honey {honey not induded}. Show off your spring, The Honey Bee Tree Game is a skill and action game for
summer, and fall honey in this nice corrugated box. ages 3 and up. Skillfully remove the leaves without wak-
Makes for a great gift and perfect for farmers markets. ing the bees. 2-4 players. Ship wt. 3 Ibs.
G5050 Honey Box G5BEETREE Each, . . . .$16.95
Ship wt. 8 DlS. . . . $3.95

Observation Hive
Everyone will take notice of this beautiful observation hive and the honey bees you will put
in it. Holds two frames (1-9 1/8" & 1_6 1/4") with a separate feeding port and entrance/exit. -
GS400S Observation Hive. Assembled.
Ship wt. 30 Ibs. . .. ... . .$104.95 :::'"
• s.... pace 118
Available at Hamiltan, Ii. location only ABJ Gift Card

Holds fib.
Gift Bags
Proudly display your honey in these honey
bee designed gift bags. Made from jute with a
clear dis play window and honey bee designs.
--- M
.,, _

Choose either the single or triple, designed to 2015 Subscription Rates

hold either one or three lib. Queenline style
Domestic (US) Rates
or Classic jars. 1 Year $28.00 MOOO81
2 Years $53.00 MOOO82
G5GIFTBAGl1Ib. Ship wt. lib .. $2.60 ea. 3 Years $75.00 MOOO84
GSGIFTBAG3 31b. Ship wt. lib .. $3.20 ea.
CALL FOR QUANTITY PRICING Canildil Surfilce Riltes
1 Year $45.00 MOOO811SC
Holds 3 Ibs. of Honey
2 Years $88.00 MOOO821SC
Dadant Gift Certificate
Foreign Surface Rates
Dadant Gift Certificates can be purchased for 1 Year $52.00 MOOO811SF
your last minute shopping. Order today for any
2 Years $99.00 MOOO8215F
dollar amount with a Discover, Master Card, or
Visa and a certificate is mailed to the recipient.
Call or Fax for Airmail Rates-
Available at Hamilton, IL location only but Rates are also available online at
Redeemable at all 11 Dadant Branch locations! 115
Honey Analyzer
Immediate Results - Digital Readout
" No More Judging By Eye Color Grader"
The Ho ney Analyzer measures the percent light transmittance of honey compared
to analytical reagent-grade glycerol.
The primary characteristic for commercial honey classification is color. Color classes
are expressed in millimete rs (mm) pfund. Honey color varies naturally in a wide range of
tonalities: from light yellow to amber, dark amber and black in extreme cases.
M00590 Ship wt. 3 Ibs ......... $413.00 Hamilton, Illoc<ltion

Steam or Hot Water Generator

Electric Steam Generator
Produces steam economically for knives, power uncappers, moderate melting operations, etc.
Approx. 7X gal. wate r capacity. Sight glass fo r monitoring water level. 2" female pipe flange
for electric immersion heate rs (see page 77, item number MOO36l for immersion heater; sold
separately). Electric Generator only.

M00354, Ship wt. 46Ibs... . . . .. $372.50

* Detuxe
M00354 M00594

Deluxe Honey
Candle Mold Refractometer
MOO594 Deluxe Honey Refractometer,
Ship wt. 3 Ibs. ea. . . . . . . . $ 260.00

Top quality Atago brand. World renowned

in the food industry for its dependability Closeup
and accuracy. of

M03151 Candle Mold Stand

Ship wt. lib.. . . $3.75

Bee Cleanse
Bee Cleanse is another fine product brought to us by the make rs of Nozevit and Optima. It is a ready to use feed
supplement effective in providing a complete, balanced source of nutrien ts. Bee Cleanse is made up of plant
polyphenols, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, he rbal extract blend, phytonu trient concentrates, and enzymes.
All natural, and ready to use. Two feedings per bottle.
M01918 - 100 ml, Ship wt. 2 Ibs. ea. $7.95

The Hive Detectives

- Chronicle of a Honey Bee Catastrophe
This beautifully illustrated children's book combines recent concerns about catastrophic honey bee losses
wi t h an inst ructive and interesting study of the honey bee and beekeeping. Author Loree Griffin Burns
profiles beekeepers and bee scientists across t he country who have been wo rking to understa nd Colony
Collapse Disorder. 66 pages, hardcover, beautiful color photography.
M00031 The Hive Detectives, Ship wt. 2lbs. ea . . ...... $18.95 MOOO31

/ -888-922-/293
Customer orders are shipped in the order in which they We are required to collect sales tax where applicable by
are received . We strive to ship all orders in a timely man- law. We charge sales tax in the following states: CA, FL, lA,
ner, but due to seasonal fluctuation, shipping time may IL, KY, MI, MO, NY, TX, VA and WI.
vary. Priority or RUSH shipments received after 1:00 p.m.
Sales tax exemptions will be allowed if we have a current
CST may be shipped the following business day.
(within 5 years of date) signed certificate on file. Please
PICK UP ORDERS note on order if it is tax exempt.
To allow us to best serve you, a call before you come PRICES
helps us give you the fastest, most complete service. Due to rapid changes in our economy today, all orders
will be invoiced on the basis of prices w hich are in effect at
SPECIAL ORDERS the time of shipment. Please feel free to confirm prices at
A 50% deposit must accompany all special orders. Some any time.
special orders may be subject to a cancellation charge.
Balance due on pickup of order. RETURNED CHECKS
There will be a $25.00 fee on all returned checks.
All Alaska and Hawaii orders normally ship UPS. We can OVER PAYMENTS
ship by mail upon request. Please call or e-mail for ship- Over payments will be refunded.
ping information or a quote for shipping.
BACK-ORDERS You pay all freight charges.
Items back-ordered always receive first priority handling.
Freight charges for back-ordered items are your responsibility. DAMAGED FREIGHT
All merchandise is shipped " F.O.B. Shipping Point". This
FOREIGN ORDERS FOR EXPORT legal term simply means that all merchandise becomes
Thank you for your inquiry about our products. We accept your property as soon as we give it to the freight carrier.
the following forms of payment for foreign orders. We accept The freight carrier is responsible for the complete and safe
MasterCard, Visa, and Discover credit cards. We also take delivery of your merchandise. It is your responsibility to
checks drawn on a u.s. bank in u.s. dollars. For large contain- thoroughly inspect the merchandise when it is delivered. If
er orders we accept a bank wire transfer to our bank account the freight carrier fails to deliver your merchandise in good
or letter of credit. All bank wire transfer costs and exchange condition, it is your responsibility to note the damage on the
rates are the responsibility of the customer. bill and contact us to file a claim.
We are happy to quote overseas postage for smaller
orders. We ship by First Class, Priority Mail, and UPS Overseas.
For larger container orders, we will quote ocean freight or air Because conditions of use are beyond our control, we
freight as requested from our home office in Hamilton, lL. It is make no warranty or representation, express or implied,
important to list our item numbers, descriptions and quanti- except that all products conform to the description provided
ties when ordering. Please have all items listed on your origi- by the manufacturer on sales literature or product labels. Our
nal order. If an order is changed, the freight quote will have liability is limited to the purchase price paid.
to be recalculated delaying the shipment. We insure all over-
seas shipments if it is available to the destination country. All
Many states and localities have codes and regulations
shipments overseas are the responsibility of the customer
governing sales, construction, installation, and or use of prod-
and shipped at the customers risk. We need contact phone
ucts for certain purposes. While we attempt to assure that
numbers for all foreign shipments.
our products comply with such codes, we cannot guarantee
ORDER DISCREPANCIES compliance in every situation. We cannot be responsible for
how the product is installed or used. Before you purchase and
Check all orders immediately upon receipt and contact
use a product, please review both the product application
us within 7 business days on any discrepancies/damage or
and local codes and regulations. Be sure that the product, it s
we cannot be responsible for errors.
installation, and its use will comply with them.
If you want to return an item, please call: 1-888-922-1293.
In addition to recognized national holidays, we will be
CONDmONS FOR RETURNS: 1) item must be in original carton and in
closed the day after Thanksgiving.
good condition, 2) retumed within 30 days of receipt, 3) retumed to
location of original purchase, 4) original receipt required. CLOSING FOR INVENTORY
LIMITATIONS: 1) In most cases a 15% restocking fee will be We will be closed on August 31 - September 1, 2015 for
charged. 2) To insure purity, we cannot exchange or offer our annual inventory.
refunds on beeswax foundation. Foundation accepted at cur-
rent crude wax prices for return only, with prior approval. CATALOG ERRORS
Call for current price and recovery costs. 3) We cannot accept We are not responsible for typographical or photographic
returns on medications, chemicals or bee feeds. 4)Restocking errors that may appear in any Dadant material. We reserve
fee of 35% for all pre·approved book returns. the right to make adjustments or corrections due to changing
EXCEPTION: If we goofed, we will give full refund and pay the market conditions, product discontinuations or typographical
freight both w ays. or photographic errors in products. 117
Figuring Shipping and Handling Charges for UPS and USPS
l)Add t he ship ping weights from each item o rdered.
2)After adding, all fractions of a pound must be rounded up to the next full pound .
311f the to tal weight excee ds 35 Ibs., use following exa m ple to calculate rates. For example: If total weight is 55 Ibs., find t he rate for
35 Ibs., then find rate for t he remaining 20 Ibs. add bot h package rates toget her for to tal rate.
4 ) Estimate t he straigh t li ne distance from shipping point to delive ry point.
5) Use the chart below to determine shipping cha rges by locating the dollar amount where the shipping weight line and shipping distance column intersect
United Parcel Service is our preferred package carrier. However:. we can ship your orders by alternate carrier. Shipping by alternate carriers
may not provide a tracking number. Depending on the carrier, shipments may not be able to be traced until 30 days after shipment has
been made, which may be unfeasible due to the seasonal nature of our business. We will be happy to provide a quote with any alternate
carriers available to us if you request it with your order.
Note: This chart includes the UPS residential and extended delivery area surcharge. If these charges do not apply to your delivery address,
the actual shipping charge will be less than the chart amount. These shipping charges may nat be sufficient for lightweight bulky mer-
chandise or weights over 35 pounds which will be shipped in multiple packages. We reserve the right to bill you for additional shipping
charges. We reserve the right to ship it from a different branch to complete your order in a timely manner.
• Dimensional weight may be used rather than actual weight. Dimensional weight is a formula used by package delivery companies to
determine a billing weight based on density. Some items may show the billing weight rather than the actual weight.
Mail a nd UP5 calculates d imensional weights on every shipment.
To Place Your Order Estimated Shipping and Handling for Continental U.S.
For maximum savings on freight, refer Rate Chart for UPS and Mail Oelivery* 'Actual charges
to the map on the back cover and select may be different.
t he Dadant branch closest to you. (Use ma p scale o n back of cata log to de te rmi ne dista nces fo r s hipping)
App rox.
By Phone: Dial t he To ll Free~ Zone 2 3 4 5 6 7 B
Order Num be r fo r the Dadant WEI GHT UP TO 10 1- 251- 55 1- 95 1- 1351-
Branch ne arest you fo r better 1\
NOT TO 100 250 550 950 1350 1750 175 1-
ing your order. (For faster ser- lib. 16.30 16.84 17.02 17.42 17.89 18.03 18.20
vice, please have your order written 2 16.86 17.45 18.28 18.51 19.10 19.34 20.00
down and your credit card number 3 17.00 17.89 18 .82 19.29 20.45 21.07 23.10
ready. Also, please know your Dadant
Customer Number (located obove 5
• 17.22
17 .51
18. 18
18 .44
22 .84
your address label on the back cover) 6 18.12 19.35 20.74 23.29 24.54 25.57 26.95
to speed up the order process.
7 18.77 20 .31 21.79 23.68 25.03 26.02 27.62
By Fax: Ma ke out you r order - 8 19.53 21.05 22.41 23.76 25.59 26.83 28.77
wi t h item numbe rs and 9 20.07 21.43 22.92 24.09 25 .94 27 .85 30.07
quantit y a nd fax t he com- 10 20 .80 21.48 23. 19 24.73 26.71 29.25 31.56
pleted order to you r nearest 11 21.75 22.03 23.37 24.80 27.35 30.49 32.79
Dadan t branch. 12 22.19 22.46 23.57 24.92 28.15 3 1.85 34.48
By Mail : Make out you r
wi t h item numbers

36.0 4
quanti ty and mail t he
pleted order to your n.,,,.," J 16
23.0 2
32.0 6
42 .18
Dadant branch.
18 23.37 24.71 25.23 28.64 34.37 39.82 43.85
By tnternet: Check out our website: 19 23.56 25.31 25.85 29.61 35.50 41.12 45.56 20 23.83 25.88 26.46 30.47 36.72 42.46 47.32
Online ordering available a t 21 24.12 26.38 27.04 31.36 37.92 43.79 48.91 catalog. 22 24.46 26.85 27.74 32.05 39.19 45.14 50.71
23 24.66 27.86 28.39 34.0 2 40.35 46.4 1 52.43
2. 25.00 28.34 29.03 34.93 41.58 47.74 54.20
We Ship By: 25 25.79 28.85 30.76 35.70 42.77 48.97 55.94
lIUPS, 2)parcel Post, 31Truck Freight 26 26.77 30.52 32.08 36.59 44.05 50.23 57 .55
5pecial priorit y shipping options avail- 27 27.31 30.89 32.68 37.47 45.26 51.6 1 59.26
able at highe r costs. 28 27.88 31.24 33.45 38.39 46.46 52.9 1 61.05
Please be sure to provide the correct 29 28.47 31.57 34.20 39.12 47.56 54.05 62.67
s hipping address with your order. UPS 30 29.10 31.88 35.00 40.03 48.80 55.36 64.41
charges for incorrect addresses will be
forwarded to your bill. UPS charges an 31 29.64 32.13 25.05 40.9 1 49.89 56.63 66.01
additional amount for delivery to rural 32 29.88 32.66 25.52 41.89 51.10 57.98 67.78
areas and those charges may also be 33 30.24 33. 33 25.95 4 2.78 52.24 59.32 69.42
forwarded to your bill. 3. 30.43 34.01 26.36 43.68 53.49 60.68 71.16
W E CANNOT SHIP UPS TO P.O. BOXES. W E 35 30.73 34.63 26.81 44.55 54.66 6 2.04 72 .84
We reurve the right to change shipping carriers if we are oble to find 0 more economical
method of shipping that will provide the urvice you are accustomed to, at a lower shipping rate.

118 /-888-922-/293
Oadant & Sons, Inc. , warrants its equipment to be free of defects in material and work-
manship. If within 30 days of purchase you feel an item to be defective, please return the
merchandise along with your sales slip at once, and we will refund the purchase price along with
all transportation charges. This warranty does not cover any damage to equipment arising
from alteration, abuse, or use of product for other than its intended purpose. We reject all
implied and expressed warranties.

Convenient Ways To Pay For Your Convenience We Accept

Discover Check
VISA Wire Transfer DISC VER'
Dadant Website ""·001
MasterCard Bank letter of Credit

Dadant Branch Locations


15 C. Valley Ct. (530) 893-0921 (530) 893-0922 Monday-Friday - Time Zone PST
CHICO, CA 95973-0171 TOll-FREE 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
877-332-3268 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday (Feb. 1- June 1) 8:00 a.m. -Noon
2765 S. Golden State Blvd. P.O. Box 2837 (5S9) 495-0230 (5S9) 495-0232 Monday-Friday - Time Zone PST
FRESNO, CA 93725-2328 FRESNO, CA TOlL-FREE 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
93745-2837 877-432-3268
17074 Northwest 188th Street P.O. Box 888 (386) 454-0237 (386) 454-0240 Monday-Friday - Time Zone EST
HIGH SPRINGS, FL 32643 High Sprincs. FL TOlL-FREE 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
32655-0888 877-832-3268 Saturday-
8:00 a.m. to Noon
51 S. 2"" Street (217) 847-3324 (217) 847-3660 Monday-Friday - Time Zone CST
HAMILTON, IL 62341-1370 TOLL-FREE 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
131811" Street P.O. Box 1735 (712) 255-3232 (712) 255-3233 Monday-Friday - Time Zone CST
SIOUX CITY, IA 51102-1735 TOLL-FREE 8:00 a.m. to Noon
877-732-3268 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
955 Chenault Road, Building D (502) 848-0000 (502) 848-0009 Monday-Friday - Time Zone EST
FRANKFORT, KY 40601-9428 TOlL-FREE TOlL-FREE FAX 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
888-932-3268 866-932-3268 Saturday (April & May) 9 a.m. - Noon
929 Elliott Street P.O. Box 183 (517) 629-2860 (517) 629-3039 Monday-Friday - Time Zone EST
ALBION, M1 49224-0183 TOlL-FREE 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m
877-932-3268 Saturday (Mar. - May »excludlng Holiday weekends« )
8a.m. - Noon
136 RT. 17C (East) P.O. Box 267 (607) 565-2860 (607) 565-3710 Monday-Friday - Time Zone EST
WAVERLY, NY 14892-0267 TOlL-FREE 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
1169 Bonham Street P.O. Box 146 (903) 784-6145 (903) 784-2161 Monday-Friday - Time Zone CST
PARIS, TX 75460-0146 TOlL-FREE 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
877-632-3268 3rd Saturday of the month (Jan.- June)
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
820 Tightsqueeze Industrial Rd. P.O. Box 1219 (434) 432-8461 (434) 432-8463 Monday-Friday - Time Zone EST
CHATHAM, VA 24531-1219 TOLL-FREE 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
800-220-8325 Saturday - (March 1- June 1)
8:00 a.m. to Noon

W2763 East Gate Drive P.O. Box 331 (920) 261-5363 (920) 261-2309 Monday-Friday - Time Zone CST
WATERTOWN, WI 53094-0331 TOlL-FREE 8:00 a.m. to Noon
877-232-3268 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Last Saturday of the month
8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 119
8 Frame Equipment. ..... . . 33-36 Chute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .75 95/8 Super. ..... . . . . · .15
Clot hing. . . . .. . 37-42 Drone Cell. . .65
- A- Collars for Squeeze Bears . . . .97 Round Comb Honey ... . 18
AFB Diagnostic Kit. ... . . . . . . .. 63 Colorant, Soap . . . . .. . . . ........ 104 Section/Cut Comb . . .16-18
Airlock . . . . . . . . . 110 Comb Cutter. . .... . . . . 24 Small Cell . . . .. .65
American Bee Journal. . . 43, 115 Comb Honey. . . . 16, 17,18,24, 76 Frame:
American Bee Journal Binder . . . . . .. 43 Company Policy 117 Cleaner. · .23
Amino-B Booster. .. .57 Complete supplement . .56 Fixer · .31
APB . . . . . .. 58 Conical Bee Escape. . . .7S Grip. · .23
Apiguard .... . . .67 Containers: Holder. . . . . 31
Apistan. .66 Bears . . . · .. 96, 97 Rests/Rabbets ... . 19
Apivar. . . . .66 Bulk, Jugs & Pails . · . 98-99 Spacers . . . . ... . 31
Apron . . . . .42 Comb Honey 18, 98 Spacing Tool. · .23
Assembled Woodenware. .. 7, 8, Glass . . . · 94, 95, 113 Wire · .20
11, 13, 33, 36 Plastic . . · .. . 94·99 Frames:
Skep. . . .97 Assembled 11,13
Cookware 114 EZ Plastic. . . ..... . 11
Bag, Gift . . 115 Corker . . 112 Frames for:
Baskets, eappings. .80 Corks . . . 112 511/16 Super ..... . 17
BBQ Sauce. . . 114 Coveralls . . 38 65/8 Super ... .. 11, 13, 16
Bee Dun. .75 Covers: 95/8 Super. ... . 11, 13, 15
Bee Games 115 Flat Wood . . .. 27 Fructose Pump · .55
Bee Go. .75 Garden, Copper. .36 Fumagilin-B. . .. . . 70
Beehive Components Chart. . .3 Inner. ... 9, 26,36 Fume Pad. 35,75
BeeMax Hive. . . . ... 9 Insulated . . . . . · . 25, 26, 27 Funnel 110
Bee Quick. . . . . . . . .75 Stainless Tank. ... . . 80, 87
Beeswax Craft Sheets. 109 Telescoping . . · . 13,27, 36
Beetle Traps . . 64, 69 Creamed Honey Kit ... 101 Game. 115
Beginner Kits. .6,7,8,9,34 Cutter, Soap ... . . . . 104 Gaskets, Drum. . ... 77
Bellows.. . . . . . .. .21 Gates, Honey . . 89,99
Blower, Bee . . . . .. . . . .. .75 - 0 - Generator, Steam. 116
Books.... ... 24, 44-53, 71, 102, 106, 110, 116 Dadant Locations . . 119 Gift Pages . . . . . . 113-115
Boot Bands . . .. 42 Dadant Hat . . .42 Gloves .. . . .... .42
Bottlers . . . . . . . . . . . .91-93 Drone Comb . . .65 Glycerine, Soap. 103
Bottles, Wine. . . . . . . 112 Dryer, Honey. ..... . .91 Grafting Tools. 73,74
Bottling Bucket Kit. . . . . .. 78 DVD' s. .24, 4S, 47, 49, 71 Grease. 82,86
Bottom Board . . . . . .. 13, 26, 36,
Branch Information ..... ....... .... . 119 EFB Diagnostic Kit . . .63 Healt hy Bees . . .61-70
Brood Builder . . . ...... . .. 59 Embedders .20
Brush, Bee . . .... . . . .. 22 Entrance Reducers. .31
Band & Pail. · .77
Buckets . . . . . . . . . 78,99, 110 Escape, Bee .. .75
Flash . . . · .90
Excluders . . . . · .. 30, 35
- c- Extracting Kits. ..... . .83
· .41
Cage, Queen .71-74 Extractors · ... 82-86
Cake Pans 114 Eyelet Punch. .20 Hive:

MAKING Camlocks. ..... . 26 Eyelets. .20 Bodies .. . . . 3, 6-10, 12-13, 15, 33-35
Candle: El-Frames . .11 Carrier. . . . . .. 23
Beeswax. 109 Ell Queen .71 Complete . . . ... .. 12, 13,34
Dipping Rack & Vat . . 108 Inspection Sheets ........ .... 48, 62
Fluted Base Former . . 107 Kits ... . 6·9, 12, 13, 33, 34
Melting Pot .. . . . . 108 ' AUS · .. . 2·4 Net ..... . . . ... 23
Mold Cleaner . . 108 Feeders, Bee. 9,35,54, 72 Stand. . .. . 27, 36,68
Molds ... 107, 108 Feeds. · .55-60 Tool. . ... 22
Silicone Release Spray . . . . . . 108 Fermenter . . . . .110-112 Top Bar Hive. · .32
Tea Light Cups. . . . . 108 Fill Master . . . . .91 Honey Grader. 100
Wick . . . . 108, 109 Filter, Honey .. .88 Honey Analyzer .. 116
Candle Making . . . .106-109 Filter Bags, Honey . . .88 Honey-B-Healthy. 57,58
Candle Making Kit. 106 Fischer's Bee Quick. .75 Honey House Layout . . . .... . 79
GIFtlnMS Candy . . . . . . 114 Flash Heater . . . .90 Hydrometer . . . . .. 111
Cappings Scratcher. . .. 76 Food Approved Lubricant .. . .... .. . 82, 86
Capping Spinners .. .... 80 Form Board ..... . . . . .20
Caps, Container. . .. .97 Foundation Description .. . .. . . . .14 Jackets . .. .. . . . . 37·40
Carboy. 111 Foundation for: Jars, Honey . .. 94, 95, 97, 113
Cart, Super ... 77 S 11/16 Super . . 17, 18 Jesters El Nuc. 28,72
Children's Suit. . .40 65/8 Super. . .... . .16 Jl Bl Queen Rearing. . . . . 74

Pollen Trap . . . . 29,36 Sweat Bands ... . . .42
Keycnain . . · .. 114,115 Poster. . . . 44,48
Knives . . . . . 22, 24, 76 Propolis Trap. ... 29 Tanks:
Kit: Pumps: Cappings. . ... 80
Bottling Bucket . . · .78 Honey. .. .88 Clarifier . . .... 90
Candle Making. 106 Fructose . . . .. 55 Pantry .. . · .87
Creamed Honey. 101 Progressive Cavity. .. .88 Scraper . . 87, 93
Extracting. · .83 Storage . . ... .87
Hive . . .. 6-9, 12, 13, 33, 34 Uncapping ... . 76
Lip Balm . . . 101 Queen: Terramycin . . . ... . 63
Soap Making. . 102 Cell Protectors. . . 71,74 Tetra-B Mix . . . . . . .. . 63
Mead & Wine Making. 110 Clip Catcher ... 73 Thermometer. .92, 93, 103, 108
Clipping Scissors. . . .... 73 Thumb Screw, Metal
Excluder .. . ... .. . . . 30,35 Replacement . . . . .. . . . 89, 99
labels . . . . . 18,98, 101 Marking Cage .. ... 73 Tie Down Strap ... . . . . . .... . . 9
lid: ... 73 Toolbox, Multipurpose. ... .32
Cappings Tank . . . . .80 Paint Markers .. . .. 73 Tools ... .. . .. . 20, 22-24, 76
Container. . . .97 Rearing . . . . . .71-74 Top Bar Hi ve . . ... . 32
Honey Tight . . . . .78 Shipping Carton. . .. 74 Trap:
Remover Tool. · .99 Pollen .... 29
Lip Balm. 101 Propolis . . .... 29
Liquidator · .79 Rabbets, Metal Swarm . . . · .28
.. . .19 Small Hi ve Beetle. 64, 69
Liquefier. · .80 Reducers, Entrance. . .. 31
lye . . . . . 103 Trousers. 39, 40
Refractometers ... 100 Truck, Drum ... .77
Rim & Sticks Spacer Set. . . . 67 Tylan ... . 63
Round Section . . . .. 18
Mailing Cages . . . 73, 74
Map-Dadant Branches . · Back Cover - u-
Master Pollinator Kit ... 8 - 5- Uncapping Equipment ...... . .76, 78-81
Scale, Soap/Candle .. 103
Mating Bo x .. . . . ... .
Mead Kit & Accessories . .
· .72
. . 110-112 Scratcher, Cappings . .76
Valves .. ... . . .
- v- . . 87, 89,93
Medications. . ..... . 61·70 Screens, Strainer. ... 87
Seals, Tamper Resistant. ... 97 Varroa Screen. .36,64,68, 69, 72
Mega Bee .... .60
Shipping Chart . . 118 Veils . . · .41
Shrink Bands . . . 97, 113 Vented:
Electromelt. .81
Sieve, Double . . . . . . .. 78 Bottom Board. .64,68, 69, 72
10 & 25 Gallon . . .92
Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Inner Cover. . . . .. . . . . 26, 36
Mini Melter . . .. . . . .81
Small Hive Beetle Trap . . . . 64,69 Videos ..... . . . . .24,45,47, 49, 71
Solar. · .80
Wax (For Candles) .
Menthol, Paramoth
· .... 92, 93
· .70
Smoker Bellows
Smoker Fuel
... 21
- w-
Wax Moth Control ... . 70
Mold: Smokers . . . . .21 Wax Pan . . . . ... 76
Beeswax Cake . . 109 Snap Caps ... 97 Wax Tube Fastener. . . .. . 24
Candle . . . .. . . . . ... . 106-109 Soap Making. .102-105 Wax Working Rates ... . 14
Soap . . . . .102-105 Soap Making Kit 102 Wick Needle . . .. . 107
Stepping Stone .. . . .... . . 114 Soap Molds . . . . · .. . 104, 105 Wicking .. 108, 109 ,O~
Specialty Woodenware . . . ... 32 Wine & Mead Making . . 110-112 MAKING
Speed Control . . . . .86 Wine & Mead Making Kit. 110
Nails. ... . . . . 19 Spinners, Capping. . .. 80 Wire Crimper. . . .. . 20
Notepad . . .. · .... 48, 62 Spray, Wasp and Hornet ... 28 Wire, Frame . . . .. . 20
Nozevit Plus. · .... . . . .56 Sprayers .. . . .. 56 .. 6-8, 10, 12, 13,
Nuc Boxes . . . 28, 72 Spur Embedder. . . .. . .20 15-17, 2S·27, 32, 33-36
Nuc Screen Bottom Board . . 69, 72 Stands, Hive . . . . 36,68 Woodenware, Specialty . . . . . . 32
Staples, Hive . . . . .. 19 Wood Pellets . . . .... . 21
- 0 - Sticky Board . . . . . . . 68,69
Observation Hive . .
Oils, Soap . .
· ... 32, 115
Stirring System .. . . 92,93 - y-
Stop the Sting . . 113 Yeast ..... . 111-112
Optima . . . . . . · .56 Stopper . . . . . 110 HAMILTON
Strainers · . 78,87, 110 OADANT CORPORATE OFFICE ONLY.
Strap, TIe Down ... . 9 51 S. 2" Street GIFT ITEMS
Package Bees . . · . .5 Suits. · .. . . . . 37-40 HAMILTON, IL 62341-1370
Pail ... . . . . . .... 78, 79, 99, 110 Super Cart . . .... 77 Phone (217)847-3324
Pail Holder. 78, 99 Supers . 6, 7, 9,12,13,
Fax (217)847·3660
Pallet Clips. . . . . .31 Toll Free Order Number
16, 17,33-35 1-888·922-1293
Paramoth. . .... . . . .70
Support Pins ...... . . . .... 19
Patties . . · .... . 58-60
Swarm Catch. . .... 28
Pierco Drone Comb · .65
New Items For 2015
BEETLE M0175410


M01755 • PARA MOTH



M5812SD MOO136
8935018 - g·FRAME
BOARD (B92101)


, PAGE 78

8934018 - 8 FRAME

892101·01 · lO-FRAME
8921018·01 - 8-FRAME

M01365 MOS203

122 /-888-922-/293
New Items For 201 5

. ..
PAGE 113

M01711 MOl713


PAGE 46 •



MOl723 MOI72S



- MOI72S 123
S1 South 2"" Street
HAMILTON, IL 62341·1397

E-mail: Q:j Website:
Fresno, CA 1-877-432-3268 Michigan 1-877 -932-3268
Chico, CA 1-877-332-3268 New York 1-877 -532-3268
Iowa 1-877-732-3268 Virginia 1-800-220-8325
lIIinois 1-888-922-1293 Kentucky 1-888-932-3268
Wisconsin 1-877-232-3268 Florida 1-877-832-3268
Texas 1-877-632-3268

Photo: Corporate Office: Hamilton, Illinois
Sioux City, IA

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Chico, CA 00 jWaverly. NY
877-332-3268 V -,-----.1-, h-;fS~21877-532-3268

150 ~D ~E~\--_, '1:t~~~:--="-~8~~~~h2aD.'8~:5
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877-432-3268·~--i Frankfort, KY
"---L-r-~----' SEIlVING THE
SOlTTHWEST fOil r-;:;:~;::::-~.".-IHigh Springs , FL
OVEIl SO YEARS )r 877-832-3268

Map Scale SOUTHEAST fOil
I I Pari s. TX OVER 60 YF.AltS
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