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Day 1 – First meeting

Yoongi always took the first bus to go to college, he was lucky enough to be among the few to have
their first class at 7.

Today, Yoongi had overslept, so he was running a bit late, it had been a long night filled with
spreadsheets and coffee.

So, when he finally arrived at the bus stop, and climbed inside the bus, there was no surprise when
he realized that the only seats available were next to an old lady and to a high school student. He
needed to choose quickly and wisely. His comfortability for the next half hour depended on it.

He decided to sit next to the teenager, the boy minded him no attention when he sat next to him, a
thing he was grateful for.

He had to admit it was a cold morning, and the bus wasn’t exactly warm, also he had forgotten his
scarf and gloves, so he was feeling cold, and sleepy.

The bus was moving, Yoongi had his earphones on, and that’s the last thing he remembers before...

There was a voice coming from somewhere, at first, he couldn’t understand a word it was saying,
how could someone dare to wake him up, when it was so warm and cozy.

-Wait, warm and cozy? Wasn’t he in a bus, in a cold morning, on his way to college? How could he
feel warm?

-Excuse me, I’m really sorry, but I need to get down in the next stop, so could you please…?

As soon as his brain registered those words, his eyes flew opened and he realized what was going

Yoongi had fallen asleep, nothing weird about that, but he had managed to snuggle against the boy
next to him, so his head laid on his shoulder and he couldn’t be any closer to him.

So, he sat upright and looked to his side, he found a boy looking at him with amused eyes. His
cheeks turned red, even his ears turned red.

He was shocked and embarrassed, so he mumbled an apology and moved so the boy could walk
towards the door.
Yoongi's morning was uneventful after that embarrassing moment with the boy. He attended his
classes and listened to his teachers go on and on about their topics.

When he was picking up his laptop and notebook by the end of his last class, he overheard a
conversation between two girls.

-OMG, it was like the most beautiful moment in my life, I felt like the world stopped moving, my
heart stopped beating... It was so beautiful. You should have seen his face, he looked so nervous
and genuine when he told me he loved me...

The girls started walking towards the exit and he missed the rest of the conversation, not that he
cared, it just had taken him by surprise, and it made him think, what was the most beautiful
moment in his life?

-Hey, snap out of it! Come on bro, I can’t wait for you forever. Don’t tell me you are secretly in love
with one of those girls…

-What? No, of course I’m not. It’s just something they said…

-I’m just messing with you! Come on, let’s go get something to eat, I’m starving.

-Okay, okay.

He finished picking up his stuff and followed his friend outside the classroom. They ate something
at the school’s cafeteria, and when they were done they parted ways.

Yoongi left the campus and started walking towards the bus stop. He was still thinking about “the
most beautiful moment in his life”, did he even have something like that? His life was rather boring;
no wild parties every weekend, no one night stands, no girlfriend, nothing. He had to admit that
this week’s highlight, hell this year’s highlight, was that embarrassing moment with the boy.

When the bus arrived, he chose an empty seat and put on his earphones and looked outside the
window, forgetting everything for a moment.

He was lost in thought when he noticed a certain boy walking towards him, or at least towards the
empty seat next to him. He panicked for a moment, he had hoped to never see the boy again, or to
avoid him for eternity. But there he was, smirk on his face and about to seat next to him.

-Hello stranger! Hope I was a useful pillow this morning.

He was impossibly close to him, and Yoongi could already feel his face turning red. He managed to
turn off the music on his phone and remove the earphones.

-What? No, I’m sorry about that, I was really tired and cold, I didn’t mean to do it…

The boy started laughing, and Yoongi couldn’t understand what was so funny about his apology.

-What are you even laughing about? He meant to sound offended but it came out more like a plea
for mercy.

-Sorry, it’s just, how do I say it? I’m not offended or anything like that, you sleeping on my shoulder
worked for the both of us, I was cold as well so, yeah… I’m Jungkook, by the way.
Yoongi couldn’t help but wonder, who on their right mind would be cool with having a complete
stranger sleeping on their shoulder, but still he said:

-I’m Yoongi, Min Yoongi.

Day 3 –

College AU

Jungkook's POV

Six months have passed since Jungkook had a stranger sleeping on his shoulder. He is now about to
start college, which happens to be the one Yoongi told him he went to.

During those months Yoongi and him had grown closer, as close as you can get to a guy who's not
very talkative and who always found an excuse whenever Jungkook proposed to meet somewhere
different from the bus route they shared.

In those months, Jungkook learned Yoongi's age, school, career, among many other fun facts. He
also realized he enjoyed Yoongi's company and that he was probably in love with him.

For his first day in college he had a plan to follow, more like a mission to accomplish. He wanted to
meet Yoongi.

And so it begins, Jungkook will make Yoongi fall for him, or at least that’s his plan.

Day 4

Lately, Yoongi has found himself following a certain boy, that is, in his dog form, it’d be weird to
follow someone you’ve never met as a human.

It started when Yoongi was fooling around in a park near his house as a dog and he smelled
something enticing, he couldn’t figure out what it was, so he decided to identify the source of it,
surprise hit him when he realized the source of said smell was a cute boy with a bunny smile, he
had to control himself from charging towards the boy, so, the next best option was to follow him,
and of course the boy noticed him, but he minded him no attention, he just kept walking until he
arrived home.

After learning that this boy arrived at a bus stop near the park in the afternoon to then walk home,
Yoongi started following him from the park to the boy’s house, whose name happens to be
Jungkook, a thing he learned after hearing the boy’s mom calling his name. Sometimes Jungkook
would slow down to walk by his side, sometimes he would scratch his head, sometimes Yoongi
would hide to see if Jungkook looked for him as soon as he got down from the bus, which if you’re
curious to know, he did.

Yoongi would dare to say that Jungkook had taken a like to him. But today was different, there was
no happiness in the boy’s behavior, he just spared him a look, a sad look, which Yoongi didn’t miss,
so instead of just walking behind him, Yoongi decided to approach him, to cheer him up. At this,
Jungkook stopped walking and got down on his knees to hug him, it was rather a tight hug, but
Yoongi just let him be and started licking his face, until Jungkook fell on his back and started
laughing. Yoongi had succeeded, it was perfect.

Except, he felt something, deep inside him he felt he was about to transform, of course now out of
any other moment his body had decided to betray him, and then it happened, human Yoongi was
on top of Jungkook, a naked Yoongi.

Day 5

Dystopia AU

Inspired by the TV series Westworld.

Note: This work does not do any justice to the TV series, but I just love, so here it is.

“We can't define consciousness because consciousness does not exist. Humans fancy that there's
something special about the way we perceive the world, and yet we live in loops as tight and as
closed as the hosts do, seldom questioning our choices, content, for the most part, to be told what
to do next” (Westworld S1E08)

Jungkook was invited by his friend Namjoon to go to this new theme park called “Westworld”, at
first, he was a bit reluctant to accept the invitation, not because he couldn’t afford it, but the idea
of going to a place that resembled the old wild west from the US wasn’t attractive to him. And yet
here he was, on a train on his way to the park with Namjoon. He was told that in this park you
could indulge your every desire with no fear of the consequences, he also learned that this park
was occupied by “hosts”, androids that couldn’t be told apart from humans, these hosts are unable
to harm humans, and they are programmed to follow a certain narrative.

Namjoon had come before to this park, with a group of friends, and somehow, he thought it would
be a good idea to comeback with Jungkook as his companion, Jungkook couldn’t wrap his head
around this, but who he was to question the intellectual Namjoon?

A voice in the train announced that they were approaching their destiny. As soon as Jungkook and
Namjoon got down from the train they were welcomed by a woman who lead them to the
“changing room” where they would change their normal clothes to their wild west attire, hat and
everything, they could even choose a weapon. What was Jungkook supposed to do with a gun?
Kill? He was already regretting coming here. Despite this, he changed his clothes. Now looking like
a proper wild west man, he met Namjoon and their guide outside the changing room. She led
them to a door, this door would allow them to enter the park itself, Namjoon had already opened
the door and stepped inside, he gave the woman one last look and then he followed his friend.

The lighting changed, he had to close his eyes to adjust to the light, when he opened his eyes he
realized he was in a saloon, in a wild west saloon, Namjoon was already sitting in a table and
ordering a drink, so he did the same. Only then did he wonder what the hell was he going to do
here; Flirt with girls? Have wild sex every night? Kill people? Go look for gold in the mountains?
None of those choices seemed enticing to him. He looked at his friend, he seemed rather pleased
with everything.
-Come on Jungkookie! You will definitely become a man here! Trust me!

Jungkook was about to reply when a man walked inside the bar. Fair skin and black hair, confident
walk and he looked like he had gone through hell and survived. He ordered a drink and sat down in
a stool in the bar. He should have felt Jungkook staring at him, because he looked in his direction
and frown at him, as saying: what the hell are you looking at? Jungkook felt his cheeks turn red,
was he stupid? One cannot stare at a stranger! Especially a stranger who screams danger.

He was surprised when he realized said stranger got up and started walking towards his direction,
and even more surprised when he talked to Namjoon.

-Namjoonie! What on earth are you doing here? I thought last time was your last! - Jungkook
thought the stranger’s voice was deep and lazy. How did he know his friend?

-Yoongi! Long time no see! Well, as you can see I’m not here alone, I brought a friend! He’s the
reason I’m here! - Namjoon then put his arm around Jungkook’s shoulder. -He will become a man
here! Come on Jungkook, introduce yourself. This is an old friend of mine. Min Yoongi.

Jungkook then looked at the stranger’s face, and introduced himself. He realized Yoongi was
looking at him with a weird expression in his face.

-Okay boys, I need to get another drink, I’ll be back before you notice.

Namjoon stood up and left the two in an awkward silence which was broken by Yoongi.

-First time here, huh? I think am going to have a great time with you Jungkook…

Jungkook saw something dark in Yoongi’s eyes. Was he afraid of him? Or was he drawn to him?
Would Yoongi be his heaven or hell in this place?

Day 6

Red string of fate AU

When Jungkook was a child, his mother told him a story, a story about the red string of fate, an
invisible string that connects us to our soulmates. This string may tangle but it can never be
broken, it starts in the heart and through different arteries reaches the pinky finger and then it
connects us to the heart of our soulmate.

When Jungkook grew older his mother explained to him that when he meets his fated partner a
vein in his left arm would glow, and it’d feel like fire ran through his veins.

Jungkook is now 20 years old, a student in college. And to the date, he hasn’t met his fated partner.
He’s beginning to think that maybe he doesn’t have one.

He doubted there was an artery that went from the heart to the pinky finger, so he did his
research. Four arteries connect the heart and the pinky finger. It starts in the heart’s left ventricle,
then the aortic arch, then the left subclavian artery, then the axillary artery, then the brachial
artery and finally the ulnar artery. The ulnar artery in his left arm is the one that one day would
glow and let him know he’s found his soulmate. If he ever did.
He’s at a convenience store waiting in line to pay, when a man walks into the store, blonde hair and
fair skin. He then disappears and returns with a bag of chips. He seems lost in thought. All of a
sudden, Jungkook notices a glowing line in his left arm, when the man stands in line next to him,
Jungkook feels like his whole body is on fire, he drops the food he was going to buy, he then looks
at the man next to him, there’s a glowing line in his left arm as well. Jungkook realizes this blonde
man is his fated partner. The man drops his bag of chips and drags Jungkook outside the store.

Jungkook knows what’s about to happen, his mother had explained this part to him, but knowing
what’s about to happen doesn’t equal being ready. It all happens in slow motion for Jungkook, the
man pushes him against a wall, grabs his shirt with both hands and stands on his toes, looks into
Jungkook’s eyes as if he was apologizing for what he was about to do.

Jungkook feels the stranger’s lips on his own and before he could kiss him back the stranger takes a
step back and clears his throat.

-I’m sorry if I hadn’t done it…

-No, don’t… don´t apologize, I get it. You’re my…

-No, don’t say it. Listen, I don’t… I don’t do… I don’t go out with…

Jungkook couldn’t figure out what the stranger was trying to say, but then he realized. He wasn’t
gay. Jungkook had never defined his sexuality. He knew he wasn’t especially attracted to girls, but
neither to boys. So, whereas he had never considered what it’d be like to have a man as a fated
partner, the idea didn’t seem to bring him to tears. But looking at the man in front of him, he could
see an internal battle going on in his head.

Day 7 – Free AU

What happens when you put together an oblivious Yoongi and a flirty Jungkook?

Jungkook is starting to wonder whether Yoongi has the same flirting skills of a stone. Or if he even
notices any of Jungkook’s attempts at flirting with him.

Every day, Jungkook has been trying his very best at getting closer to Yoongi. At least now, they
meet outside of school and the bus; they sometimes go to the movies, or to a small coffee shop
near the campus. But Jungkook’s patience is running thin. He was willing to wait for Yoongi to catch
up, but he knows that if he does that, he might as well just give up.

So, the plan is, confess his feelings, ask Yoongi on a date and be happy ever after. He’s almost
certain that Yoongi feels the same way. Or at least he hopes he feels the same. He has caught
Yoongi staring at him and blushing all the way to his ears. There’s hope.
It’s Friday afternoon, Jungkook is waiting for Yoongi’s last class to finish. He’s going to confess right

Jungkook spots Yoongi as he’s walking outside the classroom, Yoongi hasn’t noticed Jungkook.

-Yoongi! -Yoongi is surprised by Jungkook’s presence.

-Jungook, what on earth are you doing here!? You scared the shit out of me.

-Yoongi, we need to talk, I mean, I need to talk to you... I… I need to tell you something, can we

-What? What’s going on? – Yoongi could not look more confused.

Okay, it’s now or never. Jungkook is both scared and excited. He’s ready. There’s only the two of
them in the building. Everyone else has left.

-Yoongi, I… I…

-You… You… What? What’s going on? – There’s a hint of fear in Yoongi’s eyes. But his cheeks are
turning red. This encourages Jungkook to continue.

-Yoongi. I like you, as in more than a friend. As in every time I see you I feel the need to kiss you, to
hug you, to hold your hand. As in, you’re all I think about since that day you fell asleep on my

Yoongi looks shocked. He opens his mouth to say something, but no sound leaves his mouth. His
cheeks are now fully red. Jungkook waits for him to recover, he needs to know what are Yoongi’s

-You like me? – Yoongi’s voice is merely a whisper. There’s surprise in that single question.

-I do.

Jungkook takes a risk and pulls Yoongi into a hug. He wraps his arms around Yoongi’s neck and
whispers in his ear.

-Would you like to go out with me?

Jungkook feels how Yoongi freezes at this question, he’s afraid he’s crossed a line. But then, he
feels Yoongi’s arms around his waist.

-I would. – Yoongi’s answer is loud enough for Jungkook to hear, and he releases air he didn’t
realize was holding.

Yoongi isn’t a stone in his arms, but a soft human who might feel the same way.

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