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TSE X50 v2.

TSE AUDIO | | Org.No: 912 681 025

TSE X50 v2.0


Thank you for purchasing TSE X50 v2.0

We hope you have just as much fun using it as we had creating it!
Enjoy !

TSE X50 v2.0 – MANUAL
TSE AUDIO | | Org.No: 912 681 025


1.0 Minimum system requirements

1.1 Installation
1.2 Overview
1.3 Recommended system requirements

2.0 TSE808
2.1 X50
2.2 Options / Cabinet
2.3 Cabinet ( IR Loader )
2.4 FX Rack
2.5 Misc

3.0 Registration
3.1 Troubleshooting

TSE X50 v2.0 – MANUAL
TSE AUDIO | | Org.No: 912 681 025

[ 1.0 ] Minimum system requirements

- Low Latency Audio Interface (ASIO/CoreAudio compatible)

- High-Z (high impedance) instrument input or external D.I.BOX (for recording/monitoring).
- Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software or a standalone 32*/64bit VST/AU host.

OSX 10.7 or higher Windows XP 32/64bit or newer
Intel CPU Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP (w/SSE2 instructions)

* Only 64bit support on MAC OS X


VST: Run the provided installer and install the plugin in your 32 or 64 bit VST folder.
AAX / RTAS : Not yet supported.

Run the provided installer and install the plugin in your VST / Components folder.
AAX / RTAS : Not yet supported.

[ 1.2 ] OVERVIEW

TSE X50 v2.0 is a digital amplifier simulation using one of the most advanced/successful modeling
techniques to this date.

This amp is modeled after / based on the EVH's 5150 series where it tries to recreate the sound of the MK1
green channel and MK1+MK2 red channel.

The amp doesn't have a clean channel, only crunch and lead. You could get a cleaner sound off it by
running the pre-gain low and crunch switch off.

If you run into breakup's while doing this - try reducing the input gain.


Intel Core i3 processor or newer is recommended for the best user experience!

For recording or monitoring the guitar input, an audio buffer-size of 128 samples or less should be preferred
to keep the latency down to a minimum.

This can be set in the interface software or the audio setup in your preferred DAW.

!!! - The TSE X50 v2.0 is made on a Intel Core i7 and is mainly meant to be used with modern processors.
!!! - Tip: Use the freeze function in your DAW or run the software with automatic oversampling.

TSE X50 v2.0 – MANUAL
TSE AUDIO | | Org.No: 912 681 025

[ 2.0 ] TSE808

TSE808 is based on a very popular (op-amp based) tubescreamer.

The pedal is a popular device within the metal-genre which spice up leads and/or tighten
up the low-end on guitars while giving the amp an extra input boost.

Available controls :
- Drive
- Tone
- Balance

TSE X50 v2.0 – MANUAL
TSE AUDIO | | Org.No: 912 681 025

[ 2.1 ] X50

X50 is the heart of this plugin - Modeled after a high-gain monster that was given birth to in the
early 90's. This is one of the most popular go-to amps in the metal-genre.

The first X50 model was made in early 2010 and has been upgraded numerous times since.

Available controls :
- Pre Gain
- Low
- Mid
- Treble
- Post Gain*
- Low End
- Presence

- Bright switch (Green channel only)

- Crunch switch (Green channel only)
- Channel switch *Normalized to avoid blowing your ears/gear

TSE X50 v2.0 – MANUAL
TSE AUDIO | | Org.No: 912 681 025

[ 2.2 ] Options

- Disable preamp
Disables the preamp section of the amp.

- Disable power amp

Disables the power amp section of the amp. (The output is taken from the “effects send” instead.)

- Red channel MK2 mod

This modification turns the original MK1 model into a MK2 model, the MK2 model has
a tighter low end and is more controllable, where the MK1 model brings the -
'brootalz' basically all the way.

- Power Tubes
This lets the user choose which tubes to be using, this is power amp related only.
- 6L6GC - (Tetrode)
- EL34 - (Pentode)

This set's the bias, or "starting-point" on the power amp. This is visually illustrated
by the BIAS analyzer, where the blue vertical line is representing the bias point and
where it's currently set on the load line.

Place it on the most linear section of the load line (white) to get a more open sound,
when you get closer to the extremes the power tubes will start breaking up more easily and
give you a different character of the distortion. There is no magical set-point, the default values
are set where the tubes normally is biased, but you could find a different more likable flavor
that suits your music and playing style better.

TSE X50 v2.0 – MANUAL
TSE AUDIO | | Org.No: 912 681 025

[ 2.3 ] Cabinet ( IR Loader )

TSE X50 is delivered with a cpu-efficient zero-latency IR loader.

The IRs are limited from 256 to 8192 samples, but the length is adjustable in between.

- The frequency analyzer shows the IR's frequency response.

(Relative to current IR length)

- Length
The length knob adjust the numbers of samples used in the IR. A higher
sample count means a more detailed low end representation, and brings in
more of the actual room "response" where the IR was originally captured

- Movement
The movement knob adjusts the strength/harmonic content of the
poweramp-to-speaker simulation. The harmonic content is strongest at the
speaker's resonance frequency. This effect is very subtle, but frequency
dependent, and could spice up a rather lifeless IR by also modeling some
physical speaker limitations.

- Width/Pan
Panning of the signal, when in mono this control only moves the signal
left/right, but while in stereo this control move the stereo signal closer or
further apart from center.

- Volume
Adjust the IR volume

- Phase
Invert the phase by 180 degrees

- Disable
Bypasses the IR loader completely

- X50 button
Shows the internal IR's provided with the X50 plugin
They are the property of -and produced by:

Trackmix Studio (TMS Impulses)

Ryan Harvey Audio (RHA Impulses)
GuitarHack (GuitarHack impulses)
Frozen Sun Audio (FSA impulses)

TSE X50 v2.0 – MANUAL
TSE AUDIO | | Org.No: 912 681 025

- File button
Left click: Browse the file structure of the system
Right click: Bring up the operating system's own file browser.
The file structure is automatically redirected to the last loaded file.

- Next button
Load the next IR in the folder.

- Prev button
Load the previous IR in the folder.

- File Browser
Click the upper left icon (folder w/arrow) to step one folder back
You can use your mouse-wheel to scroll up and down in the file window.
Double-click on a file to load it !

[ 2.4 ] FX Rack

TSE X50 v2.0 is delivered with a basic FX Rack.

Modules are permanent at the moment, but there are plans to introduce more effects
and to make them modular. (Dynamically Add/Remove FX)

TSE X50 v2.0 – MANUAL
TSE AUDIO | | Org.No: 912 681 025

DaFuk Tuner

TSE AUDIO's simple but efficient guitar tuner. It should be able to tune bass guitars as well.
Always tune upwards when tuning your guitars, especially on cheap guitars!

King Pong

- Power - activate or deactivate the module

- Sync - sync the time to the project BPM
- Pong - switch between standard/pong delay
- Time - adjust the time between delays.
Click on time value to enter manually. (will choose the nearest match if sync is enabled.)
- Low - adjust the low frequencies cut-off point
- High - adjust the high frequencies cut-off point
- Width - adjust the width of the pong delay or asymmetry of the stereo delay
- Mix - adjust the dry/wet signal blend
- Feedback - adjust the amount of feedback

- AquaLaser

- High pass filter

- Low Shelf filter
- "Bell shaped" band filter
- High shelf filter
- Low pass filter
- Volume
- Low pass slope : 12 dB / 24 dB / 48 dB
Try a higher low pass slope if you want a more aggressive high cut.

TSE X50 v2.0 – MANUAL
TSE AUDIO | | Org.No: 912 681 025

[ 2.5 ] Misc

- Noise Gate

- Thresh
Adjust the threshold of the noisegate.

- Fade
Adjust the release time of the noisegate.

- Attack
Adjust the attack time of the noise gate.

- Config window and controls

- Input
Adjust the input gain of your guitar signal.

- Learn
This functions analyze your guitar signal over a timeframe of 5 seconds.
It uses the maximum recorded value to determine how far you are from the set point.
You should preferably play some hard palm mutes to get the highest signal peaks.

The set point is taken from EMG pickup specifications.

- Output
Adjust the output gain of the software.

- User IR Directory
This is where the file browser starts when you press 'FILE'.
Point it to the root of your third party IR directory.

TSE X50 v2.0 – MANUAL
TSE AUDIO | | Org.No: 912 681 025


- 2X / 4X / 8X
This enables the plugin to run at a higher (internal) sample rate than the audio
project itself. This helps in the reduction of aliasing by giving the
anti-aliasing filters more 'space' to work with.

Aliasing occurs when high frequency content, generated by non-linear processing, is strong enough
to wrap itself back down into the normal frequency spectrum and is usually identified as
un-musical artifacts or harmonics/frequencies that is not supposed to be there at all.

This is sampling in a nutshell, if the sample rate is not high enough you cannot truly represent the
original signal if it's higher than SampleRate/2. This is easily seen in movies where cars are moving
forward, but the wheels on the car appears to be rotating backwards when the speed of the car is
higher than the camera's frame-rate.

- 2X - 4X and 2X - 8X
Use 2X oversampling for real-time processing / mixing and automatically set the
oversampling to 4X or 8X when host informs plugin of offline rendering state.

In Reaper you have to make sure "Inform plugin of offline rendering state" is
checked for this function to work. Check with your DAW if such an option exist.


- Low
This setting allows the plugin to be using linear interpolation for algorithms,
which is a very efficient, but bad sounding approach for digital audio. By using
enough data points the "numerical error" is kept to a minimal, but the SNR (Signal Noise
Ratio) is still bad.

- High
This setting allows the plugin to be using cubic spline interpolation for the
algorithms, which is a very inefficient but better sounding approach for digital
audio. This interpolation algorithm is finding the unknown data points in a very
smooth way, while keeping the SNR fairly low.


- Stereo
Process a stereo-pair of guitars simultaneously, with the same settings.
Keep the inputs hard-panned left/right to avoid signal bleed between the channels.

TSE X50 v2.0 – MANUAL
TSE AUDIO | | Org.No: 912 681 025


The plugin isn't functional until you provide it with your license file.

1) Type in your e-mail address that you used to register / purchase the software.
2) Press the browse button and locate your license file.
3) Press REGISTER and if everything went well the software is ready for use !



A: You haven't registered yet, or the license file is moved to a new location.
Check your config window and double check that you are still registered..


A: The X50 is written for modern computers and is using very complex algorithms.
Turn down the oversampling to 2X and set quality to low. If you want a higher
oversampling rate on mix-down, please select 2X-4X or 4X-8X.


A: There might be a problem with the computers localization settings when using
Russian or other languages with special characters. The software uses UTF-8 encoding
and should be able to handle this without any issues.

Delete your config file and start fresh to see if this solves the issue. It can be found
one the following locations ...

OSX 10.7+
/Users/Username/library/Application Support/TSE AUDIO/TSE_X50.xml

Windows XP/Vista:
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data\TSE AUDIO\TSE_X50.xml

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\TSE AUDIO\TSE_X50.xml

TSE X50 v2.0 – MANUAL
TSE AUDIO | | Org.No: 912 681 025


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