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Premier Yarns
Premier Design
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Medium When working shaping in Arrow Lace patt, if
there are not enough sts for a full repeat, work
Back Width between Armholes: 18”
Length from Underarm: 13” The Cardigan body is worked from one side to
Upper Arm: 14” the other side. Stitches are bound off and the
cast back on for Armholes. Sleeves are worked
MATERIALS separately and sewn into the Armholes.
Premier® Yarns Alpaca Dance (75% acrylic,
25% alpaca; 100g/371 yds) BODY
• 25-09 Cornflower – 3 balls Left Front
Needles: US Size 10½ (6.5 mm) straight or size Cast on 84 sts. Work in Seed St for 1½”.
needed to obtain gauge
Notions: Tapestry needle, stitch holder Establish Pattern
Set-up Row (WS): Work 5 sts in Seed St, purl to
GAUGE end.
13 sts x 18 rows = 4” in Arrow Lace patt Row 1 (RS): Work Row 1 of Arrow Lace to last 5
Save time, check your gauge. sts, work in Seed St to end.
STITCH GUIDE Row 2 (WS): Work 5 sts in Seed St, work Row 2
Seed Stitch (even number of sts) of Arrow Lace to end.
Row 1: * K1, p1; rep from * to end. Cont in patt until Left Front meas 14½” from
Rep Row 1 for patt. cast-on edge, ending with WS row.

Arrow Lace (multiples of 6 sts + 1) Shape Left Armhole

Row 1 (RS): K3, * yo, ssk, k4; rep from * to last Next row (RS): Work across 48 sts in patt, bind
4 sts, end yo, ssk, k2. off 14 sts, work in patt to end. Place 49 Lower
WS rows 2-10: Purl. Body sts on stitch holder. 22 sts rem.
Row 3: K1, * k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k1; rep from
* to end.
Row 5: K2tog, yo, * k3, yo, sl 1-k2tog-psso, yo;
rep from * to last 5 sts, end k3, yo, ssk.
Rows 7 & 9: K1, * yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k1; rep
from * to end.
Rep Rows 1-10 for patt.

Cathedral Cardigan
Level: Intermediate ©Premier Yarns 2017, All Rights Reserved •
Cathedral Cardigan By By
Premier Yarns
Premier Design
Yarns Team
Design Team

project continued

Upper Armhole Shape Right Armhole FINISHING

Dec row (WS): Work in patt to last 3 sts, p2tog, p1 – 1 Work as for Left Armhole. Block pieces.
st dec’d. Sew Sleeve Caps into Armholes. Sew Sleeve seams.
Dec row (RS): K1, k2tog, work in patt to end – 1 st Right Front Weave in ends.
dec’d. Work in patt until piece measures 13” from Right
Rep these 2 rows, 2 more times – 18 sts rem. Work 4 Armhole Joining Row, ending with WS row. Abbreviations
rows even in patt. Next row (RS): Work across sts in Seed St. Cont in beg begin(ning)
Inc row (WS): Work in patt to last st, m1p, p1 – 1 st Seed st for 1½”, piece measures 14½” from Right dec(‘d) decrease(d)
inc’d. Armhole Joining Row. Bind off all sts. inc(‘d) increase(d)
Inc row (RS): K1, m1, work in patt to end – 1 st inc’d. k knit
Rep these 2 rows, 1 more time – 22 sts rem. Place sts SLEEVES k2tog knit 2 sts together (1 st dec’d)
on holder, do not break yarn. Cast on 37 sts. Work in Seed st for 1½”. Purl a WS row. m1 insert left needle from front to back under
Next row (RS): Work in Arrow Lace patt to end. Cont horizontal strand of yarn lying between st just worked
Lower Armhole in patt for 3 more rows. and next st, knit or purl this st through the
Return 49 Lower Body sts to ndl. Attach yarn at Inc row (RS): K1, m1, work in patt to last st, m1, k1 – 2 back loop (1 st inc’d)
Armhole edge. sts inc’d. meas measures
Dec row (WS): P1, p2tog-tbl, work in patt to end – 1 st Rep Inc row every 10 rows, 3 more times – 45 sts. p purl
dec’d. Work even in patt until Sleeve meas 12” from cast-on p2tog purl 2 sts together (1 st dec’d)
Dec row (RS): Work in patt to last 3 sts, ssk, k1 – 1 st edge, ending with WS row. patt pattern
dec’d. psso pass slipped stitch over
Rep these 2 rows, 1 more time – 44 sts rem. Work 4 Shape Cap rem remain(ing)
rows even in patt. Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows – 41 sts rem. rep repeat(ing)
Inc row (WS): P1, m1p, work in patt to end – 1 st inc’d. Dec row (RS): K1, k2tog, work in patt to last 3 sts, ssk, RS right side
Inc row (RS): Work in patt to last st, m1, k1 – 1 st inc’d. k1 – 2 sts dec’d. Work 3 rows even in patt. Rep these sl slip
Rep these 2 rows, 1 more time. 4 rows, 3 more times, then rep Dec row 1 more time. ssk slip next 2 sts individually knitwise, slip them
Work a WS row even. Bind off 3 sts at beg of next 2 back to left needle in this position, knit them together
Joining Row rows, 4 sts at beg of next 4 rows. Bind off rem 9 sts. through the back loops (1 st dec’d)
Next row (WS): Work in patt across 22 Upper Armhole st(s) stitch(es)
sts, cast on 14 sts, work across Lower Body sts to end St st Stockinette stitch: knit on RS rows, purl on WS
– 84 sts. rows.
tbl through the back loop
Cont in patt until piece measures 15” from Joining WS wrong side
row, ending with RS row. yo yarn over

©Premier Yarns 2017, All Rights Reserved •

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