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Organization Science informs ®

Vol. 00, No. 0, Xxxxx–Xxxxx 2004, pp. 1–16 doi 10.1287/orsc.1040.0093

issn 1047-7039  eissn 1526-5455  04  0000  0001 © 2004 INFORMS

A Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm—The

Problem-Solving Perspective
Jack A. Nickerson, Todd R. Zenger
John M. Olin School of Business, Washington University, Campus Box 1133, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63130-4899

I n this paper we develop a knowledge-based theory of the firm. While existing knowledge-based theory focuses on the
efficiency of hierarchy in economizing on knowledge exchange, we develop a theory of the firm that focuses on the
efficiency of alternative organizational forms in generating knowledge or capability. Our theory begins with the problem
as the basic unit of analysis, arguing that a problem’s complexity influences the optimal method of solution search and the
optimal means of organizing that search. The distinguishing feature that differentiates among organizational alternatives
is the different way each resolves conflict over the selection of solution trials, that is, the way it chooses the path of
search. Our theory predicts that efficiency demands that these governance alternatives be matched in a discriminating way
to problems based on their associated benefits and costs in governing solution search. Thus, our theory is among the first
to simultaneously treat both the boundary choice (i.e., internal versus external) and the choice among alternative internal
approaches to organizing.
Key words: knowledge-based view; knowledge management; problem-solving; innovation; firm boundaries; organizational

1. Introduction to integrate or outsource an activity—influences the

In the strategy literature, a key task of the manager efficient production and protection of valuable knowl-
is to accumulate and protect valuable knowledge or edge and capabilities. In so doing, this literature seeks
capability (Rumelt 1984, Barney 1984, Wernerfelt 1984, a theory of the firm that is independent of transaction
Teece et al. 1997). Such knowledge or capability defines cost logic and its behavioral assumption of opportunism.
a firm’s capacity to efficiently convert its inputs into A common argument in much of this literature is that
valuable outputs (Arrow and Hahn 1971; Debreu 1959; firms as organizational forms exist to economize on the
Nelson and Winter 1982, pp. 59–60). Thus, managers exchange of knowledge rather than to attenuate oppor-
enhance the firm’s capacity to produce efficiently by tunism. As Conner (1991, p. 139) argues, the integration
updating or advancing knowledge. Therefore, a common of an activity within the boundaries of the firm thereby
assumption and prescription in the strategy literature is becomes a “creator of a positive” rather than an “avoider
that the boundaries of the firm should encompass these of a negative.”
valuable competencies and core knowledge (Argyres While this existing literature on the knowledge-based
1996, Prahalad and Hamel 1990). By internalizing valu- view of the literature makes important contributions to
able knowledge or keeping this knowledge internal, our understanding of the firm, it has significant short-
the firm positions itself to both exploit and protect comings. Others have convincingly contested the claim
knowledge. Arguably, however, the key knowledge- that a knowledge-based theory of the firm can be inde-
based question the manager faces is not how to organize pendent of opportunism (Foss 1996a, b; Heiman and
to exploit already developed knowledge or capability, but Nickerson 2002; Mahoney 2001; Williamson 1999), but
rather how to organize to efficiently generate knowledge our critique and contribution addresses other shortcom-
and capability. ings. First, this literature has primarily focused on the
Recently, scholars within the knowledge- or resource- role of firms in providing efficient knowledge exchange
based perspective have focused their attention on this rather than their role in efficiently producing knowl-
question. In the process, scholars have sought to develop edge or capabilities. Second, the two fundamental argu-
what some call a knowledge-based view or knowledge- ments within the literature that support the efficiency
based theory of the firm (Conner 1991; Demsetz 1988; of firms in knowledge exchange relative to markets are
Conner and Prahalad 1996; Kogut and Zander 1992, fully contradictory. One claims that hierarchies exist
1996; Grant 1996; Madhok 1996; Nahapiet and Ghoshal to essentially avoid knowledge transfer (Demsetz 1988,
1998). This work seeks to explain how the choice Conner 1991, Conner and Prahalad 1996), emphasiz-
of organization—particularly the choice of whether ing the firm’s capacity to exercise authority in directing
Nickerson and Zenger: A Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm
2 Organization Science 00(0), pp. 1–16, © 2004 INFORMS

others’ actions; the other view claims that hierarchies in a particular region of the landscape. Consequently,
exist instead to facilitate knowledge transfer (Arrow problems differ in the optimal form of solution search.
1974; Kogut and Zander 1992, 1996; Nahapiet and For some, directional search or search based on trial and
Ghoshal 1998), emphasizing the firm’s capacity to sup- error leads efficiently to a high-value solution (Gavetti
port the formation of shared language and identity. and Levinthal 2000). For others, search guided by a cog-
Finally, the literature has yet to provide a theory nitively developed heuristic of the landscape’s topogra-
of alignment—a theory that predicts when hierarchies phy is preferred (Gavetti and Levinthal 2000).
are preferred to markets or when markets prevail, let After identifying a problem and assessing the ideal
alone use knowledge-based logic to do so. Indeed, the form of search, the manager must decide how to orga-
knowledge-based arguments tend to highlight the virtues nize this search. In particular, the manager must decide
of hierarchy, not its limits in forming and transferring how to access relevant knowledge either within or out-
knowledge. Hierarchy is always assumed to be superior, side the firm. We explicitly explore the capacity of three
leaving factors other than knowledge transfer and for- alternative governance modes to support these differing
mation to constrain firm boundaries (see Conner and forms of search: markets, authority-based hierarchy, and
Prahalad 1996). In summary, we do not yet have a consensus-based hierarchy. The differentiating feature
knowledge-based theory of the firm. among these governance alternatives is the different way
In this paper, we develop a knowledge-based theory of in which each resolves conflict over the selection of
the firm that addresses these shortcomings. We explain solution trials—that is, the way it chooses the path
how a firm’s prospective objectives for knowledge for- of search. Our theory predicts that efficiency demands
mation dictate the choice of how to organize. Here the that these governance alternatives be matched in a dis-
critical question is not whether knowledge should be criminating way to problems based on their associated
owned or acquired in the market or how the exchange of benefits and costs in governing solution search. Thus,
knowledge should be facilitated, but rather how a man- our theory is among the first to simultaneously treat
ager should organize individuals to generate knowledge both the boundary choice (i.e., internal versus external)
that the firm seeks. and the choice among alternative internal approaches to
We begin with the assumption that the manager’s organizing.
knowledge-based objective is to create valuable new Our theory development proceeds as follows. In §2,
knowledge. The manager, however, cannot simply we introduce the problem as the unit of analysis, intro-
choose new knowledge to acquire, because more often ducing the concept of solution landscapes that differ
than not the desired knowledge does not exist. Instead, based on problem complexity. In that section we match
the manager must choose valuable problems—those problem characteristics to search strategies. In §3, we
which, if successfully solved, yield desirable knowledge discuss knowledge-exchange hazards that hinder efforts
or capability. The value of a particular problem there- to conduct one form of search. In §4, we discuss the
fore depends on two factors: (1) the values of the array capacity of alternative governance structures to con-
of possible solutions and (2) the costs of discovering a duct differing forms of search. In §5 we finally match
particularly valuable one. Once a problem is selected, problems to alternative governance forms. Section 6
the manager then organizes a search for solutions that discusses our theory and describes future avenues for
optimizes the likelihood, speed, and cost with which research.
valuable solutions are discovered. Finally, the manager
seeks to appropriate a portion of the solution’s value.
While we present these steps sequentially for purposes 2. Capability and Knowledge Formation
of exposition, in truth the costs of solution search and as Problem Solving
the capacity to appropriate value must be factored into Problem solving and knowledge formation are at
the initial choice of problems as well. Thus, the unit the center of our theory. The manager’s fundamental
of analysis in our theory is the problem, and profitable knowledge-based objective is to sustain above-normal
formation of new knowledge (or new capability) is the profits by continually discovering new knowledge or
central goal in choosing a form of governance. new solutions that form from unique combinations of
Following previous work, we assume that solutions existing knowledge. Nelson and Winter explicitly define
to complex problems represent unique combinations or a firm’s knowledge (or capability) as the “input-output
syntheses of existing knowledge (Fleming and Sorenson combinations achievable with all possible mixes and
2000, Henderson and Clark 1990). Recently, scholars levels of activities known to the firm” (Nelson and
have depicted this matrix of unique combinations of Winter 1982, pp. 63–64). In this literature, the state of
knowledge as a landscape. Some solution landscapes a firm’s knowledge can be advanced by either absorbing
are rugged, with many high-value solutions scattered existing knowledge external to the firm or by develop-
across the terrain. Others are smooth, with a single, high- ing new knowledge by first identifying a problem and
value solution or with high-value solutions concentrated then discovering a valuable new solution. Therefore, if
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a firm is to develop unique knowledge or a unique new high degree of interaction, or smooth, representing a low
capability through any manner other than luck, it must level of interaction.
identify a valuable problem and conduct an efficient Thus, suppose we identify that a particular problem
solution search. Valuable solutions deliver value to the may benefit from five distinct knowledge sets, with each
firm, either through enhancement or development of a knowledge set informing a distinct binary design choice.
product or service or by reducing the cost of production Each unique combination of these design choices yields
or delivery. a distinct solution value. The level of interaction among
In our theory, managers choose problems while iden- these binary design choices defines the topography of
tifying knowledge sets or existing technology either a solution landscape. The greater this interaction, the
within or outside the firm that are potentially useful more rugged the landscape is, the higher the value of
in searching for solutions to that problem (Nelson and the highest valued solutions is, and the lower the spatial
Winter 1982). The choice of problems reflects an assess- autocorrelation among high-value solutions is. The lower
ment of the expected value of potential solutions and the interaction is, the smoother the landscape (and the
an assessment of the firm’s capacity to profitably reach lower the value of the highest solution).
high-value solutions. A firm’s reservoir of knowledge For any given problem, the set of all possible com-
sets and prior experience will inform this choice. In binations of relevant existing knowledge (i.e., solutions)
choosing problems, managers in essence choose an can be represented as a landscape the topography of
unknown set of potential solutions, but once a problem which defines the value associated with any given
is chosen, the task becomes identifying relevant knowl- combination. Peaks on such solution landscapes rep-
edge and then maximizing the probability of discovering resent valuable combinations of knowledge sets or
a high-value solution. This is achieved by choosing orga- technologies that are highly complementary. Valleys on
nizational mechanisms that efficiently govern search. To such landscapes represent low-value combinations of
optimally organize search first necessitates an under- existing knowledge. When knowledge sets are highly
standing of the solution space under exploration. interdependent, solution landscapes are more rugged
and unpredictable (Fleming and Sorenson 2000). Under
2.1. Dimensionalizing Solution Landscapes these conditions, the value of the global maximum rises,
Our conceptualization of problems and solution search but the average height of peaks declines. On these more
stems from Simon’s (1962) work on complex systems rugged landscapes, a series of incremental changes in
and Kaufmann’s (1993) broad work on NK modeling. design are unlikely to lead to the discovery of highly
Simon conceptualized a complex system as one “made valuable solutions (Fleming and Sorenson 2000).
up of a large number of parts that interact in a non- Problems and their corresponding solution landscapes
simple way” (Simon 1962, p. 486). Complex problems thus can be arrayed according to the level of interac-
represent complex systems in which the value of recom- tion among knowledge sets. Borrowing from Simon’s
binations of existing technology represents solutions typology of complex systems, we provide an analogous
(Fleming 2001, Schumpeter 1939, Henderson and Clark typology of problems—decomposable or low-interaction
1990, Weitzman 1996, Fleming and Sorenson 2000). problems, nondecomposable or high-interaction prob-
Thus, as Fleming and Sorenson (2000) argue, the inven- lems, and nearly decomposable problems with moderate
tion of the automobile combined technology from “the levels of knowledge interaction.1
bicycle, the horse carriage, and the internal combustion Low-interaction/decomposable problems are problems
engine,” while the microprocessor combined knowledge in which the value of solutions depends very little
“of a computer’s central processing unit with integrated on the interactions among knowledge sets and design
circuit fabrication processes.” Continuing with Simon’s choices. With such problems, groups of individuals pos-
logic, the complexity of a problem is a function of the sessing rather distinct knowledge sets can independently
degree to which the individual design choices, which apply their knowledge to unique design choices with
define a solution, are either independent or interdepen- a reasonable expectation that the aggregation of their
dent in their contribution to solution value. independent efforts, along with the independent efforts
We conceptualize this level of interaction using of others with distinctly different knowledge sets, will
Kaufman’s NK modeling. This modeling approach has uncover valuable problem solutions. For instance, the
been used extensively in recent years as a simple math- problem of discovering a higher-performing desktop
ematical construction of the interaction of elements personal computer is currently a rather low-interaction
within systems of varying complexity. In these models N problem in knowledge formation. Within a certain
represents the number of parts of the system (in our case, range, computer performance can be increased by actors
design choices) and K, which ranges from zero to one, independently improving any number of subsystems
represents the degree of interaction among the parts (or (e.g., disk drive, monitor, Ethernet card) or components
design choices). These two parameters then combine to (e.g., microprocessor, memory). To use Simon’s lan-
describe landscapes that are either rugged, reflecting a guage, low-interaction problems are “decomposable” in
Nickerson and Zenger: A Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm
4 Organization Science 00(0), pp. 1–16, © 2004 INFORMS

the sense that these problems can be subdivided into sub- components as they relate to performance dimensions of
problems, each of which draws from rather specialized weight, size, and battery life (Hoetker 2003). Thus, the
knowledge sets. Those possessing knowledge set A can design of a leading-edge notebook computer is currently
independently address the subproblem of selecting from a nearly decomposable problem in the sense that non-
among choices ai , while those possessing knowledge trivial interactions exist among the knowledge sets that
set B can independently address the problem of opti- support subproblems, but these are significantly less
mizing among bi , where A ∩ B = 
. In Kaufman’s than the interactions among knowledge sets applica-
NK model, such low-interaction problems correspond to ble within subproblems. In such cases, Kaufman’s NK
gradual and relatively smooth variations in solution land- model yields intermediate levels of ruggedness with
scapes with few peaks and high spatial autocorrelation, such an intermediate level of interaction among knowl-
implying that high-value solutions tend to cluster in the edge sets.
same region.
High-interaction problems, by contrast, have solution 2.2. Efficiently Searching Solution Landscapes
landscapes in which the value of solutions depends on The search for solutions is necessarily uncertain. The
interactions among design choices. For instance, con- likelihood, speed, and cost of arriving at a valuable solu-
sider one of the subproblems above, designing a leading- tion therefore depend both on luck and on the pattern
edge microprocessor. To design and build a leading-edge of trials that actors undertake (Simon 1962), with each
microprocessor circuit demands numerous knowledge trial reflecting a unique combination of knowledge or a
sets that extensively interact in determining the value unique set of design choices. If trials are chosen ran-
of solutions (Macher 2001). With such high-interaction domly, the probability of arriving at a valuable solution
problems, an actor familiar with a particular technol- to a complex, high-interaction problem is very low. More
ogy cannot predictably enhance the value of the product efficient orderings utilize knowledge to direct this search
design based solely on the knowledge he or she pos- process. There are two fundamental sources of such
sesses. In this case, the value of any particular design knowledge that correspond to two distinct approaches to
change will interact with a host of other potential design search: directional and heuristic.3
changes determined by actors possessing distinctly dif- Directional or local search4 is search guided solely
ferent knowledge sets. In Kaufman’s NK logic, the more by feedback or experience from prior trials. New combi-
extensive the interactions among knowledge sets are, the nations of knowledge are pursued by altering one design
more rugged the landscape with abruptly jagged peaks element at a time (Gavetti and Levinthal 2000), observ-
and valleys. With high-interaction problems, knowledge ing the resulting change in solution value, and then either
sets cannot be separated into subproblems. Interactions continuing with the same path of search or—in the wake
among distinct knowledge sets are so extensive that any of declining performance—restoring the design to its
attempt to define subproblems and discover correspond- original form and adjusting a different element. The key
ing subordinate solutions offers no predictable improve- feature of this form of search is that independent actors,
ment over randomly selecting trials. In Simon’s language either individuals or groups, independently pursue trials
such problems are nondecomposable. and independently observe performance. This form of
Moderate-interaction problems are problems that, in experiential search or search through trial and error has
Simon’s language, are nearly decomposable. The level been described in a wide range of literature (March and
of interaction among design choices is intermediate in Simon 1958, Cyert and March 1963, Nelson and Winter
the sense that subproblems associated with distinctive 1982).
knowledge sets can be defined, but the value of a design Directional search is well suited to low-interaction
choice within one subproblem is not fully independent problems—problems where there is little interaction
of the design choices made in another subproblem. among design choices in defining solution performance.
Thus, interactions among knowledge sets are not trivial. On such solution landscapes, the only relevant feed-
Nonetheless, near decomposability implies that inter- back is whether performance is increasing or declining
actions among knowledge sets within subproblems are in response to a specific design change. Thus, searching
greater than among subproblems.2 for solutions to such problems is a fully decomposable
Staying with our computer illustration, the problem activity.
of enhancing the performance of notebook computers is Directional search is, of course, quite inefficient when
generally regarded as a problem involving significantly exploring solutions to high-interaction problems. Design
more interdependence among design choices than the choices here are highly interdependent. The rugged,
problem of refining desktop systems (Hoetker 2003). multipeaked topography of complex solution landscapes
While the overall problem can clearly be separated into ensures that directional search through independent
subproblems associated with designing the screen, key- design adjustments is unlikely to discover a valuable
board, motherboard, etc., there are significant trade- peak. Indeed, on this rugged terrain, small changes in
offs and interdependencies in design choices for these design may result in substantial shifts in solution value.
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Thus, the efficacy of directional search diminishes as requires the resolution of inherent conflicts in beliefs
problems become less decomposable and knowledge (Walsh and Fahey 1986, Fiol 1994). These group heuris-
interactions increase. tics are negotiated beliefs that are shaped not only by
Heuristic or cognitive search is a form of solution the quality of actors’ logic, but also by each actor’s self-
search in which an actor or a group of actors cog- interest and political position (Walsh and Fahey 1986).
nitively evaluate the probable consequences of design Thus, while individual beliefs form the basis of group
choices rather than relying solely on feedback after beliefs or heuristics, not all individual beliefs are equally
design choices are made (Simon 1991, March and Simon important or influential in this process.
1958). Trials are thus selected based on a cognitive Thus, heuristic search first necessitates knowledge
map or implicit theory of how knowledge sets and spe- transfer to facilitate the development of heuristics that
cific design choices relevant to the problem interact to derive from multiple and dispersed knowledge sets.
determine solution performance. These heuristics can be Knowledge transfer in turn necessitates the development
thought of as simplified representations of the solution of a shared language to support it. Finally, the develop-
landscapes or, as Gavetti and Levinthal describe, “cogni- ment of group heuristics requires the reconciliation of
tive representations of lower dimensionality than the the divergent beliefs about the proper shape of the search
actual landscapes” (2000, p. 121). These “theory-driven heuristic. By contrast, directional search requires little
structures” speed problem, solving by “furnishing a basis more than choosing an initial set of design choices and
for evaluating information” (Walsh 1995). These cogni- allowing each agent to independently choose trials.
tive representations of the solution landscape are then
These two search processes are easily matched to
used to select trials that maximize the probability of
problem types. Heuristic search is necessary when prob-
quickly discovering a high-value solution. Of course,
lems are complex, with high levels of interaction among
cognitive maps are not static. As trials are undertaken
knowledge sets and design choices. Directional search
and knowledge is gleaned through feedback, managers
is warranted when problems are decomposable, involv-
update their heuristics.
Heuristics can be of two essential forms, based either ing limited knowledge interaction because heuristics
on a single individual’s beliefs and cognitions or on a offer no clear benefit in this setting. Nearly decompos-
group’s collective beliefs. If each actor possessed unlim- able, moderate-interaction problems benefit from both
ited cognitive capacity, then each actor could quickly directional and heuristic search: Heuristic search essen-
absorb all relevant knowledge, develop theories about tially defines the area of the solution landscape where
the structure of interactions, and choose an optimal pat- directional search will take place. Thus, as problems
tern of search. However, human minds are limited in become more complex and solution landscapes more
the rate at which knowledge can be assimilated, accu- rugged, efficient search necessitates extensive knowledge
mulated, and applied (Simon 1945, pp. 40–41). Hence, exchange to craft search heuristics. However, because
distinct knowledge sets needed for solving complex these intermediately complex problems yield landscapes
problems are likely to be widely dispersed and reside with significant autocorrelation and thus locational clus-
in the minds of many agents who have specialized in tering of high-value solutions, directional search in
unique knowledge, which is why we focus our attention regions targeted by cognitive maps may prove particu-
on groups of actors engaged in heuristic search. larly fruitful. Cognitive maps in this setting aid in dis-
Thus, consider three actors with different and distinct covering regions of the solution landscape particularly
knowledge sets, all of which are relevant to a particu- attractive for search, while directional search involving
lar problem. Assume that these knowledge sets reflect independent actors effectively explores these regions.
a set of design choices that define a solution land- Table 1 summarizes the relationship between problem
scape to a particular problem and that the landscape type and the relative benefit of directional and heuristic
is at least somewhat rugged. Each actor can indepen- search.
dently develop an ordering for trials based on his or her
respective knowledge. However, differences in knowl-
edge are likely to yield differences in cognitive maps and Table 1 Relative Benefit of Trial Ordering and Selection by
hence the recommended order of trials. Moreover, absent Problem Type
knowledge sharing, these independently developed cog- Attributes of knowledge formation
nitive maps are unlikely to be well matched to the Trial ordering
topography of the solution landscapes. Only by devel- and selection Nearly
mechanisms Decomposable decomposable Nondecomposable
oping heuristics that encompass the knowledge of all
actors can the probability of discovering highly valued Directional ++ + 0
solutions be enhanced. search
While individual beliefs are the basis of heuristics Heuristic 0 + ++
that guide group decisions, developing group heuristics
Nickerson and Zenger: A Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm
6 Organization Science 00(0), pp. 1–16, © 2004 INFORMS

3. Governance Choices and Knowledge embed it into saleable products. Embedding knowledge
Formation Hazards into saleable products provides a mechanism for extract-
If differing problems demand differing search processes, ing its value. If, however, the value of an actor’s knowl-
then the manager’s task is to identify relevant knowl- edge is revealed only through recombination with other
edge sets and to craft a mechanism of governance actors’ knowledge, then knowledge sharing is necessary,
that supports or enhances the method of search appro- which—absent a means of protection—may simply not
priate for the chosen problem. For simple, decom- happen.
posable problems involving limited interaction among The knowledge-appropriation hazard therefore has
design choices, directional search based on feedback clear implications for organizing search. While direc-
is desired. For nondecomposable problems involving tional search is unaffected because knowledge sharing is
extensive interactions among design choices, heuristic not required for this form of search, heuristic search is
search is desired. However, as noted, heuristic search clearly damaged by this disincentive to share knowledge.
involving several specialized knowledge sets demands Heuristic search requires extensive knowledge sharing,
that individuals share the knowledge they possess to and hence a remedy for the knowledge-appropriation
develop common cognitive maps. Two conditions, how- hazard is required.
ever, impede such knowledge sharing: (1) humans are
cognitively constrained in the speed with which they Hazard 2: Strategic Knowledge Accumulation
can learn (i.e., assimilate, accumulate, and apply knowl- Individuals not only possess incentives to hoard knowl-
edge) and (2) they are prone to self-interest, which may edge; they also possess incentives to shape its develop-
include opportunistic forms of self-interest. The former ment. Individuals possess incentives to strategically alter
ensures that knowledge relevant to exploring complex the path of search and the shape of the heuristic that
problems is widely distributed among individuals. No guides search. In particular, individual actors may prefer
one individual has all the knowledge relevant to craft- to shape the search heuristic in ways that optimize the
ing an effective heuristics or cognitive map to guide value of the knowledge that they personally accumulate
search on a complex solution landscape. In and of itself, as solutions are explored. The search process itself yields
this wide dissemination of knowledge does not constrain new knowledge that may be useful in a host of different
the efficient organization of search because individuals applications. The value of knowledge that actors derive
could willingly share knowledge when heuristic search through solution search will depend on the complemen-
is demanded and collectively agree on an optimal path tary knowledge that they already possess. Actors prefer
of search. However, the wide distribution of knowl- to see solutions explored that draw heavily from their
edge in conjunction with self-interest, in particular an own knowledge base because such solutions heighten
individual’s desire to capture value from the knowl- the potential value that they can extract personally. If
edge he or she accumulates, leads to two knowledge- the organization is more dependent on the knowledge
related exchange hazards. These hazards plague efforts possessed by an actor, then that actor is in a stronger
to support knowledge sharing necessary for heuristic position to bargain for a large portion of the value gen-
search. erated by a solution.
Thus, actors have incentives to strategically influence
Hazard 1: Knowledge Appropriation the pattern of trials in ways that enhance their spe-
Incentives alter an individual’s willingness to share cialized knowledge or complement knowledge that they
knowledge. Unfortunately, with independent actors, already possess, while avoiding efforts that require
incentives for knowledge sharing are plagued by a rather knowledge sharing. Consequently, absent governance
simple paradox: The value of knowledge to its poten- remedies, efforts to explore problems requiring heuristic
tial acquirer is not known until after the knowledge is search are likely to lead to attempts to distort cognitive
revealed; however, once that value is revealed, the poten- maps, to conflicts regarding the proper ordering of trials,
tial acquirer has no need to pay for it and can resell and more generally to an underinvestment in knowledge-
it at near zero marginal cost (Arrow 1973, p. 171). sharing activities that facilitate the development of com-
Thus, the incentives to simply assimilate others’ knowl- mon heuristics.
edge and thereby extract its value without payment We assert that both hazards are essentially irrele-
plague efforts to sell knowledge. While property rights vant when problems are decomposable. When problems
and contracts provide some protection, cognitive lim- are decomposable, searching for solutions does not
its render contractual protections difficult to identify benefit from knowledge transfer and heuristic search.
and costly to draft. Thus, opportunism in knowledge However, nondecomposable, high-interaction problems
exchange discourages actors from sharing knowledge, require knowledge transfer to enable heuristic search.
and knowledge is therefore not placed into the hands Consequently, as problems become more complex and
of those who will find it of most value. Instead, nondecomposable, efficient search demands mechanisms
self-interest encourages actors to hoard knowledge and that mitigate knowledge-exchange hazards.
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Organization Science 00(0), pp. 1–16, © 2004 INFORMS 7

4. Governance Alternatives for Mitigating 4.1. Markets

Knowledge-Formation Hazards Our conceptualization of the knowledge-based gover-
To this point we have argued that problems differ in nance choice is very consistent with Hayek’s (1945)
complexity and in optimal forms of solution search. view that the fundamental economic problem is deter-
Complex problems require solution search that involves mining the “best way of utilizing knowledge initially
extensive knowledge transfer, which is discouraged by dispersed among all people” (1945, p. 520). From
knowledge-exchange hazards. Efficiency thus dictates this perspective, the manager must decide the best
the selection of governance forms, which support the way to organize the creation of knowledge when the
appropriate level of knowledge transfer. At the same existing knowledge is widely dispersed among actors. In
time, efficiency dictates the maintenance of high- addressing this problem of governing knowledge, Hayek
powered incentives that encourage actors to actively seek espoused the “marvel” of the market, arguing that mar-
knowledge through solution search. As we will see, there kets provide “inducements which make the individ-
is a fundamental trade-off between governance forms uals do the desirable things without anyone having to
that powerfully motivate search effort and those that tell them what to do.” Markets, thereby, “dispense with
more effectively support heuristic development. the need of conscious control” (Hayek 1945, p. 527).
In the discussion below, we explore three prototypical In our context of problem solving, market governance
alternative governance forms as mechanisms for govern- determines the path of search by decentralizing control
ing solution search: markets, authority-based hierarchies, to those in possession of valuable, specialized knowl-
and consensus-based hierarchies.5 Following Williamson edge. In markets, prices provide high-powered incentives
(1991), we contend that these three governance forms that motivate actors to search for solutions that both
differ fundamentally in their use of three organizational exploit and enhance their specialized knowledge and that
features: (1) decision rights over the path of solution can be encapsulated into saleable products. For a given
search, (2) communication channels to support knowl- problem, the path of search is merely an aggregation of
edge transfer, and (3) incentives to motivate search. In the individual search decisions made by a set of actors
the discussion below, we argue that these organizational autonomously choosing paths of search that they antic-
features are configured in unique and complementary ipate will lead to improved and marketable solutions.
ways to achieve three organizational forms or proto- Thus, markets achieve unique combinations of knowl-
types. While scholars have touted the virtues of each edge using fully decentralized decision making.
form as a solution to the governance of knowledge Markets are ideally suited for governing directional
exchange, these treatments are generally not comparative search. As previously discussed, effective directional
and provide no basis for discriminating among them.6 search involves individual actors altering design features
Thus, we develop here an alignment between governance based on knowledge they possess and then observing the
forms and problem types. resulting change in solution performance. Markets also
We begin with a discussion of markets, focusing provide high-powered incentives that motivate actors to
particularly on Hayek’s discussion of its virtues as a pursue trials that expand their knowledge or the sale
device for efficiently governing knowledge exchange. of products and services based on that knowledge. At
Markets, however, have a very low capacity for rem- the same time, however, markets provide weak support
edying knowledge-exchange hazards and thus fail as for knowledge sharing. They provide little protection
problems become more complex. We argue that hier- against knowledge appropriation and no clear disincen-
archy fundamentally comes in two forms: authority tives against strategic manipulation of search heuristics.
based and consensus based. Each possesses a unique Further, knowledge sharing requires the formation of a
resolution to knowledge exchange hazards. These two common language by which to communicate knowledge.
governance forms correspond roughly to the distinct Markets provide weak incentives to invest in the forma-
and fundamentally competing representations of hierar- tion of such language.
chy within the knowledge-based theories (see Demsetz However, when problems are decomposable and direc-
1988, Conner and Prahalad 1996 versus Arrow 1973, tional search is desired, knowledge sharing is largely
Kogut and Zander 1996). Both more efficiently cope unnecessary. Indeed, it is precisely on knowledge trans-
with knowledge-formation hazards than markets and in fer that markets are designed to economize. As Hayek
the process support heuristic search more effectively contends regarding markets: “The most significant fact
than markets. Nonetheless, these two forms of hierarchy about this system is the economy of knowledge which
also differ significantly in their approach to supporting it operates, or how little the individual participants need
heuristic search, with one promoting knowledge trans- to know [about other actors] in order to be able to take
fer and the other essentially economizing on it. In our the right action” (1945, p. 527). Thus, the efficiency
discussion below, we match these governance solutions of markets in governing decomposable problems is that
and their support for directional or heuristic search to they avoid knowledge-exchange hazards by severely
the complexity of problems. restricting knowledge exchange. Instead, markets offer
Nickerson and Zenger: A Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm
8 Organization Science 00(0), pp. 1–16, © 2004 INFORMS

powerful incentives for these individual actors to make Figure 1 Discriminating Alignment Between Governance
optimal use of the knowledge. Each possesses incen- Alternatives and Problem Complexity
tives to engage in local search and thus to focus on M(K ) ABH(K ) CBH(K )
trials that enhance their own accumulation of specialized

Expected cost of finding

Markets, however, provide a rather cumbersome and

a valuable solution
costly mechanism (i.e., the courts and classical con-
tracting law7 ) for developing the heuristics necessary
for searching complex solution landscapes. Independent
actors governed by the market could in theory contrac-
tually agree to particular patterns of search, but dis-
putes over performance in pursuing these search patterns
would require the intervention of courts and contract
law. When solutions to complex problems are sought K1 K2
and a search heuristic is required to enhance the proba- Low Moderate High
bility of discovering a valuable solution, conflicts among Degree of knowledge set interaction (K )
independent actors in developing this heuristic may be
intense because of the knowledge hazards discussed
4.2. Authority-Based Hierarchy
above. Thus, the capacity for markets, even when sup-
Many argue that the capacity to use centralized authority
ported by contracts, to manage heuristic search devel-
provides the distinguishing advantage of hierarchy over
opment is quickly exhausted. However, when markets
markets (e.g., Arrow 1974, pp. 68–70; Milgrom and
are matched to decomposable problems where actors
Roberts 1990, p. 72; Simon 1951, p. 294; Williamson
possessing independent knowledge sets can make inde-
1985). The efficiency properties of authority have
pendent design choices, commonly shared heuristics are
been particularly highlighted in the context of problem
unnecessary and such disagreements are unlikely to
arise. solving and knowledge formation. As Arrow argues,
As governance devices, markets quickly fail as prob- “Authority, the centralization of decision making, serves
lems become more complex and demand heuristic to economize on the transmission and handling of
search. Indeed, markets exacerbate the knowledge- knowledge” (Arrow 1974, p. 69).8 Demsetz (1988) con-
exchange hazards that contaminate efforts to perform curs, noting the potential inefficiency of a market in
heuristic search. Markets’ high-powered incentives dis- which individual actors must first be convinced of the
courage knowledge sharing and instead promote knowl- appropriateness of each action they take. As he contends,
edge hoarding. Further, these incentives encourage the virtue of hierarchy is that “[d]irection substitutes
individual actors to strategically shape heuristics and for education (that is, for the transfer of the knowledge
subsequent patterns of trials in ways that benefit them itself).” Thus, in solving identified problems, the advan-
individually. Moreover, these incentives actively discour- tage of authority in hierarchy is the capacity for one
age investments in the formation of common language actor to identify the precise order of trials, thereby cir-
required for knowledge sharing and heuristic search. cumventing the need to contractually manage the order
Given the set of organizational features that com- of trials or to spontaneously achieve some type of con-
monly define markets, we posit markets are poorly suited sensus through extensive knowledge sharing.
for governing the process of solution search for a com- Because Hayek argued similarly for the efficiency
plex, nondecomposable problem. The necessary knowl- of markets in economizing on knowledge transfer, how
edge sharing is undermined by the absence of both do we reconcile the advocated knowledge-based effi-
appropriate incentives and shared language. Efforts to ciency of both autonomy in markets and authority in
manage heuristic search through markets or contracts hierarchy? The answer, of course, centers on the prob-
are limited by the high costs of resolving through legal lem for which efficient governance is sought. Markets
means the disputes that would emerge as individual are efficient when knowledge transmission is directed
actors strategically appropriate knowledge and seek to at solving decomposable problems where there is lit-
opportunistically alter the trajectory of search in ways tle interaction among design choices. When problems
that benefit them individually. Thus, as illustrated in are decomposable, knowledge is embedded in products
Figure 1, markets are quite efficient in guiding direc- and services and knowledge transmission is largely lim-
tional search for solutions to decomposable problems ited to what can be contained in prices and bundled
but quickly fail as problems become more complex and into products and services. However, bundling knowl-
demand heuristic search. They fail because knowledge- edge sets within a single firm and exercising author-
exchange hazards are poorly managed through contracts, ity to direct search becomes efficient when problems
and the high-powered incentives of markets simply pro- become complex and efficient search demands shared
mote these hazards. heuristics to sequentially guide design choices. In this
Nickerson and Zenger: A Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm
Organization Science 00(0), pp. 1–16, © 2004 INFORMS 9

circumstance, authority economizes on the extensive and in their complexity. Authority has significant limits that
costly knowledge sharing and education that would need become apparent as problems become either too com-
to occur were the governance of solution search orga- plex and nondecomposable or simple and decomposable.
nized through a market interface. As described below, An authority’s heuristic is only valuable when it more
authority-based hierarchy more efficiently resolves the efficiently guides search than actors searching indepen-
knowledge-based exchange hazards that arise in mar- dently, each based on their own specialized knowledge.
kets when problems are complex and demand knowledge However, managers have a propensity to meddle in sub-
sharing. ordinates’ decisions (Williamson 1985), in part due to
Authority-based hierarchy is composed of a set of fea- overconfidence in their own judgment (Bazerman 1994).
tures distinct from those that support markets. It is well As problems become more complex and nondecompos-
suited to supporting some degree of heuristic search, able, the cognitive limits of managers to develop useful
though at the expense of dampening incentives for direc- search heuristics, combined with a manager’s propen-
tional search. The key feature of authority-based hier- sity to meddle, contaminates the efficiency of search.
archy is a central figure who invests in understanding As Weber and other organizational theorists remind us,
critical knowledge interactions and then composes suit- “Authority does not imply expertise” (see Hammond
able heuristics to guide search. For instance, the central and Miller 1985, p. 2). When authority is exercised in
figure defines and structures subproblems by imposing the absence of knowledge, it contaminates rather than
constraints or design rules on each subproblem, which accelerates search. Direction effectively substitutes for
greatly narrows the area of the solution landscape to be knowledge transfer only when managers have valuable
searched.9 Other features of the governance form also knowledge with which to direct subordinates. When
support this form of search. Within the boundaries of search dictates extensive recombining of knowledge, it
hierarchy, the courts exercise forbearance. They refuse is quite unlikely that authority is well suited to govern-
to hear disputes internal to the firm, including disputes ing solution search. If many actors possess the required
about the proper path of problem search. It is precisely knowledge to define an optimal search heuristic and a
this forbearance that grants authority within the bounds central authority is incapable of absorbing that knowl-
of hierarchy. Because of this forbearance, individual edge in a timely manner, then the development of a com-
actors have limited capacity and motivation to strategi- monly shared search heuristic is required. Hayek noted
cally manipulate the path of search. precisely this limit to authority when he commented,
Other features of authority-based hierarchy also facil- “We cannot expect that [the problem of coordinating
itate centrally directed heuristic search. The high- knowledge] will be solved by first communicating all
powered incentives that motivate and reward directional this knowledge to a central board which, after integrating
search and knowledge accumulation in markets are lim- all knowledge, issues its orders” (1945, p. 524 emphasis
ited within hierarchies. Although workers can exit an in original).
employer and take with them some portion of the knowl- If firms could constrain managers to intervene only
edge they accumulate, the incentive structure within when they possess knowledge that improves the direc-
the firm is quite different. Employees grant managers tion of search, then the contributions of authority could
authority in exchange for a wage. This act severs the extend to searching highly complex problems. However,
direct linkage between the knowledge they accumulate managers appear to have great difficulty constraining
and the wage they receive. This departure from market their use of authority within hierarchies. In part, this
incentives also encourages investments in communica- reflects managers’ inability to discern whether they pos-
tion channels and codes that lower the cost of a cen- sess information useful in directing search, and a strong
tral authority assimilating, accumulating, and applying bias to assume that they do. Managers are simply prone
knowledge. However, authority-based hierarchy does not to meddle, wielding authority where they should dele-
promote horizontal communication channels that would gate. Thus, we conclude that authority-based hierarchy
support broad knowledge sharing among peers. It is pre- provides an important advantage over markets in direct-
cisely such knowledge transmission and broad education ing the search for solutions the more nondecompos-
for which the authority and direction of this gover- able the problem. However, the limits to this governance
nance form provide a substitute. Authority-based hierar- solution are reached as the level of knowledge interac-
chy is thus superior to markets in supporting heuristic tions escalate and the cognitive capacity of a single indi-
search but inferior in supporting directional search due vidual to assemble the required specialized knowledge
to incentive damage. It dampens incentives to strate- reaches its limits.
gically manipulate the path of search and provides a The effectiveness of authority-based hierarchy relative
central authority that economizes on costly knowledge to market-based control also diminishes rapidly as
transmission. problems become more decomposable. When problems
The use of authority within hierarchy to guide search involve low interaction among design choices, using a
is ideally suited to a range of problems that are moderate manager’s authority to dictate search may again damage
Nickerson and Zenger: A Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm
10 Organization Science 00(0), pp. 1–16, © 2004 INFORMS

Table 2 Comparative Analysis of Alternative Governance Mechanisms


Market Authority based Consensus based

Incentive intensity + 0 0
Communication channels 0 Vertical Horizontal
and codes
Dispute resolution regime Classical contract law Forbearance-authority Forbearance-relational
Directional search ++ + 0
Heuristic search 0 + ++

search performance. An authority is simply unlikely to knowledge sets housed within the firm. However, as
develop the necessary specialized knowledge required Arrow notes, consensus-based decision making, herein
to direct solution search for all relevant subproblems referred to as consensus-based hierarchy, is the near
and design choices. Again, managers are prone to polar opposite of authority. Authority in this form of
meddling, directing the path of search when they lack governance is used only to select a project, not the path
the knowledge to effectively do so. The low-powered of search. How then does a manager choose between
incentives that accompany hierarchy are also detrimen- the efficiency of these alternative internal governance
tal when autonomous searching by independent actors is choices of authority- and consensus-based hierarchy?
desired. The weak incentives of hierarchy limit special- The answer, of course, lies in the nature of the problem
ized knowledge formation and thereby constrain the effi- to which a manager seeks to find a solution. Consensus-
ciency of search. Further, the use of hierarchy is simply based hierarchy is a potential solution to the failure
more costly than markets due to the costs of paying of authority in governing heuristic search as problems
and supporting the central authority. If no clear value increase in complexity.
is added, then the added costs discourage its use. Thus, Consensus-based hierarchy is supported by a distinct
as displayed in Table 2, the combination of greater cost configuration of features that support active knowledge
and contaminated search renders authority-based hierar- exchange. As Arrow (1974, pp. 69–70) argues, consensus
chy inefficient for decomposable problems. can substitute for authority so long as knowledge transfer
is inexpensive and actors within the group have “a suffi-
4.3. Consensus-Based Hierarchy ciently overriding commonly valued purpose ” Under
Scholars also have argued for the knowledge-based effi- these circumstances, each agent within the firm perceives
ciency of an alternative hierarchical form of gover- the correct decision based on his or her knowledge and
nance, one that emphasizes extensive knowledge sharing interests. Because interests and knowledge are commonly
and commonly shared search heuristics to guide deci- shared, consensus is spontaneous.
sion making. It is this form of governance that Kogut Achieving consensus, however, first demands exten-
and Zander (1992, 1996) emphasize when they describe sive knowledge sharing, and knowledge sharing requires
the firm as providing a specialized social commu- a commonly shared language. Hierarchy possesses a dis-
nity that creates and transfers knowledge more quickly tinct advantage over markets in promoting the formation
and efficiently than markets. In this conception of the of shared language. Arrow, in his treatise The Limits
firm, hierarchy is a device that supports knowledge of Organization, recognizes the distinct advantages of
transfer. However, this conception contrasts sharply with hierarchy in facilitating knowledge transfer through
authority-based hierarchy, which minimizes knowledge firm-specific language and identity. He contends that a
transfer. Rather than hierarchy substituting direction for primary component of firm-specific capital formation is
education as Demsetz (1988) and Conner and Prahalad “learning the information channels within a firm and
(1996) suggest, hierarchy in this case substitutes educa- the codes for transmitting information through them”
tion (i.e., knowledge transfer) for direction. Actors must (Arrow 1974, p. 56). He further notes that such invest-
first educate one another regarding knowledge relevant ments are not only individually specific, but that they
to defining a collective search heuristic. in aggregate represent “irreversible capital accumulation
This form of hierarchy achieves extensive knowl- for the organization” that leads to organizations having
edge transfer by enhancing the efficiency with which “distinct identities” (Arrow 1974, pp. 55–56).10 Kogut
knowledge transfer occurs among actors within the firm. and Zander similarly argue that communication costs are
Extensive information sharing potentially permits actors lower within the firm due to the presence of “higher
within the firm to collectively agree on a path of order organizing principles” that “[establish] the context
search that is a consensus reflection of the specialized of discourse and coordination among individuals with
Nickerson and Zenger: A Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm
Organization Science 00(0), pp. 1–16, © 2004 INFORMS 11

disparate expertise” (Kogut and Zander 1996, p. 503). In among coworkers, they encourage actors to oversearch
their view, the boundaries of the firm define qualitative their channels for knowledge rather than searching out
differences in the scope of social knowledge available to knowledge not contained within the firm. Thus, not only
individuals. The shared identity that exists within a firm are such social attachments costly to maintain (Hanson
lowers the cost of communication and establishes “rules et al. 1999), but they also may misguide the process of
of coordination and influences the direction of search search. Such oversocialization may reduce the infusion
and learning” (Kogut and Zander 1996, p. 503).11 of new ideas and result in “parochialism and inertia”
Incentives and dispute resolution mechanisms within (Adler and Kwon 2000), or as Powell and Smith-Doerr
consensus-based hierarchy are also configured to sup- (1994, p. 393) argue, the “ties that bind may become
port knowledge transfer and consensus decision making. the ties that blind.” Individual choices of search trajec-
Very low-powered incentives are essential to consensus, tory may become increasingly determined by the knowl-
because such incentives encourage (or more accurately edge that workers and their close friends possess. Thus,
do not discourage) knowledge sharing.12 High-powered social attachments may bias decisions toward continu-
incentives within the firm would encourage knowledge ing patterns of search that extensively utilize existing
hoarding and strategic manipulation of search. knowledge sets within the firm and may limit the firm’s
Dispute resolution in consensus-based hierarchies, capacity to search and absorb new forms of knowledge.14
of course, also differs from authority-based hierarchy. This discussion suggests that the organizational costs
While forbearance by the courts remains the central of generating consensus are high. Hence, consensus-
characteristic of hierarchy compared to markets, dis- based hierarchy should only be adopted when the benefits
pute resolution in consensus-based hierarchy involves of consensus are high—when problems are highly com-
individual actors collectively deciding this path. Such plex. Thus, for decomposable problems, consensus-based
group decision processes equate to Williamson’s (1986, hierarchy is more costly than either market governance or
pp. 246–247) relational team and approximate Ouchi’s authority-based hierarchy, as it is likely to take more time
(1980) clan form of organization. In this case, the firm and trials and hence cost to identify a valuable solution.
“will engage in considerable social conditioning to help These costs increase, but slowly, as problems become
insure that employees understand and are dedicated to increasingly nondecomposable, leaving consensus-based
the purposes of the firm and employees be provided with hierarchy as a more efficient governance solution for
considerable job security, which gives them assurance complex, nondecomposable problems.15
against exploitation” (Williamson 1985, p. 247). Such
efforts build relationships among agents and facilitate 5. Discriminating Alignment
the formation of a common identity. These relationships Our theory suggests an alignment between the search
and shared identity in turn ease knowledge transfer, needs of problems and the search costs and performance
facilitate agreement, and discourage the exploitation by of governance alternatives. We summarize the proposed
other agents of knowledge transferred into the firm alignment in Table 3 and Figure 1. Table 3 summa-
(Allen 1967, Tushman 1978).13 rizes the set of relationships from problem type to gov-
While consensus-based hierarchies possess distinct ernance choice. Figure 1 compares the stylized costs
advantages over authority-based hierarchies in facilitat- we described above for each governance alternative over
ing heuristic search to highly complex problems, con- a range of problems that vary in the degree to which
sensus fails in comparison to authority as problems knowledge sets interact to define the solution landscape.
diminish in complexity. The costs associated with sup- For simplicity of presentation, we represent the hori-
porting extreme levels of knowledge transfer are sub- zontal axis as a continuous measure of this degree of
stantial and become unwarranted as problems diminish knowledge set interaction, holding the actual number
in complexity. Further, low-powered incentives constrain of knowledge sets constant (this assumption equates to
the motivation to develop specialized knowledge and holding constant the N in an NK model and varying K).
dampen incentives for solution search. The scope of The vertical axis represents the expected cost of find-
investment in shared language and socialization and the ing a valuable solution. Also, while the cost curves are
efforts involved in the transfer of knowledge can be all upward sloping, which might suggest that the abso-
excessive when problems are only moderately complex. lute lowest cost (e.g., the cost of the market for low-
Such investments and effort slow the accumulation of interaction problems) is most desirable, it is important
specialized knowledge necessary for effective directional to remember that the highest peak of the landscape, and
search. Moreover, social attachments and idiosyncratic hence the value of the optimal solution, increases with
language that accompanies consensus-based hierarchy knowledge set interaction. Thus, the relevant issue is
can increase the cost of search by generating search finding the lowest governance cost for a given problem.
heuristics that are limited in the knowledge sets that Our hypothesis is that markets efficiently govern
they incorporate. While firm-specific language and low-interaction problems, authority-based hierarchy effi-
social attachments lower the cost of communication ciently governs moderate-interaction problems, and
Nickerson and Zenger: A Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm
12 Organization Science 00(0), pp. 1–16, © 2004 INFORMS

Table 3 Summary of Theoretical Relationships in the Problem-Solving Approach to Governance Choice

Degree of
knowledge set
interaction K  Solution Need for Predicted
among landscape Appropriate knowledge Knowledge governance
Type of problems subproblems characteristics search mode transfer hazards form

(A problem can be Low Few peaks, Directional Low Low threat Market
subdivided into subproblems, gradual and
each of which draws from smooth variations
rather specialized knowledge
Nearly decomposable
(A problem can be Moderate Intermediate levels Directional Moderate Moderate ABH
subdivided into subproblems of ruggedness and heuristic threat
that draw on specialized
knowledge sets, but
interaction among
subproblems is sufficient so
that value of design choices
within one subproblem is not
fully independent of the
design choices made in
another subproblem.)
(Interactions among distinct High Rugged with Heuristic High High threat CBH
knowledge sets are so abruptly jagged
extensive that any attempt peaks and valleys
to define subproblems and
discover corresponding
subordinate solutions offers
no predictable improvement
over randomly selecting

consensus-based hierarchy efficiently governs high- higher than the cost of authority-based hierarchy for
interaction problems. With low-interaction problems, problems with low and moderate levels of interaction.
markets promote specialization and directional search. Thus, the organization provided by consensus-based
However, knowledge-exchange hazards ensure that the hierarchy fails with these types of problems. Nonethe-
cost of the market (indicated by M K) accelerates less, the costs of consensus do not accelerate until it is
rapidly as the degree of knowledge set interaction used to organize problems with high levels of interac-
increases. For low-interaction problems, the cost of tion, which makes it the economic choice for problems
authority-based hierarchy (indicated by ABH K) is with levels of interaction greater than K2 .
greater than markets, reflecting the inability of authority
to efficiently motivate the intense specialization required
to facilitate directional search or for those in author- 6. Discussion and Conclusion
ity to constrain their predilection to meddle.16 As prob- Our theory addresses several deficiencies in the exist-
lems become increasingly complex, the costs of markets ing literature on the knowledge-based view of the firm.
accelerate rapidly, reflecting their inability to cope with In particular, while more recent work (Conner and
knowledge-exchange hazards. By contrast, the cost of Prahalad 1996, Kogut and Zander 1996) explains from
authority-based hierarchies accelerate less quickly, leav- the knowledge-based view why firms exist by artic-
ing authority as the efficient governance choice for prob- ulating the knowledge-based advantages of hierarchy,
lems with moderate levels of interactions, which are our theory focuses on when firms exist and in what
between the points K1 and K2 . Nonetheless, authority- form. Our theory articulates the knowledge-based advan-
based hierarchy’s costs continue to accelerate, eventually tages and disadvantages of both markets and hierar-
leading to organizational failure as problems display chy and matches these to desired types of knowledge
high levels of interaction and the central authority lacks formation. In addition to answering the question of
the relevant knowledge to guide search. The cost of what the knowledge-based reasons for a firm are, our
consensus-based hierarchy (indicated by CBH K) is theory informs the boundary choice between and among
Nickerson and Zenger: A Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm
Organization Science 00(0), pp. 1–16, © 2004 INFORMS 13

firms. Equally important, our theory provides some basis firm are inherent in the model. In our knowledge-based
for reconciling and choosing between the two distinct theory of the firm, firms shift their boundaries in res-
and contradictory knowledge-based explanations for the ponse to changes in the problems that they address.
existence of firms. While one theory claims that firms Moreover, problems have life cycles. A problem may
exist to economize on knowledge transfer (Demsetz begin as a nondecomposable task and necessitate heuris-
1988, Conner 1991, Conner and Prahalad 1996) and tic search using consensus-based hierarchy. However,
the other argues firms facilitate knowledge transfer once a valuable solution is achieved and the resulting
(Arrow 1974; Kogut and Zander 1992, 1996; Nahapiet product widely sold, refined solutions to the original
and Ghoshal 1998), we contend that a manager has problem may be a decomposable problem that warrants
three distinct governance choices in supporting knowl- governance through authority-based hierarchy or, with
edge formation: markets, authority-based hierarchies, further time, the market. For instance, this may be the
and consensus-based hierarchies. These latter two forms case with the emergence of so-called dominant designs.
correspond roughly to the competing conceptions of Such evolutionary changes in the nature of the prob-
hierarchy within the literature with a knowledge-based lem to be solved imply dynamic changes in organization
view of the firm. structure when viewed through the lens of the problem-
It is important to note that our theory is inherently solving perspective. A shift from nondecomposable to
based on a probabilistic assessment of solution discov- decomposable problems implies a shift in organizational
ery. Correctly aligning governance with problem com- form from consensus-based hierarchy to markets. Yet, as
plexity does not guarantee the rapid discovery of a described above, management may instead take advan-
valuable solution. Nonetheless, we expect that over a tage of knowledge and capabilities within the firm and
large number of solution searches, efficient alignment seek solutions to more complex problems. Such strate-
yields superior performance by enhancing the probabil- gic and dynamic choices represent a substantial arena
ity of discovering a valuable solution. Our theory, of for further inquiry.
course, assumes that there are multiple valuable solu- Obvious questions that arises from our theory are how
tions. On reaching a valuable solution, the firm must the theory can account for large organizations with many
weigh the probable gain from further search against the levels of hierarchy or how it can account for complex
added cost of further search. linkages among multiple firms. Our theory is developed
While our theory aligns governance forms to prob- by discussing problems that may be separable into sub-
lems, our theory was developed by implicitly assum- problems if complexity is not too severe. While not
ing that successively chosen problems are independent. fully unpacked here, we anticipate that our theory can
Clearly they are not. Interdependence of problems has be used in a recursive way in the sense that problems
important implications for governance choice. Managers with a large N might be decomposed into subproblems,
likely choose new problems reflecting upon the compo- which in turn might be decomposable into more sub-
sition of knowledge sets already in the firm’s posses- problems, etc., until the problems are no longer decom-
sion. Therefore, for any given knowledge set, managers posable. Then our theory can be applied to each level
are concerned not only with its proper governance, but of subproblem to predict not only the organization of
also with its development and protection. These latter the lowest level of subproblems, but also entire branches
concerns about development and protection place con- of subproblems. If this line of thinking is further devel-
straints on governance choices not addressed in our the- oped, our theory might provide deeper insights into the
ory. Thus, selling off a knowledge set to accommodate structure of firms as well as into the complex set of
its appropriate governance for a highly decomposable interorganizational relationships that characterize many
problem may leave the firm poorly positioned to gov- industries.
ern a subsequent or concurrent nondecomposable prob- Our theory highlights both the perils and virtues of
lem that requires this knowledge set. Nonetheless, for a authority in managing knowledge formation. Managers
knowledge set housed within the boundaries of the firm must recognize that the domain of problems for which
with wide application to a set of problems pursued by their direction is of value is bounded on two sides.
the firm, important governance differences across prob- Effective knowledge management requires managers to
lems can still occur. Thus, those possessing a particu- recognize both limits. On the one hand, when prob-
lar knowledge set can be tightly integrated with a team lems are quite decomposable, managers must resist the
in pursuing a nondecomposable problem, receive sim- temptation to assume value in their direction by inte-
ple design instructions from an authority in pursuing a grating relevant knowledge sets. Instead, they must trust
nearly decomposable problem, and be granted enormous the market’s intense motivation to specialize and guide
latitude in contributing to a decomposable problem. directional search when problems are decomposable.
While our theory proposes a rather static alignment Managers must recognize that cognitive constraints limit
between problem choice and governance choice, the their capacity to possess the specialized knowledge to
impetus for dynamic changes in the composition of the guide directional search and integration will simply dull
Nickerson and Zenger: A Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm
14 Organization Science 00(0), pp. 1–16, © 2004 INFORMS

the incentives of those specialists who do possess the discussion on degrees of modularity. While surely it is the
required knowledge. On the other hand, when problems case that additional work is needed to provide refined mea-
are nondecomposable, managers must also resist the sures of near decomposability, this prior work suggests that
temptation to assume value in their directing the path implementable measures can be constructed.
of search. Again, the manager must recognize that cog- Simon similarly identified two basic kinds of trials selectiv-
nitive constraints limit his or her capacity to under- ity. One kind of selectivity, feedback, is where “various paths
are tried out, the consequences of following them are noted,
stand the wide-ranging knowledge interactions required
and this information is used to guide further search” (1962,
to develop heuristics useful in guiding search. Instead, p. 473). The second kind of trial selectivity is based on pre-
the manager must trust that a culture of widespread vious experience, which greatly reduces search based on trial
knowledge sharing and consensus decision making is the and error. While this classification resonates with our own,
organizational approach most likely to yield a valuable Simon’s terminology is less descriptive because feedback ulti-
solution. Therefore, depending on the set of problems mately is used for both kinds of selectivity and because it
pursued by the firm, those gaining from direction (sub- does not relate to the theory of algorithms, which provides
stituting for education) may be quite limited. mathematical approaches for solving complex problems. In
contrast, the terminology we introduce assumes feedback in
Acknowledgments both kinds of trial selectivity and parallels two broad classi-
The authors would like to thank Carliss Baldwin, Michael fications of solution algorithms. Directional search parallels
Leiblein, Glenn MacDonald, Jeff Macher, Laura Poppo, hill-climbing or gradient methods of maximization, whereas
Lee Fleming, Brian Silverman, and seminar participants at heuristic search parallels combinatorial methods and prob-
Dartmouth, Copenhagen Business School, Harvard Business abilistic methods such as TABU, simulated annealing, and
School, and Ohio State for helpful comments. They also genetic algorithms for solving complex problems. Of course,
thank Anne Miner, Jim Wade, Claudia Bird Schoonhoven, and we do not anticipate that such heuristics yield tractable algo-
anonymous referees at Organization Science. rithmic solutions for problems in which we are interested.
We thank an anonymous referee for pointing out that the
Endnotes terms “directional search” and “heuristic search” are used here
By a complex system, Simon roughly meant a system “made in a more narrow sense than is found in the broader organi-
up of a large number of parts that interact in a non-simple way. zational literature. The key difference between our usage and
In such systems, the whole is more than the sum of the parts, that in the broader literature is our unit of analysis. In partic-
not in an ultimate, metaphysical sense, but in the important ular, these terms are used here in reference to searching for a
pragmatic sense that, given the properties of the parts and the solution to a particular problem.
laws of their interaction, it is not a trivial matter to infer the It is well known that many hybrid organizational structures
properties of the whole” (1962, p. 486). Kaufman’s NK model fall between the polar modes of market and hierarchy and that
provides a simple mathematical construction that arguably pro- they may offer a variety of intermediate governance mech-
vides one parameterization of Simon’s characterization. Like anisms. We believe that considering these alternatives here
Levinthal (1997), these two parameters in our framework com- complicates theory development without the promise of adding
bine to describe a solution landscape. We develop our dis- deep insights to our main hypothesis. Thus, we anticipate that
cussion implicitly assuming that N is nontrivial and constant the theory development offered herein will be useful in future
(although we relax this view toward the end of our theory research that considers the knowledge-creation costs and com-
development). Thus, our focus is on variations in K. Following petencies of hybrid organizational structures.
Simon, we develop our logic using a typology of complexity Arrow and Demsetz are exceptions here.
instead of continuous variables because the typology captures Classical contracting law refers to—
the central issues. Identifying the precise degree of interac- “ ‘thick’ markets [that] are ones in which individual buyers and
tion ex ante is more likely to confront cognitive limits than sellers bear no dependency relation to each other. Instead, each
a typology when moving toward operationalization. Nonethe- party can go its own way at negligible cost to another Such
less, also we resort to employing the continuous variable K transactions are monetized in extreme degree; contract law is
when describing how the costs of governance alternatives vary interpreted in a very legalistic way: more formal terms super-
with complexity to make clear the relationships we predict. sede less formal should disputes arise between formal and less
Ex ante identification that problems are either decomposable formal features (e.g., written agreements vs. oral amendments),
or nondecomposable may be relatively straightforward. Yet the and hard bargaining, to which the rules of contract law are
strictly applied, characterizes these transactions” (Williamson
degree to which a problem is nearly decomposable raises a
1996; 1991, p. 95).
question of operationalization. While this operationalization
question deserves more attention than can be given here, we Demsetz (1988) and Conner and Prahalad (1996) make the
will point out that others have grappled with this issue. From a identical point: for instance, authority provides a “low cost
mathematical perspective, there is now a substantial literature method of communicating between specialists and the large
on nearly decomposable systems and matrices. This mathe- number of persons who either are nonspecialists or who are
matical definition forms the basis of implementable measures specialists in other fields” (Demsetz 1988, p. 172).
of near decomposability. For instance, McCord and Eppinger Some have referred to such heuristics as “design rules.”
(1993) develop a task structure matrix for the design process Baldwin and Clark (2000) provide an overview of this lit-
of a laptop computer. This system, which is nearly decompos- erature and describe the role of design rules set by a cen-
able, forms the basis for much on Baldwin and Clark’s (2000) tral authority to coordinate design of complex products. More
Nickerson and Zenger: A Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm
Organization Science 00(0), pp. 1–16, © 2004 INFORMS 15

generally, their analysis discusses the relationship between problem types are paired with governance modes as hypothe-
modularity and organizational structure. sized. Pairings that differ from these predictions will be less
Hierarchy may not be the only institution able to sup- efficient, thereby increasing the expected cost and the expected
port investments in communication channels and codes. For time, or decreasing the likelihood of finding a valuable solu-
instance, channels and codes may emerge for groups of agents tion. Because knowledge formation is an uncertain activity, our
such as professional associations, regional cultures, indus- notion of efficiency is a probabilistic assessment of net bene-
trial districts, etc. Such communication channels and codes fits including both technical and behavioral costs of knowledge
may shift the relative costs and benefits of alternative gover- formation.
nance modes. Nonetheless, we maintain that hierarchy remains
unique in its ability to choose channels and codes and that the
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Summary of Comments on
Page: 2
Sequence number: 1
Date: 9/15/2004 8:45:44 AM
Type: Note
Confirm spelling "Fleming" or "Flemming." Ref. list has author spelled both ways. Same author?

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Date: 9/15/2004 8:58:25 AM
Type: Note
Edit OK?

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Date: 9/15/2004 9:01:30 AM
Type: Note
Define "NK" here?

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Date: 9/15/2004 9:07:06 AM
Type: Note
Two endnote 4 cites, OK here?
See p. 5.

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Type: Note
Endnote 4 cited twice. OK to delete?

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Type: Note
Edit OK?

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Date: 9/15/2004 9:10:32 AM
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Quote should start w/cap letter. OK to delete brackets?

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Edit OK?

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Date: 9/15/2004 9:12:22 AM
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Edit OK?

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Date: 9/15/2004 9:13:54 AM
Type: Note
Not clear how degree "more..." fits with rest of sentence.

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Sequence number: 1
Date: 9/15/2004 9:17:04 AM
Type: Note
Williamson (1985) or add ref.?

Sequence number: 2
Date: 9/15/2004 9:19:02 AM
Type: Note
Adler & Kwon (2002) in ref. list. or add ref.?

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Edit OK?

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OK to delete? Info already presented in text.

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Need to define TABU?

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Edits OK?

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Date: 9/15/2004 9:26:19 AM
Type: Note
Edit OK?

Sequence number: 3
Date: 9/15/2004 9:30:02 AM
Type: Note
Adler & Kwon (2000) on p. 11.
Which is correct?

Sequence number: 4
Date: 9/15/2004 9:30:26 AM
Type: Note
Pub. & location?

Sequence number: 5
Date: 9/15/2004 9:32:03 AM
Type: Note
Confirm spelling? Same author as below?

Sequence number: 6
Date: 9/15/2004 9:32:51 AM
Type: Note
Confirm spelling for Flemming.
Any update?

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Sequence number: 1
Date: 9/15/2004 9:33:36 AM
Type: Note
Can you update?

Sequence number: 2
Date: 9/15/2004 9:34:04 AM
Type: Note
Same author as above?

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Type: Note

Sequence number: 4
Date: 9/15/2004 9:35:32 AM
Type: Note
Can you update?

Sequence number: 5
Date: 9/15/2004 9:37:21 AM
Type: Note
Can you update? location?

Sequence number: 6
Date: 9/15/2004 9:37:54 AM
Type: Note
Volume number?

Sequence number: 7
Date: 9/15/2004 9:38:47 AM
Type: Note
Book? Journal? Pubs. & location?

Sequence number: 8
Date: 9/15/2004 9:39:20 AM
Type: Note
Vol. number? location?

Sequence number: 9
Date: 9/15/2004 9:40:29 AM
Type: Note
Williamson (1986) cited on p. 11. Add ref.?

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