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oS 4-9-7 Name {- ate Wy ayn) ee ae, ® | Poy. ie Sy: Soe | in ee ve @® Prey 7 e| : oe BOR bs ent + £ 2wHy ese7 N\ MS | 5 Shopping List . @ pieza @ nora ave . © c 21°09 o\\ore orate, $2188 | 99 ¢ vune Fatkunds owe 126 deo 2. Level 2: ) Reading: Describes 5 Key Details from a Story Directions: Student answers questions about the text below using pictures. Cut out the question strips. Read text aloud, pointing to the pictures. Then show each question strip to the student and read the question aloud. Say, “Show me the picture.” Use the Scoring Rubric. jal people are created... What? ' ! 1 Slaves al | rt ' / ‘ I 1 i / ! : It .. Se eee == ae ee ey at can never be taken away from you? 1 + Which one is a natural right? Land 2 Level 2: ‘Math: Solves Addition and Subtraction Problems Directions: Student solves equations by writing the missing number in the box. Put the worksheet in front of the student and say, “Look at this equation (point to the first equation), What is the answer? Write the number in the box (point to the box).” Use the SANDI Scoring Rubric and the Answer Key: 1) 4; 2) 52; 3) 42; 4) 62; 5) 42. 1. I bought eggs and cake mix. How much did | spend? mee ee eee

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