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Tutorial Skenario B

Term Clarification

1. palpitations – a sensation in which a person is aware of an irregular,

hard/rapid heartbeat

2. edema – observable swelling of body tissues due to fluid accumulation by

applying pressure to the swollen area. If the pressing causes a persisting
indentation after the release of the pressure, it is called a pitting edema

3. compos mentis – state of consciousness

4. captopril – an ACE inhibitor drug used in treatment of hypertension,

congestive heart failure and other cardiovascular disorders

5. asthma bronchiale – disease of respiratory tract in which the mucus

membranes of the airway walls particularly the bronchial tubes are chronically

6. auscultation – listening for sounds in the body especially to make sure the
condition of an organ in the thorax or abdomen

7. cardiomegaly – abnormal growth of the heart

8. rales – an abnormal rattling sound heard when examining unhealthy lungs

with a stethoscope

9. hypertrophy – increase in size of organs due to increase in cell size

10. cooperative – willing to be helpful by doing what someone wants or asks


11. fatigue – extreme tiredness typically resulting from mental or physical

exertion or illness

12. hypertension – persistent rise in BP of artery

13.jugular vein – any of the three jugular veins , anterior, external and internal.
A non-specific term that corresponds to veins in the lateral and anterior neck

14. dilated – expanded laterally : being flat and widened

Problem Identification

1. Chief complaints of fatigue and shortness of breath on performing daily


2. Had to sleep with half-sitting position because lying flat causes coughing

a) What causes orthopnea?

b) How does an elevated position relieve orthopnea?

3. Suffering from hypertension with irregular treatment

a) What is the mechanism of hypertension?

b) What is irregular treatment?

c) What is the effect of irregular treatment?

4. Last drug taken was captopril about a month ago

a) How does captopril work?

b) What are the side effects of captopril?

c) What alternatives can be used other than captopril?

5. Habit of eating salty food and snacks

a) What is the relationship between eating salty food or snacks and

6. No history of hypertension in family

a) What are environmental factors which cause hypertension?

7. High BMI

a) What is the proper BMI for Mrs Arista?

b) What is the relationship between her BMI and hypertension?

8. No history of asthma bronchiale

a) What is the mechanism of asthma bronchiale?

9. High BP, pulse

a) What is normal BP and pulse of a woman of Mrs Arista’s age?

b) What does a high pulse indicate?

10. dilated jugular vein

a) What causes the dilation of the jugular vein?

11. High jugular venous pressure

a) How is jugular venous pressure measured?

b) What is the normal jugular venous pressure for a woman of Mrs Arista’s
12. pitting edema of the ankles

a) How does a pitting edema occur?

b) What is the relationship between pitting edema and hypertension?

13. smooth rales in both basal of the lungs

a) What do smooth rales in both basals of the lung indicate?

b) What causes fluid accumulation in the lungs?

14. Thorax photo shows cardiomegaly

a) What is a thorax photo?

b) How does cardiomegaly occur?

c) What is the relationship between cardiomegaly and hypertension?

d) What does the presence of cardiomegaly indicate?

15. ECG shows left ventricular hypertrophy

a) How is the left ventricular hypertrophy indicated on an ECG?

b) What is the clinical significance of left ventricular hypertrophy?

16. suffering from Hypertension Heart Disease

Problem Analysis

a) What causes shortness of breath and fatigue?

b) What is the relationship between shortness of breath and hypertension?

c) What is the mechanism of shortness of breath (dyspnea) ?

d) What is the relationship between simple daily activities and shortness of


a) What causes orthopnea?

b) How does an elevated position relieve orthopnea?

a) What is the mechanism of hypertension?

b) What is irregular treatment?

c) What is the effect of irregular treatment?

a) How does captopril work?

b) What are the side effects of captopril?

c) What alternatives can be used other than captopril?

a) What is the relationship between eating salty food or snacks and


a) What are environmental factors which cause hypertension?

a) What is the proper BMI for Mrs Arista?

b) What is the relationship between her BMI and hypertension?

a) What is the mechanism of asthma bronchiale?

a) What is normal BP and pulse of a woman of Mrs Arista’s age?

b) What does a high pulse indicate?

a) What causes the dilation of the jugular vein?

a) How is jugular venous pressure measured?

b) What is the normal jugular venous pressure for a woman of Mrs Arista’s

a) How does a pitting edema occur?

b) What is the relationship between pitting edema and hypertension?

a) What do smooth rales in both basals of the lung indicate?

b) What causes fluid accumulation in the lungs?

a) What is a thorax photo?

b) How does cardiomegaly occur?

c) What is the relationship between cardiomegaly and hypertension?

d) What does the presence of cardiomegaly indicate?

a) How is the left ventricular hypertrophy indicated on an ECG?

b) What is the clinical significance of left ventricular hypertrophy?

Learning Issue

Histology of heart

Anatomy of heart

Anatomy of respiratory system


Hypertension Heart Disease


Physiology of heart

Physiology of body fluid


BMI Unhealthy eating Irregular treatment


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