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1. Instruction : Complete the sentences with to be (Is, am, are)!

a. The pencils…………… on the table.

b. Vivi and her sister……………….. not the candidate from Banjarmasin
c. ……… I a new student at SMK Kesehatan Reformasi?
d. Meatball and fried rice ……………. my favorite foods.
e. Anita…………….not on the second floor.

2. Instruction : Change these “simple present tense” based on form in bracket!

a. The ship leaves the harbor this night (-)
b. Are they runner from USA? (-)
c. My brother does not want to get a job after graduated from his school. (+)
d. We agree with the speaker’s opinion. (?)
Instruction : Change these “simple present tense” based on form in bracket!

1. The students clean this class every Saturday morning.


2. The train leaves the station to Yogyakarta at 08.30


3. Is the weather cool during the rainy season?


4. My sister does not come late to birthday party today.


5. We arrive to the zoo with our family at 04.00 ‘clock.


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