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The Proven System of Sales Ideas,
Methods and Techniques Used by
Top Salespeople Everywhere

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Advanced Selling Strategies - Page 1

The sales profession is one of the most interesting, most dynamic and most rewarding business fields available. And to successfully
build a career in this field, there’s really only one concept to keep in mind -- you don’t have to be a pioneer.
In other words, don’t try and blaze your own trail. Instead, learn from the success of others. Study the sales techniques which have
worked for other people in other settings and with other products and services. Evaluate what worked for them, adapt these principles
to suit your own specific product or service and move ahead.
The principles of success remain the same regardless of what you’re selling. All it takes is the ability to adapt and adopt the techniques
of sales success to your own needs and requirements.
1. The Psychology of Selling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
80-percent of your success in the field of selling will be determined by what you think about. Therefore,
by learning to think the same way the most successful salespeople do, you can improve your performance
dramatically and immediately.
2. The Development of Personal Sales Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
In selling, everything counts, but 80-percent of your success will derive from the quality of your personality.
Therefore, build your personality by:
1. Taking full responsibility for your own life.
2. Interpreting everything that happens in a positive light.
3. Making a commitment to excellence in your field.
4. Being persistent.
5. Having integrity -- perfect honesty with yourself and others.
6. Being grateful for everything you have.
7. Setting clear and specific goals.
In addition, you need to understand the mental laws of success and engage in daily mental exercise.
3. Personal Strategic Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
A personal strategic plan articulates your vision of who you are and where you want to head in the months
and years ahead. The components of a personal strategic plan include:
1. Values statement
2. Personal vision statement
3. Mission statement
4. Situation analysis
5. Market analysis
4. Customer Relationships -- The Heart of the Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
The very essence of sales success is to build and maintain high-quality relationships with customers. The
only way to do that is with trust and credibility.
5. The Profession of Selling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
To build a good solid career in sales successfully, follow one simple guideline -- always do more than you
are paid for. If you habitually put more into your career than you take out, you’ll be exceptionally successful.
6. Motivating People To Buy From You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
Sales professionals are intensely interested in the reasons people decide to buy from them. They
meticulously analyze why current customers have purchased from them -- since this is the key to
expanding their sales effectiveness.
7. How to Influence the Buying Decision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
Most sales are made or lost within the first 30-seconds of contact. Therefore, sales professionals control
and orchestrate every element of their environment with the singular goal of making people feel
comfortable dealing with them and confident about their expertise.
8. Prospecting -- Filling the Sales Pipeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6
To build a successful business, you must have an ongoing new business development program
underway. In the sales field, that means prospecting -- finding the requisite number of new people each
week who are capable of buying your product or service.
9. How to Make Powerful Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7
Effective presentations are the centerpiece of the professional sales process. The ability to give influential
and persuasive presentations to prospects can offset average performance levels in every other part of
the overall sales process.
10. Closing the Sale -- The Endgame of Selling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
Fortunately, closing a sale is difficult. That creates the opportunity for you to prosper and earn tremendous
wealth. If closing the sale was easy, all they’d need (and pay for) is an order taker -- and anyone on
minimum wage can do that.
Advanced Selling Strategies - Page 2

1. The Psychology of Selling 2. The Development of Personal Sales Power

Main Idea Main Idea

80-percent of your success in the field of selling will be In selling, everything counts, but 80-percent of your success will
determined by what you think about. Therefore, by learning to derive from the quality of your personality. Therefore, build your
think the same way the most successful salespeople do, you can personality by:
improve your performance dramatically and immediately. 1. Taking full responsibility for your own life.
Supporting Ideas 2. Interpreting everything that happens in a positive light.
3. Making a commitment to excellence in your field.
Every person has a self-concept -- a mental set of beliefs about 4. Being persistent.
themselves and the world. A self-concept has three main parts: 5. Having integrity -- perfect honesty with yourself and others.
Self-Concept 6. Being grateful for everything you have.
7. Setting clear and specific goals.
In addition, you need to understand the mental laws of success
Self-Ideal Self-Image Self-Esteem
and engage in regular, daily mental exercise.
The person The way people The alignment
they’d like to be see themselves between Supporting Ideas
if everything at the present self-image and The seven mental laws that apply to sales are:
went right time self-ideal 1. The Law of Cause and Effect -- there is always a direct link
between what’s done and what’s achieved.
The key to sales success lies in doing everything you can to build
2. The Law of Compensation -- remuneration is always linked
your self-esteem. The higher your self-esteem, the more
to the level of contribution.
successful you’ll be in a sales role.
3. The Law of Control -- the greater the amount of control you
To build and enhance your self esteem:
have over your own life, the happier you’ll be.
1. Always see yourself as self-employed -- the president of your
4. The Law of Belief -- whatever you believe with emotion
own professional sales company which may presently be
becomes your own personal reality.
subcontracted out to someone else. That means accepting
total responsibility for what you accomplish. 5. The Law of Concentration -- anything you mentally dwell on
will expand until it fills your thoughts.
2. See yourself as a consultant -- a problem solver -- rather than
a vendor trading money for your product or service. 6. The Law of Attraction -- you always attract the people and
Approach clients with that attitude. circumstances that align with your most dominant thoughts.
3. Act like a doctor -- in the client’s best interests. To do so, you 7. The Law of Correspondence -- your outer world will always
must examine first, then diagnose and finally prescribe what mirror your inner world in every detail.
they need. To become mentally fit and build a powerful personality, regularly
4. Think strategically -- set clear goals, develop blueprints and engage in these exercises on a daily basis:
plans, act decisively and don’t be worried about short-term 1. Give yourself a pep talk -- talk to yourself positively and
setbacks. enthusiastically about your life, your opportunities, your
5. Be intensely results oriented -- combine empathy and challenges and your responses.
ambition together in balance as you focus on effective 2. Visualize positive results -- form a strong and vibrant mental
utilization of your time. image of all the great things that you’re going to achieve in
6. Be ambitious -- work towards becoming the best in your field. the immediate future.
When excellence is your standard, you’ll act differently, more 3. Feed your mind positive and inspiring mental food -- take on
purposefully in fact. board the best ideas regularly and consistently.
7. Apply Golden Rule Selling -- sell to other people the same 4. Associate with positive people -- ideally a group of
way you’d like to be sold if you were in the same position. successful, performance-oriented reference group.
That way, you’ll always act with honesty and integrity in 5. Have regular training and development sessions -- where
everything you do. you learn from the best people in your field or other fields
Key Thoughts through books, tapes, seminars, etc.
‘‘The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life.’’ 6. Protect your health -- eliminate fat from your diet, physically
-- Brian Tracy exercise, drink loads of water and get enough rest.
7. Increase your tempo -- move faster, see more people, get
‘‘You can learn anything you need to learn to achieve any goal more done.
you want by finding out what others have done before you to get
the results you want to get.’’ Key Thoughts
-- Brian Tracy ‘‘Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.’’
‘‘If you believe you can do a thing, or if you believe you cannot, -- Denis Waitley
in either case you are probably right.’’
-- Henry Ford
Advanced Selling Strategies - Page 3

3. Personal Strategic Planning 4. Customer Relationships -- The Heart of the Sale

Main Idea Main Idea

A personal strategic plan articulates your vision of who you are The very essence of sales success is to build and maintain
and where you want to head in the months and years ahead. high-quality relationships with customers. The only way to do
The components of a personal strategic plan match those a that is with trust and credibility.
business would put together, and include: Supporting Ideas
1. Values statement Selling professionally is quite simple -- it’s the process of
2. Personal vision statement persuading someone the value they will receive from your
3. Mission statement product or service is greater than its cost. Your job is to show
4. Situation analysis this is the best possible use of a person’s money.
5. Market analysis
The critical factor in sales success is risk. Everything a sales
Supporting Ideas professional does should be aimed squarely and directly at
The components of a personal strategic plan are: reducing the risk from the customer’s perspective.
1. Values statement To reduce risk:
In short, your values are your core beliefs -- the personality 1. Be a great listener -- with sincerity and empathy.
and character traits that lie at the heart of what you consider
2. Be worthy of being trusted -- which simply means keeping
important in life. All improvement in life revolves around your
confidential information confidential.
values, so the clearer they can be expressed, the better. Your
values statement should identify five values that are 3. Build a long-term relationship -- so customers understand
important to you, in order of priority. you have their best interests at heart and not your own.
• What do you stand for? 4. Become friends with your customers -- by always unerringly
2. Personal vision statement acting in the customer’s best interests.
Vision builds on your values, and expresses what your ideal 5. Never criticize anyone -- even your direct competitors.
life would be like if you took your values to their logical
6. Accept your customers for who they are, being
conclusion. Again, clarity is the key. The clearer the vision
you express, the more your quality of life will be enhanced.
• What would you dare to dream if you could not fail? 7. Take every possible opportunity to express your approval of
your customer -- give them praise.
3. Mission statement
A personal vision statement is a definition of the kind of 8. Show your appreciation through small actions (politeness)
person you want to become in the future. A business mission and larger deeds (thank you notes).
statement clarifies how you want customers to remember 9. Find something to genuinely admire about your customer’s
your business. life or their achievements -- and express those feelings.
• What will you be remembered for? 10. Never argue -- always be agreeable.
4. Situation analysis 11. Focus. Don’t get distracted.
This clarifies:
1. Where you are at present. The sale process has changed dramatically since the 1970s.
2. How you got to where you are. Prior to that time, the generally used sales model was:
3. Where you want to be in the future. 10% -- Establishing a good rapport
4. How to get to where you want to be in the future.
• What has to be done differently to get somewhere better? 20% -- Qualifying the prospect
5. Market analysis
Your market analysis should detail which strategic 30% -- Making a sales presentation
opportunities are emerging in the marketplace and how you
plan to exploit them in the near- and long-term. It should also 40% -- Closing the sale
help focus efforts and identify prospects that are likely to be
responsive to whatever product or service you offer.
• How can you increase your results on resources invested? Today’s prevailing sales model, however, has reversed the way
time is spent. The new sales model is:
Many strategic plans use the GOSPA formula:
G -- Goals -- specific, measurable and time-oriented.
O -- Objectives -- interim targets leading to the goals. 40% -- Building trust
S -- Strategy -- how you will accomplish your objectives
P -- Plans -- daily, weekly and monthly precise targets 30% -- Identifying specific needs
A -- Activity -- maximizing your productive time
20% -- Presenting solutions to needs
Key Thoughts
‘‘Personal strategic planning is perhaps the most important 10% -- Confirming and closing
single skill you could ever develop in ensuring that you achieve
the success of which you are capable.’’
-- Brian Tracy
Advanced Selling Strategies - Page 4

5. The Profession of Selling Sales professionals are constantly trying new approaches and
new ideas in an effort to improve their performance in each of
Main Idea these nine critical areas. By attempting to improve regularly and
continuously, they keep their business program fresh and vital.
To build a good solid career in sales successfully, follow one
simple guideline -- always do more than you are paid for. If you Key Thoughts
habitually put more into your career than you take out, you’ll be ‘‘The best companies are not hundreds of percent better in any
exceptionally successful. area, they are just one percent better in hundreds of areas.’’
Supporting Ideas -- Tom Peters
The professional sales process is: ‘‘Courage is rightly considered the foremost of all virtues, for
Prospect upon it all others depend.’’
-- Winston Churchill
‘‘Courage is not absence of fear or lack of fear. It is control of
fear, mastery of fear.’’
Build Identify Present Confirm & -- Mark Twain
Trust Needs Solutions Close
‘‘Stand back and look at your sales performance, and every detail
For this process to operate smoothly, seven vital functions are of what you do. Resolve this very day to begin improving in each
required on the sales professional’s part: of your critical success areas. Upgrade each of your vital
1. A positive mental attitude. functions. Set benchmarks or standards for yourself and
2. Good health and appearance. measure yourself against those standards every day and every
3. Complete and detailed product knowledge. week. Perhaps the most wonderful part of your career in
4. Ongoing prospecting and development of new business. professional selling is that there is no limit on how good you can
5. Effective presentation skills. get at it except for the limits you impose on yourself.’’
6. The ability to handle objections and gain commitment. -- Brian Tracy
7. Personal planning and time management skills. ‘‘Selling is an honorable profession. Salespeople are the
Incremental improvements in any of these areas can produce forerunners of progress, development and growth throughout
substantially greater overall results. The goal should be to the entire economy. It is salespeople who ultimately generate
continuously improve in each of those areas. the markets for almost all other skills. Every economic indicator
In the professional sales process, there are nine critical factors or report in the newspapers and business magazines deals in
around which success is built. These factors should be evaluated some way with the level of sales in a particular company or
on a regular, ongoing basis -- again with the aim of steadily industry.’’
improving performance in each. -- Brian Tracy
The critical factors and professional level criteria for each are: ‘‘Top salespeople are the spark plugs in the engines of social
and economic progress.’’
-- Brian Tracy
Critical Factor Criteria
‘‘It is your attitude and your activities that determine whether you
1. Prospecting Contacting sufficient high-quality make selling an occupation or a profession.’’
people to meet targets -- Brian Tracy
2. Getting appointments Having enough appointments to ‘‘What makes the future of professional selling so bright is the
fill your time productively fact that you are in the business of developing professional
selling friendships. Some of the best people you will ever meet
3. Qualifying Spending time only with people
will start off as tough prospects that you will eventually convert
who have the ability to buy
into customers. The greatest joy that you will ever receive from
4. Identifying problems Asking perceptive questions, using your profession is the deep inner satisfaction that will come from
active and empathetic listening knowing that through your products and services, you are
making a real difference.’’
5. Making presentations Providing convincing evidence -- Brian Tracy
of product or service benefits
’’In my conversations with hundreds of top salespeople over the
6. Answering objections Anticipating concerns and able years, I have found that they all have one thing in common. They
to provide satisfactory answers all have clear, written goals. They have taken the time to sit down
and create a blueprint for themselves and their future lives. Every
7. Closing Asking for a commitment to action
one of them has been amazed at the incredible power of goal
competently and comfortably
setting and strategic planning. Every one of them has
8. Follow-through Making certain everything that accomplished far more than they ever believed possible in
has been promised is delivered selling.’’
-- Brian Tracy
9. Referrals Having happy and satisfied
customers get their friends involved
Advanced Selling Strategies - Page 5

6. Motivating People To Buy From You 7. How to Influence the Buying Decision

Main Idea Main Idea

Sales professionals are intensely interested in the reasons Most sales are made or lost within the first 30-seconds of contact.
people decide to buy from them. They meticulously analyze why Therefore, sales professionals control and orchestrate every
current customers have purchased from them -- since this is the element of their environment with the singular goal of making
key to expanding their sales effectiveness. people feel comfortable dealing with them and confident about
Supporting Ideas their expertise.
Everyone has primary and secondary reasons for what they do: Supporting Ideas
1. The primary motivators are the utility requirements -- i.e. you The key elements of the selling environment are:
buy a car because you need transport. 1. The way you dress.
2. The secondary motivators are the specific reasons your 95-percent of the first impression you make will be dictated
product or service was selected from all available choices. -- by your clothing. You simply cannot dress casually -- you
i.e. you buy a sports car because it’s fun to drive. have to dress to look the part of a top flight sales professional.
Ideally, when people look at you, they should know
Quite frequently, there will be two reasons for making any immediately they are dealing with a top performer. You
purchase decision: should dress the same way their other professional advisors
1. The logical reason that sounds good to other people. -- bankers, lawyers, accountants, etc. -- dress in their daily
2. The real reason -- which is emotional and often irrational. business activities.
Therefore, professional sales business builders become adept 2. The accessories you use.
at uncovering the real buying motives so as to focus on building Every single element in your wardrobe should send a signal
this side of the business even more intensely. of quality and soundness. This even extends to very small
To probe for this kind of information, sales professionals ask and seemingly insignificant items like ties, watches, rings,
open ended questions, such as: ‘‘We very much appreciate your pens for men and earrings, necklaces, brooches, belts and
business, particularly since we realize you have so many scarfs for women. Even the color of your shoes and the socks
choices in today’s market. We’re doing a little market research, or stockings worn can influence the impression of excellence
to find out how we can serve you better. We’re interested in the you want to send.
real reason you liked our product or service enough to buy it. 3. Your grooming.
What would you consider to be the real reason?’’ Hair length and styling sends a particularly strong signal for
From there, you can branch off to a number of other questions. both men and women. Hair should be well styled, well
For example, ‘‘Every product has its strengths and weaknesses. maintained and very conservative. For men, beards and
We’re interested in your opinion. From your perspective, what mustaches distract and should be avoided. For women, the
do you feel are the strengths and weaknesses of the product or emphasis should be on the face -- not an elaborate hairstyle.
service we offer?’’ And for both, you need to be fresh smelling if your prospect
Sales professionals are intensely interested in gathering and is to be influenced to buy from you.
analyzing information about why people buy their product or 4. Your posture.
service. In effect, studying present clients and customers By standing and sitting straight, you send the signal the
unlocks the key to serving even more clients and customers in matter under discussion is important and not to be treated
similar fashion in the future. casually. Every element of your posture should project
In addition, people who have not brought from you can also enthusiasm and professionalism rather than casualness.
provide a wealth of information. If they can be contacted and their Your body language should mirror that of your customer, so
input factored in as well, a clear view of the motivating and as to enhance the rapport between you and them.
demotivating factors in the overall purchase process will come 5. Your office.
into focus. The furnishings, decor and even wall colorings of your office
Sales professionals work from the perspective that everyone should be thoughtfully decided. You want people to realize
they come into contact with is a potential client or customer -- if you are successful and businesslike. How your office is
they can just figure out the way to address their primary buying furnished speaks volumes on your behalf.
need. 6. Your vocabulary.
Key Thoughts Many salespeople are surprised to learn there exists a direct
correlation between the quality and variety of your everyday
‘‘If you can develop your creativity sufficiently to discover the real vocabulary and the amount of money you ultimately earn. In
reason why someone would buy your product or service, there short, to make more, increase your vocabulary and enhance
is nothing that can stop you from moving into the top ranks of it with a knowledge of better grammar and diction. The results
sales professionals in your field.’’ will surprise.
-- Brian Tracy
Key Thoughts
‘‘People buy the consequences they expect from owning and
‘‘All top salespeople consciously and deliberately orchestrate
using your product or service. In the customer’s mind, your
every single element of their environments. This attention to
product or service is a means to an end. It is only the ends sought
detail is the mark of a true professional.’’
after that has the power to elicit a buying decision.’’
-- Brian Tracy
-- Brian Tracy
Advanced Selling Strategies - Page 6

8. Prospecting -- Filling the Sales Pipeline Many salespeople are afraid of prospecting. In fact, the fear of
prospecting is more likely to be the reason sales professionals
Main Idea fail to realize their true potential than any other reason. To
overcome fear:
To build a successful business, you must have an ongoing new
business development program underway. In the sales field, that 1. Be prepared to answer the most common questions:
means prospecting -- finding the requisite number of new people 1. Why should I listen to you?
each week who are capable of buying your product or service. 2. What is it?
3. How much does it cost?
Supporting Ideas
2. Acknowledge that rejection is never personal and cannot be
Before worrying about prospecting, take a few minutes to avoided -- it’s an integral part of the sales process.
develop a list of the attributes of an excellent prospect. They will
most likely be people who: 3. Keep track of your ratios. Before too long, you’ll become
1. Have a pressing need for your product or service. keenly aware each rejection takes you one step closer to
2. That can appreciate the cost-benefit relationship involved. your next success. Therefore, the more you are rejected, the
3. Have a history of positive experience with your industry. closer you’re getting to your next success.
4. Are able to buy enough of your product to make it worthwhile. 4. Understand that the more your offer is rejected, the more
5. Can act as a future site of reference for you. you’re learning about how to succeed in the future.
6. Are able and willing to pay for what they buy promptly. 5. Provide yourself with a tangible reward whenever you meet
7. Are reasonably close to your office or business. your prospecting targets. Build your own positive feelings
Therefore, the best use of your prospecting time should be about the entire process, rather than treating it with fear and
focused on identifying and contacting people who are excellent misgiving.
rather than average prospects. The more time you can spend 6. Get involved in a public speaking forum like Toastmasters.
with better prospects, the greater your results will be. Good public speaking skills have a positive spin-off effect on
Your existing customer base should provide numerous clues prospecting.
about the type of prospect most likely to be responsive to your 7. Always make certain you’re running on time. Having a few
product or service offering. Your goal should be to find more of minutes to collect your thoughts significantly enhances your
the same. Therefore, study your customer base closely. Find out ability to prospect effectively.
what they have in common -- and then start thinking about how
8. Visualize yourself succeeding, and performing flawlessly
you can more effectively contact more people in similar
when talking to prospective customers.
situations or circumstances.
9. Get the feeling of excitement and pleasure that comes from
The main sources of prospects for new business are:
pulling off something difficult on a regular basis.
1. Newspapers -- particularly local newspapers. You can
Key Thoughts
contact the people that advertise, the people who are
described and the business that are expanding. ‘‘The starting point of successful selling is successful
2. The Yellow Pages -- for companies which are in similar prospecting. If you can’t find someone to talk to who can and will
categories as your present customers. buy your product or service, and pay for it within a reasonable
3. Business publications -- for companies and people that are period of time, you never get a chance to show your personality
in changing circumstances. or to use your other talents and abilities.’’
-- Brian Tracy
4. Trade magazines -- for specific industries which have proven
to be open to the product features you offer. ‘‘You can be excellent at every part of the professional sales
5. Dun & Bradstreet -- and other credit rating agencies who rank process, but unless you can find someone to talk to, your skills
industries and companies. won’t help you.’’
-- Brian Tracy
6. Chambers of commerce -- who provide regular networking
and speaking opportunities. ‘‘Your ability to find new customers determines your level of
7. Referrals from existing customers -- piggybacking on their success, your ranking among your peers, your position in your
credibility and friendship. industry and your standard of living. You owe it to yourself
therefore to become absolutely excellent at prospecting.’’
8. Cold calling -- ideal for starting a new career or for refreshing
-- Brian Tracy
a jaded career.
9. Telephone prospecting -- to set up future face-to-face ‘‘You can observe a lot just by looking.’’
meetings. -- Yogi Berra
10. Public speaking -- finding a cluster of people who are able to ‘‘We don’t mind if people make mistakes at IBM. There’s nothing
buy and seeking opportunities to talk to them. wrong with that. But to make the same mistake over and over
Prospecting varies quite markedly according to whether you sell again without finding out why is unforgivable.’’
a large ticket or small ticket item. For small products and -- Thomas Watson Jr.
services, activity and exposure are critical factors. Conversely,
‘‘You are in the business of new business development.’’
for large items, planning and strategy come to the fore, and every
-- Brian Tracy
interaction needs to be carefully and meticulously scripted in
Advanced Selling Strategies - Page 7

9. How to Make Powerful Presentations 9. Generally deals with price last -- so as to provide the
information by which value can be determined before price
Main Idea is discussed.
Effective presentations are the centerpiece of the professional 10. Aligns with the buying process all customers or clients must
sales process. The ability to give influential and persuasive go through. The buying process has three stages:
presentations to prospects can offset average performance Stage 1 -- When the prospect realizes the need exists.
levels in every other part of the overall sales process. Stage 2 -- When the prospect evaluates solution options.
Stage 3 -- When a definitive decision is made.
Supporting Ideas
11. Satisfies the law of four -- which states for every decision,
A professional sales presentation: there will usually be one major item and three minor items to
1. Is structured around three basic parts: be resolved. Nobody ever makes a decision to buy until all
1. Establish rapport -- to gain attention. four items have been considered.
2. Identify the problem -- as it relates to them. 12. Uses hot buttons -- emotional triggers about various specific
3. Present the solution -- which is cost-effective and specific. elements of your product or service solution -- to increase
2. Uses open-ended questions as an integral part of the enthusiasm for the purchase decision.
presentation. The most effective questions: 13. Demonstrates your ability to use specialist knowledge on
1. Identify and articulate specific needs. behalf of your client or customer by illustrating:
2. Demand attention by highlighting problems you can solve. 1. That you have thorough product knowledge.
3. Illustrate how your product or service provides solutions. 2. That you have an in-depth appreciation of their needs.
4. Can be used to gain a commitment to action. 3. That you have prepared carefully to serve them.
3. Centers around four unspoken thoughts every prospect has 4. That your timing is appropriate.
in the back of their mind throughout: 5. That your personality matches your product or service.
1. ‘‘Why should I listen to you?’’ 6. That you have practiced and rehearsed beforehand.
2. ‘‘What is it?’’ 7. That you practice whatever you preach.
3. ‘‘What’s in it for me?’’ 14. Is built around the ideal of:
4. ‘‘So what?’’ 1. Showing a feature in action.
5. ‘‘How do I get it?’’ 2. Telling what that means in terms of benefits.
4. Takes into account the personality type of the prospect and 3. Asking questions about the significance of that feature.
uses the preferred buying strategy that is most applicable. 15. Moves from general concepts to specifics steadily and
The four personality types and their buying strategies are: logically.
1. The Relator -- sensitive to the effect a purchase decision 16. Maintains momentum towards a sales decision by use of the
will have on others. These people need time to make a TDPPR formula. All future steps should always specify:
decision and reassurance others will approve. T -- a time the next meeting will take place.
2. The Socializer -- who is achievement oriented with all the D -- a specific date.
trappings of power and influence. These people need P -- the place for the next meeting.
acknowledgment and specifics about how your product will P -- the people who will be involved.
help them achieve greater success. R -- the reason or rationale for the next meeting.
3. The Analyzer -- who is concerned with doing the right thing. Key Thoughts
With these people, you must be specific, highly detailed,
‘‘Most sales in America start off this way: the positive, prepared
thorough and prepared to work methodically and steadily
salesperson meets the negative and uninterested prospect. But
through a checklist.
the professional salesperson is prepared for this. He is ready to
4. The Director -- who focuses impatiently on bottom line take the prospect, one step at a time, through the process from
results. To sell to this type of person, focus exclusively on skepticism about the product to complete conviction that this is
the ways your product helps him do his job better and perform exactly what he needs. Establishing a friendly relationship,
at a higher level. And do it quickly before they lose interest. asking questions to uncover real needs and then giving a
5. Uses testimonials effectively to create credibility and trust in thoroughly planned professional sales presentation is the key to
what you can deliver. Testimonials come in three flavors: turning the prospect around from a doubter to a customer. This
1. Letters from satisfied customers. is the business you are in. You talk to people who have no
2. Lists of current clients. interest in what you are selling. They have no concept at all of
3. Photos of people using your product or service. how they could be better off by accepting your
recommendations. Your job is to convert them from a suspicious
6. Frequently invites the prospect to express:
person into a committed customer. Your job is to use your
1. What they’re thinking.
personality and persuasive skills to build high-quality customer
2. How they feel.
relationships that result in immediate sales and the continue with
3. Their opinions.
sales and referrals into the future. That is what you are paid for
7. Is an accurate reflection of the salesperson’s own and there is no limit to how good you can become if you work at
personality. When personality is injected into a sales it.’’
presentation, people stop focusing on the product or service -- Brian Tracy
and instead begin responding to the personality elements.
8. Has a pace and flow which matches the preferences of the
Advanced Selling Strategies - Page 8

10. Closing the Sale -- The Endgame of Selling The key errors to avoid when closing a sale are:
1. Arguing with the prospect.
Main Idea 2. Expressing your own personal opinions.
3. Knocking your competition.
Fortunately, closing a sale is difficult. That creates the 4. Overselling -- promising benefits that will not be realized.
opportunity for you to prosper and earn tremendous wealth. If 5. Making promises you’re unable to ultimately deliver on.
closing the sale was easy, all they’d need (and pay for) is an
order taker -- and anyone on minimum wage can do that. The key closing techniques are:
Supporting Ideas 1. The invitational close -- simply and clearly inviting the
prospect to take advantage of the benefits your product or
It’s in handling objections and closing the sale that the sales service offers.
professional really earns their reward. Closing is difficult as:
1. The prospect is afraid of making a wrong decision. 2. The plan of action close -- where the next steps are specified
2. The salesperson is afraid of being rejected. and the focus changes from the yes/no decision to enjoyment
3. Customers are busy and frequently preoccupied. of the product benefits.
4. Inertia has to be overcome before action is taken. 3. The preference close -- where instead of asking for a yes/no
Objections serve a key role in the sales process: decision, you keep on presenting the choices with regards to
1. They’re good because they indicate interest. payment and delivery until everything is finalized.
2. They show where prospects are unclear about benefits. 4. The alternative close -- where the customer is asked to make
3. They indicate that people are seriously considering the offer. a decision they only need to make if they go ahead with the
The best ways to handle objections: purchase transaction. By making the small decision, they’ve
also agreed to the larger decision as well.
1. Differentiate between a condition -- a genuine reason for not
buying that cannot be answered -- and an objection -- which 5. The authorization close -- asking them to sign off on the order
can be answered with additional information. by giving their authorization on the order form.
2. The best way to handle an objection is to answer it before it 6. The order sheet close -- where you ask questions and start
comes up. Develop good, solid answers to the six most writing the answers on the order sheet.
common objections that come up in your presentation. 7. The ‘‘think-it-over’’ close -- where you ask him what it would
Anticipate and you leave little room for doubt to creep in at take to satisfy him to be able to go ahead and make a
later stages. decision today. Once that condition has been expressed, you
3. Treat objections simply as requests for more detail. then have something tangible to deal with rather than
Compliment the prospect for raising that matter, restate it vagueness and an arbitrary ending.
back to them to make certain you have grasped their true Key Thoughts
meaning and intelligently and thoughtfully discuss the matter
in greater detail. ‘‘The world belongs to the askers. Because of their fears of failure
and rejection, most people are reluctant to ask for the things that
4. Never take an objection personally. Some people have a they want and need. They suggest, imply and hint but they are
lifetime of conditioning against salespeople. Show you’re reluctant to ask and be told no. Much of your success and
acting in their best interests to offset that. happiness in life will be determined by your ability and your
Ideally, you want to get the prospect to specify one condition on willingness to ask for the things you want.’’
which closing the sale will hinge. Once they do that, you then -- Brian Tracy
effectively have a closing condition -- the hurdle you must cross
to complete the sale. ‘‘Once you have decided what you want, act as if it were
impossible to fail, and it shall be!’’
Frequently, price will be the main objection. To show that your -- Dorothea Brandle
product is fairly priced in a competitive market:
1. Find an appropriate way to demonstrate the value which will ‘‘There are no limitations upon what you can accomplish in the
be delivered by your product or service. The greater the profession of selling except the limitations you place on yourself
dramatization of this demonstration, the better. by your own doubts and fears. When you practice acting boldly
and behaving as if it were impossible to fail, you will soon make
2. Ask by how much your price is too much. Then focus on
the quality of courage a fundamental part of your character
showing why that differential is worth paying to get greater
where it will serve you all the days of your life. Your success in
selling will then be guaranteed.’’
3. Tell a success story about a person in a similar situation, and -- Brian Tracy
what they found.
‘‘There has never been a time or place in all of history where an
4. Remind the prospect that ultimately, you always get what you
excellent salesperson could live a finer life than he or she can
pay for in life. Ask them if ever, in their experience, they
right now, right here, in our economic system.’’
purchased something cheap that turned out to be above
-- Brian Tracy
5. Show them the specific and concrete ways the value derived
will more than offset the purchase costs itself.

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