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100 project topic for python GUI from beginner to advanced level

1. Number guessing game in Python

2. Word guessing game in Python
3. Hangman Game in Python
4. 21 Number game in Python
5. Mastermind Game using Python
6. 2048 Game in Python
7. Flames game in Python
8. Pokémon Training Game
9. Rock Paper Scissor game in Python
10. Taking Screenshots using pyscreenshot in Python
11. Desktop Notifier in Python
12. Get Live Weather Desktop Notifications Using Python
13. How to use pynput to make a Keylogger?
14. Python – Cows and Bulls game
15. Simple Attendance Tracker using Python
16. Higher-Lower Game with Python
17. Fun Fact Generator Web App in Python
18. Check if two PDF documents are identical with Python
19. Creating payment receipts using Python
20. How To Create a Countdown Timer Using Python?
21. Convert emoji into text in Python
22. Create a Voice Recorder using Python
23. Create a Screen recorder using Python
24. Create First GUI Application using Python-Tkinter
25. Simple GUI calculator using Tkinter
26. Compound Interest GUI Calculator using Tkinter
27. Loan calculator using Tkinter
28. Rank Based Percentile Gui Calculator using Tkinter
29. Standard GUI Unit Converter using Tkinter in Python
30. Create Table Using Tkinter



31. GUI Calendar using Tkinter

32. File Explorer in Python using Tkinter
33. ToDo GUI Application using Tkinter
34. Weight Conversion GUI using Tkinter
35. Age Calculator using Tkinter
36. Create a GUI Marksheet using Tkinter
37. Create a digital clock using Tkinter
38. Create Countdown Timer using Python-Tkinter
39. Tkinter Application to Switch Between Different Page Frames
40. Color game using Tkinter in Python
41. Simple FLAMES game using Tkinter
42. Simple registration form using Tkinter
43. Image Viewer App in Python using Tkinter
44. How to create a COVID19 Data Representation GUI?
45. Create GUI for Downloading Youtube Video using Python
46. GUI to Shutdown, Restart and Logout from the PC using Python
47. Create a GUI to extract Lyrics from song Using Python
48. Application to get live USD/INR rate Using Python
49. Build an Application for Screen Rotation Using Python
50. Build an Application to Search Installed Application using Python
51. Text detection using Python
52. Spell Corrector GUI using Tkinter
53. Make Notepad using Tkinter
54. Sentiment Detector GUI using Tkinter
55. Create a GUI for Weather Forecast using openweathermap API in Python
56. Build a Voice Recorder GUI using Python
57. Create a Sideshow application in Python
58. Visiting Card Scanner GUI Application using Python
59. Interactive Language Translator
60. Encrypt and Decrypt GUI with Python
61. Screen Pet Game with Python
62. Robot Builder with Python



63. Typing Speed Test GUI

64. Digital Clock GUI
65. Music Player GUI
66. Fidget Spinner Game
67. Tic Tac Toe GUI
68. Weight Converter GUI
69. Visualize a Chessboard
70. Turn Images into Pencil Sketches with Python
71. Text Editor GUI
72. OTP Verification GUI
73. Chatbot GUI with HTML, CSS, and Python
74. Python GUI Calender
75. Color Game using Tkinter
76. Snake Game using Tkinter
77. Registration and Login System
78. Rock Paper Scissors Game
79. Password Manager App using Tkinter
80. Todo App using Tkinter
81. Quiz Application
82. Simple Calculator
83. Contacts Application
84. Celsius to Fahrenheit Converter
85. Text Annotation Tool Project
86. Tksheet Project using Tkinter
87. Password Manager App using Tkinter
88. Temperature Converter (Celsius to Fahrenheit Converter)
89. Contact Application Project
90. Simple Calculator Project
91. Pharmacy management system Project
92. Quiz Application Project
93. Attendance Management System using Face Recognition Project
94. WhatsApp BOT App Project



95. Facebook bot project using tkinter

96. Instagram bot project using tkinter
97. Traffic Signal Violation Detection System
98. AI Sudoku Project using Tkinter
99. Object length calculator using python with tkinter
100. Offside rule detector in football using ai


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