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1. Purpose
 Importance of Expat
 Expatriation cycle
 Reasons for doing expatriation
 Benefits vs cost
 How can company realize the benefit?
 3 very important things – Selecting right person, good communication and monitoring,
good KT at the end

Part 2 - Problem Statement and research questions

 Does the dissimilarity between academic theory and industry practices needs to better
performance or worse performance/good or bad outcome/Desirable or undesirable
 Must the companies approach academic ideas for better performance
 Relationship between duration of expat program and employs ability to adapt to foreign
 Relationship between turnover rate and repat program
 Relationship between turnover rate and career development
 Relationship between expatriate experience and their personal life/carrier
 What competencies must the expat possess?
 What must the selection process be?
 What must the selection criteria be?
 What are the training methods used?
 When should it happen?
 Is it provided for spouse and family
 Completing IA is directly related to vertical carrier progression?
 Repat who gain vertical carrier progression stays with the same organization
 Repat without vertical carrier progression actively search job
 Impact of expatriation on the repatriate career development upon return

2. Background
 What is expatriation?
 Selection, training process
 Repatriation
 Background of company – Company history, international strategy, international
assignee policy
 Background of the IT industry
3. Relevance & Scope
 Focus is on long term IA


 Staffing approach
 Notice for using expatriate – position filling, organization development, management
development, controlling, KT, risk management
 Expatriation cycle – Selection, assignment preparation, compensation, communication
and monitoring, performance management, repatriation
 Theoretical framework of the cycle


 Research question
 Research method – Qualitative and Quantitative?
 Research object – Sopra Steria
 Data collection –
o Secondary (Lib books, google scholar, research papers)
o primary data
 Sampling of respondent (The target population of this study is composed by
repatriates, which means, persons who completed an IA and returned to
their home country. Also, repatriates - have completed an IA with 6 months
of duration minimum - have returned from IA in the last 4 years. This period
of time was settled to avoid memory biases about the international
experience - professionals with an employment relation, or not, with the
organization that sent them abroad.)
 Unstructured interviews,
 questionnaires
 semi structed interviews
 internal documents
 direct observations
 Anonymity

 Research design
 Participants
 Instruments - Interview protocol, demographic info, bus
 Procedure – Data collection, data analysis,


 Evaluation of the result and methodology

o Reliability – Participation bias, Reliability and the observer role
o Validity – Choice of company and people,
o Generalizability - applying our findings directly to other organizations is therefore
 Cross tabulation
 Trustworthiness of the study
 Question wise analysis
 Findings of each company and interview
 Answering the research question written earlier –
 Knowledge Transfer upon Repatriation


 Expatriation perceived as a career development strategy
 Relationship between IA and career advancement
 Relationship between career progression and permanency on the expatriation organization
 Relationship between career progression and turnover intention
 Limitations and future lines for research
 Recommendations - An Efficient Recruitment Process, Expatriate and Family Support,
Communication Between Assignee and Home Organisation, Knowledge Transfer upon

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