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The Arabs and the Moon

by Stephanie Johnson

The Moon is playing an increasingly im-

portant role in my own personal astrology, In this article I am investigating the Ara-
and I have discovered that in ancient times bic tradition of 28 Lunar Mansions begin-
astrologers gave the Moon equal impor- ning with the 1st Lunar Mansion at the
tance to the Sun with an ancient system of 1st degree of Aries. By dividing the Zo-
Lunar Mansions. diac into 28 Mansions, each Mansion
equals 12 degrees, and 51 minutes, and
This fascinating system has lost some of 26 seconds. The Arabs named these Man-
its significance through the years and many sions “Manazil al Qamar”, and even to-
modern astrologers may not even be aware day the Arabs use the Crescent Moon sym-
of its existence. However, it is my personal bol for their religion and a Lunar Calen-
belief that this system can help shed light dar2 .
on the role of the Moon in Natal and
Electional astrology. This article is a re- For a listing of the Mansions see Arabic
sult of personal exploration of this Lunar Lunar Mansions Table 1.
Mansion system, with an emphasis on its
possible application to Natal astrology. The Manazil or Mansions are roughly the
same as the Hindu Nakshatras and Chi-
Ancient astrologers emphasized the role nese Manazils.
of the Moon by using a system of divid-
ing the Zodiac into Lunar Mansions (or This system calculates the degrees of the
Houses). This system of Lunar Mansions Mansions by referring them to the eclip-
was adopted by dividing the Zodiac into tic circle thus making them of equal length
28, the distance traveled by the Moon in with boundaries as follows:
one day. The Chinese, Arab and Renais- ADGJ 0x0y 12x51y 25x43y
sance astrologers used 28 Mansions, but BEHK 8x34y 21x26y
the Hindu astrologers preferred a system CFIL 4x17 17x9y
of 27.
The Lunar Mansions can be used in rela-
There are marked differences between the tion to either the Tropical or Sidereal Zo-
Mansion systems, in terms of the actual diac.
stars included in them, although certain
bright stars close to the ecliptic feature in The positions start at the Vernal Equinox
all systems.1 (the Aries point) using the Tropical (West-
ern) Zodiac, not Sidereal, but were origi- it is always the best policy in such cases
nally derived from the Sidereal positions. to carefully observe a range of case stud-
The Arabic names are sometimes derived ies, and thus determine empirically
from Zodiacal constellations found in the whether the Lunar Mansions work best for
Mansions.3 us in either the Tropical or Sidereal Zodiac.
Some astrologers argue that because the In this article I am investigating the use with
meanings of the Mansions are related to Tropical positions. By the end of this article
stars in the fixed Sidereal Zodiac, the we should be in a position to see if this has
Mansions should any validity.
therefore be used Arabic Lunar Mansions Table 1
only with the Ancient Arabic as-
Sidereal Zodiac. No. Degrees Picatrix Name Arabic Name trologers predomi-
This argument is 1 0 Aries nantly used the
Alnath Al Sharatain
closely analogous to 2 12.51 Aries Albotain Al Butani Mansions in
3 25.43 Aries Azoraya
the argument that 4 8.34 Taurus Aldebaran Al Thuraya Electional astrol-
Al Debaran
we should use 5 21.26 Taurus Almices Al Hakah ogy with different
Sidereal signs of the 67 4.17 Gemini Athaya Al Hanach Mansions favour-
17.9 Gemini Aldirah Al Dhira
Zodiac rather than 8 0 Cancer Annathra Al Nathrah
able and unfavour-
Tropical signs, 9 12.51 Cancer Atarf ’ Al Tarf ’ able to different
10 25.43 Cancer Algebha Al Jabbah
because the 11 8.34 Leo Azobra Al Zubrah
events. i.e. elect-
meanings of the 12 21.26 Leo Acarfa Al Sarfah ing a chart for
13 4.17 Virgo Alahue Al Awwa travel, marriage,
signs of the Zodiac 14 17.9 Virgo Azimech Al Simac
are related to the 15 0 Libra Argafra Al Ghair starting battles,
16 12.51 Libra
constellations in the 17 25.43 Libra
Azubene Al Jubana harvesting of pro-
Alichil Iktil Al Jabhah
same way that the 18 8.34 Scorpio Alcalb Al Kalb duce etc. The cast-
meanings of the 19 21.26 Scorpio Exaula Al Shaulah ing of spells was
20 4.17 Sag. Nahaym Al Ras-Al Thuban
Mansions are 21 17.9 Sag. Elbelda Al Baldah
also linked
related to certain 22 0 Cap. Caadaldeba Al Sad Al Dhabih strongly to the tim-
23 12.51 Cap. Caaddebolach Al Sad Al Bulah
stars or groups of 24 25.43 Cap. Caadacohot Al Sa’d, Al Su’d
ing of the Moon’s
stars. However, the 25 8.34 Aquar. Caadalhacbia Al Sad Al Ahbiyah movement
26 21.26 Aquar. Almiquedam Al Fargh Al Mukdim through the Man-
precessing Tropical 27 4.17 Pisces Algarf almuehar Al Fargh Al Thani
Zodiac is firmly 28 17.9 Pisces Arrexhe Al Batn Al Hut sions.
entrenched in
Western astrology, and the link between The European astrologers of the Renais-
the starry sky and the divisions that we sance took over the Lunar Mansion sys-
use to interpret meanings from planetary tem of the Arabs and adapted it to their
positions is therefore not fixed in this needs. It seems to have been particularly
system. Hence it is quite reasonable for favoured by those who were interested in
Western astrologers to use the Lunar magic. Since Ancient Greek times, the
Mansions in relation to the Tropical Moon has been regarded in the West as
Zodiac. the mistress of magic, and the lunar Man-
sion system fitted well with this belief.
Regardless of the arguments on both sides, Different Mansions were felt to have dif-
The Arabs and the Moon
ferent qualities: some were conducive to in business, and has been embroiled in
love, friendship or wealth, while others legal conflicts over monopolistic practices.
were violent or destructive in character.
The Renaissance magician would no The key element of Mansion 2, Al Butani,
doubt have tried to win love or money from 12A51 – 25A43, is recklessness.
while the Moon was in one of the auspi- Several sources highlight the rash nature
cious Mansions, but waited until it was in of people who have their Moons in this
one of the other sort to get revenge on an Mansion. My observations would be that
enemy.4 the people with their Moon in this Mansion
are not so much rash as risk takers, people
The 28 Mansions also have a strong link who are willing to try something a little
to the esoteric world with links to the an- different, to step out of their comfort zone
gels5 and other esoteric interpretations. without careful consideration of the
consequences. This would, of course, vary
As modern astrologers, revisiting this sys- according to the rest of the Natal chart and
tem, we are more likely to research the could be fitting with the interpretation of
Electional or Natal uses of Lunar Man- an Aries Moon. John Cleese, is a prime
sions. example with his Moon at 19A11 in the
8 th House. Not only has he chosen a
In the following examples I have different path in life, but also he was
attempted to delineate each Mansion as depicted on television as a reckless
they would relate to a Tropical Natal chart. business in the television series “Fawlty
In each case I have interpreted the Towers”.
Mansion as it would relate to a Natal
Moon. However, further research could Mansion 3, Al Thuraya, 25A43 - 8B34,
also be done as to the placement of any of generally depicts someone who is a hard
the planets in these Mansions in a Natal
chart. In fact astrologer Mohan Koparkar
has done this in his self-published book Lunar Mansions and Angels
“Moon Mansions”, as has Dennis Harness 1 - Geniel, 13 - Jazeriel
in “The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions 2 - Enediel 14 - Ergediel
of Vedic Astrology”. 3- Amixiel 15 - Ataliel
4 - Azariel 16 - Azeruel
Mansion 1, Al Sharatain, 0A – 12A51, 5 - Gabiel 17 - Adriel
is said to have a favourable influence on 6 - Dirachiel 18 - Egibiel
business. The Arabs believed that this 7 - Scheliel 19 - Amutiel
Mansion was indicative of forces in 8 - Amnediel 20 - Kyriel
conflict both natural forces such as 9 - Barbiel 21 - Bethnael
whirlwinds, and those in day-to-day life 22 - Geliel
10 - Ardesiel
such as quarrels. The world’s best known 23 - Requiel
11 - Neciel
rich man Bill Gates has his Moon at
12 - Abdizuel 24 - Abrinael
7A49! As the head of the Microsoft
Corporation Gates is extremely successful
The Arabs and the Moon
worker and inclined towards sciences a passionate light.
including economics and accounting. This
Mansion favours work, but is Mansion 5, Al Hakah, 21B26 – 4C17,
disadvantageous for marriage and love. It is favourable for education. A person with
has a practical flavour, which can be seen their Moon is this Mansion may be shy
in its links with Taurus. In his book on of public life, but enjoy studying in their
Lunar Astrology, Alexandre Volguine says private life. They may lean towards the
that the Arabs found that that this Mansion arts. The Mansion also favours their
was favourable for the sciences and for friendships and marriage. Actress
all who live outdoors, but unfavourable Katherine Hepburn obviously became
for marriage or travel by water. It is famous through her film and stage work.
interesting to note that the UK’s Prince However, she is also known for trying to
Charles has his Moon in this Mansion at keep her private life out of the public
0B26. His first marriage to Princess Diana arena. She has her Moon at 27B31. Her
ended in a controversial divorce, and Moon is in the 7th House and she was
seemed to be plagued with problems from particularly adamant about keeping
the beginning. The whole of England, and private her relationship with fellow actor
parts of the Commonwealth, seem to be Spencer Tracey.
focused on whether or not his marriage to
his current mistress Camilla Parker Mansion 6, Al Hanach, 4C17 – 17C9,
Bowles would be advisable. With his does not favour well for health. Ill health
Moon in this Mansion Charles should and slow convalescences are indicated.
think carefully before entering in to Therefore a person with their Moon in
another marriage. this Mansion would not do hard laborious
work. This Mansion does favour a
In Mansion 4 , Al Debaran, 8B34 – person’s social life, but there are several
21B26 we find irresistible passions under indications of possible financial loss at
the guise of a good nature. Therefore a some stage in life. It is interesting to note
person with their Moon in this Mansion that the chart for Melbourne’s
would enjoy passionate relationships, but beleaguered Crown Casino shows the
not necessarily fare well in marriage or Moon in this Mansion! Another example
other committed partnerships. It is is the chart of Tina Turner. Tina has
certainly suffered financially during her
interesting to note that feminist author
lifetime. One could also say that her
Germaine Greer has her Moon at 10B32
health suffered at the hands of an abusive
in the 4th House. In this case the Mansion
husband. Despite her setbacks in life, Tina
position puts a different connotation on
has always maintained the goodwill of her
the interpretation of her Taurus Moon. It audiences.
would still be true that she has the practical
ability to provide for herself, to put down Mansion 7, Al Dhira, , 17C9 – 0D, is
roots and seek security. However, this generally a favourable Mansion
Mansion shows her passion and the fact indicating a love of home and family, as
that she writes about the “Female Sex” in well as a need to be surrounded by
The Arabs and the Moon
friends. A person with their Moon in this Moon in this Mansion will have an
Mansion is said to be amiable, excellent social life, with a large group of
understanding and of reasonable character, friends who will admire them. They enjoy
and capable of being happy with little. life to the full. The only negative seems to
Sometimes a person with their Moon in this be that a person with the Moon in this
Mansion can retire from the world in some Mansion may be inclined to abuse of drugs
way, content to live in isolation with their and medications, and an excess of pride.
family. Actress Goldie Hawn is famous for Australian football hero Anthony Modra
her love of her family and her commitment has his Moon in this Mansion at 3E35.
to being at home as much as possible Anthony enjoys the admiration of football
despite an internationally-acclaimed film fans across Australia, a hectic social life
career. Her Moon is in this Mansion at (one that sometimes interferes with his
26C24. commitments) and has made media
headlines for some incidents involving
The key element of Mansion 8, Al Nathrah, alcohol abuse.
0D – 12D51, is a profound attachment to
family and a love of children, even those Another generally favourable Mansion is
of other people. This is not dissimilar to number 11, Al Zubrah, 8E34 - 21E26. A
the interpretation of a Moon in Cancer. person with their Moon in this Mansion is
Volguine says that the Arabs believed that likely to become wealthy, more through
this Mansion favoured love and friendship the efforts of someone else rather than
starting through the course of travel. themselves. It is also said to be favourable
Camilla Parker Bowles has her Moon at for trade, marriage and travel. Women with
9D56. their Moon in this Mansion may suffer
from ill-health. Actor Tom Hanks, who has
Sources are conflicting over the meaning his Moon at 9E52, certainly seems an apt
of Mansion 9, Al Tarf, 12D51 – 25D43. example of someone who has achieved
Some state that it indicates an affable and fame and wealth, and is reportedly happy
benevolent personality. However others in his life choices and marriage.
state that women with their Moon in this
Mansion are easily discouraged, sullen and Those with their Moons in Mansion 12,
unhappy and men have more powerful Al Sarfah, 21E26 – 4F17, are said to get
personalities. Liza Minelli has her Moon ahead in life only through service to others.
at 19D08 and actor Harrison Ford has his In other words, as Volguine says, these
Moon in this Mansion at 22D46. people are more likely to do well as
employees. They are also likely to do well
Mansion 10, Al Jabbah, 25D43 – 8E34, in agriculture. My own personal
is considered to be a favourable Mansion, observation is that people with their Moon
particularly for studies, earnings, in this Mansion can reach the top of their
professional success, love. The Arabs say field, but only if they are firmly dedicated to
that this Mansion often makes a person the service of others. e.g. entrepreneur
very sensitive to the feelings of others. Richard Branson has his Moon at 1F37, and
Koparkar says that a person with their politicians Winston Churchill, Willy Brandt
The Arabs and the Moon
and Margaret Thatcher all have their Moons It is interesting to note that Agatha
in this Mansion. Christie’s Moon is in this Mansion at
1G40. (See Chart on Adjacent Page) This
Mansion 13, Al Awwa, 4F17 – 17F9, has famous author made her livelihood
a positive influence on travel. Those with through writing about murder mysteries,
their Moons in this Mansion are also said which are noted for clever and surprising
to have a gruff exterior appearance that twists of plot. Christie also had a
hides a kind heart. This Mansion also fascination for the use of poisons and her
depicts good discernment, knowledge was put to good use
which is in sympathy with in her novels. Christie had an
the interpretation of unhappy first marriage, which
Virgo. England’s Princess ended in divorce in 1928. She
Anne has her Moon in this later married
Mansion at 14F04, as again, an
does pop and film star archeologist -
Madonna (11F33). ‚ Ý
someone hunting 22° 59'
ÉÁ À 01°
for treasures!18°07°
06° 19°

‚ ‚ 00'
Mansion 14, Al Simac, 45'
Agatha Christie50'53'

„ Â
17F9 – 0G, The Picatrix 04° 01°

27' ‹ also assisted her



states that those with their Ï
22°„ 30' husband ‘ á
á ”á

… ‹ ’ à
Moons in this Mansion 56'
¾ 09°… 14' on archeological –

15' “’ á
are prudent and have the ability to … ¸ 22°


40' excavations in

“ ‘
02° 45'
¶ 24' ½ Š
analyse, and are likely to be interested º

Iraq and Syria and


‡ ˆ
in divinatory studies and experiments. † ¿

on the Assyrian
08° 24°


Volguine says that the Arabs say this ‡ ˆ cities. 22° 59'

Mansion causes problems in the first Mansion 16, Al

years of marriage, but that the causes Jubana, 12G51 –
of dissension seem to disappear later. 25G43, is
Those who marry without love will favourable for those dealing in stock-
develop sincere and deep affection for breeding, buying and selling of cattle and
their partner later. Actor Robert Redford speculation. Volguine says the Arabs
has his Moon at 19F14. believed that anyone with the Moon in this
Mansion has power of protecting
Astrologer Alexandre Volguine states that themselves by power of observation and
the Arabs considered Mansion 15, Al clear judgment. The Picatrix states that the
Ghair, 0G – 12G51, unfavourable for person’s reputation is likely to be damaged
anyone who had their Moon in this through jealous and vindictive people.
Mansion. He says that relationships, This Mansion is unfavourable for marriage
particularly familial ones, suffer under the and travel. Joan of Arc, who was burned
influence of this Mansion. The Mansion at the stake as a witch, had her Moon at
is only an advantage for those who want
to discover hostile schemes or hunt for Mansion 17, Iktil Al Jabhah, 25G43 –
treasures. 8H34, is said to enable anyone with the
The Arabs and the Moon
Moon in this Mansion to make a women. This Mansion encourages love,
favourable marriage and to achieve a but does not mean a happy marriage in
position of responsibility. most cases; frequently the partner is useful
This Mansion also depicts a person with a for business or from the financial point
strong temper, but one who will be of view, but will seek authority in the
honoured by men.6 Former US President household. They say that a person with
Harry S Truman had his Moon in this their Moon in this Mansion is better off
Mansion at 5H00. with a free liaison rather than a married
life. They also state that involuntary
All sources seem to agree that Mansion 18, changes of residence can occur. My
Al Kalb, 8H34 – 21H26, is favourable observations of this Mansion are that a
for conflict. Volguine says that a person person with their Moon in Mansion 20
with the Moon in this Mansion will be does often achieve their success or
successful in exposing their enemies and ambitions in life through the help of a
in times of war. However, he says that this woman. An example of this could be
Mansion is unfavourable from all other Michel Gauquelin, with the help of his
aspects, especially for the family. It is a first wife Francoise (Marie Schneider),
sign threatening premature death from the presented strong evidence favoring an
mother, often in labour. German National astrological effect for Mars, Jupiter,
Socialist leader Hermann Goering had his Saturn, the Moon and Venus. His Moon
Moon at 15H51 and spent many years at was at 7I49.
the forefront of German armed forces both
in and out of war-time. He headed the A person with their Moon in Mansion 21,
Gestapo secret police in Germany Al Baldah, 17I9 – 0J, is imprudent,
determined to expose enemies of the susceptible and flighty, according to
German nation. Volguine. He says this Mansion promotes
travelling and earnings. It is also said to
Volguine says that this Mansion 19, Al hasten and stimulate healing and recovery
Shaulah, 21H26 – 4I17, does not favour after illness. US actress Judy Garland has
a tranquil career. He says the Arabs her Moon at 29J10.
believed a person with the Moon in this
Mansion was favourable for hunting and Mansion 22, Al Sad Al Dhabih, 0J –
personal ideas, but not for commerce or 12J51, is beneficial for someone who
fixity of residence. England’s Prince want personal power, but does not augur
Andrew has his Moon in this Mansion at well for marriage. With the Moon in this
25H29, and spent many years at sea with Mansion, a person can often escape the
the Royal Navy, ostensibly to the detriment consequences of their own actions. Paul
of his marriage. Joseph Goebbels had his Moon in this
Mansion at 2J07. Joseph Goebbels was
The Arabs state that Mansion 20, Al Ras mind and manipulator of the Nazi Party
Al Thuban, 4I17 – 17I9, is favourable propaganda machine. He transformed
for love and success in life as much through Adolf Hitler into the idol, seen by millions
individual merit as through a woman or of captivated followers. In 1938 he
The Arabs and the Moon
became a member of the Hitler cabinet god-fearing. There will be difficulties with
council. Late in World War II, in 1944, family members, especially parents, and
Hitler placed him in charge of total success when traveling abroad.7 UK Prime
mobilization. On May 1, 1945, as Soviet Minister Tony Blair has his Moon at
troops were storming Berlin, Goebbels 11K30.
committed suicide.
Mansion 26, Al Fargh Al Mukdim, 21K26
Marital difficulties are common for those – 4L17 is favourable for marriage,
with their Moon in Mansion 23, Al Sad - agriculture and buying and selling; but
Al Bulah, 12J51 – 25J43. This unfavourable for ocean voyages. It can
Mansion signifies a favourable influence depict a person who is covetous, and who
for doctors, soldiers and politicians, but has problems with their brothers.8 John F
unfavourable for marriage, children and Kennedy Jnr had his Moon at 27K25 in
contracts. Otto Von Bismarck, who the 6th House. The son of a US president
formed the German Empire, uniting the died when the plane that he was flying
Germanic states in 1870 had his Moon at plunged into the ocean.
8J54. Sun Yat-Sen, the first president of
the Chinese Republic, founder of the Mansion 27, Al Fargh Al Thani, 4L17 –
Kuomintang party, and leader of the 17L9, is favourable for marriage, and
revolution against the Manchu Dynasty, achieving a responsible position in soci-
had his Moon at 7J07. ety. This Mansion also indicates a love
of horses and revelry.9 Frank Sinatra has
In Mansion 24, Al Sa’d Al Su’d, 25J43 his Moon at 5L07.
- 8K3, does not augur well for careers.
The Arabs believed that this Mansion All sources seem to agree that Mansion
indicated an eventful and ultimately 28, Al Batn Al Hut, 17L9 – 0A, is not
unhappy career. It is particularly favourable for ocean voyages. Volguine
unfavourable for those responsible for the also states that the Arabs believed that
administration of a country or city. The those with the Moon in this Mansion will
higher the position a person occupies in do well in marriage and business, but may
society, the more the unfavourable. UK suffer ill health. They say that it is very
singer and songwriter John Lennon has often a sign of poverty. In some cases it
his Moon in this Mansion at 3K33. His can be of help in the moment of danger.
career was certainly eventful and Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco had her
ultimately unhappy. Moon at 21L51.

Mansion 25, Al Sa’d Al Ahbiyah, 8K34 The above examples have been taken from
– 21K26, has a negative affect on the Australian Data Collection, The
business affairs. A person with the Moon Clifford Chart Compendium and
in this Mansion may attract women who Astrolabe’s Blackwell Data Collection.
interfere in their affairs causing problems.
In the Picatrix, Mansion 25 depicts a The examples show how the Mansions can
person who is humble, modest, wise and be used in Natal work and are meant as a
The Arabs and the Moon
starting point. In a full chart interpretation USA
the placement of the Moon, its dignity and McLean, Adam: A Treatise on Angel
aspects, are going to play a significant role Magic, Published by Phanes Press, 1990
in interpretation. However, the Mansion Ramesey, William: Astrology Restored,
can give extra and sometimes vital Spica Publications.
information. Robson, Vivien: The Fixed Stars and
Constellations in Astrology Sun Books,
I believe that the examples given prove USA 1995
that there is a case for using the Tropical Roebuck, Valerie J: The Circle of Stars,
Zodiac, and certainly plenty of scope for Element Inc
further research.

As Valeria Roebuck Arabic Lunar Mansions -Table 2

says in her book 1 The Two Signs: Conflicts, whirlwinds, years of marriage.
quarrels. Favorable for business. 15 The Lid: Unfavorable, especially for
“The Circle of 2 The Belly: Favorable for trade and the family and other relationships and travel.
Stars” it is time to discovery of treasure. Unfavorable for sea 16 The Claws: Favorable for stock-
journeys. breeding, buying and selling of cattle, and
“reclaim an area of 3 The Swarm: Increases practical speculations. Unfavorable for business,
experience that once instinct. Favorable for sciences and for all who marriage and journeys.
live outdoors. Unfavorable for marriage and 17 The Dome of the Head: Native
formed a part of travel by water. achieves a responsible position in society.
4 The Eye of God: Discord in conjugal
Western Astrology, or natal home. Favorable for work,
Favorable for marriage and seamen.
18 The Heart: Favorable for exposing
but in recent manufacture and small trade. Unfavorable for enemies and in times of war. Unfavorable
real estate, building and mines. for all other aspects, especially family.
centuries has been 5 A White Spot: Favorable for private 19 The Sting: Favorable for hunting and
forgotten.” rather than public life, also for studies and the personal ideas. Unfavorable for commerce and
2nd half of journeys. Unfavorable for fixity of residence.
collective enterprises and humanitarian works. 20 The Dragon’s Head: Favorable for love
Bibliography 6 The Scar: Financial losses during life, and success in life through own efforts and
slow convalescences. Unfavorable for farm favors of women, also for free liaison not
Freer, Ian: The work. marriage. Involuntary change of residence.
Picatrix: Lunar 7 The Seed or The Branch: Favorable for 21 The City or District: Native is
lovers, friendships, earnings and for healing. imprudent and flighty. Favorable for healing
Mansions in West- Unfavorable for law and justice. after illness.
8 The Nursery: Favorable for love and
ern Astrology, The friendship beginning in the course of travel.
22 The Fortunate Assassin: Native has
personal power. Unfavorable for marriage and
Astrological Jour- 9 The Gaze: Native is affable and money loans.
benevolent. Men: Favorable for marriage and 23 The Fortunate Aviator: Favorable for
nal, Vol 37 No 5, force of personality. Women: Unfavorable for doctors, soldiers and politicians. Unfavorable
Jan/Feb 1996 marriage and happiness. for marriage, children and contracts.
10 The Forehead: Native is sensitive to the 24 The Wretched of the Wretched: Native
Harness, Dennis feelings of others. Favorable for studies, has eventful but unlucky career. Unfavorable
M.: The Nakshatras earnings, love and profession. Helps against for administration of country or city.
enemies. 25 The Star of the Dungeons: Favorable
The Lunar Man- 11 The Mane of the Lion: Favorable for for effects of medicine. Unfavorable for
sions of Vedic trade and wealth, coming as a result of the business affairs with women, and pregnancy.
efforts of others, marriage and travel. 26 The Upper Hole of the Flask:
Astrology, , Pub- Unfavorable for health of women. Favorable for marriage, agriculture, and
12 The Changer of the Weather:
lished by Lotus Favorable for harvests, the sending of
buying and selling. Unfavorable for ocean
Press, 1999 messages and employees. Unfavorable for 27 The Lower Hole of the Flask: Natives
seamen. has a love of the outdoors and bad luck with
Koparkar, Mohan: 13 The Barker: Native is benevolent and money. Favorable for marriage. Unfavorable
Moon Mansions, discerning, kindness hidden under gruff for travel and real estate.
exterior. Favorable for travel. 28 The Belly of the Fish: Favorable for
Printed by author in 14 The Unarmed: Favorable for sailors. marriage happiness and business. Unfavorable
Rochester, NY, Unfavorable for water journeys and first for ill people. Native may be poor.

The Arabs and the Moon

Tyson, Donald: Three Books of Occult
Philosophy written by Henry Cornelius
Agrippa of Netteshem.Llewellyn Publi-
cations 1998
Volguine, Alexandre: Lunar Astrology.
ASI Publications 1974

SolarFire v5 enables Arabic Lunar Man-
sions to be viewed in both the Tropical
and Sidereal Zodiacs
Stephanie Johnson worked as a journal-
1 ist for 15 years in Australia, England and
Roebuck, Valerie J: The Circle of Stars, the USA before becoming a professional
Element Inc.,p95 astrologer.
Freer, Ian: The Picatrix: Lunar
Mansions in Western Astrology, The Stephanie is Co-director of Esoteric
Astrological Journal, Vol 37 No 5, Jan/ Technologies Pty Ltd, the company be-
hind the successful software programs -
Feb 1996
Solar Fire, Solar Writer - Modern, Solar
Freer, Ian: The Picatrix: Lunar Maps, Solar Spark and JigSaw. She is
Mansions in Western Astrology, The the author of Solar Writer - Modern,
Astrological Journal, Vol 37 No 5, Jan/ Synastry and Zodiac Child interpreta-
Feb 1996 tions reports and the Editor of the Aus-
Roebuck, Valerie J: The Circle of Stars, tralian Data Collection.
Element Inc.,p93 She also has her own astrology practice
Agrippa, Henry Cornelius: Three in Adelaide, and is a former Editor of
Books of Occult Philosophy, p533 the Federation of Australian Astrologers
“The Picatrix”, The Latin Version, (FAA) Journal.
David Pingree, Unpublished translation
Stephanie has lectured at national con-
courtesy of Robert Zoller, USA.
ferences, and has had astrology articles
“The Picatrix”, The Latin Version, published in publications such as the
David Pingree, Unpublished translation FAA Journal, Australia, and the Astro-
courtesy of Robert Zoller, USA. logical Journal, UK.
“The Picatrix”, The Latin Version,
Stephanie holds an FAA Practitioners
David Pingree, Unpublished translation
Certificate and a Masters in Esoteric Sci-
courtesy of Robert Zoller, USA ences from the University of the Seven
“The Picatrix”, The Latin Version, Rays, NJ, USA, a certificate in Medi-
David Pingree, Unpublished translation eval Astrology, as well as a Bachelor of
courtesy of Robert Zoller, USA Arts degree in Journalism.

The Arabs and the Moon

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