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Insaf Research Wing Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf

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Finding solutions for a better Pakistan

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“Central banks are the institutions truly responsible for all the
economic sufferings from the crisis and recessions that are
affecting the world.”

The Coming Great Depression
The Fall of Fiat Standards
Explaining the Business Cycle from an Austrian Perspective

searchwinginsafresearchwingins November 17, 2010

afresearchwinginsafresearchwin Author: Dr. Akbar Ali Khan

Committee: Economics

ginsafresearchwinginsafresearch Dossier # 003

Version # 001

winginsafresearchwinginsafresea Research Paper

Committee on Economics The Coming Great Depression & The Fall of Fiat Standards

Insaf Research Wing (IRW) is a part of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (movement for justice a political party,
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Committee on Economics The Coming Great Depression & The Fall of Fiat Standards

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 4
THINGS THAT NEED TO BE EXPLAINED .............................................................................................. 5
TIME PREFERENCE THEORY AND THE PURE RATE OF INTEREST ....................................................... 5
ELEMENTS OF A CAPITAL BASED MACRO-ECONOMIC FRAMEWORK ................................................... 6
1. THE LOANABLE FUNDS MARKET .............................................................................................. 6
2. PRODUCTION POSSIBILITY FRONTIER (PPF) ............................................................................ 7
3. STRUCTURE OF PRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 8
4. STAGE-SPECIFIC LABOR MARKET.......................................................................................... 10
1. SUSTAINABLE GROWTH PATTERN .......................................................................................... 11
2. UNSUSTAINABLE GROWTH PATTERN - THE BUBBLES AND THE BUSTS ...................................... 12
ROAD TO THE PRESENT: A BRIEF REVIEW ..................................................................................... 15
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................ 19
ABOUT THE AUTHOR ..................................................................................................................... 20
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................. 21

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theory with that of Marginal Utility. Also, in the
early twentieth century when most of the
The Coming Western world was merrily riding the tide of
Socialism, it was the Austrian School that made
Great significant contributions to not only prove that
the Social and Moral system suggested by
Depression & Communists was unnatural, unworkable,
corrupt and would lead to a condition much

The Fall of Fiat worse than the one it plans to address under
Capitalism; but that Central economic planning
sailing the winds of economic egalitarianism
Standards was doomed to failure. Ludwig Von Mises
(1881-1973), amongst identifying a myriad of
Explaining the Business Cycle from loopholes in Socialism, had actually pinned
an Austrian Perspective down Engel’s Utopians and Marxist
Communists to the impossibility of economic
In wake of 2008 Bust of the Sub-Prime Housing
calculations under their proposed schemes,
Mortgage industry, United States found itself in
which would subsequently subject people to
the midst of an economic recession. President
even more misery.ii History has not proven him
Obama predictably acted in line with the
recommendations of mainstream economists to
embark upon a trillion dollars bailout package Pertinent to our concern here is the remarkable
for the failing banks and mortgage institutions. contribution made by the Austrian School in
This, from the point of view of contemporary explaining the mysterious Cycles of
Keynesian and Friedmanite schools of thought Businesses. Since the inception of Federal
saved the economy from a ‘depression’; but Reserves in 1913, United States has
from the Austrian school’s perspective it just undergone a series of recessions.iii Well known
gave a dose of Morphine to a chronic addict, so amongst these is the Great depression of 1929,
as to cajole him up for a while but ultimately the Stock Market Crash of 1973, the Dot Com
preparing him for a much bigger over hang. Bust of 2001 and recent Housing Mortgage
This paper tends to analyze the Austrian bust of 2008. What is not well known to many
perspective on the bubble and the busts to about these bubbles and the subsequent busts
show how the fiscal stimulus so triumphantly is that the Austrian school has ably been
propounded upon has made the Bubble bigger identifying the bubbles and predicting the busts
and uglier beyond proportions so that its soon exactly during the time of the bubble as if they
arriving Bust will leave the Government of were gazing into a magic ball. Though mocked
United States with only two very painful at by their contemporaries and the media at
options--- 1) An outright Debt Default or 2) that time; none can now dispute the claims of
Hyperinflation, which will cause the collapse of Ron Paul and Peter Schiff, when as early as in
the paper dollar’ standard. Of special 2003 they had warned about the impending
importance is the Keynesian myth that WWII financial disaster which occurred in 2008.iv
catapulted the US out of the Great Depression
so that recourse to war, of a much larger scale, The reason that Austrian economists have
will be a serious possibility when such efficiently been able to describe the Business
economic distortions eventually manifest Cycles is because of the sound knowledge of
themselves. Time preference theory integrated
synchronously with the macroeconomic
Introduction framework for natural market processes. One is
then able to realize how easy credit policies of
The Austrian School of thought came into the Fed (or any Central Bank for that matter)
prominence when Carl Menger (1840-1921) brings about an expansion of monetary base
challenged the Classical Cost of Production through the Fractional Reserve banking system

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to cause or prolong the period of artificial 3. A third feature of every boom that
unsustainable prosperity, the bubble. needs explaining is the increase in the
quantity of money in the economy.
In order to better comprehend the matter at Conversely, there is generally, though
hand we will have to take a methodological not universally, a fall in the money
approach as suggested by F.A. Hayek which in supply during the depression.
summary states that ‘even before we can ask
how things might go wrong, we must first Time Preference Theory And The Pure
explain how they could ever go right’.v So Rate of Interest
initially, we may take to the Austrian Time
Preference theory and the Macroeconomic Let us suppose an economy with a given
Framework as to how a free market would supply of money. Some of the money is spent
normally function followed by discussion as to in consumption; the rest is saved and invested
how the market is manipulated by the banking in a mighty structure of capital, in various
system to cause the dreaded cycles of orders of production. The proportion of
business. consumption to saving or investment is
determined by people’s time preferences—the
Things that need to be explained degree to which they prefer present to future
There are certain phenomena as pointed out by
Professor Murray N Rothbard, which need to
be explained regarding the business cycles. People’s Time Preference =
These are, Amount of Consumption
Amount of Savings / Investments
1. The explanation of depressions will not
be found by referring to any specific or
Less the people prefer satisfactions in the
even general business fluctuations per
present, meaning that they save more, the
se. The main problem that a theory of
lower will their time preference rate be, and the
depression must explain is: why is
lower therefore will be the pure interest rate,
there a sudden general cluster of
which is determined by the time preferences of
business errors? This is the first
the individuals in society. A lower time-
question for any cycle theory. Business
preference rate will be reflected in greater
activity moves along nicely with most
proportions of investment to consumption, a
business firms making handsome
lengthening of the structure of production, and
profits. Suddenly, without warning,
a building-up of capital. Higher time
conditions change and the bulk of
preferences, on the other hand, will be reflected
business firms are experiencing losses;
in higher pure interest rates and a lower
they are suddenly revealed to have
proportion of investment to consumption. The
made grievous errors in forecasting.
final market rates of interest reflect the pure
2. Another common feature of the interest rate plus or minus entrepreneurial risk
business cycle also calls for an and purchasing power components. Varying
explanation. It is the well-known fact degrees of entrepreneurial risk bring about a
that capital-goods industries fluctuate structure of interest rates instead of a single
more widely than do the consumer- uniform one, and purchasing power
goods industries. The capital-goods components reflect changes in the purchasing
industries—especially the industries power of the money-unit, as well as in the
supplying raw materials, construction, specific position of an entrepreneur in relation
and equipment to other industries— to price changes. The crucial factor, however,
expand much further in the boom, and is the pure interest rate. This interest rate first
are hit far more severely in the manifests itself in the “natural rate” or what is
depression. generally called the going “rate of profit.” This

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going rate is reflected in the interest rate on the for the given quantity of fund. Intersection of
loan market, a rate which is determined by the supply and demand curve will determine the
going profit rate.
vii equilibrium point for the rate of interest. Figure-
2 shows what happens when people shift their
time preferences in favor of more consumption
Elements of a Capital Based Macro- or more savings. This shift would be reflected
Economic Framework by change in interest rates, which would move
accordingly with the amount of funds available
The Austrian model for macroeconomic for loaning activities.
framework takes into account four elements
with time integrated as an endogenous
variable, as explained by Professor Roger W.
Garrison. These include:

1. The Loanable Funds Market

2. Production Possibility Frontier
3. Structure of Production
4. The Stage Specific Labor Market

1. The Loanable Funds Market

It shows the amount of savings available to

entrepreneurs over time for investment
purposes. Diagrammatically it can be
expressed as shown in Figure-1. ix

Figure-2: Effect of Change in Savings /

Investments on Interest Rates (Pure)

An increase in the amount of savings from S to

S+ would cause the interest rates to fall from I
to I- as intersection point will slide down along
the demand curve to its new equilibrium,
whereas a decrease from S to S- would cause
the interest rates to jump from I to I+.

Thus we observe that interest rate is an

indicator for the amount of savings available for
loaning activities. An increase in savings would
signal a decrease in pure rate of interest
whereas a decrease in savings would signal an
Figure-1: The Loanable Funds Market increase the pure rate of interest. From the
Austrian perspective interest rate is the key;
The simplified diagram shows interest rates rather than some indefinable ‘waxing and
along the y-axis and supply/amount of waning animal spirit’ (according to Keynes). As
savings/investments along the x-axis, denoted investments are limited by the actual amount of
by S at any given time. D is the demand curve, savings that are available, it has important
which shows the (pure) interest rate borrowers implications on entrepreneurial activity and
(entrepreneurs) are willing to pay at that time decisions viz-a-viz the interest rate.

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2. Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) recession whereas when the intersection is

above the PPF at given level of investments; it
is said to be overheating. Though under normal
The PPF shows alternative uses of economy’s conditions, it cannot breach the PPF unless
resources and their allocation to a particular x
there is an increase in investments.
use. It leaves us with a tradeoff between
consumption and investment goods, that is, you Economies will be identified as stable if the
can get some of one only at the expense of maintenance/replacement investments equal
other. Diagrammatically it can be expressed as total/gross investments. In healthy or growing
follows, Figure-3. economies there will always be net positive
investments left out of the gross investments
available for future growth of the economy. Net
positive investments are the result of increased
savings or decreasing time preferences of the
people that allows the economy to grow. See

Figure-3: The Production Possibility Frontier

The PPF diagram shows Investments along x-

axis and Consumption along y-axis. The PPF
curve is bowed out as some resources are Figure-4: Growth of Economy due to availability
better at producing consumer goods rather than of Net Positive Investments
investment goods and vice versa.
When the available savings increase or time
Under favorable conditions the intersection will preferences for present goods decrease even
occur at the PPF and markets will function further, the newly derived investments as a
along the curve, which then shows efficient and result will allow the economy to expand even
possible use of available economic resources further, Figure-5. This will also, in the longer
at the given levels of investments. On the run allow for an increase in consumptive power
frontier the economy is said to be fully of an economy as it becomes oriented towards
employed. If the intersection point is below the use of its available resources.
PPF curve then the markets are said to be in a

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Figure-6: Increased Net Investment due to

increased Savings signaled via low interest rate

3. Structure of Production

This is a temporal structure, which shows

Figure-5: Effect of Increased Savings on
Growth of Economy different stages of production where the output
of one stage serves as an input to another
stage. Goods move through the structure of
Thus, we see that an increase in savings cause production from one stage onto the other till
they are available to the consumer. The
more of net positive investments and hence
more growth, causing the economy to grow structure of production is entirely unique to the
Austrian school. Diagrammatically it can be
even faster. An opposite relation would occur in
expressed by the Hayekian triangle as
case of more consumption, the economy would xi
formulated by F.A Hayek. See Figure-7.
recede as it becomes more consumer-service
oriented rather than manufacture oriented. To
know how possible can actually happen in a
market economy and show how time
preferences esp. changes in time preferences
effect decisions in the investment community
we have to take into account the rate of
interest, which is the key price signal for
available savings and subsequent investments
that occur. See Figure-6.

Figure-7: Structure of Production

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Austrian school views production as how far

removed it is from consumption. Consumer
goods produced which are nearly available for
consumption constitutes lower orders of capital
or late stages of production whereas Capital
goods which are far removed from consumption
are called higher orders of capital or early
stages of production. The Hayekian Triangle at
its base shows time required produce a certain
good. Consumption is marked along the vertical
side of the right angle whereas the hypotenuse
curve shows rate of interest, which expresses
itself as increasing cost relative to time.

In order to visualize the effect of decreased or Figure-8b: Effect of decreased savings and
increased time preferences on the structure of increased consumption on structure of
production we will consider the following production
diagrams, Figure-8a and Figure-8b.

Whereas, an increase in consumption would

cause the exact opposite effects, that is,
capitalists near consumption stages will bid
away capital resources and labor services from
remote stages of production towards stages
relatively nearer to consumption. An increase in
interest rate would cause the structure of
production to shorten through time. Also, the
structure of production fluctuates along with
PPF. In future oriented economies, with net
positive investments PPF and structure will
show coherent patterns of growth. See Figure-

Figure-8a: Effect of increased savings and

decreased consumption on structure of

We may see from the figure above that the

change in time preferences in favor of more
savings creates profit opportunities in early
stages of production that will cause the
capitalists to bid away capital and labor
services from the stages of production relatively
close to the final (consumption) stage and into
stages relatively remote from the consumption
stage. They are also induced by the lowering of
the interest rate to create additional stages that
had previously been unprofitable. There is re-
allocation of resources within the production

Figure-9: Growing PPF and Structure of


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4. Stage-Specific Labor Market

Austrian School takes a neo classical approach

towards the labor market where wage rates are
determined by supply and demand of labor,
with an exception that it is stage specific. This
means that the labor market will react
differentially to changes in investment patterns.
Figure-10 gives an expression of the labor

Figure-10: The Labor Market

In the given diagram for labor market, wage

rates (W) are given y-axis and quantity/number
Figure-11: Effect of Increased Savings on
of labor force available (N) along x-axis Stage Specific Labor Market
denoted by S. D represent the demand curve
for labor. The intersection of supply and
demand will determine the wage rates that are The figure-11 shows that as a result of
offered to laborers by their employers. decreased consumption the demand for labor
near the late stages of production will
We may integrate the structure of production necessarily decline and will lead to
along with labor market in order to visualize the unemployment at that stage. This according to
effect of shift in time preferences on the stage- Keynes will cause a positive destructive cycle
specific labor market model. Thus a decrease causing the unregulated markets to fall upon
in time preference of the people (increased itself. But what he conveniently ignores and
savings) would be presented as in Figure-11. what Austrians have neatly pointed out is that
though there may be unemployment; at later
stages of production but it will necessarily be
temporary as declining interest rates due to
increased saving in turn will cause a
lengthening of the structure of production. All
unemployment will be frictional as resources
are soaked up by higher orders of production.
An opposite chain of events would occur if
consumption were to increase i.e. demand for
labor services would increase near the
consumption stage and would bid away
resources for the early stages of production.

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Applications of Austrian Capital Based temporally away remote from

Macroeconomic Framework consumable output. This is called
interest –rate or time-discount effect.
The elements of a macroeconomic framework
can be integrated to show that growth occurring Derived demand and time discount are only in
on a market will be Sustainable when it is conflict if ‘investment’ is conceived as a simple
supported by savings and Unsustainable when aggregate as in C+I+G, as in the Keynesian
supported by artificial expansion of credit by the cross. Austrian model for Capital-based
banking system. The integrated model is given macroeconomics is distinguished by its
as follows. See Figure 12.
propitious disaggregation, which brings into
view both the problem of inter-temporal
resource allocation and the potential for a
market solution. xii

F. A. Hayek showed that a coordination of

saving and investment decisions could be
achieved by market-governed movements in
interest rates. He also recognized that this
aspect of the market economy is especially
vulnerable to the manipulation of interest rates
by the central bank.

Increased savings results in re-allocation of

resources among the stages of production. The
two effects i.e. demand derived and time
discount have their separate but complimentary
effects on the capital structure. See Figure-13.

Figure-12: Capital Based Macroeconomic


1. Sustainable Growth Pattern

In the Austrian Macroeconomic framework the

elements appear to function in tandem in a
coherent manner. When people decide to save,
it apparently sends two conflicting signals to the

1) Decreased consumption dampens

demand for investment goods that are
in close temporal proximity to
consumer goods. This is called the
demand- derived effect.

2) A reduced interest rate, which means

lower borrowing costs; stimulates the Figure-13: Effects of Increased and Decreased
demand for investment goods that are Savings on Capital based Macroeconomic

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1) Demand Derived effect: A decreased this prosperity yielded by artificial credit

demand for goods dampens expansion will necessarily be temporary and
investment activities in late stages of will need correction as there are no savings to
back it up and consumption and investment are
production reducing the height of
pitched into a tug of war which will snap the
Hayekian Triangle. economy into a depression once the supply of
credit runs out. All malinvestments will then be
2) Time discount effect: A reduced rate of liquidated.
interest stimulates investment activities
in the early stages of production,
increasing the base of the Hayekian

Increased savings (in green) then have a

positive effect on both the magnitude of
investment aggregate and temporal pattern of
capital creation, achieving a pattern of growth
that is sustainable. Decreased savings or
increased consumption (in red) will exert the
opposite effects, that is, it will cause the
Hayekian triangle to increase in height and
decrease at its base. xiii

2. Unsustainable Growth Pattern - the

Bubbles and the Busts

Unsustainable growth patterns occur when

Central banks create money out of thin air. The
new money flowing through the fractional
reserve system masquerades as savings
(S+M) and pushes the supply of loanable funds
towards the right without there being any real
increase in savings (in red). See Figure-14. No
resources are freed from consumption; so that
real resources have not been released from
consumer sectors in order to fuel the expansion
of the capital sectors. Responding to low
interest rates people actually save less and
consume more (in yellow), either because the
incentive to save has diminished due to lower
interest rates or because people see the value
of their equities going up, as occurred with
mortgaged home equities during the housing
bubble. This causes the interest rates to wedge
as increased consumer spending is pulling
interest rates upward and artificial credit
expansion is pushing it downwards.

On PPF scale the artificially lowered interest

rates signal increased savings available for Figure-14: Capital based Macroeconomic
entrepreneurs to invest in various projects. But Framework showing Unsustainable Growth
the consumers in reality have increased
consumption. This causes the economy to
transcend the PPF and edge towards an
unattainable virtual equilibrium point. The The structure of production will also show
economy is said to be overheating. Though all distortion patterns as a result. Low interest

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rates will allow investors to take on projects that entrepreneur is giving an interest of 8% on a
had previously seemed unprofitable. They will profitable business that fetches him around,
embark on long term projects, lengthening the say 10%. The high yield of his business is due
structure of production in accordance with to the fact that it is in demand and the owner
signals on the market but most of these caters to the needs of his clients to their
projects will never reach completion as satisfaction, which is why he is in business. If
consumers have shifted their preferences in the interest rate goes down to 1%, all of a
opposite direction towards more consumption, sudden the entrepreneur(s) will find low return
which would then cause the structure of projects with a yield of say 4%, to be profitable
production of shorten. Thus we have a case of and will invest in that direction. Now if the
dueling triangles. interest rate had been lowered by a change in
time preferences of the people towards more
The bubble essentially can be summarized as a savings, all will be well and fine. But if interest
period where there is wedging of interest rates, rate is suppressed by artificial injection of
tug of war at the PPF and dueling triangles in money into the banking system by the Central
the structure of production, as Professor Roger bank, then it will necessarily shoot up after
W. Garrison puts it. Ludwig Von Mises some time as money trickles into the economy,
described the bubble as a period of the artificially created savings depletes and find
‘malinvestments and overconsumption’ which their way into consumption. All low yield long
means that the bust is period of healing where term projects will then manifest themselves as
the market liquidates and re-evaluates the malinvestments and overcapacity will result.
prices of all the bad investments and takes on a This is the time of the bust. Businessmen had
fresh start.xiv been tricked into investing in low return projects
by artificial expansion of credit.
An analogy of the events occurring, according
to Professor Robert P. Murphy would be ‘that a The whole process has been neatly summed
circus comes to a town, sets up its tents and all up by Murray N Rothbard in America’s Great
Depression, that “Nduring the boom,
the circus men and women go into the town’s
businessmen are misled by bank credit inflation
restaurant to have food. The restaurant owner, to invest too much in higher-order capital
not knowing that the demands for his services goods, which could only be prosperously
have temporarily been jacked up by the arrival sustained through lower time preferences and
of the circus, thinks of it as a permanent greater savings and investment; as soon as the
increase in clientele’. So he adds another inflation permeates to the mass of the people,
restaurant to his chain only to find out that the the old consumption–investment proportion is
reestablished, and business investments in the
increased demand was temporary or artificial
higher orders are seen to have been wasteful.
as the circus has left the town and he ended up Businessmen were led to this error by the credit
with a malinvestment that will need to be expansion and its tampering with the free-
liquidated. All the scarce capital resources market rate of interest. The “boom,” then, is
(labor, furniture, food etc) allocated to the actually a period of wasteful malinvestment. It
second restaurant will need to be released for is the time when errors are made, due to bank
use in more efficient processes. To prop up his credit’s tampering with the free market. The
“crisis” arrives when the consumers come to
second restaurant from the earnings of the first
reestablish their desired proportions. The
would be needlessly raising the stakes that “depression” is actually the process by which
would well end in bankruptcy and a bigger the economy adjusts to the wastes and errors
financial crunch’. of the boom, and reestablishes efficient service
of consumer desires. The adjustment process
During the bubble period businessmen are consists in rapid liquidation of the wasteful
investments. Some of these will be abandoned
misled by artificially suppressed interest rates
altogether (like the Western ghost towns
that cause them to pour money in low return constructed in the boom of 1816–1818 and
projects that they would not invest in under deserted during the Panic of 1819); others will
normal conditions. For example, an be shifted to other uses. Always the principle

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will be not to mourn past errors, but to make through reflecting the general rise in the rate of
most efficient use of the existing stock of interest return.
capital. The inflationary boom hobbles the
efficiency of the free market, and distorts the
Since factors must shift from the higher to the
structure of production, which no longer serves
consumers properly. The crisis signals the end lower orders of production, there is inevitable
of this inflationary distortion, and the “frictional” unemployment in a depression, but it
depression is the process by which the need not be greater than unemployment
economy returns to the efficient service of attending any other large shift in production. In
consumers. In short, and this is a highly practice, unemployment will be aggravated by
important point to grasp, the depression is the the numerous bankruptcies, and the large
“recovery” process, and the end of the
errors revealed, but it still need only be
depression heralds the return to normal, and to
optimum efficiency. The depression, then, far temporary. The speedier the adjustment, the
from being an evil scourge, is the necessary more fleeting will the unemployment be.
and beneficial return of the economy to normal Unemployment will progress beyond the
after the distortions imposed by the boom. The “frictional” stage and become really severe and
boom, then, requires a “bust.” lasting only if wage rates are kept artificially
high and are prevented from falling. If wage
Thus, bank credit expansion sets into motion rates are kept above the free-market level that
the business cycle in all its phases: the clears the demand for and supply of labor,
inflationary boom, marked by expansion of the laborers will remain permanently unemployed.
money supply and by malinvestment; the crisis, The greater the degree of discrepancy, the
which arrives when credit expansion ceases more severe will the unemployment be.
and malinvestments become evident; and the
depression recovery, the necessary adjustment Thus, the Misesian theory of the business cycle
process by which the economy returns to the accounts for all of our puzzles: The repeated
most efficient ways of satisfying consumer and recurrent nature of the cycle, the massive
desires. cluster of entrepreneurial error, the far greater
intensity of the boom and bust in the producers'
What, specifically, are the essential features of goods industries.
the depression recovery phase? Wasteful
projects, as we have said, must either be Mises; pinpoints the blame for the cycle on
abandoned or used as best they can be. inflationary bank credit expansion propelled by
Inefficient firms, buoyed up by the artificial the intervention of government and its central
boom, must be liquidated or have their debts bank. What does Mises say should be done,
scaled down or be turned over to their say by government, once the depression
creditors. Prices of producers’ goods must fall, arrives? What is the governmental role in the
particularly in the higher orders of production— cure of depression? In the first place,
this includes capital goods, lands, and wage government must cease inflating as soon as
rates. Just as the boom was marked by a fall in possible. It is true that this will, inevitably, bring
the rate of interest, i.e., of price differentials the inflationary boom abruptly to an end, and
between stages of production (the “natural rate” commence the inevitable recession or
or going rate of profit) as well as the loan rate, depression. But the longer the government
so the depression-recovery consists of a rise in waits for this, the worse the necessary
this interest differential. In practice, this means readjustments will have to be. The sooner the
a fall in the prices of the higher-order goods depression-readjustment is gotten over with,
relative to prices in the consumer goods the better. This means, also, that the
industries. Not only prices of particular government must never try to prop up unsound
machines must fall, but also the prices of whole business situations; it must never bail out or
aggregates of capital, e.g., stock market and lend money to business firms in trouble. Doing
real estate values. In fact, these values must this will simply prolong the agony and convert a
fall more than the earnings from the assets, sharp and quick depression phase into a

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lingering and chronic disease. The government the only institutions that, by bailing out the
must never try to prop up wage rates or prices banking system as a last resort, have avoided a
of producers' goods; doing so will prolong and much greater tragedy.
delay indefinitely the completion of the
depression-adjustment process; it will cause There is no free market in the monetary and
indefinite and prolonged depression and mass banking system but just the opposite: private
unemployment in the vital capital goods money has been nationalized, legal-tender
industries. The government must not try to rules introduced, a huge mess of administrative
inflate again, in order to get out of the regulations enacted, the interest rate
depression. For even if this reinflation manipulated, and most importantly, everything
succeeds, it will only sow greater trouble later is directed by a monetary central-planning
on. The government must do nothing to agency: the central bank. In other words, real
encourage consumption, and it must not socialism, represented by state money, central
increase its own expenditures, for this will banks, and financial administrative regulations,
further increase the social is still in force in the monetary and credit
consumption/investment ratio. In fact, cutting sectors of the so-called free-market
the government budget will improve the ratio. economies.”xv
What the economy needs is not more
consumption spending but more saving, in Road to the Present: A Brief Review
order to validate some of the excessive
investments of the boom. In wake of the Dot com bust in 2001, Alan
Greenspan, the then chairman of the Federal
The Misesian prescription is thus the exact Reserve immediately lowered the interest rate
opposite of the Keynesian: It is for the to 1%. The expansionary cycle was set in
government to keep absolute hands off the motion as the artificial expansion of credit and
economy and to confine itself to stopping its investment occurred as a result — without a
own inflation and to cutting its own budgetN” parallel increase in voluntary household
savings. In fact, consumer spending increased
From above discussion we should now be able as people saw their housing equities go up.
to realize now, according to Jesus Huerta de Newly created loans granted at extremely low
Soto, “that the spontaneous order of the (and even negative in real terms) interest rates
unhampered market is not responsible for the fueled a speculative bubble in the shape of a
crisis situation. And one of the most typical substantial rise in the prices of capital goods,
consequences of every past crisis, and of real-estate assets, and the securities that
course of this current one, is that many people
represented them which were exchanged on
are blaming the market and firmly believing that
the recession is a "market failure" that requires the stock market, where indexes soared. The
more government intervention. bubble was to a great extent supported by
Government sponsored enterprises (GSE’s)
The market is a process that spontaneously like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which had an
reacts in the way we have seen against the inexhaustible line of credit from the Fed and
monetary aggression of the bubble years, was involved in secondary mortgage payments,
which consisted of a huge credit expansion that that is, it bought home loan mortgages from the
was not only allowed but even orchestrated and
banks and then chopped up those mortgages
directed by central banks, which are the
institutions truly responsible for all the (from different states within the US) into
economic sufferings from the crisis and caskets or baskets to be sold off to local and
recessions that are affecting the world. And foreign investors. Housing prices were
paradoxically central banks have been able to artificially bid up by a combination of low
present themselves to the general public not payment mortgage rate adjustments, by a
only as indignant victims of the list of ad hoc complete absence of any lending standards
scapegoats they have been able to put together
(stupid private bankers, greedy managers and speculative buying on the Wall Street.
receiving exorbitant bonuses, etc.), but also as Mortgage brokers, bankers on Wall Street and

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GSE’s all made handsome profits during the safest investments rated as AAA are assumed
process. Easy credit policy of the Fed kept the to be the US treasury bonds, because in case
bubble inflating till a point was reached where anything goes wrong, the FED will always buy
there were way too many houses than people US T-Bills in exchange for US dollars. This has
actually wanted. caused the banks (using the bailout money) to
heavily invest in US bonds in order to build their
The bust ensued when the artificially set low capital reserves.
lending standards were eventually revised
enforcing discipline on further borrowing and But things are going wrong. Obama
lending operations causing the speculative administration is using all that money poured
buyers to turn into sellers. Foreclosures set into the bond market in completely wasteful
apace when prices of houses dropped and make-work projects such as the Cash for
people refused to pay greater sums of money clunkers, Obama care etc. which have no hope
and interest for a house that was of lesser of any payback. So how will the US
value and caused them to revert to the old time Government ever be able to pay the bond
preferences. All bankers, GSE’s and investors yields? It simply can’t. This is why the Fed has
suddenly found themselves sitting on top of to continuously engage in ‘open market
worthless mortgages. Since the banks had operations’ (that is, buying up the bonds via
gambled away all of people’s money in the counterfeiting i.e. printing money out of thin air)
housing sector, they were left in a position to maintain the confidence in bond market and
where it became evident that they could no keep the interest rates artificially low. Recently
honor their liabilities- namely the demand a $600 billion QE2 (Quantitative Easing 2)
deposits. The fragility of fraudulent exercise of comes after an unprecedented $8 trillion in
fractional reserve banking was exposed as the federal-government power has already been
banks stood on the verge of collapse and begin unleashed through actions by the Federal
to fail one after the other. Reserve. In The Mystery of Banking Murray
Rothbard contemplated Quantitative Easing,
Before the market could swing into action to using an example of the Fed buying $100
correct the malinvestments that occurred, Ben billion of Treasury debt directly and a 20
Bernanke, the then (and current) chairman of percent reserve ratio. If the ratio is 10 percent
the Fed did exactly what his predecessor Alan and the amount is $600 billion the effect is
Greenspan did but this time to a much greater much greater than what Rothbard describes
extent. Bernanke immediately lowered the below.
interest rates to Zero percent and re-inflated
the bubble. Not only that but the FED has since “If the Fed were to finance new Treasury bond
then literally pumped trillions and trillions of issues directly, as it was only allowed by law to
dollars into the economy under programs like do for a while during World War II, this step
the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP), would be wildly inflationary. For the Treasury
guarantees made by the FDIC, and other direct would now have an increased $100 billion not
bailouts.xvi just of newly-created bank money, but of “high-
powered” bank money—demand deposits at
At the time of Dot Com bust, market uncertainty the Fed. Then, as the Treasury spent the
coupled with artificially lowered interest rates money, its claims on the Fed would filter down
caused resources to be allocated to what was to the private economy, and total bank reserves
considered to be the safest investment would increase by $100 billion. The banking
possible. The bubble was channeled to the system would then pyramid loans and deposits
housing sector under the assumption that home on top of that by 5:1 until the money supply
prices ‘always’ go up and that there had ‘never’ increased by no less than $500 billion. Hence
been a downfall of housing prices at the we have the highly inflationary nature of direct
national level. Well, not till we had Alan Fed purchases of new bonds from the
Greenspan at the Fed. This time around the Treasury”

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Statistics aren’t of great help either. Doug production and trade patterns. But it certainly
French, Professor of Economics at LVM wouldn't make Americans poorer.xix
institute, Alabama sheds some light on the
issue; “The federal-funds rate has been During the administration of President George
between 0 and 0.25 percent since December W. Bush, the gross debt increased from $5.6
2008. And while interest rates have fallen, trillion in January 2001 to $10.7 trillion by
unemployment has risen. In October of 2008 December 2008,xx rising from 58% of GDP to
the unemployment rate was 6.1 percent. Now 70.2% of GDP. Bush junior accumulated
it's 9.6 percent. If you count discouraged greater debt than all of the American presidents
workers and those forced to work part-time, the before him. Under the Obama administration,
unemployment rate is 17 percent. There were starting in March 2009, the Congressional
1.2 million discouraged workers in September Budget Office estimated that gross debt will
— more than double the 503,000 from this time rise from 70.2% of GDP in 2008 to 100.6% in
a year ago. The average length of official 2012.xxi The current US budgetary deficit
unemployment has increased to 24.5 weeks, according to official figures is estimated to be
the longest since government began tracking around1.3 trillion dollars, which comes after the
this data in 1948. The number of long-term end of the US financial year, represented 8.9%
unemployed (i.e., for 27 weeks or more) has of GDP. According to unofficial estimates the
now jumped to 4.5 million, an all-time high.”xvii debt and deficit figures will be much higher, as
the problem is usually understated officially.
Despite all this the Fed chairman hinted that Obama is accumulating more debt than George
the US central bank is ready to push even more W. Bush and all US presidents before him,
money to reverse the slide in the growth combined.
momentum of the CPI in order to revive the
economy. But if the pool of real savings is
declining and the investments are financed by
debts with artificially lowered interest rates,
then in this situation, the more money the Fed
pushes the worse the economic conditions
become. As for now foreign central banks,
particularly China's, have gobbled up hundreds
of billions of dollars worth of bonds from Uncle
Sam. According to the alarmists, this injection
of foreign savings has allowed American
consumers to maintain a high level of apparent
prosperity, despite their abysmally low savings
rate. But as Austrian business cycle theory
informs us, this fiat house of cards must
eventually collapse. Without the influx of their
savings, US interest rates would be higher than
they are now. The actions of the Chinese
government are distorting world trade patterns
and US interest rates. But it is distorting in
America’s favor. If the Chinese government
debases its currency, it facilitates the American
consumer at the expense of its own people; The kind of reckless spending behavior US
analogy of which will be that if China stole a government has indulged itself into will lead to
bunch of TVs from its people and shipped them even greater deficits in near future. Huge
to Americans chosen randomly from the phone deficits will leave foreigners less willing to keep
book; that would also distort international purchasing US Treasury debt - in the form of
bonds. This could result in high interest rates

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as the government is forced to offer more For now, as Rothbard wrote, “the time is ripe to
attractive rates to lure investors. recall what has today been completely
forgotten, even among economists, that the
Higher Interest rates combined with increasing Misesian explanation and analysis of the
debt and growing deficit will allow room for a depression gained great headway precisely
continuous Quantitative Easing policy by the during the Great Depression of the 1930s —
FED. Pouring more dollars into the economy the very depression that is always held up to
printed out of thin air will erode the value of advocates of the free market economy as the
existing pool of dollars causing the lenders greatest single and catastrophic failure of
abandon further financing of the US debt and laissez-faire capitalism. It was no such thing.
instead call upon the US government to fulfill all 1929 was made inevitable by the vast bank
its obligations. All financing institutions credit expansion throughout the Western world
nationally and worldwide will recognize that during the 1920s: A policy deliberately adopted
they are sitting on top of worthless bonds since by the Western governments, and most
the US government is currently in and will be in importantly by the Federal Reserve System in
no position to clear all of its outstanding debts. the United States. It was made possible by the
The logical recourse for US government will be failure of the Western world to return to a
to ‘default’ and abandon the dollar altogether or genuine gold standard after World War I, and
more likely step up the printing press at the thus allowing more room for inflationary policies
FED to flood the world with dollars ending up in by government. Everyone now thinks of
a crack up boom of ‘hyperinflation’. Of course it President Coolidge as a believer in laissez-faire
is only if things keep going the way they are and an unhampered market economy; he was
and they will, as we have no indication not, and tragically, nowhere less so than in the
whatsoever as of now that the US Government field of money and credit. Unfortunately, the
tends to massively cut and balance the budget, sins and errors of the Coolidge intervention
allow malinvestments propped up by easy were laid to the door of a non-existent free
money policy to be liquidated, get rid of the market economy.
Central Bank and give time to the market to
heal itself. If Coolidge made 1929 inevitable, it was
President Hoover who prolonged and
Needless to say the world is inching towards a deepened the depression, transforming it from
financial crisis of colossal proportions. The a typically sharp but swiftly-disappearing
current president of the World Bank, Robert depression into a lingering and near-fatal
Zollick, has sensed the problem looming large malady, a malady (erroneously thought to be)
and has sought to reopen the Gold standard "cured" only by the holocaust of World War II.
debate. Hoover, not Franklin Roosevelt, was the
founder of the policy of the "New Deal":
The implications will ripple throughout the
essentially the massive use of the State to do
world. Pakistan with a range of 5-25% banking
exactly what Misesian theory would most warn
reserve ratio should have no illusions about its
against — to prop up wage rates above their
situation. It will necessarily find itself wedged
free-market levels, prop up prices, inflate credit,
between default, allow a wreaking contraction
and lend money to shaky business positions.
and let the fractional reserve based- banks’ to
Roosevelt only advanced, to a greater degree,
collapse or hyperinflate (more probable) and
what Hoover had pioneered. The result for the
destroy the rupee in the process of bailing out
first time in American history was a nearly
its unsound financial sector. There will, as
perpetual depression and nearly permanent
always, be one and only one sound way out of
mass unemployment. The Coolidge crisis had
the chaos; return to a gold standard (the
become the unprecedentedly prolonged
discussion of which is beyond the scope of this
Hoover-Roosevelt depression.
paper). It would greatly help though if
Pakistan’s banks etch up their reserves ratio as Ludwig von Mises had predicted the depression
close to 100% as possible. during the heyday of the great boom of the

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1920s — a time, just like today, when would be swept away, and we would see a
economists and politicians, armed with a "new massive retreat of government from the
economics" of perpetual inflation, and with new economic sphere. But for all this to happen, the
"tools" provided by the Federal Reserve
world of economics, and the public at large,
System, proclaimed a perpetual "New Era" of
permanent prosperity guaranteed by our wise must be made aware of the existence of an
economic doctors in Washington. Ludwig von explanation of the business cycle that has lain
Mises, alone armed with a correct theory of the neglected on the shelf for all too many tragic
business cycle, was one of the very few years.”
economists to predict the Great Depression,
and hence the economic world was forced to Conclusion
listen to him with respect. F. A. Hayek spread
the word in England, and the younger English
economists were all, in the early 1930s, It is known that the Mayans were good at their
beginning to adopt the Misesian cycle theory predictions; it is little know that they may have
for their analysis of the depression — and also been good at economics and banking. But the
to adopt, of course, the strictly free-market current financial situation suggests they may
policy prescription that flowed with this theory. have been doing well at both. One of the
Unfortunately, economists have now adopted
dangerous Keynesian (the predominant school
the historical notion of Lord Keynes: That no
"classical economists" had a theory of the of thought) fallacies hold that WWII saved US
business cycle until Keynes came along in out of the depression and solved the problem of
1936. There was a theory of the depression; it unemployment. Yes it did but it was not the
was the classical economic tradition; its war. It was the break given to the market from
prescription was strict hard money and laissez- Hoover-Roosevelt interventionist policies to
faire; and it was rapidly being adopted, in stimulate the economy. More so unemployment
England and even in the United States, as the
was ‘cured’ because conscription sent the
accepted theory of the business cycle.
youth to battlefields, to die. That sent the
What swamped the growing acceptance of unemployment graph to point down. Food
Misesian cycle theory was simply the rationing, taxes and other such emergency war
"Keynesian Revolution" — the amazing sweep time restrictions decreased the living standards
that Keynesian theory made of the economic of US citizens as scarce capital resources
world shortly after the publication of the
(labor, raw materials) were allocated to
General Theory in 1936. It is not that Misesian
theory was refuted successfully; it was just manufacturing war time gear and machinery
forgotten in the rush to climb on the suddenly which would prove to be completely useless
fashionable Keynesian bandwagon. Some of and run obsolete during times of peace. But
the leading adherents of the Mises theory — this is rather an ignored version of history and it
who clearly knew better — succumbed to the xxiv
continuously remains to be as such. So
newly established winds of doctrine, and won when the looming financial crisis begins to
leading American university posts as a
unfold itself the US will be tempted to expand
the war. Indicators are pointing in that direction
(The events that occurred in the 70’s and are and a recent report (31st October, 2010) by
occurring now has caused economists to David S. Broder in the Washington post has
proclaim that "Keynes is Dead.") After decades erroneously repeated the same fallacy,
of facing trenchant theoretical critiques and
refutation by stubborn economic facts, the “NLook back at FDR and the Great
Keynesians are now in general and massive Depression. What finally resolved that
economic crisis? World War II. Here is where
retreat. Once again, the money supply and
Obama is likely to prevail. With strong
bank credit are being grudgingly acknowledged Republican support in Congress for challenging
to play a leading role in the cycle. The time is Iran's ambition to become a nuclear power, he
ripe — for a rediscovery, a renaissance, of the can spend much of 2011 and 2012
Mises theory of the business cycle. It can come orchestrating a showdown with the mullahs.
none too soon; if it ever does, the whole This will help him politically because the
concept of a Council of Economic Advisors opposition party will be urging him on. And as

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tensions rise and we accelerate preparations trillions of Euros. So the Euro zone
for war, the economy will improve;” xxv establishment rewards the one doing the wrong
things and punishes those who do things right.
This is where the world needs to be vigilant. In Interest rate on German bonds is around 5 %.
not so far away future we will see the Chinese Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Italy have caught
realize that they cannot perpetually subsidize on to the idea and the day is not far when crisis
the American consumer at the expense of their and financial collapse situation will start
own by continuous debasements of their emerging in these countries. Together with
currency. Otherwise the Yuan will become the Greece these countries are collectively called
Ruble of 90’s even before the US dollar does. PIIGS. At this very hour, a crisis has already
China will soon need to allow its currency to emerged in Ireland and Portugal and
strengthen causing its heavily subsidized indications are pointing heavily in favor of a
export industry to undergo a bust and retool Greek style bailout. This will effectively step up
itself to suit the preferences of Chinese towards the demise of Euro as Professor
consumer. Philipp Bagus puts it.

As the Quantitative easing pumps more money Lewis E. Lehrmann once remarked, “When
into the economy the slide of US dollar against stable political institutions are overturned, the
commodities will steepen. Gold and silver result is revolution. Inflation and deflation are
prices will necessarily rise as increasing money revolutions in the world of commercial affairs.
supply erodes the value of the dollar even And history shows that a price revolution often
further. And countries begin to hedge against
precedes a political revolution. Lenin in Russia,
the dollar inflation. Gold and silver provide the
necessary security against confiscation of Hitler in Germany, and Mao in China—to name
savings. The rate of rise in commodity prices is just three examples—came to power after great
directly proportional loss of confidence in the inflations.” History is literally littered with
current system that is failing. Saudi Arabia has examples of how fiat paper money
recently doubled its gold reserves to the tune of hyperinflations wrecked the social, moral and
323 tones. India, Bangladesh, China, Sri-
cultural fabric of societies and laid them to
Lanka and a number of countries have boosted
their gold reserves and will continue to do so as In these pernicious times we blindly
the dollar drops.xxvii Pakistan needs to seriously follow those footsteps. Only by adopting free
take note of its own reserve status, both market principles, reversion to a gold standard
banking and gold, and try to increase them as and honest full reserve banking can help us
much as it can to buffer itself from the weather the crisis.
impending crisis.
As for now we may conclude as per the
Europe is in no better shape as well. When Austrian School that the financial fiasco brought
Greece joined Euro-zone its deficits were 113% upon by us the cabal of Central economic
of its annual GDP. In order to cushion and
planners is going to manifest itself in a not so
facilitate Greece the Euro Central Bank pushed
interest rates down to 1 % on Greek Treasury far away future.
bonds, which slinged back as Greeks increased
government spending taking advantage of The world is in for a rideN
lowered interest rates. In effect Greece was
being bailed out even before the real bailout. About the Author
More money (Euro’s) poured into the country
causing prices to rise and pushing its people to Dr. Akbar Ali Khan is a student of Economics.
buy cheaper goods from outside the country
His special interests include Money and
within Europe (as the currency was same). But
now people in Germany and France found out Banking. He mainly follows the Austrian School
that their lifestyles being affected as the prices of thought, as instructed at the Ludwig Von
in general were rising before the pay-scales as Mises Institute, Auburn Alabama. He is a
the Greeks effectively externalized the costs. Dentist by profession.
And when discipline could not be imposed and
Greece ventured near a default on its Debts, [E-mail:]
European Central bank along with the Fed
engineered a bailout for Greece amounting to

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Bibliography ix
This is the only diagram that appears in Keynes
‘General Theory’ page 180. It is most closely
Principles of Economics (1871) by Carl Menger identified with Sir Dennis H. Robertson (1890-
1963), a close friend Keynes but a strong critic of
Socialism; An Economic and Social Analysis his Liquidity preference Theory of Interest.
(1920) by Ludwig von Mises. Also see Pictures of a Keynes’s purpose was to show explicitly just what
Socialistic Future by Eugene Richter And Man, about pre-Keynesian thought was being discarded—
Economy and the State by Murray N Rothabrd namely, its loanable-funds theory. He puts in the
diagram only to throw it out. Lecture notes, Capital
Though recessions did occur even before 1913 based Macroeconomics by Roger W. Garrison
and the failure of Gold standard is the most favorite x
explanation but that is injustice when the The use of PPF gives us a sharp contrast between
manipulative role of Banking and Government Austrian and Keynesian Schools. For the Austrian
interventions occurring at that time is completely there is a tradeoff whereas from Keynesian
ignored and the heap is arbitrarily shifted to where it perspective consumption and investments are
does not belong. See Victor Zarnowitz Business lumped into one C+I+G. Lecture on Capital Based
Cycles and Growth: Some Reflections and Macroeconomics, by Roger W Garrison 2009,
Measures," NBER Working Paper #665, April 1981 Ludwig Von Mises Institute, Auburn Alabama
in US Gold Commission Report by Ron Paul, 1982. xi
Also see First and Second Bank of United States in Pure Theory of Capital (1950), page 113 by F.A.
Mystery of Banking by Murray N Rothbard Hayek
Dr. Ron Paul is a US congressman, amongst the Macroeconomics: A Diagrammatical Exposition
Republican US Presidential Candidate runner up for (1978) by Roger W. Garrison
2008 elections. He is a champion of the liberty and xiii
U.S. Constitution and has great insight of Austrian Lecture Notes: Capital Based Macroeconomics,
Economics. He has authored many books including by Roger W Garrison 2009, Ludwig Von Mises
the likes of End the Fed and The Case for Gold. Institute, Auburn Alabama
Peter Schiff is president and chief global strategist xiv
of Euro Pacific Capital Inc., a broker-dealer and See Chapter 20: Interest, Credit Expansion, and
author of the books Crash Proof: How to Profit the Trade Cycle in Human Action: A Treatise on
from the Coming Economic Collapse (2006), How Economics, Scholar’s Edition (Auburn, Alabama.:
an economy grows and why it crashes. Mises Institute, 1998), by Ludwig Von Mises.
F.A Hayek, The Counter-Revolution of Science, p. Economic Recessions, Banking Reform, and the
99. Also see Hayek, "The Use of Knowledge in Future of Capitalism; Mises Daily: Monday,
Society," in Individualism and Economic Order. (Of November 01, 2010 by Jesus Huerta de Soto;
course Keynes never thought that things could ever Professor of Economics, University of Madrid
go right in a market economy. Left to its own tools xvi
market economies would perform pervasively). Bernanke: Bail out bad borrowers, too by David
Goldman, February 25, 2009 CNN online Special
See The Positive theory of Cycle in America’s Report
Great Depression (2000, 5th Edition, LVM Institute) xvii
by Murray N. Rothbard The Pretense of Knowledge Continues by Doug
French, Mises Daily: Monday, November 15, 2010
This is the “pure time preference theory” of the xviii
rate of interest; it can be found in Ludwig von Should the Fed Be Concerned about Low Price
Mises, Human Action (New Haven, Conn.: Yale Inflation? By Frank Shostak, Mises Daily:
University Press, 1949); in Frank A. Fetter, Tuesday, October 26, 2010.
Economic Principles (New York: Century, 1915), xix
and idem, “Interest Theories Old and New, ” Trade Deficits and Fiat Currencies by Professor
American Economic Review (March, 1914): 68–92. Robert P. Murphy, LVM Institute, Alabama.
--- in America’s Great Depression by Rothbard xx
Bureau of the Public Debt - Input Dates 1/1/2001
See Austrian Macroeconomics: A and 12/31/2008
Diagrammatical Exposition(1978) by Roger W. xxi
Garrison See Table 1-1 : Comparison of Projected
Revenues, Outlays, and Deficits in CBO’s March

Insaf Research Wing Page 21

Committee on Economics The Coming Great Depression & The Fall of Fiat Standards

2009 Baseline and CBO’s Estimate of the

President’s Budget
Zoellick seeks gold standard debate By Alan
Beattie in Washington Financial Times report
Published: November 7 2010 22:31 (It is to be
mentioned though, that Zollick’s association with
the notorious Bilderberg group raises suspicions
amongst many genuine gold standard advocates)
Explaining the Bubble and the Bust by Murray
N. Rothbard
Herbert Hoover Makes the Depression Great,
page 27 in The politically incorrect guide to the
Great Depression and the New Deal, by Professor
Robert P Murphy - LVM institute, Alabama
The war recovery? by David S. Broder,
Washington Post report, Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saudi Arabia's Gold Reserve Doubles By Patrick
A. Heller June 22, 2010 at
Sri Lanka gold reserves value hit $700 million;
Commodity Online Report Published on: July 29,
2010; India Buys IMF Gold to Boost Reserves as
Dollar Drops (Update2); By Thomas Kutty
Abraham and Kim Kyoungwha -Bloomberg
November 3, 2009. Bangladesh boosts its gold
reserves; Commodity News Report September 10th,

The Bailout of Greece and the End of the Euro
Mises Daily: Thursday, February 11, 2010 and
Tragedy of the Euro by Philipp Bagus

See Case for Gold (US Gold Commission
report) by Ron Paul and Lewis E. Lehrman
See Fiat Money Inflation in France by Andrew
Dickinson White for a wonderful account of the
whole process of hyperinflation.

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