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Vol. 2, No. 5 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24th 2019 © International News Organization, 2019

Up Close and Personal: Kuramia Monarchy, War and a

Watery Dispute
The United States of Flakery is a nation in
the region of Mahakam. In this article we
take an in-depth look into the recent events
that have happened both within the nation
and outside of it.

Background Information
Flakery is a nation that on the coast of the
Sea of Pont Vanis. Reborn in the ashes of
the Tannenreich Empire in 1922 (after 166
years of Tannen Rule), Flakery was re-
established as the 2nd Flakerian Empire un-
der the rule of the Castilov Dynasty. The
Kaiser of the Empire (Otten III) ruled the
2nd Empire from 1922 to 1927 when he was
allegedly assassinated by a Communist rev-
olutionary who was part of the CRPF
Presidential election season in Europeia's capital city ended with Kuramia's uncontested re-election. (Communist Revolutionary Party of Flak-
ery). After a brutal 15 year long civil war, a
By WYMONDHAM force. With this in mind, I sat fantasy and medieval roleplay to Libertarian Faction came out victorious and
Kuramia was recently elected, down to talk to Kuramia on a wide the more modern warfare that oc- negotiated with the Feudal Government
uncontested, as President of Euro- range of issue, from her early curs, and coming up with a pretty (which was controlling a portion of Modern
peia. With the Executive Split re- years on NS to her future plans factbook for the region that still Corea) to partition Flakery. The Feudal Gov-
form recently passing into law, for Europeia. lies incomplete. I stopped playing ernment controlled the South, while the
Kurama will be the last president for a couple years due to real life Democratic faction ruled in the North. How-
of Europeia before the role is split Kuramia has had a varied career and not finding the kind of political ever, the Feudal Government underwent a
into the roles of Chief of State, fo- in NationStates, slowly transition- roleplay I enjoyed. When I came revolution in the late 60s, becoming Com-
cused solely on External Affairs, ing from Roleplay to Gameplay: back, I made a new nation, Ku- munist Corea.
and a First Minister, focused sole- ramia, and began to look through
ly on internal affairs. With the “I began playing Nation States the forums. That’s when I found Leadup to the War
In October 2019 (RP Date), Flakery began
split coming into force on in 2012. I started as most people the Game Play forum. I quickly
experiencing major unrest due to the grow-
1st March, Kuramia will also serve do, casually answering issues, became engrossed in the political
ing support of the Kaiser’s Restoration. This
as Europeia’s first Chief of State, finding a place to roleplay as the soap opera that lovely section of…
all came about in January 2021 when The...
with First Minister elections to be people in my nation – made diffi-
held on the day the law comes into cult by the fact that I preferred CONTINUED ON PAGE 3

Senate Reforms Expose Divide in NWA

The New Western Atlantic is expe-
riencing significant tension amongst
leaders and citizens over a controver-
sial Senate reform that will shake up
the way their legislature is elected.
This comes as part of a raft of chang-
es from the merger agreement with
Norden, which was formalised on 8
February (you can read the previous
article on that here).

The current government system

includes a 25-seat legislature, called
the Senate, which is divided into 10
and 15 seats in groups known as Class
I and Class II respectively. Each of One of the measures within the Nor- Regardless of this, it was relatively The NWA Senate discussing the reforms
these ‘Classes’ alternate in elections den agreement is to increase the Sen- uncontroversial when initially pro-
every three months, allowing each ate size to 30 seats, while abolishing posed as most residents saw the need elected using the current proportional
member to serve a six-month term the Classes in favour of a more simple to expand their government to ac- method. The remaining 6 will be dis-
before facing voters once more. The system of all seats being contestable commodate for more interested indi- tributed in a 3-2-1 fashion to the par-
system also uses proportional voting, at each election. King UDR has the viduals. ties with the most, second most, and
which, although it slightly distorts authority to regulate and organize third most votes respectively. The
votes by only electing half of the leg- elections, including the number of However, as revealed by Senator intention of this is to improve the pos-
islature at any one time, is generally seats in the Senate, and so it is ulti- Communaccord in a simulation of the sibility of majority governments,
representative of the electorate. mately within their jurisdiction to de- previous election using the proposed avoiding complicated and tense...
cide on and implement these changes. method, only 24 of the 30 seats will be CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Nathaniel Penrose details the sudden Greylyn reports on Antifa, Wymondham Daunlaund writes of more controversy Daunlaund reports on their favorite art of
departure of The Internationale’s found- interviews Kuramia for their weekly on the continent of Mahakam, where the week from the NS forums, while Llo
er, while Llo investigates deepening di- UC&P, and Daunlaund speaks with HEM Flakery is at war with the nation of Ni- challenges you to a crossword based on
vide in the New Western Atlantic over a about recent changes in the region of Eu- atico, which has resulted in heightened this edition’s articles and NS general
controversial Senate reform. ropeia. regional tension and a new state. knowledge.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24th 2019 Section P

A Crisis of Internationale Proportions

The streets of the Internationale have been deserted as the Founder ejected more than 380 nations.

By NATHANIEL PENROSE to pursue more serious things, opted tion, choose a new founder, and take their founder account between multi-
The Internationale, one of Nation- to retire as the founder. preventative measures to stop such ple persons remains to be seen.
States’ oldest leftist regions, has an issue from happening again.
faced the latest in their historically The retirement of Proletaire was, as What is the Impact?
repeated encounters with founder previously mentioned, quite unortho- So far, while the new founder has So far, the impact to the region
crises. The Internationale, having a dox. Instead of handing the keys over not been publicly declared, a member seems as minimal as could be possi-
reputation for excellent political de- to the region’s elected officials and of TI has stated that they have select- ble in the circumstances. A TI mem-
bate and hosting a welcoming, safe, bowing out, Proletaire took it upon ed a new founder and that the re- ber even stated that this was “the
and politically knowledgeable popu- themselves to eject found and repopu- least stressful founder crisis the re-
lace, has long been a highly influen-
tial entity within the left-wing com-
more than 380 na-
tions that comprised
Proletaire lating of TI will
begin soon.
gion had gone through.” The only ma-
jor issues seem to be the apparent
munity of the world. The region hosts the populace of The took it upon loss of some of the more inactive
players, as only a portion of the re-
themselves to
a direct democratic style govern- Internationale (save Talks had been
ment, and a 4-person executive entity for key leaders) and occurring with TI gion’s populace relocated to the tem-

eject more
alongside a founder who is granted left. The reasoning? and it’s NSLeft al- porary region, along with some tech-
the title of Custodian – that is, until To set the region up lies to determine a nical issues with the shared NSLeft
their founder retired in a highly unor-
thodox, and very explosive, manner.
for an eventual re-
found and the crea-
than 380 na- new setup for their
founder account to
bot, Lenin, which was unable to pro-
cess the mass ejection from The In-
tion of an entirely tions. prevent another ternationale and is currently being
The Comrade Custodian Submits new founder. incident. During assessed by the TI Comrade Offsite
Their Two Second Notice these talks, the option of giving the Administrator, Misley.
The Custodian of The Internatio- What Comes Next? account to the members of the elected
nale, Proletaire, is known to many to Currently, a large number of the government, or to an unelected group In light of the crisis, there has been
be a very knowledgeable, but often region’s populace is residing in a pup- of trusted individuals was discussed, an outpouring of support for The In-
temperamental person. According to pet region of the allied NSLeft region with the latter taking favor. Nonethe- ternationale, especially from their
many accounts, they had frequently of North Korea. Following the retire- less, whether TI has chosen to use NSLeft allies. Many predict to see
expressed dissatisfaction with the ment of TI’s founder, the TI General their traditional one person, one this leader of leftist thought be back
game of NationStates, and in a hope Council convened to assess the situa- founder account system or share on its feet within the coming days.

Senate Reforms Expose Divide in NWA

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 referring to the Activist and Con- cle X of the Constitution, which Ultimately, if it or another change to
… coalition-forming periods that can structive parties. reads: a similar effect is not implemented,
confuse citizens and parties alike. the next election may well see anoth-
King UDR said that “it incentivizes In response to that, UDR conceded “The ideal to establish, align, lead or er complicated coalition negotiation
winning”. It appears most individuals that the proposal was indeed a leave a political party without gov- period marred by opportunism and
were not aware that this was in the “compromise” to appease those wish- ernment interference or discrimina- political tactics. It appears the bal-
plan in the first place. ing to retain the current system, but tion shall be upheld.” ance between effective governance
insisted that the proposal was fair and electoral fairness has not yet
Opponents were quick to speak up and encouraged parties to perform With the motion supported by Sol- been struck, and a key element in the
against the proposal. Solborg, the for- well in elections. borg, as well as Prime Minister Re- democratic structure of the New
mer founder of Norden and proposed formed Badad, UDR was pressured Western Atlantic will continue to
future Delegate of NWA, claimed that Deputy Minister of Immigration into backing down and contacting all hang in the balance until a popular
“it's less democratic because it leads Suternia launched a challenge to the political party representatives to fig- agreement can be reached.
to unfair results” and “it only incen- reform in the judicial High Court ar- ure out an alternative system with a
tivizes ‘winning’ among the top two”, guing that it violates a clause in Arti- wider scope of appeal.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24th 2019 Section G

Antifa: A Closer Look at the Prominent Anti-Fascist Initiative

one that isn’t founded upon oppres- I attempted to reach out to the au-
sion or murder of people because of thor of the proposal, but they declined
racial superiority and the like.” to be interviewed. Nevertheless, we
have gotten some insight as to how
While writing this article, a nation the organization known as Antifa op-
associated with The Red Fleet’s Ad- erates.
miralty Board reached out to me with
this official statement. Upon hearing the response to some
of the issues brought up in the pro-
“The Red Fleet has policies in place posal, it appears as though we have
that regulate the types of regions that learned more about this organiza-
are eligible targets. Antifa has an tion’s mission in its pursuits to eradi-
even stricter set of policies restricting cate fascism on NationStates. Ex-
targets. The most recent failed at- tremist group with radical tactics, or
tempt to “Condemn Antifa” is an obvi- crusaders looking out for our world’s
ous attempt by fascist-aligned na- best interests?
tions, through puppets, to convince
uninformed people that Antifa is a I think it’s safe to say the latter. Per-
Antifa members rally in the streets against the WA proposal to condemn their group. leftist military that attacks regions haps there is something everyone can
wantonly. Pursuing this story legiti- take away from this situation and that
By GREYLYN invasion. Courelli explained a bit mizes a fascist position and tarnishes is dialogue to get a better understand-
DISCLAIMER: The author of this re- about Antifa’s mission. the name and reputation of Nation- ing of people you might not know
sides in Antifa-associated region. States Today as a media outlet, which much about. It seems as though this
“I can’t speak to “ever,” but in my should abide by the principle of “no was a case of a snap judgement made
Amidst criticisms resulting in pro- tenure in the organization, we only platform” as do most other respecta- based off a lack of an understanding
posals like the one which will be ad- attack fascists. Sure, one may say, ble media groups on NationStates.” of said organization’s motives.
dressed in this article, I decided to “That fascist region did nothing to
speak to a member of the region provoke you,” but the mere act of be-
known as Antifa to better evaluate the ing fascist is enough. it’s kinda in our Up Close and Personal: Kuramia
recent developments. The proposal in name. We target fascist regions. gen-
question was a condemnation submit- erally by evaluating tags, dispatches,
ted before the Security Council which rmb, wfe, flag, embassies.”
may or may not move on to become a
resolution for World Assembly na- I asked if Antifa targets other right-
tions to vote on. After seeing said pro- wing groups and what Antifa seeks to
posal, I spoke with Courelli, who is a promote on NationStates. President Kuramia seeks to continue being a leader as the new Chief of Staff.
member of leadership in both Antifa
and the Red Fleet. The first thing I “We have a very narrow mission: CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ed positions, I became more solid in
inquired was what Courelli thought of eradicate fascism on NationStates. If our forums has always been. I liked my decision. My campaign finally
the proposal Condemn Antifa. you don’t want your region targeted, this kind of politics, and I grew com- formed in my mind and I set to writ-
then don’t tolerate fascism in your fortable with how R/D played out. ing my platform. I guess the biggest
“In short, I think it’s ridiculous. if region and you won’t be. that’s it; When I received the invite to join Eu- reason I ran was because it was final-
you’d like more detailed answers, feel that’s the one rule.” ropeia, I didn’t know I was getting ly an exciting prospect for me and not
free to ask.” into a political simulator unlike any something to be unsure or scared of.”
I asked Courelli to expand on that other. I absolutely loved it. I had next
I proceeded to ask in-depth ques- statement and the criteria Antifa has. to no experience with law or actual With the new reforms taking effect
tions about the inner workings of An- government structure other than on the 1st of March, Kuramia’s role
tifa. Excluding the obvious (fascist “In my experience and in my opin- what little education I’d already ab- will become that of Chief of Staff. This
regions), I asked what sorts of re- ion, just a few fascists in an otherwise sorbed and a Business Law class in role will be solely focused on Foreign
gions Antifa have its sights set on? I peaceful region isn’t enough. howev- college. I decided what I wanted to Affairs. Kuramia feels that the posi-
also asked whether Courelli would er, if the fascists have overrun the accomplish in Europeia: Senator and tion will be just perfect for her and
consider Antifa a “raider” group. place, run the government, etc — If it Minister of Foreign Affairs, and I her passion for Foreign Affairs:
is a fascist region in all but name — worked toward those accomplish-
“We target regions which are fas- then it doesn’t matter if it’s called ments. Neither were easy to get, but “I am most excited for the shift in
cist; we liberate regions held by fas- “the happy sunshine assembly,” it that’s what made getting them even the role of President to two separate
cists. We raid and defend in accord- may be a potential target.” better. President has never truly positions: First Minister and Chief of
ance with the very simple policy set been on my agenda, so reaching this Staff. I came into the role of Presi-
forth above. I am Admiral of the Huey I asked Courelli to respond to claims pinnacle of Europeian politics is dent fully aware I would then transi-
P. Newton Squadron of The Red Antifa is an “alt-left extremist group”. shocking…and humbling. I hope I tion to Chief of Staff. As a long-time
Fleet. as an interorganizational never get used to the feeling.” lurker of NSGP, I know a lot of names
group, the senior leadership of mem- “Under no circumstance. It is not and seen a lot of action from regions
ber organizations serve as leaders in radical nor extreme to realize, in the Despite having been in Europeia for and people alike. My passion in Na-
antifa; there are no ranks, positions, simplest, that fascism is bad and has nearly 4 years now, Kuramia felt that tion States has always been Foreign
etc in antifa aside from one’s position no place in our world — both in real this time, everything came together Affairs, and coming into Europeia
in their respective organization.” life and in a button clicking browser perfectly for a run at the presidency: and seeing an entire portion of it de-
game that takes up more of my time voted to FA just makes sparkles
Courelli later told me what he thought than it probably should.” “The most important thing to a suc- shine in my eyes. I am excited to see
of this clause: ENRAGED by the fact cessful campaign is having every- what an Executive position devoted
that Antifa invades peaceful regions Finally, I asked Courelli if they had thing lined up for that campaign. I entirely to Foreign Affairs can do,
and complains when others (of a dif- any closing statements. felt like everything came together and I am eager to test it. I’m just
ferent ideology) do the same. perfectly. I was ready, the region felt overall really excited! I think so
“Impartiality takes the side of the ready, and the timing aligned. I real- much can be done, and the pressure
“In regard to the clause, it’s funny. oppressor. Anyone seeking to join the ized I had the time and energy neces- to as much as possible is encourag-
they’re complaining when others of a anti-fascist cause is invited and en- sary for the job’s full scope. I had ing.”
different ideology raid regions. bit couraged to join one of the member people who could step into needed
hypocritical, eh?” organizations. A lot of NS fascists roles for my cabinet. Also I had a Kuramia is a strong supporter of
claim to “just be roleplaying” and great person to act as a support and the executive split as a whole. She...
I pressed on to ask whether Antifa thus, in their minds, their words and advisor in Pierce, who ran with me as
has ever raided a non-fascist region actions are excusable. I suggest they Vice President. I approached people CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE →
and what regions fit their criteria for pick a better ideology to “roleplay” — for my cabinet and as people accept-

Up Close and Personal: Kuramia

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 that voting blocs are bad. It’s natural twitch whenever I read about it. Na- any role that has Foreign Affairs at
feels that it will halt the decline in in- for people to gather around, discuss zism is definitely an enemy of every- its center, is tense. That’s why the
dividuals willing to lead the region: options and opinions, and collate one, and I’m proud to be a part of a Executive Split has occurred. Still
those opinions into a singular voice. region that actively fights against things are going to happen. I want to
“Before the split was being dis- Now not everything natural is neces- even someone thinking it’s “cool” to show that you don’t have to always
cussed, I didn’t want to step up to be- sarily good, but I haven’t yet seen a pretend to be part of. Those are eve- be calm. You can have a situation in
come President. It took so much time argument against WALL that hasn’t ryone’s enemies in Nation States and front of you and just want to smack
and energy that was split between just been ‘voting blocs are bad’. May- definitely Europeia’s.” the ‘oh gods no button’. What I was
two focuses. Even with help it was be I’ve missed the detailed analytics taught was that being ‘always on’ is
becoming apparent that being Presi- occurring in the WALL debates, but Kuramia believes that the thing Eu- not healthy. You need to step back. If
dent either left one focus ignored or so far I’ve seen nothing that convinc- ropeia does best is welcoming and you’re having to take LOA’s to step
caused a critical crash in the system, es me WALL is an evil menace. What integrating new arrivals: back, maybe teaching yourself how to
so to speak. It felt like no one wanted I do see is a group coming together, step away in the moment is important
the job anymore, and the effect was discussing the issues, and agreeing “I feel we’re the best at being wel- for you.”
being felt throughout the entire re- on a path forward. Seeing regions coming. When someone new comes
gion, especially in ministries where work together for a single cause is a into the region with questions, not Kuramia sees herself similar in
participation trickled to a stop. When great benefit and worthy of any “flak” only do our citizens step up to greet style to hands-on Presidents like
the idea of the split was proposed, it Europeia might be them, but we HEM, Sopo and Writinglegend. How-
felt like the region sighed with relief. getting – from peo- Now we can be guide them to- ever, she also feels she differs, mainly
ple who’d still give wards their inter-
This split is going to allow two people, in the fact that she took time to finally
working together for the good of the us flak without est, answer their make the step up to the presidency:
region, to focus on what the region
needs to be successful inside and out.
WALL in all likeli-
hood. It just shows
come up with questions, provide
mentorship, and “I started out slower than a lot of
I think it’s just the beginning of what that something like
this can work, espe-
solutions, but even reward them
quite quickly
past presidents. People have been
asking me for a couple terms now to
we can do with this system, and it’s
going to be a thrilling start.” cially when some- sometimes the when they show step up to the Executive in this role,

political game
one wants to argue initiative to do a and I just didn’t feel ready at the
One of Kuramia’s main goals are how groups like job or come up time. I was needed elsewhere or the
Chief of State will be re-establishing
Europeia’s presence in Gameplay:
these usually fail.”
will supersede with an insight or
idea themselves
specific needs of the role weren’t
something I was strongly suited for at
As the new Presi-
dent and then Chief
those solutions. that shows
they’ve taken the
that time. I believe a lot of past Presi-
dents stepped into the role as soon as
“I well remember an article that
came out, declaring us as a great re- of State many regions who are allied time to research our culture and laws. it was a clear upward step for them.
gion to play politics in. I want to re- to Europeia are anxious to know We’re love to give second chances It’s hard to say right now how I’m
mind people we are still that kind of who Kuramia feels Europeia is clos- too. They don’t always work out, but similar. I’ve never been President
region. We have been developing est to as a region. However, Kuramia many people have broken our laws or before. I’d say I’m similar to those
tools to use outside our region that believes that Europeia has many just trolled too hard and have come Presidents like Sopo, Writinglegend,
will continue to be used, but I also close allies, not just one: back to rejoin us and get right back and HEM in communicating directly
want to revisit tried and true methods into the political game. I just feel like with my staff. I want to be in the mix
that have fallen to the wayside, “Anyone we have a treaty with is our community is a really good one – and have them feel comfortable
though not through a lack of effort. To going to be a closest ally. Treaties supportive and intelligent – and we speaking to me.”
that end, the Europeian embassy will aren’t the only thing that make allies work hard to keep it that way.”
step back into the Game Play forums close though, even if that closeness Kuramia believes that the biggest
spotlight. I also wish to explore Inde- comes in just a moment. We have the However, Kuramia is also aware threat to regions across NationStates
pendence in this new age of social The Bealtaine Accord, an agreement that Europeia does have areas it can in general and Europeia specifically
media and a constant need to balance between different regions to just hold improve on, namely its habit of get- is anti UCR sentiment and the grow-
it with forum activity. I want to reach cultural events together and share ting tangled up in its own internal pol- ing regionalism in the game:
out to our Independent allies and fig- cultural events in our regions with itics:
ure out where we’re going. I think other regions in the accord. Also close “This idea that UCRs and their
we’ve grown comfortable with where allies are those that work with us to- “Sometimes we get tangled up in members are an invasive species is
we were in the past, but I also think ward a common goal. In that sense, our own politics. There’s an easy so- one of the most ludicrous and appal-
there is awareness that the new way we have a multitude of close allies in lution and we have to consider our ling ideas I have read. Francoism
people are forming connections has organizations such as WALL and the current laws. Now we can be innova- stinks of fascism, and like fascism is a
also shifted what Independence can Anti-Pacific Coalition as well. Espe- tive, come up with solutions, but true threat to the game. They cannot
be. I want to see if that shift is some- cially where it concerns APC, there sometimes the political game will su- seriously and effectively reason that
thing to pursue. It seems like it are some different ideologies rubbing persede those solutions. As a political UCRs and their people are a threat to
should be. I also just want to be pre- elbows together. Even if, as it has region with a lot of people well versed them. Not when, in truth, UCRs and
sent in Game Play among other peo- been said, that effort might have dif- in legalese, we can have some big GCRs are the same. We both put gov-
ple and regions. I think former Presi- ferent specific goals for how to com- egos. The debates can be infamous ernmental systems in place. We both
dent Sopo did a great job of opening plete our shared task. I think it’s a and well worth a read or getting in- worry about the security of our re-
that door, and now that I’m allowed wonderful show of what more we can volved in, but sometimes they can get gion. We both have established cul-
total focus there, I see no reason to let do together in Nation States, even at heated, and it can be hard to draw tures. How are we different? It’s the
it shut.” different ends of the R/D spectrum.” back from them. I always advocate same argument that fascism and Na-
not being glued to the region 24/7. It’s zism brought forth to further their
Kuramia believes that WALL As Kuramia doesn’t see a closest okay to say ‘I need a break’ and step- causes. As said by Hermann Goering
(World Assembly Legislative ally, neither does she see a greatest ping away from your computer or at the Nuremberg Trials: ‘The people
League) is far from the evil monster enemy, in terms of regions, for Euro- phone screen for a bit. The debate can always be brought to the bidding
it is portrayed as by some people of peia. Rather she feels that ideologies isn’t going to vanish in that amount of of the leaders. That is easy. All you
NS. Kuramia feels that WALL pro- such as Francoism are Europeia’s time.” have to do is tell them they are being
vides an excellent opportunity for like greatest enemy: attacked and denounce the pacifists
minded people to project their opin- Kuramia thinks the best way to for lack of patriotism and exposing
ion into one large voice that can “When I think of how enemies ap- combat this is for individuals to step the country to danger.’”
be heard across NationStates: plies to Nation States, I don’t actually up to the plate and make things hap-
list regions or people. Those tend to pen, rather than squabbling about it: I found this a highly engaging inter-
“I actually first learned of this “flak” shift and few people who play this view with Kuramia. Kuramia seemed
in new political party that I helped game stay with one persona through- “When I ran my Star Wars Roleplay highly knowledgeable on a range of
found in Europeia. That party first out their career. While at the moment Guild, we had the same problem. Dis- topics. I see a bright future for Euro-
had some anti-WALL feelings in it. I there are specific people and groups cussions would turn into debates and peia, with the new reforms coming
didn’t know much about WALL at the who work against what Europeia then arguments and then nonsensi- into force in the coming weeks and
time or why it was given so much works towards, I would rather focus cal, just plain mean words would be with Kuramia at the helm one cannot
grief, and my first move, if we were on the ideas that are the enemies of said. The other person would respond fail to see a renaissance for Europeia
going to be some kind of Anti-Wall Europeia and a lot of Nation States in kind, and before I knew it, the con- on the horizon. I wish to thank Ku-
political party, was to find out exactly regions and players. Anti-UCR versation started with the intent to ramia for giving up so much of what
why it was so bad. The only thing I’ve thought is a constant plague now that improve things left people upset and must surely be a hectic schedule to
gotten out of the discourse is that it’s I don’t really recall seeing so much taking LOAs for days at a time. I see give me this interview and hope you,
a voting block, and voting blocs are when I first played the game. Franco- the same thing with Europeia. The the readers, find it as engaging and
bad. We did retract our position as ism is not only a call-out to real life best way to show that something can informative as I have.
well, unable to settle on a good argu- atrocities, but is a concept in Nation work is to step up and do it. The Pres-
ment against WALL. I just disagree States that makes my eyebrows ident’s role in Europeia, and indeed

Europeia: HEM Talks Recent Changes

HEM, is the figurehead and founder
of Europeia, a region at the time of
writing with over 1,000 nations. Being
a former member of Europeia myself,
it was very exciting to talk to him. We
talked about Europeia’s past, present
and future.

I first wanted to ask HEM for a

summary of recent events that had
happened in Europeia. HEM feels
that the new reforms passed by Euro-
peia will help prevent burnout from
occurring among it’s leadership:

“Sure, we recently passed a major

reform package that represents the
first substantial change to our execu-
tive branch since 2007. Starting next
month we are going to have two lead-
ers of the executive branch: one who
focuses on foreign affairs, and anoth-
er who focuses on domestic affairs.
To the outside world this won’t be a
huge change, but domestically it will
really help us divide up the workload
of our “President” to ensure citizens
don’t burn out leading our region.” HEM sees great interregional interest: “Our navy is more active than ever, our citizens are more interested in foreign affairs…”

I went on to ask HEM about some of ment, which I suspect will be fasci- “Our navy is more active than ever, From this interview we can see that
the changes I had noticed nating.” our citizens are more interested in Europeia’s navy and armed forces
in Europeia. Such as the delegate po- foreign affairs, and we’ve seen some are again a force to be reckoned with
sition which had changed back and Going back to changes I had no- significant victories for our side and and that Europeia is going in a new
forth recently: ticed, I was intrigued as to why some our ideology. St Abbaddon is back in direction. The war with NPO has not
embassies such as Europe had the hands of the rightful ruler after as heavily affected Europeia as I first
“We’ve only had five Delegates in closed: the NPO’s occupation, the NPO is thought, instead it seems to have
the last four years, so I think the of- moving away from the anti-UCR ide- made the region more active and for-
fice has been stable. We did recently “I don’t think it’d be very interest- ology of Francoism, etc. So we are midable. The delegate’s position has
changed our selection system: the ing to your readers to go through eve- thrilled with how things have gone – so far stayed stable but major chang-
Delegate was previously elected, but ry embassy closure ever, but in re- it’s definitely a safer and warmer es have been made, it is yet to be seen
are now appointed, so I’m not sure gards to Europe that embassy was world for UCRs.” if these are for the better but HEM
whether the new system will create closed by them because their founder seems positive that they are. The
more turnover or less. We’ll see!” after a long hiatus and initiated the As the interview began to draw to a presidential elections were a success
closure due to our war with the New close, I decided to ask HEM what he and we are yet to see how the elec-
I went on to ask him about Europe- Pacific Order. The founder apparent- feels made Europeia so successful: tions for first minister will go but i am
ia’s recent presidential elections and ly was longtime buddies with the sure they will be on trend with the
how they went: NPO, and so overruled their actual “It can be a ton of different things, presidential elections and go very
government and had the embassy but I think overall it’s our exciting well. I found HEM’s description of
“They went well. We had some good shuttered. My understanding is that political system. Europeia is a place why Europeia was successful ex-
debates and discussions, though most if not all citizens in Europe were you can come as a newcomer and as- tremely interesting and as a co-
there was only one Presidential ticket pretty outraged by that.” pire to be at the top. Positions aren’t founder of a region myself, quite in-
running. Next month the executive handed out like candy, you have to spiring. I would also like to
split reform will kick in and we’ll have Following up on the war with NPO I work and have to campaign, but that wish HEM the best for Europeia and
elections for First Minister who will wondered how it affected Europeia: makes it that much more rewarding himself.
lead the domestic side of the govern- when you win and come out on top.”

Do you have an idea to

improve the Gameplay section?
Message @bogieoone#3478 on Discord!

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24th 2019 Section I

Monarchy, War, and a Watery Dispute

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 hakam and refusing foreign vessels
Nation of Perokia (which is south- access to Flakerian waters. Many
east of Flakery) became a dictator- ships joined a confrontation which led
ship and the Flakerian leader at the to a heated discussion becoming an
time (Gerrikk Nejer) demanded that outright standoff over who would
the Parliamentary system should be leave. Both sides considered firing on
returned. After the Perokian Presi- the other, but, in the end, neither did.
dent denied, the President of Flakery After another long call between the
did not take further action as he had Kaiserina and Medegan Fedges
vowed not to in the beginning. How- (Niatico’s president), the standoff
ever, this lead to major strikes, riots, was ended when both sides promised
and protests occurring in Central and to pull into port. However, in July
Eastern Flakery against the Govern- 2020, the Flakerians expanded Mili-
ment. The Riots continued escalating, tary Presence on the Niaticoan bor-
putting the nation at a breaking point. der. Niatico was quick to spot this
and declared it a precursor to an in-
During a Presidential speech inside vasion. The Kaiserina denied this.
Burgess, Flakery (the Capital at the
The War
time), the protesters began getting Mahakam before the Battle of Rethug. Map by Flakery.
Despite denying accusations of an
very violent against security agents.
invasion, the Kaiserina decided to
It was decided that the President was
order a full scale invasion. At 1:00
to be escorted to a safer location via
AM on Wednesday 7th July, over 100
Helicopter until the violence had sub-
bombers took off all across the Flako-
sided. The President climbed in, but
Niaticoan border. Their mission was
as a security agent was about to close
to destroy key access points, military
the door, a protester threw a hand
barracks, bridges, airfields, and fuel
grenade towards it. The gre-
tanks. One hour later, thousands of
nade landed inside and blew the heli-
Unterhuaffen-3 tanks rolled across
copter to pieces, killing everyone in-
the border, followed by 1.9 million
side, including the President. The
men. The largest ground invasion in
now desperate Government looked to
the history of Mahakam had com-
the military to quell the riots. Howev-
er, the military had turned to the side
of the protesters and successfully ex-
Despite heavy resistance, Flakery
ecuted a coup d’état.
steamrolled in, pushing successfully
Once in control, they burnt down
throughout the border. Many Flak-
the Parliament building, along with
erians in the southwestern portion of
the Presidential Manor inside Bur-
the border had significant issues due
gess, before beginning the process of
to Niaticoan defenses and harsh ter-
reinstating the Kaiser. They found Mahakam after the Battle of Rethug. Map by Flakery.
rain. However, the Flakerians did
the Direct Descendant of Otten III, a
eventually break the defenses and
woman known as Mallia Castilov,
began pushing on this front as well. were airlifted by the Niaticoan Air the Niaticoans, as over 10,000 Ni-
who, coincidentally, was the leader of
The Battle of Bertugg was a very Force afterward, despite Flakerian aticoans met their ends in this battle.
the Monarchist Movement. After es-
harsh battle because of the cities attempts to shoot down the helicop- Roughly 6,000 Flakerians were simi-
tablishing her as the Kaiserina of
mountainous geography and troop ters. Many other battles followed, but larly sentenced to their graves.
Flakery, she went about establishing
count. The Battle began when Flak- none were anywhere near as signifi-
very aggressive foreign policies and
drastic increases to the militaristic
erian troops surrounded the city and cant as the Battle of Bertugg – except In conclusion
began setting up large artillery on the one. The Flakerian Forces continued The Restoration War, as it is known,
strength inside Flakery. She also cre-
hills surrounding it. The Niaticoans pushing north, but one Niaticoan is far from over, and many events are
ated many authoritarian policies for
noticed and launched an attack be- commander realized that something yet to happen. If you are interested in
the citizens, and switched Flakery’s
fore their opposition was ready. The had to be done to protect the nation. what happens next in this RP, a sec-
capital to Pont Vanis.
Flakerians were caught off guard and As a result, he ordered the Niaticoan ond part of this article will be re-
took massive casualties, despite win- troops to stop retreating. The result- leased in the near future.
One example of her policies was
ning the battle. The Niaticoan troops ing battle (The Battle of Rethug) was
turning on the other nations of Ma-
who were not overrun in the city the most brutal battle of the war for

Do you have an idea to

improve the International section?
Message @balag12#7151 on Discord!

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24th 2019 Section A

Art of the Week Weekly Crossword

By DAUNLAUND draw a gun like that. By LLO
There has been lots happening in Have you been paying attention this week? Test yourself with our weekly
the NS Polandball world. Here are crossword, based on the articles in this edition and general knowledge of NS.
my top picks for this week.

By Los Ricos

See the GIF in action here.

Another piece by Los Ricos. This

By Narumasang time it moves! I think this GIF-ball

This well drawn strip is really fun-

ny and excellently done! It makes
no sense, but it makes me laugh.

is really well drawn and animated.

By Intercosmos
You finished it? Congrats! Give yourself a pat on the back — you earned it!
This request by Brussledorf
caught my eye. And I like the little
joke Intercosmos put in relating to
By Los Ricos how the art was drawn. A great
piece of Polandball art!
From something funny to some-
thing sad. I wonder what has made This week’s art concluded
Los Ricos so unhappy. Overall these pieces have made it
into this column not because of how
Want to hear about
well they are drawn or how good
they look. They were picked because
the news first?
of the time and effort these people
put in to make this wonderful art.
Join our Discord server:
By Intercosmos

What a rotten day for a rebellion!

But what a great drawing by Inter-
cosmos. It takes quite a bit of skill to

Chairman: Lewis Kuznetsov-Flood
Chief Content Officer & Editor-in-Chief: Trabardia
Human Resources Director: Precoixious
Director of Graphics & Publishing: Llo

Chief Politics Editor: Llo
Deputy Politics Editor: Prarie
Chief Gameplay Editor: Wymondham
Deputy International Editor: The Doctor

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