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" eat. PSYCHOLOGY MENTAL ILLNESSES AND THEIR DIAGNOSIS People with mental illnesses display disordered forms of thought and behavior. These symptoms can be acute enough to make patients a danger to themselves or others. Mental ilinesses can be caused by 8 combination of various factors such as: Physical (genetic dispostion to lines, triggers suchas trauma or stress, and the social environment In many cases, patients2_ aware ‘that they rein others, ther per ception is oo distorted to assess the'severiyt their condition. ‘Senizophrenia soften accompa Depression ie by paranoia, as the fi A infommen disorder is depression, Bevutu/ Mind” memoraby denits. > LE-Anfommon disorder is dep & Teettects may be so acute that a 2 sutfereris unable to pursue every- viduals feelxremebjsod while ZB dayactives and has. Jecking self-confidence and motive. 3 view the future. tean sometimes tion. Fortunately depression can @ lead to suicide as depressedind- be 3 ‘elatvely successfully ANXIETY DISORDERS occur approximate twice {28 often in women asin men. [MORE THAN 14% OF ALL PEOPLE dovoop 9 pho. ia over the course of the ines, THEMOST COMMON phobias include the fear of helgnes or of specie arimats. _ Fear of eights, oracrophobia, Bamong the ‘most prevelent onset disorders ne famous ‘erophable was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, em: ord Se ‘MAN PEOPLE SUFFER (or fear io varying ntensties. These are consiseradt ‘orders, or phobias, only when they reac the point of rationality. Specie phobias are directed ata particular objet. animal, orstuation (eg, the far of heights or spiders), Social phbiasimvole particular situations of human intr aston such asthe fear of pubic spanking or approaching 2 Strangor. Is symptomatic fr phobis to atemot to ‘v0 the feared odour stution at any east A SPECIALTYPE of orale csorer is panied ‘xe. niispyncome the sufferers sodden ‘tacks oR nts fear For nature ‘son, the affected person experiences. @ racing heartbeat, shoress of beath, or sens tion of zziness [A TRAUMATIC SITUATION such ae an accident, rae, or war can ea to posttraumatic stesss: ‘order. Symptoms ofthis conaton include night ‘mares intense tears and constant roving thew matic event in the patent's mind [Opeossivcomputsve ‘israer iso fas within te category of ansety ieorders: Compulsne = peme ingan activity can help reduce fear and anxiety ‘The vious cir of fear Fear crates physical symptoms, which are intr rete ty te affetedporson as signs of potenti danger. Thi, nur, acs {onereased fear, The suterer fale into a spiral which diffe lo escape. -Aspecial type of depression is bipolar disorder, in which depres ‘ive moods alternate with a hase ‘of manic euphoria, Eating Disorders The umber of patents agnosea wit eating csrdrs es been ri ingin eer years, Thee atone canbe died between acre, inetich te ated person au Iesatineat ocho yer staan and bla, Buine fan eas enting Sse a then nfo fhemsshes ere fice ood aera voting cr sing lvatves A nmber of factor tae boon red ht predspone a peeing dor Gere a then that brent teat kt Seven enon Fars inte gone ertance, therampl sty the parents carga, sec pes sonore Schizophrenia In schizophrenia, earlier called de mentia praecox, sutferers#—the abiity to function etfectivey inthe everyday wort, For many, the eon tentof their ‘thougntsis ds- rupted. They may sutfer rom delusions— ideas or beliefs that do not correspond to facts or reality although they may be passionately con- vinced that they ae tue. Pr: ‘anoid delusions are the most com- ‘mon type. Schizophrenia is usually treated with a combination of psy chotherapy and medication. Of Sound Mind? nen acetendant appearsbetore the cour. psychologists are ten ‘asked wcertty wnetnerne or she ‘inf he person's pronounced Incapable of understanding the consequences of his}or her ao: stop i usally imoluntary cor ritment to psychiatric inst als tend to proft trom therapy ‘only when they are wiling to work 008. herapy undertaken against ‘he patient's wil has ite chance of success above: Psychiatr fatty Personality Disorders Each person has. set of traits that make up A is or her personality. White healthy people > can react fexiblyto ferent situations and tasks while ‘adapting them: selves tothe chang Ing conditions of ‘everyday lf, people with personality dis- ‘orders eannet. They often have great cit culty interacting with ther people. People with a narcissistic per | Anorenies ten have dis tortad bey perceptions. In {ote of her emaciated phy. lou, they beens) are of normal weit or even ft sonality disorder or example, want tobe $__—_. Those with € paranoid personality disorder are mistrust

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