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ELE 6500

Name and/or Group Members: Peter Owens School Name: Forest Park Elementary
Grade Level: 2nd
Subject Area(s): Counting Money
Time Needed for Lesson: 45-60 minutes
Lesson Title:
a) Engaging and Supporting Diverse Learners: (InTASC 1,2,3)
Students come from many different backgrounds and beliefs. Students population is mixed of white and
black. Demographics vary for each student because of the economy and community environment.
Students use different types of sensory to learn. There are many different types of learners. Some
students learn through visually or kinesthetic ways. Students have different math skill levels. Students
have mixed levels of understanding with using basic math skills. It is a diverse school community and
environment. Students are influenced by family background and beliefs.

b) Universal Design for Learning (InTASC 1,2)

The layout of classroom will be spaced into students group tables. Each student will be assigned at a
certain table(numbers). Room will be set up conveniently for students with special needs. Wide spaces
between rows. White board is positioned where every student can see it. Room/space is setup
conveniently to use technology for power points, video and class activities.

c) Materials and Digital Tools Needed (InTASC 7,8)

Paper money/coins, counting aides, Power-point presentation, plastic bags, and glass jar.


a) State Standards and Student Outcomes Related to the Content of the Lesson (InTASC 4,5,6)
Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, using $ and ¢ symbols
appropriately. Example: If you have 2 dimes and 3 pennies, how many cents do you have?
ELE 6500

 Students will be able to count and apply basic math skills with counting money.
 Students will be able to solve and understand story problems.
 Students will be able to use different math strategies with counting money.
 Students will be able to solve different math problems which use mathematical concepts and skills.

b) Assessment and Evaluation – Evidence of Student Learning (InTASC 6)

Teacher observations- Students will be observed and make cents in different amounts.
Counting sheet – Students will show and test their own understanding of working with money.

DOK- What is Cents? What does $1.00 mean? What are the different ways we can show $1.00?

Student Observations and Answer key sheet.

a) Introduction – Engaging Students, Activating Prior Knowledge, and Setting Lesson Goals (InTASC 7,8)
How do count money? Introduce power power-point on counting money. Model the different counting
strategies using basic math skills.

Questions- What is cents? How much cents is $1.00 dollar? Show and explain to the students.

(10-15 minutes)

b) Instructional Procedure: Engaging Students in Actively Constructing Deep Understanding (InTASC 7,8)
1. Introduce the question-What is difference between dollar and cents? Review some examples of
adding and subtraction. The begin with Number Talk on the money jar. Have students guess how
much is in the money jar. Review student estimates and explain the value of money jar.

2. Demonstrate the different counting strategies using the plastic coin counting aid. Show how to
count pennies, dimes, nickels and quarters. Show how make sense of counting and how to solve
using different values of coins such as, (1 dollar equals 100 pennies, or 10 dimes, or 20 nickels, or
4 quarters). Students use the counting aid to help count money. Do a few guided models and
show the different examples on how to count money.

3. Pass out Story problems to students. Go over filling in the key with students. Work together on
numbers and worksheet. (See Worksheet) Explain how you can make up different amounts using
cents. Students use coins as aids for adding and counting. Students use prior background
ELE 6500

knowledge and basic math skills to count money.

4. Review story problems towards end of class. Collect story problem sheets.

5. Exit card problem- What are the different ways we can count and show $1.50? Teacher collects.

Key Vocabulary- cents, adding and subtracting

(45 minutes)
c) Technology Use – Technology as a Tool for Effective Teaching and Learning (InTASC 7,8)
Smartboard, ELMO, Projector.

d) Closure - Students Summarize and Synthesize Their Learning (InTASC 7,8)

Students learned the different ways to count money. Students made sense of counting and how to solve
using different values of coins such as, (1 dollar equals 100 pennies, or 10 dimes, or 20 nickels, or 4
quarters). Student learned how to break down story problems and count using different math strategies
and skill. Students used prior background knowledge and basic math skills to count money.

Next Steps- I could connect this to adding or subtracting decimals. Then I could show how to add or
subtract money greater than $1.00 dollar.


ELE 6500

a) Teacher Reflection (InTASC 9)

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