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Research Overview

 The goal of the Space Tango Payload Card Arabidopsis is to investigate the growth of the plant Arabidopsis
thaliana plant in microgravity aboard the International Space Station (ISS).
 This flight serves as a test for a scalable education product where thousands of students can conduct real time
control of experiments taking place on the ISS. Classrooms around the country are synchronized, via common web
based applications, so that schools have the capability to run real time control of the experiment aboard the ISS.

The Arabidopsis thaliana flight experiment is an educational experiment. The purpose of this Space Tango Payload
CardArabidopsis (Arabidopsis) is to study how the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana is effected by a microgravity
environment. Specifically, the educational goals of the this experiment include: 1) to successfully grow Arabidopsis
thaliana in an agar gel medium with LED light activation; 2) to evaluate the differences between microgravity and
parallel terrestrial growth systems in classrooms; and 3) to preserve the seeds for future multi-generational
microgravity growth studies.

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