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cal English

Doctors are inevitable in today’s world as the patients are. Patients come in all different
shapes and sizes. They also speak many different languages. Similarly doctors hail from
different territory and from different background. Whether you are working abroad or at
home, there will come a time when you will need to rely on English to communicate.
These pages can help nurses, doctors, pharmacists, paramedics, receptionists, specialists
or even the patients who frequent the chambers of those humanoid Gods.

Franklyn’s Medical English will help you learn some basic English expressions, terms
and vocabulary related to the medical field. By studying and practising Medical English,
you will be able to make your patients feel more comfortable, and have a better
understanding of their needs. You will also learn how to talk to their loved ones and
communicate with other medical staffs who speak English. The patients will achieve a
cutting edge benefit out of those medical terms which so far were an obstacle to them.
These will enable them to communicate with ease and will help the doctors to diagnose
the needs of the visitors more quickly and effectively. This highly interactive, specialist
course, aims to provide the student with a sufficient level of Medical English terminology
to help develop the communication skills required to converse with English speaking
doctors and patients.

So let’s take a plunge into the world of Medicos and try our medical bent of mind with
Franklyn’s Medical English.

Franklyn’s Medical English course covers a broad range of topics which include:

Unit 1• Medical vocabulary, terminology, and Idioms (1-5 classes)

Unit 2• Sample Diseases and Comprehension Tests. (6-10 classes)

Unit 3• Common Expressions on Doctor -Patient relationships,
Medical Jokes.(11-15 Classes)
Unit 4• Human Body; Understanding the scientific terms and names for the
different body parts. (16th Class)
Unit 5• Medical abbreviations. Story related to the Medical Fields. (17- 20 classes)

Unit 1
Class 1


part of speech Meaning Example sentence
abnormal not normal for the human body This amount of weight loss is
adj abnormal for women of your
ache pain that won't go away I can't sleep because my knees
noun/verb ache in the night.
acute quick to become severe/bad We knew the baby was
adj coming right away because the
woman's labour pains were
allergy noun a body's abnormal reaction to Your son is extremely allergic
allergic adj certain foods or environmental to peanuts.
substances (eg causes a rash)
ambulance emergency vehicle that rushes We called the ambulance
noun people to a hospital when Josh stopped breathing.
amnesia a condition that causes people to I can't remember the accident
noun lose their memory because I had amnesia.
amputation noun permanent removal of a limb We had to amputate his leg
amputate verb because the infection spread

so quickly.
anaemia noun occurs when the body doesn't I have low energy because I
anaemic adj have enough red blood cells am anaemic.
antibiotics medication that kills bacteria and My throat infection went away
noun cures infections after I started the antibiotics.
anti-depressant medication that helps relieve The anti-depressants helped
noun anxiety and sadness me get on with life after Lucy
appointment a scheduled meeting with a I've made you an
noun medical professional appointment with a specialist
in three week's time.
arthritis a disease that causes the joints to My grandmother can't knit
noun become swollen and crippled anymore because the arthritis
in her hands is so bad.
asthma (attack) a condition that causes a I carry an inhaler when I run
noun blockage of the airway and because I have asthma.
makes it difficult for a person to
bacteria a disease-causing organism To prevent the spread of
noun bacteria it is important that
nurses wash their hands often.
bedsore wounds that develop on a If you don't get up and take a
noun patient's body from lying in one walk, you will develop painful
place for too long bedsores.
benign not harmful (not cancerous) We're hoping that the tests will
adj show that the lump in your
breast is benign.
biopsy removal of human tissue in order The biopsy ruled out a number
noun to conduct certain medical tests of illnesses.
blood count the amount of red and white You will be happy to know
noun blood cells a person has that your blood count is
almost back to normal.
blood donor a person who gives blood to a Blood donors have to answer
noun blood bank or other person questions about their medical
blood pressure the rate at which blood flows High blood pressure puts you

noun through the body (high/low) at risk of having a heart attack.
brace a device that holds injured body You will probably always have
noun parts in place to wear a brace on your ankle
when you jog.
breech position of an unborn baby in We thought it was going to be
adj which the feet are down and the a breech birth, but the baby
head is up turned himself around.
broken a bone that is divided in two or We thought it was just a
adj more pieces as a result of an sprain, but it turned out his leg
injury was broken.
bruise noun injured body tissue that is visible The woman was badly
bruised adj underneath the skin bruised when she came into
the emergency room.

Class 2

Caesarean section, procedure that involves removing The baby was so large that we
C-section a baby from its mother through had to perform a Caesarean
noun an incision in the woman's lower section.
cancer disease caused by the There are many different
noun uncontrollable growth of cells options when it comes to
treating cancer.
cardiopulmonary restoring a person's breath and You saved your brother's life
resuscitation (CPR) circulation by performing CPR.
cast a hard bandage that is wrapped My leg was in a cast for
noun around a broken bone to keep it graduation.
in place
chapel, chapeline a place where loved ones can go If you want a place to pray, the
noun to pray for a patient's recovery; chapel is on the third floor.
a priest who visits patients in the
chemotherapy type of treatment used on cancer My mother has already had
noun patients three rounds of

chickenpox a virus commonly contracted by It is best to get chickenpox as
noun children, characterized by itchy a child so that you don't get it
spots all over the body worse as an adult.
coroner a person who determines the We only call the coroner if we
noun cause of death after a person dies think a death is suspicious.
critical condition requiring immediate and constant You can't see her right now;
noun medical attention she's in critical condition.
crutches objects that people with injured I'd rather hop on one foot than
noun legs or feet use to help them walk use crutches.
cyst a sac in the body-tissue filled We're going to remove the
noun with fluid (sometimes diseased) cysts just to be on the safe
deaf unable to hear The accident left the patient
adj both deaf and blind.
deficiency a lack of something necessary for The tests show that you have
noun one's health an iron deficiency.
dehydrated in need of water It is easy for the elderly to
adj become dehydrated in this
dementia loss of mental capacity It is hard to watch a loved one
noun suffering with dementia.
diabetes type of disease typically People with diabetes have to
noun involving insulin deficiency constantly check their blood
sugar levels.
diagnosis medical explanation of an illness The doctor would prefer to
noun or condition share the diagnosis with the
patient himself.
discomfort experiencing pain This pain medication should
noun relieve some of your
disease a medical disorder that is harmful I understand that this disease
noun to a person's health runs in your family.
dislocated when a bone is temporarily You will have to wear a sling
adj separated from its joint because of your dislocated

emergency a medical problem that needs It is important that children
noun immediate attention know which number to dial in
case of an emergency.
ER (emergency the hospital room used for The child was rushed into the
room) treating patients with immediate ER after he had a severe
noun and life-threatening injuries allergic reaction to a bee sting.
external on the outside This cream is for external use
adj only. Do not get it near your
ears, eyes, or mouth.
false negative a test that incorrectly comes back We had two false negative
noun negative pregnancy tests, so we didn't
adj know we were having a baby.
family history medical background of a person's The doctor was concerned
noun family members about my family history of
skin cancer.
fatal causing death The doctor made a fatal error
adj when he wrote the wrong
fever noun higher than normal body He is very feverish, and his
feverish adj temperature temperature is near danger
flu (influenza) many types of respiratory or People who have the flu
noun intestinal infections passed on should not visit hospital
through a virus patients.
fracture noun broken or cracked bone Your wrist is fractured and
fractured adj needs a cast.
germ a micro-organism, especially one Flowers are not allowed in the
noun that causes disease ward to avoid the risk of
germs being brought in.
genetic a medical condition or physical The disease is part genetic and
adj feature that is passed on in the part environmental.
growth a ball of tissue that grows bigger That growth on your shoulder
noun than normal, either on or under is starting to worry me.
the skin
heart attack instance in which blood stops People who smoke are at
noun pumping through the heart greater risk of having a heart

HIV the virus that infects the human HIV can be passed down from
noun T-cells and leads to AIDS the mother to her fetus.
hives bumps that appear on the surface I broke out in hives after I ate
noun of the skin during an allergic that potato casserole.
illness noun general term for any condition Her illness went away when
ill adj that makes a person feel sick for she started eating better.
a certain period of time

Class 3

immune system the parts of the body that fight You can't have visitors
noun diseases, infections, and viruses because your immune system
is low.
immunization noun an injection that protects against Babies are immunized three
immunize verb a specific disease times in their first year.
incision cut in the body made during I had to have stitches to close
noun surgery the incision.
inconclusive unclear We have to do more x-rays
adj because the first ones were
infant young baby The nurse will demonstrate
noun how to bathe an infant.
infection noun diseased area of the body (viral The wound should be covered
infected adj or bacterial) when you swim to prevent it
from becoming infected.
inflamed appearance (red and swollen) of My right ankle was so
adj an injured body part inflamed it was twice the size
of my left one.
injury damage to the body Her injuries were minor; just
noun a few cuts and bruises.
intensive care unit section of the hospital where She will remain in the ICU
(ICU) patients get constant attention until she can breathe on her
noun and doctors rely on specialized own.

internal under the skin, inside the organs The doctors will be
adj monitoring her for any
internal bleeding.
itchy feeling discomfort on the skin's If you are allergic to this
adj surface medication your skin will get
red and itchy.
IV a tube that pumps liquids and The toddler was so dehydrated
noun medication into a patient's body that the doctor decided to get
him on an IV.
lab results tests that come back from a The lab results have come in
noun laboratory and help doctors make and you are free to go home.
a diagnosis
lab (laboratory) place where samples of I'll take these samples down to
noun blood/urine etc. are taken for the lab on my way out.
life support a machine that keeps patients The woman has severe brain
noun alive by helping them breathe damage and is currently on life
life-threatening when injuries and conditions are The victim was shot in two
adj extremely serious places but the bullet wounds
are not life-threatening.
light-headed feeling of dizziness and being If you are feeling light-
adj off-balance, caused by lack of headed again, lie down and
oxygen in the brain call me.
malignant expected to grow and get much I'm afraid at least one of the
adj worse (especially related to tumours is malignant.
cancerous cells)
medical school (med. place where someone trains to be After eight years of medical
school) a doctor school I can finally practice
noun medicine.
newborn an infant that is less than three You have to support her neck
noun months old because she is still a newborn.
numb no feeling in a certain body part The needle will make your
adj lower body feel numb.
OR (operating room) the place where major surgeries You must wear a face mask
noun and operations take place and gloves while you are in
the OR.

operation noun a medical procedure that involves The operation lasted seven
operate on verb going inside a person's body in an hours, but it was successful.
attempt to fix a problem
pain strong discomfort in certain areas We gave your husband some
noun of the body medicine to relieve some of
the pain.
pain killer, pain type of medicine that takes away You can take two pain killers
reliever some or all of the discomfort of every four hours.
noun an illness or injury
paralyzed unable to move certain areas of We thought her legs were
adj the body paralyzed for life, but she is
learning how to walk.
patient a person staying in a hospital or The patients in Room 4 are
noun medical facility not getting along.
pharmacist a person who fills a doctor's Ask the pharmacist if there is
noun prescription and gives people a generic brand of this
advice about medication medication.
pharmacy, drugstore a place where people go to buy You should be able to buy a
noun medication and other medical bandage at the pharmacy.
physician doctor Ask your family physician to
noun refer you to a specialist.
poison noun a substance that is very The child was bitten by a
poisonous adj dangerous if it enters the human poisonous snake.
prenatal of the time period leading up to The woman was well prepared
adj giving birth for labour because she took
the prenatal classes.
prescription noun the correct amount and type of You will need to visit your
prescribe verb medication needed to cure an doctor to get another
illness or relieve symptoms prescription.
privacy noun being alone; personal (eg test You will have to pay for a
private adj results) private hospital room if you
don't want a room-mate.
radiation high energy X-rays that destroy If the radiation doesn't kill all
noun cancer cells of the abnormal cells, the
cancer will come back.

residency part of a doctor's training that John is a resident under Dr
resident takes place in the hospital; Brown.
noun a student working under a doctor
routine check-up a doctor's appointment to check a I'd like to see you a year from
noun person's general health now for a routine check-up.
scrubs plain uniform (usually green, I have some extra scrubs in
noun white, or blue) worn by medical my locker.

Class 4

scrub up carefully wash hands before and I have to scrub up and get
verb after seeing a patient ready for surgery.
second opinion input from a second doctor about I went to another doctor to get
noun an illness or symptom a second opinion about these
seizure sudden violent movements or People who suffer from
noun unconsciousness caused by epilepsy are prone to seizures.
electrical signal malfunction in
the brain
shock body not getting enough blood The woman was in shock after
noun flow being pulled from the river.
side effects other symptoms that might occur One of the side effects of
noun as a result of a certain medication antidepressants is a loss of
or procedure appetite.
sore painful I have a sore throat and a
adj runny nose.
spasm the uncontrollable tightening of a Ever since I injured my leg
noun muscle I've been having muscle
spasms in my upper thigh.
specialist a doctor that is an expert in a My family doctor is sending
noun certain kind of medicine me to a specialist.
sprain an injury (less serious than a I sprained my knee playing
noun/verb break) to a joint (ankle, wrist, soccer.
knee etc)
stable condition a patient is stable if their medical You can see your husband

noun condition is no longer changing now; he is in a stable
rapidly condition.
sting sharp, temporary pain It may sting when I insert the
noun/verb needle.
stress noun worry that causes muscles to You need to take some time
stressed adj tighten and blood pressure to rise off work and relieve some of
your stress.
swelling noun ligaments (parts that hold the I knew my ankle was sprained
swollen adj joints together) growing bigger because it was so swollen.
and rounder after an injury to a
symptoms pain or physical changes that You have all of the symptoms
noun occur because of an illness or of a diabetic.
temperature amount of heat measured in a We brought Jesse to
noun body; higher than normal emergency because he was
temperature running a (high) temperature.
tender painful when touched or used The incision was tender after
adj the surgery.
test results medical information that helps The test results came back
noun doctors understand a patient's negative. You aren't pregnant.
condition or body
therapy treatment aimed at improving a I was able to go back to work
noun person's mental or physical a few weeks after starting the
condition therapy.
transplant moving of an organ from one The heart transplant saved
noun human to another your life.
ultrasound a test that examines the body's The ultrasound shows that we
noun internal organs and processes are expecting a baby boy.
using sound waves (often used
during pregnancies)
umbilical cord the lifeline from the mother to the I had an emergency C-section
noun fetus (when cut at birth this forms because the umbilical cord
the belly button) was wrapped around the
baby's neck.
unconscious alive, but appearing to be asleep I hit my head on the steering
adj and unaware of the surroundings wheel and was still

unconscious when the
ambulance arrived.
urine sample a small amount of the body's The urine sample tells us how
noun liquid waste that is tested for much alcohol is in your blood.
different medical reasons
vein the thin tubes that transport blood I'm just looking for the best
noun around the body and back to the vein in which to insert the
heart needle.
virus a dangerous organism that causes The virus is contractable
noun the spread of minor and major through the exchange of
diseases bodily fluids.
visiting hours time of day when friends and I'm afraid you'll have to come
noun family are allowed to visit back during visiting hours.
patients in hospital
vomit discharge of a person stomach The pregnant woman can't
noun/verb contents through the mouth stop vomiting.
ward a section of a hospital or health I should warn you that we're
noun facility where patients stay entering the mental health
wheelchair a chair on wheels used for If you get in the wheelchair
noun transporting patients from place I'll take you down to see the
to place garden.
wound noun injury to body ("flesh wound" The wounded soldiers are
wounded adj means not deep) being airlifted to the hospital.
x-ray a photograph of a person's bones The technician took x-rays of
noun/verb and organs my shoulder to make sure it
wasn't broken.

Class 5

Vocabulary Quiz

1 You shouldn't drive because this medicine might make you feel-----------------.
2 The children's ---------------------is located on the fourth floor of the hospital.
3 Discontinue using this cream immediately if it makes you feel-----------------.
4 Your blood count is abnormal, so you may have--------------------.
5 The doctor wrote me a -------------------------for a new type of pain reliever.

6 ------------------------------from this medication include nausea and depression.
7 The ----------------------suggests that your wife is seventeen weeks pregnant.
8 The patient has asked for some -------------------while her family is visiting.
9 The physician will be monitoring your ------------to make sure it isn't
10 You couldn't have inherited the disease because it is not------------------.

Medical Specialists

Medical specialists are experts in certain fields of medicine. They either treat specific
parts of the body, such as the back or the brain, or they specialize in certain diseases, such
as cancer. Family doctors keep a list of local specialists and can help patients choose the
right specialist for each medical issue. In many cases specialists require a referral from a
family doctor before they will see a patient. Here is a list of the most common types of
specialists. Study the list and then check your understanding by taking the quiz.

allergist: specializes in determining food and environmental allergies

anesthesiologist: specializes in pain prevention during surgery
cardiologist: heart specialist
chiropractor: back specialist
dentist: tooth specialist
dermatologist: skin specialist
fertility specialist: helps people who have difficulty getting pregnant
gynecologist: specializes in women's needs
massage therapist: specializes in muscle relaxation
midwife: helps women deliver babies in a natural way
naturopath: specializes in natural cures and remedies
neurologist: brain specialist
obstetrician: specialist for pregnant women
occupational therapist: specializes in workplace health
oncologist: tumour specialist, including cancer
ophthalmologist: specializes in eye diseases
pediatrician: specialist for babies and children
physical therapist: specializes in the body's movement
podiatrist: foot specialist

psychiatrist: specialist in mental health
radiologist: specializes in imaging tests

Referral Quiz

Read the patient complaints. Which specialist does each patient need?

1 I have a terrible rash on my arms and legs. I think I'm allergic to dairy food, but
it also might be grass.

2 My husband and I just took a home pregnancy test, and it came out positive. We
want to know when we are due and we want to make sure the fetus is healthy.

3 I still can't walk and it's been three months since my accident. I hate being stuck
in a wheelchair.

4 The test results show that I have an advanced form of blood cancer.

5 My left eye has an infection that won't go away and my vision has been blurry
for two weeks now.

6 I don't want to take any drugs that will cause me to become addicted to them,
but I do need some sort of pain relief.

7 I've been having major chest pains this week. I'm also having trouble breathing.

8 I get terrible acne and I have tried all of the products in the pharmacy. I don't
know what to do now.

9 My baby is not developing properly. She hasn't put on any weight in two months
and she keeps getting ear infections.

1 My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for three years. We have
0 tried everything that the books suggest.


Medical Supplies and Tools

Here is a list of some of the most common supplies found in doctor's offices, operating
rooms, and medical kits. Study the vocabulary and try the matching exercise.

antiseptic liquid used to sterilize (clean) the surface of the skin

bandage a cloth covering that is placed over a wound to prevent bleeding,

swelling and infection

bandage scissors tool used to cut bandages

blood pressure a tool that measures the force of blood flow through a person's
monitor body

dressing protective covering that is placed over a wound

elastic tape a thin roll of stretchy material that is sticky on one side

eye chart a poster of letter, word, and number combinations of various sizes
used to test a person's eyesight

forceps instrument used during operations and medical procedures (assists

the doctor in pulling, holding, and retrieving)

gauze thin, netted material used for dressing wounds

hypodermic needle sharp pointed metal piece that pricks the skin (attached to a
syringe), used for taking blood or administering medicine

IV bag the pouch that contains liquids to be pumped into a patient's body

medicine cup small plastic measuring cup

microscope equipment that makes small things appear larger than they are

otoscope a device used for looking into a patient's ears

oxygen mask equipment that fits over the nose and mouth and supplies oxygen

privacy screen an object that is used to separate the doctor and patient from others
in an open room

scales a device that measures a person's weight

stethoscope equipment for listening to a person's heart and lungs

syringe a cylinder-shaped piece that attaches to a needle and can be filled

with liquid

table and head-rest paper that is placed on an examining table or head-rest to prevent
paper the spread of germs

test tube glass cylinder that is filled with blood or other liquids and can be
capped and placed in a storage area

thermometer an instrument used to check a person's body temperature

vial a small bottle or container used for storing liquids

Matching Exercise
Match the comments with the supplies that are needed:

1 I can't catch my breath. a table and head-rest paper

2 Prepare the examining table for the b Thermometer
next patient.
3 We'll have to get a blood sample. c oxygen mask
4 I need to sterilize the wound. d hypodermic needle
5 We'll have to feed him with liquids. e bandage scissors
6 Let's find out your weight. f Scales
7 I need to examine the patient in g eye chart
8 Let's check your vision. h Antiseptic
9 Let's see if you are running a fever. i IV bag
10 Can you cut this gauze for me? j privacy screen
Answers: 1c, 2a, 3d, 4h, 5i, 6f, 7j, 8g, 9b, 10e

Unit 2

Class 6

Article 1:

Overview of Asthma

Asthma is a disease of the lungs that is that is characterized by tightening of the air
pathways. Common symptoms of asthma are wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing,
chest pain, tightness or pressure. Many of these conditions are reversible with medication
but not 100% reversible in all patients. Some common features of asthma are
inflammation, airway obstruction and airway sensitivity. Some risk factors for asthma are
a family history of asthma, regular lung infections, presence of allergies, exposure to
tobacco smoke, low birth weight, and being male.

The current rise in asthma cases among children is alarming. Asthma may occur at any
age but is very common in children. Approximately 10% of children have asthma and
that rate may rise in the future. Experts don't agree why the rate is increasing but here are
some ideas:

- Children are being exposed to more triggers (things that bring on asthma attacks; dust,
tobacco smoke, pollution)
- Children don't have strong immune systems (they aren't exposed to many childhood
- Decreases in the rates of breast feeding may also play a role.

Asthma is a disease that causes many problems for the patient. However, it can be
controlled. With the right information and medical attention medical professionals can
prevent many deaths.

A. Multiple Choice Questions:

0. What are some common symptoms associated with asthma?

A. ? shortness of breath

B. ? coughing

C. ? chest pain

D. ? all of the above

1. What age does asthma present at?

A. ? any age

B. ? childhood

C. ? 30s

D. ? 10-12 years

2. Asthma is ___________ of the lungs.

A. ? a part

B. ? a disease

C. ? a risk factor

D. ? a symptom

3. Family history of asthma, regular lung infestions, and exposure to tabacco

smake are all ___________ of asthma
A. ? risk factors

B. ? triggers

C. ? diseases

D. ? exposures

4. Recently, there has been an increase in asthma cases among ________.

A. ? young adults

B. ? IV drug users

C. ? the elderly

D. ? children

5. Many of the symptoms of asthma are 100% ________ with medication in

some patients.
A. ? reversible

B. ? stronger

C. ? avoidable

D. ? sensitivity

6. What percent of children have asthma?

A. ? 20%

B. ? 1%

C. ? 10%

D. ? 15%

7. What is one idea why the asthma rate is increasing in children?

A. ? Children are being exposed to more triggers.

B. ? Children have strong immune systems.

C. ? Breast feeding has increased.

D. ? More children are smoking.

8. Airway obstruction and airway sensitivity are common ________ of

A. ? diseases

B. ? triggers

C. ? features

D. ? risk factors

9. Asthma is a disease that causes _________ .

A. ? severe headaches

B. ? tightening of air pathways

C. ? relaxation of the lungs

D. ? medication

Class 7

B. Fill in the gaps with the words form the text above.

i---------is a disease of the that is that is characterized by tightening of the air

pathways. Common symptoms of asthma are wheezing, shortness of , coughing,
chest pain, tightness or pressure. Many of these conditions are reversible with
medication but not 100% reversible in all patients. Some common of asthma are
inflammation, airway obstruction and airway sensitivity. Some for asthma are a
family history of asthma, regular lung infections, presence of allergies, exposure
to tobacco smoke, low birth weight, and being male.

The current rise in asthma cases among is alarming. Asthma may occur at age
but is very common in children. Approximately 10% of children have asthma and
that rate may rise in the future. Experts don’t agree why the rate is increasing but
here are some ideas:
- Children are being exposed to more (things that bring on asthma attacks; dust,
tobacco smoke, pollution)
- Children don’t have strong (they aren’t exposed to many childhood diseases.)
- Decreases in the rates of breast feeding may also play a role.

Asthma is a disease that causes many for the patient. However, it can be

controlled. With the right information and medical attention, medical professionals
can prevent many deaths.

List: A
Asthma, Immune, System, Any, Children, Feature, Breath, Factor, Lungs, Problem,

Article 2A:

Overview of Arthritis

Arthritis is a general term that refers to over a hundred different types of joint
inflammation. This joint inflammation causes swelling, pain and stiffness. If the
disease lasts long or occurs repeatedly, it can lead to tissue damage. The typical
signs of arthritis are swelling of the joint that is warm to the touch, pain,
tenderness, stiffness, redness and loss of function. Arthritis is not always limited
to the joints of the body and can affect soft tissues and internal organs.

In the joint, inflammation causes damage to the cartilage and synovial lining.
When the cartilage is warn down, the space in the joint becomes smaller and the
bones may rub together. Damage to the synovial lining cause synovial fluid to
leak and produce fluid in the joint lining. This adds to the swelling along with the
inflammatory response of the body. If the joint lining continues to grow, it can
permanently damage the bone. All of this causes pain, swelling and distress for
the patient.

The three most common types of arthritis are:

1. Osteoarthritis. This is the most prevalent. In osteoarthritis, the cartilage

of the bone slowly wears away with age and the bones rub together.

2. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA.) In rheumatoid arthritis, the body チ fs immune

system begins to attack the joints of the body causing the joint lining to

3. Gout. Gout is a condition where the body cannot effectively remove uric
acid and the uric acid crystallizes in the joints like needles. These
crystals cause swelling and severe pain.

Try to answer the following conversation questions, speaking out loud.

- What are some risk factors for arthritis?

- What are some of the main types of arthritis?
- What are some treatment options available to arthritis patients?

Class 8

Article 2B:

Arthritis Information for the Patient

Arthritis is caused by inflammation inside the joints of the body. Arthritis is very
common and affects almost a third of the American population. There are many
types of arthritis and in general the causes are still unknown. However, there are
some risk factors for arthritis. These may include age, gender, lifestyle factors,
and being overweight. With age, the cartilage in the joints wears down causing
the most common type of arthritis, osteoarthritis. Arthritis also occurs more often
in women than men. Work conditions that require heavy lifting and being
overweight cause heavy stress on the joints of the body.

Some common symptoms of arthritis are redness, joint pain, swelling, warmth
around the joint, and stiffness. To diagnose arthritis a variety of blood tests and x-
rays may be necessary. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis and
treatment may vary depending on the type of arthritis the patient has.

Treatment for arthritis generally involves pain management, exercise and

relaxation. The goals of arthritis treatment are to avoid pain and further
destruction of the joint. One way is to avoid activities that cause pain. When the
joint becomes painful, pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medication should be
taken to relieve the pain and swelling. A physical therapist can advise exercise
routines that help maintain joint mobility. Lastly, the patient should use braces,
splints and supporters to help support the joints especially during strenuous
activities. Surgery to correct the joint damage may also be an option.

Treatment will vary with the type of arthritis and the patient. Factors to take
under consideration are age, current medications, overall health and medical

Fill in the Gaps with suitable alternatives.

1. Same about do give how missed out progress some sound want

DOCTOR Good Morning, Mr. Wilson - what can I for you this morning?
PATIENT Good Morning, doctor. old thing - heartburn. It seems to be getting
worse. I'm sick of it.
DOCTOR Let me just have a look at your notes. Just me a minute.. I see you've

been coming to us once a month for time. Would you say that's right?
PATIENT Yes, something like that. That's about often I've been coming to see
you. And I don't seem to be getting any better. I'm worse in fact. I just don't seem
to be making any at all.
DOCTOR That doesn't too good, does it? Let me ask you a few questions, just to
see if we've something, or to see if you've left anything .
PATIENT All right - what do you to know?
2 .consult cough mixture get better hanging on look after making up on over the
counter relies on short with turn into

A woman walks into the pharmacy to buy some medicine for her toddler. The
sales assistant first wants to the pharmacist the situation.
The woman has to wait a little as the pharmacist is just busy a prescription. She
is angry and rather the pharmacist first because she doesn’t like to be kept .
Finally the pharmacist suggests her some but warns her if the baby doesn’t in a
day, the cough may something bad.
The customer then decides to stay at home and her child, even though her
company greatly on her work.
Class 9

Medical English Quiz (1)


1. The human bone frame is called the:

2. How many bones are there in the human body?
1028 84 116 206
3. The connexion between bones is called:
4. Bones are also held together by:
5. Bones contain _____ , which produces red cells.
6. Hands and feet contain _____ of all the body bones.
1/3 1/2 1/4 1/5
7. The skull contains _____ bone(s).
1 23 12 26
8. The spinal column bones are called:
9. The thoracic cavity bone frame is also called the:
10. The clavicle is also known as the:


Medical English Quiz 2: THE SKIN

1. The skin is the organ with the __ surface area in the whole body.
2. Its average surface, in an adult body, amounts to __ square meter(s)
3 4 1 2
3. It is the __ organ in the whole body.
4. Its average weight, in an adult body, amounts to about __ Kg
4 2 1 3
5. The dermis is __ times thicker than the epidermis.
3 5 2 4
6. The epidermis contains __ layer(s) of cells.
1 3 4 2
7. Hair bulbs are located in __
8. The dermis is also called the __
9. Skin receptors detecting heat are called __
10. Skin receptors detecting motion are called __


Class 10

Medical English Quiz 3 : THE HAND

1. Both hands _____ the same number of bones.

2. How many bones are there in a hand?
72 34 43 27
3. The carpus is also known as the ______
4. How many bones are there in the carpus?
6 9 8 12
5. Proximal carpal bones are those _____ the body.
6. Distal carpal bones are those ______ from the body.
7. Distal carpal bones _____ with metacarpal bones.
8. Finger bones are also called :
9. The smallest finger is called the :
10. The thumb is one bone _____ than the other fingers.


Medical English Quiz 4 : THE BRAIN

1. Brain cells die off if not oxygenated for more than ____ minutes.
2 1 3 4
2. The brain weighs an average of:
1 Kg 1.5 Kg 2 Kg 2.5 Kg
3. The brain represents _____ of the whole central nervous system.
17% 97% 57% 77%
4. The brain contains about _____ neurones.
5. Rupture or blockage of a brain blood-vessel is called:
6. The cerebrum is also called the:
7. The cerebrum is divided into 2 hemispheres also called the:
8. The functions of each hemisphere are co-ordinated by commissural fibres,
also called:
9. The cerebrum is broken down into 4 lobes, named after the bone to which
they are ______
10. The corpus callosum is the _____ of commissural fibres.


Medical English Quiz No. 5: The Muscular System

1. Our body contains over _____ muscles.

550 650 600 700
2. Muscles account for about _____ of our weight.
35% 45% 50% 40%
3. Muscles use ______ more oxygen when in motion than at rest.
50% 55% 60% 65%
4. On average, muscular contraction rate is of about _____.
45% 55% 35% 65%
5. Striated muscle is also called :
6. Smooth muscle is also called :
7. The two types of striated muscular tissue are called dark fibres and _____.
8. Muscular fibres striations are also called :
9. _____ muscle movement is a pull.
10. Smooth muscle tissue has _____ striations.


Unit 3
Class 11

Common Expressions with Real Life Medical Fields and Coversations.

Doctor's Diagnosis


• Your test results have come in.

• I'm afraid the prognosis isn't good.
• You have a long road to recovery.
• We have several options to discuss.
• The blood test came back negative.
• The transfusion was a success.
• It looks like you're ready to go home.
• I'd like to keep you here over night.
• We'll know more in a few days.
• You're not in the clear yet.
• We've ruled out diabetes.
• I'm hoping to get to the bottom of this soon.


• I don't understand what this means.

• Am I going to need surgery?
• Is it good news or bad?
• When will the tests results come in?
• How long do I have to stay in the hospital?
• What is the success rate?
• Are they going to run more tests?
• Is this a common problem for people my age?
• I'd like to discuss other options.
• I'm going to get a second opinion.

Sample Conversation
Doctor: Hi Jessica. How are you feeling today?
Patient: A bit better.

Doctor: That's good to hear. Are you still feeling nauseous?
Patient: No, I haven't felt sick to my stomach since you switched my medication.
Doctor: Great. Say, your test results came in this morning.
Patient: It's about time. Is it good news or bad?
Doctor: I guess it's a bit of both. Which do you want first?
Patient: Let's get the bad news over with.
Doctor: Okay. It looks like you're going to need surgery to remove the tumour from
your leg. After the operation you're going to have to stay off your feet for at
least three weeks. That means no soccer.
Patient: I was afraid you were going to say that.
Doctor: Now for the good news. The biopsy shows that the tumour is benign, which
means it's not cancerous. We're going to take it out anyway just to be on the
safe side.
Patient: Wow, that's a load off my mind. Thanks Doctor.
Doctor: Don't get too excited. We still need to get to the bottom of all of this weight
Patient: I've probably just been so worried about this stupid lump.
Doctor: These things often are stress related, but we're still going to do a few blood
tests just to rule a few things out.
Patient: Things like what? Cancer?
Doctor: Actually, I'm thinking more along the lines of a food allergy.

Check your understanding

1 Why did the woman have to switch medication?

2 What bad news does the doctor give the patient?

3 What medical procedure did the patient already undergo?

Class 12

Visiting Hours

Part of being a nurse, involves dealing with the people who are close to your patients.
When a patient is staying in a hospital or other health facility, it is often necessary to
welcome, monitor, and inform visitors on a daily basis. In many cases you may form
stronger relationships with the patients' visitors than the patients themselves. Depending
on the condition of the patient, certain loved ones will be allowed to visit, while others
will not. It is a difficult time for people who have loved ones in the hospital. Showing
them compassion and explaining the rules is much easier if you have the necessary
English skills.

Study the different people that may come to visit the patient. Then read some typical
concerns and questions that visitors may have, and some appropriate responses that you
may be able to give them.

Immediate family

Mother and Father (patient's parents)

Husband or Wife (the man or woman the patient is married to)
Son and Daughter (children of the patient, boy and girl)
Brother and Sister/siblings (other children of the patient's parents)

Extended family

Grandmother and Grandfather (mother and father of patient's parents)

Aunt and Uncle (brother and sister of patient's parents)
Niece and Nephew (girl and boy child of patient's siblings)
Cousins (children of patient's aunt or uncle)

Friends and other loved ones

Best friend (patient's closest friend)

Room-mate (a person the patient lives with)
Neighbour (a friend who lives near the patient)
Co-worker (a person who works with the patient)
Boyfriend or Girlfriend (the man or woman the patient loves/dates)
Fiancé (the man or woman the patient is engaged to marry)

Questions and Concerns of Loved Ones

• We're Michael's grandparents.

• Could you tell me which room Mrs Smythe is in?
• Is my child going to be okay?
• When can we speak with the doctor?
• What time are visiting hours?
• I'm trying to locate my sister. (I'm trying to find my sister's room.)
• Is there anything you can do to make him more comfortable.
• My child would like something to drink.

• Is there somewhere I can lie down for a while.
• Could you tell me where the chapel is?
• Please tell her to get well soon.

Questions and Responses from Nurses

• What is your relation to Jessica?

• You'll have to come back during visiting hours.
• Ms Lee is too tired for visitors.
• Room 7 is down the hall to your right.
• I'll give you two some privacy now.
• Does your daughter need anything?
• I'm afraid she's not having a very good day today.
• We do the best we can around here.
• There's a quiet room for families down the hall.
• The doctor would like to have a word with you. (The doctor wants to speak to
• She's doing much better this morning.
• He's in isolation because of the transplant.
• We had to transfer your mother-in-law to the ICU.
• It's in your brother's best interest.

Everyday Medical English: Speaking about

health and illness
This is an area where even people who are generally fluent stumble quite often. You see, when you’re ill,
you’ll have to describe and explain to your doctor (and to other people) how you’re suffering. The doctor
would ask you a number of questions, and you’ll have to understand those questions and answer them.
And at home and when you’re among your friends, you’ll often have to talk about your own or someone’s
illness or health.

And if you’re a doctor or a medical professional, you’ll have to discuss illness and health with patients and
others. You’ll have to speak to patients about the history and symptoms of their illness. You’ll have to
speak to them while examining them, while prescribing medicines, about the treatment. And even if
you’re not a doctor, you’ll find it necessary to use these word groups quite often, because ‘illness’ is a
topic that people speak to you about quite often.

All this means that you need to be fluent in using a set of special kinds of word groups. Not a set of
technical terms, but plain everyday language that has to do with health and illness. For a fluent native
speaker of English, this is not normally a problem, of course — just as this is not a problem for you in your
own mother tongue. But for non-native speakers of English, this is a real problem when they have to use
English to speak. This Lesson will help you get over this difficulty.

Doctor to patient
Here are 3 separate collections of word groups. These are word groups that doctors (as well as others)
usually use when they’re speaking to patients.

The first collection contains word groups that doctors (as well as others) use when they’re speaking to
patients in order to find out about an illness. The second collection contains word groups that doctors (as
well as others) use when they’re speaking to patients while examining them. The third collection contains

word groups that doctors (as well as others) use when they’re speaking to patients about the diagnosis
that has been made and about the treatment.

Now remember this: Just because this section has been given the heading “Doctor to patient”, don’t think
that the word groups given are useful only to doctors. No, that’s not so. You see, these are word groups
that everybody will find useful when they have to speak to someone who is ill: Sons and daughters when
they have to speak to fathers, mothers and others who are ill. Fathers and mothers when they have to
speak to sons and daughters who are ill. Friends when they have to speak to friends and others who are
ill. Everyone to everyone else who is ill. So you can imagine how universally useful these word groups are.

Case-taking: Questioning the patient

Pick up each word group and utter it ALOUD — several times. Practise uttering the word groups until you
can utter each of them with a ready flow. After that, come back to the word groups once a week (at least
for 3 or 4 weeks at a stretch) and repeat uttering them several times — ALOUD.

• Any pain in your muscles? • Any pains in your chest when you cough? • Any problems with your chest? •
Any problems with your waterworks? • Any shortness of breath?

• Apart from your headaches, are there any other problems? • Are your parents fit and well? • Are your
parents in good health? • Are you a heavy drinker? • Are you aware of anything when you swallow? • Are
you breastfeeding? • Are you doing better today? • Are you having any difficulty with your hearing? • Are
you long-sighted? • Are you married? • Are you short of breath? • Are you short-sighted? • Are your
bowels regular? • Are your stools black?

• Can I just come back for a moment to these dizzy spells? • Can you describe the pain? • Can you
describe the problem? • Can you describe the symptoms? • Can you see any letters at all? • Can you show
me where it hurts? • Can you tell me exactly how you turned your foot? • Can you tell me which tooth is
causing the problem? • Can you describe the dizzy spells?

• Describe what’s wrong, will you? • Did the tablets help? • Did you ever have any fractures? • Did you
ever have trouble with your liver? • Did you have a comfortable night? • Do bright lights bother you? • Do
the eyes water when you read? • Do you always sweat? • Do you belch? • Do you bring up any phlegm? •
Do you cough a lot? • Do you cough much? • Do you cough up phlegm? • Do you cough when you smell
certain foods or other smells? • Do you drink a lot? • Do you drink? • Do you ever bring something up? •
Do you ever faint? • Do you ever feel completely possessed by another person? • Do you ever feel giddy?
• Do you ever feel like vomiting? • Do you ever get short of breath? • Do you ever get wheezy? • Do you
ever have dizzy spells? • Do you ever have nose bleeds? • Do you ever see double images in front of your
eyes? • Do you ever see distorted images before your eyes? • Do you ever see unusual shapes before
your eyes? • Do you ever suffer from headaches? • Do you ever wet the bed? • Do you feel any pain
inside your ears? • Do you feel any pain or discomfort down below? • Do you feel any weakness in your
limbs? • Do you ever take aspirins or anything like that? • Do you relate the cramps in anyway to your
meals? • Do you have any cough or phlegm? • Do your ankles ever swell up? • Do you feel sick when you
get these headaches? • Do you find that you’re losing your eyelashes? • Do you get any pain on
breathing? • Do you get any pains in the chest? • Do you get headaches when you’re reading? • Do you
get headaches? • Do you get out of breath easily? • Do you get tired easily? • Do you give him liquids? •
Do you go out drinking much? • Do you have a cold? • Do you have a history of any serious illness? • Do
you have a sore throat? • Do you have any allergies?

• Do you have any chest pains after exercise? • Do you have any difficulty moving your arms or legs? • Do
you have any discharge from your eyes? • Do you have a cough? • Do you have any aches or pains? • Do
you have any pain in passing water? • Do you have any trouble with passing water? • Do you have any
trouble with your stomach or bowels? • Do you have any pain while passing urine? • Do you have bad
breath? • Do you have headaches? • Do you have palpitations? • Do you have to strain to pass your
motions? • Do you have to strain to pass your water? • Do you know when these headaches are coming
on? • Do your muscles feel stiff in the morning? • Do you often get diarrhoea? • Do you often get
constipation?• Do you often have a fever? • Do you often lose your temper? • Do you play any sports? •
Do you see spots in front of your eyes? • Do you smoke? • Do you socialize much? • Do you strain when

you pass water? • Do you suffer from double vision? • Do you sweat at night? • Do you vomit? • Do you
wheeze? • Do your eyeballs feel painful? • Do your eyes get red easily? • Do your eyes get tired easily? •
Do your eyes itch? • Do your eyes water? • Do your legs swell? • Do your motions smell bad? • Do you
wear glasses? • Do these headaches come on at any particular time? • Do you ever get these headaches
at night?

• Does it bother you when you are walking? • Does any special food upset your stomach? • Does anyone
else in your family suffer from this problem? • Does anything in particular bring on this pain? • Does
anything make the pain better? • Does anything make the pain worse? • Does he cough a lot? • Does he
ever bring up his food? • Does he ever get diarrhoea? • Does he pass wind as normal? • Does the pain
affect your work? • Does it bother you in any way? • Does it burn when you pass water? • Does it come
on any particular time? • Does the discharge have a bad smell? • Does it hurt if you bend your knee? •
Does it hurt much? • Does it hurt when I do this? • Does it hurt when you swallow? • Does the pain stay
in one place, or does it go anywhere else? • Does light bother you? • Does lying down help the pain? •
Does she eat at the usual times? • Does she have a good appetite? • Does she have any rashes? • Does
she sleep at the normal time? • Does that medicine have any effect? • Does that hurt at all? • Does the
knee feel tender here? • Does the pain have any relation to all this? • Does your husband smoke? • Does
your nose run a lot? • Does your water dribble?

• Has he ever had a fever? • Has there been any changes in your health since your last visit? • Has this
been a problem before?

• Have these headaches affected your vision at all? • Have you brought your urine sample? • Have you
noticed any problems with your eyesight? • Have you got a cough — a persistent cough? • Have you ever
been admitted to a hospital? • Have you ever been operated on? • Have you ever blacked out? • Have you
ever coughed up blood? • Have you ever fainted? • Have you ever had backaches before? • Have you ever
had any problems? • Have you ever had chicken pox? • Have you ever had measles? • Have you ever had
your tonsils out? • Have you had a head injury? • Have you had an anaesthetic before? • Have you had
any cough at all? • Have you had any diseases in the family — like diabetes or high blood pressure? •
Have you had any falls? • Have you had any miscarriages? • Have you had any pain in your chest? • Have
you had any serious illness in the past? • Have you had any shortness of breath? • Have you had (this)
problem before? • Have you had this (problem) long? • Have you lost any weight? • Have you noticed any
blood in your stools? • Have you noticed any blood in your water? • Have you noticed any swelling of your
ankles? • Have you noticed any twitching of your muscles? • Have you noticed any weakness or tingling in
your limbs? • Have you put on weight recently? • Have you taken any aspirin? • Have you taken anything
for it? • Have you usually got lots of energy?

Class 13

Sample Conversation
Nurse: I'm afraid visiting hours are over, sir
Visitor: My wife's in room 3B.
Nurse: Sorry, you'll have to come back in the morning.
Visitor: And leave her all alone overnight?
Nurse: I'm afraid that's the policy, sir.
Visitor: Surely you can make an exception? What if she needs me in the night?
Nurse: Don't worry, we'll look after her. What she really needs is her rest.

Visitor: Some of her friends want to see her too. When can they come?
Nurse: Visiting hours are from 9 to 11 in the morning and 4 to 7 in the evening, but I'm
afraid while your wife is on bedrest the doctor has requested that only
immediate family members come in to see her.
Visitor: Can't her friends even stop by to bring her flowers?
Nurse: Flowers are not permitted in this ward. We just can't risk any germs that might
come in with them.
Visitor: Well, I guess it's all in her best interest.
Nurse: Thanks for understanding. Now, I'm going to bring your wife her dinner. Why
don't you head home and get something to eat yourself?
Visitor: Okay. I really hate to leave her, but that's probably a good idea.
Nurse: She's in good hands here. I'll tell her you were here and that you'll see her in the

Check your understanding

1 What is the man's relation to the patient?

2 Why does the nurse send the man away?

3 The nurse thanks the man because...

Booking a Doctor's Appointment


• I need to make an appointment.

• I need to see the doctor.
• When is the doctor free?
• I need to renew my prescription.
• Do you think the doctor could squeeze us in today?
• I need to make an appointment for my husband.
• My child needs to come in for a check-up.
• The doctor wants to see me again in two week's time.


• What is your chart number?

• What is the appointment regarding?
• Which day/what time is good for you?
• Is January the 3rd okay with you?
• How does four o'clock sound?
• We'll see you then.
• I'm sorry the doctor is not taking new patients.
• We'll call you if there are any cancellations.
• We're running an hour behind schedule.
• Dr Jones is away. You'll be seeing Dr Lindsay.

Everyday Medical English: Speaking about

health and illness
• How about sore throats? • How about your bowels? • How about your relations with your colleagues? •
How about your relations with your husband? • How are you at the moment? • How are you feeling today?
• How can I help you? • How do you feel in general? • How are you feeling at the moment? • How does it
feel? • How have you been keeping up to now? • How is your appetite? • How long do these headaches
last? • How long does the pain last? • How long has it been bothering you? • How long has this been going
on? • How long has this bothered you? • How long has your voice been hoarse? • How long have the
headaches been bothering you? • How long have they been bothering you? • How long have you had this
pain? • How long have you had these pains? • How long have you had this boil? • How long have you had
this discharge? • How long have you had this problem with your vision? • How long have you had this
problem? • How long have your gums been bleeding? • How many do you smoke each day? • How many
times do you have to go during the night? • How often do you feed him? • How often do you get this pain?
• How old are you? • How old is your last child? • How would you describe the pain(s)? • How many
episodes (of cramps) a day were you getting? • How’s your health otherwise? • How about your weight? Is
it steady?

• Is his toilet normal? • Is it a localized or general pain? • Is the pain bad enough to wake you up? • Is it
broken? • Is the pain continuous or does it come and go? • Is it sore all the time? • Is it sore to the
touch? • Is it thick or light? • Is she active, like other children? • Is there a history of diabetes in your
family? • Is there any bad smell from your nose? • Is there any blood in it? • Is there any discharge from
your ears? • Is there any discharge or watering of the eyes? • Is there any heart disease in the family? •
Is there any rash on the body? • Is there anybody with blood pressure trouble in the family? • Is there
anybody with kidney trouble in the family? • Is there anything else you feel the same time? • Is there
anything that makes the pain better? • Is there anything that makes the pain worse? • Is there anything
you need? • Is this a life-long habit? • Is your digestion all right? • Is your hearing affected? • Is there
anybody with heart trouble in the family?

• So you fell over and grazed your knees? • Try and explain what happens when the pain comes on.

• Was it painful? • Was it something you tried to lift? • Was there any other position that might bring the
cramp on? • Was there anything that started it off? • With the right eye, can you see anything?

• What about coughs? • What about wheezing? • What about shortness of breath? • What are you taking
for your headache? • What brings on your cough? • What brings you here? • What brought this on? •
What caused this? • What colour is the stuff you bring up? • What colour is the vomit? • What effect does
food have? • What has your health been like? • What kind of pain is it? • What seems to be the problem?
• What seems to bring it on? • What sort of exercise do you take? • What sorts of things makes it sore? •

What’s your appetite like? • What’s brought you along today? • What’s the colour of this discharge? •
What’s the matter? • What’s the pain like? • What’s the stream (= urine) like? • What’s the trouble? •
What medication are you taking now?

• Were you breathless? • Were you breathless with this discomfort? • Were you aware of palpitations? •
Were you sneezing and coughing?
• When did his first tooth appear? • When did the trouble first start? • When did the pain(s) start? • When
did you first notice the lump? • When did you first notice the pain? • When did you first notice this? •
When did you move into town from the country? • When does the pain come on? • When was the last time
you had a tetanus shot? • When was the last time you visited your dentist?

• Where did you catch the infection? • Where does it hurt? • Where is it sore? • Where is the pain exactly?
• Where is the pain most severe? • Where are these headaches?

• Which one is worse — the top teeth or bottom teeth? • Which part of your chest is affected? • Which
part of your back is affected? • Which part of your head is affected? • Would it be sore if I were to tap the
tooth? • Where is the pain exactly?

• You’re not vomiting now? • No black-looking stool? • You don’t think the cramps are likely to come on
before or after meals? • And the longest episode (of cramps) lasted for? • And your bowels? Have they
changed? • You don’t feel sick at all? • Any questions, or anything we can do for you?

Class 14

Sample Conversation
Receptionist: Doctor's office. Jane speaking. How can I help you?
Caller: I need to make an appointment with Dr. Harris.
Receptionist: Do you know your chart number?
Caller: No, sorry. It's at home and I'm at work right now.
Receptionist: No problem. What's your name, please?
Caller: George Mason.
Receptionist: Okay Mr Mason. Hold one moment while I grab your chart, please.
Caller: Sure.
Receptionist: Thanks for waiting. Now, what do you need to see the doctor about?
Caller: Well, I've been fighting a cold for more than a week, and I think I might
have a chest infection or something. My cough is getting worse each day.
Receptionist: Hmm. Doctor Harris is off tomorrow. Do you think it can wait until
Caller: Oh, I was really hoping to get in today or tomorrow in case I need some
antibiotics. Maybe I'll have to go to the walk-in-clinic instead.
Receptionist: Actually, we had a cancellation for 2:00pm today if you can get away
from the office.

Caller: Gee, it's almost 1:00pm already. I think I can make it if I leave right now.
Receptionist: We're running a bit behind schedule, so you can probably count on seeing
the doctor around 2:30.
Caller: That's great. Thanks for fitting me in.
Receptionist: No problem, Mr. Mason. We'll see you in an hour or so.

Check your understanding

1 Why does the caller phone the doctor's office?

2 Which is true about George Mason?

3 When will the doctor see Mr Mason?

Class 15

Medical Jokes:

1. When a physician remarked on a new patient's extraordinarily ruddy complexion, he

said, "High blood pressure, Doc. It comes from my family."
"Your mother's side or your father's?" the doctor asked.
"Neither," he replied. "It's from my wife's family."
"Oh, come now," the doctor said. "How could your wife's family give you high blood
He sighed. "You oughta meet 'em sometime, Doc!"

2. A man gets a telephone call from a doctor. The doctor says:

"About this medical test I did on you, I have some good news and some bad news." The
man asks for the good news first: "The good news is that you have 24 hours to live," says
the doctor.
Horrified, the man asked: "If that is the good news, then what is the bad news??" "I
couldn't reach you yesterday."

3. Four surgeons were taking a coffee break and discussing their work.

The first surgeon said, "I think that accountants are the easiest to operate on. You open
them up and everything inside is numbered."

The second surgeon said, "I think that librarians are the easiest to operate on. You open
them up and everything is in alphabetical order."

The third surgeon said, "I think that electricians are the easiest to operate on. You open
them up and everything is color coded."

The fourth surgeon said, "I think that lawyers are the easiest to operate on. They're
heartless, spineless, gutless, and their heads are interchangeable."

4. After dozens of very expensive tests and weeks of hospitalization, the rich old man was
told he had only 24 hours to live. He immediately called his doctor and his lawyer to his
room. He asked the doctor to stand by one side of his bed and his lawyer to stand by the
other. After standing for some time, the doctor asked "What do you want me to do?"
"Nothing. Just stand there."
A while later, the lawyer asked "What do you want me to do?"
"Nothing. Just stand there."
As the hours wore on, the doctor and the lawyer watched the man weaken. When his time
had almost arrived, the doctor and the lawyer again asked "Why are we standing here?"
"Well," said the old man, "Christ died between two thieves, so I thought I'd do the same!

5. A man sought medical aid because he had popped eyes and a ringing in his ears. A
doctor looked him over andsuggested removal of his tonsils. The operation resulted in no
improvement, so the patient consulted another doctor who suggested removal of his teeth.
The teeth were pulled, but still, his eyes kept popping and his ears still rang.
A third doctor told him bluntly, "You have 6 months to live."

In that event, the doomed man decided he'd treat himself in the remaining time he had
here on Earth. He bought a nice, new car, hired a chauffeur, and had the best tailor in
town make him 30 new suits. Then he decided that even his shirts would be made-to-

"Okay," said the shirtmaker, "let's get your measurement. Hmm….34 sleeve, 16 collar…"
"Fifteen," the man interrupted.
"Sixteen collar," the shirtmaker repeated, measuring again.
"But I've always worn a 15 collar," said the man.
"Listen," the shirtmaker said, "I'm warning you. You keep on wearing a 15 collar, and
your eyes will pop andyour ears will ring."

6. Doctor: I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first?
Patient: Give me the bad news first.
Doctor: Well, we accidentally amputated the wrong leg.
Patient: What's the good news?
Doctor: It turns out that your other leg didn't need to be amputated at all

7. Two guys were sitting outside a medical clinic. One of them was crying, tears were
pouring down his face.
The other guy asked, " Why are you crying?"
The first one replied, " I came here for blood test."
The second one asked, "So? Why are you crying? Are you afraid?"

The first guy replied, "No. Not that. During the blood test they cut my finger."
Hearing this, the second one started crying.
The first one was astonished and asked the other, "Why are you crying?"
Then the second guy replied, "I have come for a urine test."

8. Looking down at the sick man, the doctor decided to tell him the truth. "I feel that I
should tell you, you are a very sick man. I'm sure you would want to know the facts. I
don't think you have much time left.
Now, is there anyone you would like to see?"
Bending down toward his patient, the doctor heard him feebly answer, "Yes."
"Who is it?"
In a slightly stronger tone, the sufferer said, "Another doctor."

9. A man who had been in a mental institution for some years finally improved to the
point where it was thought he might be released. The psychiatrist that ran the institution
decided it was better to proceed with caution, and chose to interview him first.

"Tell me," said the doctor, "if we release you, as we are considering, what do you plan to
do with your life?"

The inmate said, "It would be wonderful to get back to real life, and if I do, I will
certainly refrain from making my former mistake. I was a nuclear physicist, you see, and
it was the stress of my work in weapons research that helped to put me here. If I am
released, I shall limit myself to work in pure theory, where I believe the situation will be
less difficult and stressful."

"Wonderful," said the psychiatrist.

"Or else," continued the patient, "I might teach. There is something to be said for
dedicating your life to expanding the knowledge of young people."

"Definitely," said the psychiatrist.

"Then again, I might write. There is always a need for books on science, or I may even
write a novel based on my experiences in the psychiatric instutition."

"Another interesting possibility," agreed the doctor.

"And finally, if none of these things appeals to me, I can always continue to be a

10. Joe and Jim were out cutting wood and Jim cut his arm off. Joe wrapped the arm in a
plastic bag and took Jim to a surgeon.

The surgeon said "You're in luck! I'm an expert at reattaching limbs! Come back in 5
hours." So Joe left and when he returned in 5 hours the surgeon said "I got done quicker

than I expected. Jim is down at the pub." Joe went to the pub and there was Jim, throwing

A few weeks later, Joe and Jim were cutting wood again, and Jim cut his leg off. Joe put
the leg in a plastic bag and took it and Jim back to the surgeon.

The surgeon said "No problem, but legs are a little tougher. Come back in 8 hours." Joe
left and when he came back in 6 hours the surgeon said "I finished early, Jim's down at
the soccer field." Joe went down to the soccer field and there was Jim, kicking goals.

A few weeks later, Jim had a terrible accident and cut his head off. Joe put the head in a
plastic bag and took it and the rest of Jim to the surgeon.

The surgeon looked at the situation and said "Gosh, heads are really tough. Come back on
12 hours."

So Joe left and when he returned in twelve hours the surgeon said regretfully "I'm sorry,
Jim died."

Joe said "I understand - heads are tough."

The surgeon said, "Oh no! The surgery went fine! Jim suffocated in that plastic bag."

11. Three retirees, each with a hearing loss, were playing golf one fine March day.

One remarked to the other, "Windy, isn't it?"

"No," the second man replied, "it's Thursday."
And the third man chimed in, "So am I. Let's have a beer."

Unit 4

Class 16

Human Body

One of the first things you need to know when studying Medical English is the parts of
the body. You will need to learn the names of the internal (inside the skin) and external
body parts. You will also need to learn the words for the functions of each of these body
parts. Here are the basics to get you started.


Inside the head is the brain, which is responsible for thinking. The top of a person's scalp
is covered with hair. Beneath the hairline at the front of the face is the forehead.
Underneath the forehead are the eyes for seeing, the nose for smelling, and the mouth for
eating. On the outside of the mouth are the lips, and on the inside of the mouth are the
teeth for biting and the tongue for tasting. Food is swallowed down the throat. At the
sides of the face are the cheeks and at the sides of the head are the ears for hearing. At
the bottom of a person's face is the chin. The jaw is located on the inside of the cheeks
and chin. The neck is what attaches the head to the upper body.

Upper Body

At the top and front of the upper body, just below the neck is the collar bone. On the
front side of the upper body is the chest, which in women includes the breasts. Babies
suck on the nipples of their mother's breasts. Beneath the ribcage are the stomach and
the waist. The navel, more commonly referred to as the belly button, is located here as
well. On the inside of the upper body are the heart for pumping blood and the lungs for
breathing. The rear side of the upper body is called the back, inside which the spine
connects the upper body to the lower body.

Upper Limbs (arms)

The arms are attached to the shoulders. Beneath this area is called the armpit or
underarm. The upper arms have the muscles known as triceps and biceps. The joint
halfway down the arm is called the elbow. Between the elbow and the next joint, the
wrist, is the forearm. Below the wrist is the hand with four fingers and one thumb.
Beside the thumb is the index finger. Beside the index finger is the middle finger,
followed by the ring finger and the little finger. At the ends of the fingers are fingernails.

Lower Body

Below the waist, on left and right, are the hips. Between the hips are the reproductive
organs, the penis (male) or the vagina (female). At the back of the lower body are the
buttocks for sitting on. They are also commonly referred to as the rear end or the bum
(especially with children). The internal organs in the lower body include the intestines
for digesting food, the bladder for holding liquid waste, as well as the liver and the
kidneys. This area also contains the woman's uterus, which holds a baby when a woman
is pregnant.

Lower Limbs (legs)

The top of the leg is called the thigh, and the joint in the middle of the leg is the knee.
The front of the lower leg is the shin and the back of the lower leg is the calf. The ankle
connects the foot to the leg. Each foot has five toes. The smallest toe is often called the
little toe while the large one is called the big toe. At the ends of the toes are toenails.

Human Body Quiz

1 Your tonsils can get swollen when you have a sore ------------------------

2 The ------------------is located in the middle of the arm.

3 My Dad's little ------------------was lost in the accident.

4 The patient lost so much weight his ---------------were sunken in.

5 We'll put a cool cloth on your -----------------to get your fever down.

6 Another word for belly button is------------------.

7 The newborn is getting his -----------------changed in the nursery.

8 She may never walk again because her ---------------was so badly injured.

9 The ----------------on his knee was scraped off when he hit the road.

10 Your grandfather will be able to walk better after his --------------------surgery.

Unit 5

Class 17

These medical abbreviations are commonly used in hospital, medical, and dental records.
There are many others, rarely used, and some doctors and hospitals create their own. If
you cannot locate an abbreviation in this glossary, contact us for assistance.
a artery, before
aa equal part of each
AA affected area
AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm
A2 aortic second sound
AAL acute lymphoblastic, leukemia,anterior

axillary line
ab antibody
AB abortion
abd abdomen
ABG arterial blood gasses
ABN abnormal
ABP arterial blood pressure
abs absent
a.c. before meals (ante sebum)
Ac acute
AC anterior chamber
acc accident
accom. accommodation
acid phos. acid phosphate
ACL anterior cruciate ligament
ACTH adrenocorticotrophic hormone
AD right ear
add. abductor or abduction
ADH antidiruetic hormone
ADL activites of daily living
ad lib as desired
adm. admission
AE above elbow
AEA above elbow amputation
AF atrial fibrillation, afebrile
AFB acid fast bacilli
AFO ankle-foot orthosis
AFP alpha fetoprotein
A/G albumin globulin ratio (blood)
AGA appropriate gestational age
AI aortic insufficiency
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
AJ ankle jerk
a.k. above knee
aka alcoholic ketoacidosis
AKA above knee amputation
alb. albumin
alc. alcohol
alk. phos. alkaline phosphate
ALL acute lymphocytic leukemia
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
ALT alternating with, alanine aminotransferase
(formerly SGPT)
AMA against medical advice
amb. ambulating, ambulatory
AMI acute myocardial infarction
AML acute myeloid leukemia
amnio amniocentesis
amp. amputation, ampule
ANA antinuclear antibody
anes. anesthesia
ann. fib. annulus fibrosis
ANS autonomic nervous system
ant. anterior
ante before
ANUG acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis

Anxty anxiety
A/O alert and oriented
AOB alcohol on breath
AODM adult onset diabetes mellitus
AP ante partum
A&P auscultation and percussion
A-P anteroposterior
APC atrial premature contractions
aph aphasia
A-P & lat anteroposterior and lateral
AP resection abdominal perineal resection of the rectum
aq. water
AR aortic regurgitation
ARD acute respiratory distress
ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome
ARF acute respiratory failure, acute rheumatic
AROM artificial rupture of membranes
art arterial
AS left ear,aortic stenosis
ASA acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin
A.S.A. American Society of Anesthesiologists
A.S.A. 1 normal healthy patient
A.S.A. 2 patient with mild systemic disease
A.S.A. 3 patient with severe systemic disease
A.S.A. 4 patient with incapacitating systemic disease
that is constant threat to life
ASAP as soon as possible
ASCVD atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
ASD atrial septal defect
ASHD arteriosclerotic heart disease
at. Flutter atrial flutter
ATN acute tubular necrosis
ATNR asymmetrical tonic neck reflex
AU both ears
aud. auditory
Aur. Fib auricular fibrillation
A-V arteriovenous
AVF arteriovenous fistula
AVR aortic valve replacement
A&W alive and well
Ax. axilla, axillary
A.Z. Ascheim-Zondek test
B. bath
BA barium
Bab. Babinski sign
Ba.E barium enema
Bas. basal,basilar
baso basophile
BBB bundle branch block
BBT basal body temperature
BCA basal cell atypia
BCD basal cell dysplasia
BCE basal cell epithelioma

BCG bacillus Calmette-Guerin
vaccine (tuberculosis
BDC burn dressing change
BE below elbow, barium enema
BEA below elbow amputation
BFP biological false positive
Bic. biceps
b.i.d. twice daily
BIH bilateral inguinal hernia
bilat. Bilateral, bilaterally
bili bilirubin
b.i.n. twice a night
BiW twice weekly
BJ biceps reflex
bk. back
BK below knee
BKA below knee amputation
bl cult blood culture
bld. blood
Bl.T bleeding time
BM black male, bone marrow,
bowel movement
BMR basal metabolic rate
body wt. body weight
BOMA otitis media, both ears,
BOW bag of water
BP blood pressure
BPD bronchopulmonary dysplasia
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy
BPM beats per minute
Br. breech presentation
BR bedrest, bathroom
brach. brachial
BrBx. breast biopsy
broncho bronchoscopy
BRP bathroom privileges
BS blood sugar, bowel sounds
B.S. breath sounds
BSA body surface area
BSB bedside bag
BSC bedside commode
BSD bedside drainage
BSO bilateral salpingooophorectomy
BST blood serologic test
BT bleeding time
BTL bilateral tubal ligation
BUN blood urea nitrogen
BW birth weight
Bx. biopsy
Class 18

c. with

C cervical, Caucasian
C. centigrade, Celsius complement
CI-XII 1st to 12th cranial nerve
C-1 to C-7 cervical vertebrae
Ca calcium
CA carcinoma, cancer
CABG coronary artery bypass graft
CAD coronary artery disease
CAHD coronary atherosclerotic heart disease
Cal calorie, calories
CAPD continuous ambulatory
peritoneal dialysis
Caps capsules
car. carotid
card. cardiac
Card Cath cardiac catheterization
CAT computerized axial
cath catheterization, catheter
CB Cesarean birth
CBC complete blood count
CBD common bile duct
CBF cerebral blood flow
CBG capillary blood gas
CBR complete bed rest
cc. cubic centimeter
CC chief complaint
CCU coronary care unit
CD cardiac disease,
contagious disease
CEA carcinoembryonic antigen
Cerv. cervix, cervical
CF cardiac failure, cystic fibrosis
CHD congenital heart disease, coronary heart
Chem. chemotherapy
CHF congestive heart failure
CHO carbohydrate
Chol cholesterol
Chr chronic
C.I color index
CI cardiac insufficiency, cardiac index
CIS carcinoma in situ
CK creatinine kinase
Cl chlorine, chloride
Clav. clavicle
cldy cloudy
CLL chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Cl.T clotting time
cm. centimeter
CML chronic myeloid leukemia
CMV cytomegalovirus
CN cranial nerve
CNS central nervous system
cnst. constipation
c/o complains of, complaints

Co2 carbon dioxide
comb. combine, combination
comm. communicable
comp. compound, compress
conc. concentrated
cons. consultation
cont. contractions, continued
COPD chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease
Cor heart
CPAP continuous positive
airway pressure
CPC clinicopathological conference
CPD cephalo-pelvic disproportion
CPK creatinine phosphokinase
CPPB continuous positive
pressure breathing
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CPT chest physical therapy
CR closed reduction
cran. cranial
CRD chronic respiratory disease
creat. creatinine
CRF chronic renal failure
C/S, CS Cesarean section
C&S culture and sensitivity
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
C-spine cervical spine
CT computed axial tomography
C-V cardiovascular
CVA cerebrovascular accident, costovertebral
CVL central venous line
CVP central venous pressure
CVS cardiovascular system
Cx cervix, culture
CxR chest x-ray
Cysto cystoscopy
DAP distal airway pressure
db. decibel
DBE deep breathing exercise
d/c discontinue
DC discharges, discontinue
D&C dilation and curettage
DD discharge diagnosis
D/DW dextrose, distilled water
DDx differential diagnosis
D&E dilation and evacuation
decr. decreased
dehyd. dehydrated
Derm. Dermatology
DES Diethylstilbestrol
D5RL 5% dextrose and lactated ringers
D5W 5% dextrose and sterile water

DI diabetes insipidus, diagnostic imaging
DIAG. diagnosis
diam. diameter
DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation,
disseminated coagulopathy
diff. differential
dil. dilute
dim. diminished
DIP distal interphalangeal (joint)
dis. disease
disch. discharge
disp. disposition
dist. distilled, distal
DIU death in utero
div. divorced
DJD degenerative joint disease
DKA diabetic ketoacidosis
DLE disseminated lupus erythematosis
D/L DI decilter
DM diabetes mellitus, diastolic murmur
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DNKA did not keep appointment
DOA dead on arrival
DOB date of birth
DOE dyspnea on exertion
Dors dorsal
D.P. dorsal pedia
DPT diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccine
DR delivery room
D&R dilation and radium implant
drsg. dressing
D/S discharge summary
DTR deep tendon reflexes
DT’s delirium tremens
DU duodenal ulcer
DUB dysfunctional uterine bleeding
DUI driving under influence
D/W dextrose in water
Dx diagnosis
e without
EBL estimated blood loss
EBV Epstein-Barr virus
ECF extended care facility, extracellular fluid
ECG electrocardiogram
ECHO enterocytopathogenic human orphan virus
E.coli Escherichia coli
ECS endocervical scrape
ECT electroconvulsive
ED emergency department
EDC estimated date of confinement
EDOD estimated date of delivery
EEG electroencephalogram
EENT eyes, ears, nose, throat
EEX electrodiagnosis

EGA estimated gestational age
EGD esophago- gastroduodenoscopy
EKG electrocardiogram
elev. elevated
ELF elective low forceps
EmBx endometrial biopsy
EMG electromyogram
EMS endometrial scrape, emergency medical
En. enema
ENT ears, nose, throat
Eoc. eosinophiles
EOM extraocular movement
Epis. episiotomy
Epis.LML left mediolateral episiotomy
Epis. Med. medial episiotomy
Epis. RML right mediolateral episiotomy
ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
EST electroshock therapy
ETIOL. etiology
ETOH ethanol
EUA examine under anesthesia
EVAL evaluation
ex. exercise, example
expir expiration, expiratory
Exp. Lap exploratory laparotomy
ext. extremities, external
ext. gen. external genitalia
F finger, female, Fahrenheit
FA fluorescent antibody
F.A. first aid
F.B. foreign body
FBS fasting blood sugar
FD fully dilated
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FDP flexor digitorum profundus
Fe def. iron deficiency
FEF forced expiratory flow
FEKG fetal electrocardiogram
fem. femoral
fem. pop. femoral popliteal
fet. fetal
FEV forced expiratory volume
f.f. force fluid
FFP fresh frozen plasma
fh fundal height
FH family history, fetal heart
FHR fetal heart rate
FHR-UC fetal heart rate- uterine contraction
FHT fetal heart tones
FiO2 faction of inspired oxygen concentration
fl. fluids
flac. flaccid

flex. flexor, flexion
fl. oz. fluid ounce
FM finger movement
FPAL full term premature abortion living
fract. fractional
FRC functional residual capacity
FS finger stick
FSH follicle stimulating hormone
FT full term
FTD failure to descend
FTND full term normal delivery
FTT failure to thrive
FUB functional uterine bleeding
F/U,F-U,F.U. follow-up
FUO fever of unknown origin
FVC forced vital capacity
FW fetal weight
Fx fracture
G ______________________________
G gravida
G.A. general anesthesia
GB gallbladder
GBS gallbladder series
G.C. gonococcus
GCS Glasgow Coma Scale
GE Gastroenterology
G/E gastroenteritis
gen, genl. general
gest. gestation
GFR glomerulo filtration rate
G.H. growth hormone
G.I. gastrointestinal
gluc glucose
gm gram
Gm+ gram positive
Gm- gram negative
gm.% grams per 100 c.c.
GMA grand mal attack
GNC general nursing care
GP General Practitioner, general paralysis
gr. grain, grains (dosage)
Grav. pregnancy
gt. drop gait training
gtts. drops
GSW gunshot wound
GTT glucose tolerance test
GU genitourinary
G/W glucose and water
GYN Gynecology
H ______________________________
h hour
H hydrogen history, hour, hypodermic
H/A headache
HAF hyperalimentation fluid

HASCVD hypertensive arteriosclerotic cardiovascular
Hb., Hgb hemoglobin
HB heart block
HBP high blood pressure
HC head circumference
H&C hot and cold
HCG human chorionic gonadotropin
HCO3 bicarbonate
Hct. hematocrit
HCVD hypertensive cardiovascular disease
h.d. at bedtime
Hd head, Hodgkin’s disease
HDl high density lipids
HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
hern. hernia
Hem Hematology
Hem Pro hematology profile
Hep. Lock Heparin lock
HGO hepatic glucose output
HH hard of hearing
HIDA(scan) hepatobiliary scan
HIE hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
hist. history, histology
HIV human immunodificiency virus
HKAFO hip knee ankle foot orthosis
HLA human leukocyte group A,
histocompatibility leukocyte
HM hand movement
HMD hyaline membrane disease
HMG human menopausal
HNP herniated nucleus
h/o history of
H.O. house officer
HOB head of bed
horiz. horizontal
H&P history and physical
hpf high power field
HPI history of present illness
HPL human placental lactogen
HR heart rate
H.R.S.T. heat, reddening, swelling,
HS bedtime
HSG hysterosalpingography
H2O water
H2O2 hydrogen peroxide
Ht height, heart
HVD hypertensive vascular disease
Hx history
Hyperal. hyperalimenation
Hz hertz (cycles/second)
Class 19

I radioactive iodine
IA intra-arterially
IABP intra-aortic balloon pump
i.c. intracutaneous(ly)
ICCU intensive coronary care unit
ICF intracellular fluid
ICS intercostal space
ICT insulin coma therapy
ICU intensive care unit
i.d. during the day
ID intradermal, identification,
Infectious Disease
I&D incision and drainage
IDDM insulin dependent diabetes
I/E inspiratory, expiratory
Ig immunoglobulin
IGA immunoglobulin A
IGE immunoglobulin E
IGG immunoglobulin gamma
IGM immunoglobulin M
IH infectious hepatitis
IHD ischemic heart disease
IM intramuscular,
IMCU intermediate medical care
imp. impression
IMP inpatient multidimensional
psych scale
IMV intermittent mandatory
In. inches
Inc. AB incomplete abortion
incr. increased (ing)
Inev. AB inevitable abortion
inf infusion, inferior
inj injured, injection
INR coagulant response time
inspir inspiration, inspiratory
int. internal
INTHC intrathecally
IO inferior oblique
I&O intake and output
IOP intraocular pressure
IP intraperitoneal
IPJ interphalangeal joint
IPPB intermittent positive
pressure breathing
IQ intelligence quota
IRDS idiopathic respiratory
distress syndrome

irreg. Irregular
IS intercostal space
IST insulin shock therapy
ITP idiopathic thrombocytopenic
I,U., IU International Unit
IUC intrauterine catheter
IUCP intrauterine contraceptive
IUD intrauterine device
IUFD intrauterine fetal death
IUGR intrauterine growth retardation
IUP intrauterine pregnancy
IUTP intrauterine term pregnancy
IV intravenous(ly)
IVC inferior vena cava,
intravenous cholangiogram
IVD intervertebral disc
IVP intravenous pyelogram
IVPB intravenous piggy back
IVU intravenous urogram
J joint
J-P Jackson Pratt drain
JRA juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
jt. joint
JVP jugular venous pulse
K potassium, kidney
KC1 potassium chloride
Kcal. Kilocalorie, calorie
Kg., kg. kilogram
KJ, K-J knee jerk
KK knee kick
17 KS 17 keto steroids
KUB kidney, ureter, bladder
KVO keep vein open
L left, liver, liter, lower, light, lumbar
L2,L3 second, third lumbar vertebrae
LA left antrum
lab. laboratory
lac. laceration
lacr. lacrimal
lact. lactic
LAD left anterior descending coronary artery
L&D labor and delivery
LAE left atrial enlargement
lam. laminectomy
lap. laparotomy
lat. lateral
LAVH laparoscopic assisted vaginal
lax laxative

lb. pound
LB large bowel
LBBB left bundle branch block
LBP lower back pain
LBW low birth weight
LCA left coronary artery
L.D. lethal dose
LDH lactic dehydrogenase
LDL low density lipids
LE lupus erythematosus
L.E. lower extremities
leuc. leukocytes
LF low forceps, low flap
LFA left frontoanterior
LFD low forceps delivery
LFP left frontoposterior
LFT left frontotransverse, liver function test
lg large, leg
LGA large for gestational age
LGV lymphogranuloma
LH luteinizing hormone
LHT left hypertrophia
LICS left intercostal space
lig. ligament
LIH left inguinal hernia
liq. liquid
LKS liver, kidneys, spleen
LL lower lid
LLE left lower extremity
LLG left lateral gaze
LLL left lower lobe
LLQ left lower quadrant
LMA left mentoanterior
LMD family doctor
l/min liter per minute
LML left mediolateral
LMP left mentoposterior, last menstrual period
LMT left mentotransverse
L.N. lymph node
LNMP last normal menstrual period
LOA left occiput anterior
L.O.C. loss of consciousness,
level of consciousness,
laxative of choice
LOM left otitis media
LOP left occipital posterior
LOS length of stay
LOT left occiput anterior
LP lumbar puncture, light perception
lpf low power field
LPN licensed practical nurse
LR labor room, lateral rectus,
light reflex
LRQ lower right quadrant
Ls. loose

L.S. lumbosacral
LSA lateral sacrum anterior
LSB left sternal border
LSCS lower segment Cesarean
LSK liver, spleen, kidneys
LSO left salpingo-oophorectomy
LSP left sacrum posterior
LST left sacrum transverse
Lt. left, light
LTCS low transverse Cesarean section
LUE left upper extremity
LUL left upper lobe
LUQ left upper quadrant
LV left ventricle
LVEDP left ventricular end diastolic pressure
LVF left ventricular failure
LVH left ventricular hypertrophy
L & W living and well
LWCT Lee-White Clotting Time,
coagulation time
Lymphs lymphocytes
lytes electrolytes
m. minim
m,M married, male, mother murmur, meter,
mass, molar
MA mental age
macro. macrocytic, macroscopic
MAP mean arterial pressure
max. maximum, maxillary
MBC maximum breathing
mcg. microgram
MCH mean corpuscular
MCHC mean corpuscular
hemoglobin concentration
MCL midclavicular line
MCP metacarpophalangeal joint
MCV mean corpuscular volume
MD muscular dystrophy
MDI metered dose inhaler
Mdnt. midnight
ME middle ear, medical examiner
MEC medical emergency clinic
Med. medicine
MEq./L milliequivalents per liter
Mets. metastasis
mg. milligram
Mg. magnesium
MG myasthenia gravis
mg/dl milligrams per deciliter
mg.% milligrams per 100 cc
m.g.r. murmurs, gallops, or rubs

MH marital history
Ml myocardial infarction, mitral insufficiency
micro microcytic, microscopic
MICU medical intensive care unit
min minute
Mitr.I mitral insufficiency
ml. milliliter
MLF medial longitudinal fasciculus
mm millimeter
mm. muscles
MM mucous membrane
MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Mn. manganese, midnight
mod moderate
MOM milk of magnesia
mono. monocyte
MP metacarpophalangea, metacarpophalangeal
MPA malpractice attorney
MR medial rectus, mental
retardation, mitral regurgitation
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MRM modified radical
ms mitral stenosis
Ms murmurs
MS mitral stenosis, multiple sclerosis, morphine
MSL midsternal line
mss massage
MT metacarpophalangeal (joint)
M.T. muscles and tendons
MVA motor vehicle accident
MVP mitral valve prolapse
MVR mitral valve replacement
MW maximum voluntary ventilation
n. nerve
N2 nitrogen
N2O nitrous oxide (anesthetic)
Na sodium
NaCl sodium chloride
NAD no apparent distress
nb note well
NB newborn
NBM nothing by mouth
NBS normal bowel sounds, normal breath
NED no evidence of disease
neg. negative
NER no evidence of recurrence
NERD no evidence of recurrent disease
Neur. Neurology
NG nasogastric tube
NI no insurance

NIC neonatal intensive care
NICU neonatal intensive care unit
NIDDM noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus
NKA no known allergies
NM neuromuscular
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
noct. nocturnal
NOS not otherwise specified
NP neuropsychiatric
N.P. Neuropsychiatry
NPH NPH insulin (Neutral Protamine Zinc)
NPN nonprotein nitrogen
NPO nothing by mouth
Ns. nerves
N.S. nervous system
NSA no significant abnormality
NSAID nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drug
NSD normal spontaneous delivery
NSR normal sinus rhythm
NST non-stress test
N&V nausea and vomiting
NS Neurosurgery
NSVD normal spontaneous vaginal delivery
NTG nitroglycerine
NTP normal temperature and pressure
nullip never gave birth
NVD nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
N&W normal and well
NWB non-weight bearing
NYD not yet diagnosed
o none, without
O oral
O2 oxygen
O2 cap. oxygen capacity
O2 sat. oxygen saturation
OA osteoarthritis
OB, OBG Obstetrics
OB/GYN Obstetrics and Gynecology
Obs observation
OBS organic brain syndrome
OCC. occipital, occasional
OD right eye
O/E on examination
OH occupational history
17 OH 17 hydroxy steroid
OHD organic heart disease
oint. ointment
O.M. otitis media
OMS organic mental syndrome
OOB out of bed
Op. operation
OPC outpatient clinic
OPD outpatient department
Ophth. Ophthalmology

OR operating room, open reduction
OR-IF open reduction with internal fixation
ORT operating room technician
Ortho. Orthopaedic Surgery
os opening, mouth, bone
OS left eye
ot. ear
Oto Otolaryngology
OTC over-the-counter (pharmaceuticals)
O.T. occupational therapy, old tuberculin
OU both eyes
OV office visit
oz. ounce
P ______________________________
P after, phosphorus pulse
P2 pulmonic second heart sound
PA physician’s assistant
P-A posteroanterior
p & a percussion and auscultation
PAC premature atrial, auricular contraction
PaCO2 arterial carbon dioxide tension pressure
PACU post anesthesia care unit
PAF paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
palp. palpate, palpated, palpable
PaO2 alveolar oxygen pressure
Pap Papanicolaou test (pap smear)
Para prior births, paraplegic
PARU post anesthesia recovery unit
PAS pulmonary artery systolic pressure
PAT pregnancy at term, paroxysm atrial tachycardia
Path. Pathology
PA view posterioranterior view on x-ray
Pb lead
PB peripheral blood
PBI protein bound iodine
p/c., p.c. after meals
PCL posterior cruciate ligament
PCO2 carbon dioxide concentration
PCV packed cell volume (of blood)
PD pupillary distance, peritoneal dialysis
PDA patent ductus arteriosus
pdr. powder
PDR Physician’s Desk Reference
PDN private duty nurse
PE physical examination, pulmonary
Ped. Pediatrics
PEEP positive end expiratory pressure
PEG pneumoencephalogram
PEN Penicillin
PERRLA pupils equal, round, reactive to light and
accommodation (normal)
PET positron emission tomography
PF push fluids
PFC persistent fetal circulation

PFT pulmonary function test
pH hydrogen ion concentration
PH past history
pharm pharmacy
PHYS. physical, physiology
PI present illness, pulmonary insufficiency
PICA posterior inferior coronary artery
PICU pulmonary intensive care unit
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
PIP proximal interphalangeal
Pit. Pitocin
PKU phenylkentonuria
Plac. placenta
plts. platelets
PM petit mal
P.M. afternoon, post-mortem
PMH past medical history
PMN polymorphonuclear (leukocytes)
PM&R Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
PN poorly nourished, practical nurse
P&N Psychiatry and Neurology
PNC prenatal clinic, premature nodal contraction
PND paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, post nasal
pneu. pneumo, pneumonia
PNI peripheral nerve injury
PNX pneumothorax
p.o. by mouth
PO2 oxygen pressure (or tension)
POC product of conception
p.o.d. postoperative day
polys polymorphonuclear
POMR problem oriented medical record
poplit. popliteal
pos. positive
post. posterior
POSTOP. postoperative
pot. or potass. potassium
pp post partum, post prandial
PPBS post prandial blood sugar
PPD purified protein derivative
PPF protein plasma fractional
PPH post partum hemorrhage
ppm parts per million
PPPG post prandial plasma glucose
p.r. per rectum
PR Proctology
PRBC packed red blood cells
PRE progressive resistive exercise
prem premature
pre-op preoperative
prep. prepare for
primip. first pregnancy
p.r.m. according to circumstances
p.r.n., PRN as often as necessary

prod. productive
Prog. prognosis
PROM passive range of motion, premature rupture
of membranes
pron. pronator, pronation
pros. prostate, prostatic
prosth. prosthesis
prot. protein, Protestant
pro.time prothrombin time
PS pulmonary stenosis, psychotic, Plastic
PSH past surgical history
psi pounds per square inch
PSMA progressive spinal muscular atrophy
Psych. Psychiatry
pt., Pt. patient
PT physical therapy
P.T. physical therapy, posterior tibial artery
PTA prior to admission, percutaneous transluminal
PTB patellar tendon bearing
PTCA percutaneous transvenous coronary
angioplasty (balloon angioplasty)
PU pregnancy urine
PUD peptic ulcer disease
PUPPP pruritic urticarial papules & plaques of
PV plasma volume, peripheral vascular
PVC premature ventricular
PVD peripheral vascular disease
PVR pulmonary vascular resistance
PVT previous trouble
PWB% partial weight bearing with
Px, PX physical examination
Class 20

q every
q.d. every day
q.h. every hour
q2H every two hours
q4H every four hours
q.i.d. four times a day
q.i.w. four times a week
q.l. as much as desired
qn, q.n. every night
q.n.s., QNS quantity not sufficient
q.o.d. every other day
q.o.n. every other night
q.p. as much as you please
q.q., Q.Q. each, every
q.q.h. every four hours

q.s. quantity, sufficient
qt. quart
qts. drops
quad. quadriplegic
quant. quantitative or quantity
q.v. as much as you wish
q.w. every week
r., R right, rectal, roentgen, x-ray
R. rub, rectal temperature
Ra radium
RA rheumatoid arthritis, right atrium
rad. radial
RAI radioactive iodine
r.a.m. rapid alternating movements
R.A.S. right arm sitting
RAtx radiation therapy
RBBB right bundle branch block
rbc/RBC red blood cell, red blood count
RCA right coronary artery
RCS reticulum cell sarcoma
RCU respiratory care unit
RD respiratory distress, reaction to degeneration
RDS respiratory distress syndrome
RE reconditioning exercise
rect. rectum, rectal (ly), rectus muscle
reg. regular
rehab. rehabilitation
resp. respiratory, respirations
RF rheumatic fever
RFA right frontoanterior
RFP right frontoposterior
RFT right frontotransverse
Rh, Rh. rhesus blood factor
RH right hyperphoria
RHD rheumatic heart disease
RHF right heart failure
RHT right hypertrophia
RIH right inguinal hernia
RLA Rancho Los Amigo Scale
R to L&A react to light and accommodation
RLE right lower extremity
RLF retrolental fibroplasia
RLL right lower lobe
RLQ right lower quadrant
RMA right mentoanterior
RML right mediolateral,
right middle lobe
RMP right mentoposterior
RMSF Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
RMT right mentotransverse
RNA ribonucleic acid
RO, R/O rule out
ROA right occipital anterior
ROM range of motion, rupture of membranes,

right otitis media
ROP right occipital posterior
ROS review of systems
ROT right occipital transverse
RP retrograde pyelogram
RQ respiratory quotient
RR recovery room
RRE, RR&E round, regular, and equal
RSO right salpingo-oophorectomy
RSA right sacrum anterior
RSD reflex sympathetic
RSP right sacrum posterior
RSR regular sinus rhythm
RST right sacrum transverse
Rt. right
RT radiation therapy, respiratory therapy
RTC return to clinic
RUC regular uterine contraction
RUE right upper extremity
RUL right upper lobe
RUQ right upper quadrant
RV residual volume
RVH right ventricular hypertrophy
Rx therapy, prescription
S ______________________________
s without
S sensation, sensitive, serum
Sa. Saline
S&A sugar and acetone
SAH systemic arterial hypertension
SaO2 arterial oxygen saturation
SB stillborn
SBE subacute bacterial endocarditis
SBFT small bowel follow through (x-ray)
SBO small bowel obstruction
s.c. subcutaneous(ly)
SC sickle cell
SCC sickle cell crisis
SCD sudden cardiac death
schiz schizophrenia
SCU special care unit
sec second
sed. rate erythrocyte sedimentation rate
sem. ves seminal vesicles
Sens. sensory, sensation
sep. separated
Sept. AB septic abortion
Serol. serology, serological test
SGA small for gestational age without correction (without glasses)
SGOT,SGO-T serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase
SH social history, serum hepatitis
SI sacroiliac joint, stroke index
sib. sibling

SICU surgical intensive care unit
SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
skel. skeletal
Sl. slightly
SL under the tongue
SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
SLR straight leg raising
sm small
SMA-14 routine admission chemistry
SNS sympathetic nervous system
SO superior oblique
SO4 sulfate
S.O.A.P. subjective, objective assessment plan
SOB shortness of breath
sod. sodium
Sol. solution
sono. sonogram
S.O.S. repeat once if urgent
sp. spine, spinal
S/P status post (previous condition) spinal cord
spec. specimen
sp.fl. spinal fluid
spg. sponge specific gravity
sp&H speech and hearing
spin. spine, spinal
spont. spontaneous
SR system review, superior rectus muscle,
sedimentation rate, stimulus response
SROM spontaneous rupture of membranes
SS social service
SSE soap suds enema
st stage (of disease)
st. stomach
Staph, Staph. staphylococcus
stat.,STAT immediately
STD sexually transmitted disease
stom, st. stomach
strep. streptococcus
S.T.S. serological test for syphilis
subcut. subcutaneous
subling. sublingual
sulf. sulfate
sup. superior
supin. supination
supp suppository
surg. surgery, surgical
SVC superior vena cava
SVD spontaneous vaginaldelivery
SVR systemic vascular resistance
SVT supra ventricular tachycardia
SWD short wave diathermy
Sx symptoms
sys. system
syst. systolic

T3 triodothyronine
T4 total serum thyroxine
TA tendon Achilles
T&A tonsils and adenoids, tonsillectomy and
T&C type and crossmatch
tab. tablet
TAB therapeutic abortion
TAH total abdominal hysterectomy
T.A.T. tetanus antitoxin
TB tuberculosis
TBI total body irradiation
TBLC term birth living child
tbsp. tablespoon
TCDB turn, cough, deep breathe
TEE transesophageal echocardiography
temp temperature
TENS transient electric nerve stimulation
TESD total end systolic diameter
T.F. tuning fork
T of F tetralogy of Fallot
TGA transposition great vessels
THERAP. therapy,therapeutic
thor. thorax, thoracic
THR total hip replacement
TI tricuspid insufficiency
TIA transient ischemic shock, transient
ischemic attack
t.i.d. three times a day
TIP terminal interphalangeal (joint)
TIUP term intrauterine pregnancy
t.i.w. three times per week
TJ triceps reflex
TKR total knee replacement
TLC tender loving care, total lung capacity
T.M. tympanum membrani (ear drum)
TMJ temporomandibular joint
TNI total nodal irradiation
TNM tumor, nodes, and metastases
TO telephone order
TOA tubo-ovarian abscess
to AA to affected areas
T, OD tension, right eye
TORCH (titer) toxoplamosis others (hepatitis, beta strep,
flu, mumps, etc.) rubella, cytomegalovirus
(CMV), herpes virus II
TP term pregnancy
TPA thrombo proteolytic activity
TPN total parenteral nutrition
TPR temperature, pulse, respiration
tr trace
trach tracheostomy
TS tricuspid stenosis
TSH thyroid stimulating hormone

tsp. teaspoon
TSS toxic shock syndrome
T,T. temperature, thoracic
TTI total thromboplastin index
TTP thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura
T-Tube cholangiogram
TUR transurethral resection
TURB transurethral resection of the bladder
TURP transurethral resection of the prostate
TV tidal volume
TVH total vaginal hysterectomy
TVR tricuspid valve replacement
Tx treatment, traction
U. unit
U/A urinalysis
UC uterine contractions
UCD usual childhood diseases
UCG urinary chorionic gonadotropin
UCHD usual childhood diseases
UG upward gaze
UGI upper gastrointestinal series (x-rays),
upper gastrointestinal tract
UL upper lid
uln ulnar
ULQ upper left quadrant
ung. ointment
unilat. unilateral
u/o under observation for, urine output
Ur. urine
URD upper respiratory disease
URI upper respiratory infection
Urol. Urology
URQ upper right quadrant
u/s, US ultrasound
USI urinary stress incontinence
USN ultrasonic nebulizer
USP. United States Pharmacy
USPHA United States Public Health
ut. uterus, uterine
UTI urinary tract infection
UVL ultraviolet light
V vein
VA visual acuity
vag vagina, vaginal
VC, (vit.cap) vital capacity
VCS vasoconstrictor substance
VCU voiding cystourethrogram
Vd void
VD venereal disease
VDRL blood test for syphilis
vent. ventilator
vert. vertical

VF visual fields, ventricular fibrillation
VG vein graft
VHD valvular heart disease
VI volume index
V.I. vaginal irrigation
Via by way of
VIPS voluntary interruption of pregnancy and
sterilization service
vit. vitamin
VLDL very low density lipoproteins
VM vestibular membrane
VN visiting nurse
VO verbal order
VOD vision right eye
vol volume
VOS vision left eye
VP venous pressure
VPC ventricular premature contraction
VS, V.S. vital signs
VSA vital signs absent
VSD ventricular septal defect
VSS vital signs stable
VT, V Tach ventricular tachycardia
V & T volume and tension (pulse)
VTX vertex
Vx. vertex presentation
W widowed, white
W/A while awake
Wass. Wasserman
WB whole blood
wbc, WBC white blood cells, white blood count
W/C, wheelchair
WBT weight bearing to tolerance
WDWN well developed, well nourished
WE wide excision
WF white female
wk week
WM white male
w/n within
WN well nourished
WNL within normal limits
WP whirlpool
wt. weight
w/u workup
x times
X exophoria distance
XT exotrophia distance
y.o. years old
yrs. Year

Medical Story


Night Cramp is something from which a great many people occasionally suffer -
and they don’t easily forget it.

Even the healthiest people may get a short, sharp pain in the legs after a strenuous

Many older people can bring it on by making powerful stretching movements

while lying down in bed. If this sort of night cramp becomes a real nuisance,
avoiding over-stretching and tablets containing quinine sulphate at bed-time may
be all that is needed.

A very small number of patients, however, cannot take quinine without becoming
dizzy or getting buzzing in the ears. They may have to decide whether they would
rather have cramp and no dizziness, or the reverse.

But cramp in the lower limbs in the daytime and in younger, active patients
can be very distressing and is more serious. It is not uncommon and has the rather
clumsy name of intermittent claudications.

The patient first complains of aching legs after exercise. It may be slight, but
gradually becomes more pronounced. Then the pain is not merely an ache, but a
definite, crippling cramp, which can become so severe that the patient finds he or
she cannot stand after much walking.

Intermittent claudication is caused by the narrowing of the arteries and often starts
in the 30s. It generally means that the arteries everywhere in the body have
become narrowed and blood cannot reach the muscles fast enough when they are
in use. The heart muscles may be equally affected.

This condition may be a good enough excuse for not doing jobs you don’t like
doing, but that is poor consolation. It is a disease which affects men far more than
women and attacks are more common in cold weather, or even after sitting in a
chair at the office in a draught. It is also a slightly hereditary complaint.

This is by no means the same as the night-time cramp already mentioned, and
there is no absolute cure. The patient learns to regulate the amount of exercise he
or she can comfortably take.

No drugs offer a complete relief but there is one habit which the sufferer must
give up — smoking. Whatever may or may not be one’s views about the habit, it
undoubtedly makes intermittent claudication far more troublesome.

A number of patients will secretly admit that so long as they keep off tobacco they
do not get this fearsome cramp.


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