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Cordoean Ederduce ia a Gldoal Context Eds. Fanso Aijejing and Foule Masson Chapter 14 Barbara Lalla Healing into Poetry: Metaphor as a Mechanism for Metadiscourse in the Poetry of Lorna Goodison * Analyzing pote dscure sinreasingly the sins of posts well as ets in the Carbtear and this ean only enlarge ou vie ofthe subject by moldplying the angles fo which we. perceive it Parception increase with adjstnent of viewing poston - not ony physi! but comceptual adjustment, and metaphor is 2 discursive strategy for adjusting viewing, positon. Lorna Goodison deawe on metaphor as «mechanism of metalscourse, using the te 3 central image, but this 6 nota single metsphor so mich ae a mesh of cuivlences. The mesh ccheres around a sytendche, theft forthe ace. OF Blood and Discourse Goodison conveys throughout her verse a preoccupation wih bing a oot - 8 conition of rv sensitiv in which ies of blood tansorm to lines of poetry, Personal and rill memory a mated by linear images chins ts, marks ofthe whip and bloodlines, ins of descont, ‘Some ofthese blood lines ea ino ines of vers evel it poe ‘te welled state inthe ‘rapped betwen ny Souder. Acampo ae eerge and benaalset words totoetelieagain’ Suppresion of some lines of descent and emphasis on cers Is a theme of "Guines Woman” culminating in the seaertion of the orginal strong dark line of Afcan heritage pestgrandnetir, ee your fetes toed dak sppesting inthe dln ofeach ating 5) Not only ate the blood lines tnes of descent, however they alo rarest themselves as wounds, Heewhee, the poet arultes a past hot has bees suppreeed, joxtaposing what hse been declare Arawinghistey out of obscurity, and laying together stands of escent Ii the beginning ofa vision of history a8 gaping wound or sa bith anal ltd with Blood, be tut lng supped Motes ene stone wedge asthe ein ur Nstiey nde wth ot wi Into ious of sory ont ges, ents burial aac, dacasen imps showing ear way opttzough th ars kts bs nt al ext of ba cps sth hat as ver ond em of sas, (Mater te Get Sans Got to Move" 13) oehere adopting the persons of *Nanmy” the poet breaks a sites ‘Mat Is muldnensinal The hole in history is both physically and psychologically part ofher, anda ie of perpetual voto: My won was sned ilalerbees ‘oreo ode rothng boul ese reste perpetual ge the canon ofthe war: (tof this past fraught with frustration comes pesetent betrayal “The void of individual atheros, such a that which lament in "The Woman Speaks to the Man Who has Employed er Son” mors the barbarism of those who assume the stance of fathechood fr purposes of exploitation setting ae eat wher eas for 13) Past, recent and current suations and events at hore and abroad demonstrat a coninoum of lation tha sere children n“Dream” 8 voie deriving group from South Alrca of free movemen, of Aight uncois tke a whip that evokes a c's sream of resistance = & scream that "acres thea.” With the choking of norma channels of expression, the poet adopts this sie of protests & binding and supportive red girdle around he] bly” and declare the violation to bone strand of gathering oppression to that he ssn wl row Azan tostangi your deere. 6) ‘Some ines re ightopes fr banc ts in womans personal ie; ‘others are ines of erative diacourse submerged for & while bat ulmately, surfacing; but many are wounds at dering sages of ene of ealing ‘Goodison adresses the wounds of society (race, clas, gerier) as well 25 the rated wounds of history. For the community too i deeply ‘marke by satlering Front, ourvaries and dling lines beret lass and gender, roads, bridges, and ral ink and mat of stor of Seclty but also sear. Css ines that carve a commnurity nun through "edge Views” (15-20, “Brcge Views" secounts witatawals behind those nes that define social respectability, relocations from Alegenerating area to area, filling back before collapsing rsighbourheods, uansformation of places that had bron home 10 curfew 2ones, marked of y gules Stigma on osupations and human conitions evoke violence sang the fce of «cll and ening him the mame, “Shewhip” Sarsing of children, physically, socially, morally, emotionally, ea recurrent ol, OF Heating and Fluency “The metophore merge and overlap The line ha ze borders mays te wounds andthe borders may. yet be flowing steams, ane the steeans may be of ceaivty or Bld, On at paved, blackface road, edged by barbed wite and devoid of milestones, It by eet Jamp, “ya walk untold distance” This is “The Rood ofthe Dread” (5 16), which on cay of grace smnothed and straightened by acest ‘sream and bitseng oe «happy meeting of aval tht complement ‘exch other, ‘A dom ne dye soa an tight an, i "ire, as elsewhere, she landscape is releved by healing steams, The objective isa taney in the creative woman, clare in "T Am Becoming My Mother,” where bith wates sing like river (6) (Otherwise, barrie old back a powerful, potently dangerous fa, 1 "Some of ny Worst Wounds” Goodison alls us that “a camry own has en leverage the tangu's ise” andthe backing up of discourse to ereleased in aflod i one line of dfenoe in "dg" And rbody ld you wasapoe?™ You when judgment the cos who oe moro by tenngounds of espns? Toe ining hse wore poking ham bn th brie yt ‘ang tes oly woman ca, "havea pon foryo, fudge mn. (28) Poetic ency i eaveyed by the image of vers that have heen curbed cor clogged but are eens to flow unbounded. A the same time, the river metaphor rans pall to the image of blond flow, or of =

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